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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, April 02, 1915, NOON EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-04-02/ed-1/seq-8/

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T gfeJffL.Tv.-- jifc, wij& nfr f-Vf HJy
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We know what he has- done in the
3figHt to save the phone system for
the people
Editor Day ook:"I-nptice hy The
Day Book that Teamsters' Joint
Council No. 25 -has investigated the
charge that Mr. Sweitzer drove a
team for Farwell diiring the team
sjters' strike in 1905, and they fiiid
the charge isn't true. I have seen
two affidavits to the effect that he
did. One is signed and sworn to by
Albert J. Holt of 3647 Indiana av.,
which says he worked as a teamster
for Farwell & Co. for four days dur
ing the strike, driving a double team
and cdvered wagon, and that Robt.
M. Sweitzer came to the warehouse
and relieved Hblt and drove it that
day. The other is signed and sworn
to by Chas. Wesley Webb, 3838 Hon
are st., who says he worked for the
American Express Co. in June, 1905,
and had to pick up express from Far
well & Co., and that during tjie
trouble he saw Sweitzer come in with
a wagon on several occasions.
These affidavits are available if the
officers of the teamsters' union want
to see them and care to make any
further investigation. The addresses
oj the men who made them are given
in this letter. I send my name and
address to The Day Book. H. B. M.
o o
Davenport, Wash., April 2 Other
folks may like dogs for pets, but A.
J. Holeman, 70, a pioneer hunter
and rancher, has a penchant for cou
gars. He trapped two of the vicious
though cowardly animals a year ago,
and famed them until they have be
come as gentle as kittens. He says
he would let them run at large, only
neighbors are not so sure as Holman
that they are thoroughly domesti
cated. o o
Prairie club to take 6-mile walk
Saturday near New Lenox, HI.
Statement of the Ownership, Man
agement, Circulation, Etc, Required
by the Act of August 24, 1912,
Of 'The Day Book, published daily ex
cept Sunday, at Chicago, 111., for
April 1, 1915:
Editor N. D. Cochran, Toledo, Ohio.
Managing Editor H. M. Cochran,
Chicago, HI.
business Manager J. T. Watters,
Oak Park, HI.
Publisher N. D. Cochran, 500 South
Peoria St., Chicago, Hi.; residence,
Toledo, Ohio.
Owners (If a corporation, give its
name and the names and addresses
of stockholders holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of stock. If not
a corporation, give names and ad
dresses of individual owners) N. D.
Cochran, Toledo, 0.; E. W. Scripps,
Westchester, O.
Known bondholders, mortgagees
and. other security holders holding 1
per cent or more of total amount of
bonds, mortgages or other securities
(If there are none, so state) None.
Average number of copies of each
issue of this publication sold or dis
tributed, through the mails or other
wise, to paid subscribers during the
six months preceding the date shown
above, 17,255. U. T. Watters,
Business Manager.
Sworn to and subscribed before ma
this first day of April, 1915.
C. L. Murphy, Notary Public.
My commission expires June 4, 1917.
Note. This statement must be
made in duplicate and-both copies
delivered by the publisher to the post
master, who shall send one copy to
the Third Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral (Division of Classification),
Washington, D. C, and. retain the
other in the files of the postoffice.
The publisher must publish a copy of
this statement in the second issue
printed next after its filing.
'o o
Cocoa was unknown until Mexico
was discovered.
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