OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, April 23, 1917, LAST EDITION, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-04-23/ed-2/seq-20/

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piew that it would be wasted and
would only lead to renewed exac
tions. Norma Bruce went through a ter
rible year of neglect and abuse. Fi
nally, her cruel husband, threatened
to remove and hide her babe unless
?hp nQcicf-pH him in nliinHprino'' Tipr
rv fathfir STip flprl from hpr hnmp i
placed her child in safe hands and
fainted away on the Lee doorstep the
night Hayden discovered her.
"Her husband was shot dead in a
gambling house brawl," narrated the
lawyer. "Mrs. 'Bruce is reconciled
1 with her father and her child is with
them. She says you must come and
share her bounty."
"Her gratitude is all we ask to
cherish," murmured Hayden.
All the same, time and a woman's
will brought matters to where she
wished them. Mr. Dale's influence
secured Hayden a lucrative position.
Prue became a visitor, then a neigh
bor, then the dearest friend of Nor
ma. As for Hayden, at the end of the
year, between himself and Norma
there had expanded a mutual love
that insured no later parting.
o o
April 23, 1840. Stephen A. Doug
las, in a letter to Col. Robert Allen,
dated Springfield, 111., April 23, 1840,
declines the nomination for repre
sentative in the legislature from San
gamon county.
o o
By Betty Brown
Striped taffeta in a wardrobe al
ways has been like a roast at a din
ner, the piece de resistance, but late
Ty it has assumed the daintiness and
decorative value of a garnish.
The most immaculate kind of a
street frock shows this new use of
taffeta in combination with white
crepe de chine.
t This fragile and spotless stuff is
commonly supposed to be appropri
ate only for ball dresses and the fin
est lingerie.
Its use for street and sports cos
tumes is a feature of summer fashions.
.&, -- -.-i

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