OCR Interpretation

The Charlotte Democrat. [volume] (Charlotte, N.C.) 1870-1881, February 21, 1871, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020713/1871-02-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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syrt i i i is.
:t .0 0
)V J YATES, Kmroi: axd Pkopkietok.
7'o- MubseriptiMTiuiKK Dollars, in advance.
! ' ' ' ' ...(..-..,
Charlotte Democrat,
im i'.ijsiikd nv
VATIS, Iviiior and Proprietor.
Thru- Dollars ll'r annum in advance.
fu.riUfnw'iiJs will be inserted at reasonable
ritcs or in ;ic''nl:in-f
with contract.
Miittiarv notice
of over five lines in length will
rliargcd for at advertising rates.
Robert Gibbon, M. D.,
-?; Ol'icc over Smith & Hammond's Drug Store
j'(c:iee on College Street.
,!:m i. 1T.
.;. f. McComb3, M. D.,
f . tonal .. services to the citizens of
' i surrounding coimtrr; All call, both
nl ii.iv, promptly intended. t7
Di -.wn's buildiug, up stairs, opposite the
.. JloM. ? : 4
M 'ii'i
Dr. W. H. Hoffman,
R-pc tfuilv informs the citizens cf Charlotte and
fx- public limerallv, that he h;'.s permanently loca-!,-.!
in Charlotte He is fully pn-pard t. attend to
all calls relating to his prof-.-s.-ion.
A successful practice for more than 10 years in
t!ii section of country an! in tin- Confederate army
of Virginia dunier the l it'- ';ir, warrants him in
promising entire satisfaction to ail parties who may
i.c-ire hi serviecs.
Olliceat rei:! i:ce on Tryon Street, just below
Tate A- Dewev's Hank.
Kki KiiKN( i:s M. P. Pegram Cashier 1st Nation
al l!a -k of C!i::rIotte; Dr. Win. Sloan, Dr. J. II. Mc
ilea,an:l W.J. Vates, Editor Charlotte Democrat.
.Ian !!, IS 70. ly
i;i Store a Full Stock of Drugs, Medicines,
which tlieV
at very
y low prices,
iioeaie aim reian.
Coiintrv Merchants and others visiting Charlotte
will ilo well to call and get quotations.
A Hi'. '-".. If 70.
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
ll.i-na haml a large and well selected stock of PUKE
li!l';S, Ciirmicals, PateiU fedicines, Familv
Mi-.liciin-s, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuns,
Fanev an. I Toilet Articles, w!iic)i he is determined
tn m11 :it t'.ie vei v lowest prices.
.I.in 1. 1S71.
Wholesale and lSetail Drwggils,
Cui ii.r ''ruth- and CoUcji' V.s-., Charlotte.
We now have one of
the largest and most coni-
plrle Stocks of
Dru??s, Medicines, &c,
l. n! everything pertaining to the I)rug iiiisiness.)
In he found in this market, which we are oll'ering at
very low prices.
To Physicians and Country M' rchants we oiler
;eeial indueements. All orders promptlv rilled.
.Ian !. 1S71.
Tiiis well-known lions" having been newly fnr-ri-lieil
and relitled in every department, is now open
lorllie accommodation of the
'Omnibussesat the Depot on arrival of Trains.
.hm-.M, 1S70. II. C. KCCLKS.
a. 1,1 i:vm.i,. k. s. nev.oi.KT-
olice in the Court House, next to the Sheriff
I in , 1S71 v
Vatch and Clock Maker,
Watch Materials, Spectacles, &(.
Aug It), is.57. CHARLOTTE. N. C.
Preserve Your Eyes.
These Lenses, manufactured by the Philadelphia
Optical Institute, are superior to' any other Glasses
i.i the market. They confer a briiii mcv and dis
tinctness of vision not found ia any othcr'Glass.
Tliey can he used equally well without tiring or
f ili ;;iin the eve.
I'm- sal'e only at JOIIX T. HITLER'S
leueh-y Store, Main Si reel, sol,- agent hi Charlotte,
N. C, and vieinitv.
l-vi. -ji. is;o.
General Commission Merchants,
viiAULorr::, y. c.
Particular attention paid tothe selling .f all kinds
ol rriMluce, Cotton and Tobacco.
I Highest cash iriee pai.l for Cotton.
l-T-" All orders from a distance pronmtlv attended
1", J. Y. ERYCE.
Man-h .-. 1st;:). V. Ji. URYCE.
Gun and Lock Smiths,
''-dels Manufacturers and Repairers of all kinds of i
Pistols, Door Loc ks, Trunk Locks and I
i in . ii
flichest of (bins. Hi lies, &c, constantly for sale
'r procured to order :it nriees Low nowv
' to t'.u-
iuw Jobbing Shop to get your Arm--
. I in.; I lOOUS, Oi UilH wui om oi 14.
made as -ood ;ls n,AV
SI"1 in Parks Building near the Public Square.
Aug 22. 1S70. w. E. SNYDER.
or Minn -I., i . .. i i i .
Groceries, Confectioneries, &c.
trie wore rx tircen Hie I nnr Jh
i . , . .,
riot rrore
1 . .
and Jarfc.S lia i !!, a
"-P'riiniiy inform the public that they keep a.
j-'" m nl assortment of Confectioneries and Familv
'ruerri.s, which thev offer to their customers at
i"e:N.)iuhle rates.
r bey invite a call from persons desirous of pnr-
leiMiiir -roods in their line, and promise to nive :-at-t:uti..a
in pike !ilui (pialitv of itockIs.
bin ::), is:i.
This well known establishment is still open
and in successful operation for the accommo-
t,., ,. ;U01.1 01 uw imhlic. The Proprietor Lniaran--
witwfaction to all who mav cb'e him a call.
n.H.sportation furnished tothesurmmdinireoun
u on reasonable terms.
Ian 9, LS71 Cm
A man in Covington, Kentucky, made a
bet the other day tliat he could drink a pint
and a half of Cincinnati whiskey in twelve
hours. "He won the bet," says the Louis
ville Courier, "and his widow 'remarked at
j the funeral next day that it was the first
j money he had earned by hard work in ten
i vears.'"
Mineral and Farming Lands
A fine tract of LAND near Morrow's Turnout,
containing rich Gold deposits, is offered for sale!
The tract also contains some of the best Pine Timber
in this part of the State, and much of it is superior
farming land. The owner wishes to sell simply lo
calise he has more land than he needs. The pro
prietor hopes that some one will call and test the
Mine. ' -
For particulars inquire at' the 'Democrat Office,
CharIoeCVi ... ,
Jan 2:$, 1871 lmpd
For Sale or'Rsnt.
The new and commodious Store House afld Dwell
ing above, nearly opposite the Court I louse' i&.oncr
ed for sale or rent. For further particulars arrtiv
l" JACOB DULS, Agent
Jan. :50, 1871, Charlotte, X. C. 4w .
Bryce's Building, Ciiaiu.ottk, N. C.
The attention of strictly CASH buvers is called to
our large stock of (Jroceries and Provisions, such as
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses and Teas,
Salt, leather, Fish of all sorts.
Cotton Ties, Hope and bagging.
Pure Liquors and Wines for Medicinal purposes,
And every thing usually kept in a wholsale and
retail Grocery establishment.
O?" We offer special inducement to those who
buy for Cash.
.Jan. 2. 1871. Brvce's Building. Trade Street.
The Good Old Times have come
at Last.
J. LIXDLEY & SON now offer for the Winter
and Spring Sales of 1871, .50,000 FRUIT TREKS
at prices of 18U0 Apple .10 per 100, 80 per 1,000;
Peach $0 per 1(H), $70 per 1,000. For other fruits
and prices see Catalogue. In 1S70 we were award
ed 1st premiums on our fruits sit all the Fairs we
attended italeigh, N. C, Danville, Va., and at the
! great Cotton Mates b air at Augusta, (ia., we were
j awarded three .20 Silver Goblets on our Fruit and
j We deem the above a suMicient recommendation.
I The Senior has 40 years experience with Southern
I Fruits and Trees and knows what it takes to suit
! the country and please the people. Planting season
l will continue good till the rirst of April. All orders
j will receive our careful and prompt attention. Cat
i alogues forwarded on application. Address
! .J. LINT) LEY & SON,
i Jan. ;(), 1871. ltn Greensboro, N. C.
Notice to Debtors.
All those indebted to me either by Note or Ac
' count are most earnestly requested to come forward
and si. t tie up. I have been very indulgent and ac
I commodating, and think it nothing but right that
:. those whom 1 have favored should come up and
; show their .'ppivciation by paying me. All those
who do r.ots' ille immediately will lind their ohiig.i
i lions in the hands of an oihecr with instructions.
' I desire in this connection to return my sin
cere thanks to my friends and customers for their
i verv liberal patron.i.'i-e in the nasi and hope thev
will coiHinue tJi'e
aine m Inc. tut, ire.
Jan :)(). JS71
Rkv. . IH'RWELL,
The current session commenced 1st October, 1870,
and continues toIjOlh of June, 1871.
Pupils received at any time and charged from date
of admission.
For Catalogue containing full particulars as to
course of study, Terms, Arc, address
Rev. R. El'RWELL ,fc SON,
Jan 9, 1871.
Charlotte, N. C.
of AY. J. Black will hereafter be con-
The business
ducted by
on Colleir.
AW J. BLACK !c CO.. at
his old stand
rjv" All persons indebted to AY. J. BLACK will
please make payment ln-fore the 1st of February
failing to do so they will rind their Notes and Ac
counts in the hands of an oJlicer for collection.
Charlotte, N. C, Jan 2, 1871.
Important to
AA'e are now receiving a large and well selected
Stock of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries,
Consisting in part of
r0 Sacks Rio Coffee all grades,
tU Barrels Sugar assorted,
25 " Fine Syrup,
0 " Common Molasses,
o Tons Arrow Cotton Ties,
."5,000 Yards Bagging, Dundee, Boneo ami Arrow,
"() Boxes assorted Soaps,
."50 " Candles,
2.1 " Starch,
2."5 " Soda,
00 Sacks Salt,
20 1-2 Barrels Mackerel, No. 1, 2,
15 1-4 " " " 1,2,,
50 Kitts " 44 2, a.
50 " 44 Family. j
A trial is all we ask to convince that we sell a j
good article as low as any bouse in the City.
AVholesale Birycrs, especially, are asked to ex- j
amine our Stock and Prices before purchasing else- i
where. R. M. MILLER & SONS,
Oct 3, 1370. College Street. ;
of Iredell county, X. C of Mocksville, X. C.
Auctioneers and Commission Merchants,
For the sale and purchase of Cotton, Tobacco, Grain,
Flour, Produce and Merchandize of all kinds.
They have removed their Store to the Bric k
House below Springs building, Trade Stree t.
Rkkkkkxces T. AV. Dewey & Co., Bankers ; M.
P. Pe-rram, Cashier, First National Bank; AV..T.
Yates," Editor "AVestern Democrat," Charlotte, X. C.
March 2S, 1S70.
Watch Maker & Jeweler.
Being ousted bv the late fire. I have moved across !
the street to the Store between Messrs AVittkowskv
j & Pintle's and Dr. Scan's Drutr Store, where I am !
receiving a new stock of AVatehes. Chxk
ks. Jewelry. I
Spectac les, Silver ware, ifcc kc. which will be soid 1
1 verv low. !
i and waranted for twelve mouths. A HALES i
Nov. 22, 1870.
; :
Good Suggestions
The Xewbern Journal of Commerce com
plains tliat the trade and business of (New
born is decreasing, and suj:ests that inves
tigation be inade as to the cause and then
adopt some reined)'. In ; cliseussmg , thq
matter the Journal says :. i ,,.',,i . i-.
"We hope the time may soon come wheat
me lana owners oi mis counry graven) will
awake to the important'! of having thefarms
divided more equally attiong the population.
Where is the benefit of a fanner owning
thousands of acres, and only cultivating
probably one-tenth. part; of the same? : We
would like to hear some large land 1 owner
on this oint. Our columns are open to anv
one who may wish to defend tlto cxistinir
evil m this section of ouv-Slat-
tYe ad v4w
developing the
as one of the best means of
country surrounding this city, and thereby
enhancing its prosperity, is to .populate the
country, and the only way to do this is to
throw all the superabundant land on the
market and invite purchasers from abroad
Tvvcoiiu and settle among us. Inducement
should be offered to every company or indi
vidual Who desires to invest money in landed i
property otsJih ofate. .Extend to alt new'
coiners the rignV&and of fellowship. JjC
them feel that you ianhnot only glad to$e
them, but you will also CeShwl to sec t.eir
friends, and then you will bega-1 e. busi
ness increase, and this city oiKSgttpon
the road of prosperity. If uiiethbe not
done it will be but a short, time bcWe we
rind ourselves rapidly driuii back to in
significant importance,"
Garden Seeds! Garden Seeds!!
CHOP 1870.
Just received at
A large and carefully selected Stock
Espec ially including those varieties suitable to the
Feb (, 1871. F. SCAUR.
Authorized Capital, $500,000.
C. DOWD, President.
J. HARVEY WILSON, Vice-President.
ARCU D McLEAN, Cashier.
Director :
V. Dow i), J. II. AVit.sox,
A. 3Iac.vui.ay, Tuos. II. Ukkm,
James II. Cakson, S. P. Smith,
Vm. J. Yates, R. 31. Mij.i.kk,
John L. Moiieiikad.
Offic e of Co.mctuoi.i.eu of the Cukuency, :
Washington, February 1st, 1871. )
AVl.ereas, by satisfac tory evidence presented to the
undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The
Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Charlotte,"
in the City of Charlotte, in the count' of .Mecklen
burg and State of North Carolina, has been duly or
ganized under and according to the requirements of
the Act of Congre ss entitled "An Act to provide a
National Currency secured by a pledge of United
States bonds, and to provide for the circulation ami
redemption thereof," approved June 3d,. 1804, and
has complied with all the provisions of said Act re
quired to be complied with be fore commencing the
business of Banking under said Act,
Now , therefore, I, Joux Jay Kxo.v, Acting Comp
troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The
.Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Charlotte,"
in the City of Charlotte, in the County of Mecklen
burg and State of North Carolina, is authorized to
commence the business of Banking under the Act
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and Seal of
Oilice, this 1st clay of February 1871.
Acting Comptroller of Currency.
Charlotte, X. C, Feb. G, 1871.
In accordance with the above Certificate 44The
Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Char
lotte"' has been duly organized and will open its doors
for business on Monday, the lilth day of February,
1871, in the Springs Biiildimr, Trade Street.
Feb. (, 1871.
Stoves, Tin & Sheeting Iron Ware.
Always on hand the best STOA'ES in the market.
Spear's Chlorblc, Excelsior, Columbia and Live
Oak Cooking Stores.
Box and Parlor Stoves,
Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware,
Hollow AVare, Japanese Ware, and various
Housekeeping Articles.
All wares and work warranted as represented. -df"
Orders respectfully solicited.
Feb 28, 1870. D. II. BY'ERLY.
Buist's Warranted Garden Seeds.
A full line of the above Seeds just received at
Clover and Grass Seed.
40 Bushels Clover Seed,
:() 44 Orchard Grass Seed,
10 44 Timothy
10 44 Herds Grass
Lucerne and Lawn Grass Seed, at
WILSON & BLACK'S Drug Store,
next to Stenhcfuse, Maeaulay cz Cos.
Jan 23. 1871.
To the Pcblic.
Having secured the services of Mr B. F. FRAXK-
1 L1X as our Baker for this year, we Avill herc:ifter
; furnish as good Bread and as cheap as the cheapest.
j Fresh Bread every Evening,
j Twists, Buns, Family Loaves and Cakes, of all
1 descriptions.
j AVe call the particular attention of wholesale cus
1 tomers, and we guarantee to them full satisfaction,
j Call and examine before you purchase elsewhere.
1 Parties and weddings furnished at short notice on
reasonable terms,
i Jan !), 1871. XIMMO & BOATRIGIIT.
; Fertilizers! Fertilizers!!
i l.K Tons Xo. 1 Peruvian Guano.
7(K) 44 AVhann's Raw Bone Super-Phosphate.
o(l 44 Fresh Ground Plaster.
100.000 Bushels Shell Lime.
Also, Bone Flour, Bone Meal, Poudrette, and Ger
man I otah, tor sale at lowest rates.
Orders solic ited, and prompt attention given j
to tho sanu'
SheU Lime!
Alwavs on hand a large quantity of pure, salt
water slacked Ovster Shell Lime.
Vessels or Cars can be loaded
I at the shortest
:h cither bv Iliiil
notii-e. Orders tilled with disnatch
1 1IYM AN'S it DAXfiV. I
Commission Merchants, 47 ide A ater St. j
Feb 6, 1871
iSY iNOikFOI.K, 1 A. I
ACT to Suspend .the Code of Civil
Procedure in certain cases.
bEcriox 1. The General Assembly of
Xoxth Carolina do enact, That all civil ac:
turns shall be commenced by the issuing a
summons. . ,
; Sec. 2. The summons : shall run in the
name of the State, bo slrrtw..! h.- h. c.inri-
of ihe ' Sujerior Court Imvintr juriwlicti6if
a iM'tl. . i V " ' 1 .
o try the action; and under thto .'eeai "of the
oart, and shall be dircdM to the sli$rirof
tlie county in.-jvhich the kfv'lant resided
. 1 e
or may be found. It shad be returnable to
the regnlar-term of theSuix rior Court of
the eQunty-hertlre plaintiff, or one or
mre of them, orthe defendants reside; and
shall comraancVthe sheriff or other proper
officer, tounnon the defendant to'annear
it ike next, eiisuui'jf term of the Suj erior
Oourtf arid answer the: -complaint " of the
plaiutiar, a,l phall be dated on the day of
its issue. The btlieer to whom the summons
.iA.aUdretad jhall note on it the . day of its
delivery tohhn, and shall execute it sit- least
ten ay s before the beginning of the term
to Jfhich it shall be returnable, and shall
r?uru it on the first dav of the term.
SeO. 3. The plaintiff shall file his com
plaint in the clerk's office on or before ; the
third da' of the tenn to which the action
is brought, otherwise the suit shall, on mo
tion, be dismissed by the court at the cost
of the plaintiff. . ,
Sec. 4. The defendant shall appear and
demur, plead or answer at the same term to
which the summons shall be returnable,
otherwise the plaintiff may have judgment
by default, as is now allowed by law.
Skc. 5. The plaintiff shall join in the de
murrer or reply to the answer at the same
term to which such demurrer or answer may
be filed ; and that the issues whether of law
or fact, shall stand for trial at the next term
succeeding the term at which the pleadings
are completed.
Sec. 6. That all writs of summons in civil
actions now in the hands 'of the sheriff or
clerk, shall be returned by said officers to
the next term of the Superior Court, and
such writs, together with all writs of sum
mons in civil actions heretofore returned, in
which no final judgment has been rendered,
shall be placed by the clerk on the docket
of the Superior Court at the next ensuing
term, and the pleadings in such actions shall
be conducted according to the rules pre
scribed in this act; Provided, That all such
civil actions in Avhich issues have been
joined, shall stand for trial at Spring Term,
eighteen hundred and seventy-one.
Si-:c. 7. All executions issued or judg
ments in civil actions shall be tested as of
the term next before the day on which they
issued, and shall be returnable to the term
of the court next after that from which they
bear test; and all executions now in the
hands of any sheriff, issued from any Supe
rior Court, shall be returned to tlie next
term of said court.
Sec. 8. The provisions of this act shall
not apply to proceedings by attachment.
Sec. 0. Xothing in this act shall operate
to repeal the provisions of the Code of Civil
Procedure which allow defendants to be
arrested and hold to bail in certain cases.
Sec. 10. All laws and clauses of laws in
consistent with the provisions of this act are
suspended until the first day of January,
Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seven-tv-three,
and this act shall be in force from
and after its ratification, and shall continue !
in force until the first day of January, eigh
teen hundred and seventy-three.
Ratified the '23th day of January, 1871.
For Sale.
This valuable property, situated in Gaston coun
ty, North Carolina, on the South Fork of the Cataw
ba River, with one thousand acres of land attached,
will be sold at fmblic auction upon the premises, on
the 13th day of March, 1871, to make partition be
tween the parties interested. Said Mills are erected
in a substantial and commodious building, 70 feet
by 40, with five fiwrs, and runs 32 Looms and 1,700
Spinclles, all in good condition and mostly new.
Attached to this arejGrist and Saw Mills, Cotton
Gin, &c. The supply of water is inexhaustible, with
a fall of 9 feet. A fall compliment of tenement
houses are convenient and comfortable.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
about 100 bales of Cotton, and a general assortment
of Dry Goods, 11 head of Mules and 2 Horses, 000
bushels of Corn, 5 Aragons, Mechanics Implements,
and other articles too numerous to mention.
aie 10 continue irom oav 10 ciav Tin ccnnpiexeu.
Tenns made known on dav of sale:
C. J. LIXEBL'RGLR, Commissioner,
Wiimi!..,. ,! v;n. r.ct,m ,. v r ei ...,.1
e, , . .... , . .
A Horse for Sale. !
An excellent young animal. Enquire of J. AV. J
w adswortu at ins .La verv fctaoles.
Feb 13, 1S71 2wpd
I) H. M. A. liLAXD, Dentist,
(Successor to Alkxaxdek & Bland.)
All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without i
pain by "Xitrous Oxide Gas." j
Office in Brick Building, opposite the Charlotte i
FV1 ft 1T1
Liverpool Salt.
000 Sacks LIA ERPOOL SALT, standard weight, :
1 consisninient anil for .-ile bv 1
on consuninient and for sale bv
Feb 6, 1871.
Planting Potatoes.
.jOO Barrels Xortliern Irsh Potatoes, of cboicc va
rieties, for planting. W1LSOX & BLACK.
Feb(, 1.S71. DniirgisN.
At the nUl JauiUva Stand, Cfatrdt Stmi, Charlotte, j
The undersigned L nw prepared U do any kind f
of work in the BlacksijiiUiiug line at short notice, ;
such as Shoeing Horses, Ironing Wagons, Repairing s
Plows, fce. I keen always on hand new Plows of .
1 all kinds for sale. Give me a call and I will war-'
rant you satisfaction.
Feb 0, 1871. 3m
! Is hcR-by given to all persons having claims agtsinst '
the Estate of Jas. G. Johnston, deceased, to present !
them to the undersigned within the time required by j
law. or this notice will be nh-aded in bar of their i
recovery. M.AU1 t. JOllMti, .
XCU u, 101 I. .uuiuii.-u an ,
Ihe Carolinas and the Northwest.
A hilst a continual stream of immigration '
is pminng into the Xorthwest, the equally
inviting regions of the South are neglected
both by Europeans and Xorthem men. ? This
results to a great extent from a want of ac
curate informal ion ;eouwrjpja3tIirtTuIves
and advautagejofour section of thi Union,
If lhe?ejiAd be understood and appreciated
ilkw - ailt there? i vcrj' little doubt tlsat we
lfonld ItaVejan influx of iKpulatiou which
wouiil fill'; up our country and develop its
' It is said that fitrurcs do not He. At anv
rate we presume that official intelligence
carefully collected by the agents of the gov
ernment is reliable. From an examination
of the statistical tables embodied in the Re
port of the Commissioner of Agriculture for
1809, we are satisfied that "the resources of
our section as an agricultural region are not
fully understood. . To illustrate .what we
mean we projose now to make a comparison
between the Carolinas and three Xorth west
ern States lying in a body together, viz :
Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Taking
the articles of corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley,
buckwheat, potatoes,-tobacco and hay as a
basis of comparison, we have the following
statement of the value per acre of the pro
ductions in the States mentioned for the
year 1809:
Average value per acre.
Xorth Carolina, - 15.75
South Carolina, , - 10.07
Wisconsin, - - 13.71
Minnesota, - - 13.02
Iowa,. - - - 13.04
That the correctness of this result may not
.be doubted we give more in detail the value
per acre of some of the principal crops in the
States mentioned.
Corn. Wheat Oats. Potatoes. I lay.
X. Carolina, 14.80 12.8o i).8l 50.20 17.43
S. Carolina, lb".24 1B.79 10.2ti 70.80 2:.10
Wisconsin, 17.16 10.40 14.4S o5.(4 l.j.22
Minnesota, 18.33 9.61 1 -.7. 80.01 13.33
lowa,' KJ.OO 6.70 13.0. 02.73 14.32
Look at the column headed ''Wheat," and
note the figures. One acre of Carolina wheat
was worth in 1809, (averaging the two
States) 1 3.32, whilst an average acre in the
three Xorth western States was worth S.fl2
a difference in favor of the former of fifty
per cent.
But the reader must observe that the
above comparison has regard to those pro
ductions of the farm to which the Xorthwest
is peculiarly adapted. If we bring the to
bacco of Xorth C arolina into the comparison
we find its average value per acre to be
$09.59, and we state it as a fact which can
not be denied that one-half of the States of
Xorth and South Carolina, and especially
the former are adapted to tobacco culture.
Again the cotton crop is not mentioned in
tlie comparison. The average production of
the Carolinas in cotton the past year is esti
mated as follows by the Department.
Carolina 175 lbs. lint cotton per acre. South
Carolina at 170 lbs. per acre. Estimating
mis to oe worm aoout 14 cents per lo., we
have as the result an average acre of Caro
lina cotton 24.15. There are no crops in
the Xorth with which we can fairly compare
tlie tooacco ami cotton crops. c nave
thought it best, however, not to omit these
as they are really two of the most important
crops. It costs but little more to cultivate
an acre of cotton in the Caroliuas than an
acre of corn. The difference in the value is j
several dollars in favor of the cotton. This, i
however would be .-ibsorbed in tl vth-tisks
of picking and the cost of fertilizers, so that j
corn is With us about as good a market '
crop as cotton in years whenthe latter rules !
low, as at present. i
nf ,.... .. .in nnt irtiit,..,,l f,.i. w r...it !
fertility in our soils as in those of the Xorth-
west, but we are much nearer the
Eastern markets, and our facilities for man
nriiMr nn f'Tfldlt'llt Lll- i vit f.lll" tdiiilMtf
is such that we pass the Winter without loss ! "l p"l? them, christian ladies
of time on account of cold, and the est of! () T?1 1',!irs l-'lore J innror arranging
fuel is a mere trifle in comparison with its ! -'ignons, fri..etts and curls. AN lulu tho
cost in the States of the Xorthwest. Again, ' plu-d heads 111 this christian land low at
we have left out of the comj,ari,on the ex-, t,Wf, ,!",U tMx n' tlen bows to h.s
traordinarv adaptation of our section to j ot stone. While millions of (,od s
trndcin,,, which has now become the most ! futures are hungering for the bread of
profitable kind of farming. Our lattitude ' l,ft' j;welll hngei-s rest upon the sacra
enables us to produce vegetables a month mt,"tal ,1o:,.nL W hile gaunt poverty sits
earlier than they can be moduced in the U-nthroiicl in many a household, rashiott
1 . 11 ' ilr'um Inn' Vdt'ii-iiu niiu'inl .fliiiiliifr lirtn
' "i " V , "
j means of transportation are already pr
j vided. AVe have steamers and mil roads by
i .i.;,.i. ... ,.., .. ,.r ....V
Mimii -hi- "ivr ot li-iltimorc :tinl i- i i lli-iir
, i.,n;t..w ii.;i...i..i.,i.;.. 0.1 v,.-
A'rL- 111 filwint tu-f'iitr.fniii- tn tldrlv hours
There is no section we know of more invitm" !
to truck growers than Eastern Xorth Caro-
lina, and the day is not distant when this
section of our State, especially along the
great highways of travel and 'rapid trans-
portatioii, will be densely settled with this
most useful class of producers. Carolina
Notice to Debtors.
All persons who purchased
.ah iH-rfin wiifi Tiiirf-ii;iif 1 I . tt ( w iM-inn-nn"1 I ' 1
the estates of James II. Davis and Saml. A. Davis,
1 .MAf,u...Mi..i i-s .-...J
iavmont. or suit will be institute fr the recovery
i.i...! i. ... ' .' . :.-
estates is such that thev nmt be soeedilv MCttleiL '
1 .. rr T XT 111 i
I J . I... VAlli,
Agent for 31. L. Davy, Administrator.
Feb 13, 1871
1 Member of the American Medical Association of'
1 01 :i 1 1 1 - 1 . ..1 - - , . . . . .
! Philadelphia, late Plivsician and Assistant bur-
j geon to the Philadelpfim liellevm- Institute for the
treatment of all forms of Llironic Dineascs, as-
sUcd Iry
A. II. LIXDLEY, 3f. D. j
Dim-t from tht above-named Institute, i
Mav be consulted at their Office in CHARLOTTE, ;
N V"' w,lh wferI?cc u CANCERS. SCROFULA, .
all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Stomach, Liver,
Kidnevs and Bowels, d-ases of the Nervou Sv- r
U-mt iiXcT-ouu Debility, Chon-a, Epileptic Flu. ;
Spanis, Nenralgui. fcc. Also, all forms of disease
peculiar to females, all forms of private dis.'ascs,aii
in fact all chronic or long standing and obscurti d'i
eases of every kind.
umce lltn:r, 1 to t A. 31., 1 104 anu , 10 y r. .,i.
x ru xo, lot l .uipci .
"7; .t
U "Tii
j "Moreover,
t daughter of
Moreover, tlie. Lord saith '?ff lWau tlie
WfA - strteud crAnecks, -iralkinjr ?aM
nwniaLBgfHr; go;'-tljerefoni, the Iord;1
'will wnite with a -scab the crown of the
head. TlicJxml will take away tha.cb.aiuf,.v
bracelets, the lxmnets, head-bands, ringsi
! carrinjrs,-the mantles, wimples nnl
crimping pins. Instead of a girdle, thepd,
j ;J y .cm.sc ynr9
Isaiah wrote this long before the Star of
IJethlehem arose. The light of Jesus had u
not beamed upon the world. What would
Isaiah say now ? The professed daughters ,
of our Zion are 'haughty taken up with' -'tinkling'
ornaments. Xever, perhaps, in
all tlie ages of the world; has fashion excr-
I cised such unlimited sway. Tlie hired. 'ser
vant and the wealthiest lady share equally ?
in this inordinate desire for idress. .'From "'-
the tij of the shoe to the top of the head
an tintasteful mass of trimmings and bows, n!
ruffles, flounces, flowers and feathers. The '.t!
chignon and it accompaniments is the most :
deforming article that woman has ever
worn. The hat is a perfect tower, without ''-
comfort, no protection to the head, "and nof
ornament to the face. Curls and frjzzett $...
add nothing to the beauty of the "wearer
Xatural curls are always becoming i but '
who has natural hair? here is the lady .
who can boast Df hair enough to 'put up in I
a pretty coil ' Instead of icell vthnir ttere'i
is baldness ! " ' ' ' ; i
The ladies heads remind one of Xut
Cracker,' he being nearly all head. And
where is the taste in the present style of ;-4
dress? A fashionably dressed lady looks
as if she had passed by a mantua-maker ;
milliner's sliop, ami the contents had been T
hurled at her without regard to order. . V, '
young , minister recently, in speaking of i
fashions, said:. 'It is strange what an
amount of labor, time and money the ladies -expend
to disfigure themselves.' The gaudi
ness of dress at the present day must be -1
truly appalling to men who are trying to .
recover lrom war embarrassments. J
It is not strange that men who have wives .'
and daughters to dress get w rinkled ,aud '
gray so early. Fashion is a cruel mistress, i ,
and her plow makes ugly furrows on tho
human lace. It is not strange that youiijj '
men shrink from marriage. Xor is it
strange that the missionary cause should ,
languish. Xo wonder that churches and J
parsonages are not built and repaired. It .
is not astonishing that the cause of Christ is ; '
not better supported. The people are poor I ! '
Churches were destroyed, iu time of the late
war much, an innumerable amount of other
property was also destroyed, and the South
ern warrior's independence was destroyed!
ISlie is a slave to fashion ! She decks her
self in Xorthem styles, even to the ftrs.
' w,,K!l generally 01 aoout as mucn ser
I I 11 i- 1 1
vice in our moderate climate as over-shoes
for a calf. The people are poor many very
poor and alas! i. not there much poverty
of soul as well as of pocket? Ye cannot
serve (rod and faxhion ! Where is the time
to devote to Cod, when it is all given to
dress 'i When the lingers are not busy with
! xw skirts ami over skins, pulls, and ruffles,
the brain is planing them! When a collec
tion is taken up trie money is already ex 1
ponded for useless trimmings, &c- or it is
laid aside to purchase the same.
Give me the superfluities of dress hist
! among those WllO proles to tK- lollowers ol
m ar
t,I,- Im'c'k :lly Jesus, I will rebuild the
chm-hcs, build parsonages wherever need- ,
h"' . Sabba'di-sihool libraries, hiiport
thr ;"Hstry, the church papers, and send
niissKiiiiincn to the heathen ! A hile the
poor 111 many places nave not tlie iiospel,.
the ladies are clothed in siierfluities. .
While benighted creatures peer into the
great to Come, with not a solitary rav 'of
I i. t,.i r..t tTi-it ilx.v- iiti.rbt l.v !,.nvii, r tlmm.
! to forget that the) nnglit, b den lug them-,
Av ot a few useless oriianients, make
many a poor orphan happv. I here is an-
. ' -' ....... .-.t. v... ......, ...v..
1 other
evil in this gauduiess of dress that
has not been mentioned : There are scores
Poor PTlc ,,evt'r atte11 public
: worship, tnuuntse tly cannot Jres dtceutty
! w,1;lt J ashion calls decent Lven their
preachers wives are dressed so fancifully
that they would even be ashamed to sit by
tllt ni! -Jay '01 forgive thse who driv
IK,r Uom tht churt h hY iln' ' . . '
w 1 1 rm - -
f Death ok a Lixeal Dkw-kndast
' Ouvkk Ckomweix. Capt. Joseph Howard
I Cromwell died last week, at his residence at
i a 11 . . i 11.... ..,-..1 . . 1 . . . . a: .. ..
, . . - f f' 1 T - ,i'a ft,- i
i He was one ot our oldctt citizens, aud for
! forty years one of the most prominent and ,.
I 1" 11... 1 ... 1... I 1
...nl.i.t . I llimi. i '
. of Henry, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, third
1 1. .
........ . . . v.... ... ' f ...
: son ot the great Cromwell, setticu in -iary- ,
s land early in the eighteenth century, and
1 one of his grandsons is the subject f our
1 iL-i.tdi I Ik w?m bortt on m farm near Haiti-'
-if ... , -
more. 1:1 jlav. I u. C wt ininu 1 ,ontintrctul
""-'i" ... . ., t- r
W e have been told that there are lineal
descendants ol tlie 1 roiccxor now living ui
x State, a family by the name of Crowell,
; Halifax county", being said to have come
of the original Cromwell stock, the "m" iu
the name having Ijccii dropiKrd - when the u
,Kn(l of tnis ,ralu.i, 4f the familv tieil from J
,. 1 .. 1 . t . e '
"V41 " t!" tonitWIl cf the Stuarts.
dmitajton Joarwd. v ' .
There are also a number of Crowells m
this part of the State, but we don't know
that aM?rMtHnKtI.e lllniiyVriruarVy
Clerk Suiwrior Court-
From Use X. C, Christian, AUw3cata
Fashion: ; 'A

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