mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm DAILY DOINGS OF THE DUFFS K0WPON0U V 'flgffTO PO MR& DUTFl HOW VOiO) ' y ' DO MR3.T1.1PP 1 (.SOME. POLLED UPj 1 .SHE Looks LIKE A M1LLIOM BUCKS. Qu 1 THIHK 6HE LOOKS TRCAKISH ! SHE HAS HER CLOTHES MADE "WAT WM PDRPoaetf To ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF MEN MEN I dorY know -1 asked Her Birr she vtooLDMV TELL MB -THE CAT! r i i yY rr- :- 1 . 1vho is her. v .'Sgjfefci H r PRESS maker.? j J, I CONSCIENCE EASY "How about the sanitary condi tions at your hotel? Is everything healthy?" asked Jimpson. "Waal!" said the rural proprietor, "nobody ever ketched nothin' at my house what hadn't been brought here by some outsider." Judge. HADN'T FOUND HIM YET "Oh!" exclaimed the suffragette fervently, "if the Lord had only made me a man!" "Perhaps he did, dear," said the widow soothingly, "but you jusb haven't found him yet." Ladies Home Journal OH PONT ABOUT TH M CAN TO BEAT n dHfeiAufatetetaaiAJk.