OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 03, 1915, LAST EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1915-08-03/ed-1/seq-15/

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There is no danger to the mother
in true twilight sleep.
When women first began to de
mand it in America a year ago the
doctors who had never used it said
that it was dangerous.
Yet the Freiburg Women's hospital
had used it for 10 years in 5,000
cases and had gained the reputation
of having the lowest death rate in
There have been at least a thous
and births, in true twilight sleep in
America, and American physicians
are acknowledging frankly that they
were mistaken. They say that twi
light sleep does no injury to the
mother, and that for the reasons I
have shown it spares her many of
the common injuries of birth.
("What twilight sleep means to the
child" will be the subject of Mrs.
Boyd's next article inThe Pay Book.)
o o
Table d'Hote 15 Cents.
Noodle Soup
Pea Soup Turtle Soup
White Fish. Mackerel
Crab Meat
Filet Mignon
Roast Beef Pigeon Pie
Roast Duckling
Boiled Potatoes
String Beans Artichokes
Butter Beans
Sherbet Ice Cream
French. Pastry
Demi tasse Roquefort Cheese
Where can you get it? We don't
know any place.
o o
Wash the ciothes line often. Wind
it around the wash board, scrub it
with a brush, rinse in hot suds and
put out in the sun.
't ' If ante annetar in thfi ftnuntrv hnmn
jPtiy a remedy your grandmother used. J
Gather tansy or pennyroyal leaves,
mash them a little and spread them
over window sills, ledges and shelves.
The ants will soon leave.
All the trials and tribulations
caused when trying to. sew the bows
on one's pumps may be avoided if a
few curved surgical needles .are add
ed to the sewing basket. Purchase
at any drug store.
Bread should be at least twelve
hours old before it is used for sandwiches.
IS v 0Bm mM$
Ruth Purcell, crowned queen of
beauty at the San Francisco exposi
tion, who refused to be a leading
movie lady because she prefers her
typewriting job,

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