OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, January 18, 1916, NOON EDITION, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-01-18/ed-1/seq-17/

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new york if mrs. medders let her
littel boy gorgie do all the shopping
for her i gess she wood get rich in
no time atall
gorgie has the makings of a good
bizziness man in him if you want to
know & he mite be rich like mr.
rockefeller if he gets haff a chanct &
the money aint all nailed down when
he grows up
well, enny how ydu can see that
for yourself after you read about a
littel stunt gorgie pulled off the other
day at the grocery store where his
ma trades on 117 st
gorgie, she said, i want you to run
over to the store & buy a doz. of the'
cracked eggs & here is the 20 cts for
so gorgie shoves the 2 dimes into
his mouth so's not to drop them & he
cuts out for the store
mr he said my ma wants 1 doz. of
the cracked eggs
i am sorry sonny, the man said, but
we aint got no more cracked eggs,
but we have some others at 40 cts the
is that so, replys gorgie, & then an
other lady comes in to buy some stuff
& the man wates on her while gorgie
stands there
he gets an eyeful of a lot of good
eggs marked 40 cents.
by golly, he says to hisself, and he
picks up a wate offen the scales and
tossed it into the basket where the
eggs was
purty soon the storekeeper comes
up again, & gopgie said pleese sir
look again for i just made some more
cracked eggs lor you 1
Lady Essex, a visitor to the United
States, tells of going into a small
London shop recently.
"I want a few things for the
front," I said to the clerk.
"Yes, madam," replied the clerk,
"what do you want, collar studs, door
knobs, cigarets, auto numbers or en
gine lights."
"Won't you sit down, Miss Myr
tle?" "Yes, Percy, after you."
My wife has everything she needs
to make her happy that's why she
is so unhappy. Cachoo!

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