OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, July 16, 1914, LAST EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-07-16/ed-2/seq-6/

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Ralph Juul, 855 N. Francisco av.,
told police he was beaten by three
men at N. Clark and W. Grand avs.
Robbery was motiye.
Jerry Davis, negro, found by po
lice with a bullethole in leg. Couldn't
explain. Locked up.
Frank Bowman, 408 S. Krai av.,
shot father in left thigh following an
argument. Escaped.
Albert Bates, former shortstop for
Cincinnati "Reds," arrested for viola
tion of parole.
Masked men held up saloon of Geo.
Fleming, 858 Center st., tpday. Got
$40 from cash register.
Swedish Methodists celebrating
50th anniversary of camp meeting at
Julius Tysabaert, 28, talked with
woman in restaurant at 206 N. Clark.
Husband stabbed him in abdomen.
Robber held up John Lamrbinos in
restaurant, 829 N. Clark. Got $10.
John C. Carl in back room of sa
loon, 2427 N. Racine av. Robber en
tered. Locked door. Took $6.
Coat of Wm. E. Bersch, Highland
Park ad man, found on bank of drain
age canal. Suicide suspected.
Dr. R. Harrington sought missing
delirious patient from St Bernard's
Hospital. Patient returned during
absence. Took coat and $60.
Jack Vilas, Chicago aviator, and
wife celebrating. It's a girl.
Traffic police given orders not to
stop doctors' cars at crossings.
Dorothea Myron, would-be suicide,
refused to prosecute Joseph Benson,
who jilted her and took watch. Ben
son fined $100.
Wallace Hagar, Swift salesman,
played poker. Arrested yesterday for
embezzlement of $1,100.
Mrs. Josephine Uivino, 70, 313 S.
Western av., killed by auto. George
Jack, 1259 W. Van Buren St., driver,
Captain Halpin sent list of missing
girls to St. Joe in effort to clear up
rowboat mystery.
Judge McGoorty ordered investiga
tion of amusement park gambling. .
John C. Johnson of Norwood Park,t
suicide. Gas.
Week-old baby left in rear of sa
loon of Wm. Ciesielski, 49th and
Loomis sts.
Case of Isaac Bond, suspected of
Ida Leegson's murder, may go to jury
Ten on pleasure boat Silver Spray
held for hours. Boat grounded on
bar mile in lake. ,
Sons of murdered Mislich disagreed
at inquest. One said murder axe
owned by family.
Christof Neubert, druggist, 1102
W. Van Buren St., held up and jieaten
in store. Robbers fled without
Bertha Swartz, 1249 N. LaSalle,
says robbed of two diamonds in ele-A
vator of Champlain bldg., 8 N. State.
Chief Cleason offered Funkhouser
all aid in vice war.
Dr. Vincent Price, baking powder
inventor, buried yesterday.
Policeman Thos. Case, Hudson av.
station, discharged for taking ride in
police auto without permission.
Ben Fink, "firebug," told jury of
firing building at 902 S. Morgan st.
Three on trial for fire.
Judge Petit rode in Knabenshue's
balloon yesterday.
Isador Trendler, accused under
Mann act by Laura Landis, in hands
of federal authorities.
Sam Green, negro, 1122 S. Dear
born st, fined $1,000 and given year
in Bridewell for attack on Mrs. Chaa
Heier, 2445 Fletcher.
Chas. Carlson, 3414 Indiana av.,
fined $20 and costs for disorderly con-
duct. Accused by child, Lillian Rose.f
Probate will of Robt Law. Estate
Three held to grand jury for mur-1
der of Geo. Maszki, saloonkeeper, 833v
W. 16th st.
Thos. Graham, 6133 University av.,'
'made up" with his wife in court Had

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