i.LiMpppppppiiiMppiiiiiipmi MR. BRADBURY'S PLAN By Hi Akers "I think," said Mrs. Martin to her rather wilful daughter; "you are making a inistake not to accept Mr. Bradbury. "I think," anbwered Jean, "1 should be making a bigger mistake to mar ry a man 1 didn't love." "Well, you certainly can't help re specting him. The love will come in time, lie is steady, energetic, a hard worker, and is getting along finely in the Harkness firm." "Yes, I know all that," said Jean. "And just because you do know all that you'll throw him over for some showy spendthrift who isn't half the man he is." "Don't you thing all this is rather premature, inasmuch as Mr. Brad bury has not yet proposed?" "Well, you know he will. It's a foregone conclusion." "Yes, he seems to look at it that way," said the girl- "That's a part of his "colossal conceit" "I have never noticed any conceit," said Mrs. Martin, with considerable irritation. i She .was silent for a minute or two, then she added: "Jean, Ihaveiever said much to you about our circum stances. For a girl of 19 you have seemed rather indifferent, I might say, almost oblivious to the condi tions of things." "Why, mother!" exclaimed the girl in a sudden alarm, "what has hap pened?" "Oh, nothing especial. Only you know the rates of interest have de creased so that our income has gone down one-third, the cost of living'has gone up about one-half. If things get any worse " "I see," said the girl thoughtfully. "I wonder I didn't think before. I must find something to do. What can I earn money at, do you suppose?" "I don't know, I'm sure," was the extremely discouraging reply. "You remember," said Jean, "be fore father died I used to type things for him. Now there's the typewriter in the storeroom. It is a good ma chine and I can start in and practice so as to get up speed. Perhaps I can get a place in an office." Here Mrs. Martin put up a wail, even lapsing into tears at the thought of her daughter becoming, as she called it, "a shopgirl." But Jean was determined, and the clicking- of the typewriter keys began to be heard for several hours each day. Mr. Bradbury one evening found Miss Jean at the machine, and Mrs. Mr. Harkness' Face Expressed Amazement. Martin confided to him her wilful daughter's determination to help with the family income. Mr. Brad bury seemed a trifle surprised that such a course was necessary. Mrs. Martin explained very -much as she had to her daughter. "I should hate to put a mortgage on the property," she said. "It was my husband's wish that the home should always remain unincumbered." I j' fttfl'l fa-!'-'-'-'-'"'-' 1-. -y....