OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, January 21, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1895-01-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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DESlVRET EroNII 1 G NEW tL rF Oclock DlTlOn
lRUl ANt LIIdElvry f
O1O 1IOI I uAlty 31 ISO 1i = SAJ1 LAKJ LIlY ul u voLXKvnr
Numerous Indications ot Serious
Trouble Today
TI10U1S lllSllUSf V MOD
la01 Trainpltd Under loot OlUn
Wounded lir llaioneli Plitatlt
faitlou booby
UltnoKlA Jan 21Tbo flrit
brigade of tin New York Jiatlonal
Uuardi untnpoitil of Mow York oilY
troops tool koue lo llrooklyn The tx
tcutlve btard ot ttllkeri liai been
called before the grind jury
him YOtsir Jan ItOdUbcr
Intcudcnt lljruM tan announced that
the cDtlln police lorce roomy will
ta held I at Hie enMtal sInUous for an
emergency hut may cries during the
abtoucu of Iho uillllla on duly In 1 took
DIOOKLYN Jau 1Thorl 1 It I Imll
culluu 01 lerloui work today In connee
ion wilt tlio itrcct railway > ttlk
Tim total number ol coop now under
aim la llrooklyii It I 8000 The ri
fowl of lao cominny to prumUo foe
bave Indicated their wlllliigueH to call
Ibe AXIil oil ties mdo nInny hitherto
taccably iHiptwed tiporate and ret
toattlclatB lu noli ol violence dll
reeled nKalnil the ruperty ot Ibo cur
rotatlona OtIs > oiilbl < taut the only
line not hitherto Involved troth emil
known ai Ibo Couoy Iilanil line will
now ta I brought Into the trouble
Tho writ on Ihe le Kalb line who
reiumed work on trlJay under com
iromlio with tile company may U
lulled cut Acts of violence upK > eedly
In Ihe Inlerrit 01 too linker have
bun almoil conlluuoua nec fort ur
another of Ibacly the ted 49 boon
During beet ulKhl the trolley Wire
were out In nil direction Ihoto thu
rfornird Ibo ioik caI1 g delec
lIon Lori lu Ihu day a mob
blocked Ihe tieveulb avenue floe from
Twilllb la rwuallelh itretti moving
ill from one flee t at inllltla or police
proDhod end congriKalliig I hull
diilamoanay a few tnt bunts liter
thus avoiding oulllilon with Iho tor re
icutitivee uf Ihu law I while cllicluall
Iloll plug tralllo mob than an hour
AbUt 8 ucluck a mob mimberlnic a
thouiaud or more itontl a Humner
nvenue oar icier HroaUway aid Fluih
liignvruuo Ambulance i all IndlovUe
thai tomu one bai l nlnurr < l Iho
olllolale ot tile Hrendwiiy Queen
County cud Huhurtaa rood my they
will run the can loduj Iollyaljlbl
latiolmen are oil duly today uu sIck
lean uioetul It inuied by over ixei
Ai CaptaIn haul Wcudnlli battery
was rocredlngup Hroadwa lu Hal
tey etuol under iou eicoit ot I lie
Blxly ninth bitlallou Major Doily at
Ibo corner ol Huliey itreet end Hruad
way n 1 ruL b ut 1000 men guyeit cud
Jitiod Ibu mllllU and u few static
were thrown II u crowd 1 wai 10 greet
that Mnor Dully ordered n charge and
the aoldltrr wllh fixed layonett
< brj < lon tOe inch nuudliriitd II
It lire I oiled that iuilo a Lumber ut
men were Irami kit under rOot loll i
some illghlly wounded by Ibo by
00I twuuty Ihouiand men and boyi
bong about tbu kliltoui wl uru toe
military Ire potted 1 and nnnuy the
II I lens by Jeering sad tilling then
with chobow All night the lcUU
were lulJcled 10 time attack Mil
ill i How aroun I Ihnl Iroin Ihu dark
new ant they could l not retaliate
fliru will ho I a meeting lola alter
noon will tbe Ioorll ol arbltratloi
and iou 00011111Uu ul utrlkeri will die
CUM tbu ulluollon the men nuw
haitI cut only on one joint that II I
Ibe ilrlkii Lo I declared l on all the
itilkeri bo taken back and the uw
eruilojea tout back to their hobo
lIhlorHchtlr1I IIolhu co 1D ten ice
Which nuw eeeiu obiluratc will coeds
Iron their 1011100 I
A mob ut lie llaliey sired depot
brew a volley ol lIonel at tlio mllltla
Miny ol Ibo ioUI ru received btd I
bruise and Lelorelliry could ctiargu or
the mob dltptritd
Tlu men hinging about Ihu dUIl l
Ibreaten to burn all the binii ilinu
tiueouily if r the aliened 1 wroiikeol Ibe
OIrlkor era lIul remoalud today TIle
ticket around Ibu barbIe will 1111
crtued tonight and nobody allowed 10 I
tuitbulliicf No alhllll bad boll
nub UD to Ion oclock to open any
Utter part i cf Ian kv v
Inlpullo 01 Ihu nnl batalllon or
the Thirteenth regiment Mlor Coch
ran oul nil obitructlon Iromthn crow
la trout cf tie ttrlkeri hea I juitlur
ot Ultli avenue end Twenty lunrl
trttt Major Cochran ordered B chare
before which the itnntir hart of hoe
crowd numbering about COO Hied la
IIJllo bulldlnR
Colonel ApllololIol i ties Hivent
tglineut at llalney itreet wllh Hue i
J upanlr > sent men out lu the nelgl
toning itoroK to purcliaeo iruvleloua 1
The mop kiej II ere relutud tu set 1 to UI ito
Illtn who then clurgtd Oil IIOUIO
clIorlnl IbcIII In all Ulrecllnuf
Tlie iiunrd IIIoU all elevaled Ilaili
trjrliig a coiui any of soldier elloI
soldIer who wa imoklofi tu pot
loin 1 oil the train when Duo oIlier
millllimeu went lo their comrtdu
lilauco and beat tho guard feverely I
Upulii Lyoni oonuinuJInn Iho
oooiiany lail toe uuurJ under
lot tot I reltatcd tuba when Ibo ouin
lao I rraclitd their dttlluatlon
Several cum on hoe Hiirnneravini
Ii oe were ttallej at Iho cornel ol Uiee
end Humntr imnuei HU huudri
ruIIUlloulI elllhu care and tried 10
lucelhetiiritorinon I IOn tile rUble
ftiy Uoimo I nuery nnd bolbtcrou
Mllcu cbarutd tbtm tcatterli
MaIler Workman M J Connvllj
he oldIe leader le I confined to bU
bum by tlokneM HU wit and child
Inc r altu III with ineumoula
Hetol 1001 Weuc Itun
OIUNII Juflcriof Cub Jan SI
The m u who wu ahot and IniiautU
klllt by ltl Ir Mvohanle Hlrulherr
of te Denver t I tin tretde noah I hit
IIIbl l lilt bnn tileullUtd l ne Joee
UoIoo who came hero neounatty from
Ih leweet The man who Wat with him
at 1110 time Win dub al farce Hlru
Ib1I was formerly cIty nurthal aid
mmedlately upon beIng oommtnJed
10 throw ul hla hauls drew his revol
ver nod fired
llniicorlKH MlnUlrr
llniA 1Kinir Jan Inr Joel
erlui Demtiiafyl liberal formerly
iluliler oljinlcr ho a teen I HeoteU
treelheat l of Ibo Chamber of Dtpullel
III i euoceolon tu llarou Uarifly now
I remltrof UunRiry
Ciate of the Dlsasiir to the Steamer
Stat ol Missontl
IXIalle or tloR Aeelilenl as Ittlnltil
Caur bar kevtur on tOe wrcckrd
eleinier Mlieourl urrlvol hero today
He tayti
Tholearnerilitick a rock at SIS
Hiturday evening alHortvBboe bend
seventy lullx below Iioulivllk There
lea I mint of rook running lar out lulu
Iho river Ihen The Mluouria head
I amid allrlghl but the current iwung
hu store ruuod end ho itruck hard
Hue Immediately b iun 10 till and
lilted lu ttaitv ard au Ihlatauiid
Hie lire lu Hie engli el ta fall out
letlli t lire to bloc dick Wllh other
1 ruined to tho hUlllollu dark All
unlIt Ibo white laimlera of tho
crow nod feeeatlgcr were buI IJ ltd lo
gellier urrv ua bul cool Iho negro
rounubouii begnu luui Ing lUlu toe
water I taw Ova or nx of them
drawn under a tioat nnd t aaw at leael
toll neat el drowned
Jnif Hell Jr wu at the wheel
Whto cue ruck He tried 110 run her
ooe igalnit tile batik Her atigei
wirn ruu out nud n nogrotried lu Inane
a line lo n young life partly tub
rrergtd but thu tin auu pwt und Ibu
uoatieruied slide ilnkl IR rabidly
all the whileabout forty yord eat In
he rivet The lire bun od 10 fiercely
bloat auumLor 01 UIJUUIIHH from Ihe
burrlcanu deck u dlitauco ot uboui
lolly feel Into the rId 1 water I limit
liavo tech under water Iutiy live lulu
hobO lljlitlOK 1 luulnit btlni drawn
1f 10N III alI
under Ibe bosh 1 finally came to tho
euifacemd mi do furs ctouoto uf t rote
wu und endeavored to ilII II lo VO bong I
UII hula treee until n firmer took ui
oil In a yawl While In the net
law Ihe roof putt from Ibu hull II at
Uuwu thou rlr beau ou U 1uUIUK
about Iwo ree l in walir
0011 cal all 001 hood emlnoor
were feat lu Icavr I after imlui every
body elw oB talnly
Lutluvil Ky Jan 21 1 below
of file mentioned ly IheiluklnRof the
Meui bl > und Cluolniutl lluo iliauier
dlalo of MlMouil near Harding
hounding I imiillor thou al 11101 sop
UMJ tIm reported drowned I have
llIcv turned U and < thn I rnonl ml
IIIK B < known lo the survivor In the
oily eros
Chailts Meredith colored freight
UDdler Jacob llarhoui oolored deck
mud erivub Hinllb colored deck
laud Wllilaru Hluin oolortJ deok
laud I
Una hundred end fifty ptHeogeri on
board vroio laved ai were all tho
KllleU is so tile ai
Rlcharuiou 1 a merthant l ot thIs I oily
olt IIIY
hot shod r 1t J Ui Ooiu bell n
blaikimltb at Ucouet last I nlghl
llotli taini bell unit llliuardeou are
narrlod men but this did not pro I
vent thrill ttconilnr Infatuated with n
Utnvlllu widow lllcbardiuu formerly
hIved at < jejru towii whero lau lathed
the idol Fellow lleportiof labs ml >
conduct vomlUK to Ibo vnra of Ibe
lodge ho won tumuieil there for trla
LeurelboloKlal efrnluu COWl
bell who bai been llvlun on Itldno
farm heard ot lIe proposed trial He
arrival ut Utorhotown utB ocloik sod
wai obmrved bj teveral turtles aland
tug 01 Ihe foot ul bioe sluIce that led ul
to tile lodge hall lie mailo no con
icalmoot ul bloc fact that bo woe laying
torlllcbnrdioiiaud re ealedly ached II I
bile rnnl woe itlll lu thu ball Whei
ItlohardMU canoe down slaIn > Cam
bell eprenlib at him alriklui him on the
head cbardion hot but mined
Carat bell lieu olod hold ol lllchard
op wl ho limo aaecond thol itilklnt
tolls ntiallant In lie bulb brooch Ktch
ai on ace locked up In Ibo DauvllI
iiiioiii V500 A nun
Hlnl or sboetnlee 101 ate III
lode rend
Mw Yonu Jan ITb 1 Ctutta
Labor Uulvii meetlni lull I IllhhI bribe
UIIIIII row utlKbt between Jo e
ll > lIe Cloak Mikvri union
end A J rililHh of tile Cloth Cutur
TIle meolnl bail about ended when
llarouileM turou u a ticlate aittd
tu be nllouml to make I mateiuen
rogardli tbu clmr c of hOOleabh000uil0
lion nude Kunluit him
Huillh nilir olhiri had obeclvdial
Hint llarondeii mutt account te Ih
Amalgamated lord ol Cloak Make
md Cutler llarondeii then ran 10 I
1m trout of Iho hall and demanded
10 tu beard but Oboe chtlrman at
jourucJ Ibu boeoliug end lluroudtuat
lacked Hinllb the men clli chel bu
ereldragged abnr lull llarondeii woe
r < uled bnrall Inklttteln and LIla
Ii letn triad followed llatoudw l null
while the meu fouuhl urged llaioi
den to thraih Smith Tho womou ro
malnedalter the tIght and diuouice
Umlth and ollietaof toe uloton
Illcli iiol h l I Nlrlli
llIAMmiitmH n Jar 21Th
wonderiul record ot thou Holy lerro
mil o am ifold 1 roducer hId I lair to Iu t
url aiitd by Ibe rich ttilka juit mad
lob Ibu Lackawuuua lodo mljoluluu Ib
> ecoraliiltuated on Urien mountain
Ii awrenceroui llY the preaeutowu
en i eftho laokawania mlur Joule
CollIns and barley CJLear hue
been workluK tho I mo oily sInce 156
evelolm II and extracting a lair
radeoforr ul which they now have
early S OWl lone on Ibe dumr tiura
rouiaitayi have been m dp lIon Ic
tUne varying from llUW Iv II7W
gold 1 p < 101 Sloe ole body It I twelve
eel thick between dod rock and
aohyle 1ulurowotk may deterraluu
host Ihu lore liody U I veu wide than
Ia I now thougbl
A CalaEcooeIEorsrv
In Ncitlllui leone nil lbl1 lolul
ISEW Yuan Jan 21101 lellx
Aldtr bai ooramtnoed n lerlee ul
licturee on aoclallim He will irea
Ohio sotject Iron an atulcol point 01
view Jon cola time Ihe I fonoleanr 1
boo toen M > UR thing that gave lube
itlrulrmi HIM ImnreMlon that he Wee
drfhtbng toward ioelll > m He laid lu
Ir auyone hu experIenced evlli or
iropoied ohan < r he must be reptred
lisTs tie mine Hwlillit cut In tote
eetli ami to have aroUMd niilutl him
lltlieiwtilonetbal nro oalletl up by
tIle thiory Illelf Ultra hu been I
Imngn thouxh The tilee I of eoa alum
WM conil Jervd moit extreme yeara
nose iwadaya the man iltllat next tu
7001 ai dlunor thoucli ha bo clothed lu
be belt ralmnDl Hill till you In Bit In
lilt runt maunir that he 11 I a aucialltt
IbId you do not abow 1ioleaililKmof I
leer Tlmei haveobannid
Thle la I partly itua to Ihu fact that
Ih IB nyetcm hat mado many conveiti
Vke know that na Hale loclallit I 0 on Ibe
UroLo of U < ruiany Vekuowtbal
Chrullau ioolah m I naoned l from
nauy ulli I aud what It more
aoclallim hai I eoouw a fad
loOi fIbre are lIIay aoclallati who i
outriuplaUBCoruillechanxii lu the
coinlltloin of ULluly aud yet are
0101001011 1 to hal lueMurm Toory
UIIUTO that tlmu will surely see the
hangm be yareeJvo outing Hut
her are otheri who are liiakluK
lirniU Joel beoauiu boo Ilireate
ala vain It dot iioimakeeoclallini any
beleMdaugoroui U 1 I uauieroui It U 0 ut
4 doclilUni 1 not to be ronfoundud
wllii tot reform Tneauojliu am
wroU4 when they claim that oux uauit
be eIther uoo Iudivtdoalbtnr a colleot
lohl 1 is I poaelhie to agree Wllb II 10
MKlallita I lu many raotioal I rrlormi
dod 1111 nob bee suthillel riiurln tue
ruitreeilvo Ineouio lax whlcL 1 le f
ilalmed 1 0 rUbl on the giouud that the
urileu of taxatlou ahould be ileed ou
ho WMlthy and not ou the poor 1 do
not My 1 btlluvo in Ihli Iuur merely
gIve 1 a un eximplo llliiieilblo
10 believe III Ibo exteliiion ol Iho
oolillit 100mm ufbo alai eial atlll lint be A
lIon Aelen 11 looueOoc 1110 a1
lollnlr lao 1 I
NKW iiiiiK Jan 21J mn C
iLeelo the laywrlKUt und autar win
vrrolcdbmie ha 1 owto for William
BoauUti In which the oomtdlai
atarred for Is IMMJOI vlilled Oboe tin
orluualo actor at tOo UloomlUkd
aiyluDi sat evonlue d
MUU u u
alluialo filondi havluc roomed to 1
nlul rooloo
Klbtr during blue rtheari le o > Sliauo
Na Lawn tipeaklui of hu VII Mr
Itoacu nidi
° dcanlan Iii hit much firth since 1
cow him lait and whllo bu eeitaluly
tad Inltrvnli coolly ituoe hie coil
flDtment his londlllon today le that of
a perfect toltecile and loIs n1 lur
roverul weekt Ihu aulborltlci cAy
hat he la 0 In no Immediate uauier but
that hoe end will undoubttdly come
without warulUK They lay mat 01
certain occailoua they have though
him to b dying when uo has lni roved
load become tlrouncr than belorr I nn
not cf count a epeclalli on lunanlty
f II
jut If any udiueut tan bo formed
lorn the pfarauce of a lutktil ticau
10111 li lerlaloly declining
TlielarwriKlit who li I rchianlnx
hl < plaltoryof the 1IIII lu wblob
tie Is to ulIur hlniKlf U I auxloui lo
leutHt fhu
anaiiiiB u 01 erformauce cc
I rocvedi ho coy I rieaulaia wife I
not 111 need loulJ bound lu colon
way lo coinmeinoralu Ihn unco popular
und uoblebeailid Irlih comedian
AUKilrnu 1 IOtceoanuoetlc lu Itm
MiicuCll Jan Itho report
oonixironi lehuiitepeo that Colduoi
and Tbomai Murhy have been mur
UtroJ lu luatemalii while ru routn
for the lltu uf thuUuatemalau rllro J
There 1 little duutl It li I laid thou
outrage wai lorumllted by renegade
aloniclbo border tor Ibo soon ise 01
kctllui belter 11 II lois for Una lu Ihu
Ill roulu toed coulllrt between Mexico
and Uualemala Ibe Hindered niei
wern Amerlcaui lormerly oonnecled
with Iho lehuanteieo Hallway Con
tructlou conij nuy 1 InvMtliiallua will
bo ilenundea ty Ibo Americana lu
Mexico and Guatemala
111 rr I lr lallliik Iliilldlnr
ClIIUAdu Jan IAI 1 the falllni 01
5 now 1 ort Diarborn bullJluj stCf alto
clod Monrou shred today lluiuera wrr
blown from llielr oillloii and fnllln
fouittenilorlei burled two men Jl
J llurkolathotitht I lo be fatnlly III
lurid Tho oilier itrlouily lujuit
art A J llJiialdi clerk iliouldo
oruiheil 1 rauk oodward tearuiler
arm cruihed William Lucia printer
toivlp wouudi 1 a Klihtr reitaurau
unpliyi badly bruliud
11 IDYll clerk Uaugoroui ID
torunl lujurloi Uioricu Hoy iteu
srai hir head ily 1
0000lhl700Oeh llnI enter
PAIIID Jan lb 1 1 x 1 rrtldent
luliuur 1ener formally vaonlid the
lIbyan l alacu al1 otlook loday Hy
urirr of iieildonl I au re when Oho
ex l rtiluent olotealed l I In Ihe court yard
a 01000 oorpii rolled tot I alule lull
the Ruurd l of honor irtienlod arm
All the meiul eri of the eotoroaftluuta
civil anl military houicholdi ui
temblid to bid him good tyi
totno n000ll0elea 5
nvroAll tr Lang Jan IhMc
llirrell Jockey Uujeud I
Ilnllnn lrou > III Icrl
MASUWAH lgII I Ju 21011 1
Jtarutlell und 1 Iho bulk ol 1 Italia
t irgoi lave arrived at Aiamaru 010
their wuy lo tIle coast
Sera Weather Reported Eat and
West of Utah
lilt UltlMII TKJII > S IIILI Ul1
led beef In 1 laeei tmloj
moot for lluinlrnl
tberitormliruk108 In tbomouulalai
cod altboiuh there la I more snow on
the ground than here hae INIU for
live yean 1 I rapIdly growing
dtejer I
The ilorin t egan yeittrday morning
and bu eooltnnod wllhoutceailnic all
day The wind I howling lough
the can one and the mow 1 falllnn
thick aud footer than ul any time dun
tang too p1 2 I boul
Owing lo the violence of the ilorm
and tfoe pvnlblllly of I tie up at any
raomeul nu more freight will L
moved until Ihe florin nbatw Iamii
Rer tralni will be krjt moving ui long
1 < llbl
Ibcmow li I bulked unulongtlde of
tin track In I jlicti nearly thirty feet
del and the roUry I low are begin
biIItg 10 work with dllllculty In lime
lures Hundred ot hobo are em
lloyiil In ihovtlluft the mow 10 ai to
widen Ihe epice 1 betwreu lboo took
Aall l now Ii 0 Iho anew tcran the
ildeeof thou our aiod ui the plowa ceo
not wotk lo Blvnntagn there 1 etiovvleri
workligln tIers grade thelmuki I
Tl outturn tu the Shut dlvliloil li
tijual to II not renter then that ou
Ihe incubi dlvlilon A number of
enoruioui chIdes have vuourre I between
Duuimulr and Hliiou kiid alibooch 1
I I looted Hint the track will be oleared
III hone lo low Ihe icillhbound < Die
ton expriwi now held al luu latter
flee I lu proofed on lie way today III li i
110 i meane porlalu that It will be chic
to do
Nurlh of Djnimulr there li an nnor
OU elIde which tbe lUhIlow arc
irjrluK In liaudli I A number of en
glut coupled together lake I 11Ing
iturl ol ubaiil half a mile al hIs bunk
cf thotrack mow and are slowly forcing U oil
1 there aru no more blgrlldnor
UnIte ult uhInochbues will be removed
frno thf rock by mornluR nn I foe
tralni will bo able lo get through lout
ai UU now inowlue euvlly between
HlMoiiund Djuimulr wore UIIM Irs
likily I tu occur
lla 0 MloSiU
Tin Illu alnoalmuoOIeroa I lloitd
DBMMUI Jau Ittlopabehue 1 from
all through hoe 10000011 rtl1 hto
mowr At lellurlvlr where hu iiiou
wee alrraoy thriu feel lItl l nearly a <
much more too flu lay A mow
slid flllrd boo crock tupplyliiR inner
to Hie electrlo 1 lint of Ibo Hinugglrr
Conullduled Mining oompau wnlch
furnlihe hoe motive > onrr lo many
of Ihe prlncli mluui Ai u mull lie
t lant had tu ihut down At Leal
villa a genuine billiard li lu irogreii
eliot at lIed 1 Cllll Hie mow lo ininy
place Ii I four nnd five feel deeju Many
mow illdea have been reported but uu
tatalltUe have y ul been In ltd of Un
the lllo Urande Hjtilbern road there li I
little iirtxpoii of critic B lulu
through lor three or tour days at the
lean I
Ail Apse In Ibe I 1111
OAKLAND Jan 21Oboe 1 Hev Ed
ward Divli look like an actor lo
night he llluilraloU a lermon on
Kiernal Judsmenl by a > uminc the
character of Itlchird HI Iud quoting
In u dramatic lumber the famous
ollloijuy lu tOll lint acme cud also
rum the hull cot lu thu bib lay The
preacbeia noting was reallitlc Tbero
woo a big uudloucv many attracted I by
curloilty rIot clergyman li very
J acting out the doom Hint overtook
IUUO OU 10 011 I
IogujuauICenbnoo1SV rJlodn
Alltk I Jlunlirf r I miLlil
ALIMUHA Colo Jan = 1 lheoiie
lukuriuitot At Taylor lh o murderer I
ot City f Manhal 1 merion carnn UI I
with him ultir elkht hoiiri hart riding
Tho man wa covered wllh Wluchui
lens cud altrio ijh he had two sin
bootort Ip 1 made no itrrut rtelilanrv
Ha hai been taken lo Coiujoi ai 1 wai
believed that bo would le I lyuobcd l 1 1
brought here Iwo ulltged utoom
plltei havo been laced under arreil
A 11II1H UIF lu luaa
IAius ivy Jan IAI 1 a boarding
houne In thli city last nlhht the death
ot ri N Ii Wllllmni aged 7i t cc
curred Hla death wai taUiud by
I ueumoula Alter hIs death lois cloth
I log end tltVoti were learched und
1I1r were found showing tint lie
poiitiiel vait wealth lu fuel rrood
him lo have been a millionaire owning
uvailitlalulu AuitralUto which toe
had recently alien heIr I A few day
HKO Mr Wllllauu spIlled at a bank Ill
Wliiohnltr for Ihe colling 011 chock
lor IIUU which was mado ayabla at a
bank In California The bank ollklal
In Wluihoilor htilUted la Milling the
think on account of the ragued apitur
anceof the cIbohlcallb but llnslhy lulu
KiatbedloCitlirornUaiid tbe olllolul
ttltrahed that Mr Willlitiun check
wa good for any amount under < fl 1
UUUOOU Thirteen dibble lu money
wu mood lu hIs I locket
Till III Ml Jll Illll II tACO
a eac < dle In I 111 rrlKlluiiliiiinee
li Ur
INNIAI oiin Minn Jan 21TIle
trial 01 Harry Hayward for tbu tour
dor of Catherine ling wee formally
bmojuuo lodiy Huiry Haynard wont
to ill seub t M I lIthely ailf inturlng u
tlioakr lie cbewe I kiiol vigoruuily
aid layvd with hli iaulol whllu
walllni Ion I the iroceidlnki lo begin
W W Irwin already volt Know Iron
loIs font cotton wllh the HomuiUai
tool nb c 111 Joll Joy HIIIa
ucit olluro rIIJIollell Ihe dfou
Inlil County Alury trunk l
Nye blolhur of 111 Nyc tie
buworll Nf inot AILn 1 Mall sofa
ronecutora ItUdmued I iliniflcant
hat the allornry ol Ulnua Ililut ceo
un l lie roeacuti ini llle l cf the
chair H I on niter the roceedliiiii be
IOU Mile Julia Ulng Ihe twin tlilor I
of fllie rnurdiiBd womau took a iet
tot lx KM t from II01 ilioutr Cuunl
Attorney Nyo mi ved Ihil i tl toe cam ul
Illxt be roweb her Feb 6 and tbli wai
ugnenut ll iuy Illlit oatluntoy
I la I believed the work uf Kcurlrg e
Jury will ooo i n mo a week
nii 111 ni mi ur blOt I r
pinion if 5000 l It mil < HIM In lie
000cc 1 eeoaoosaumIl05Oen
AiMIMtiiiix JAn Ifh Hu
rtmo court rendeied au 1 U Inloii In
he sugsr trust cateol the Unlleu HMtea
all C Knight nol Iotberr luvolvinK
he validIty mil oonelltutlonallly ol
hB Hhcimaii snItnuet hew Ihedv
Mou hold tIe law lo LB 10lIeblu
olhvcaHiln t lined and coullruu too
pinion of 1 Ihe circuit court
UI A coo I r Aecileel Nu
esieyeioe 1101n010lOl
4rtcW IMntcli It uu tcwa
Cuba 111N Wye Jill ISo I
thou morning pMf n < er train Iron Den
ver which I due heru at 7itt aiui I
beyad Ibrie houta today on account of
un accident at Carr Htatlou navels
mIles oulh of Cheyenne llm tUlije
of ooo ottle whtoli ou Ihe leO
oer came ill throwing the Iliicki
Horn thou lrol floe I train welcoming
up B rienvy sinaI L IlieliiU Ihi
glnerr I Ira tIle IMln to H atop
bohr coy of the cotclui loll Ilio linen
Ililrnjii I ibllr Hull llur Illll
AnniNinoxJ 20The 1 lint rill
call uu lie Chicago ubllo lull Hut
lllllMullrdi Aye 101 u yi 4llu
lUtlUK III inmiie In Ihe liouir
Ihllo 1OT I lu 61 building Liio I the Hcue
Nlrurk lr nOirlenr
ollnk lIla morning B o clone kliuck
Covlimlou Ky bfwlnog ill the tower
uf the count houwund okluK > V
era itjin und reililincm Thu total
daiuafe I t about tOO oolel is I
rrriml burl
Iniiuol Hull
IAHU Jau IM Huueolto boa
n0100uooeoh the talk of ulleinjtlog lo
form I new uilulitr
Ilel AHliilllxl lo 1111
WAaliiNUToN Jnn 2lioe 1 Hu
I reuB Court ut tlio United HIdes to
day ordered Lugeue V loch Onil I
UMOOIulM tu In I udmitled In f 20110 bull
each IhehrariHK to bow lance I 10
bohu4ou March llh
10 IIT S losegla
to ao J IJ i e A J
11 k acoom i utiled I I by oouneel ol I
rived lu thu city today II lo ui habra
tore the commluto ot the Houto to
aniwertho chaigta referred again
him by the Central Labor union 01
Cleveland of retaining tees whlcl
should l have Lei n held over to the
United Hutu Ito says therula I alma
lulily liu tiulli lu the cbare
t i niiuiui I mnol
aeanxh Jh eluralo nIlo5 ul
till IIII
HT Lou IB Mo Jan IU 1 H
CIrcuIt Court Judne Walter H Han
burn loday haudoa dowu a tltcliloi
UHII u iicutlon of L Uordou Duxie
audUnier Aui > i uJo1 I trustee fur
Ihe fInal mortKaxe lioudholdeu of the
Union 1nclllo railway cauiiauy for
errate recriven for Ibu I urilou of ho
Union 1nclllo nyiteiii u vend by Iho
tlril morlitage toe decltlo i or orde
covera loven clcuely IYOewribleba UKM
and III cllect tr uli Iho Ullcatlou
Theiecelveraupiolutcd ale tho 5001
aalhoMiiow In ihargv cl tbi eyitem
vli t J J Clark Oliver W Mink
J > J2iiemy Anderson John W Doaur
aud reJeilcn J Cuodori iou order
I rovidea that tbo fundi already earned
by the roOd be uieJ by tho lecelveri 10
aettlolbedcbU nud Juki claluii undo
lhnreient rvcrlvtuulp In addlllor
the our rHCn the right loom
that any deficiency 01 such luude ihal
Lmodo ulrulu Ihu lulllU cannlngs
under if anlo recelvirihl
Jo 1101 the declilon today limply
leiiutntiatta the old main lInes froui
the uxt of tIle ryitem only ai Ihu
acoounla are concerned cloy reach 01
eboonsshVa tIuY ainrri
01od5 ha Stoa Ih000unloaie 500 Aboce
500 Lal Ju unoo
7iri Mnr ijcclal fiou Lexington
Ky iayil
Ueiieral Canlui M Clay aged 811 Is I
lu trouble Ottiug to bios r > xmed dtkei
tlou ol III youux brldi aged IS
CVI la Otlu
nil a eelas 010 loIto dIaa loin
vt in low
Cllictuo Jan IAboul 1 2 oclock
tbe tuirly feel of IllKllalt oil Kluglle
hotel ollioslIe l hoe uoveriluient build
lug wai torn fool Ibo baiu cod hurled
lUlu the elreet uinttrouly I lolurlig
Edward 1Irpu eiiw nian Una
thought hliikull wui fractured
A heavy I late gIna window In the
Hartford bull llm at Dearbon uud
Madltou itreeli was blown In Jamr
Heniou 1001 Xruck by u largo falliu
ll I
auction of glass uu l cut h I moil lu tOo
HedloJ Inn low mlnutui I
Till M tAfl
ate louay hodkoclleied u reeolullo
declaring that Ito Uiilttd Hutu khoul
Ueu B warihlp at Ihe Hnudwhh
Ulaudi that Inoniuril ihould toe taken I
lor Die at mtluUloii of I table Iron i
Honolulu und l for tie
Hun 1 ranclicolo 1000luiu u < I
uuiiexallou of thou HSlldwlc lilandi 10
the United HlatM Hlnokburn ubecltd
toprcienloguildoratlon cud lion redo
lution wentover
At ii uolock hoe Mlciragu tuna
1111 I came up dub 1 wax solso l sot uildo Ir
boo orguuo lellolenoy bill Hill till
cunrd tlinluullon of lois amend
menl relating to tho Income lax
I00POn000 nl jOlOOllOles Mtllln
WASiiiscnuN Jau II 1 An Im
lortaut mcitliu of Ihe Houioapjro
1 rlallon coiumlltte waa held l today In
whichHtoretarj Cirlltlo look tan I a 1
Ibo rcnumt of Chilriuau Bayrei
ihe cooulereice woe over the adoption
or B 101107 i b which Ihe temlary
oin to jut Into circulation an In
ceeueoi I volume of solver certincatra In
mail donominatlotir In place of treae
ry note the comiiilitii dvrllnl to
Hike brow IOu luadl civil hIlt Ibe
SIlo 1 holathot Ihil for reveral yeata lou
wen uit led to the Item prnvidlng for
he rioting of I ream 17 notii to re
place thoM > received al the trtatury
Mri Mirgarrt llrfir ry Iieitrltd nod
Mil to MauaK for llrrielt
Miricaret Uiegory through liar at t
ornr Morrle riommir thli moru
tog brought lull lor dlvoica lu lie
hlrl dlilrlcl court Bgtlnit her hue
and Mauiuel Uregory ou the ground
01 fdiunkeunwf Ue tillou und failure
to rovldc
Too marriage link 11 lace at 1uehlo
Cube out lull 01710 loSO cod Ihe
irtlie rcaldui hut iom > tl ne Hi thl
oOIy Mt Unitory ullegea that In
Marcli ItUI tlio defendant aUudoneii
her nud loon ever an ue railed lu oou
lobule all IIDC wuidi her ranin
innnre rihe u eprlbta Him ae an Idle
und dlul ated 11111 never t happy ue
Mlieu lu uli cup
A Mule the I nine of 1
l > ruly Marshal Cumiiiock arrived
fro II lllugbkiii tauytu thli lilornlDK
bringing In untody ChaS Miller
igulnil whom u wniranl of arreit Wa
ionoct from CotnmlMlou Ureenmaua
court ou Halurday olrclll him with
vloleutl aiaaullliik Thou Irllobard
lbu p0111 are uilneri sod recIte it
Hlnghnm llliolalmiil I IhalMlllere
10u recently loch no Uul nnd tile defuli
dalit thlukliK Hul Irllcbard knew
lomelhlng nb ul I nuMtloned Him ou
Ihe nioltir Ho wai not latunml with
Ihe 111 or old and Iberefo no
oi lollulo
ccodtil la iouud the said rllohard
evetely about Iho bold iud ahouldeir
lining lilniui It liaild oretny badly
She de eudaul4 hiunug le I let for 1
Ibw today
Home Inilusli llcnriltil
Tho well known Him ot Uncut A
Cilltln Dooly block have received Ihu
Hold medal uwuadetl by Iho 1 A M
socIety for Ihe t Uit ollk cud white home
mod tblrU and l are July Iinny 01
lou Iuud 1111111101ul A liberal hOD
r uake to moli 11 worthy homo Inlui
try will Kteally reduce the Imperil
lon of three goods and l I rovo a gren
bouillt to his Trrrllor
111 nn un tuuMii
1 hal ailllil lecuI rortarrjlae llm
huucUta uud Kiitttklog llonu
a Uiliiatiitu
A Union Iaclflo lallway iwllchma
who a nsweno 1 to bloc aouiewuat fa
lulllir nellIe 01 John bloc aces Lofor
Ihu police court lull allornoon ou 8
cliaiceof aiiiultlug an need China
man whu he kuoiked dcwu ou JluU
alley ou Saturday ulgbt
Whenurreiled ho had betweenI 10
and f61J In hli iKHMtnlou while
lAir I of formidable IraN kuuckUa mad
ugoodalted bulge ou hli jockilum
for which ho came mar being booked
for carrying concealed weaoni JII
exilauatlon to Juillte Kmllh ho I eul Id
hot be was u worklugmau and thu
now ha WBI ufral l to co home at nlshl
without lilrik unned < on account of I toe
Clly Couucll ordering IIS ttreet llglili
extiiikUlibvd Wllh cool conduct ou
Ibe i arl ala City Council ho aald u
man muit retort lo icme herulc beaus
to irottcl h Ilioo Ordinarily It
ooui I Hand oIl B too of any elf bun
when lone e or four thug u eborebog ul
from too darkniH of toe ilmta he
would not 0b be In 1 without oIlier
ntajoui of defiuia than Ihoto fur
oln nd by nature
He continued I lo rail agaInst Ibo I Clly
Council und ul Hume that booty far fill
utleiiMi when tIm oourl cut ulioil hit
kullltl ly Impoilng a fine ol Sb IS
llnhuitn Jeiiiiii Home
Cbulrmau Jumilngi thu llro and
l xl co conimUilou toe returuod from
the oonl where he tie boon uu bill
ritii fur the PMiret Wiolen nillU Hit
lui two ru kl HB will prwldi lIb
moetliigol Ihe cutnnilMioneri tuul hl
II iltllUN Till liUIUilAI II
He 1 Anal at lnrie and Mill 111
UoilJ ulchtd lljr llm
The notorIous Johnlriniualnli Tom
Ilrowu I ngalu ut largo upon thu ow
luuulty after hivIng iirved a lerm ol
lvo iari lu Ihe i ult > ullary for
burgUrliing tho llounllful poitollloi
John luformtd the ruemton of Itit
jHillce fone Ihti afternoon that ho lu
loodo tub Iy lu luwn and earu an
< honeel living uouliary lo thou fullul
lykdvloe cf Catalu KJUOVHO who
ittoinly urged upon him Ihevllal lImos
ally 01 levklu aiturea new within
Iho next 501 huul
Cajlaln Donovan tayi he li I tbe
milt deeperkle ulmlual thai
Ill i tvir ° ° favored Utah with
hliunneliiouio pimuceaud boa bieu
Ihu Kuut cf roust 01 Uliolo Baui <
Hlatn und fully expect 10 lah bore
trouble ere Urlllln depenD for anew
field of fccllon an hull I loaf desperate
cod culloueid enoutti lu turn uivit uuy
kluuofulrlok °
hituipion ol hilt Lake
Judge Kluor ou Buturjay yi thl
Deliver lowe Iwutd nn order of re
moval lu Ihu taie of bloc United Hiotti
Kalutt William Hauiion who wui
dloloJ In HOI babe Clly under bile
ainundi cub H miou Hod frim
lhioalt liiku July aud w eoccroo ted lu
UOloOI u few Uayiugo Ho woe bold
uI i aniwer to top Halt 1 iknrourl by
United Hlilea Conimlilouot Hiiiidilu
lu 310 bout I Ulng uuibleto lurnlth
he bond h i will be takeu back to tiM
Laku for trial
otllitr Argument ot Cases Bronbl
Up On Appeal
ttvtnal llr Ohs I 1 s Siiipr meO grt
A Irlionti 1111t4Iu
Oilier Ildo
The ferrllorlnl Supreme Court en
ftfi upon tIle muml Week of Ibo
January term lila morning all tic
HUim KhOCKK AT Tim 11K
Upon llii favorable report of the
eximlulng oimmltlev freienleU ty
AlUirnuy K 1 Unlehlow Moon
Ice M Ijiwreiiof lloberl r IlrlnUm
1111 C IdHarde nere ndmltled lo
practice ut the bar uf Ills eouil
I Attorney C 1 Varlmi nwvid the
aJiiilulon tu the bar of lon A C
Hatch of Heuer CIty und 1 lb applies
Un Won referred to tIm cxamlulBg
A oouplo l of lnbeM oorpui 015w had
Looo iruvlouilyut down for heatliu
lad ny auil Uu altornrya for the
pvouvo ilefrndanli Mmtri D D
itoull cold H I Armiuonir called tile
lourtt ulloullon to Ihli fact ni 10011 ai
bloc iifual irellmlnary luilutM had l
brn run through out Judge Ikrrllt
uiiiwir dlliaiiiire were oilier OMM
upon Ihe calendar Hhlih limit halo
Dlilrlcl Attorney JuJd remarke1
tl at tOts lIOlallorl caiea had
ulnujra had irelmnce over other
mitUrr he added however that 10 far
0 the territory waa eoucerneJ U
would nut culler by walling I thou
pretNiiliou held < meeju ul Ibe de
lendaule who now wtllluue < l
JIv couch Icllniated lh > l Ilio attor
nryi could be wllhln roach end If toe
other cape had bonito I dlaivwd of III lime
lodny the hubeaa corpus rue M might
then bu taken ui
In boa onto 01 the Houlhirn 1icHlo
eooauuuy Y Iiabolla Heir admlnli
trulrlxoftlowtilBof Win li Haley
deceaud Iho maudnle at the Hui remi
uurt of tho United waa read end
lullfl luJumeut of Ibo Territorial
Huprime lourl ulllrmlng boat of Ibu
dnirlol court li I reversed with o 1
and that Ibu Hid apellaul Ibo
Moull vru 1jolllo oomptuy reoover
ajuluit toe sold rutwuJnt 1 W for
tue coot btriln eipendtd 01 1 have
execution therelor 1 li lurlbtr
ordered Ihal the coos he remanded lo
toe Territorial Hupreuie Court with
direction lourdor B new trial
Tlu opinion of Ihli court Was ty
ChulJiutloo ZIUO Judgti Andenou
nud Hhukburu oouiurrlug
rLNiuN luiufra Timir
Attorney 1enoo 1oiice A Allen on
I boloullo H 1 1 nlouUolu < builnitii
M Ihe Inter Muuntulu Jltclrlo Gu
I I rselO bed n aotltlon for B writ of man
dale aguloil boo county courl ol Hilt
1k count vlt 1 batejudgu lllnlr
bi eclmi > u iloUi 11 txru sod ChrIs
lopbenon lou milter crises out of
bloc contract uniored Into by tho jell
Ikicr wllh tno mimberiof Ibe Inc
I tyc url for Ibe erection c certain
101111 t000te Iho iu plying ot globea nud
eUoirlo wuliii ol the ground uf thu
new blot city 111 county building lu
I the turn of lull fin an u I < runation
for which tbe new board lone reluieJ lo
fle facts In thli oaie woe atatedlu
Halurday a N 110
udvlienieut The court look the alopllcatlon under
nomoNa tltuicx
Altonuy Jarnee A StIIluioe lotlni
for Ihu a n tlo1 I In llm oaie of Matlbu
Ann Coomb Y Hie Ball 1 akoV Pont
Douglas Hallway Co ilulrtrporidont
movod bit Ibe reapouJeuu bo not nl
lowed l to ho hoard ou Ihu uierlti of Illll
tauio on oral arguniMti 1111 having
lallud 10 file their brltl wllhln hoe
iiututory hIve day afier Ihu servIng
if I appollant4 urlif nnou Iliem Ato
irlluul wan ° wllllUKi however lout
rmtOiideuti I 010000 bloc to nobly uf tho
0 rule 010010 ylngtbe > Itrk of Ibis court
Ic i ore hoe dc ur argument 10 sun of
fIb nor Ilu allloll °
lakeu uudirfclvlMmeut
bllOULIl 11 lib UNANlMOLt
C II Micko i Ulntli and ippcl
Uul I V i 1 uctmiwriir oIoloo o
ld roipoudm
Hoolb ltunudaray for tho apiol
Uut 1 o wen AHIlei aud J N Htraup
lor the roi ouuul
Iii Ibu IlilrJ l illilrlot court upon
trlklol Ihe owe the Jury found for roe
defendant and hoe only joint now re
tool ni on by Ibo nipvlliul for al
revoiiul I ova boat II bloc Jurori were rI
uuailm uiln lholr holing Ihli court
II I now asked tu hold that the ilalutu
of hoe Trrrllor whlili authorlMi I
Ildlcllu a rival 010 bo found by
ohio jurorr li Invalid ni being lu ion
iraveolloliof the Uriinulo tol of this
Itrrllory uud of article 7 or Iho HOT
ruth umendnient to tOo Couilllutlou of
Ilio United Hlultit
In Ibo nekearbuc 01 the cams of Win
B McCoruIck J latntlir I and respond
slob YD Henry j Hadltr defendant ood
uptellautthe litter wai repretentrd
ly riiUberlund 1 Howat all Atlui
uey Cll IUMTlnfor Ihoreiroudeiil I
Ilrowu A lliindonon and Attorney O
H Vlrlou
I Ibu cu la I ouo of long itandlnrj and <
the partlculari have been alriad
idverul tlmei ubllibcd In Orion
I H Ilirnnlirud lutoau agreement wllh
fall V Kru fnani coiilraolori to bull I
n houie lion him coot thli was ovm
I I 1 uol
tIded In JbU The contractor were
honvily Indibted to McCornlck at thIs
lImo Iud ootIgnlOd In him the balaruu
fr bile u count due In them from
ladler yIn S32 < iJ Hull waa
brought In the Ihlrd l dlitrlct nitirt lu
rcoovcr thIs and the Jury found fir thou
lliiniill lu the turn ul t 1 813 70 und
uOU c 0 yIp bile 00 0 w 0 0 5 I
Cbbahh000th en JUVeJuj

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