wmmomBmmmmmmzmm&fz&mm WWTE9 A9 EOLLOWP :- new york. last sundy pop says do you folks wanta go out to the coun- try and spend the day with your I grandpaw, & we all says yes if we i dont have to go to church which aint ' so nice as staying on the farm & - playing with the pigs and riding on th,e horse. so we all beat it out urley & us kids - had a peech of a time until noon when grandpaw and pop and the - wimmin corned home & they brang I the preecher along with them for din i, ner that was al rite for' they allways f, have plenty to feed your face with at fgrandpaw's & 1 fore dont count for mutch. i was verry kareful to make no brakes for i new i wood get Into trub bel with ma if I did, but pop he open ed his mouth and neerley swallered his foot, I the preecher says to my pop, & ,how did you like my sermon 5 well pop didn't like it too mutch & .he had been a sleep during most of It so he tryed to slide away from the kweshun but the revener asked him agin 'i i dident have a fare chanct to judge it, replys pop, for rite in front of me was old man wilkens and mrs fleener and doc byers and all the others set ting there with there mouths open a drinking in all the best bits of your sermon befour they gets to me, all I treceeves was purty poor stuff c will you pleese pass the chicken, mrs lorey, the preecher said to my grandma & he never notised pop, any more but ma neerly cut the liver out of him looking daggers o o PUTTING IT UP TO FATHER After several unsuccessful attempts to draw her husband into conversa tion at the restaurant the wife dis covered the cause of his abstraction to be a beautiful girl 'dressed in black and seated at a near-by table. "An attractive widow," observed the wife coolly. "Yes, indeed, a very attractive widow, agreed the husband enthusi astically. "Yes," sighed the wife. "I wish I were one." Ladies' Home Journal. TODAY'S BELLRINGER Simeon Ford, the famous author and after dinner speaker, says, in speaking of the late Jj Pierpont Mor gan: " We learn from Mr. Morgan's life that great wealth does not al ways bring happiness. We know alf 'ready that poverty doesn't always bring happiness. What on earth, then, is a chap to do?" o o THROUGH WITH HER x V JrlillP "When sister got married mother threw an old shoe after her." "What fer?" "Dunno. I guess it means'she aint goin" t spank her any more."' 4 mssssssssasSti i