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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, May 19, 1914, LAST EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-05-19/ed-2/seq-8/

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As live, up-to-date war news Rich
ard Harding Davis, war correspond
ent of the Daily News, is wiring re
ports of cock fights in .Mexico.
It's now dp to MediU McCormick to
come across wjth a -graphic story
about a bull fight.
What's the use of having war cor
respondents unless they, run up tele
graph tolls?
In the meantime, the peace news
will come from Niagara Falls or
The newspaper reports from At
lanta tell us that the judge panned
"certain" detectives for their tactics
In that Prank case.
"Certain" detectives means Burns
detectives in this case, but for "cer
tain" reasons "certain" newspapers
Jeft out the name.
Do YOU remenjber how Burns
" bragged about how he knew who kill
ed the Phagen girl and how he was
going to prove it wasn't Prank?
The story runs that influential Jews
all over the country hired Burns to
save, Frak from the gallows, and
that Burns.didn't get away with it
The main thing about this case
isn't whether Frank is a Jew or a
But whether or not he is guilty.
And Burns doesn't appear to have
shaken the opinion in Georgia that
Frank is guilty.
The campaign made by the news
papers all over the country for Frank
was due largely to the fact that the
papers thought they would please a
lot of big advertisers.
Judge Ben Hill at Atlanta has in
structed the jury to investigate the
charges against Biirns detectives.
Louis Frank Boswell, another son
of Illinois, was killed at Vera Cruz,
just as Sammy Meisenburg was killed.
He was buried at Coulterville, III.,
but didn't have a military funeral be
cause Coulterville has no soldiers
Wasn't Boswell as much a herb' as
And couldn't the state have spared
a few soldiers when Coulterville didn't
have any of her own? f
o o
Washington, May 19. The United
States is in better health than it ever
was before and its inhabitants are liv
ing longer, according to figures 'for
1913 given out by the census bureau.
Washington was the healthiest
state, with a death rate of 8.5 per
thousand, and North Carolina had
the highest mortality rate, 16.8.
Memphis, Tenn., was apparently the
unhealthiest city. Its death rate was
20.8. Seattle was the prize good
health town, with a rate of only 8.4.
New York city showed the biggest
death rate reduction in five years
with 24.7 per cent drop in that period.
The death rate per thousand in
Chicago was 15.1.
o o
Explorer (seeking to impress na
tive) Today I am going to command
darkness to fall over the land.
Native Cut the bunk! Every time
there's a sola1 eclipse - scheduled,
some Caucasian attempts to make
capital out of it among us simple
minded Africans. i
o o ''
The overdress of some of the very'
newest costumes is as light and filmy
as air, almost.

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