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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, July 27, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-07-27/ed-2/seq-4/

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with those public officials who are trying to give the pub
lie the whole truth about tfie sinking of the Eastland,
Any effort to hamper the work of the state's attor
ney and coronerwill be regarded with suspicion by the'
people of Chicago. If any officials in the police depart'
ment are unfriendly to Hoyne, now is no time to show it.
And we don't believe Mayor Thompson will stand for it.S-'
Federal officials followed the lead
of State's Att'y Hoyne in quizzing
Capt Harry Pederson of the East
land, interrogating him this morning
at the Hudson av. police station,
where Walter C. Steele, secretary
treasurer of the St Joseph-Chicago
S. S. line, owner of the Eastland, and
a dozen members of the crew have
been held since Saturday.
Joseph B. Fleming, assistant dis
trict attorney, declined to disclose the
results of his investigation.
Cap't Pederson came through
with some valuable information to
State's Att'y Hoyne. He promised
to tell the prosecutor all to make
sure that he would not be made "the
How everything was -'arranged"
so that Pederson could get a license
from Rob't Heid of Grand Haven,
Mich., federal inspector, to carry
2,500 instead of 2,000 passengers was
contained in his first statement to
"The officials of the company were
very anxious to get the privilege of
carrying 2,500 instead of 2,000 pas
sengers," declared Pederson. "I was
told by one of the officers to apply to
"I was told that it was all fixed up
for Reid to give me this privilege and
I guess it was, for he had no hesitan
cy in giving it
"J. M. Ericson, son-in-law of Reid,
came to work on the Eastland soon
after this."
Pederson's statement is understood
to contain startling information
which Hoyne will disclose only in the;
process of investigation. Coroner
Hoffman and Michael Sullivan, spe-
cial prosecutor, were present during
Pederson's discourse. -,
A big shakeup in the steamship-ln-
spection service is predicted as a re-3
suit of some of the disclosures in thes
wake of the Eastland disaster.,
George Uhlir, supervising inspectors
general, is hustling to Chicago from .
San Francisco. j
Eugene T. Chamberlain, commis-L,
sioner of navigation, and Albert L. t
Thurman, solicitor general of the de-,
partment of commerce, were ordered ,
to the city immediately. ,
Eleven Eastland dead in one house,''
4537 JacKson blvd. Two families. ,N
Chicago river closed to traffic WilP
be dragged from lake to Western av.-1
Five more nets stretched.
Palmer Larsen, 3914 W. Chicago
av., saved dozen lives with hooked
cane before he left boat Says line
was thrown from boat to dock as It
toppled. Families of victims can claim dam--ages
from boat company only to ex- ' (T
tent of value of boat after it is raised. T
Only few dollars for each.
W. T. Lukens, 2706 S. 59th av., re-l
turned to ship and re-enacted how
his wife was drowned and he was
Telegram to Mayor Thompson '
from Supreme Council, Loyal Order
of Moose, offers sympathy and as
sistance. I

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