IF i for Statements fSaid to Have BeenjMajdjJibyExPresident AbbutJUdges Attitude TT f HE REGARDS it AS HIS < DUTY r t ini laif Hint Ho Will Vnsltv Xo 3loiu Wouls on Ihu Colonel H Nth llivcn Conn Nov o Judge Msinlion CMlaldxv In Dcinociatlc liomi nert f KoyeriloT tonight announced thut lie x uld bjfhj sult ngnlnst formei Driest Rooscjsltt on account of stntc mJnts rcpojrtedLtoihifveibcen mulo by Mr Koosovolcin a spoecTi in Xow v Hampshire iclntfvn to Judre Biliivxlns jjatiltudo on labor IcglslTitlon Judge nnldvvlirsam ho had asked Co lUiOseveltto ie tiact thq stiiteiiient nnil that thi lattei had frilleil to do so The statement iiefeiiijd to was upoit td to haxo been imulc in n speech lit Cnnctml X H by jlr UooscXclt nm Ijwis to the iffoct tliit the position jjttKen by Judqe Ilakhxln vas rctroi rMi aildwiii vui avKcd If he hml re irlxed Mi ItunscxcllS lottPi of Nox lgned Theodoro Umisrvclt lniloaod ln a lettei signed Tiiinlr IHrper Sec Trtarj In vvhleh the latter stated that jthq letter luidbeen dictated li > Mm bv jJlr IKiosivilt nnd that he was signing and sendnr It on Nov 4 JJ Judge Ualdwln then tuld Assuming this lettin t ibo authentic the inattoi MuuK thus Jrliivo asked Mr llcioO vrlt to strict a statement which he made In a speech In 7siv Hampshire1 as to my holdliii a foitalii view of a 1 jifilnt of I iw Hi dpiilcs he made tho btutcmeiit In the foim In which It Is i reported by tha sti noRiaphir and wlde < y publlslml Ho nlso lf I umleistand Jnf Icltei of Isov has written inu thai tlin stntoment jf nude was true I sliill vxicto lui inoic words upon him but Intend when I luivo leisure to altnid to It tii In Ing suit on account f his niakliiK thq sliitenunt whlih I Shaxi mi doubt was In rnt cniioctly repotted I shoulil hivo been hcttii I plpiscil Jt hclmil iniilp n fnink retiac l tloiT1 A ho has icfusod tn do this 1 lognrd It as my duly to hilng him to Justice AVUAT CQUOSUt SAID i In a bpeqch In Concoid X I on Oct fonlici1 Ilesidcnt lloosexelt In ills every bpttlejof Cod Uvc OHyoiT buyf originalstandard and only genuine preparation of Cod Liver Oil Injhe world Scoifs Emulsion Cod Llvtf Oil preparations with out this tradtmarkj are only cheap imitations many of them containing harmful dru oralcohol Be SURE 0 get SCOTTS ALL DRUGGISTS cualng tlig worKincns compensation mcibine ns reported us saving 1 The Detnouatlc larly of Connecti cut hns nouiliuitcil foi Bovernor a man who whllo JuilRLoccupied tho most ictrogrcsslvu position possible on this question of workmens compensation a mini who took the view tlliit It was competent foi u workman when driven to titcppt uny employment to bltul hln cir not to he compens itcil for thi > loss of life nnil llmh 111 thut occupa tion Whon this htatcmcnt was culled to JjJiIio Halrtulnti attention ho ilsnlicl Hint ho had ever occupied such a po sition nnd sint u letter to Ml Roose velt making such denhil and asking for n retraction of the statement The rcplv fioni Col Roosevelt Judgo Unlilvvln did not iefcnnl us complylntf Utli his iciucst mill lit1 icpeited hla ilnm uul for lutructlon His announco ment of his Intituled action apalnt the formci picslrlcnt follows the receipt of mother tettei fiom Mi Roosevelt which JmlKP Haldwln does not regard na satlafjIiiB his ilcmiinil Tho old old story told times wlth otjUmimbur and icpeated over nnd ovci niiln for tho Inat IB vears hut llJrinlwa > i 11 wilconii rtorj to those Inscarch of health Theiu Is nothing In tho world tint cures coughx und colds so qtilcklj as Chamberlains Jlemcdy Sold by nil denlorH vv rites Tire Insurance on dwellings J04 Atlas Hlock rivjiAi YIHS roit Mexico tltv Nov 5 Robert A Clump fonnui iishlcrof the KrdiTtl Hanking ympTiiy which failed eov nial niuiitha < K < > wus today sentenced to 1 > cars Ipipi imminent following his coinlctlon foi Qinbozllnp 68000 from the Institution Thin Is the maximum 1 unity piovlded hj Mexican laws Tho Liink was nn Amctlcan hou = o The greatest crisis in a womans Ufa is wlian first she becomes a mother All tho physical strength of her naturu is demanded at such times and it is necessary that hor system ho thoroughly prepared for tho event ill order til at hor health ho preserved for future years Mothers Friend Is womans safest reliance ifc is a medlclno for external use composed of oils and other JuBrcdionta > jhlcli assist nature in all necessary physical changes of tho system Itsregular4mo before tho coming of Taahy prepares tho muscles isndt tendons for the unusual strain aids in expanding tho skin and flesh fihros Sjivnel strengthens all tho memhranes and tissues Mothers rriendlessons tho paia nnd danger at tho crisH andlcavcs tho mother in such healthful con Vdltion that her recovery is always liaplrt and natural Mothers Friend Is sold at drug stores Write for our frco hook for expectant mothers JJRADFIELD REGULATOR 00 Atlanta Ga J Why when ovprylliiug wo havo to pat isiso high shoitld AVO npt tlcsil where we can savocthe most The Ensign Groqcvy Co qertaiuly docs more for ihoiivcnstomors than any qthor Grocery They give you tickets on qadi iurchasc where accounts arc not i cent arid ke p your 11101103 The Ensign giAcs you 3 per cenf and full value for your money SiAo 3 cents oir100 save 30c on 10 save 3000 in one year save 30000 in ten years You Avho deal with tho 151 East Third South will get rich Bell 1078 5511 THREEPHONES Ind 3145 Mo etilbl9ies are rubbed out than woriiout GOLDDUST saves tt rebbing and saves your clothes Do riot use Soap Naphtha Borax Soda Ammonia or Kerosene with GOLD DUST f GOLDlDUST has nil desirable cleansing qualities in a perfectlyharmlcss and lasting form The GOLD DUST TvVINSneed no outside help GOLD DUST lathers instantly in hot or cold hard or soft water converts itself instantly into thick vigorous suds thatlremove grease grime and settled stains and clearjOufygermXand impurities It leaves only cleanliness and wHolesofneness in their wake GOLyD DUST spares you and protects jour clothes Vw1 jr j > it irm washboard Saveyourself long hours of wearyvdreVy toil j double tHe lifekof y DqSTnext asH day Dn not bodn Ammonia gonKeroaenei vvitli I CioldDmt Gold > u8t lias allideair ableclennsinr ouiliiiea in a perfectly Letltha COLD DUSTtfWNS narmle hndlaatlnt < orm do tour uark Lumps Seven ofjIisQuestions lntoJDne and Says Hejs for Tariff Revision Downward STIMSON MAKES LAST APPEAL I TclK Voters Issues of Campaign Arc Clear Cut mill fur Iollch Of Go > Xe York Nov 6 Twelve questions addressed last nltfht to John A Dlx by Henry 1 Stlmson were answered to night In ti statement from Democratic Htato headquarters In this cits where Mr Dlx was In consultation today with Chairman Huppueh nnd their asociato advisers Questions ono to seven he lumps and answers In a p irngraph They relate he mild to ny posi tion on tho tariff and the high cost of Ilv Ing To them 1 again say that 1 be lieve In the nrcesulty foi nn honest and downward revision of tho tariff To n question relating to labor he rc jilled Tho best ovldcncn of my atti tude toward labor Is found In the fuel that therq has ne r bicn 1 strike In tho mill which I control tint the men regulate theli own hours of I ibor that they uro free If they choose to Joltutho unions of their crifl that tho wages we pay are nt least equal to the highest paid by ans of our competitors nnd average J2 33 per day Before answering the questions sev eral of which lelnte to state matters Mi Dlx In his reply says Yolir In sinuations that I am attempting to slide Into tho great oftlce of Eovemoi on a policy of silence1 Is In line with > our conduct In calling mo a feckless liar nnd an upstart I do not connlder that vour qu s tloni nre naked In good faith oi that > our communication was sent to nn foi any purpose other than to set fiom be neath the destroylnB shadow of v < iur nominator and to Impress tho people of the state with the notion that > ou ind not ho Is mv opponent 4 I have dlcussed nt length and fully the IHSUCS of this campalsn but lest there should be In tho stute uny CHIP who Is In doubt as to my position on any question I repeat for his Information that I stsndanuarpty on the Rochester platform nnd unlike youl nominator I nm not apologizing for the tariff oi any othoi plank In the iilatformon which I stnnd ST1MSOX lfiSUrS IjAST UPJ Mi TO THE VOIKItS New Yoik Nov 6 Tlio Republican iiomlmi for iiox rniir Heniv I Mlm hon tonight Issued what he railed bin Mast apuoil to the voters It will not hoxvcAci he his last public uttcr nncc tit tho campaign for both ho mnl Theodore Roosevelt will he dinner > jiiestn tomorrow nlsht of the Hun garian Republican club on the East Side Thu statement In part reads Tho Issues of Iho campaign arc now clearcut On oui side vvo stnnd for proeiORS ejirrjlng out tho policies of the administration of tlov We stand for an efficient alato govern ment dolnff Hi duty to the Individual citizens and JstnndhiB n the surest safeiruard against undue fedeial ox tenslon nut we bollovo In keeping the public service corporation nut of poll tlcH and iPBulatlnp It In the Intercuts of tho flllzeiib nnd tho nubllr Ve hellcvp In the moio efficient ad mlnlatratlon of our luboi lav In bet tei piotcctlon of the lives nnd limbs of our workmmi In our factrles and upon our inllioads In mnro efficient child lalmr laws in the workmans cimipcnsatlon net which practically provides him nn Insurance nsrnlnst ac cident In dangerous tradns We be lieve that the state his a positive duty > help ilie working man not only aRalnst phxhleal accident hut hy RV Ing him a better ehancp In llff with better hours and better worklnff condl tlOHH Against us nrn nrrn > e < l tho forces of leactlon Theli orfriiui boast that we nro wltliout funds nnd the Demo crats hue all the moiioy they want This means tint wo aro flRlitlnft thn battle of the Individual citizen and de pend on his vote and that behind oui opponents nro certain powerful Inter ests which have a distinct adxnntago In a loose und Inefficient state govern ment Tho enmpnlgn of our opponents upon the state Issues has vlitually col lupMd Mr Dlx who boi < iii with a Vhilllpplc against tho waste nnd ox tnivnfpnce of the Republican lulmlnls tuitlon has utterly failed to ijlvo any specifications of these charges To cover this collapse upon the icil Usues Of tho campaign ho Is now tiylng to rldn Into office by appealing to tho discontent of tho people irlslng out of tho Increase in the cost of Ilv Inc He chaises this suffering to tho trusts nnd tho tariff nnd w eksto lay on my larty the lesponslbillty of tliese evils I am willing that thn people should judgo between Mr Dl and me oven on this fnlse Issue I hay boforn them my mcoid In ilRhtlne against the eh cioachinnntu of apwlnl prlvllegp I hnv Cj a keen xenso of tho tremen dous icsponsllllty which goes with the office of the chlef ecutlvq of this ulnto with Us nine million peoplo If elected I shall administer the office with nn earnest and conscientious aim o be theKOvemor of the enllio poojilc without fear or favor with exact and etiual Justice towards rich and poor alike nnd In tho Intel est of nil WANT TORPEDO DESTROYER SPECIFICATIONS CHANGED Wiuthlnirton Nov 5 General Mnna r Walter A Tost of tio Nctxpoit NCHH Rhlpbulltlliiir iV Drviloek com pany accompanlpd by DeCouucy May and Henry H Groxt preHldenl of thu Now Vork ShlphulldliiK company and tho Cramps company icspectlvely called on tho acting Hecretary of tho navy JleeUman Wlnthrop jcstenlay to seek a chanKo In the specifications or tho four now torppdo llestroyc blda > for which will he opened next Wednesday S1 The specification call for trlalH of the vetsels In iv nter not Ions than 40 fath oms deep The nhlbulllcra mentioned VMinleilHhom chnnRvd Iporder to per mit hci trials to bo lelil ovjr the lyev esDelayriro course vx hero hero U only 2i fathoms Jt vvius tho Intention of tho department vxhen tho specifica tions vvflrOyrtrAwm tor haYOHtllor trjals held over tho HoclIand Me ioast courso r Mr yinthrop said ho would takotho matter under eornd > j v Croup IH most provalontrdiirlntr tho ctrycold weather of thejearly vvlntor months Parents of Voimff children tdiould bo proparcd for1 Alt that Is needed H a bottle of Chamhcrltilns COUKI Iemed > Mnny mothers arc never without It ln their homes and ltjhnsnever disappointed UlfomS Sold 3V M n ftfM wt ff H > T i Miw i Urnoi of VVashlnBfuli for the relum tp thlH state of CurOH nohr undei ar rfbt In Seattle riimrvuitited In Vnter tovxnj N YJ on aT clmigo of embes zllnf 13000i of tho funds of the Na tional vUnlonJ bank of that city In vUilch ho vvasemplojed an a cleik O H BIEtitJClVCHAIN C < X jHay dralnrandiCoal 110 w lit Bo BomPhono12B2Jt3Ind 1404 NOTICE V Notice Is hcichy lvrn lint a special stockholilera meeting of tho SUPUhlOR MINING COMPANY acorpoiatlon or canlscd under the lawa or the atnte of Utnh In cnlledand will be Vlil nt tho office or the company No 612 Tcmplcton nulldlnff SaltLjxKO City Utnh < llonday November 7th l910 at 0 a in Tho object nnrtpurposa of mid meet Inn Is to iconald r and vote upon tho proposition to amend the Artlcc of In corporutlonJofjenld company In the foi loxvhiK iiartloulnrs tovxltr liy slrlkhiK out t rtlelo nix n It now appears and InsorJnR In lieu thereof < AimcLn vi The amount of tho cpllnl stock of the corporitlon shall be J10W1 dlvldoil Into 1X0003 shared of the par value ot 3 tents each And for the purpono of transactlnc any othcf business that may propcrlj corno boforo the muetlmc Dated October 13th 1910 WILLIAM N WITtIAMS President A PAnTPIDOU Pec > NOTICE NOTICt OK SPUCIAD STOCKI10ID URS MEETINO To tho stockholders of tho GRANT OOLD MINING COMPANY Notice Is hereby slveii that iLupcclnl mpcthifr of the Rtoukliolders of sild company Is hereby c tiled and will bo held at the of fices of the company at 22 South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah at 2 oclock pm on the 12th day of November 1110 Tho nald meeting l called for the pur pose of considering and actlnc Upon tho proposition to amend th articles ot lu coiporllon of said Giant Gold Mlnlnn Company to reduce tho capital stock from 11 000000 W to 10 00 bj rcduclnc tho par xaluo ofUha Hhaics from Jl 00 per tharc to Ic per share and to consider nnrt act upon any other matters that may rroprrlj como before the mcothif THOMAS W SLOAN Socj October IS 1910 BIDS Bids will bo iccclvcd to tho slato board of examiners at tho office of Hi UnderilBned until oclock noon of November 1810 for tho tho lith day ot follonlni 2 Bpovkers avels 172 Unproved iKo > stone Binders > o C 1 01 other suitable file for leRlsIntlxo Journals lettered on cover 172 Improved Kojstona Minders No 14 U or otherBultablo fllo for leulsla tixo bills loitered on cox or 2 biasHcdco rulers 10 In 2 dozen wire waste piper baskets K in hlRli 12 In icros top 1 iro legal tabluts neutral tint rul rd 1 ross note tiblem neutral tint rul 3 reams LJnon tvpewilter piper 61 bv 13 medium vvelKlu 15 reams cnKrossmfj paper suitable for enrolling bills 1 000 sheets Llttloa Cobweb cirbons MOOO llthocranlicxl llncnt letterheads OUO printed letterheads 20W > envelopesNo01 printed 1000 envelopes No 10 printed 2000 envelopes No H printed 2000 envelpes No H prlntcil All envolopon to bo XXX NO 1 stock 1 gross tubes paste Wcls 6 gross Kabers pencils assorted num 1 gross raedlunT hard rubber penhol ders 1 gross large rubber penholders 10 quirts Arnold s writing fluid 0 pints Sanfords red Ink 27gros Kaherh No SI rubber binds 72 gross Fabors No > 16 rubber binds t gross rahers No XXXII ruhboi bands gross rabcrs NojCOuOJ iiibbur binds 2 gross rabers rubber bands k in wide 5 In long 1 gross Tabors Emerald erasers MJ 111 > 6 pairs 12 In binkers shears good qunljt 3 gross J nosers t Sons knife blade steel erasers rubber handle B In 4 onlv Challenge lijelct presses No 15 only 2 oz boxes Challenge cjrlcls 8 only sq hiss safely inkstands medium t > lzp 6 onh 2X page broad cap records clotlileither ImckK and corners good paper Huxslin corners S 16 onlj ICO pane broad quarto records clothleader jbacks nnd corners good paper T 5 only Ironframe copper wire pen racks 35 by M 8 dozen Challengo envelope openers 2 onlj Victor postil scales 2 dozen Inkwells for loglslatlvo desks 1100 printed manuscript covers 12 forms 10000 voting lists The above to bo delivered at tho of flco of tho Seeietiry of Slate on or before the 3Int ilnv nf December 1910 JlaterlnK printing ruling and bind ing assessment rolls for tho several counties of tin Stato for the > car 1111 and 1012 bills to lm at the rate nor sheet for which same will be Xurnlslicd Material printing ruling ono hundred sheots more or less assessment net pro ceeds of iitlne Material printing Humoring and fold Ing taxpivers statpmonts for tho year 1911 and V12 bids to bo at the rate per thousand for which uamo will be fur nished Material printing numerlng and fold ing statements fui the iQliirn of tho net proceed of mines for the jcar 1H1 and 1112 bliH to b at tho rate per thousand for which simo will be furnished nlda for sssi sBment rollH and taxpis ers statcmpnls must Include wrapping and delivering to thn express or freight office reads for shipment to tho sev eral county clerltB and must bo deliver ed on or beforu tho 2nd day of January 1111 nnd the 2nd dav of January 1912 Material setting tjpe and nrestivxork for printing thn journals of tho SMinto ami Jlnutp of llepresvnlaflves of ths Ninth Session of the legislature of the Stale of mill In small pica t > no solid ifl conies of each to be printed dallv tho forms to > < h > ld until corrected by thn respective houaH when 2CO ad dltlonal copleb of cirh aio to be print ed upon the corrected forms to bo bound at thn i lose of thn session Material t > Reselling and press work for prlnllng I8 legislative bins of Hio ninth session of the Legislature Mnall Pica l > pe open lines section lines numbered coiPecutlvely Mntrrlil Ispesetthig and press work for prlnllng W copies of Ida laws ot Iho ninth session of the Legislature Hacli bidder mut stato at what pilco linvwlli sell to Hie public copies at Iho halt session laws MatcrliH and PICSR work for printing on ono sld of tna papoi 1000 copies of Buch amendments ns are made to ihu Complied Laws of Utah 1IW Material tjpeseltlng nnrl press work for pilntlne certain reports of depail ments of the Rlato government and nub ile Institutions In finnll pica solM to lm bnBPd on W to 1000 eoplea Also at whit rale additional copies will iw furnished ptr lliousaml Malcrlal and binding 250 copies each of tho Journals of tlio llouso and Senate In law sheep Material and binding ROO copies of the Laws of tho Ninth Senslon In law ihcep Material and binding In papei tho separatn reports of departments and pub lic Institutions tho bidder to furnish and print the covers > Material and binding In law sheep re poHs of department and Public inotl tullons 150 volumes AH nrlnllnir and binding munt bq In nccordance with Hie quallflcatlonB on file In Iho office of tho undersigned Bample muBt lu submitted wllh bid on all arllclcH cxeept thyso that arc lioflnilob described by name1 All miterlal and work toxbodeliver ed at the offlco of the SecrolarvJ1 of Stale cxcepl Iho dully rrilmitcsof Hie rrsslon which nro to ha delivered to thn ivspcctlvo houses and tho assessment rolls and laxpapcis tslBlcmonls which must b delivered astdlrected IJftrh bid must be accompanied vllh a cerllfled check equal lo 10 pel conl of Iho amount of tlio bid rflO bo held upon con dition that unon the awardof tho con tract tho bidder will faithfully and nroroptly execute a00 and Biifflclent bond uavablo to tho stale lo ho approved by said Do ird condllloncd that he will perform tlm worker deliver tho snpplkH Jar which io ban contracted Binder such Allies and retaliations iiHitno board may tirescrlho and for itlio faithful psrfornv anco of the contract 7 S Tho Hoard lvserJveshoVtlRittojrtJeet any and all jblds or toaawardf thpcon Itract forany olass of xxorkjior supplies S ra SlatolIin rd1ofiixHmliiers tig Kt Byic ayrmonY NOTIOC UTAH ARIZONA 5OUD X 71ININUJCOMPANY IMInclpil placeBjOf business Chloride ArUona and bait Lake Cltj Itih PilncliMl office 107 Contl mntal Niiloinl Hank UiilldhiB halt Lai o flty Utah Location of mines Mohuxa founts vTerrltOrv of lAilzomi Notice rhere an Icllnnuvnl upontlit followhiB described slock on account of Hastssmenl No 4 of ono cent le per slmre Iovled in the 52iul of September A D 1910 llio scril amounts set opposlto the names of thu respoctlve shareholders as follows crt > Name Shrs Ami fjL Mnrtlneaii 1000 10 1D1 fjL Martlncu 1000 IOW 214 L Martlmnu t 400 40 223 Martlneai > 1200 120 224 l Marllncuu W 4 W CJI I U Maitlneau SCO i 0 W 175 lmies Stelo 109 100 840 James i SUelo 13J Ct ii Chrlbllm Anderson 1 M 101V IS > 2 Christian Anderson 40i 40Vj Kfl Clirlxlljn Andeison lWO 31 I r Hatch fl 4 L r llateli G 101 15 L r Hatch 1 WO IOW MS I r Hatch 1 W 1000 iii ii j iiutch 200 2 W 333 H J Hatch TO 100 li Wm Cirutli > 4000 1000 13 J t Ithetd 10 coo 45 T L Uhind 6iK CO I a JohiiHton ICO 10 l II V O Johnston 1C 10 f f24 I O Johnston 1lfl 7iM P O Jolnibton 2 jjoo ii Matlii > x Noill tor s w S3 13 S Lmpy i lOiiO 1000 134 i a impv i co > 100 to i a itnpy oi 2000 rw i d imij 2 13 00 K3 ticorgu Imls 1100 10 00 647 OOIKV Uivls f < i 613 deorge Divls 1 H r o I C IliuiMMi 1000 S 1 Itinscn 3GuO 3000 1r C Hancn 1 0 > S3X r C Ilaiisen in IOW X r t Unnsc ld > low 4W r C Hansen 1000 10 III 4 4 i C llanscri 14V > 10 00 IM r c Hanscn 1 lOOi 70 T C Hiinscn COM CAW 770 r C Hanscn 4 S 1210 I A i irmpj n 1000 Gil A i ijiupv vn 500 Joseph Anderson 000 a oo 7UI Joeph Anderson 30 K 01 AT f < o Ilrunl i M 5ft T23 John union 3001 30 01 1 I Hatch B 500 ns 1 I II itch i M 30 Tlioimih A tlielloi 1000 IOW Ihonias A Shelley 1 V 1000 1 honms A Shellev in 10 Ihomiis A shellej > WOJ Gio Hill Jr t0 100 Oio 1111 Jr SM Gco K Hill Ir 10ft 10 0 C4I Gco n HIM Jr 177 17SO ri2 Gco i Hill Ir 250 coo UaKei Hro noo 117 JoxtUh Cull 1 > > 13M f71 Josnih Call C3i I C5 41S J H SIe le 37M 37 1 7 J II Steelo M 5 00 HU J H Steeln 1 1100 42T J Jolnson IWiO 100 4Vi J p rmlloj 2oro 201X1 mir i P DiilIey 2000 21100 fit Dclbcrt SlraiiEer li > 1000 lui 1 Hhillcy 7W 7M C4 r S Johnson 7W 37 i T WlIlhiniH 2M n Williams M COO 04 n i Will HUB 1W 100 i i WIIII mis < 9 m s Stantre 1IXX 1000 141 A iz 40 Hosnno v Dinning 20 JSI KoMnn W Dinning 10 10 51 feo A 1115 I < W > 100 47 W I llrdsay 4 01 Mosei rrlht 1 tA 10 0 C < LI Moses Wilghi M f 00 17 Clms II Divtftn 4il I 01 142 Clms Ui Wistnn 1AOO loco SKI O 1C Wlllier i 1001 100 MO tilnri It Ctancon u 5000 MIX S7 Wni Ilolmci flCW COO 550 P C Jliamwcll f 1 Ol 10 X 551 Allen C Kiiklii S9 1 And In nctoidaiicu with liw ntul tin older of Ihu Iloaid of DlreclorH made on ho 22nd diiy of Soptehiber A U 131U so nianv sliurcs of oacli parcel of utoch i mny bo ncctusnry will ho solil nt pulx llo auction ill UK of flic of the com pany IV Conllnentiil Viitlonal Hint 1UlldlnK Silt Iiikc Cll Utah on Men ilny the 1UI I l of Noxctnber A D 1MO it 10 oclock a m to iny the ilolln nupnUaascsnmcnt tlirraon toircthei wltli thovfosl of lidNPrtKlnif and cxiwusc1 il Bile ALTiit J 1JURTOV Sccrttnry Ilv John V fielcoi A ilitunt Hfcrctar > Denver Rio Grande R R TIJfE TAIJLE In Kffcct Juno Wth 1313 DEPARTDAILY Provo Jnntl and Mnrjsvlle T M l m UlnRham and Mldvalu S 00 n m Dcncr Chicago and Hast S 10 a ni Park City 3 3 a m Offden and Intarmitllito Points 10K a m Ogdcn and Sin 1rnnclsto l < 3 p in Ogdcn Han rrinclscu and Port land 2 s p m OK < UM San Tranclsco and Port land 2 CO p m Mldilp and RltiRham 2 5fl p m Denver Chlcnco nnd East 4 03 p m Proo Tlntlc nnd Intermediate Points 5 Cpm ORdcti and Intermediate Points nto p m Denver Chicago and Hast JO p m Grand Junction nnd Intermediate points 720pm OBIIIMI Snn rranclsco nnd Port land 1130pm ARRIVE DAILY Osden Snn Frinclico and Port land S 00 i m Ogdcn and Intermediate Points 10 W a m Provo Tlntlc and IntcrmedHte Points JO 3 n m JHncham nnd AlliUnle ID SO a m Denver Chlcaco nnd EIKI 130pm Ogden and Intermediate Polntn IMl pm Dpnvor ChlciiRO and Hist 225pm Grand Junction nnd Intermed nte points 230 p m Oedn nnd Snn rranclsco 335pm Park City fl 00 p m Hlnphmn and Mldvaln t SMS o m Proo Mintl Marjsvalc Ilober 60J p m OKdin him rranclsco and Port nnd 7 M p in Dotucr Clilcneo nnd Cist 1115 p m Otdcn San rrnnclco nnd Port land 110 pm ASIISMEM Isnlleo Is herehv clxen tint it a inet Inij uf the hoaid of otrecton < f TOR HANI IIJIL MIN1NC CO licld 11111 tlio 24th dn > of Octohir 1010 tv tlm iifrlci nC Vnunit Movie nn noeismcnt of U inlllh pir him re IB levKd tin thu uipltnl stockorihe corporation omHlnmUm pn > Snblo Imincill itelv to Dux Id fcmollh > iec letari at tho offlco or VOIIIIR Mt > k Dceixt National Tlnnk HulMliiR Silt Inku City 1lnli Any nloK upon nhlili tilts iiH etsnicnt into rrmnln unpaid on thu 2Slli d tj nf Xovoinhor 1110 will lm dclliiuonl nnd unl < < s msinont H madn on 01 hnforo tho 17th day of IVc mber 1910 will bo void nl 1L n m In tho nfflco of VOUHK i Molo to pn the dellnrnirnt iitsci mont lOROthor with cost of tulxcr tlsInK nml expense of snli i J PMELLIE riccretnry Ilrst publlcntlon Oct 21 1C10 Till KOVAIi JIAII ftti mi JnpKijl oiup my CruliB do IJIIMI to Cub i fit Inillr t iMium i Bfrmiiii i S > vents f lr itptilinci In the v t indlti IM seiiKi Irade II M S P luluScrew AVON 11 OH Tons Jan I 11 ilnH > JIW and up Teh IS U iloxl 1V and up Man h r 15 llllNM JM Hlld lip Ihu onlj MimiKM riilPlnjr In the Vfil Imllus apocliliy tonsilutUd for Foivloo In the Tropics toKly MllIiiRs from new pier I N It NV Jkrmudn Culn Jtunilin Pamma V t Indk11 Aores On alloinitn Sit in clijH h > Vcst India Mill Sfc 1111 or nn I Intorvonlnu Salurdivs j the now famous UM S 1 T rent rf2S tons Sanderson t on 2121 28230 MAIN STJIBCT Tho Store for Men and Boys VlcU QInc Flume Oil CoolcStovc Retulyntni y niomtnl for cooLln IiLlu lionlni Does not ovcrhcnt the licli5a A splendid stoic for MI in in cr cooklnr IconoiulcalnnleiallyrcKUlatiHl Thrcciiici CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY COAL Onlv experience cnn mcnsiiro coal nuillty Touvo fot to burn HIAWATHA COAL III vour Ptoxi Kialo or furnace to IhoroiiKhly know Its superior coodness When joti buy IIIAAVATIIA COAT you fot Ihu extiomo limit oC Iho besl quality nf blluinlnotis 001 mined from Miithei Hailh Ioi Mile by thu follovlnff dealers rcilcral Col Compnny GrldKy Hvaii Coal Co Alllunce Invcslmenl Jo Mon Is Hi in Coal To AVestorn Jui1 Company Hampton Coal Compini Jcromr reed 1 Juel Co HuibrlilBO Coal Co T A Dunyon Conl Co WoodrulT Sheets Morris Coil Co AVnsatoh Supply Company Consolidated Fuel Co Jcsso IT WIillc ficnl Siles AsU Salt Lake Cltj T jih Denver Sio Grande Scenic lino of tho World 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY Salt Lake to Denver Through Pullman sleepers to Chicago and points cast Steamship tickets to all parts of the world Ticket Office 301 Main St Vtoth Phone 171 Federal Coal Co lias tho onlv conl vard In tho Mcst with a Concretefloor Conl handled fioin thla floor must necessarily ho Clean Coal o Amenta for Kcm merer anil QimnQucaly Jtoclc > Coal when you want ltv x OtHco lGO Main Street rardK 8thhomid 2 nil W St P J MorariV GiiiieralJIaiiaBiir r TH OBilUiruGinl Sulos ARt V x Grow from small ones Thai is why we are moie than TOi willing to receive small de posits anil then help the < lc poitoi make his account il woith while hoth to himself and to Hie bank If > ou have not formed the habit of spending less than Iw you make what chance have fe yon of independence in later life5 la it going to be easier next eai lo break i habil uliich like all habits good and bad is becoming more fixed diiily I The only way to begin having 11 I 4 Ii ing moiiej is to Ixgin Dont i wait until next week or next month or next veir Stirt with i if vii cant spate more then hiibtle to add to thib beginning The State Bank of Utah r = = = SALT IAKC CITY UTAJI EatabllslicJ in ISM Solicits accounts of Minks Firms and Individuals and extends to cus tomers every reasonablu courtcoy and facility JOSEPH F SMITH President ANTHON H LUND VIco President H J GRANT VIco Irisldcnt CHARIKS S BURTON Cishlcr H T McHWAN Asit Cuahlar National Bank of the Republic U S 1JKPOS1TORY TRANK KNOX President JAMKS A MUIIHAYVICO President W r KARt Cuihlor R A CULUURTONAS3L Caahlor Capital and Surplus SCSOCOW A tliorouEhly modern savlnK3 de parlment conducted In connection wllli this banlc Safety deposit boxen for r nt R G Dun Co an OITICES The Mercantile Agency GeorKO Rust Oencril Manager Idabo Nevadi Utah and Wyoming Office In Progress Bulldlnff Salt Lake Cltj Utah Merchants Bank 277 MAIN orncEns ir P CLARK President JOHN J DALT VIco President A H PDABODY VIco President VV H SHEARMAN Cushion Established 1580 Ufali Commercial Savmgs Bank WM r ARMSTRONG President BYHON GKOO Cashier Commercial Ranking In nil Iti Hranches Four per cent Interest paid on eixlngs deposits ACCOUNTS SOLICITED THE DESERET SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS IV W liter President Oeorso rioniney Vlc President ElKs A Smith Cashlor L s Hills John R Darnes lohn C Cutler David Ec cleti A Vf Carlson George Suther land Hcvcl Smoot V p James C W Nlblpy A V Ilni 1 ner cnt Interest paid on sivlnjrs 4 < l < < < V BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Established 1S73 The Utah National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Capital and Surplua EUOOOOOO Accounts of Banks Corporation rirmo unit Indlvdunl Invited < por cent on 8avlnn Ucposlts W B McCornlck Pr sl R T Bad Kcr Cnahler T R CutJcr Vice Print C H Wells Asst CnaDIor Continental National Bank Capital 25000000 Etcrj Iiranch ol n modem bank J E Cosffrlff Trcs W V Nobla VlcoPrcfl T W ilojer Cashier Deseret National1 Salt Lake City Utah tJNITED STATES DKPOSITOHV Capital 50000000 Surplus 50000000 omcins I S ItlLI President JOHN C CUTUit VIco President II S 1OUNU Cashier E S HItU AMt Cashier F I W IIURION A t Canhlcr i John R Barnes V Vv Rltcr A V Carlson OnorRai Honiray John C Cutler Reed Smoot David Ecelcs John C bharp L S IIIllM H G Whltnuy V H Mulntyre Tt D Millet KrinilH M L > miin Safetj Deport Boxes for Ront