OCR Interpretation

The St. Louis Republic. [volume] (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, September 14, 1900, Image 12

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020274/1900-09-14/ed-1/seq-12/

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- T - -
The Markets Were at Their Best
Late, hut Failed to Hold Top
Prices of the Daj.
Office Republic.
Thursday. Sept. 13. ir.
Outslda of the undertone of strength
shown, tlicro were practically no new de
velopments of interest In the local corn
situation, the market throughout most of
the day continuing In tho old rut of dull
ness that has characterized It nil through
tho week so far. It was otherwise the case
with tho higher-priced cereal, wheat, that
grain taking up a much stronger position
than It held yesterday, and which It con
tinued to maintain all through the session,
the upward inovcment of prices meeting
with n Important revorr.es. and the close
lieing at or near the top. The strength
displayed by this grain was the most sig
nificant feature of the situation, find it tin
ally became so prominent as to hi reflected
to a greater or less extent hy tho cheaper
cereal, with the result that nn almost
general advance In values went upon rec
ord. Wheat, being the strongest and attract
ing the most speculative attention, natural
ly gained most In price, closing with an
advanco of ,:c to .1 full 1c for the diy. Cora
only gained i" to '.frSo, while oats let
do vi 11 1-I5c to .e.
"IVhent managed to work out of Its rut
to-day. and started off with rjuite a littles
Bhowr of animation and strength, with prices
tending upward, and a cry encouraging
ices nnd consideration to hand throughout , ?Tt'u pt
the day tended to add to tho strength that ' i. .' ..".".
lias underlain this market for the past se- J ..XIayc----
tr.il das. hy restoring confidence to trad- , tJ?t. rt.
m and Imparting a decided bullish tono I Dec" ....V."
to tho situation. There was considerable j r"ur.
hcltancy shovin at the start, a hold-back j "J? .P.V J,
attitude being assumed hy traders. This i Jlay .'." '.'.
n nnrtlv iltm to. n tjiv .f vnlItmin -
lng to the failure of the market to hold Its
own jesterd.iy, and tho cry dull and un-j
satisfactory speculation. Itecelpts again tn-
11-ic-u jargviy iiuu mo ciicuiaiions 01 irau-
ti, iiiai uio poor tiair may aae icn oue 1
10 the fact thai our armals this morning ,
showed up quite heay. lIng ISMtW bu . as j
compared with only 1U.(fo bu. last week, i
nnd hut 40.1W bu one year aco. Vet the 1
shipments trom here were within 3b.wi bu. j
of the receipts, and the stock has Increased '
only Zi- bu. Another thing was that the '
predicted Increase In Northwestern receipts !
uiu nvi inaierniize, ine arrivals at illnne- I
apolU and Uulmn amounting to "11 cars, I
.ehtrh ,OC f lltrnn ff ...... aV. ... . I
...,.. -.-. 'i,i ui. num. iiivats 01 last :
ngo and this was m tho face of weather !
'.. lav'jiaum iur ii.uiuiuig grain. i$e-
sides tho above. Liverpool cables came i
strong, and reported an advance there of '
Nd after opening unchanged. The aboo '
In a great measure restored conlldonco to I
jradcrs. brought out more buyers and ral- ,
lied prices.
a ne initial trading was on a basis of 'to 1
01 me inornlnc n kocsioh Thn,. ., n
trading In anything else, but TSHc was bid I
for Oct. and i,c for ila. For somo time !
after this the market dragged along In a
Wearisnnm w.iv chnu-tm. iif. . .
that were In the least way Interesting, and
.a.ijr uuiraa ueseriea ino pit. Continental
cables were of no beneht. as they reported
declines of -4e at Paris asC at Ucrlin and
.c at Ituda-Ptsth. The eport movement
V the seaboard was small at IG'.OOO bu
llour and wheat, but the 2.73S.OJ0 bu. so far
for tlw week was 2S2.0U0 bu. in excess of
thoso of lost week. This and the fact that
?cw -iork was said to be bullish on the
cash situation, and reported Arm markets
afjrOno Sinn l-OOrt lnnnl.1.. ...l . .
?n'!.erT;cS1 iu w?3 "I4 lons wo this J
increased lanrelv. th mi.ui n....
largely, the. mnrkor k-nui
-j; .ri iuuuj, ana ior a time the ex
citement ran hffh rtn .. .i.. ?i
lowed. Dec. bulged and sold as high as
jakc and shortlj after brought TT.c. but
', "yJ"s ilnlnK UP ra?. " cased off
11 u ti rh1n anolber buying flurry
nroke cut. based upon a stronger cash mar
ket and exporting demand for Xo. 2 hard,
togethrr with reports thit 72 loads had been
. t.?. or "P0" at seaboard and 600,000 bu.
Uec. touched The high point the day
Ja-c. and closed ;sc up for the dav al ?g,k ,
bTd'oef cloed,TC UPJZ tI,e day at ? l
ent W-". t!2.SCl..s0 h.'Sr at T1'ie bid. I
V.rLfe?." ?L' nominal and
iiay lc high'er at TSc bid.
Lc,r "fe"M tothe corn this
thX .,...ii Bl"uu uut ""ore prominently
man nlivtnlnr- i,l.a a i.n.
ZeTIS ffit-n-A!SVi !
- . - rmm ..V . U.VUJIIH II1IV
.adM.i.i.. .1 - . :: -" "' Bwii.1; iaiii
iiier-aoie lime after the market opened, nt
IoarSe.ac.Sl0t?.s.,wcre r ,he "shtest, as opera
tors paid little or no attention to this grain,
'bcta! the whole thing with them.
ih? 5 acceptances were again said to L
Jignt. but the posted receipts were fair and
shipments generally small. Total arrivals
2 J .j1...'.1?' Ueste" markets weio reporfd
at WttAPi) bti.. against tsi.ftxj bu. a year ago.
ncludlng-iosoo bu. locallj. agalnsfSl.T-X) bu.
last year. Shipments footed up 152.0) bu
and exports 43,00U bu.. making t4.7.(yj0 bu'
for tho week, against 2.7G1.0U0 bu. last week!
Cables w-ere firm and Uverpool J,d higher
for the day, but. weather conditions tould
not have been better had they been mado to
ffi V"a lho Cincinnati Price Current
stated that the crop was maturing uirlv
and favorably. The dullness characterVing
tiils market continued uninterrupted up to
near noon, when a little Dec, was traded
isii1 Jntfctcrda s closlDg price of X-,c Uitcr
i?oe iS,3 an a,1"c-- due to wheat, to
:c. but speculation did not Improve The
reT'1 strenKtin .ln "lJt and reports
&,0n.th.e.soaboar.1 tliat 0 oads. or UJOOuO
bu.. had been taken for txport imparted a
wl.0nie l. the ,n'u"ke, and " cKsed with
buyers i-c better, at 33Uc Sept.. the Fame
.re4,at l.c- Doc- c''neT U& V higher
nt v3:s'i3lc and jear He up at SJJic.
T,Tllsir.Cn,Bth shoi;rn I" oats yesterday was
not carried over, and, notwithstanding the
?.ancc5 ln otbHT fi"lns- tho market was
tfs,er. ept. selling at 210 off to "li.c
at which It closed, and ilay to 21'4Siic'
".' that bid. and Det at 3
.IVe Sv.!'3 ''" against S.a bu. last
year. Shipments were SM,wj l.u. '
Trail). CoKsip.
Among th 11; cars wheat received ber to.
J hlsaa'-whVat "KSjg
mutt be moved out and duptwed of at onco to
permit it Uing nold at all. All this 2lhe
illlnoi,, wheat will pn-hably & cleMeSt'lS
ns rhcrt order as nosnihe nn.t ,,... " !?.
as&j thirthV-" - v3&
J?.!1? k,h. . ,hl.'. ?"rn. "lino!? wheat
that that section
now uujing Its tee-1
wj.eai ncre.
An olliclal report summarize, the Iluwlan
TJ1.1 cS".?s ,,ad ,n lb Southwest. moderatS
ln-.'h,e.f0.u,,i!.,ill 5 ' ." But: As'h,
T.rlncln.l .Te .. ;. 7r"i'.""ir'a3t. . As
Jeetions w'heV- ,s'- ""J 'rTJ i?'. I
s In th
moderate. It USrS" tha t " the RuHn
31.M cannot je such a eood one as wa, som?
time ago reirted. War has so taxed i52
.qulpmrnt of the railroads that It Is fearWl th
movement of the crop must U wrlolSiy ie'
.!e.Il! 0r'ln," J"'1"! Tanner e.timates the wheat
li".." arrsine :xr acre jj hu winter and
i-5.?"- 'frins. i)n the revifcl acreage rVA
iiMeJiT11?"". t,,ese estimates lnditSt a
Jleld of 3.fyt..eM. bu. winter wheat r.I or?
1r .5? ,hrw Northwestern States a iron Jfe
about 3S.rrt).ir.i Iiu. (na, "" a croI of
-The Cincinnati Prlc Current .jv-s that re
E?il V-",t,,;r, "'"'Ing com fav'rahivruTd
WnuanVvl, ,hm!,rafred"M m0re f'"n,y
he'? 'f un,ler ,,"C- l"-T cradra at all
hlr2 .n i1? aror,'lr"f to condition.. Millers
Mllwa"LWon.. "J ricr aWng all dry wheat.
tJUS. . ond Iocal mirs buj lng balance.
WgrTfo? thcrnf0 Ut f mlr"et. as prices toi
rl,7ee,Toike',c!,', AkJa .t ,h''r a de
iinlw..i0n "J . trneth In irngllsh and Chn
Li??n ,aI ."'fcets. as shown ia private cablA
n?t ?l'? 'xnrT tated that they wuld
rc.iW.fort',,rn 'mPnrtera can refrain frrn
Twfilmr ln Is country In the near future.
Th7, "'so report a rood demand for corn.
-hei."1! ,1,e dally clearances of flour and
rvr?t.aro-b n0 "cans extraerdinaiT. vet the
li"i for wrek a'eadlly lnciea.es. Thit for this
lk7l wfc ' cxcct:A U" S.J. bo- of
.','. '. H'fcult to figure out anything save, a
email increase In tho wheat risible this week
and n decrease Is not Improbable. One year
KO there was 3.171.000 hu. Increase.
Cnuli Grain, I'lonr, Kle.
WHEAT Cah Xlarkef-rtecelvol 5.341 fks. and
1U ca local nnd 47 cats throueh. IUcher and
much better market, both In tone nnd demand.
Shippers were asaln In rnarket and city mill
era bcucht more freely, tat bulk of sales still
to the elevators. Br ,mple on trk. Switched.
No. 3 red sold at f4He7ic. thl. 7534c. litej
fancy. B. side: No. 1 red at 73e to 5tc- kH
wlater at esc to JHic: no iradTat 57c to 70S:
nuv.mco ior tne lee. option, which sold tit' "'"-
4c, but lmmcdlatelv weakened to 7vls4C : Stoclcs of Grnln In store.
rVn-reacted "55J.c bid. fell back' to 1 ,,-v . T.vday. YesMay LastYr.
I?!.i;sC. recovered to TTiC. and then declined yPat 4.6io.r;2. 4,Mi.:i3 3.3-4 o7
and sold at liK-.c. all" the,o "hinges "1 ' SO? ftig R 'J?
Ing made durlnir tho tirt hmn- ,.,!,. ,..ie i... HI:J? .! S 3.i
J.0 river nheat In nt the elTator. Hard winter
la demand, exporters bidding for round lots
within bc of Chicago. Oct maUni; north Jivo
'it clopa. but held above that. A few cars No.
- sold early at 63ic, and later at 70c for No.
2. and SSc for Nx 0
COItN'-4ith Markct-necelved H cars locil
anl 37 ear through btrorcer and a liettcr In
quire, small offering, reMricttng tlm trade. i:it
irk. Xo. 2 soli at W.c, No. Z vellnw, at 4 e,
N'o 3 do nt Wc. No. 2 white f . b. from
elevator at 4i;e. No 3 blle at 411.
OATS Tarh market Received It cars Incil
and S cars through. Hetter. a- offerings ftnnll
nnd local dealer? after supplies. Ity Fimplo
en trk. No : foM at r;v,ii:ijc. No. 3 at Elc:
No. 4 at tlV: No. 2 white, at (,;: No t
do. at Tl'tSSc: No 4 ! nt S'i'Ito; cllrpl
at Cos.tf.c and fancy Zc.
JtAE-Orade No. 2 wintcd at Ko spnt or to
arlve. hut nono obtainable
I'I.OtTU- Althmich vvbeit. both r-isb and fu
ture, hits advanced, sellers of llour hive heel
unable to obtain any letter prices an bjers
will not Ftnnd for any advance liven with tbe
filee prices asked, the mirket is dull Ocean
freights stand prtmipallv In the way
of eirt trade and hut little p-ilsir. (
and ilnmcstlc ordera viry un-itlsfact'.rv
uotttloni m soft winter wheat flour are I
ns foiling: fatentu It W,i3 Ci. MrHlcht!". 12 33
j2.45. eitn fan. 5. 1 rojJ 30. clear, ti.&itl. lw
and reellum fz wiiJ ). Hard winter in ;i.:e
sks : ".'.vi; ( for bjkers'. Jl.saga for rtraUhts.
and K.llfaS 10 for imtents.
HYi: 1WI Il-JobMng at J3.K in rlc. and 13 41
In I hi.
f)liNMn.I-J2es.M. pearl meal. grtts anl
homlnv tl 11
MIl.T.IT;i:D Stronger and an lncresse.1 In
nalry lttan fo11 at 6e In I irgo Rk. and 03c lii.l
for choice, with 7ftc aked ltnlk hran worth
A nnd Fkil mlxe.1 foci 7?t73o. aceordinir to
qualltr Vt mill I ran f?j70. and fhlpi 77e.
11VY It(vio.t ;;; tops l(-ai aril i.'O t mi
thrveh. hlpp'l r7i tin, n ehtnae to roe a
fTfr d.mnd at s-tedv prices for tlnothj. the low
krail. of which dull. o I. l'.er. tmt prairie
Ilrtn a. It. supi ly mll Trie-, on trk. nrR,
Tlmt Ihi $11 for ch'Uo and $13 for oennlrntl
car fanei Jlit &rll. .) for No. t. ) Will for
No 3 $Sr3 for No 3 Prairie 57 . for choice.
$767 .'a ffr No 3. Jil ",) for No 3. $. C0-H for
No 1 I1.er. $7 rll
STTIAtV -Whent on trk. JJK: r f"
SIIASS SKKI-'loer v(? M tlmothv JI5?
. reil top 2S -oc for chaff to J7ffS for finc
tthrr eW romlnil
CAhTOIt IIEANS--P.Id Jl ZZ per hu. for prf-e
in rir lots
Hi-'Mi' t-i:nr-j3 rr iai ii. . puro hifi.
ri.AXi:i:D Steady at Sl 4S Md rpot and 51 47
to arrne
I.KAltetdv and ouict at 54S34.
SI'KI.TRU-lteM at til'
at J3.W.
PrloPM on 'Cliaiicre.
The following tal les show the rani;e of prices in
futire-4 nnd cash grain
'l-jNCil Uarce
7r, 11
74'. b
7-. b
3:, 1
37 li
3-ttf3l b
3.T, b
71 I71
f S71's
f ...
.1 .
4!'s'a ...
41.f .
3S W .
te.lacF.!ay. Tonliy.
...TV. n . .r .
. TlSli . . it ..
....7I l 74'ft-.T'75H
... 7 11 .. it
.. :n . t ..
. rr. h . it .
3J5, a
.31'. I
. 33.
.:i'. a
Ctth wheat, cpm and oat. ranged
whcat-No.2 red''fr:?""- "'"iTt'35''
No. 3 red 7Viv 73'rii7:'i
i har.ier""'-5i ??' r J SSu
1 x. 3 hard .. .! 4 f fa5ii
l1" -o. - i-vajs
0 J . .. - JlU-.
?-- r JSi;; t; fjU
oiti-No - sS
No. "3 .'.." '.'.'.'." zzZf't
No r No-thern 34 i ...
-'a- - white . ;i uta'j
ij"- ? hlte.. .3 J4V,
rvo- 4 '"hlte.. -I'sJg.
4 i
f& .
33 i .
Z (, 33',
34 nz
34 5354
33 ir.
DfoTeiuciit fif frnin.
Recetpti". Shipment.
wheat eon "Wheat. Corn.
..... ......I.iii? 41 R3 110.73
3S;iV) 40o 104 l
Mill 7357 4.'n
ioieai .... ....
J"rfa,,c'ty ....
fiiimh """"
New Yo'ris"..";.".
Haltlmor- ...:..;
Philadelphia .
17 733 K.373 .33
111. W 17.3M KWi".)
41 50.1 Srtft.l TSl
.... 3C.W 5.33) 37 331
3,4fi9 S.l'C, lflj.ftl.1
179 535 lrrtSO 110'3 17I.4
. ... 5i3l 53.0.S ; o,l ns.k
31 7'i) 2) .-.l 31 314
ii0810" ,-
C.3ot IO.tC5 C.CJ
Contract grades:
?o. : red
- - hanl
No. 2 com .. . - .
..1,730 4S7 1.7S.7
. JJ7.37J 3m,.lli
. .13i 4 1,341
.. 37.I7 37.37J
1.71 5. 4 W
S-1 " COn" "
No. 2 oats
No. 3 w hits oats .
No. 3; rje
1.S14 l.!,H
siiipments 01 1 lonr.
St. Ixmls 13.375 bhls . Chtcajfo. 13.335 bbls.; !.
trolt, 600 bbln.. Milwaukee. 3,45-j tola . Mlnnean-
Local Fruit, Vegetable, Poultrv,
' ' "..
Egg and Butter Quotations.
Ft. Louis, Thursday, Sept. 13 1X0.
The produce markets were generally ijuiet to
day, tat a better riellng waa muiuresud. o
lnir to tr.a lighter roceipts, and price, as u, rule
were well sutalned. shippers wera only mod
erate bujers. and tho local demand wai liht.
lotatoes were In fair demand, and tn in.r
Ket was tlrmer on early onio. ua receipts were
not as heavy as ttey cave been. Klver receipts
Sre1 ,c", oC "V - " on
???, ,W3 aaJ ffi 'th " "t
lit; . . - . v: " .vitcs Kit jower.
a ML
Caboago waa In talr demand.
k .:?- wl,h .ceipu its
and tha nur.
r-isj(i-.t j lle-Kf
TuHUltfJCM -ra w-ane in -,.. ...
Onions ucre dull and loivr. Receipts
nti.y 4und. aa tne demand was lteut. them
VV U W I nncinsra ll llnnV r.r.l, A
: 'S5uffi and lower.
as receipts Tero iieaw
and there was only
a usnt aemana.
Bwt potatoe were dull and weak, aa recelDts
were heavy and the demand low. "celP"
r-KE plant was dull and weak, with very little
Cucumbers were weaker, but other vegetables
were quiet and steady. .ciuies
.rti.tIi-Her" q!i1,!t a.nd ea,ly at unchanced
trices. Taney red. well-packed apple, were in
lair demand, but most ci the cftern-gs weru of
te? sell' aa1 l"at C"s ot ""' ta'u
1 ATicneVcr9 weak ani lower. receipts wera
l.eavv- and generally of Inferior duality, while
the demand was limited to choice stock.
nr. "Kiie dul1 ana P'rat"u'. excepting dam
sona, which were scarce.
.i',fre Mere. P1'0""" and the market dull and
lefm. "" a C llaTtle". hlm were
tlSandnlyr.8 reCe'P,S W"B ht!iVy M
.laten"?lon3 Wre du" and lower on account
of the cooler weather. The Pcasoa is nearly over
ih?rn?i!klJire,Kt'!?T2"y of Quality, wh.le
n-elone Y Ilmit''1 "emand. cien for choice
wiilntr?iUpe3 Vre d?n "n lf. as receipts
rTi.reavy?n'1 "'"'h of the ttoik Is out of
i?nd.U1n C:h"c,, lu,cky rurda -ere In fair de
mand, but everthin5 Use was How
Oranges were again acarce and Urm. and ofer
1 ?s wetv barelj e1ual to the requlre-menl!!
offirinS3,'llghL0 fiIm una la sou,i de,n-"ld "'th
other fruits wertfjiul-t and steady.
. i.i.rf,nou '.7 na.1uJft. S-Prtng chickens were
lto"fc uVieUt R1't,ut ,h rtwipts were heavy
were ,URd oe'tnanT M,t" th,Cl"
at nrrrTjrrtSS ""e fcCarC' "nd 'n ,1 demand
Turkeys were -weak ard lower. fe wero
dull and ducks wero o,ulet aa,i steady
veals wero In Rood demand and ttrmef as re-
cTeanj'up? "Kht and ,n marKct '"
Sheep and lambs were dull and unchanced.
,e.d.mo was Ilrm!f and In better demand, as the
..VU0Oili..,,a"JdI,u and unchanced Thcro was
jery little demand and stocks were l.rse but
buer3 ero indirTennt. and Fellers too firm In
tb'ir viewi. to make am conceselon..
'.'"" .'" quiet and FtcadV. at imeh.eee.1
with receipts light and all offerlnss
T-S7Jnarlv't '"T "gain qulei. but firm to-day.
r.ceUpts were light and mo-t or the offcrlnci
XZL?,0? OI"T' h,""w, ,,ut ,h,ro as a good
demand for choice, fresh stock.
sJI0?" ."i01?';! reeeipts sold at 13t-e, loss t.fT.
hut heated, held or Inferior Uoek sold for much
Itecelpts at Ft. Ixuls to-lay were 2.CS cares,
and shipments were 7t,1 eases. '
Hairy I'roilurls.
Jjadle-tiicked KYtra tfie. Or.t. i-.
ChecFe-eJuote: Twins at lP.c. slncles at 1114c-2iiA-
,,.'":.New York 15e: Umbjrcer li)?t)Uc
jobbing 'i?eL.briCk at "SUU-C- rurol"C '-S
Missouri Illinol
Slnl. eomblrg..2i)1-n
Med clothing... 630
Urall & low... .i ei8i
U'irry & clear
mixed 17 CI?
FIlKhtly burry..li il
Hard burry ....1:1411113
Ucht fine 16 i'17
lbavy line IS Cll
v lsecnsin & Iowa
Med comblnir.. 13
Cloth & hrald..l 4J1SV,
semibricht .. ..IS f717H
Dark merlium...l (jis
line medium -.15 ilS
Ught fine II ris
Heavy fine It JU
Kansas A Neb
Prlcht me.1 ....11 4JHV5
Dark & randy..l4 All
Fine medium ..14 T1S
Ucht fine U P14
Heavy line .,..11 612
, .Tex.. I. T. . Ok.
ledium .. .. JJ
Viarse A low.. 13 f!li
Fine medium . 11 I'tiH
JJdit line 11 sjij
Heavy line it S1I
Dakota X. Western
flright meil ...i iii
linrk mecinm...ll erlCi
Klne medium ..II me
Usht line 14 ai;
Heavy line .. .1; Qu
Arkansis South.
Med. (Ileeced)..11 Cf2i1
.Med (loose) ....li OK15
Hurry . . .....H jjij
Hard burry .. 12
N'o. 1
No 2 3 U2t
Hurry i 20
Angora goit hair
Oean A clear..is 021
Horrj- 10 flu
Black and seedy from 4c to Co a lb. less tian
Market firm and lard firm.
l'ork New ntandird lobbing f. n, b. $12.50.
Iard fbolce steam n. side S6.70.
Green Hams. 12tc. Held In car lot. f. o. b n.
side: Hams On basis 'Vie for IC-lbs. and fi.e
for 14s. New York houlders at Cc. Prom the
Idock. delivered: Itun-of-hf,use nama at S'.c; lsl
lles at 7c to 9', as ln averace.
.1). S Meats Bid. lots: i:xtra shorts 7.c:
cribs 7 ic: clear sides Sc; bellies Sfis'lc. as In
average: plates 7c Dealers charge higher on
email orders.
Ilacein Ilxd. s. c. meats in a lobbing way:
JJreakfast bacon lly for heavy to lZe for fanev
llrtt: hams 10HeIl4C, California TJha?!." as
.... 36. "ill
. .. u. ..... u i.u.l j.i, ........ . :; -1.1 t - :i x ... ;
nutter The market was quiet and steady at un
changed trices. There waa a fair d-mand f"r
o'm0' bIUtt.er' JJl "thlnc U-a wasslovVt
fi?Sm,T7'7liXSE "c: lirsls ,v- seconds 17c!
Halry-fcxtra 17c; firsts lfc. urease 4i?4y.c. Counl
trv Store-naekeil 1?t. fne .i - ciis-'V- V i
oiw ivr vvor.
In aerai:e: New York hou!.rs T'-c. Tlaln
nirked bid meat.: Kxtn nhort. SJ.c c'rlb.
S';C dear sids t'c: belllei S'-fJMc. as In aer
i"Ke. plates 7'sc Dealers tharg hlnher on small
I'ountry I.ard gfii3 according to "luality an 1
t'cuntry Hicnn l'alr avence prlc.. umtormly
iut and well Hmoked: s-houldep) at S'-l'!e, i-lde.
t,ji7c. ham. nt 74ij mot of the late Irrrsulitly
cm an.l poorly handled, til -e sell on their merit
TAIIonfnuntn Ni 1 4U4'.c. No. 3 StlSVc;
pickers" choice 4.4c
tlnajse Quttte: ttrown 3e; el!ow 3e; whlto
3'.t . paekcrV chol. white t'.OSc. elliw 4
lieef-On clr: l!atrile.l Jlw 73. Fulton
Mirket 511, tongues at JS tr doz.. dried at 13SJ
When poll round: Orcen alte.l 7e; tnitlrn
f-,e Hty I'lnt-Cholc" Texas l".aiinr renlpts
14c- 'lr- f.ill.n He. iln Itd 13c When wld on
ici.tl ni. ilretn salt N". 1 7',i. tn-een salt N' .
V . hull :. Iiry flint No, 1 lc. No 2 ll ;
or flint, lu'l in' ,. .r cull and i;lue e lrj-palted-
No 1 l't, . X,, 3 11'tc. 1 nturi'd lc less
than cured. ivirtureil 'c leti.
I'otiltr., flume ninl 't-nl.
I.ivn TOULTUV Aierace receipt.. Younc
turkes 7'-( . v, ;r 1 hi kci Hum 7-, old
! vum ;ir. lucn. Wl.lte 7i . duk 6. 1.IM
I ions ti. Jnr d '. CMd gi e 4'-e siring
i hii Kn. iuoti-d at saS'c ir iti. iprlns dutks .0.
II . l-er doz
iiAMi:yu -le; I'loxer at 51 Ti perd"r.; "!
.-K at JS per do7. f 1 r seh-ct lirse. nimrret at
51 .' 11 r doz. fur joung. 1. for o'd, Jacksnlrs
51 : p r .1 ,z.
ir 11' hi l.l.il.-? fjuote it 3.V ier dor. for small
f.i 14. die tti. .Oil!.. ,n.l .1 f.mf 1 1IE1
i;.i..-Oi. :.. Mii-ill fat ilM w i:n lb. . atr,"'
1 r in , ncni . r ukii an i nun a j r -- i
trfrllns" lnll t 3-tHr. thin ns and !: W at
" i.- r III i.tinjf hroltv ! nt I t V
li Hi. fi.r c!io:l 0 to tj ll . i'Ut W Umti al J
rtiHx mill -ki-i:i!iIi"i.
M'l'I.l: .s un I In 1.1 N. at fiom 7. to tl fir
i. to
!( to SI .1 tn- fur t 1 hut 1 and :1 i '
r I mi v hiuh 111I0111I varieMe. lj.trii
miked Jl W ti li. Ilimernvvn t-tllin,;
liiiibe fn..n wairi ni .it I'm to " k rer 1'U .
and at fn.fi .jjc tu I 3J r r 111. l.ejfure latter
to" liel.ell.ur
ri:.Mlll ConslMieil lot. .MuhlKin in C h-i.-l"t
crati. ld at ;K!I and tu Ui!.t. at
: - tI at to iuil't. t p for line i:ilnrti..
ni.irlo icn.lgtieil Int. s. IJ at rnse of 3iv.
lor small to me Hum t.p t ".ia-Ji lur choiiv ir
'.III Kii,et ml 1.11 l-x nt V- to Jl for .-'nail
to nillum H ime crown w ikon ri.-elpt. broilcht
1 to ,C. jur '. bu 1mi1.iI fo- mill I" medium.
4 iii.ie f . r choh" and i.c for fancj; extra fany
l.llrtas aid i"tawfntil. at- m
l'i:l:S yuote In ld -Iiaihc. 13M?1.
for No 1. ninl 11 to Jl 31 for No 1. nn.1 No.
3 liirtl'tt at J3(3 3-".: K.lfir at Jl '.'li 7j per
lid for ciore Neirln common aritli. -it
ir'.i.-. ilu htM anl KeliVr al 3j4i2-' . Itiriletts
anl Howell v jr "...Ini ti-ket. 13 lm htkets
dm he. -it 30.. anl Howell at SoiT'V
liUMV.S ciima Packets Concord, ipiorilile at
H . s-lni Kiskclu tot cords and white arle
tie. at I.i3iV.
VTl-'ltMllIiNS -Quote Iowa melon, nominal
at J4tV 1-cr car n trk.. anl in a ' iiiMng way
at $- tier I .1 del
CANTAIiri'K-v-Cholcr. mtM at Sll '"
CIIAI! API'I.I:' ijiiote near-hv at 30V.Sc per
'-liu. liaket, and at Jl ix r Md Choice New
"iork Mlienan nt J3i3 rt rn r Md
I'ACiriC COAST rUClTS-Qcote O-econ
prunes llallin. Iluncarictn ar.l llMe at ti-. 't?
$1 gr.. prune, at Jl 3i iier "it lh I-x Cillfot-nia-l-irtli
it pears nt J3r3 2.. niml-h l-'au'v
at Jl.75.i3. huerre d'AnJou at Jl ti! 75. anl
huerre hnrdi at Jl pir 4-Ih t.ox Plums. ier
30 Ih crate -ros prun. . at Jl 3.. Kr!i . .lip in.
at Jl Tokav Krapej, at Jl . j.r hilf-irate.
Pesiihi. at TOk r 3tl-lb lux tor vilwa..
(ltN3I Wo o,u .te California lite Valencia
nt J4 33iii". j.icr 1.x. Niw Hondura. qui.talde
at 54 ter l.i
IJ.yiON: .jui te: Messina nt JS SO to jr.. fanev
Mai irl at $iif, w ir lx Cillfiirnli at S-'.fi a
l:NANAS-Wi ipiote on onUr: Tort Mmcn
at Jl 7:. jut hunch for l".rts and 1.31l4l.' for
iixiVNfT-QiiotaM at jr. per 1.0-ln a
mall wa at J3 ier loo
I.lMl.h--Quote at 0i 51 tier 11.
NKVV CllANllCltltlKS-Oa Kile at SS.J3 P'r
I'oTATOUS Home-crown early O'lio. Faien
looi fnm fanner." w icon, rininc main! at
313: ir liu. fine, huff stock hringlng mjre.
Ikwt rmipts hrine 3Tm3i-
CiVIOVS North Mliurl red 3c to V.
r.i.Kiti tjuote .ound at wo per ut. ana at
35&5-V1 tier hunch for Hue rlhlmn
CAlIIiAilI-Quoto Northeni nt J
. .
per ton del
Hi me-grown sflllng tn orders at Jl PJ per crale
KTitl.si; HHANS Home crown n-arce and nmi.
selllrc ivi.e at Jlul-3. ir bu. tor rouni creep
TOJIVTOi:.S Ilonie-urown eatlD &tnrk ouoti
tie at 30c ier bu loos-, and choice at 30y,c Or
ders chvged hlcher
SWIIKT TOTATi )KS Home-grown Hermit H
nfid ciueen cell at Witt, jellow at 7oe ard red
ninsemonl nt ic itr bn leiose anl at S3 3 fr
Hennuila $3ij3.3S i-er bbl. ft-r other varieti-s 01
i:ti; TI.ANT Nortl-em at TJV per box contain
ing aliout 34 doz Home cro-vn at 236 4" rr dz
e-AItitOTS-Nerthern quotable at Jllrl.33 per
bbl. and at TMjSOc per 10 ILs. mlk e!el.
eil'ilBO Hull home-grown selllrg at 3o per
i-bu and 3 per lie. k baeket.
SAfKItKKAUT-tJuote bbi at J i 33. tj-bbls.
at SI ".. hjn.ill order, charged h'cher.
rTAItl.I" ejuotablo at 4S per lh.
HOHF:nLlsll ouotw new home-grow-n at
J4 M p r bbl en orders.
ri:i:Ts.ll at Jl p-r bbl In sUppIng order
TriiXlI'S--Home-grown Fell at ti:. ler bbl.
on shlpplnc onlera ronslsnments not wanted.
Ilsepllaiifcius Mnrl.ets.
jnoir.VlNi:S-Selllng on a basis of Jl V
tl'lUP IKON ANn MRTAle-Iron Wrought
4 .- per too lb... hfavy cat 30c. pteel and malba
tlo 3Tic and 30c. Ftoveplpe -. . burned lie. llra.s
Ucht S7; heivy Jie m. ejoppcr 5IL Icad J3 50.
7iric $2.7".. Pewter $12.
vori:rtSTUri In car lot. en trk Ptave.
r"cttonwood Hour IbL S6.Vn7. No 3 IKfl M. halt
bbl jr-eSiO: tr kec J13&1C. lard tleices J3.
j'.rk bbl JIS. Headings, per set No. 1 fl. ur bbl.
3'1- Rl.aved heops Flour lib J4Ti4 Vi for cooper,
J3 for IloOi-ier: half bbl S2.30. tolled elm (5 f.iot)
J?: e.-ik lard tierces, coeter-shaven, JS. pork
bbl. J",
enoi'nrtAOn Lard tlereen Jl 1;. pork bbls
o. half bbl.. 73c. slack work rourd hoop flour
libls. 33'53fic. flat-honi do 33c; half bhb- 23c,
meal bll. 3ic; produce Ibis. 34r. apple bbl.. 35c.
JIItOOM POllX-Nomlnalli ttfWlui per ton.
llf:E.WAFlmt. Prime -JjC per lb
1 UA.TIli:iIS I'rlrre. lirce vhlte l.e In .rmll
and fc In Iarc ks . criy 9!e. while, old :ir J
Jc; X r'n3.. XX 2'ic. XNK l-'lle. X..X
tui-j. . lare r cent ior lanre to 11 per cent tor
em.H k. Huck White :r.(f37c. dalk 373a--.
CMcken 4c. Turko Koil ic. tall S-o. VTing 17c;
wing, tall nnd polrters 12c. wing and tail 2.C.
wirir and pointers ic. jtointers 3c
ii:i:kskin ritme ipej- in., antelope ;2':c;
gtat 3i Jisoc. Kid and ilamaced out. Texas 3tic
HOOTS ',!nens nt from Sl'ai 23. lade flipper
.c. Seneca Zoe-. pink lie. rol.ien peal 4'iii4m- old
worth more, Miy aprle 2&zi-c, .nake 3x0. black
Be ancellca 3:i-c, wahoo-liark of root, .
t-.rk of treo SCLJHo; tl.xiil 2!2C. blaeflaK "e.
si.ul-eap leave. 3t. for prime sreen. ST9afns
lark 4c All rot should be thorotishly dry anl
clean l.efore being Fhlpred to market
SIincP I'EI.Ts Wool pelts at ootjtae; lambs
"W.Oe: shearlings ZtfiZx. Dry or fallen p-lts
gJiQ rer lb
DUIED KIICIT We quote: Apples, evaporate I
rincs at 3Wc to 4c. quarters it 3c to 3,c: chep at
Ht4ic. peelinas at i.e. sun-drleil ijuarter. nt 3"
to 3aic IVachee Fancy evaporated unpeejed
halves at 5e; sun-drbd hilvea at 3c All dam
ape 1 nnd pcr coods Fell frr lefs.
DHICD e-lltcnv PRASK-Jobblsg from store
at Si 1 .pht at fl 41
Wllirn UnANSi-eTiolce hind picked pea l.eans
In a Jobbing wa from store nt Si-30i2 .
screened Sc per lb. Ies3. We.iern at jl 30. wt-evlly
les Umi Wan. at fe jr lb
1IONKY Comb at 11c to 12te fancy white
clover 13314c. inferior, dark and broken les
Hstraeteil and flralne.1 In bbls. tgi'-c and li
crn. L-fflc per lb. higher.
I.INVKKD 011,-lVr cal : Haw at 3e boiled at
f.c lc per gal le.s In e-ir lot" tiistcr oil i
Wis. ir li-. N'o 1 13c; N'o 3 1115c. c.(tton-ee,l
e.ll-Summer vellow 3c; whlto 33c, winter jellow
Zii white 44c,
Tradr Itntber Tiimr. lint 1'rlers Itr
innineil L'ncliaiiKCiI.
r.Krur.i.io s-n:ri.K
New York. Hcpt. 13. IJve potiltrj- reeefpt. to
day were three cars WVstern. The Inquiry from
the retail Interest bis been fair snd liujers took
eie.inble frefh chlckers and fowls lut ordinary
kinds were nerlected. The frefh receipts cleared
promptly nt ld'-e for fowl, nnd lie for sprlrgs.
Othir claw.es alo unchanced ln prlo,
DreF'eii poultrj- receipt, to-dlv v.ero 1.'.13 pkr.
Deliveries are ttill lhlti.I M'beilule time and
shipments arrive later than uutl Trndo ttarte.1
lift rather tune .. 1th buvers rUuctint In taklns
hold of com! .cabled chicken, at lie. but rt
eelvira would not meet their views nnd the re
:ion.o from the sliop trade a little latir fu
talncl tbo market.
Dry-picked fowls continue scirce and Falable
promptly at ll'sc. with some marks of Indlinis
nrd Ohlos rrachlnrr 13c, at the Famo time sotno
lets of ordinary fowls beinc dlfhrult to place,
at He. Kxcept for the Flight Increased price ot
rowl, cuotatlcns remain tho same as those
tiven J "tenlay.
Hatter. Cliee.e mill Kegs.
New York. Sent. 13. flutter Ilecelpts ?,Sf,
rkes ; steady, state creamery lo'-ilc, jnue
ciiamcrj lsv.sJ2ic, factory ltelCc Cheese He
ee'pia .Mi nkc. . steidv. larce white and e-ol-I,,.r,,,,V
:"'p: 'mall white lOfilV.c. small colored
".iSl'Nf lir'Ilecelpt? S.3C1 pkg. . Steady,
Western recular packing at mark llgltc; West
ern, lo.. off. isejiv.
Cliie-Hgn I-oullry riuiilatlans.
Clilcaco IIU. f-ept. 11. Iced roullry steady
nkejs .Hilic. chick'n. rj'lOe.
New York, Pcpt. 12 Wool dull.
Turpciillne nml Ito.ln.
New York. Fept 13 Turrentlne steady, rosli
Illlilieiipolis I'lonr.
Minneapolis. Fept. 12. Wleat Sept. 7;':e- Dec
WWiC May 7k,e Arrivc-I-No. 1 hird ";iiic:
N'o. 1 Northern 7iPtc; N'o. 2 Northern 74-.c, Hour
and bran uncharge 1
New York. Sept. U. Sugar Raw strorg; fair
rebnlnc 4',c, cer.trlfucal. It-test. 3c. Molasses
fcucar 4c. rciincd firm
.'ew York. Sept. 13. Petroleum qulst.
Oil CIt. Pa , Sej.t. 13. Creitit liaUnces :!.3,',:
certlflcales. no bid Shipments 7S.Ij2: averaco
f 5.151. runa :.,?: nverace H.j3t averaco
Metnl -MilrLct.
New-York. Sept 13 Uu.lne. ln tercral en lh
3Ie;al I.xchance wn. of n l-and-to-miuth charac
ter. Tin locally lost all of the advance scored
jeteiday. owing to a decline of 1;? in tendon,
nnd cloed eisy In tone at tZO lomlnal. Pic Iron
wrrrants rule.1 dull, with nothim- rtotne. on the
bisl" f jsjfU'i'io 17'.. 'oppr was hrm hero
at S16..IKI1. and unchanged abroid. I.ea.1 was
dull at J4..I;, and rpeltcr eisy at x-terrtays
decline, on the basis of JIJM.l). Th hro'.ers'
price for lead was $1 and for corpT J1S.S7U.
California Dried Fruits.
'r York. Sept. 13. Aside fn m a few orders
for cbolce crades of evaporst-d appl-s to eupnly
Immeeiilte wants, new- features were conspicu
ous by their atwerce Tho mirket, however
maintained a film undertone at unchanged prices
btate Common waa ijuoted from 3c to . prime
Vw. zv- ,-"oii-e d.i7!w; lancy tUfc'tP. i-anromia
dried fruit was inactive, lrunes were nuote.t
Acitovrnc'-r as-w
sre?elea lltiisc- rnneeled esse Mif!6c- VLlcli' 1
is-iceiea iiai., topceled OaSc. J
v.-n u.iii.it.-v-ui.me-Krown yeuii c hi i'cm:, i-iui iiu'ii.ii me takliigor 71 boatloidsat
rer bu liovo ;or chol.-o gren Northern sold at t tho seaboard was tho re.is.nn for tin. firm.
Jl 1', t-r I.M anl at 5".- per lm lui.ket Ilri, n t,IO l..st 1, lf i,n,,r ,,f th i !
CAliLinAWKi;-ajote Michigan at 3 50 to About same n 1 jV'STr. if- 15? -"I'l1?"-
r.r crao ooniainmc ;m;15 aoz 1
Corn and Oafs Advanced Provi
sions Opened Heavy, but Ral
lied Toward the Close.
Chicago, III , 8cpt. it Wheat was Ftrong
to-ilay and rlo-e.1 lc higher than it did
Jisdcrdnj and the othir grain markets linn
at marked Imprint-incut", corn noting with
nil nilinncc of .,c fur Oct., and oal being
up Mi'.c. rrmUions were hea-y until the
l.nt hotir of the 8-e.s.Ion. when, some buyers
1 rearing. M-llers withdrew nnd the price
cully reeotrel the greater part of tho
early decline. A great oport huMncsi was
nportiil worked at the calo.ird. The silos
equal to ijii.tr.) lm. wheat and J.'W.O.'O
lm. corn. Of o.us Ci.O-iO bu. were sold hero
to go 11,1st.
Liverpool wheat ipiotations for future?
were ndi.-nced a little this morning, and
Mich indcptnilmce of vestirdaj's down
ward tour?e Inn- ins taken 11s eWdenoc of
a neeil of fori Ign Importations in England
and rrlve.l the spirits of the bulls. The
opening trades were at from l,c tn ae rise,
i-ompared with jesierda's closing prices,
showing the imprr.-'Inii rreattd by the Liv
erpool tirniners. taken In ronnection with
.-01110 bullish features in the ilomi stic situ 1
tinn. The chief of the latter was In the
news from lho Northwest of donmctlon to
slacki 1 wheat and wlit.it In shock hy the
ncrnt rains-. The weatlur hail since Im
proved. Inn the injury remained, and It was
said to be so ery luavy that conserva
tive mm who had Information of It re
rralmd from making it public because of its
serious j tt.s. preferring to await the con
tinuation they expected from diminutive n
ooljits. Nothing short of the latter will
convince the ti.tde generally In ilew of the
nnllieiing stati ments or the arious rx
pi ris who hao traveled tho region of crop
I.iwrpool quoted futures from unchanged
to vi bigiicr ti start with, and clo-id with
a net gain of v.l. .Minneapolis and Uuluth
received only aril ears-, compared with S79
the coi responding day of IS, and In Duluth
........ 1 n-1t11.11.. 01 iiu cars, comi.ared with OT3
yiar previous. Only 1 cars were of
contract grade, the remainder laing mostly
....hi,. 1 mi ago received 4i. car-, as again. t
lli the jear before; .t. Iuls receive d llO.iw)
mi., j's agaln-t 4o.i. bti. the like day of
'" J ''."" A KT.ila dealers' dmii iatlon of
-vebraska estimated the wheat crop of th
.ate and the r, -erves from the previous
crop at .-N.vj.er,i bu . or about 17..Vk bu.
more available wheat than Indicated by
(.overnmoiH rei.ort of acreage and condition.
Hie ngrfriKati. rieript nt Western ivjlnts
f?"'"1""'1 rt 1.1.(. hit., tompared wltli l,-.-n.m)
bu the year previous., and the slilp
tneiit'i Mwifti bu. to-daj. a. against STO.iXO
int. last j ear. Seaboaid clearances of wheat
ami Hour eotial to 4.F. mm l, n. v. .
: (inonnl nt fro ?ia... ,n'-r? .. ' 1 .,...,
,......V ... .' " "B1-! i"'i Kiauu uiy
I Improved until about
!'."''".. .'"" :l""i. nn "our from the
cinsc u nrougiu 7.ee. with a further
rise liter to ",e The rlolnr? flr?ur-i r
soal here, whirli w.i". tieoh.Tii. o.e i..-i..'..
rcportiHl from .New Vork. -.a
Corn ruled strong, opening 4c higher for
Oct. After dropping the fir-t advance it Im
proved on it em the econd rle. reichlng
befo-o U o clock .1 point -c In advance of
the previous day's closing price. The start
ing figures for Oct. wero 2ic. and. after
reacting 10 Uf,Sv. they were advanced
. Zm I!.u,-lness was fairly active. He
celi.tii here oG7 cars. ( hlcli l.V. were eon
tract. I.ports from se.1bo.1nl wero -M." voo
bu Uverpool clotsl iJ higher for futures
nnd spot was que ted 'id higher. The I'rico
J. urrent mentioned crop conditions as satls
J:l.c.,or": wltlJ!. Probability of Meld ",u.
cars" Estimated for to-morrow, iii
e tn-ttt was strong. In sympathy with
corn and wheat. It was said, but there were
reasons for strength quite independent of
the other market., chief of which was ex
cellent eiemin.i for shipment, fair propor
Uon 2- "hlcb i for export liecelnts
were t, cars, with to-monow'.s arrivals 7s
tlmatesl nt 1.32a The sealard clcara'nces
?."r,vc' : ' bu saIrs for shipment reported
at ij.ihi mi. Oct oats opened at 2P.c lho
same as they cloved the div- previous; after
n reaction to :i',c. became firm and rose to
-!c. the mo.t of the busines done in the
afternoon being at 21TBc. and that was the
final quotation.
Itange of I'utnres.
Whe-it dept
Oct . . .
C rn Ie-pt .
Nov ....
Oats Sept ..
X-. ...
fi v.
7 47U
.... 75'j
... 21V,
... 21,
, 2'S
Jl 4.1
11 r.
(j f.
Met. Pork-Oct" 11
.Jin 11 is
IiSld Oct 6 SV
Nov r. ?-.
1.371 j
6 S24
Ehcrt Itlbs-Sept
. .i'l
6 37'J 13VJ
Itrrclpta anil MilpiiK-nts.
.vrtlcle" n..
Kl..i.r bbls .wl,,
Wheat, bu Mio
lorn, u, 312.,,
Oats bu 23i.iyin
';; ,,ut 3f)
liirley. bu awM
33. OM
The barley mirket ruled firm and some
what higher than esterdavs dual prices
that is. for choice malting; other grades
were eiuotrel unchanged. Offerings were fair
and quickly nbsorheil.. Kecelpts to-diy
were ,S cars, a trille lirgcr compired with
those of tho previous day. Shipments
ntnotinted to 62.2717 bu. There were no ex
ports out of New York.
It JO.
A Prm feeling exNted to-day nt a smill
advance in values. Offerings were light anil
trading sime No. 2 to go to storp sold nt
wvfjlc. Ileccipts were 15 cirs; shipments
nothing. There were no exports out of New
ork. Pept. closed nt TilVie notnlml, Oct. at
51140 hid nnd Glc -llers. Dec. at 3e bid and
o'jc sellers.
Trailers experienced dull and featureless
market A fair foreign demand was report
ed nnd possibly this Is what Influenced
higher tendency. Spt. ranged from JLI1 to
II 4S'., and closed at Jl.'i bid and Jl .VI
a.kcd Oct. Jl 41 to Sl.-K'i. nt which price It
ended, rtccelpts were- 31 cats and shipment-.
-fil hu. Mlnneipolis arrivals were M cars
and Duluth It cars.
Timothy and Clover Seeds..
Thcro was no Improvement In timothy
seed The market ruled dull, with only a
srrall amount of buslne done. Ppot seed
sold from 53 to $4 40; Sept. closed at Jl '0
and Oct. at $IS0, or where they did yester
day.rteceipts were 1DU;0 lbs. and shipments
221.1.,S lb". Clover seed was lirm and an ml
ance of r.H! was offered for Oct seetl. Oct.
cloveel tS.Ui bid. Itecelpts were S7.S57 lbs., and
bhipments nothing.
l'reiv islons.
Provisions were weak early, with a con
Hder.iblo reduction In price, the most of
which was recovered toward tho close.
There was no attempt fremt anv quarter to
resist the e-nrly decline, but when the sell
ing that caubrel it had ceased and somo
buying of an urgent character commenced
sellers withdrew, nml the recovery of most
of the decline was easily effected. The hog
receipts in I he West were 12.W) he-nd more
than received the corresponding day of the
list year, and Chicago received CfOJ over
the number estimated Wednesday. Tho
day's local recUnts were C3.W, and U.fO)
wero estimated for to-morrow. The Price
Current r.-ported tho week's Hacking ln the
tVest nt SIaCOI head, as against 27.-.V tho
similar week eif 1STO. Liverpool quoted fd de
cline for American hams; Oct. pork opened
at $11.10. sold as low as SU.37S. recovered
to niJVP. and closed at Jlt.47'i. a.s compared
with JIl.M'i yesterday. Lard closed SVitt.":
down for Oct.. and tinchingcd for Jan. Ribs
Iot l(c for SeDt.. S'-c for Oct., and wero
unchanged for Jan.
maiikkts 11V Tni,i:nit.iii.
New York. Sept. 13. Hour Itecelpts H4I7
bbl. , exports C.4H bbl... sales S.l. pkg.; mar
ket wa. i-onslderahly stronger and more active
tuvcrs tmilinc encouragement 1n the decide. .b-m-ne.s
of wheat. live flour steady; eal-s iX I.b;..;
fair to irjod S3U3.33; choice to fancy 3.S0?J3 fri.
e'urnmeal firm, vellow Western iic. city 37.S3c
ltranilwlne J2 4".B3.K. Itje quiet o. 2 Wc-teni
t.c f. o. b afloit. State rje t3S34c c I. f. New
Jork. llarley steady, tiding 4314.V e. I. t. New
lork. malting 4btiev;e c. ! f. IturTlo. Ba'ley
malt dull: Western Ottoc. Wheat Itecelpts 17s -f"
lu.. exports J13.0M bu.: sales 3.473.(iOi) bu fu-ti-rc.
32v.iio bu. exports, spot tirmsr: No. 3 r.j
Pre fob, nlloat; No. 2 red TJVje elevitor: N'o.
1 Northern Dulctli 5c f. o b. afloat: N'o 1
banl Duluth s.c f. o. b. allo.it. Options wer."
tinrer to-elay in reFponso to poeltlve strength
In the Northwest, where receipts ere hglit.
ISe.ldcs active covering nt times, there were mod
crate foreign hujlng and a broader speculative
trade, generally helped by Increaseel export trade.
Clceed stronc at eifiile net higher. Ssalex fnetnae.!.
?" vKrss: 'zirnCctrj
f-' c- iJM m-'"- tVi "-1S. closed 82Nc!
Csra-Itcch-jls WJti eisorls 111.1:2; salts 210..
No. 3 red Man-h S4,ffs5V.c. closed Kl.c: May sm
ovi bu. futures. CO.ivvi export Spot firm; No. 2
4fie elevator and 4ie f, o b. afloat. Option
market was rtendy nt llrst. but arternarl. much
stronger on cables, the rl.e In whcit nnd txiort
r'port. and small eleirlng.. Cli se 1 firm at .W
Sc net adianee. May 4l'jo; Sept. 4ii(fHe, closed
He, Oct lkt'43iC. elo.i.1 45li(. Dec. Illi'llln"",
tlo'ed 41I,c eiats Ibeeipts 114 VK: extmrla l).
Fales IJieiOo lm. spot s-p,lt steady. No 2 2'ie. NJ.
3 24I..C. N'o. 2 while 3713:1,0, No 3 white "s'.C'.c.
trk mixed Western :ii.i2t . trk white ve"tern
2JI.03.V. trk white Mite riVr-Jo. options 1I11II
but Headv Feel et ol Hay quiet Ib.ps llull
I'.f Fteadv Cut uatn ktead I.ird steady, re
line.1 Ftead) Coiten-seil ell steady. Itlce lirm.
Mol.iFKes lirm.
Toleiln, e, Fept 13. Wlieat Active and
hlclur, Fpnt and S.pt 77e, n:t. 7i.e. Ie .
Mi,e. Corn-Dull and l-iwir. No 2 a.h and
Nit. 43Vje. I)c S.'i,e. Oat Dull and higher.
No 2 eu"h and s,pt 22i c: Dec. 23ite.. Km
Dull and blgler. No 3 cash 321-c Clover see.1
active and hlghir; Oct. J , No. 2 J.55. OH
uni hingeil.
Chicago Sept. n -Ca.h quotitlen. were as
follows. Flmir stindj Wheat No 3 7i7Ge. No
2 red 7s77i.h e urn- No 2 4oifille. No 2 jel
low l',i-lli,- Oat" No 2 22Vi23i-. N'o. 2
white 2. N 3 wnlte 2'', ,H2'.V Hi No. J
tlt-e. U-irlei -1;() 1 fi.,Jlnr 334e3,e, lair t-
bolee miltmc I7'a'.i s.n. N'o 1 H'x $1 ):
No. 1 Niirthwistern Jl S. prime tlnmth Jl 1 'f
4 ;. Pruvbi nF Ml. pork, iier 11. Jil 4".;
11 '.1. lard, iwr Iti.-. , MliiS 2"-. short nlei
!ilcs ilueei J7 r.W;7 H ilrv suited Fhiu'd'r.
il.v.l I'.UVf, short il.-lr udes (bsd ) vH IK
Whl-ke. IsifI. of hlghwlnes, ?l 21 e'lover ,.n
trut Ktade Js WSrt.l tin the PriNiuee Ilx harge
tiF-di the bottir market qnlit. irearterle is1 .i
!' . .Iilrii 14'iPk Che.e tlrm at W'.,JIri.
Keg. firm, fresh lSi
I.lieriil. Sept n - Wt-c-it Prt lirm: N'o. 2
red Witern winter t-i it.d No 1 Northern fi rlrg
is 3VI. No 1 calif, rnta c. .Kit. su,i Fuiuns
quM. Sept Ce Id. D. Cs 3V1 "on Srn t firm.
Aroirb in mixed, new. 4. 3,d. ill. nom'nil.
Fut-ires oulet. Hit 4. 1V1. Nov 4. 3VI D.
4. ;-! Ham. shirt iut 11 m i Pis drll it
44s r.i Turiilllire plrlts 2s fd. T.ll'ow In 11
d. n .-te td at is 9,1
hsnsn. fill. M.i S-.nt. I" Wheit Dec iTT.
errsi . Miv 72e Ca-b No. 2 bird fi7i . N'f. 3
fililUV. No 2 red 7b No 2 l.7'.i;fc Corn D'
33i . Miv 3Hi7ts,e. ah N'o 2 m.'vid SV , No 2
white 3V . Nit 1 TV Oatir-N'o. 2 whtli 7.
Hie No I 4ik Hlj -Cliob e tlnn thy D Villi,
ch'lce praln- t" llutt.r Crf.ini.rv li-0 ,
lilrv rami 17e I'ggF- Fresh 13' lleeeipt.
Wheat. IW.'X. corn. 11 Hn. oat". 13.") S-ip-ments-V.
beat. JiAOi eorn. 11.3-rt, oils. l,io.
i.ivi: s'liicic nwtivi.TS.
Aalives I.nvviT -'I evan. In netiuiiul
Hogs eimc I.eivver Shce-p Meady.
St. Ieouls. Thursda. fcept. 13, IS.
Ilee Ship
. ..3,"i'7 1 1 "
...4.7s: 1 731
. . i 5 I'll
. . 1S !
Il'ir-e. and mule-.
cTTI.f;-The native rattle run wis f.n.ider
ablv lirgir than is eti.t-mary en Tbur-a n . It
was none too blieral. however, bujers eoriFuming
the Furplv promptly at current figures. As a
rule the oualltv via. fair, although the I ropi r
tinn of i-ommi.ti l.ef ill rings was bleger thin
usual. In Finpitn, with other nnrkets. th
hi aw 1. ef rattle .old alicut pic lower, while
tie tr.eibum and handv- weight Lit..!, held stady
llutihir cows and heifers wire in hris .eini'id
nl lirm to stremger prlie? i;ihh nock cattle v,e e
iliIin(sl of quickly, but Infe ritr ones met a Flow.
1-iditfirent inquiry
Sales Included native laef .leer. S7 to 1.212
lbs avenge, nt SI 2) to i. e, -jnl I-annandle
strerF, f-s to S7" lb" avenge, sold at Jl " to
S3 . lluteoer cow. ard hitters it SI. 73 to 31 7.
Ftnck Fliers and feeders at 133 to SI 4., ft.uk
tow. and heifers nt S3") tn SI.23. ealvts at SI
to $7 3. I tills at S3 3o to SJ 30. and milkers at
S2i to S-l . r cow and calf.
Hepresentatlve rales
No. I lis.
Av I'r
.1J12 f. .
.lis-i :. n
N'o IV.
1 ciw ....
1 fo.V ....
1 cow
17 f eilers
12 ste. ki rs
. f 1 f.l. r.
ti fe-etlers
I fe-slers
7i Floekers
lo fefders
10 Ftoekers
s flockf-rs
s stockers
Av Pr.
... 1.70 1 3)
... 7) l.-l
... j ;;
...111. 4 4S
... 77 4.'fl
1, steers
17 ete.rs
37 Fleera
t. Fteeis
47 steers
32 steers
3"l steers
62 steera
14 sters
4 Ft. ers
4') Fleers
23 Fleers
2 FllStS
2 Fleers
23 l H.
2 I II.
224 1'. 11.
3 71
... S.4
. . Mv
... 7St
3 s;
3 7
3 iV,
..11W, li f
1".-. 4 7.
'.". 4 3.)
7H 4.0
, Si 4.
715 3 !
,. . FsT, 2.1
. . I'l
K72 3 HI
2 I)
2 4
3 15
3 30
3 31)
l"i rtukers ... K7l
3 sto kr ... s,;
II stoekcrs ... 7!'J
2 stockf rs ... 7s."
2s stockers ... tl
S stucV rs ... 71?
Ft's. 1.4
strii. V75
sirs. s
2 bel
F2 4 70
t belfir
, 411 4.C)
sill 4 ",
13 I elf, rs
13 Ftoencr ... all
It cvvs & hf. 1T.1
4 1
3 feed, rs .
2 stockers
13 stockers
'.. ne I'era
1 h-lfer .
1 l.elfer .
1 eow ...
1 lielfer .
2 heifers
M) 1 Hi
1 cow 131) 4
el 3 evi
r.s; 2 a'.
fl3 3.VJ
:) 3.25
1 cow 1,
I e..w
1 cow
. :i7') 3 ?3
PCI 3 t
2., I' II. hf. W2 3 V)
vi 3 y
2- 1 II
Ids SS7 2 el
.. .. ('
.. . CJ3
..... 3u)
1 COW .
4 cw. A.
1 heifer
4 cows .
3 ews A.
1 ow
4 heifers
1 cow
2 biferii
1 cow . .
& cows ..
1 cow ..
In.) 3 'a V
3 1
2 S)
7 0)
hfs. F42
.. .. V.)
.. .. W3
3 30
2 Tellers
1 heifer
2 calves .
4 calves
3 cilves .
, DM 3.33
.. . Vij 3.3
....lire) 2. JO
1 calf
. II)
1 eair ...
1 eelf ...
I eelf ...
1 calf ...
1 calf . .
1 salt ...
2 calves
.... to)
.... SIS 3.2T
....ligj 3.13
.... 722 2 2.'.
1.0 CM
22J 6 f
L mixed
14) J.3
7) ia.)
;i" 4 it)
heifer SO 3.33
6 cow. Ti") 3.35
2 cows 101) 3 27
I cow 7.) 3 3
1 con- 7SV 3 ji
! ews & hfs. MI 3 ('i
1 CW 114) 3 OC
1 cow 12M 3 ft.
2 vearltngs . :. 2.-)
1 bull 121) 3 31
1 bull fol 3.25
1 bull lib) 3.3'f
2 bum 131) 3.13
3 bulls H1.1 2.1C
2 Imllj lib) z.m
1 oull tr'. 3.M
2 bulls M) 3 B
2 Mill. 7C3 2.S.1
1 bull F7 2r)
3 bulls HI 2M
.t bulls '. 2.70
1 bull 6!') r IT.
1 bull 370 2.4)
1 bull 410 2.3)
6 canners .... 72 S-l.na
1 heifer !) 3.0)
1 heifer 71) 3.0
1 cow
.. ''20
3 ii
2u hlfers .
3 cows ....
3 eows .
1 cow ... ..
1) cows .
1 cow .. .
2 cows .. .
1 cow
fi cnw.s .. .
2 cows ....
2 cows .....
2 cows .....
-4 cows ....,
4 cows ...
1 cow .... ,
. U4
. 73
. Ml
. v.l
. 774
. F3)
. !OI
. 7l
. 33
. Hi
. 7K
. M7
. SI7
1 cow i calf 31 ft)
1 cow A. calf.. ...33 0)
2 30
2. a'
t call 32 w
&. civ s. ea 32.V)
& calf. .. 2.ifl
1 cow
1 cow
calf 2 '9
1 springer
.1.IM 3.75
. iV 3 0)
1 springer
1 fprlnser .. S) 2 x
1 fi ringer 7rin 2 77
. 7i 2.A-.
, til 2.H)
2 Fpitnserj . Sf) 2.12
Southern C-tttle Trade Slinolie. In Ihl. ileonrt.
ment were &5 caricads, consisting e,f plain to nu
dum grad- onerlngs. Trading w.13 active at all
times, and j rices ln general were steady. Hav
ing Interest., were largely represented on b.th
local and outside account, l'our daW receipts
aggregate 37; cars.
Aikan;as calves sold at J'l 73 per beid. oxen
at 13.70. and mixed cattle at J.'.&l. Texas and In
dian Territory calves. 194 to 2iJ lbs. average.
Fold nt Si.i) to S13 per bead, bulls and stags at
S.' is, to S3s cows and helfem al S2 .0 to SI.2T.,
and Fteers, (.47 to 1,07) lbs. average, at 13.(6 to $4.
N'o. He.
Av. I'r
N'o. Hes.
IS call e 3
2) oxtn .
17 mixed .
21 cilves
7o calves
.. if 77 2.70
.. 7"0 2
.each 9.r)
25 steers
47 steers
49 steers
74 steers
23 steers
23 Ftwrn
75 eteers
73 Fte-rs
2J steers
. S4J 3.iel
,.. I'l-' i s.)
.. S3') 2.b3
.. n;3 3.1V;
67 calves
...e 11eh.ll.a1i
IK calves . .eo.ch.11.73,
3 bulls . . . .i 2.0i
SI! 3 15
.. u 3.6-,
..y) 3 70
..lOJi 3 73
-I'M 3.S5
..ll 3.1-I
.. 'l 3.)
.. I5 4 OJ
..b'7) 4 Ml
2 I.U.-B S. FtgS I.Tid 23
2s cows . . .. 721
3 ews iV bfs.. 7"S
34 cvrs A. hf... t-) 3.01 1 175 steers,
It heifers
3 15
23 Fteera
33 Fleers
3.1 ew. & bfs.
711 3.2-.
2s cows . ... b-'3
3 tailings. .. y.'i
115 Fteers t47
7 Fteers Tie
3 -"5
13 calves .... l.'t 6 51
3 15
FtK. elC9.cach..I4 i0
1 Ftar m 3 ro
n r.tecra ...
2 Fteers ...
2:1 steers ...
17 Fteers . .
.. Cy) 2.WJ17I Fteers DaJ 4.15
;;ui 47 steers 117) 4 25
, si) 3 M '
42 Ftctrs lyji 4 a5
. S31 3.35
HOeiS With a moderate run of hogs ln sight
the general Influences were In the lin.j of a it
action in value., and prices wero uc lower.
Hulchers did not get truch off nnd piift S5.45 to
15.5) for their purchases, the tops being light
weights, but buti hers did not buy enough to
tutnln tho mntket. Tl.e average here la much
higher than Chicago, the local market In Irg
sustained by liberal orders for choice, light hogs
and native Fbtpplug pigs.
Swlrt pnld S5CO for a sort of I-lb. hogs, th
next price l.ing S-. 5o for several load. To
swllt drove averag.1 225 lb... at S3.4). an-1 17J
lbs at S3 42. The Xel-on Jlorrl. K. Co. hois av
eraged 21 lbs. und cieit S3.37
Tho bulk of tl.e hogs, the pigs and the strictly
low-gn.Io oiferlngs not euniiiered. suld at $..3.
to S5.4is. as against S3. 40 to 35.1 on Weilneisli).
IMg. und light light.. ji to lis lbs. average, at
S4 ,0 to S3. 45. ncexinllng to quality; light hog.
lu'J to 11") His . Fold at S5.3.", to S..1'1, tlie bu k at
5: 40 to II r.i. llilun vveliht.. lis, to 225 lb...
foM at S5.3.) to Sj.W). the uula going at 35.35 to
S" 40. Tho heivy cull, sold at tl.75 to S5 15. anl
fair to tesl heaw bogs at f.V.25 to S. I7ij Go.l
mixeil hogs at ?7.25 10 $5.4. and common to
lllr mixtures sold at SI lo 15.13.
Itepreentative Falcs:
No. Av. I'r. N'o Av. Tr. No Av. IT.
II. .211. ....:
20.. -2M... 4.3")
li. .211... 5.35
23. .22... 5.3..
.. 1.1. . a. 35
10 .213... 5.41
7S. 217... 5.4)
71. 212... .".)
.'.- ..1st... 5.1)
H. 2"1... 5..,
1.1. .Ifl... 3.4)
7J...2W... .40
71.. 221... B.4-IJ
70.. 217 .. 3.43
W...172... 3.43
M...P7... 5.47
17...1S7... 3.45
15.. .221... 5.47
167.. I 'I... 5.471,
2-1.. .214... i.47lj
57. .1 .X .. 5.47'.
7X.. l.i... t.V)
Is".. .1.5... 5.50
SHI.!:!' A very small supply of sheep wa. en
sale, nrd the quality of the lambs wa. not so
good as on Weelnediy. Trading was active and
the small supply was noon exhausted. In general
It was a good, active market nt .teady prices
for the !et sheep and limbs, while the rredimn
and enrnme n ones were slow Fale. A good demand
prevailed for stockers. but baers wanted oniy
something good and did not care to bid un tho
common ones.
ales included good lamb, at SI 25 to 15 23 eon
lambs at St.J) to 14. mutton Fheep at S3.60 to
1; Ftociiers at ..w to S3.25, an'
4. 2V). .S5.25 4x...r.2. ..S)
b .229 .. f,.30 t! 2.S... i.30
10...IS1. . 5 35 27...2f.3... 5 35
22 1.7... 5.23 II... 201... 5 27
Ci .227... 5.35 k2...172... f. 35
f.x ..270... 5.3714 t...2ll . 3 37H
SI., lia... .'..41 39.. .223... 5.4)'
i.. 1I .. 5.1) ti.. 1S7... 5.4)
1....159... 5 I) 40.. .230... 5.4)
7. I7S. . 5.4) 30. .215... 5 4)
f)...22S... i.O 77. .225... 5.41
4J.. 2)1. . 5.H CI...190... 5.10
7. 173... 5.42'j 71 ..2.V.. . 5 424
41. .227... .-,.4:i3 FS. .I.'.... 5 45
tC. 171 . 5.15 li.. Pi7. . 5.45
C7 ..21i.. 3.45 7-. -111... 5.(5
M 222 5 IV :4. Is7. . 3.15
Vi ..221. 5.41 Ss... .!!... 5.41
117. 17... 5.41 : 2sl... .-..471,
S2 17!. . 5 471- K.-lss... 5.471;
34. .170 5.471, 33. ;.).. 5.tps
H. 221. . 5.47H Iti. .PI... &.M
41...JIJI... 3..'fl S4...1f,l... 5.5n
la...23S. . 5.50 4.I...1W... 6.10
:o S3.25. and bu -ks at
No. Pes. Av. lr.
27 Ark !iep.. 61 3 73
47 S-w. Fheep.. F.7 3.6)
32 stockers ... fit 3 25
44 stockers ... C3 3 31
S stockers ... 3 3.13
22 Ftcckers ... 81 2.S0
10 cull lamb... a 4.0.1
21 cull lambs.. 57 3 ji)
1 buck 150 3.00
1 lJck J3-) 2.75
1 buck 13.) 2 73
4 bucks ....1)2 2.5)
i.t 10 j.
Hep-esentatlve sales
No. I)e
Av IT.
27 lambs ....
e. iambs ....
47 limbs ....
23 iambs ....
43 lanilis ....
Iv taiplK ....
10 lambs . ..
2) na sheep.,
7 na. Fheep..
17 na sheep..
3 na sheep..
.. 70 J". 3.1
.. 75 3.11
. 71 7.21
. I.) 5.DI
.. r.i 5.'.)
.. 3 4.21
.. 41 4 2.
..IV. 3 x.
..117 a 73
..S3 3 73
.. Ml 3.7.
,, ...& riieeji
l 3.75
HOItPKS rh01I3h lrrenuliie nf lime an.l hrii.
lng changes, the horse market this week has
been an average Improvement over the week 1m
fore, t-'ew offerings of Western borres were
available, but the native supply was mere nn
eral than for reveral wees. A gfiod busing
force, representing all quarters, export. Eastern
and Southern, were In attendance. Kxporl and
KaFtrrn chunks ot prime quality sold steady
with the best prices of the past several months,
the few exprcsers and coach horses wero scarce,
but very strong sellers under a goorl foreign and
domestic demand. Only n fair demand existed
fur Iiastern fnrm chunks, while Southern horses
had a free outlet at last week's prices.
Horse quotations Heavy draft, common to
g'-od. SM to $150, choice to fancy S155 to tMo.
Drivers Common to choice. $63 to SIM: bulk.
SU9 to J143: coach hones. Jl to S3W. fcadterB
I Common to choice. to 1123; fancy. SIS) to
J173. Cliunk., i.2) to l.t pounds Common to
giwd. tO) to SI1.1, choloi. to extra. $1V. to J1D.
Kiuthrrn hortes- Cummon to good. Si') t SW.
chob.. to extra. $03 to S7i. I'lucs-JIS to S43.
311 f.Ii The market this week has been the
dulle.1 and mot insatl.factory In jevenl
month.. Though receipts were light, coni'ltlens
, governing thi. oiit.ld.- demand, tloimh all Its
t chinnf Is were dec deitlv rpposed to aety, tliat
Fiiuuiri) auecunie the local market. KaFtern leav
ing was re.trlcte.1 by labor complications, no
new eirders ii.vall-d for Kncllsh mule-, wli'l"
the Southern eotton mule dem-in 1. the onlv r -malnirg
agency of Import ince. was also Pf,ht
Viewing sucli extremely n.ntrai te.1 inqiur.eo.
and with lirge f 'ppllr.. on hand, the loi al ilejl
ers were ef necessity the mo-'t ln-Iirr.rent buv
cr. exoert for extra miners and choice, he-ivv-rftall
RHilis, which. bower, felt In a measure
the (Inline?, of tie market TranictIons were
light and droggv and Irrigulirly weak to SI p r
bead lower. Some e.rferlr.g. of earlier dava r--malne.1
e.n the rrarket Tbursilay. with m
change ln the tone
Mule quotations el'er brrke mules I to 7 years
II ban I., extrerre range
11 hinds, hoik uf sale.
14!4 bands, i xtreme ranee
IP. bands, bulk of sales .
1 liand.. extreme range .
13 bands bulk of sale,
l'is. hands, extreme r inge
IVs hand.. 1.11k tf F.le.
...J 3-v l to J 33 11
... 4eto b
... l.ll to e7 .Vl
.. 4 IV) to .-.H
. . 37 Jl to Mt.)
. . o iOt Ti.l
. . ftl 1.1 to 2"i 1) 1
. 70 fl to Sii.no
e.. s;.(ei t 1'.iM
. . I l) I 121 1
js to iss. nands. extri me ri'ige
H to pa. hands, lailk of aib-e..
Hulk e.f pales rerre.ent mixed rn-ilc. m llrst
band.. I'raf-s al.ove bulk liguni reiue-ent nrst-ila-s
mules extri flnlFh and we got. strielly
fat. iraLtlralli sound and clanltiei
Ilx TeleKrniili.
Chicago. 111. Sept 13 CattleThus far tMs
v.ek al.att re,.7ivv cittle have len reeeived hert.
as against 57 Ms for the Fome j..rtl.in of I iFt
vs.k and 1.ijS7 fir the corresjionillng litre b,st
J'ar. To-fiav with irtlneteil recipt. of 11 "
head, as against .41l on Thursday of li't wee-1 .
triile via slower than It ha. lie. n reeentlv anl
i fattle that Wfte not of a deFlrabl.- kind we-
I Wfik to 3al'k- lower. Choice beeves weio Feaie-
i ..n.t .n..l.. ... S 1-.... ..I. .. , l. . - . t. .
. r.i-.,u ,ii ..iv lai' ,i"ijiiii- r lies . i iitiiii,
alel fed Western Fteers were largf ly at SI In
57. F.iies I. Ire on a ImfIf of S4 7.KI4 11 for
eerimin to' 3 J) for fair. SI 255 41 for medium.
J3 rti03 71 for gooil. tat Fhlpinc eitlle. S"..7jir
5 i fur choice beeves anl S-ii 15 for fincv
Hogs htlmaltng to-aa's arrival, at 27.ii0..
nliout 105.leXI hfig. hive l.een markete-d here er,
far thi. week, agilnrt 93.32i for the same time
li't wi.k and l-7.26 fir the like perie-1 ef li-t
vear. With SI.'"") swir. on sale to-dav. lnclu-1-tng
7.H thtt were carried over Inst night prices
v.re al'iut i re-r bf) lb, lower Trade was
Flower than je.trdiy on a bals of SI s."?3.SO
for the trjreFt to the liest drove", the bulk of
tl.e offerings cros.ir. the fi lies at S3 2iVe3 4")
Mags fid it SI.251iI.f5. l.irs at S533.50 and
I !b. at 1107 17
Sheef Only aliout (V.n!7 Fheep md Iamb, hive
been marketed here so far thi. week a. aci.nt
Mt24 fcr tb Fame time Iit week and 7'..37 for
the Fame time iat jear Thi lighter receipt.,
corrbineil with a go-.l ilemsnt. hive resulted in
a hleber range of prices To-dj's receipts were
Ftlmated nt only 10.0.1) head, and trade was
active, prices ruling strong to I0e higher Sheep
were Falable at 13.1011 1.G5 fur feeders, feeding
vearbngs averaging 73 lb... leine sal-iHe at S2.77.
The letter eln.R rt e.rirt ah. en onl.t fit I sie.1
We.tem ranee Hocks Felling at the top and com
mon sheep sol 1 at S313.23. culls bringing S22 73
KalRas City. Mo ." Se t. 12. Cattle Heeeipts
s.l) native., l.JOO Texans. Km cilves Dry lot
cattle Fhnle lower: all other killing grade,
steady lc.t fesders Ftead) . others Flow ; nitlvev
Fter. 54 75.';.7.7; stockers and feeder. S3.234J4 e3;
futrher os and heifers $35.4-). canners !2.4"
3. fed Westirns Slt-5.f-1: wintereil Texan S3 wh
3.M. gra.s Texan. S3.'x-ff3.55: calve. UStYiC
Hog fteceints n.): trade qu'ct: prices steady
to -.- lower, heavy and mixed S3 ?35.30; light
K154i5 32,z. n'g. $4 5iV!j.1. hheejv Itecelpts 1.70),
active n-arket. muttons Fteady; fat lands shado
higher lamp SI 75ei",.23. muttons S3.5J3J.fO;
f.e.-rs JlftJ: culls S2.503.
New York. Sept. ll fleeves rteeeipts T;?;
nothing doing worth notlrg: steady feei'rg: no
change li eablep; Fhlpmenta 73 cattle nnd -7
sbe.p Calves Itecelpts 332; Fteady. Veals $3!e
5). gnsitrs anl butte-mllks S3. 2594: yearlings
S2 7"s Sheep, limbf-ltecelpts 4.211. good stock
active and t rnt, common Iamb, .low; sheep S3?
4 23 cull. S2.K7I7. Limbs S.1.4-K.S 23; culls ffiw
4. no I'aniiii lambs. Hogs Itecelpts 1.352;
Fteadr nt !5 75fiC
South Omaha. N'rh.. Sept. 13. (Tittle R.-eelrts
4.1fO. market steady: nitlve beef steers S4 4W
K .j Wetern steer. J(ff4.7'i: Texas Fteers S7.40J
4 25, cow. and heifers J3474 23. cinners $1 75.i
25. Ftockers and feeders 1.tKu4.70. calves Jl.iJ)
.: bi.ll. Flags, etc.. S2.25f:I.Ii Hogs Ite
celpts IO.SiO: market 10I15e lower; heT.y S3f
5.I2U; mixed S3 07M.3 : light SI.IO'al.20; pic.
$.i'.: l.nla of sales SI Oi-iSSJIs- sheep rte
eert. smio. market io13 higher. Wctern i-iut-tens
I2.4.-5Vt; suy-jt thcep J3S3.trt; Iambs Wit
St Joseph. Ma.. Sept. 13. Cattle-Receipts 1.rW.
Mirket steidv to strong; natlv- S4 13fl5 30.
VVe.terns S3.2"1.W: rows and heifers SJ.2.1?
4 65. veals J5B7; bulls and stags S2.25S4 );
Ftricsera and feeilers J3 40. Hogs Receipts
? . Market Se to lfle lower; light an I Pght
jnlxed S .l.Ufl., 23; medlu-n and heaw S3.12u,
'I0'. PL'T,.,3'&, bu,:c S5.17ViJ3;.3. sheep-r.e-ceipts
2.1. Market 10c to 15c higher.
A Scnsntlnnnl Market Hnd In Cotton
Hammered Down by Hears.
Ft. Ijouls. Thursday. Sept. 13. 1300.
A vrry sensational market was experienced in
the speculative coitoi market to-day. The trad
Irg was extremely heavy. The bears pounJe.l
r.way at tho market all day. but there was so
much resistance that the Impression made upon
values was by no means heavy. Uverpool was
reported Irregular, but the demanl from local
srorts and bad crop news held tho market up,
tie net declines for the day at the close being
from 5 points better to only 1 to 4 points
lower. Spots were weaker and "mo lower, and
sentiment quite mixed.
IJoston wires that the Immense stock of cot
ton beid hy the PaclBc Mills at Lawrence Is to
be Fold. Neill Is out with an estimate that the
cotton crtji of this year will be 9.TSO.0OO t.ale..
Lical Market Firm and Hd higher, bales 40
Ordinary .......
flood ordinary ...........
law middling
Middling ....
eb-Td middling
Ml.ldllrs fair
Itaggbig IVlb. S.IOo
t'.-lb t.tZc Iron ties
tier llx
. 9 U-l
.10 3-1 4
.10 9-lj
rer yard:
-lb. S 23c:
51.32. Hemp twine o
Warehouse statement to-day.
Net receipts to-day
Net recelnts since Sept 1
fjros reetints to-diy ...........
tiro... HhlpiTifits since Sept 1...
OroFH shipments to-day .........
e;ros shipments since Sept. 1...
. IS
.. 12
.. 23.1
.. 677
.. (V77
at.-. nil u;iiiu ..
Liverpool Mirket Spot busincss'small and 'Cd
lower, uplands 7X..1; Kale. 7 ion h,iM ts.i...
Vxmj?11" J'1- "3-s. n.; Pept.-Oct.
C 22 tebl b ; CVt.-Nov. iU-Cii s.; Nov.-Dec. S 4
Hi': 'ee-.-Jan. 5 3S-Hld b.; Jan.-Keb. 5 35-Wdn.
o" Ao,r,k -Harket-bpot quiet and Ud higher;
middling lie. h utures closeil steady
Cloee Hlgli Iiw fjloso
v es:er lay. iO-iiay.TO-dav.TO-day.
lOSS 10.52 10.3J 1.J.3J
b,.2'i 19.31 35.;i in.il
....10.03 1 31 jo.,)! m oj
Sept. ,
CKt ...
Feb ..
i'.i! I'l. 11 s ! ft.si;
.. ti.si
.. 3.4
3. S3
9 S4
Net reeelols nt l'nlte.1 sr.il,. nA.. e .:?
dajs. CTssr. lIesagalnn 41.9W for the sime
"- "eerfc iiii-i les..!'" nI VCir. SlnCO
1. 120 230 bales. ugalnFt 252.726 Inles same
li.. ruA.n fi-. i.TV . ,--.HMT. 1I.UU
.-. ..ear.... j.M.ni iur fix u3j s. Z7.4 bale,
agairs: 74.31) for tho ,m time list week stock
en hand. 152.224 bales, against 500,023 bales last
II TeleRrnph.
New fWeans La. Sept. 13. Cotton firm: .ales
4.410 bales; ordinary 9 13-lfc; good ordinirj- J ic
low mlildllng l.)e: middling H'c. good nudJiu
HSc. mlibillng fair llc: receipts 2.203 oab
Fio.k -JI.7S3 bales, lijtton futures Irreguiir- &eot
l)6oc aked; Oct. I0.0MJlo.O5e; Nov. 9.s.vfeoeL -I)ec.
9.7fi9 S.)e. Jan. 9 79ir3 lV: Feb. J.7Jnl's"c:
March 9.4139.8Jc; April St.M(i9 SJc; May V.tj
New York. Sept. 13 Hxcept for a show of an
imation during the early Fess'on and several vio
lent price- changes before mllJey. the cotton
re rket was ci.mtarativeljr time to-day. The
more normal rullrg of amirs In general in spec
ulative circles was relrdod by eom- traders na
lr.lcatlve of wanirg bull strength. Tlie mirke
e-ptneii Irregular with prices 4317 points High t.
In smpithy wltli tho unexrs:te.l turn of th.
I,lerpefll mirket. The strength on tbe other
site resulted from a number ef eati.e.. the ment
petent of which was R crop estimated by Nell
In which he pi leeit the maximum yield at S.Tii -!"
''ties mmlng 9,5t0.0oo as a, more probable
br-ure, however
The. tride here wis .biw to re.pond to the
strength In Liverpool and. following tbe call
lY i'l r,k't rapidly ea-eil oft to aliout last nlghfi
Iiral ll-ls In keeping with our reaction. Liverpool
bIfo decline,, though private cables declared tho
easier turn of tho HngliFh mirket was du to
freer offerings of spot cotton from New Orleans
f.e.'r.i1!'. T0"1"1. the. local market gave a"
1 characteristic demomtratlon of Inhctrnt strength
by advancing 24 points on a ru-h of shorts to
cover ami a rpurt of Invetmmt buying This
exertion on the part of the bulls seem-d to ex
hau.t their cnergl.s, as during the rest of tha
rimi0.V,Vh.e.m.a.rket ''?"ly "Ofl hack under a
little profit taking and an absence of bull back,
lng. ITo.poets of continued light receipts and
reports that A storm of rnn.ldcrable volume and
violence was central In the Atlantic States In
creases the reluctance of the. trade to take the
short Fide for the time being. Near the elo-'
the mirket became weak tinder a hurried .cram.
Me. for profits by In.lders and the wire elem?S
Th- market closed weak and Irregular. 4 polnta
higher to s points net lower. Spot cotton I-lnvd
quiet. ,c ad.v,ane: middling upland, lie: do. Oulf
l".e. sale. a. lIe. cotton futures elovsi Veak
?.no. ''"Ir'- I0'3,c: . i"-2ie: Nov-
10 02c; Des-. 9.90. Jan. 3 Sic; I'eb. 9 sir- vw
9.J4C. Arm 3.92c; May 9.91c; June 9 Jc:MjSl?
Liverpool. Fept. 12. Cotton-Spot small bi-.t.
''":?:..rrlc" higher: American mlddllnir fair
7 11-lS.I: good middllrg 7 7-lf.l: middling 7S -low
ml Idling 7lol: good ordinary 11 23-32,1- 2:
rrrv b 13-Ed Tbe eales of tho day were Tin
l.ale.. of which SAD biles were for speculit'ion
avnd export and Included 2.).) leiies Amerlcin
Receipts IO) biles. Including 900 hale "nwr7:
can sutures onenesl ex. Ited and close.! barely
'fS:lT:, '""C'-an middling L m. ct Sent.
: nec.-Jnn. 0 2K-.M b.: Jan--Feb. S 33-M b -Ib.-March
5 32 C165 33-f.kl b.: March-AnrH
. SO-Slf.S 31-tJ r.; Aprlt-May 5 sjajld b ? jfiv1
;i;rv.v1.?U;June-'u" 5 'd s5.:
Fili.Atarel, r. 1. eiiv-. ..ri.l s - ..T!T?i'' o
T, 3D-'
July-Aug. 3 23-ld."
New York. Pept. 13. Coffee gprt Rio Vn
Invoic- RiTc: rail.! quiet. The market forVoffee
ftitlir.a ,.nene.l .aa. n .l-.fi . - .. l'."
---; .. ".,.v. 'iuj s uiriiiii; fii a'Olo point.
and ruled Inactive, with a weak undertone fou
Kraziilan rw full rrtiptr, Usapr-mntlns snot
llewihl An.1 A.t. S.a m. T .. . . 1 'S
............, rim,r 1, 111,, ui speculative FUT-
fiott, a large Increase In the world's vtFible be-
le evnAe.e.1 On, , ..-.. . ..r,.,,t ie-
, 1 : vvi. , .. inniui movement. The
. ...-. ...v.. .. r,ldu., nn.. 1-iii.rs in jij no'nt.
net lower. Total sales. 2O.730 bags Ineluillnie
Sept. 7.10B7.1V; Oct, 7 1V. Nov. 7.25?"
T.Joc: Jan. 7.4V; Feb. 7.45r; March 7.43B7 five-"
May at 7.53r7.tT0c: Juty 7.70e. n.-0c.
Hides anil Leather.
New York. Sept. 12.-Hides firm; leather firm
London, fccpt. 13. Thr- sale or sheepskins was
held to-day. The number of skins offered num-
!f,Vea7r!3'.i..T,"'re wa8 t". -uual attendance,
but competition was untatlsfactory. much of
the stock being withdrawn at an averaxe. decline
of 10 per cent, compared with the Aug. ncure
Meilnoa ana fine ca-cssbreds wero a i penny to
Office of Commissioner of Supplies.
City Hall. September 12; imo.
Sealed proposals will In- received by tho
undersigned, to he openeii at h.3 otllco at
12 o'cloek m . on
for tho purchase of thr t") mulea, which
can bo seen at the Workhouse. Terms,
cash, on approval of bid bj- tha Comp
troller. ITtED C. .MEIER.
Commissioner of Supplies
2 farthings lower and eoar'e tock quite Fid
lower The follnwing is the sale- w Soutri
a. 22 baps, clothing and combing S'.ftiisa
f'ne. nslnrd 3v bal" . kthirg and c unlsng 3t.
5-s.d. ee ,rla 1 lib. c! nhlng and cimbtn
. 'id: ti.uth Austnlll 1.5i hab. rl thing and
combing 2,J'ifid- Vit Atistraiii 33c. hales t!otn;
lng and . . niblr.g 3 1 Tasptai ii 67 ble cloth-,
Iron Trcitlf Ki'viow TaK'cs Llopeful
Vit'W of tlie Situation.
Clcvelan.d. O.. Sept. I3.-The Iron Trada
Jlevli'vv s.ey.s:
.tTriiti if'".t ,,ia consumption Is still con-sidf-rab!
less than production Is the kev
to the situation in ir, n ,,nd sJeel The rZ
sumplicin of the tin plate mills will help to
rfllllfO the 1, ,-.,n,T .,!.. e l,
and if pudding furnaces should Ik; started
th-s month the situation as to forge IrSi
would be Improved. ""
The blowing out of furnaces has not
gore to Its fu length yet. it Is twllcvES
and tho statistics for Uciolr 1 are. e"pt
eel to show .1 further reduction in active,
capacity and a closer relation bc?w".
'wtre.it conference to agree "n the pnd"
filing and hnlshlng scales for Western roll!
I n.n,1.',Ia m?.an.3 " '""P-"1" shutdown of tho.
?'Js..,,V,.fcha.1 bcn "unteU on. hit tte
fact th.it the Amalgamateil As.ocLitlon ha?
arranged for resumption at Hay View an!
Detroit on sieeial t, r,. si,j(V to later
moelillcntlon. indicates an anxltty to grtg
v.ork that may start operations nt the mllS
UrJ;"r P"'"",ra "t an f.irly day?
The indications aro that merchant fur
nices now idle ln the .Mahoning and ?he
nange. valleys will remain out as long rj
present prices continue-, and a number ol
thein may wait until after the election be
fore resuming. There is no dfcr1o0nnc
tako ehances. and the feeling Is abroad that
no marke-d change ln tho Iron trade xviu
national avimlnKST
Meeis at Moberlj- Xext .irondav-.
St. Louisans on rroramme."
MI?-m.Vi,??;fifit,h ??nual cnntlon of tha
"''S 1 hrMtan .Co-operation will bo held
ifenibS.rI- JI" September 17 to t antl aa
extended programme has been announced
f.,9 occasdon. The Christian ra nUtera
Sf,ih.l9.cIt7 ,Iin,re prominently, as do aim
JTf "JLrr4hJ? "Jlles, Identified w th the wrk
slon, ChlisUan V-oman-3 Eoard of JII3-
Monday and Tuesday afternoons will bes
jSarefriir'r lo .Christian Ws
l-oard of JHsslons xvork. and Jlrs. Jenn!-i
St Ta?rT..0fi '5 .rcntraI Chrt'tlan Church!
fee Irl Tear? r?,a.f0D5c?nd P" 8
ice. Jirs K c. Ilant2 of St. Louis trill ro-
thrk ? "" gMBiTSSSS
to? Mr Z-? ycaii..The Reverend Doc
tor J. H. Garrison, editor of tho Christian
moonfv?onV nI" P17:lch th convention se"
mon Monday evening, taking as his theme,
"A Century's Triumph." vnemes
Wednesday forenoon City Evangelist the
dr onr.d .'V,.J- ""hall will deuver an ad
ed ? P's'r &nReIlzatlon. Th Rev
?i Cinl.R' J1' iJoore. pastor of Common
sS3 nCh.H.rch' wJU deliver th- T cTon?
xvtifn.5-Vt!J? convention, and h! theml
will be "The Heroic In Christianity."
The Reverend vmiara Short, rector of St,
Afters Episcopal Church, has returned from
his summer -vacation, which was passed at
Charlevoix, inch., and will conduct services
next Sunday as usual.
Tho pospel tent meetings ot Park an
Ohio avenues aro still ln progress and aro
belnjr well attended. To-morrow ovenlng
7.A'C YT"LUKXulr wl" 'Pea's on tna theme,
Christ Jesus Came Into tho World to Savo
The Christian Endeavorcrs of th- Mount
Cabanne Christian Church will soon begin
a canvass of that part of tha city In the in
terests of tho Sunday school of tho church.
The movement Is headed by Miss Nannies
Ijrew, who ls chairman of the Sundaj
hehool Committee of tha Christian Kndeavor
Society. The canvass la to bQ completed by
Friday, September Ii.
The rsiptlst Toung People's Union of tha
Lafayette l'arlc Church held a trolley excur
sion last night from the church to Crevei
Coeur Lake anil return. Tivo of the largest
card Of the transit fomnanv trrm ,h.H.a
for the occasion. There were about 100
young persons in the party. Kefreshmenta
iiwo dcwc-u on me cars;
Tho Tower Grove M. K. Church, of which
has arranged a series of revival meetings.
to be held on September 15 to 30. Tha Rev
erend Harry A. King of Kansas City will
preach. The music, will be under the leader
ship of theKeverend Harry White, pastor oC
St. Luke's M. K. Church, assisted by a
chorus of twenty tralneel voices. James
Itlchanlson and John Stewart aro araona
tho soloists for the meetings.
Fifteen-Year-Old Bride's Decision
After Five Days.
After five days of married life, Mrs. Kata
Ittam. the la-year-old wife of Andrew J.
Heam. a conductor on the Sixth streat di
vision of the transit company, decided that '
she would rather be single. Sho says eha
will apply for a divorce. Her husbanel t
very much perturbed, and Is making- every
effort to effect a reconciliation.
Beforo her marriage Mrs. Ream was Kat
Danerl. and was employed. In a boarding
houso at No. -SOW South Broadway. A week:
ago Ileum cama to the house and engaged,
board. Ho eon became attached to tha"
girl, and concluded that a wife and homo
of his own would he preferable to boarding.
Ho contldcd this conclusion to tho girl. and.
as no objection was raised by her mother,
the two were married last Friday.
Kam secuml apartments at No. 3Si"il
Texas axenue, and everything went smooth
ly until Tuesday morning, when the young
wife suddenly departed, taking wltli her
somo of tho furnishings of tho house. When;
Ream returned ln the evening he was un
able to account for her action. lie waited,
thinking she would return. The next morn
ing he called nt tne nomo of the girls
mother, at No. 213 Gasconade street, but his f
ertorts to enect a reconciliation were nn- '
availing. As far as can be learned, there,
was no serious quarrel between the couple
Discusses Appointment of Firemen,
for City Buildings.
Civil Engineer Alex. Cochrane of thn
President's department of the Board of
1'nbllc Improvements has flnlsheel a. report,
for submission to President Mc.Math, urclng
that the hoard adopt some measures tu
have the Municipal Assembly mexllfy tho
rules by which lircmen aro appointed for
public buildings, so that the engineers in
charge will have some volco In selecting,
retaining or elkcharglng their subordinates.
Mr. Cochrane says the firemen now em
ployed waste fuel, and the engineers are.
unable to exercise any authority because
the firemen procure their positions by the
grace of somo political "pull." and the en
gineers cannot dictate orellnary Instructions
without being reminded that they are pow
erless, the firemen having certain and po
tent lnllucnco with the frienels who are re
sponsible for their appointment.
The custom niw prevailing is for tho
Building Commissioner to make tho selec-.
tlnns. regardless of tho wishes of the sta
tionary engineers1. Mr. Cochrane Is desirous
that the rules governing the appointments
be so changed that the engineers, under
whom tho firemen have to work shall hava
something to say as to the men who ara
to bo chosen.
Drain.ifre Board Adopts Report fon
$2,300,000 Bond Issue.
Chicago. Sept. 13. Tho Drainage Boanl
has adopted the report of tho Joint commit
tee for a Ji.WO.0i10 bond Issue.
The money will be used for river Improve
ments. Including the erection of Bascule
bridges ln substitution for the center pier
bridges across tho rU'Cr.
A Reliable Headache Core,
Parker's Headache Powders have Btoovt
tho test; they. ner. fan, Eri.ce, 19 senja, ,
. X

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