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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 05, 1916, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-08-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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RUSSIANS ADMIT AUSTRIAN 1 attack otf the British positions about
Petrograd. Austrian took initia
tive both in Galicia and on-Bukowina
frontier and launched heavy counter
attacks against Russians.
In Bukowina an Austrian force es
timated ad nearly a division attacked
small Russian detachments occupy
ing mountain passes southeast of
Esty. Russians were compelled to
withdraw little to northeast before
superior enemy forces.
South of Brody obstinate fighting
has developed. Austrian forces at
tacked Russian detachments in re
gion of Penicki, but were repulsed.
London. German second line po
sitions on front of more than 2,000
yards north of Pozieres captured by
British in resumption of Somme of
fensive. Several hundred prisoners
Berlin. British troops lost heav
ily in unsuccessful attempt to ad
vance in sector north of Oviller.
Berlin, via Wireless to Sayville.
Excepting on Stckod river and Brody
fronts Russians have abandoned
their continued attacks, probably
because of heavy losses.
Paris. Germans attacked furious
ly on Verdun front throughout last
night in attempt to drive French
from Fleury. Checked.
London. Germans massing troops
and guns on eastern front for great
er counter offensive designed to stem
Russian advance against Kovel ana
Field Marshal Von Mackensen,
who "inaugurated German offensive
against Russians a yfear ago, has
joined Von Hindenburg on eastern
London. Turkish force launched 1 consciousness.
25 'miles east of Suez canal Thurs
day night Battle continuing. Turks
thus far unable to make any im
pression on British positions.
Rome. Italian subjects, even
those residing abroad, forbidden to
maintain business relations with the
enemy or allies of the enemy by of
ficial decree just published. Aimed
particularly at trading between Ital
ians and Germans and declares all
such contracts null and void and par
ties liable to severe punishment.
Unprotected and dangerously
dark, the Wooded island of Jackson
park once more became the scene of
a shooting affray last night Mystery
beclouds the attempted murder.
Russell Bovee of 1641 Michigan
av. was'found on the Wooded island
with a bullet in his breast just above
the heart
When park employes rushed to the
spot to investigate the shot they
found Bovee. Standing over him
was Maud Sacks of 1625 W. 57th st
Both man and girl said that a ne
gro had done the shooting in an at
tempt to hold them up. The police
question this version.
Four women in addition to Miss
Sacks were" today questioned by the
police. The women had all celled
at the hospital to inquire for Bovee.
One of the women who called at
the hospital is Miss Celeste Adler, S.
Michigan av. and 16th st When first
held by the police she gave her name
at Evelyn Abner. Miss Caroline Po
sen, 23, 2241 S. Wabash av., was also
intercepted by the police at the hos
pital, where she was inquiring for
Bovee. Miss Sacks is also being
Police Capt Alcock says Bovee
was quite a ladies' favorite and he
believes jealousy may be atthe bot- ,
torn of the shooting.
Late today Bovee had not regained

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