'-MyMlMWHJLW LAWSON HINTS SENSATION MAY GIVE OUT NAME OF CABINET MEMBER Washington, Jan. 9. The house note leak committee today voted to receive and enter a motion by Rep. Rennet to report Thos. W? Lawson, financier, to the house as in con tempt of the committee for failure to answer its questions. ' Action on the motion was deferred. Shortly thereafter Rep. Chiperfield, following heated clashes with the witness, started to move again to cite Lawson for contempt, but fellow members prevailed against such ac tion at this time. ' Lawson said he believed in federal regulation of -the stock exchange. The financier again today was asked the name of the "New York banker" who told him "a cabinet of ficer" had profited by the leak to Wall street. Again he refused. "I'll take you oTany other mem ber out in the cloakroom and tell you confidentially," retorted Lawson bel ligerently, leaning toward the ques tioner, "but I won't tell it here." Chiperfield asked Lawsonhow he dealt on the market. Lawson par ried with a question as to Chiper field's rights to ask questions. Lawson said he did not recall with what brokers he dealt in December. Chiperfield roared out a protest, jumped Jo hip feet -and said he "re sented" what he held to be Lawson's attempt to indict others in the leak situation. "You told us yesterday you Were a J beneficiary from this leak," Chiper field pressed. "How much did you make and was it $500,000?" "Oh, I don't know," Lawson re torted. Chiperfield finally Blew up with a -loud report. "Is it your purpose not to give this committee any information?" he shouted. "Let us not wast anymore time." "Oh, I'm trying to give you infor mation," JLawson answered, with a taunting smile at the flushe4 and irate legislator. Lawson suggested that there might be another name4j the leak situation, the "mention of whom might be more serious than the men tion jit other persons" he had hinted at. In fact he said, "trie bare "mention of the name might be disastrous to the name and the administration." Thirty days hence, he said, it might not be so serious to mention it. Lawson finally made the definite promise to give the name of the congressman and the cabinet mem ber he mentioned yesterday "if the present commission recommended a ull rather than just this preliminary probe." o o JANITORS UNION HOPEFUL In spite of the refuabof the apart ment building owners' trust to deal with the Flat Janitors' union, the men are optimistic over their chances of success. Pres. Wm. Quesse of the union gave out the following statement last night: "Twelve agents, representing 400 owners of apartments, signed our agreement," said he. "Mr. Hart has asked that our demands be placed before him in writing so that they could be formally taken up withthe owners and agents tomorrow. I look for a prompt settlement." The janitors have been assured of the support of the Chi. Federation of Labor, the teamsters, the milk wagon driver's and other unions in the event of a city-wide strike. - BITS OF NEWS "Abie the Agent" Raymer, auto thief, said to have givjen confession that led to first knowledge of exis tence of "big vice three." Betty Trump, 21, 1738 W. Madi son, killed by auto. Autoists kept on going. , Price of coal dropped as 'federal bureau of investigation started-work. c 0 e&d &d jJEattoMaj Jjjjj