OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, April 27, 1915, NOON EDITION, Image 28

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-04-27/ed-1/seq-28/

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fcause forward to theh fullest extent
possible so long as disruption or dis
turbance of the social equilibrium is
not accomplished, and those who say
that it is wrong forthe.peace woman
to do this or that, or that Mr. Roose
velt should n6t write or say such
things, merely show that they do not
understand the process, do not com
prehend democracy and seem incap
able of realizing that we need the
foolish investigators and talkers to
advocate the wrong ways just as
much as we need the wise ones to
advocate the right ways, for the his
tory of the world shows with great
clearness that it is only through this
process of interaction that real
knowledge comes into this world, and
it frequently has taken more than a
thousand years to discover who was
right and who was wrong. We need
to cultivate toleration and forbear
ance in relation to -everything and
everybody. P. H. S.
AN ANSWER. Are all the em
ployes on the city, county, state and
federal payroll citizens of the United
States of America? E. L.
Answer. The city makes excep
tion in the case of unskilled laborers.
The state in a few positions only re
quire the first citizenship papers. The
county and federal employes are all
supposed to be U. S. citizens.
ICAN CITIZEN." In reply to "An
American Citizen," who in your pa
per of the 22d inst. gives as his idea
of one of the biggest fakes, the Ro
man Catholic church and its whole
outfit: Evidently this statement
comes from a non-American citizen
'of a prejudiced mind, as he does not
give any reason why he terms it such
and I think he is unable to give any,
assuming it to be one of the cases of
bigotry that is sweeping the country
and doing an injustice to American
citizens of the Catholic faith, as you
very seldom see a member of the
above religion in attack in your Pub-
lie Forum or otherwise the religion of
In quoting the signer, "An Amer
ican Citizen," as a non-American citi
zen I do so in view of the constitut
tion of the United States, which gives
to its citizens the right of religious
freedom, and I personally do not
think any liberty-loving, loyal citizen
of his country should place any one
in a bad light on account of their be
liefs. I am not a defender of the Catholic
church, as the undersigned is a non
Catholic and has had the opportunity
to study the teachings of many relig
ions, and I do not find any of the
leading and old religions (as these
are the only ones I am acquainted
with) detrimental to the country .or
to their respective communities.
I also had the opportunity to ex
amine a 4th degree emblem of the
much-talked about K. of C, which
showed their loyalty to the United
States by placing an insignia of the
constitution of United States on it.
A Non-Catholic.
"What's the extra about, boy?
Another big slaughter in the war?i'
"War nothin'. Why, you big booh,
don't you know the home team's won
a game?"
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