OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, June 08, 1900, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1900-06-08/ed-1/seq-6/

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runuciicns: cronm: iwatp co.
Char! V." Kiuijp. Itc- l. on - J5-C-cree
!.. Allen. ! lreije-l.
v. c. can. tw3uuy-
Off-os, Corner Seitatri si" "ve Slrts.
TEltilS Or' SL1teC3SnTIJN.
i:y Mail-In Adv-mce-rests-- mpil-.
One Year 77
Mi Moatli- .... 3"
Three lloralu tl" " .Z
Any time days ecext Sunday, one year...-. "
Huaday, wU Masazir.e -. -'"
FP-cIiil Mall EdUlon. Sunday -
Sundax Ma-arise :X''-H;i''-
;e- . .lady only
Per wee. dul and Sarlay - """
SMWisl-ta Murnlay and TLur-daJ -ow ysar-.rl.es
lie-rait by tanfc 4iraf. epr-. see-vey order e?
,., AMmK THB RElvm4c
sw lai. M&
ErnJeied enraronlit!ons eannot be returned
cnder any clrconiJiiani.
riuered at the r.i OnVe at St. Iaaiis SIo..
rsraod-rlsM mailer.
lKht. ten and tw.lvn pa-ea 1 cent
Sixteen, -l-lrteen and twenty .
I critt tor one o 3 vm for tw paper.
7reaij-t or tweetvMcht pm. Scent
ZDtrrype Jrema
TKLi'iIUN'S NUJUiinta.
P. 1 Kaalvh
Coanlbw-llncio Ham MJ A f 7i
Editor! 1 1 nsTtlc-i Rfn Pari. 1" A 6.
Friday. jrNB s. i
Vol. 52 J- 2
M.. cn:cn.ATios.
W. B. CMrr. llbslness 51anar of TUB St.
Iouls Republic. brlnK djlv aw. rn. sr that
the actual nunKer r 'i!! nl rimplne
copiei or the Jaf'y snl Sun-iay K-put4tc.
printf.1 during t!j morth rf Mv, V?0
nil In regular ctlitlous. saias per aeUclule
u.te. Con r. c-i'e
1 SO.ISO 17 8-;,2o0
2 60,210 IS 84,100
3 0,S20'19 86,W0
4 SC.0S0 20 Sudar..R4.120
5 62,355 21 13,060
C Sunday.. S-I.2G0 1 2-J So,450
7 S0.030 2- 82,410
S 7,20'21 82,570
9 80.560 25 S2.840
10 65,970 20 S4.V70
11 61.-J60 27 Sunday. 33.S90
12 OO.ifcO 2o t2,820
13 Snnday..S4,770'2J 82,090
14 ."...84.710 : S2.810
15 84,6 10 13! 82,130
15 84,4001
Total for the r.tonth . . . .
. 2,5S-1,6J5
lf ail copies spoiled !n prl: t
lr.ff, left o-.er or flltl
Net number distributed 2,53 1 ,492
Average la:l y tlialribritioa 81,661
Arrt tald V.' B. Carr Inrthcr sy tit
the number of coplea returr.cd or r-5trti4
lcsoW during tlio mutitu of il wu
tin per ceat.
Sworn to nnd sulcr:bi bffore me tbla
th:rty-:ir?t day of ila. two
J r. FARhSH.
Notary Pultlk-. C'tv of Pt UuU. ilo. My
temi eacpirea . Ml -C. Liftl.
The opinion of City ("Vmnafior sfc'Imur
mnolier allirntiu the coiisticutionjillty
ami iitlldlty f ' ''ll to repeal tli"
franchisc'i f the Mii-nt car oinipunifs
Sive it inuterlal liniHirtau- ami vrar
rauth Its f-crIot:s oi)UsuIfratl'U.
Tlm irnrtil of the fniui-'hivs. aoconllns
to the I'jiiuiou of tlii; Jny cutiSflor antt
aectirdiiis to sense. '.. uld 1 noiliins
more than revoke the ribi f t'ne j.jriu
eat o nerb of the 1 rauclus'S lo ulKTatir
cai on the stieeU! of the city.
Tbeie is rea-on to bolievi that iome of
the i.Ton- who Iiave been i)ns'-jn this
measure believe that the rerteal 't tho
t'nmehiso would at once turn ovi-r to
the city all the traces viulpiurats. i,-er-honsey,
niaehmerj and rolling Moek
tieloiiin to the niiluaj e rL.i.iiiii-, aud
that all the city would liave to t'-, oald
Ik? at onee to 1-m the ofratiM t.f
l'et ir as :t mumi-ipal i-meri)rie.
This Is not the e.ite. Si.jij.se thv pivs
ent comiLinle, mil not ni-t tue ordi
nance in the courts, wliieh i- a ireK8
lerous a&umpiion. the revocUwrti of Uio
present frauthNes v.uuld Ie:te he city
:ib-o!uiel without traEhprtation facili
ties until new fivu:chi'-ea eouhl be graiii
il and new road built or -iiuii;ed T
the pietut nwd" aud eiiuipiueuih ae
iiuiied by pun. hate from the i:i'M'iu
The eity could not buy the piuperty
even if the pritont owiiet were vulhu,
to selL It has no money available fcr
the iiurjx-. Cftpitalieu woultl bo un
willing to risk their money In u n4d as
uuccrtaiu as &uch legislation would make
fct. Lnuii-.
There is nothing attractive In the bill
now ln-fore the Council. Jt coiupiirau
the iuettioii Instead of aiding m iu so
lution. STATHMKNT Ol' l'ACT.
The moveinvut eu the patt of Demo
cratic Senators for a plain declaratioa
by Centres to the effect that tho Ciay-tuu-lSulwer
treaty is no lunger in force
is timely as well as propei.
Until the pre-ent intimate undcretand
In with Great I'.ritaiu was roslercd I.y
I'ri'sideut McKiuIey and Sv-cretary Hay,
American Secretaries of Statu have
maintained consistently that this treaty
was void for a number of reasons, one
of which was that It related to a canal
whose construction was lo have lwgun
arly in the i-ixties.
This traditional American contention
was alaudoni-d by Secretary of State
Hay when he formulated tho Hay
J'auncefotc treaty. That treaty would
provide for the building by the I uited
States at its own expense of an inter I
oceanic canal thi-ou,:!! Nicaragua, find
liractlcally for the joint ownership of
that canal by the European I'owen.
Tniler that treaty the United Stales
would be prohibited from fortifying the
cauaL from closing It lo r.n cHenij's
warships iu time of war or from carry- J
ins on hostilities in or near it. TV
United Stales, under that treaty, are to
have all tho lalxir, ezjieiisu and respon
sibility of the canal and no correspoud
lus compeiivatory benents. When the
tnaty was subinlt'oil to the Senate,
Secretary Hay pointed to it as a Rreat j
stroke of diplomacy iHausu it replaccil
the Clayton Itulnrr treaty.
A jilain declaration by Congress that
the Clavton-l.ulwcr treaty is void would
so far toward clearing up the Nicaragua
Canal question. It would sweep away
all past complications, would re-establish
the Monroe Doctrine, would serve
notice on foreign Towers and on (Jreat
llrltaui especially that the United States
propose to control and to fortify the j
Nicaragua Canal as tJreat Itritain has
lortilicd the Straits of Gibraltar, and j
that the Luited States propose to be
supreme on tho American Continent.
ch a course might not suit Great
15, 't in. Ti,d i t even brin a ir,ie.st
lrt'i.i l'i i e . ,i ry. inn 1 would b"
ri.it. If i.ii.:.ii not .suit tne head of
llie evttuute departments who h.no
Iu en plaviu into llie bauds o Creat
liritalu, but it would stilt the American
Vlddll IS ri:.ci:.
OiUcpts of the Transit company an
nounce that they an- ready to operate nil
lines on which bafety is assuuil.
(ifneers of the union announce that
striker are noi eii(,ad in acta of vio
lenw; that the iHlicy ami him-s if the
union forbid i.lene it twins n-eosnized
Uutt lawbredkuii; ibts barm and not
good to the caust).
These anniune ments r:t Initli sides
beiiij, accepted as true, why are not the
siiet cars h, ius oj-rausj n fiill h1hiI
ule at niKht as well as during the da) V
We must assume tiiat all violence and
threats of violence aie to be charged to
irnesiMiusilile IkhkIIuhis who are tlK- ene
mle tf the Ktrikers. tif tlie Tram.lt c.m
iciuy and of the public, common inn
baueet, the r.harp removal of which wdi
inert the cordial approial of all lionett
Violence and threats of violence there
aie. Men hare bven intimidated aud :ui
sauiieit. That is bad enough. Women
have been attacked. hoot teachers
have Uecu by vUlaliKtus threats deterntt
from uoiui; tko cars to reach their
.v!u:iln. scarcely a woman hi St. IuiH
ndc oa a car without apprehension. All
that is a ahame to the manhood of the
Aixtrrdimr to the aunounccnii nts on
lth KUicK. this d:$KRicefui oudition is
not d sired by anv ldy conmvled with
the t-trike. Iln summary corre-tio:i ly
til. authorities would be a boon to the
feinkt'LH ami ti the company. iti-iir-M''n
of oiMiiiler by tiie bleriicst tuethls
vvoulil i- wtU-oiirtil. The tafity f
u on, u' must be Kitardcd, If not by the
:.uti..iriti- then by uceent men Without
n.ui'1 :or the authorities.
loia-uce aud threaU and alarm por
val the cit. Arc the joilts and the
bUcrifTs iKse alMe to retrtore order?
Are ihy able to cive to the woiurn of
Su Ijui couiidetiee In tisiu? the pult
I.e bihw-a bervice of this n-at citj ?
So iur iliej have not been a'de to jrnanl
the fetreeis and cars. In addition to
Ineethie (htnyer l.y day, cituu-ns aro
cou,m-.1i d to pay an enormous tax for
the p.iilve of travertins the fctree s
after sui.iKnn.
uk-t. tin. SherirT posse is sumViont
to supplement the vvorli of ihe nilie,
the Governor must eihaimt the means
at his disposal by calling oat tlo militia.
He i uuwiIUus to iui tli.it stigma on
the local sovon.ment of St. l.ouit.. H'ts
ff?!inj; is ti'imend.ili. !n! he duubt
real!7B tiiat uisoriier d.M :t permit
hiu iv hisitate I.ub kIkii Vi-mtvn can
net travel sloii? the treet eswpt at
the risk of Insult and Injur.
There is. likely . ti'mifli. tvoliiics, jkt
iop.-il and party politim. in much of tlio
talk that haa n-aciid him. He can lHat
dowu little politician with the bic-er
IKilaies of summarv a. -non in behalf of
jK-.ict.lui women and men.
He ha conueuteci to a si rpflfrrhenin?
of tiie police. The pe ph indorse his
tutiou. lie iu shi. i,iU to the use of
the SherifTs ps. Tiie (woplo indors,'
tl ttctiou. If continued disorder and
alarm ainict the cny. the people will in
dorse ia uo ,f the uiditia. lie notl
not fear evil to himself or his T-art.v.
ttdoa lalx.r ha dechtnil its enmity to
lanlutakri . I i.i-.u labor, like etery
oth,r i.t of citizens, admires vigor
and boliin.sa.
It i uaiurai that Seuator Hji.i.i oC
Ohio sli'.aid have become angry ad in
iulsel in ioieut persomilitH when
enulur lVtiii.rew of St.utb DakotH. on
the lloor of the rk-uate, tkl from his
own kuottkl-e the methods euiitioyed
raiuo the Iti-publicau slusli-fuud' 0f
Ateoidius to Senator Pettigrevv"s
deiimte thare, lie was told l.j Mr.
Crump that tt t'rauip hhipbu.Idinjr
company contributed )fiiiju io tiie Ile-piibiK-au
-atii;Miu fiui-1 ol tuat jear
tu the uistiut-t condition ttit the
Crau-ps were to reivue Mjiitbuildiu
vontracls by ir. am. of tv hkh they cunld
reeunp lUeuiRelveo for that subscription.
Also, lieu Seiiator I'etl.gi-ew l courted
io the chaiiiuau of the U. puulc.ui Na
luiiai Committee the chaise made ly
Jir. Cramp that the JMmi.uou had Ix-clt
divertwi irom the 1'iu poses for whu-ii
it usmI lieen given, the latter. Senator
I'ltturin w declares, ,iuiiid and said:
"Well, we did hit the old man pretty
btoneo like th.s. of coutm', irritate Mr.
Ilauua, now iniuwlf about to ro out
among the srat svndi.-jiei. uud raise
a tdnsli-fuuil of kki,iaiu,iioii wnii vvhicli
to blilig about tae 1-e-eicUlon of Ml. JIc
Kuiley. Tiny iei-al t miwh of the
inside workings of the ItcjrtlDlicau or
gauiat.ou. Ta-y will add. to the impii
rar enan (ion tuat the ItepuuHcau party
li-s sol itself bodil to the trusts. They
aie not ralcuhited to increase ttoniilMi-
c-onhdenci: in the anti-trust plank, vviikh
will be iusertl in the Uejiublu.-aii plat
form this 3 ear as a feature of the
I'hari&eo lwrty's roiiiiuued game of
bunkoing the American jH-ople. It is no
wonder that Hauna lost his temper.
But loss of temjHr and an indulgence.
in ienri7flal alin.se will not tend to dis-
miirthe retlrew t rr-. WUatj(,5s
iM-cessary is for Ilanna io disprove that
story. If he cannot do this, the sooner
he drops the entire Incident and allows
it to rest unheeded the belter for him
and bis. partj. And, anyway. Senator
I'eiligrcws assertions do not astonish
the pu'.dlc. The transaction which he
charges to the Republican iny is so
tyi)kal of Republicanism as to be de-
old of a sensational at iect.
ran i'kopltj's ciioicn.
It may be sakl with exceptional coutl
deuce la the correctness of the assertion
that the nomination of Alexander M.
Docker for Governor of Missouri by'tbe
1 uiotratie Couvemion hut Wednesday
was ,t party act In direct oU-iIicih-o lo
tne will of Iiemociacv's rank and hie.
Long before the convention assembled
It v.-as unmistakably apparent that Mr.
Doekery was the choice of the Demo
cratic people of Missouri by an over
whelming majority. There was no mis
taking the i.ature or the extent of iho
popular demand for his noun nation.
hen Tin- Hi public, some mouths ago,
calkd for .-iu exprcK-k.u ol seutiiiient
Irom the DeiuifCK.lic press in eve y
ijuarter of Missouri the response in la
v or of Dockery was so well nigh unaui-
mi i..s that onpo.n e:n.d Iae withdrew
frein t!u ran
A liouiiuatii n ?o d -tlr-nli made by
the ci p!e it. jinely 1 i.iocial.c in har
:i ler ami ci'inol bat commend itsilf to
all Missouri;,!,., ,,f the true Ameticau
spirit. Jir. liH.erv wil be elect" 1 vlov-
rnor of Jllssettri by the otes of tie
situnly iteui'irnits wlio deinanded his
nomination. :i.j wh. hl. will wa law t.
the lVnii-cratie siate Convention He
h ill make a Coventor worthy of the p o
p!e and lojally devoted to the pe iple'.s
interest. The Uep.iUlie slmvrely be
lieves that liisaduiinistration will lieonc
of the wisest and most beticiUial known
In M!cs..nrrs b'siory.
Tlie ticket headisl by Mr. Ilmlter? Is
a Mwoj: aiiil repn-seuiatlve Ivmocratle
tlket. It should be vii'orious iu No
vember by a uiajor.ty worthy of Mis
souri's high rank in the national Ii-inoc-Ricy.
Trom thh, time uutil the d.iy t
eitelioa it is the duty of every .Misi-ouri
leiuocrat lo give his lwi endeavor to
the sucitsb of im, party In Ids State.
In the daily news r Mrts froui Illinois
It is f.ljrulin-ant to note tiiat the Tanner
machine is still cupaed in a viaort-sis.
proseeutioii of the 1. inner Ciilloin f,u.l.
and that da.v by day i: bruits down,
jioiiiimlly, such unwary mcmbcis of the
Cullom faction as chance to come withiu
ratijre of its factional sire.
Tlie Tanner feudists have lieen streng
thened to iui tiuejustii desn-e by the
nomination of youus Klehnrd Yates for
liovenior of Illinois, tiiat :unbiti..ns sen
of a I anions father provlii? prateful for
the sucwssfui Tanner tactics that used
lum a-: a club with which t knock out
: the Cullom gubernatorial candidate. I'u
I der tiiest- ih?vv conditions it cannot be
eiiwctcd tluit the Cuilolidtcs will ovcr-exi-rt
theinselv-s in the i-lh-ri iiiis'ssary
to elect u launer inau to micvccu Tiia
Jicr. Illiatds I)euKHrats should not fail to
prortt to the utmost from this hearty
continuance of tiie Tiiuuir-Culb'in war.
It is a merry war tor the lcuiocrals.
When the busies sing truce at tin chine
of election l.tv in uten ber the enstilai:
count of votes should liud u tory lurch
ing on tlie lemocratic atandanl. hi U
result would dotibllcvs rea:l tickle the
people of llhuois, vteariiti to death of a
fncttonat fitui for spoils iu which ti.o
pi.bltc interest recciv iil no cou.-ideration
TheRi-adley .Martins ami William Wal
dorf Astor ma.v have traasterreil tiie.r
allegiance to the t.)u-eu of England and
Empress of India because the.v vve.e dis
sanVucd with the i at nation ol an Kmpi'e
whuli 1'resHi ut Mciviiiley is suppying
am! prefernd the real thing.
Ir vent! ihe ierath u iu the Trans
anal will lie brought to the i.iut where
rgatiiZiHl oj);K).siiiii Ilis emlcd and then
the re: 1 trouble of Gn-at'Itinain will be
gin. 'Joticral ii.s can givi the English
(euerabi valuable information on this
Only by pion.pt nud :tdisiiate punish
meat of the peipetiators, -an the slant
tif tho assault on women for no greater
offense tnan ridiii iu t t i-irs lie
kept from Ihsmuuiu a lH-naaueut smirch
on the rvcuid of m. Louis.
With a sti.mg ikkei. a strong plat
form and a ;rou. organization. Missouri
laeniierats should tiov. shuw tiie i"omi
tiy just wliat is iKssible l a banner
Iieiun.-i.iiii- uite in ike liaj of a pieai
deiitialyear iisijon;.
As matters stand now, tin will be
nothiug to regret iti loe limil abai.doti
meut of all Loer opHsitku to ihe Brit
ish lonv.s. It means only the saving of
lives that would otherwise lie vainly
The kissing b"g vvi(til) was so ener
getic hi its opeiaticus'laat year apiwait,
to have alim si entirely disapiwait U, but
l.llUten.iUt Ho! t-in h to l.e m ut tsllk to
the lulled Suits, from the A sialic sta
tion. The United Stalt.s do l.ot seem io
relish buildiiig a aiil ihrotigh N'caia
gua'attu then iiirniug it o-.er m the -ui-trol
of tue I'owe.s of Europe. Thiy
want an Ameni-au .Nicaragua CmaL
Tlie middle name "Mouioe" U a do
idsl audition to the attractions of a
gubernatorial cauuiuate in these days
when the Monroe Dinlriiie is so lightly
leganled by EcpiUiI'cuim.
Mr. Dockeiy o,s his nomination en
tirely to tlie people of Missouri, and his
i lemon as Governor will put him under
additional obligation:; to that same ele
ment. The Eoard of I'ublie Improvements
show;, only reasonable imiiaiicnce at con-tiniic-d
failure of the Kern Comiauy to
move to execute Its lighting contract.
St. Louis is showing an estgena-ss. to
resiimu work oa the ivopiuar sub-crijuion
of $C..uOU,wi which aucurs well for the
speedy compk tion of thai fund.
Well, atijvvay. Mayor .! genkein will
make a tine camnistiug foil to itiat iep
resenl.itive St. Louisan who shall be
ele ted our World's Ealr Mayor.
There is reason eiKug!t for tke r,ote
worthy fact that no Sjianish ships; are
among those which represent the Powers
in Chinese watt r.
Major Mart h's roll-ipseil troijs wnni
out with Philippine "hykiag." doubtless
::gne tiiat the Major's family name ills
him lo a liuish.
Missouri Democrai'y is now In the
pink of coiiuition to uphoUl Mis-swin's
title as the clmmplon Deuiocnttie State
Kit tlie Union.
AVhen llnssia lands her li.'KV) soldiers
at TakU It will be III order to concede
that she is in Chiua with mere than
both feet.
Now lei's lw on mi- giwnl behavior for
nt least three jestis to come. We're the
Wot Id's i-alr City of uii, you know.
'I run tile's it Otwarit,
Thtre m nu dlKlM; truutlf.
It cun,-8 to u ail.
4n rE.i- day cr other
lf3 ctttaln to call;
Jut, faced Kltk u ftror.s heart.
Away wilt It riwak
Tfr troobl's a coward
Tiist liellii tb wk:
Tan can't tfa? frout4e.
It part of tl.c auuv.
To rtf h man 4iid pt or xri-n
It -oa,tb Ufti Br&,
7IOI. jo-iv) 4 nlth loldly.
Iu etoy bi iv t i 'ft
Vvf tnul era . ird
Afnau cf Hi- ! uns
Outcome nf I: tnrriilif Xiiitiin.itiiiK
('oKvetiiu:i l-Npfi ially I'li-i.,-
in' tu Si. iu- I i;;il. r
Willi f!o4K jFalerinl to S.-ie.-t
From it Suoti-r T'uKft Was ;i
t'viialile Stati' Coiiiiiii
le Hcvrtiarv.-ltip.
by a .Tvri'r-(r:nEsTO';nr;xT.
LaniUB ('Ilk. Mo.. JuimT Trip i.!.- in .f
the Dem'M-rnlio Nool-iHlifix i""i v i n. n n -,
l-eic espm-lutly plaslru; lo IV li n '. t
lcaJra Iu t!ic Ptalo. AH of tl . m
.JLf.irtl-ei, .mj the p-ny MM- . in r
hail a more fuvorablc lutk-K .it ih. li , i
nltig .,f a cmiptlgn.
Tile Ilrkrt, fum the rsmin'i' '.ir " r.
nor. A II. tovk.-ry, tu Ih. . fj . n .-. -
t n lor K'llw. v -ij . i i . -stolltT.
U tollJilkr-J ilMm, . i i . l
of lominatk n was clean ir .o i i
t ilk of a ircl.lu.ili n .s . Is.., , . o
li niln.it Ion of Measrc. lo. l.m, , j
Crow w.ia cnn-ti(i U-t ..-. in- . . .v ,n i
met. The I viaiK-r.-iis VZ n.o Mil. I l i g
before expreaeefi ih. Ir utr-i, et "li 1. n .n
thf three fretiiirtren. an.t tliv h i it u
doreemrnt the hail revlvrd I- m ill s o
tioia of tlw- state was "ii an i,i -in
of the draire to make the tiiktt a st ns
one nt th.iw (Hjinta.
The geln-t! n of the .,U'!lt r. Tn is.ir.ir,
la.ut. nam !ov -rncr and Kj.lu i 'mn -noiH
r u a battle f worth; m n. Ail tha
canilitatea hail nvu.Stf rcur.i-.
The nucilnefi Jaau"a the kiun-ls only af
ter bard ,il i.rsisteiit work. It is n-.tlitng
lo the dlscrvJit if the defvafaM c.uidl ! iteu.
'I'hej had l.ols of :rt-enJ wio ttiuk to
them lo the lust Th.re .ire no ".-' re sp..--la
illssourl lieinoiracy. It U a uui;. J i a.ty.
and as such ihr largest V te ivir j.o.!e.!
fur the Stale tltUt shuuld tn thu renjlt :n
Nev ember. Mls.jurl iJrmocrata. as orw of
the sp-akers declareil Thursda. rn.iv ho
"mossback." t,ut It is the sumo old Manly
I)i-tnoi-rac of J.Jtersun, Jaikson and liei.
tun. The rrault will ! a continue,! expr.-4i.Sw
of pnt fralty and a trluoiph ol ridt ovtr
boodle ai.d torruptl n.
While the r-iriy la harmonlouy. tiie eon
test within thn ranks for fie d. legaleshtie
at-lnre to the Is-mtK-ratlc Natio.ial Co.s
veutton has tau-fsl some tlvjlry. It is
nothing that will afftct the K-rrntly of ihi
art Thp o.m InHwem rjione n-i-l
! 7 has re...-s 1 an Inter ai laic si gn.
Iloth inen aie p. l't al veteran and the re
st.'t t Jif-m, ii 'jij Mill r.et sund a prc
dicti n of ie:u!rn TheK.i.i-a M con
m r.-i .'i was rci.troll d b noltter Slene rier
PI,- lp. Tfi prt wa In charpe To tttt
ia:ih aii.l file b.:oi p all the credit f r the
nnrriinaUon. Whin- thla Is tiu. li n. i Ui
s:d loe centtrt resulted In an aligi.rmnt
1 the fr.i-iid., of l.tli Men. The cinitlnj
tti.n betwrn I'telpi and Stephens u noth
l:ie tn.re ti,an an effort to ;ool their 1
sues for IHUIU..1 advi-ntue Xr St' lie has
i..--ta of fr.eaiii In the duite ai .1 the v.e e
irttini tu Kan?ii lily. Wheth'r l'l.l t
and Stephen or rn.n- had a majority .!1
rially aoi apinr until the J.iTifen Ciiy
i.mvi,il..n. ;liu f.t thai !i. AlKa wa
tioRiiiaod orer Kr i ik 1' Us a to v.
o ." e liit it waa tr. tl ,-rr rs tupimrt
thai did It. Mcic c.lii m .. It - ;,, .Mr.
S-lb.rt. He was the lira trie, d .f Al
len Moth Imll froal ihr s.,nie s t.l n .
the State The have urk(l lonelier o
llllcally for tri-fJve j, ir- J nih r
the fouKtat for the : ud .in n "f S t
l-i ;aik I'.KaiiU fcr tj.i it - i.hni i.ir.i
ilatdm .f Audrjln d .t.d list n
Sir .SW!v:t r.i.tur!I st i I I s f .
uud it was this Hfluer e ilut s v. 1 i.i
ruininatlMii ra.irt ihar. . i . ) i.
As to i,(V'rii.r s; ,t ,,. ..j ,, j. j
CoJt. wliik iiie are n t - f l.-i'- ixr
hjj, the forsmr's Inn ...-. s x rt d I
I: an ! i n manner .i ..-t i p i -n
uu i-;i.larltj. tlltd iv t' ,i i. ..re f
Mole did the work.
Jfiai A. I.ce'a no3iln.'ii. n f r 1 l ! rv
(lovernur ivaa Dot si.iri-i 0 ai v l
oiler tlain hit) own tfferis ar. I i -
nent .if tie candidal! i- n (! l.s l !l
1, writ Int the t... : li : v. i , i -
supori from St 1 uat tluu; a: ut. ir
di...i!e from the lt
lie had a lc st ot f ri I- tnvr i g rr -i
and ottuiH. hu liud i' . ..- . -. a -.
paieo in his belialf. It - :.i- ' le )tn
strated that he was .v 1 . -.s v.'
lTm tl.o strt he g-ur- j- l ..r
Farrla was hi st.-ert i o, ; ..i i - J i
looki-l at one time n .f r ri ' - jr
tbe nomination. J'arr' - f. i. i, 1
to obtain the wIsrkUMn il ' I '
Mr. .vli 4 'lu.iv vteu.U -.:.. t 'u
had ni haiice. I'ari.ss in i is .. r I
thai strength, and Kl.eii i)k fa . t s. -i-ure
II tr.ey reallrc.i th- e- 1 . ri n. i s
4hlegal.a wfrf fi.rreti t . s ,t , rt i . i i -end
Tb ciimlei. li o. t. i . v i
a Jlffv would hv Sinn' . : i
UHtk.it 4.i'iir ihe r r"v.iir-
Ti.e tn asur rshli we--a 1 ' e -i . - f r in
the start and the r.--nii v i- . ie i.
deut.t until il'P latter I lit ! Ill I a! ItUi
1Mb Holte ani W I'll ims i..id ! iv f
frlinda and tiitbosiust'. ores 1 ,. . i
ment of t)-o Siept.nis-SiniH f..r- s 1
hardly be de'rmiid in tho rt ii li la
not a surii'-, Itotfa men lrirnl i n i
jonlj f deiezate to tho list K-.Iii.i
!r. liolle was too sar.iralile or s-jine of i Is
liler. Is vi-re not line, re
Ail'.rrey Ce ie ral Crow' nomination was
r.ecomphshed without -iijK;ti.:i rt h-i
made a R.iol rrord In the ertlee to vihlih
he ii.s renomlratt,.! i te ;sir:y m.i:iij
!:. Mr S:"' n i.aiui ill aided him in ait
his u-i, rtak:iiKK an.j ilm have kin uarm
friends slnta then advent Into inlice four
rj ao
The i-iiiiti-rt for the mmiinatl-in for I: ill
way and Wiiri-nouse (.' rauilptak-iier m
hot one from the start, and it remilnol (hst
uatil the clow. n the last hallot Iwth the
t'aik aiHl Ik rrinKto'i forces 4j.itin.-d the.
lamination. A 111;, of a opper would have
Iweri siallj 4rtain. Trom the l-'mrilr k
the Trlends of "s'-ine rallied to ih- s,ij,.,. r;
of the iUj..r. while the Stephen iaen. alter
thv left ffc-u. tsent iu Herrlnt n. it wa-
ii rare if s.ioii nun. and imtIc p dlev fi-von-.l
the tio:mii,iiion ;f llerrlnj;:-.iu TIj.
fitepils of tho (HPilelates wen; to work
SJ. .-r.-tarv of Sute 1 sUlnr and his ed. f . f
jit if. Ji k Croi. wire n the flo.ir of the
iiventh.n woikir.K In tlw Intiii.st of Tom
Park. llerrir-Kt.in'K friTf!. and tli-u
e-rre mall). liu f nn-'iic whom were Jhiii.-;
Jump and Vi.dj,-u,r Jl.ll.r, uork.d ,su.--v
or her. Jiwnj thi detemtn' "IJtil'. Jne "
us 1 e If ulled s In the thl-K f the frJy
viith hJ collar wilted to a tnrini? itut ho
never doull.-l that lw wottld eventually b
n iminated lloth (il fireI. yet ciiivel
a siampede. When Me.iiiiro dro(.peil inn!
tho i ce on the i.tm bail it mn of hln
rnth amt to lfe-rlrrtf.n A few- wal
t'Tlne counties bi South Missnurl gevi i' irk
a lI. hut the t:ra for Mm r' Ws
the- y.rnn vr:i llol.-, r ith 37 n:m' V. -
ii . with a-i equal number, and (,'rn.:i
with II. iiK,l ei.lidlv fur HerniiKton. It
w rrietlejlly a cni-t between the hr. id
JT'lrles of the North and the hills of the
S.uth. ard the Jup w .i When St . mix
.. mil. i the -i:iis. tninllfv t., elit.ib into
Ihe Henlnrrti n l.jnd non The J ff. -.ei
Club led off ar.l the flr.idy-Ie-mp nu-n !'
lost. HerlPKtcii hoi a ufB-lnt niiniiH r
to nomtn.-ii- Iil-.n le-fore Jack 1: nirlnr. wlp,
xnv e iltirte the roll hfld ra,.l.1 ,1... t....
countv aftir St. I -ouir-Saline. There wa-i '
a scramble I
The alleged contrfl In the C.inmlttee on
Jtolutli. which hss hsd so rnurh 'pice )
in Tleruldl.-an pt--rF. Is rnrrel vurthv of 1
mia-M ration. The pint firm adoptid -.v i I
pr ctlellv the Sritoe i- it W-.l ,lr.nn l.,. I
Sfcreturv of Slat. l-uejr and pr. s.ntel lo
the eommitl.-e i-. rlil-i l-i 1IvMj:iIs -ouclit
to make eapit il ..u! of the aV.ht for the
adnfition of the 1 to 1 plank. The o-!ainnl
oraft cot.talneil a la-is-' re.iairrr.inic tr
I'htoaco idntform In erv prtlenlir. It
was similar to the platform adopted bj- tho
IHmoeratle Stale tV.ivntlon of Kanrns a
few davs nco. The M to 1 ratio plan,; was
adorti-d by an almoet 'i- inlmoiis ote Sill
Mlllr of Uvlnpsion (Vutoi wj i!k nutijor
of the ph.uk for ihe ipx -'lo-i of frsiehies
w'.il. '.l ha- been r4-li.d imj favorabl).
The lew- Denioer-itl'- S'l'te I "orainlti-e will
nv t ill ti . 1 -oli i Hi 1. 1 in fit !, n- t
V.d-ia mor'nrrf at wh -h time ih
iipsti 11 of th. ie"i orarv orranir:. lion f , r
tlie rl legale s,nv nt. 'I Will be Una Iv
teiiniiiel S- -ral mtrobtra of the commit-1
ti' hell an Informal c, u-us at the M dlond
it- ,i 11 loioriiix c, leua ai in.' el Olun'l
U(.l uXttir thu convt-ntloa l.ad dj&urnc-3.
ftiran isiwiaiaaBiBaiawssssswsWssaswawsaswaaBBMawsaiaBasaglawni
t 3'V;:JrTPi ' - ir YfSaZ'-sisft'-r3! fS&F'A
J$i , m m i fiiiiNP
ajttimipii .awsssaiasaaaasasa-aaaaaawsswi 11 issjinji i...i smw. J '
Wlio iibtds' ihe In-ai record in athletics tin"'? year at "W'entwortli Mili-
tarv AcaJtuo.
The gereral ta'k ladlratfd a desire thit
misr -.. .n 1- Armo-id be lnvllnl to pr
'. mr ti.e -lellbi n llo-is lie Armon I Is
ot i. in-1 on. ,.f th alle-t parltaint 1 1
li; -w in iit.,jr. - and his seUctlon weuM
F. cm rjl satisfo. Hon throughuut the
ft i.. it s aluouteiy lmrtttal and f.o
mi liiUie t r dlcatr-at-l.rie li is objec
tion io nt rrlna the honor ujn him.
At ihe -ne time tu Mate Committc-
will le r. or..inh 1 Mr fit ph.ns'r- fri'-nts
on the i renin., will alt-mpt to 4 imln .:
rril t'oiikUiif as sn.ret.ir. as Indtcitcl
In pr.veus disj.atehc to T1-" lUpubh .
Ilnrrj K ward of Jger-e:i t'ii. Kl T
UMiro s.-.lme an! K . .Mitchell. Jr , of
Sp-.tt.-M ..re - r-n 'f a i.indl 1 itc.
As it 'tis 1 . ' -i eu, niary to itit a reert
t in fir m tlie r. mni.-'re Mr Uilwards w'lt
I rr I u.l- ! siaie-i for Mr fiu K'ln" phi o
ti i t'.e la i.r is ".ilmli it". " In d- f
imi to Vr ih Ki rj ih. ir.mtntttee will
prol nMv t -: on arv sue--- ti'n fr-m hl-n
in .'-e -. i . of ., :wrtt,r V. h:it Mr.
11 i, i . . t hide t d i Is a ir..iti r fur
spi ..I i ea.rl. 1- s- AUSTIN.
I'.iblf :;ilmoI I'onvontion at Cali
fornia, Mo. Oqihaiir,' Excursion.
A IT S hrwil rhr!tlin ETirnvor fnn
ver - I la hli t "Hllfnrnia. Mo. Juno
II i . .- 'i 'he i hitlin Lv-M'ellst hai
ki - J . r i ri'tc.al coach for St. Louis
'1 1 t v - s ut lustiir of the Second
Pu- t. . in 1. graduated from
-I i-iiii'ii.' Ii lii:ii:i. Iu 1)7. from
Pnui.ti.il l-.vrt-sity and Pijnceton
Tin log'. a seminary in l'.ifx).
b-bcit. . It Is st.it-d t-nt n large numVr
fioni S I-nis ";i'ilian inurcheshave
sisniti'il th. tr intention of s .ins. but 'h-re
1. s'il' t. on fa a f .i more An inf rm.il
.roi:iani!. wid Iv fun.lhe.l .Hiring ll.e
T'ie Itc.erenl . V.". lIopkln. jsulstant
(silt. - f lie- Christian B.n Itet, h is
riti.rr.d front ihe Lnslrlft "nnv n'ion of
lt ! f 4-ir1t at Vlrd-n. Ill . where lie
ilrli.r -I .n a Mi 4 b". The convention I it I
tlir.e . i-s and the attendance was largA.
Tti'- Itr-ver. i d frictor W. I! ralm"re e.1
llor "f t -e Si I.. uis I'hrlstlm Advocate,
viill s. t -miit to Unle n.K-k. Ark. to
ti'dr.'s .i v..ii-.inj lu!iluliry couferom-u
on n s-t Suidaj
Tlf ("ir'-tl-n ori.hjps' llorna hn ar
nm 1 t- -" I's ! rrtu! biat rseunlon
Jute- y ii' I IM". rations are is-tnx
ii, i .. t . i-irfU. I'ns ih most -s.rnplete affair
. --e l.-iJ In the hb-tory of that Institu
tion. i
Wliifi1 Hoi.'sf Sti'wstnl Sinclair
IxMikiii": Alter Its I'iiriisiiii;.
iirrepi.t.- srr-tj!.
t'o-iti.n . Ji.nt T While Hon5 SCTiarl
Sinnalr jt in I ai.to.-i to-da lo..Ulnc aft--r
tt.e fu'neh'.ritt. ..f the I'recidci.t s horn-.
Mr. snicluir t. aivlag si-.-ciul aii-iuin to
curtail., 4-ar'l. in tiling aril other fix
ture He r.im. ; Capton at nh'ht. on-1
this nit mlrc litly v.int to the .McKInby
r-idin.-e and noi.sj the condition of affairs.
lis f . !.ni isInirTT, isiiierhiingrr nnd
plur.ibri. at work c mplctlng the Interior.
Jin at i2m- v. that there would n-d to
ru-h wofk d'.r.. at on. e to R.t th' hoiuo
rtai f r ibe I'rMdiit and his wife by
J11H 1. and lal'-sl up Ihe I're-id, nt by tlle
pliJne .ti.l rf r'od. He had several liilks
with the fr-sir'it dunnc th nft, rrsn.
Th. fun.' u U'enUntr to the '-Mither"
McK.nb lc lie al the time of the dtath
.,t th. IWM.I.'it'- mother Wan stored In
tlte rijl a Misk Tills will m removed
to the 1'n.dc.i nt remodeled h"me and
otlfr srticb" v!l be added. The I'rtsld.nt
liio dlrecre.1 ttml Uie iwuse liifidn and out
and the surroundin- lawn and feme be jtut
In the 1 t iKt-idble shaie by July 1. at
wh'cii t'm- t a.l Mrs. itcKlnley cxjiet
to 1 h- re
Ke'iiil of trliiimliil Adtertfnrnieiil.
JtKi I" . I - 1 VI-
,-t .1 ... '- K. June 7. -ti V 1.. J:-t
tS. .1 : . - t ..m ore' e.r'.rnan l.t r-. 'a i
.0 1-1 r.. i al s.pn'iK'1-ie. in th.s isju
t.. A, s lr i.t. 1'ooi.er of Oiicseo. a
I lit
iit !i .1 rtver son till a few mir.utcs
ii. t 1 eirniony It in a result of a
1 iiuixi o"'- ' ..-.. ... ...cw .11.
to years old and tbe groora is tit
rc i ti a-lvertlicment. Tho brxla U
lit ii ajuLBieiw a
i rAOJir.'iri,r.rjrjrjs.Mje;;
IB!sEff's3 I IH I Zm,3g?PZc-S
!fctA'W-CEllaBWiaaafcfetS3' .
fc R--Ji J.ffr' -Y ValaK',,,VrlV'r ".-
mt MM
:eV3; L -FtT
Ri7ir i'7-w'3-gB'?
p sWv ytTV r jreSrS4lffBwieBWRl
j p. Q T -i .J i vrWMaiunBw&BvSif9j
iS3.?':',i'a.'J?'!gSaaW 9l
First I'ri'l.tt-nsin Clmrch Fnh-
M'l'ilifs $l.HbO Hoctor
i:r:imhs Wuik.
The T)lcr I'Ja'e I'rebyterlan C ure"! held
n Jul.ike c..nr, g.-il .nal Mieetn K la-t r.lght
nt No j& "..! avenue, the hoi.'e c the
pastor, the Ittverei. 1 laid .r J. 'in B.
Jir.-.ndt. S me rnuitths aso th.- Kiret l'resby
tcrlan i''.un.h to-ic action l 'k- g to the
itiifion i.f Its field but lnsti 'd jt taklns
up rw- work concluded to inoih- r t1-) TIer
1 lace chuii h and help it on It fft
To thU ti d tho js-vstor of te K.rt C burch,
the Kfcvi-rcml lioctor W. J. iicKIttrlck.
treacSu-d a special sermon, outlUilng the
work proposed, nnd nt tha closa a large
jiuinlr of sultscrlptlnns wsre Klven, which
aubseuently reached the sum of Jli.OW.
Thla fact was anc-iuntcd by 1'oclor Mc
Kittrtck at the meeting Ist night. With
tin, amount already ralst.l by r.o TIr
I'laco Church, the fund now nraour.ts to
J-.K0. Ti.e T:It Plai Lhurih had aIo
purchase 1 and paid for a lot at x' e south
west con er of Itaj.-ell and Sprint avtaaie-,
(.ostir.g I'J.l.'O.
At the meeting last evening a J. Int or
ganization v ith the First Chur- !i was ef
fected us follows. Elder GeorKe harder
and 11. P. Nelson of t'e 1 irst CI. nch wtjro
nppolnitl t. act a auvito-y int-mbers of
the Tjb.r l'ince session, Andrew riproiile,
tteorgB T ItuliIIe nnd 1. J. Ingerl-erg of
tho same church were electei memberK of
the Joint board of trustee. ai:i A. M. Find
lay, r. J. E La-ig r.berg and 11 Wjnan
cf the First Churi.li .;a appointed tu act
with Albert Winzilch uud Cliaries II. lloko
cf tha Tjkr Place a a bulUing coinnutlee.
It. Is tspectid tiiat plaiu for the cew
ihurch will be ready soon, nnd it I pro
Ioed to have St rtadv for servi. b t-ul.
Tlie Tjler I'kne .'hurcli le-ait as t Sun
da) school In April. !.-. holding H3 bes
sii.r.a In the buliomg on Crsnd avenue in
l'Cf-niier cf tlie :-.me jear a tni;ri nation
was crgaiiU-.!, with D clor rirandt t I as
tor. Aittr tae lorii.i.Io of IJs; tie Sunday
s hi" I and t! anli vine Invited to r-e t at
the home of the islw. No es. llj,; avt
I.ue, v.h.re it n. met ever i..ce. Tho
church has a inen.berr.ip f Iwi ail a Sjd
oay school wltn un collmem of 170. It
has clso u wt,t-oiuantz.d ltdies' Aid So
ciety, a Uo.wni. ror.isii ilisioru:ry So
ilety and a Christian h..idia-.ir srrraciza
tion Tho tjcies of the work lu.s t en
lari;e! due to tne :s.rsanal ernrt of Doctor
liranat, not onl iu the c- ndui t of pulpit
nnd iastoral ork but In tho ralttnc cf
utarlj ".oi for a lot nod ihurrh. bimaig.
The ilr.-on of the work broke tno dot t ir's
leaitli and h was obliged to sjiei. i sec
ir.il monilis !n C.olforiita. having idy Te
ni.tl ri.iirne.l to the geld loc.or and
Mrs Itrandt d-jsirt n-xt Mondav eenlng
to attend is;.minencc-meiit at iTincetuu inl
ersltj. where their son, llsrry. will Kra.iu
alc. nml villi rciuuln Kaft -jine four wks.
imnng thl. time the pi.. pit of Tyler I'l.ico
t. hur. n nbl be filled bv tne Itcvrread It. IL
Inland, i-astor of Ouk Hill 1'liurcb. Jt Is
).ro;Kjsed also to Inske tie ptcntc planntxl
tor Towir i.r..ve next Siturda an echo of
t.-ic m. ettng last t.ight.
l'.iisiiios.s Section of Vitjjinia, W'y.,
Dulu'h. 'lnn.. J..UC 7. TJi? i.tlrc Liu;-rc-s
and most of the restden-e sertlon of
the town of irj-ipia. ..n the Jlcsabj jroIl
ItHiifte. was -wiped out by fire, to-day durlns
tiie noon hour.
In that lime in buildings were reduced to
ashes. TelerTaphlc rommunicatkm wa cut
off soon afltr the tlrst news of the fire carco
ui.d was not tisum.il until this ivtnlrjg
The new to-main ir. Ileates that it vvai
a cj clone of lire Tho entire country around
is parcaed n.l rca-iy to bun. The games
broke out at the M mn ft Kerr mill, oa tho
shore of Silver 1-ikc. so.lhwestof the town
The plant Includil a number of large
hulMiiur be-id. the mill, and It was an-.njr
thtse that tl-e lire started. The main busi
ness ss tion of the cltj ir alou jive blo.-ks
from the null, and ovtr th!., Intervening te-.
rit.wy the flame- tde-ead fiercelv, ca-rtetl
tllrectly lo the I.Jsir.e.. building .y a iercc
souihvtist wind.
Within an hour It had chare I everythln
betw'cen the mill and the railroad statloru
lcht block- away. J"
The jijtli cf the fiains was ns clean-cat
an thnt of n e clone.
n 1 1. Kenn's oank. situated In n two
storj frame bu!b!Ir.g la the main tmrtlon of
th.; town, vas in ruins tin minutes afte
the tl.'mes first struck It.
The orritory ovtr v.hlih the flro traveled
cover, d tw.Ivc blocks To-night tin re ti.
not a bi:sIiie-houe. botPl .r Mure standing
la Virrrlnla. The reaj. ncv lrU.vn cf 'he
tow-n was only pnrtlal! burn, d The s-hred-Iiou5c
.f uutuuehca. us alo ate -ne
ci urchce.
Tie los l estlmateil at J..0W Xot more
than JI."..ti Insurance I- lllev.d to be ,-,r.
rled in tae wholo village. No Ikes were lost.
Stu-.ivor Cltnrp'-cl With Elopin-r
With 1im1 'Man's Wife
rallo. Tu.. Ju-e 7 Gn.rKc Atdrcw-, a
f.1,1 tr ol Nf.M'ii C u it vi-.s Li'l 1 by
A!b rt K nri.er A"or. u t irgt I that S.n-
'-air was el jdnjc with ills Audri T:ic
hutbuiel pursuol the euupie. rtnd v. inn
within lut) ;urds ucnd tire with a rigs.
Sinclair ri turned the fire, -hooting An
drew through the hi-ad. riinclalr atd Mrs.
Andrews ere in tbe Newton County Jail.
M!q Mildred P. Ptrong ir.d W!!m II.
Hale- were mairiel yesti rdav afternoon
at half ift r 4 o i' k at the ron of tho
brlde'.s a-.nt r: ' u ' . Vr n-.J Mn.
Clark V." V.iuK'T. -" si "- hoc.e
vord Tie c-reMsy w.-- is ' . .tt d by
tho ItCV - lei Mr. sTiHl'll... l.l-l f -,i
Cl-flon ;i ,.-!.s Metacd.-t t fir ii T..o
bride- w.ia ii.tiniteit b ii.s i ..ri !. . e
nour of A'-i.l n. Kae. in ni.tiu . h p r.
wht'e W it.r It vol.' .f .-j. e i s r,.,i
tl.o brl 1 gro rn as h s; r n. 'i r n lltt'.r
flower j, !. .M-s r ::.'' aw,.iop ..r.d
M.ss . le .. tshi 1. i win o.sln . f th..
bil. i ..--".. ii. oi e b. r i. ih. rli g in
a I asn. if i-:k or i. iiiko- i i wr.v.e i. -e-B.:.a
ti.e i h r .ir;wmK flowers -n ;.e j.h
way if t .e 1 rioe as .-he il.tered toe par
lori Oi.'y r mters cf the fasill." arsl -t-l.tttvrs
vero p, . ! at i'e ter moitv. Immediate
ly aftrn- .s. the i,u. sw were driven to
the 1 . i t t. wli. le a M 1..T w..ts s r,fl in,
ore of t. private Un,is--iom-. thw teb,
d-crittti with pink and wni'e ru't uud
Kar.e ii- of suiiUx. Covers- wi'ro laid for
Tl I r, " were a ifin of white i.t'i
c t 1 wit'i iicr tohit.- uiji'tiid. tr.:th
frill . ! s s cf l.l . .a al"lctto
cf white - -.In aid i-wijr .. worn m tho
1 eir. lui .'e v.ll. !ii- .arrb-d mldte rusci
f r her l..uit, with a diamond lw.Meh
lustT.id to h.r ihrcat as be.- oaly ora-
lat l.t.
The ma! 1 of hneor was In pink organdie
ever i s :. with trl- m r, jf U.-.
ler Ih j ii. v .s a -howe- -f r.hi-e ear
i -tl In 'utie rJoer k ..s w.re itocfei
c...i ikr of v r.i'e ci . i .'e and Val
ciclim i ..'. ur.h pbo. n
Mr Vv.k'is 'tiso was ' pink anS
I la k s !.. trirr-med In t.n a a . liri-e.
y- an drs Hal.y disirt' I la-t evta
1", .it k for Deo-er and Ihe C .-
r .. a ii.t.i-. v.hero tht-. wll' spend
two wis i.- Af.r Jui.e S lb. - will ne at
l.on.o at N" ''- Ccnik ava'w.
Jlisa .le rl. hiws, danfthter of 1!'. .-nd
5r ImvI-I liu..'. and hi r Hi atf
e I:. 1 a-'.e I.' of S'H Aniunio T out
li 'j r - i : St. l.oui. v e re ir'b I
I- t cvn hk at s o'clock at tie home of
tl - brile in Ik kson str4-et. the lor-mcny
Is-'pic ir' .ii.tl by the Jteve'tr.d I'octor
elt -lllg.
MNs labile '..f.n. rtst-r of tie I rid",
was n.. .d ci hor.or. ar.d ili-s s'.phie ilar-r-
thu Irdiniakl. lei 1'i.m ler
formed tie otiiie of bet ma a for Iw-'ir
Tba-itr. vihilo Morris I.5o of New York-,
the bride's brotiier, was croomsmai.
TJie brldo wore, white silk mu'l over taf
feta, with a mile veil and a Iioer bvutptet
of lilte of tho val'y. Tha bride-nukl?
vere both In v.hlte orgarulle. with bt.tio.uet
of Lnde-roald ro-o Miss Whet 3,IIche,.-oi
was tho rni!-lanr. wearing a nnito ir
gsndlu and Jure froek.
About a hti-dred r le-ts we-e, pr-iert for
tho ceremony ani t-a .nformil rc-eptior.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lyons,
No. 2f-l Dickson street, who was mar
ried to Doctor Gustcv Moritz of this
city last night.
that followed. laits lsst nl-ht Doctor and
Mrs. Mc-rltz departed fcr a ehort Eisttrn
trip. After July 1 they wt'l te at horcir at
No. IvaS I'ai,e boulevard.
Miss Emrri Wlihelm. datrght-r of Mr.
and Mrs. Mor-U Vl!r!m of Colllntrllle.
IIL, and Tbeudore Ambroslutr; ul-o of Col
llasvllle, were married yrsterda)' at nooi
at the rcsidenco of tho b-lde's s!tcr, Mrs.
K. Schilling, la liacon etriet. The houss
was decorated In palms, white ard pink
rcses and cirnatlons; with t e dlclr.--ro m.
where a luncheon was sr-red later. j.iuiin?d
with garlands of sinllax end rose'.
The brlda wore white silk muslin over
tr.ffeta. 3r.d duciicsse lac, the eatiro
Rtilrape nnd unlined sb-cves being of the raro
o d laco which has belom;ed to her motl-or's
family for '". Sho dispensed v th a
bridal vrl', fas.ealng a. wliltn satin raeetto
In ter hair wtih a. sprny of lilies of tho
v.UIev lbr boutjuet was mode of the sarna
flowers. There s no attendant.
After a weddlni; Journey cf a. fortal-at
Sir. and Mrs Ambro!us will fo to thalr
home in C':hnsv!l!e. where they will ra
clvo their friends after July 1.
Mr. and Mrs. William A Stlckney, wto
have pone io tho Paris Kxposltloa for a
staj of six weeks, will return the first of
August and spend that raouCi at tnctr Har
bor I'oir.t cuttagi. J
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Pierce will dnsrt la a
fiw da- for ("cmell 1'nlversity to arrango
for their son's entrance th.ro in tbe fall.
On June It. Mr. and Mr, i'.erco expect to
tall for Europe.
Mr. Samuel ttelmr and Mtsw If-ber will
go North to their We-4iie-lon-sing cottage
about the middle of the month. During tho
summer tlp-y expect to entertain Dean and
Mrs. Carroll Davh?. al-. Judge anil Mrs.
Mens el. Granger of Z:n--v!.'le. ti . and
their daughter, .Miss Ethel UracgeT.
Mi's Care-lire New man yesterday cabled
to her St. luis relative news of her safa
arrival at JJoologne
Mr. and M,r. Atonio Acuff hsve srir.e to
Prtnclt Lick SprlBKS fr a visit.
Mr. A. M. Ilolliday of No. 4IK Wa-hin?-ton
boulevard e-tcrialucd at cards je'ter
dav afternoon. Atout twenty women friends
of tho bositss enju; . .5 tho afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Kemprann will depart
for New York to-morrow evening, sailing
for Europe call next wick.
Mr. end Mrs Robert II. Newman of Cin
cinnati are visit ng fielr mother. Mrs. Una
V. Newman cf '. 4-Z Delmar boulevard.
i ... .
Cliitttgnan, Moiirniii;- for a JrotIi
er, Atu-itiiited Suicide.
Chlcnjto. June ".Thomas D. Cottretl. an
old and well-known speculator on tho Hoard
.. - .A .tu.p .lu.l kt..Al Tn .1 1 a
T. .. ...ir.. i 1 .III Jill l'h..r.ll'a a
1'. l 'I' ' - ...-. r ..... . ,,,, ...
dltloii. as w.i. c biiam i I r'.-ersc. is bu
ll! v id to 1-. if bun , 1 1 i for the at
tempinl suicide It is said the bullet vvoucd
will prove fatal
Mt dais fiiren L'a inters and Engrav
ers at I'arir.
I'irli. J' r.c 7. I"-irthr award"- In the fire
arts li'l I rs at the lixpo-it.on inciude a
in, ..! vr " -nr ' ' ti.e Arncrlesn artirt.
Jsmes Jl. N-1!) W hJs'H-r for engraving, ami
Ilrst-cUtt sold Ii-tdals to Jobeph Foxcioft
Cole of Maine for wood eogravlnK. and to
Joseph Penacll. the American pi.ater, fjr
LcJ2--rs ' ilil
1 - ?siiis&,vAt.c-S'i!

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