OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, May 08, 1914, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-05-08/ed-2/seq-12/

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giejcets, ajid .the flrst gflkwnpfr to
vetttra to the tactics adopted at the
Hanrici strike was Officer Farley-
Farley has tiie beat In front of
KhaVs restaurant at 26 East Adams
street, and was approached by Julia
Cotoery,-whoaked him to arrest.a
man who had J)Bu?ally Insulted her.-;
Farley arrested Julia Cbnnery and
let the man-go.
The public is standingloyaB back
of the gidg ,ia this strike, It would
almost se$m as though they had been
educated $irjbtugh..$ie strike at Hen
rlci's to understand thait is a bat
tle between defenseless women, for
the lowest possible wg upon which
they can live and'ao association or
secretary of the. Penny 'Phone
League, JirewThkr challangfi at Betel-7
'Tra surprised to see a state sen
ator, a man who claims that he. Is a
representative of the people, come in ,
here and. try tout overa "deal as '
crooked, a? tis wrposed, gale, of the ,
Automatic tothe QiicagorTelephone
Co." ' .''
,Ettejons face colored, he nit his -.
lip, and ik a confused way said some- .
thing? ab'but his deske to be treated
as a-jjentleman tso long as he- treated
others as gentlemen.
Wild came back hotte "This is not
a time, to be, gehtlemaSfyV This is a-,
time ferTiDDins: thinss doen and tell- "
gredmad "rich inef who have, dey w the truth, aboue tnie. jte&L i say
termined to spend any amount of
money fighting.rathei' than gra,ntth
lowest posetbM age.jjpQn -which ,a
woman can flve - -
And so the- setatirants of- Knabj'
Pow.ers ana BfCjng naye- rosi-cpnaa-erable
business tfcsrttglrtfcis' "silent"
picketing: because of -the-loyalty pf
tie public. ,
But with- alko,t these good thing?
brought aooutlmmgb. the Henrka
strike which Hesriei practically won
through the decision pfrthree learned
judges, silent picketing is not s(& easy
thing to do 'If ineaos more than
just carrying an- American flag, hold
lug" cards Tn tine's haaJ and enduring
the curious- aaea.qfjhe-public, It
means keeping check t)a one's lips
when every Inclination tempta one to
speak, and that is a very hard thing
to do.
o o .
State Sen. Sam Ettelspn, lawyer
for the interests who are trying to
p& oyer the sale of tfie Automatic
'phone .system to the Bell intetfeets,
fafied the charge yesterday that the
deal is "crooked." At the meeting of
the city counoil committee on gas,
there has never been a more crooked
deal put up to the city, council andj
for a state senator, with all hiS pecu
I liar political connections,, to stand v
nere anu.uuK. iu a 'eurpurauun on.
a. deal4ke this Toolcs rotten 'to us. I
know'it was a crooked bunch that
put this Automatic deaj- over in the
first pla And I know the edal thlt
is now proposed has .a worse stenjch
fee farther jrou investigate it."
The regular program laid out by
the committee for its work yesterday
afternoon was all broken up by the
entrance f delegates from tie Penny
'Phone Ijeague, ,tue Progressive, so
cialM and Prohibition parties and the """"
Woma party and the Human
Rights party. ,
Both men and women, tool? " tta "
"floor and demanded action on the I
Automatic situation. The committee V
Toted to make the Automatic situa- ,
tipn a special order of business for -its
meeting May 22. The main-gues-' .
tibh then up will be whether the AutOr'
matlc has 241,000 subscribers. ,
Miss Ida Phfflips took dinner wiQK
Misses Qema and OHfe Dunfopfl
Sunday, tint she got the worst tetfj.
of the tradet for they went home 'with l -
her for supper Gar Creek Cor,
oil and electric light, Horace B. Wild, Oaark (Ark.) Spectator.
tfjij r

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