OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque daily citizen. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1895-1903, April 23, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020613/1898-04-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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By instructions from Chase &
Sanburo we are authorized to sell
Java and Mocha Co flee at the
following prices:
4$cnt coffee at. . .40 cent.
40-cent coffee at. . .35 cents.
35-cent coffee at. . . 30 cents.
30-cent coffee it. . .2$ cents.
' S-cent coff e at . . . 20 cents.
111 1. Railroad At.. iltiaqnerqne, 1. 1
On pianos, flrst-clax furniture, etc,
wuiMe.it reruns!. Alsoon diamond,
watch. Jewelry, life Insurance poll
Horn. I rant dntb or any (food secur
ity. Terms Terr moderate,
ii. Simpson.
fH South Second street, Albnqner
que. New Mexico, next dour to West
ern Union Telegraph ollloe.
Automatic Telephone No. 174.
207 Railroad Ave
J. A. ISKiNNfclL.
Low Prka and CourUoua Trvali.arnl.
ti. H. UU11BAR,
UkLt.lt IN
XtooJL ITstato,
Uoun Kentrd. K.nta Collected.
Luaua Keauttaiad.
Oflina, St. U1U its lhlrd Straat,:
For 10 cent ditnv.
lUe yuur atitrt iuuuUrivd
Autl hum ou urn.
At the Albiqucrit Steam Laundry,
Uorar CJ. 4ftV U4 tNMMIlHi
JAY A. HUBBS, Proprietor,
fkM 414.
r. PAnBNTI, Prop.
To the satisfaction of patrons. Repair
Ing neatly performed. Work guaranteed
Lowest prices.
Albuquerque fish Market..
Kreah Klsh, Oyeters, Lobsters,
Crabs, bhrluips, etc Baltimore
Oynlers, fresh every day lu bulk
aiid can, Headquarters (or
Dressed Poultry. Wail Orders
receive prompt attention.
3o and 201 South Second Street.
Hole Agent
Cauiiiu mail
Oro biaod
I J04MJ.
214 S. Second St.
C i.amery Butler
br.t ua auutl.
hum Delivery.
UIOULAMU LaT.lf atari Uaiay K
hUHl riM aal KwiMi
Tin work. Whitney Co.
Blovs repairs at Futrella'a.
Floor uialllug. W tillney Co,
Carlos aud drawn work at Matoou'a.
Bicycles on Installments. 11 aha St Co.
Plumbing and gas ntting. W hituey Co.
Qonther's candles at Uawley's on ths
Ios cream free tern. Duu alios Hard'
wart Co.
Special hosiery sale at The Kconomist
mis ween
Lion coffee, three packages for 35 cents
at Luiiardu a.
Wall paper at Futrelltt' from l',e.
per aouoio roil ana up.
Ladies, It will pay you to see the
spring wraps at Mela s.
Attend the spetrlal sale of shirt waists
at the Aoououiui tuts week.
Why, eeruiuly, ws keep everything In
me way oi uonous, ai iiieiu a.
Latest novelties In pomtiadoar and side
Combs. tUweuwald Brothers.
Ths soldiers' favorite drinks ars all
Kept In stock at the Zelger tale.
tmi oraoos of lauuury soap, seven
bars lor 5 cents at A. Louibardo a.
Boys' all wool black worsted suits, at
n. u. waeiiuuru ui. si only aj.ao.
Men's, ladles' aud children's straw
tutts lu all ths latent stjles at lifeld'a.
Just received full Hue ot tiuiithers
Due caudles at llawley s on the comer
This Is the week to buy eonteU at II
feld's. Upeclal sals ot summer corsets.
Ths usual Saturday night (res luucb
will be served at ths Zigr Cafe this
Ths only truns to wear: "Til I AukKt
can BlLVt.it 1 hums," at Ruppe's Preaonp
uuu ruaimary.
b surs and attend ths Library ball to
be giveu at (iraut's opera houas on ueit
rriday, ths vault of April.
It Is luipoMHible to make a miataks In
your spriug buying, if you eelert from
ins great lair priced slock of The Koouo
If yon want to save from f 5 to $15 on
your spring suit aud have the beet and
blceel Hue In town to select from, call
ou lialdermau.rU south Second street.
Just received a large aatilguuisut of
one isiitorma uraps brandy, spring its,
which ws will sell to saloon keepers at
ti.o per gallon. Original puvkags. O.
barliecui U. Uiouii.
Jost as expected ths bock beer brewed
ty lUsttouilmeiileru Brewery A Ioe Co.
was not eaai-tiy outol eight, but it Is dis
appearing at a raw before unheard of in
tUssa parts, ho sooner did ths Fort
Wlngst troops arrtr than they ordered
enough of the amher Onid t take them
to KaiiHfM tit, time muDrnilna- our ore
diction that lie reputation wee firmly ee
talillahed In the eimthweet It will he
on tap to-morrow, en don't (ail to trj It
Judge F. A. Hnt.bell Fame from tils
Pajartlo ranch thle morning, where he
l very bnay Jrnt at preeeut. thle being
the lambing eeaenn. He reports the
lamhlng eitra good and thinks the ont
l'"k (or tie sheep induatry very bright.
Plenty of niolature make the paeturee
gr-n and rapahle of yielding ample
!iinrnnmnl to the flick, j. K. Kihera
the arlwnl teacher, I aleo here from Pa-
irlto. Me Ute that hie arhool at Las
Padilla will eloe on Monday.
It le almost a foregone conrlulnn that
the National Guard of .New Mexico will
be railed eat In a fe? dare. 1 lie terrl
tnrlal companle are included In the rail
or r'reelitenl MrMnl t (or l2o.il"! volun
teer. Ihe young patriot of thle city
are on the anxiou -at, ami they are all
clamoring to tipholl the honor of Ihe
grand and glorious l ulled Plate.
The program of song, rerlfatlon and
danrea, by Ihe little people, whlrh will be
giren rerore the opening o( the 1. Hirer?
ball will be something nnlone. Knter-
tainment will begin at H:3( o'clock
rtanrlng at : Hnpper will he h"ld In
tne oanqnei nail auritig the entire erf n
Always the Orst with low nrleea. I.ad
tee we can yonr attention to onr new
Idea we will hare made to yonr ordr
(mm any dreee good In our store a eklrt
lined with beet quality perraline or ee
leeta, relret bound, (or, (or 11.00 Golden
Kuie Dry Uoods Do.
lion. M. S Otero, a local rapltallat, left
ani night (or Jfuiet hot eprlnge, and
from there, afromtianird b Chaw. K.
Hpailer, he will go up to the biilphur
eprlnge, to make arrangements (or the
opening of the hotel at three springs for
eummer tourism.
8k (ieorge Creaghe. the Aparhe county.
Arizona, enena, wno enjoyert yeeterday
with his eon here, left lal night for the
norm He will return In a few day, and
then continue on to st. John.
There are only fifty pair of ladles' com
mon sense high button shoes left at
Hinipter's great cloelng out sale. They
mtiHt be dtepoaed of anil the regular to
shoes are going at (2 per pair.
Pklrt made to order lined with beet
qnallty sileela or percale, velveteen
bound , (rum any drees good 111 our store,
made by a good drees maker, only il.&O.
Oolden Rale lry Goods t o.
At the eleventh hour, sometime laet
night, the rsces advertised (or this af
ternoon at the fair grounds were poet
poned by the Oentlemars Driving asm-
For on mors week we will eontinne
to make to your order, an all-wool, well
niaue ana wen maimed eult t rlothee
for III). Ualderman. 213 south Second
German Lutheran Rvangelical 81.
Paul's Church. German Huudar school
at l) a. m.; Uerman services at II a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. All are cordially Invited.
Ir. Alger, the dentlet. lias removed hie
ofilce (mm the Whiting building to the
new Armijo winning, opHielte the opera
nouee, on uauroaa aveuue.
Meu'a ChrlMtlan I'nlun at Odd Fellows'
hall at 4 p. m.; mibj-ct, "How Are You
SowlngT'' Hcond Coriuthlaiis, V :U; Iwilah,
3i:i. J. U. I'ratt, leailer.
K yon cannot find ths goods at the
Kror.onilHt It Is no tine looking eleewhere
Is the common expression aniongHt ths
lailles ot Albiiquimjue.
In bonor of ths war with Spain, Quick
el ft Bit he will treat their patrons to an
especially line lunch at the Zelger Cats
this evening.
"Hers Is a lesaon that he who runs
may read; ths man on the Columbia Is
always In the lead.' 75 and (126. liahn
A Co.
Our all linen, men's shirts, at slity
Ovs cents, almoet as good as silk, are
creating a sensation. K. L. Washburn &
Col. HI bo, the warrior and capitalist of
Bernalillo, Is In the elty. and made a
pleaeaut call at this office this afternoon.
The Zelger Cafe Is ths nlaos to en Jov a
good smoke or a delightful drink and
talk over the war situation with friends.
Married couple, with one child, want
room and board with private family.
Address. R.M, Iuilt Citi.kn.
Thoee holding tickets for the Star min
strels, pleaee get your seats reserved at
ones at H altou's drug store.
The prettieet line of High (irade aud
Monarch shirts to ths weet at 1 aud
Mrs. J. I). Dort Is entertaining her
father. Or. W. Hates, who is here from
Flint, Mich.
Marian llarland coffee Dots. Mrs. Van
Dutten's cake moulds. Donahue Hard
ware Co.
Freeh, rare Persian Insect Dowder at
Ruppe'a Prescription Pharmacy.
Rock beer to day. Call for homs-mada
brew; It Is ths very beet.
Ice chests and refrigerators. Donahoa
Hardware Co.
Picture frames. Whitney Co.
Fine stationary at Matsou's.
Calvin Whiting, Insurance.
. , , . i -- mmmaii " -w. w u-asaisu m n auirtiiirai iv b.
Compare the Prices.
Comparison is a
to tho storo sellincr the Right Goods at Risrht Prions. Tt'a ti.n
S- S
"other fellows" who
me iowcsi ana tne quality or our goods unsurpassed.
Best Sugar Cured Hams I0C
California Apricots, per can ic
California Peaches, per can !"!!!!!!!!!!!" ioc
California Pears, per can " ' ' ' ' " loc
3 Cans California Tomatoes "!! jtc
Good Sugar Corn, per can !.!!!. .!!'.!!!',!!!,"..' '. ioc
lt -pound can Van 1 lout en's Cocoa . i ! 40c
x-pound can Vran 1 Iouten'i Cocoa ."..!!',!.!!". ! 7 ac
4 pounds Choice Prunes 3 sc
Beef Steak and Onions, per can ...!!!!!!!"!""!'" aoc
Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce .'!!!!!!!! ioc
Broiled Mackerel in Mustard . 1 ioc
3 Packages Kingsford'a Corn Starch 2Sc
3 Packages Silver Gloss Laundry Starch !..!!!'. ' 2 cc
3 pounds Best London Layer Raisins !!..!!'..". 35c
Finest Swiss Cheese, per pound !!!.!!!'.'. ', ', 20c
1 8 ounds Best Potatoes .' ! '. 2 c
3 cans Salmon ..!!!,!!!".!!!.!! 1 ".!!!. ! 1 k.c
i-pound sack Uuke's Mixture Tobacco with a 1'ipe . . . . . '. 35c
Piper I leidsieck Tobacco ."....'.". '..'.'! '. 15c
The Celebrated Swan Down Flour, sold under positive guarantee, your monev back
if it does not please you $M5
WM. KIEKE, Proprietor.
Hand in
Warm w ather anil the demand for cool wearing apparel.
The former ia fast approaching; the latter we are now better
than ever prepared to fill, in all lines, with goods that are cool
and breeiy, neat and nobby, ard above all, high grade and
low ptictd.
Ladies' hhlrt Ualsts.
In Cotton and Silk, from 50 cute to $10
ech. Ton may be ahletog'l them cheap
er in price, but then cheaper in quality
ali. Ourwaiptearemniliion theruitomer
nuking plan, Tuey are sewrd, not s'uck
U g"lher, They are mads to fit, and all
of a nice qnallty of cloth, even the cheap
ext. We guarantee them to be thle year's
la'eet product, anion t which the Rus Un
Blouse waiHt Is the prevailing style.
LdicV Silk Milts and
From 20 cents to tt.00 a Dalr. la regular
and eitra length. In black, whits and
all Imtglnahle colors.
Lawns Dimities and
Lawa worth lOe at. Re a yard
Dimities worth 15c at 10c a yard
Organdies and Lappets 15c a yard
12-yard patterns. Quest Imported Organ
dies, per pattern 1.1.50
The same thing yon pay 3&o and 40c per
yard for r lxewhere.
We close at G P. M. every evening, excepting
Saturdays and Pay Days.
PertODSl and Ceaeral Paragraph! Picked
Dp Bert sol There.
There will be a free concert at Orches
trion hall, to-morrow afternoon at 3
o clock, and everybody Invited.
Dou't forget ths lecture Monday even
ing, at Perk inn' hall. Prof, llernck will
give yon new Ideas about brains.
Mine Abrams' song. "Good Bve. Sweot
Day," le sure to plpaee all who hear her.
Ikiu't forget the date Weduemlay, April
Choice solid and liquid refreshment
will be served at the Z-lger Cafe this
evening. Vim are all Invited to come
and pat take.
The band sU.nd and settees at the Dark
hsve been given a new oust ot brown
paint, which materially Imurovea lis
general appearance.
A. M. W hltcomb called at tliln oflls
this morning and staled that he la organ
ising i ne -itome tiuarila, to De com
puted of old veterans.
'till. 8. Farmer, representing the Kcon-
oinlHt. I on a viell to the towns alotig
the Hauta Fs Paclllo railway with a hue
of eprlng aud summer goods.
Don't forget the Midland Sunday din
ner. Clam chowder, roaet chicken, roast
pork, variety of vegetables, rhubarb and
cuHtard pie. Ice cream and cake. All yon
want for Jo cents.
The Arlsona Lnmber coin nan v. at
FlagHtaff.bas recruited Its force by the ad
dition of lumber men from Michlgau.
Twenty-five laborers from the luniher
district ot that state passed through the
city laet ulght for Flagxtaff.
J. A. Curamlngs, representing ths
firm of Cummings & Gourlay, ot Peoria,
HI., Is in the city, aud will soou ieeue,
provided he receives ths proper encour
agement from the merchants, a book en
titled Brotherhood Time Memorandum
On the 2Mb. of April, there will be a
miielcal and dramatical concert. This
will be one of ths beet cou certs ever
given at the A. M. K. church. Let no oue
may away. Come all, and help un.
Ticket sellers ars out; buy a ticket. It
you miss this yon will miss a treot.
The owner of the revolver that accl
dently went off In front of Maloy't gro
cery stors Thursday is a man by the
name of CalvaU. Aethers was no evi
dence to show that the weapon was con
cealed he was not arreeteil, but given a
fatherly lecture by Marehal For nod In
stead on the subject ot carrying arms In
Applications to Join ths Albnquerqne
fluanU are coming In faet at J. H.
O itellly ft Co's. drug store and It wtll
only be a short time before there will be
mors thau enough applications to recruit
friend of ours. Comnarisons arn nnt. oHinna
Kf e--W -aV V J VltV
hate them. Comparison .proves our prices
Will to (Joods.
Indian and Persian Lawns, Striped Dim
It lei, I'hxcke I Nainsooks, Fine, plain and
D"t'el Hwlxeea, from the ehespeet If
you want to consider your po-ketbook-
to as fins a quality as yon may dsire;
aleo lower than jon can Oud ths same
gi mU eleewbere.
LtictH and Embroideries.
An Inimonoe stock at a saving to you of
so per cent. Sre for yourself,
Ladles' Underwear.
Guaranteed lower than elewhere.
Ecru Vests.
4 for.
t for,.
2 for.
White Vests.
2 for.
2 for.
2 for.
. 45c
2 for ,6 Jo
And 50c each for Lisle Thread Vests.
Company 0 up to 100 men. Ths applica
tions ars received from men In nearly
all of ths vocations of life. Ths "Stait
and Stripes" wars in ths breeze from the
store on Gold aven ne.
A popnlar lecture on "Brains," with
drawing Illustrations, will be glvsn at
Perkins' hall Won lay rvenlng at 8
o'clock, by President 0. L. Herrlck, of the
unlveretly. A email admission of twenty
five cents Is charged, to go toward needed
apparatus. Ticket ars on sals at II. K.
Foi's Jewelry store aud Newcomer's
book store.
Mrs. W m. Ssngulnette baa opened np
a first cIhhb ice cream parlor in connec
tion with her stationery and confection.
ary stors on uorth Hlilh street and per
sons deelrlng cool refreshments these
warm days will find this a good place to
satisfy their wants.
Dr. Taecher, who now has his office at
his residence on north klMh airt
on May lit occupy a room In ths new
(ironjo ouiming on went Kallroad avenue.
Dr. J. R. 1 1 ay nee, U Is understood, will
also have his office In the new building.
The office department of ths Hotel
Highland has been greatly beautified by
everal handsome pictures of familiar
place and scenes ot the country, notably
the Union depot at St. Louis, and ths
Hot Springs or Arkansas.
II. R. Nirkerson. ths general manager
of ths Mexican Central, accompanied
by his wlfs and stenographer, paeeed
through the city laet night on his return
o Old Meilco after speudlng several
weeks In this eouutry.
Ths Library ball promises many attrac
tions, not only for dancers but for those
who care more for an entertainment on
the Htage. All who like bright songs and
stags ilanclnir ahnnld ha .m. n ...
Rev. Tavlor was Introduced at Thi
Citizkn ofilce this afternoon by N. W.
Alger. The gentleman is from Dayton,
Ohio, and will occupy ths pulpit at the
Baptist chnrch tomorrow.
Take the family to Mrs. Rummers on
Gold avenue for Sunday dinner. This
dining parlor has obtained an excellent
reputation for its meals and the usual
Ktandurd will bs kept np.
This Is "bock beer day" and ths foam
ing beversgs Is quite popular during
thees piping war time. Call for ths
hrew of the BouthweeterQ Brewery aud
Ice company.
Kd. Wormser, the competent book
keeper at the stnrs of Ilfeld Brn., was a
pnMengr north bound lait night. He
will return In a few days.
The mula nnartAtf . t IV.. o- i
-- mw oinr unil-
etrels will be oue ct ths features of ths
Ticket for tha I.lhrp. k.n
sale at Walton sand Newcomer's. Pries
I " m ii awsr-aawnawii uit SBSSjQBiBaM
dWfe' v
ft 1 JSP! J
V $ -fW 3
See OurJ&OO Hats.
See OurSUO Hats.
See Our 25c. Caps.
They Arc World-B eaters.
The R. R. Avenue Clothier.
Donahoe Hardware Co,
Corner Railroad Ave. and Third St,
O '.s f- p. .
H 1 r: Wl O .... .LaSiV O
John Deere Plows, Fish HrW. Wa?ons,x
Walter A. Wood Mowers, Mitjraflc italics,
Stationery, School Books,
We Carry a Complete Line of I-s gal Hlanks, Illank Books, Cigars,
and Tobacco, Magazines, Periodical- and Newspapers.
O. A. MATSO N & Co.
A Oood Suailay Dlnaar for Onljr SS
Pot age of Rice la Maintenon.
Smrlu, Tartan Sauce.
Julienne Pointora.
Chicken hru aaai-e a la Kelne.
Spaghetu Amerlran Style.
r. - .K'.nt! Aapuairua Hullunda'if.
RoaatTeal luk.
New Fout'ira In Cream.
Lctturr anil 1'uiiiatii Salad.
Vanilla Ire I'iculii.
Aaaorteil C'akva.
John Cornitto A Co
C. A. Itatlibun. a stork buyer from Las
rgas, ia at the Kuropesn.
Joe. IllWVllfinilHr tha .lrn ..,. l..r.
with his samples for the uorth last night
-t . ... .
.d Mayo and wire, and XI. Harold
of Golden, have rooun at Siurgee' Ku
ropeau. 8. W. Sweitser and wife, coming in
from WiUNlow last night, are at Hturges'
Ku ropeau.
Robert Mann, wife aud child, of De
troit, Mich., are In the city, stoupiug at
ths Hotel lllghlaud.
W. O. Thompson and wife, from Trini
dad, Colo., are among the late arrivals at
the Hotel Uighlaud.
Mrs. J. T. Uhea and Mlxs Nellie bliea,
of Los Luuae, cams In from the south
last night and ars at bturgee' Kuropean.
Mrs. A. J. Warren, of Grants, N. M,
rams In from the went laet ulght and has
tier name ou the Hotel Uighlaud register.
.'f; .'.Po,mm nd Popular people
of VHUtauiH, Arlsona, came 111 from the
weat laet night aud have a room at ths
Hotel Highland.
Hon. T. A. Klnlcal, dlntrlct attorney,
left laet ulght for Hants Ke on legal bun
Ins eouueeled with the (iniizaleti mur
der caae. He will returu this evening.
P. C. Allen, the Banta Ke l'arlllo truin
maxter at Gallup, acciuiipaiiied the mil
dler train from Kort V lngale to this city
yesterday afternoon. Us will ratura went
to uighL
W. K. Powars. of Well, Kargo Kipreas
company and pieHldeut of the Albuqur.
que Hlaud Telegraph and Telephone com
pany, returned to the city from the south
last night.
C. W. Hhlrkey and wife, popular young
people from PliUbiili. came iu from the
weet last night, aud were met at the de-
..... u 1 1 .1.1
l vj nay nuiaer. 1 ney are ou their
way eaaL aud will nmhuhl. an i...,n.
. w a- " "
this sveuliig.
John A Riley and wife, of Iah An-
(ri.lHN. lu&itia In fruiti m!I I'.i Iui !....
and are around vimtlng old frieudi to
day. Mr. Kiley 1 the geueral manager
of ths bradHtreet'a ageucy, with huad
quartern at Los Angeles.
C. 0. Anderson, editor and proprietor of
the Holbrook Argus, came in from the
weet laet ulght and registered at the Ho-
...i U1....1 1 i-i ... 1
uiKiiibiiii, una illuming ne maiie a
lileaaaiit rail at flil ..iHi. u.i.i -........i
the arqnalutancs of Memra. Coilliis and
"a. i.g .win cvuiiKMiiorH wno snippet
over a day at Hnll.rm.k wl.ile en route to
this elty. Mr. Anderson Is aim the "vil
luge attorney" of Holbrook, and Is re
garded as the ulirew.le-t IllHckNtone ills
cipl weet of this elty. lie will return
to Holbrook this sveulng.
onnuin limp
ui iiiiiu uniu
All tfa 4nVattit A4 MAi4 ft.
coming- shape and colon, to fit
any head1, we are displaying to
light weight Derbyt, Fedoras,
and all kinds of toft and stiff
data fne mn anil fvwe. Lr
have a fine assortment of Bicycle
An J Golf Caps At txd rock prices.
Majaalla Haoaaa
Cues lees fuel than any other. The
heavleet oven plate used In any range.
The grates can be changed Instantly
from eoal to woo 1.
Donahok Hardware Co.
Kor a straw hat. see our Brlgham nop.
kins line, JiiHt arrired, at K. L. Wanli
burn&Co 's. They make the best, aud
they coet no more than luterlor goods.
Cider or wine tlna... an
gallon, or 2o rents in ten gallon lots at
r. aViVIUIIttl tlU B,
Continnod This Wo ok on
Silks, Dress Goods,
Embroideries and
Ladies' Oxford Shoes.
Our Pfiees, As Usual, Unmatehable.
If Interested Head On.
811k Walt Fat teriM s yard- each, take your choice of any
high at $7.50.
'Mi PleteH of All-Wool Dress
j-.... v .. . jr j nicjf nuu i iaai iud l uiesc prices.
flOO Pleoesi ot Embrohleries-Divided up io 5 lots at 2c, 5e, 8e, 10c and 1.10 a yard, worth
double. Biggest embroidery bargain ever shown in city.
20O Pairs Ladles' Low-Cut Oxford Shoes-All sizes and widths, at 31.10 a pair, former price
from $a 00 to $3 85 a pair. Shoe atorei will charge you double for aame goods.
100 Piece 30-1 neb Percales At 7e a yard.
n i m-rrm n
JO"ua,T.www Tisr
Staple and Fancy Groceries!
jVCaV V, T.'JI a-4t
118 Bailrojid Ave., Albnquerqne, N. M.
Liquors, Wines,
Cigars, Tobaccos
(Jeneral Agents for W. J. Lcmirg St. L
Outalde Orders Promptly Attended to.
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
107 & i09 South First Street, - - Albnquerqne, N. M.
Well we have a FEW; bright, snappy sparklers, from $6
to $aoo, yet worth a third more. If Ap-il is your natal
month, diamonds you ahould wear. Simple our prices
T. Y. MAYNARD, Jeweler.
warca issntrroa s t. a s. r. av
E. J. POST & CO.,
Just received, a carload
of Bass' Ale and (Juinness'
"Stout" at. Lowrenthal &
Wi.tal, Raaak Frop.rty.
To trade well lmnrn.ad
for ranch. Must have some alfalfa.
Otto Dkickuan.
Kallroad Man.
Always keep in mind that K. L. Wanh-
bnrn A Co. only sell goods that will slve
satisfaction, and keep no shoddy. Aek
for our Or and water proof gloves, at
Y i.oii.
Kotrelle. eorner Gold and First streete.
will sell yon good wall paper at 12 'o
uuuuie roil aim up.
i iiiiiiiiin rim aiiii un i srniiitn at a i ..,......,.'.
rr j 1fT fllJlVf DTT TJ
..nil uuljJjijIi nULij
Gooils Special price 25c a yard, Turner price from 35c to 50c a
Drilrrt In
Iinpro.ad rtraarma.
Wtncheeter rifles.
Marlin rltl s.
Havags rills.
Bteyens rifles, 2 aud 28 caliber.
Colt's piitols.
Shotguns and ammnnitlon.
Donahok Uardwarb Co.
Dealers In Remington typewriters, ths
standard typewriter of the world. Can
supply biiHlnea offices with eiperlenced
stenographers to till permspent aud tem
porary positions, at short nutice. Haha
k Co.
We will continue onr epclnl sals on
silks, drex goods, embroideries, oxford
shoes and percales for this week. Head
our advertlHement on fourth page. Gol
den Rule Dry Mood-t company.
at S3.5 a pattern, they sold as
Gntilti Ltirrft ollvAoll ouly 2.fi0 per

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