f i . . .la... i. . a ...... . I TIM, hill V 1 1 T 1 7 If N All ti JL L1 A1C Kill ALBl'JI KKiJI'K. KIT. , 1.W JJy in st- itii'.riB irotn Chase A Sanburo we a; e authorized to el) !iva and Mr la Coffee at the dlowing price: 45-ent toffet at... 40 cent. 40-cent toffee ut . . .35 cents. 35-cent cotfee Mt , . . 30 cents. 30-cent coff r e it ... a 5 cents. 75-cent coffee at. ,.ao cents. so. mm 114 V. Railroad It., llboqaerqaa, 1. 1. MONEY TO LOAN On piano. flrt-elaa fnrnlturn, eta, without reroovaL Aleo on diamonds, wmtohM, Jewelry, lift tnanraiiee poll elan. Trust deed or any good secur ity. Term tmt moderate. II. SIMPSON. f)9 Booth Second street, Albnjner qaa, Mew MkiIoo, next door to neat rn Union Telegraph oHic. B. A. SLEYSTE11, J ISSURIXCE ISll BST1TB. N0T1ET PUBLIC Automatic Telephon No. 174. BOOM8 IS A 14 CHOMWKLL BLOCK SHIRTS fit 10 ctnt dime. Hare your shirt .a uu dried Aod Uum 00 time. At tn Albiqaerqat Steam Ltudrj, Corr Ool t. Md Imh. JAY A. HUBBS, Proprietor, Pkoa. 14. ALUUQUUKQUE .FISH MARKET. Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season , . . Fresh Flah and Dreaaed Poultry. 206 and 203 South Second Street JAMICH V. MAY, CM TPidUma Arizona. HAVB 400 Pure Bred French Merino Backs for Sale, Klghteen nnuiths olil, Ilavy Hhearer li 10 27 pounds. IMivered on cr In lota of bUor more at $10 p r hea l. 300 BUCK LAMBS Dropped In February aame tock-$5 per head, r or range ttnerp Marino beat then) all. CALL. AT THB PEOPLE'S STORE. (U1UULAND BUILDINO.) FKESH CROCBR1BS. FRUITS. VEGETABLES J. A. SKIN NEIL, Low Price, and Courtaoua Treatment. L. H. SHOEMAKER, 20S Tot Go!d Avenue next to Fin National Bank, , Furniture, Staves and Household Goods. New and Second lluud Itepalrtng. Korultur atored and packed forahlp nimt. lligheNt price paid for eecoud baud hniiHeliold K'i (in. 1883 1898 F.G.Pratt&Co.l 80 Id Agents mi no and Uro Brand . tuned Ootxla. DIAL! ft IM STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES S14 S. Second St. Hlll.boro Creamery Huttet be.l on banu. Order. Solicited IxliTny. CITY NEWS. Call art Rankin for rl ..lata or la.ar Hmu tt, M. T. AnuIJa banding. Planoa tor reut. W hltney Co. Carpeulera' tools. Whitney Co. Picture frame made to order. Whit ney Co. Picture frame and room moulding Whitney Co. lierchaula' luuch every morning at the rt mia aiepuaui. A uew lot of boy.ililrt walHUaud pant ai air. w iiaou a. Carpet at lire aale price. Hay & Fa ber, I1& tijlj avenue. Harit line of children' achuol ahoee at Ueo. C. Uuiuslfjr Jc Co . For laova and embrolderle at half price at IS. lire id A to a. lllgtit prlotw paid for gent' clothing 1 uart , 111 uoiu avenue. We will furnUh your houae on the In atallment plan. H biluey Co. He make a niwclality of children' anew, ueo. C baiUHley a Co. Talde linen, napkin and towela In great variety, at May X Faber. The btwt aummer fuel la Cerrlllua nut coal; ti.2o per tou. Uahn A Co. Whu', youth'e and cblldren'a clothing for leiw iitau Lair price at ti. lifeld A Co a. 1. allies' leather be In, worth W-e, at 3"c; beiia worth 6oc at ) each, ltoeeuwald liroe. The freeheet Htock of ataple and fancy groceries are vo ue ouud at tiell Co. a, Becoua mreel. None but the beet artlnta employed at iianu a barber auop, . 1. Artuljo build lug. liullJH litd. Look Into Kleluwort'e market on north Third Htreet. lie haa the uloent treah meal In the cltv. Freeh vegetablea, frulta In seaeon, txiultry and atuple grocer lee, at bell A Co.', tMWoud utreet. J. U. kluore. real eetete, lueurauoe, loaiiM, mutmtrer Albuquergue Abstract Co. New phoue, ti'i izl houth Uud ftreet. Wauted Three or four furulehid rooms for light housekeeping; lve ics'a tlou, rent and particulars. AUilreea U. V., Citi.kn olUce. The best place for good, juicy ateat aud roast aud all kinds of meat, kept lu a Urst class market, at Kleluwort a, north Third street. Prof. ll Uauro, the beet violin teacher lu New Mexico, will give vloilu leenoue aud barm uy. Auyoue desiring Ills ser vices should drop him a postal raid, tbl city. The first assembly of the university vtuileuts will lake place to morrow m irnlng at o'clock, at which time an uoiiiKVLjHiiis will be UiBils aud oil er ei ermses will take place. There will ba au opportunity for reglatratlou at the close MAN Ini wiimi, tji MMta kr f , uitad tg tfflttnr ! th (IBS. Himn will meat er-xiMlng to pruviueual winyli.le tor twenty minute periods, nd xerclsee will clone at 11. Wallace Walker, a compositor In Thi liri.KM ulli,-e, ,ad Ins huutlnir da- ih" stoleu last II m lit. lie Inveelliiat- ed 10-day aud found that a man, named HtsMl, wlio was gi.ina to I jut i rupee aa a truthful" wiiuees lu eonie e.-we, had Ink- eu ibe dog along with In 111. Mr. Walker placed the matter In the hand of tltf Marshal McMlllIn, who need the wlrea, with the result that the dtg will tie re turned to lis owner title eteuing. Harry V. hinlth haa on exlilhltlon lu rmim 4, over the imsudlice, a tine collec tion ol art rmtiroidery, stamped linens. etc., In all the latest designs, and Invites those lulereeted In tills work to visit and Inspect the same ou neduesday.Thursiiay aud Friday, I ruin V a. ni. to 6 p. m. Dealer la Remington typewriter, the landard typewriters of the world. Can supply business olhcee with eiperleuced stenographer to Oil permareut and tem porary positions, at short notioe. liaiin A Co. Ixiul Kellogg, son of Mr. and Mr. M. Kellogg, one 01 me Albuquerque volun teers at Whipple Karrack. is reported tick with typhoid lever, and an lumate of the boepital at the barrack. I'ndertaker Montfort to day receive,! a telegram from the Koyal Arcanum lodge, ol I'ort Huron, Mich, saving that seiu Fancher insurance of .),mU lu that order would be paid. There will be a special meeting of the Fergusson Hook A 1-a.ider Company this evenibg. All member are requested to aliend. Kd. B. lUrsch, Foremau. Hot WclHiuald, secretary. After a pleasant visit of a few weeks to her relatives, W. II. Jennie aud wife, Wise Dickermm left last night on ber re turn to Fort worth, Texas, where she la a school teacher. The board of county com missloners thl morning appointed Harry Fluke, sou of K. I). Fluke, cadet to the Koswell Mili tary Institute from this county. Henry Warkentln last night received a telegram announcing the death of Adolph tk-liuetder, formerly of thl city. at Jiuitown.Colo, yexierday. Mis Berth Pope, a young lady of thi city, left Haturday night ou an extended visit to benver, after which she will go to Prince Kdward Islaud. The bicycle club will meet a Brock- uieler ' thl evening at 7 o'clock, where ollloera will be elected and a constitution aud by-law adopted. Oh.no! You are not looking thin. All that you need I a clean (have, (io to liabn'a barber shop. N. f. ArmlJo build- lug, and gel lb beet. Cyrus McDanlels, the saw miller n1 rauchmau at Han Kafael, was here a lew hours yesterday, returning lu the even ing to the west. A. L. Chandler, the Hanta F 1'aclQo conductor, and wife are spending a few day at Harwell's place lu Coyote cauyon. Hon. O. N. Marron returned last night after an absence of several week lu his his old home lu Port Huron, New York. Kmiru for rent, with board. Itooiin suitable tor two geutlnurtu. tS a week with board. 4'1 north hixtu street. Ihe cleauest aud best appointed bai ber 4hop iu the aoutbweet Ualin'a, N, T. Ar ml jo building. 8. Sanders, an ei mayor of Trinidad, Is in the city and I around among bis friends to-day. Oelegat U. B. Fergusson returned to the city last night from ttaula Fe. School tablets given with every pair of stioea at Ueo. C. talnilty A Co'. For meu',ladlea' aud children' hosiery at balf price at B. lift Id A Co'. Blanket and comforters, new and fresh good. May A Faber. Ladle wrappers, new fall style just received at Mr. VS llsou'. Shoe the children at Geo C. Galimley A Co' popular shoe atore. Htove repair for any atove made. Whitney Co. Fine china and glassware. Whitney Co. Crockery aud glassware. W hltuey Co. School shoe at Geo. C. Ualusley A Co'. Copper and tlu work. Whitney Co. Ik Praia the Zunl Country. L. Trailer, the well kuown sheep buyer of ihls city, returned to the city yester day from the Zunl country with K. Webb, of Wichita, Kan., to whom he -old about 2,IMiu wether lamb out of the Nathan Barlb Hocks. Mr. Trailer, while out In the Zunl mountain, purclia-ed the Nathan Barlfi lamlM, about 6,0ml, and vtates that ow lug to the proNperoua conditlou of that section of New Mexico plenty of good grass and water- he found the lamb fat add In the very best of condition. Mr. rrauer sa)s that while tie and Mr. H ebb were driving along, the son of Kd, Provencher aud another boy came up.aud the Urst uameil. In attempting to pull out bl revolver to shoot at a rabbit, shot himself In the left breaet. It Is the opinion of Mr. Trailer that the wound proved fatal, the lad bleeding to death b -fore any attention could have reached him If yon cut rral ratals or lu.nrauea, call aa Maukla, Kooui V, N. T. aruilju bulldlug. W. HESSELDCN, Preaident. Wlitiiey Company, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Furniture, Carpets, Crockery And Pumps, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Belting and Packing. O. K. All Steel Full Circle Hay Press. MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION OrriCl; AND SALESROOMS, 317-319 S. Second Street. WORKSHOPS and Iti-AVV- HARDWARE, 115-117 S. I lrat Street. - SPECIAL Men iross We need room, '::,; for our now Hlock of wouIimi Dn's.sOood, w inch will noon 1( nrriviiiK. We liave now nn im meiiHo fltock of I)rt' (roo'lit on lianl ami nmst rt'fluco name. In onlcr to attain thi eml we will noil tliie ko1 at almost untx'lievcahle Iaic'. we nay, DresM (Jood't Hanainn, every body know that we mean Dres (JocmI'h Har KaiiM in the full cense of the word. We have male these nales the talk of the town before, we are determined to cap the climax with this one. THIS SALKistoheone of mutual benefit ami Interest to the public and ourselves. A benefit to the public in receiving their Press: Goods at just about one half their actual value. A benefit to us in dispo.intf of same, for reasons above mentioned, although at or below cost. We know we can interest you. Avail yourself of this opportunity ! Mail orders filled same day as received. ROSEIMLD BROS THB CITT IX BRIEF. fcriOBal and Genera) raragrapat Picket Up Here ant There. The board of aldermen will meet thl evening. Miss Margaret Kent, after a short vnca tlon In Southern California, returned home last bight. C. II. Brown came lu frciu Magilulena Socorro counly. Ist night, and cau be found st Hturgis' Kiiropean. H P. Owen, the clerk for Ibis judicial district, left last night for Chlcag i. He expect to I e absent about a week or ten day. Tho. S. Iliibhell, the popular stii-rilT of Bernalillo county, who was st riant Fe yesterday, returned to the city lutt nlgtit. The Jow A Lee rsstnnrant on Railroad avenue, closed a few day ago 011 attach meut, waa reopeued yeeterduy under uew management. Louis Baer, who manage the New Mexico biHlnes of Kihcuihiiu Bros., the wool merchant, wa a passenger going north last night. Hon. W. (I. Bitch, a well known O ld Fellow of Han Auilre Park, In southern New Mexico, Is iu the city, registered at the Hturgee Kuropeau. W illiam Mclutoeh and D. VvGllllvrsy, extensive sbeep raiser of the Chlllll neighborhood, are lu the city, and have their name ou the Sturge Kuropean register. Mike Mandell, ex-mayor, retired mer chant and well known capitalist, who was at Santa Fe yesterday hobnobbing with the wealthy, returned to the city last night. Mrs. T. N. Ramsdell, who wa In southern California 011 a vacation, re turned to Ihe city last ulght, much to Ihe j y of ber husband, who 1 foreman of the car building department of the local shop. MIm Kstella l.owery, formerly matron of the Cheyenne Indian school In Okla homa, will arrive in a few day to take the position of chief matron at the local government Indian school, vice Mr. Cul berlHon who ha resigned. Mis Grace Davis, the pretty daughter of Kuglneer Havin at Winslow, I In the city, aud will again becon e one of the student at the I'nlversity. (iuxtave Becker, aim of Col. John Becker, of Belen, Is also to resume hla studies at the I'nl verslty. Prof. C. K. Hodgln, one of the Instruct or at the New Mexico Ijiiverslty, aud wife are today moving Into their new home on east Railroad avenue, almost opposite the university. The residence they vacate on south Kdtth street will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. 11. 8 Lithgow. There will be a meeting of the Soldiers' Aid wclety at the public library at ID o'clock to-morrow (Vied need a-) morning W. K. WIUTNEY, Vlce-Preldent. Glassware. ill , ' .......wtmnn SALE OP The ladle are planning to glvearecep tlon to the Rough Rider 00 their return, and would like the co-operation of any gentlemen who feel Inclined to assist. W. B. Trull, the e Hideo t j ilnt agent at Ihe depot. Informed Thi Citikn that biHlue-wi In both the passenger aud tratllc departments of the hanta Fe and Santa Ke I'aclhV railways. I keepln? op splen didly, and that In a very i-hort time the roads wl'l be taxed In moving the orange crop 01 1 auioinia 10 eastern market. S. M. AslieiifeitiT, a well known at-torn'-y of souttii-rn New Mexico, came In from Silver City latt night, and rim tinned on to Colorado Hprlugs, Colorado, Hi'Ciuiipsnled by bis daughter, who will attend school there this year. J. C Hit'driilge, prol ate clerk, la In re ceipt of a highly complimentary letter frmn Oivernor Otero, saying that hl tlnancial statement of Bernalillo county is the not satisfactory received from any clrk In Ihe territory. Rev. H II. Kinney, wife and two daugh ters, Marian and Hellna, who have been st the La Vrgis hot springs th past f.-w weeks, are In the city, registered at the Hotel Highland. Hon. Pe 'ro Perea. of Bernalillo, la In the city today, lie will attend the meeting nf the territorial republican c-utial committee at Santa Fe Thursday. Rev. (i. K Blrl-w, the Congregational minister bt Han Rafael, cut west, came In last r.lgl.t aud I stopping at the Hotel Highland. r I i LOTS FOR SALE ...CIIKAI.. Gold Avcnut and 7th, Corntr 75x142. Silver Avno and 6tb, " " M M M W U , M ..5400.. For either Corner. Tbird Street between Coal and Huning venue, Ten Lota, ..$1,500.. METCALF & STRAUSS, CROMWELL BLOCK. JC. f LOtRNOY, Sec. A Trw. MeCormick Mowing Machines, Rakes and Reapers. loods, 1 Gijli l. . . Pi j.T.v J h 1 'kkJjzm fjO m m p ItHJ SEE THEM IN p 5 At p rr3 We Guarantee Them Worth $1.60. E p E SiriON THE RAILROAD m M m p PfiS MAY k 115 Gold Avenue. GHAHD FILL OPENING Of Carpets, Matting, Linoleum, Blankets, Comforters, Linen, Etc. Wo start the Fall Season with a Most Tempting Offering of the Season's Newest, Best and Most Desirable. j j j We carry the Most Complete anil Best Assorted Lines of Abavc Good and our prices MEAN A BIG SAVING as comparen with the figures usually quoted by com petitors, Everything left of ILFELD BRCS. GOODS will be closed , out at TJ'ire Sxle Prices! Jas. L. Bell & Co. DKALKKS IN Staple acd Fancy Groceries. TBI riDIT SIAS0S in It. hrlRtitnuw. and you can't hirtc, triii h fruit wltrll It. A 1 111 uiimIiiv. Ilkv IlkM .-Blr. mrloi)., t-urr.nt., U-rrlr., bMii.nu., rtt r arr now arllitiK at vrry low price.. Finer melon, than our. w er. never Hrown. Tliey're a feaat f,r all who iuri'tia.e them. Dnn't forKet that Ihe trim .earnm'. uulns and that tannin i.tlie lirat order ol the day. Now i. the time to lay in a .tore lor neat winter. F ruit can't lie bet ter or price, lower than you'll tind at our .tore thi. week. aUIIOOL Btl'l-LY HBADUUAKTKK4. Reader 20c, 35o. 4nc, Coo and 7.V t'opjr ImhiIim 1 y t'ouiniiMlllou boiik 6 Hooirraphle 600 aud 1 311 Hnrne' I nluvl Hutn Hlrtlorr 1 10 Stel'g ck-leuorl ID ArltbmaticM &00 and 70 HarutN,' Unu'l UUtory W'ld 1 "ft Art Instruction 10 Model 10 So alat peuoll 6 hponirea 6 H latex front ftc to 30 Kaal blark bntN), doutila knaa, to aud hrwl 10 Tit aam lu RltrH M't b; Ut iit Hwit oil drain "Neer Kip" Hlioeg 6 to 8, Hoc; u to ri.ll.10; 12 to 2, 1 30 Tbl niakaa ttit) boat aclionl Hlioe on eartli. V 0 alao carry cheaper ftraila. Patent aitnuHlou band corduroy knee pant. llSe 70c and 76e. Itojs' waiata, 2oc and 3.ro. TUK MA.K. Wkt. Kif.KK, Proprietor. Ilrllilanl Mio.a Poll.h. No mlilnir, no dUHt, do aniall. Can be ned ou a hot or cold Htove Hy mall for 10 ceuta per Imii. (I. K. Dkkny, Old Alluiier(jiiH, N. M. Kaukla lia. Mv.ral ut th. IimI ranrb. la Hi. I.rrltury aul a nniulr of nl.gaul rw.1 d.uca. la tli. city lor ..la, Cliy atoavaug.ra. J. K. OrilKrtr A Hnu, vault and pens pool clHanlnna aKi-lalljr. A card tlinniti tlia poeUilllco nlll reoelyri prompt atten turn or Iriave your ordnr at J. H. O'Keillj .V Co'a. druit atore. Auknuatlo tuleplinu 2 Id. 1 m Of the proper style in nfjiliirtes wpult! be folly, when ue are scllimr tlm must exipiisite Madras, pique, nrul llannel shirt, P check, stripe nnd the n3 prettiest patterns at such fi?J a low figure. raj p 0-r Sleek c Ken's Farolsbiogs is Ciniplete AND IIKill GRAHK. la) Hi OUR WINDOW! E) rl EJ Gents. E E rc3 m EJ STERN, AVENUE CLOTHIER. El E p EJ FABER, Next to Citizen Office. Curtains! WM. ZACHARIAH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER VYIIEKLKR'8 OLD 8110P BKTWKKN GOLD AND BILVKK AVKNUK. Lock repairwl, keys made and all kluda of repairing done. Always Goods People Want; Prices People Like and unmatched Values. Mail orders Filled Same Day Re ceived. m We have secured the entire stock of 'The Wonder," consisting of Dress Goods, Silks Notions, Lace and Chencille, Curtains,' ladies' and Children's Shoes, Men's, I os and Children's Clothing and Boots and Shoes. The extraordinary low price and big hhIim, liuve kindly niiide a hole In the tock of " I lie Wonder," and we will try to have thin week excell the preWoun two weeks and have rut the prices lower than Her. We only liuc one more week to clone out the balance of the etock of "The Wonder," umI we will close it out; if' the pri -es and quality ever m-lla 111 'rehaudise we ure mire of success. Last Week of the Closing Out Sale OF "THE WONDER." Silk Waists. liet ihe pries rl mat rla't add In th t tin - ti tt 11 it and making, cum ure tie um tuul with theae pnera t a the nia I. up aitu le ai pricid here. I'latn CVirtd Tatl.tf. worth unl 1.S I.udiea' I'nderaklrt. worth 75c. only.... 4Sc. . Bedopreadal Bedspreads!! v. ., , ... X Ira iil(, tic od he , y ymlily. only tic. v. V . . - , Xlia bet r qrality wel .ortli SI.UAuniy ' . is Lace Curtain and Cheneille 'I orterra i...i i ,.... i . ,. , , v e only have (, ,. ,a, , ,,( ji,V(, .U.k 'ell whuhwdl lie Mld it'K.rJ "' t',M' "MJ yi 1 111 A. J. MALOY, DEAI Staple ' and Fancy AOKXT FOFJ 0LUH HOUSE 0N'RI) GOODS, Nrtini in Kipi i, BELL'S SPRINGS CKUAUEUY BUTT EH Tlio Famous. 118 Railroad Avf. . bach E :h I. KSTAHl U 11 a t HOTEL. Wholr-lr Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobaccos BAR SUPPLIES. tfeneral Agents Tor W..I. lamp's St. Louis Boer. EL KG A NT KUTAll, IlilAUTMHNT Ol'EN DAY AM MOIIT. Outside Orders Promptly Attended to. Price Reasonable and Satlafaction Guaranteed. BAGHEGHI Ik GI01H1I, Proprietors, 107 4 109 Soa'.h First S'.::.1!, AlSoprque, N. M. A GOOD Ml WILL HELP YOU! Catrh your train, or ki'cp liiislniwinBaifi' incntH prompt lymnl true you irni-riil faction. We keep ulwiivrtnn Tiiinil tlie liext tiiuekii'Hr niu.lt. ami fin llirrinort- we know lloW to ri'imir tlimn wln n tliev iret nut of order. It Iihh Imvii nur lifi Ioiik trade and liiHineHH, nnd we a-wnre you Kiitlio lai'iinii aiweyM. T. Y. MAYNARD, jeweler Tatch Iiupectoe, T. & S. F. R. E. J. POST & CO., TTTniTr,T7i-rrT x u Kjnnt j. jcj ill w rurij. We Carry a Full Line of Buckeye Mower Repairs. Thomas All -Steel Easy Dump Hay Rakes. Milburn and Studebaker Wagons Write for Prices. Mail orders given prompt attention. Thn In.uranc. The Caiupflfld Iiouho, deatroyed by Ore Saturday, waa Inriured fur fl,(KM lu the Mancheeter Itiriurauce company, fur which K. II. Kent la agent; the furniture waa lUHiired for 750 In the Koyal, Culley A Armljo, agent. Aak our wrapper ouetomer how they like onr roodM. They will tell are all rlirht and "awfnlli elieun " ti,mv are cheaper now than ever. Koeeuwald nros. E GOLDEN B DRY GOODS COMPANY. Cheneille Table Cover. ; . worth HV. on y 4Sc. u worth I J.'i on y lie. - - - . - . r 'l ' "" '" "emr.i . lid y ; v. 11 in.iv I Dml 4 It till I iln V, III ll II ll-lcnl till 'chid'.. M wv nd ldu-v lit-' 8uii irw-r, .only (lie ' Ulrat li llama k Liiit-n, onlv 22c. II If " " 40c. Nn kill's fringed, mail- of li e U-M (.f l:" 7 ""'v - I "I o( finiKcd Ta-If C'li Ih. .it. ... . , .. , , , , . , Hoy. Iron I lad 1 let I won i -.oc on y li c. ., . . ,. , ' l "'li' Fancy Mom-, worth only... n t. , La lie' 'rai.eis. only. Soc. Ladi-v om nn nmnei Wr.i,pt-i. only oc. ,,lr'" ' H"n"'1' ,",lv 1 "od iju.ilny Mialer I- lannel woith 1 1. . (inl Heller Uualny Shake. r-Vu'aii.-l worth II. ' I only iji c '"" " iiiiiiyiairiii.ytlw.,aWr ER IN PiiinfiFRIF Alb'iqncrqu N. M. .tVliKIi I HAS (t (JIOMI n 1 Z tral-ra In R. hdtv iit iit ROLLER'S 8L 309 Topper Ave. Honeahoelng a SpccUlly. Wagon Repair log and all Other Kind, of BUclumith Work Guaranteed. D Agents For STANDARD PATTERNS The Most Reliable of All Patterns Made. Sure to Please. ULl Miaaea' Shoes. f . 1.. J. well wollli I V.iiiiiu I . ... t . . -Sirni Hi i-l ' ilv .Sc. ill .rlli Pants! Pants!! 1 1 Mi w.'il!i tI . It. u r gii i l n.. ..til;, J.aii, lv ti.lv Je !' Jr in Hit. H.tnt.. worih l-st,) Ol.lt I'.i.il w ..rth oo II SO. Mn'a Fancy chirts. ll. Ll l.f .l I . loe ..ut li. Ml.ll- W.lttll lol only . Il. Io H.-.C I.I i.r - .irrr'."7Prwf - aiw SHOP