If ' I STARVING SERBIA CRIES TO AMERICA FOR ASSISTANCE LEST SHE PERISH through Albania now leads Into Ser bia since the railroad was ciit by the Bulgars. The same road supplies BY WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD United Press Staff Corfespdhdent Monastir, Serbia, fJay23 (Delay ed) Serbia is starving. ""Men, wom en, children and even animals, flee ing before the advance of hostile armies, are dying of hunger by the roadsides and mduritain paths. In large areas of this war-racked country there" Ms been no food for many days. Packs of dogs prowl the breadless land like wild animals searching for food. The world war has developed no scenes of greater horror thati those being enacted alohg the trail of the marching armies. The road from Nish to Monastir is a highway of agony, more dreadful than the corpse-Strewn Klondike trail. It is lined with dead horses, interspersed with the hodies of men, women and children, fugitives who dropped out through exhaustion and lack of food. Mdre refugees are still streaming in, stutnbling into the out skirts of Monastir, semi-delirlbtis be cause df the privations they have suffered or hysterical with joy over their safe arrival id. a spot wherfe they may at least find some little food. Madame Slavko Groitoh who arriv ed here today after a terrible twenty day trip from Nish described some of her experiences. "Even the horses we rode wfere starving," she said. Some fell ex hausted by the roadside and died be fore our eyes. We were members of a government party, but the most we could get to eat each day was a scanty half loaf of bread. "The others, women and Children, as well as the men, dragged them selves aloiig day by day on foot with little or nothing to eat Women fell ill for lack of nourishment and lay down in the road to die, surrendering babies and little children to the care of strangers. "Only one narrow horse trail Montenegro and Albania. The people of those countries are facing starva tion, too. But what is happening in Serbia is the blackest page in human history!" M. Michotte De Welle, Belgian min ister to Serbia and one of the party of refugees of which Mme. Groitch was a member, corrohorated her statements. "Before I left Albania I offered my servants money," said the Belgian minister. "They burst into tears and cried to me: 'We can't eat gold. For God's sake, have you no bread?' - "Fleeing here from Nish we heard the wfid scream of a man along the niduntain road one night. They told us the next day the shrieks came from a man who had been murdered for his little chunk of bread. "All Serbia is looking toward America for relief. Germany must let America help the Serbians. Cdt off from the world they will starve by thousands unless food comes. Mme. Groitch herself has wired John D. Rockefeller asking aid for starving non-combatants. The mes sage, will be delayed several days in delivery and no answer is expected before the end of the week. Food is very scarce here now. Even the hospital, full of wounded, lacks supplies of fuel. Monastir's fall is expected very soon. If It conies within a few days thousands of refugees, now enroute here, will be Caught on the trail frOm Nish without food and with no place of refuge but the mountains. Only a miracle can save them. o o Baltimore. "Life is one damned slide after another," is the sigh in Col. Goethals' office in canal zone, according to tourist rettirnirg from. Panama. ,i. .,'aXwi. , . i -'I'lAfiVfehfiiliM-iii -fll.ir