-i OFF TO THE WAR "Mrs. Henpeck Is going around in hysterics. Poor Mr. Henpeck is still detained abroad." "No, he isn't." "Then why does he stay?" "Says he'd rather be where the fighting is more general" Cleveland Plain Dealer. o o FOUND TOO MUCH Quizzer What's the matter, old man? You look worried. Sizzer I have cause to be. I hired a man to trace my pedigree. Quizzer Well, what's the trouble? Hasn't he been successful? I -Sizzer Successful! I should say e nas. I'm paying him hush money. o o EASY TO STIRRUP Fair Maid I wonder what causes the flight of timet Brilliant Young Man It is prob- auiy urgea ou uy uie bjjut ui me uiu- i I ment " i A RESEMBLANCE . The new clergyman was sent fo by an elderly lady. "Oh, sir," she said,1! hope you will excuse my asking you to call, but when nreard you preach and pray last SUnday you did so remind me of my poor brother, who was took from me, that I felt I must speak to you." "And how long ago did your poor brother die?" asked the clergyman, sympathetically. "Oh, sir, he Isn't dead," was the reply, "he was took to the asylum," 0-) HIS GUESS Little Joe (reading) What is a fic titious character, aunty? Aunty One that is made up, dear. Little Joe Then you are a fictii tious character, aren't you, aunty? o o GREAT TRAVELER Mrs. Robinson And you were up the Rhine? Mrs. de Jones I should think so; right to the very top. What a splen did view there is from, the summit J r o o W&. -. c A"ftk JW!A IfJO trH"sr- - 'icy rv i Bfihen you waHe up wv ") nour i&ce, 'And da-nce e&xnznd. like mad. Be svire to do the latest .steps, I If wifTe hasthefad