OCR Interpretation

The Tombstone epitaph. [volume] (Tombstone, Pima County, Ariz.) 1880-1882, June 17, 1882, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84021939/1882-06-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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CUilif KxercUea at the Public
Behools Aaepirloua Closa r
the Heholutle Year.
Yesterday afternoon the closing exer
cises of the scholastic season took place at
the school building on Fourth street. The
occasion caused the assembling of a num
ber of Tisltors, including the school direc
tors, interested spectators and tond par
ents. Perhnps a brighter and more inter
esting lot of children could not bo found
in fhe United States. Those who are pos
sessed of the idea that Tombitone is a den
of savages, composed of rough men, with
out' the refining influence of women or
. children, should bo present to seo the in
teresting brood that Tombstone can turn
out when occasion demands. With a
slight intern), school has been in session
for ten months. The progress that has
been made in popular education in this
City. TTlthin the oast vear is astoniahin?
A. good deal .of this is due to the
energy and perseTerance of Professor
Sherman, aided by a progressive and pub
lio spirited school board. A year ago
there was not an average attendance of
moregthan eighty pupils. Now there is an
attendance of two hundred. A year ago
there was not as much furniture in the'
school room, as jn tho average prospectors
tent" There was no text books of any ac
count, hot a map, atlas, globe, or any "tool
.,., f thq trade."1, jNolhe public schools of
Tonjlyne.W0uld bo a. credit to any com
munity .on' the continent; they are well
furnished, adequately supplied with books,
maps, globes, and the other paraphnalla of
the school room. The children attending,
flange all the way from six to eighteen
yeare.and are, as well behaved, bright, m-
telligent and happy a crowd as could be
found in this broad land. The teachers
sre, Prof. Sherman, principal, and Mrs.
Htanjon, Mrs. Qaston and Miss tiantec. as
sistants. The exercises yesterday were nut
only .creditable to tho children but flatter
ing in the extreme to the teachers. We
never witnessed school exercises where
the pupils wcro more self possessed. The
more advanced, who read essays, were cool
and Calm, with well digested composl
tions'hat would be no disgrace to preten
tious, grown people. The little ones who
recitea or sang were remarkable for
their self possession, delightful' impudence
and practical self reliance. In this in
stance, as in most others, the girls were
ahead of the boys. We believe that the
spectators present will bear us ot in the as.
sertlqnjthatthe girls were iarmore self pos
Mssed and "spoke their little piece" with
more. effect than the boys. The following
was tho bill of fare for the occasion :
O reeling Song.
Salutatory Graeo Frary.
Hesitation I'm Little bat I'm Spunky John
ny Wood.
Recitation Taking Care of Baby.. ..Allle Hnnt.
Dialogue Tattling Mary Twomey, Clara Fal
kerton, Lizzie Murphy, Thaddle Carr, W.lter
fries sad Dennle Sullivan.
Recitation Going to School.... Sarin Lewtllan.
Dialogue Tea Queerest thing In all the World
Jaaca Herrlcz. Willie Brown.
Recitation-Freclona PeSrla Stella Wade.
Song Kale Your Hands.
Keeltatlon Mr Story Annie Mann oat
Composition-As la Marv Caalello.
Recitation Tho Boy Frank Orat
Kecltatloa-The Great Kenublle
George Hank.
Qua. Iflanla
Dialogue The Blrda Holds Jones, lilsnla
Jones; Llule Murphy, Minnie Bill, va IHw-.
Una, Katie Johnaon, Mary Lewellan. Haggle
mil, ucrue jtci-ormicK, Jioate uaaion, James
Harriett, Lander Rood, Earnest Kvcroardy, Tom
Marmont, Henry Thompson.
CompoittlOB My Early Home....BlI Owtlty.
Song..-:. Iteilc on. the Waves.
Keeltatlon Old A oman Frank B roc km an.
Keeltatlon Little Jack Horner.. Charloy Locblin.
Dialogue Oar Verae Maude Alvora, Frank Mc
Composition My Travela Vaggle Bulilvan.
Song We are alt Flaying.
Dialogue Welcome Eddie Hanlon, George Kal
ferty, Richard Whlnnen.
Composition Arizona Summers. ...May Bellya.
Reclutln-Tom IUla Fonck.
Negro Dialogue.. Eddie Hanlon, ticorgo Safferty.
Seng Merrily! Merrily I Ilalda Jones, Katie
Johnaon, Kverlyn Hawkins, Lizzie Murphy,
Minnie 11111, Maggie UIU.
Recitation Dow'a Flat Frank Anderaoa.
Compoiltlon Noah's Ark Selma Fonck.
Recitation-Mr Speech Kitntre Ingersoll.
Recitation They aak why I am ao bad Frank
Bong Come, Birale. Come Mines Crosby.
Compoaltlon Jewelry Edith Anderson.
Recitation A Follow Who la Game Arthur
Compoaltlon Walter Scott Mary Welsh.
Ktctutlon Vacation ia Coming.... Maggie Hill.
Compoaltlon Animals .Maggie Coatello
Comical Song Annie Kngllsb.
Composition Calumet Mary Sullivan.
Dialogue Teaching School Katie Johnaon, Ida
Clifford, Lizzie Marpby, Uulda Jonea, Ester
Alexander, Minnie Jones. Jamea Herrick, Ear
nest XTerhardy.
Reclutlon-T. e Mews Boy Allle Howe.
Compoaltlon Europe Mary Msrphy.
ReeluUon Little Mlschlet ,Cora Goodrich.
Recitation Goody BlaJce-liarry dill-Katie John-
eon, Lizzie Murphy, Minnie lllll, Maggie Hill,
Bertha Baron, Minnie Jonea.
omposltton The. Dog in the Manger Bella
Vacation Song. '
From this array it is difficult to call out
the Best. The generality was very good,
knt If we should single aay out, we con
sider the following most worthy: Katie
Johnson was the star of the occasion, and
was closelyfollowed by the following, who
are worthy of special mention- Mary Sul
livan and Maggie Sullivan acquitted
themselves very creditably and so did
Cora' Goodrich, Frank Anderson, Allle
Howe, Edith Anderson, Annie (English,
Johnny Woods, Mary Welch, the two
Mbsbcs Owsley's and Elinore Ingersoll.
At the conclusion; of the exercises,lheltevs.
Peabody.McIntyre,Roblnson and O'Lcary,
were called on to make a few remarks.
Messrs. Mclntvre aad Peabody declined,
Dr. Rnbmson made a few happy remarks
and Father O'Leary made a nest little
speech, complimenting the children on the
success of their exercises, wishing them a
pleasant' vacation and hoping that the next
school year, would And them all at their
'desks; bright and happy. Mr. Goodrich,
school trustee, was then called upon, but
he naively declined, saying that Judge
Drum did all the talking tor the board.
Mr. Drum was then forced to the front
aad retaliated on Goodrich in good style,
besides delivering a witty and appropriate
speech to the pupils. This was the close
.of the ercises. The parents of the child
ren ia particular, and 'Tombstone in gen-fcral.shouldbe-pioudorthe
pupils of the
public schools.
An ld Xaahloned way r nettling a
A couple of (fornisbmen employed at
ope of the local mines got into a dispute a
fenr days ago that could not be settled by
psciflc means. Their names aro Arthur
Charles and Bob Small. Their friends
interfered, and tried to make tho parties
come to an amicable settlement, but their
efforts bore no fruit. The friends of both
were boasting that their own individual
partisan was the best man of the two. Fi
nally it was decided to put up f 200, and
let the disputants retire outside tho city
limits and decide who was the best man
and definitely settle their difficulty. AH
was arranged, and yesterday afternoon
they quietly walked about a milo and a
half north of town and commenced work
in a alee level gulch. There were ten
rounds fought and tho battle lasted moro
than an hour. It was pretty evenly con
tested for the first seven rounds, and then
the spectators began to see that Small was
going to have the best of th fight. Still
Charles would not give up, but plucklly
held up until he was completely knocked
out of time at the tenth round. It was a
square, stand-up fight, fought in accord
ance with the rules of the ring. Charles
was pretty badly punished, having both
eyes decorated and is minus several teeth.
The atialr was conducted quietly, only a
few friends of tho parlies being present to
see fair play.
In a few days more ail 'reminders of the
Ixe will have departed fron AUo street.
An interview
with the
ilUlrlrt At-
A reporter of tho Epitaph, yesterday, in
terviewed the District Attorney, respecting
tho matter of the deiuuml of Mr. Seamans,
clerk, of tns District Court, against the
county for services uudeied in criminal
casus, etc.
The District Attorney stated to the rep
resentative of tho EriTAru that he is re
quired by law to oppose the payment by
tue Supetvlsors ofuil unjust uutl illegal
demumls against the county, and in exam
ination ot Clerk Scamans . bill, ho had
found illegal caargen, amounting to more
than a thousand dollars. That he had so
reported to the Supervisors unit opposed
the payment of tho bill to thu extent of
the overchargts. A portion of the charges
contained in this bill have been heretoloro
presented by Mr. beatr.ans for payment
and rejected, antl arc now presented lor
the second time. After the bill had been
first rejected.it seems that there was u sort ol
extra olllcial agreement between Mr. Sea
mass and some members of tho old Bourd
to tako the opinion of Judge Lewis in the
matter, i understood mat i was to be
heard in the matter, but for some reason,
probably by oversight on tho part of Judge
Lewis, X not only liad no opportunity to
be heard, but did not know anything what
ever of the arrangement until I
was handed Judgo Lewis' findings
at the time tho present bill was reierred to
me. I consider it a one sided affair. I
believe if I had had an opportunity to
show Judge Lewis the reasons and statutes
Which guttled nip In opposing these items,
opinion would have beeu ditlcrent.
1 do not think thero is room for n ilnnlit
In the matter. The statute is very explicit
and plain, and it amounts to a prohibition
against paying many of the items charged
in the bill. 6
Our laws contain two fee bills for two
classes of services one for civil and one
for criminal cases. The civil ice bill de
tails the charge which the clerk may make
for each item of servlco performed.
The criminal fee bill reads an follows:
"The clerk may receive on the trial of an
issue, when the charge is felony, five dol
lars; on tho trial ot an issue when the
charge Is a misdemeanor, two dollars; en
tering judgment, one dollar. He shall re
ceive no other fee for any service whatever
in a criminal action or proceeding, except
lor copies of papers at the rate of twenty
cents tor every hundred words."
When tho present bill first came up in
the Board, a full statement of the (acts was
made on both sides, and the Board was
agreed that the county ought to be repre
sented at the bearing and disposition ol a
matter of so much importance. They
theretore declined to pay this bill, and In
structed me to make an screed case with
Seamans, if he desired to submit to Judge
Seamans is apparently unwilling that it
should be submitted to the court, and Is
doing his best to induce the Supervisors to
change their minds.
There would be no difficulty in making
an agreed case, and tho Judge's conclusign
upon it would be satisfactory and final. If
Seamans. has anr faith in tho lecralitv ol
bis demands I don't sec why be should be
atraid to submit the matter to tbo court.
R. Have you any idea why the report of
the committee of the orand Jury concern
ing the Recorder's office was not 'submitted
to the press by the clerk with the rest of
the report?'
Mr. P. It may- have beeu an oversight
on the part of tho clerk. I understand the
report was very flattering to Mr. Jones and
that Seamans ia a prosoectivo candidate
for County Recorder, That may have had
something to (lo with it. I know nothing
about It. .
Probable JUrath of Texaa Jack.
A well knoWta gentleman returned to
this cltyyesteruay.ttjtoran absence of some
six weeks. He states that while riding on
a Santa io railroad train approaching Las
Vegas, New Mexico, hornet Texas Jack,
who was well known hero as a warm Iriend
and partisan of the Earns. Our informant
and "Texas" were well acquainted, but
strange to say the latter did not recognize
him when they met on the train. Soon,
howevever, Jack and some traveling com
panions engaged in conversation and the
late troubles in this county were discussed.
Jack said the Earps were brave, honest
men and true patriots, in fact that tbey
were anything that was not bad. He also
gave his opinion of the so called cowlwys,
stating that they were all a pactc of mur
dering thieves, villlans and stage robbers.
Our Informant, who was tin eager
listener to this conversation, expressed an
opinion at this stage of ttie conversation
directly in opposition to the remarks made
by Jack. The traveling companions
became interested and asked our
friend for further information, which was
given with a will. Jack became uneasy
in the course ol the recital and passed from
the car. The conductor soon returned
with the information that he had jumped
off the train while it was going at the rate
of sixty miles an hour. The train was
stopped and backed up, but no trace ef
him could be found. During the return
trip, a lew days ago, the conductor in
formed our informant that a person answer
ing to tie description of Jack had been
found dead about fitly tcet from the track
near the point where ho jumped off on the
occasion just related.
The gentleman who brings this informa
tion is a reliable man, and there is no
doubt but this statement is true to the
The Work or a Crank.
A few evenlng3 ogo Charley Tribolett
and A. Eyimar became engaged in a quar
rel on Allen street. It was caused by Eyi.
mar calling Tiibolett a vilo name, tor
which he got promptly knocked down.
He got on his legs again and encaged in a
fight, but was interrupted by tho appear
ance of Officer Kcnncy, who arrested them
both. The recorder was not in tho court
at tho time, and Mr. Hawkins went ball
for Tribolett. Eyimar had no ball and re
quested the officer to accompany him to
provido a bondsman. This was done, and
they crossed the street to P. W. Smith's.
Ho could find no bail there, and became
abusive, threatening the officer with all
kinds of things, for daring to arrest him.
For this he was very properly taken back
and consigned to a cell, until bail was pro
cured. Yesterday this "high binder,"
smarting under his imprisonment, had Of
ficer Kenney arrested for false impiison
ment. Of course the officer was immedi
ately released, having dono nothing but
his duty in tho premises. It was very an.
noylng to a capable and efficient officer,
such as Mr. Kenney is universally admit
ted to be, to be made the target cf a crank.
But then ho is too well known, personally
and officially to bo injuied by such a pro
ceeding. A Hose Test.
The engine company took a hose truck
to 9th street, between Fremont nnd Sufford
yesterday afternoon, for tho purpose oi
turning on a fulHiead of Huachuca water
to test tho strougth of their hose. This
was done by foreman Blackburn, so as to
acquaint himself with tho amount of re
liability ho could place in his hose under
a full head of water It stood the test
well. It required the utmost strength of
eight men to hold the hoso up ttiidtr tho
immense strain of a full head of water. A
stream of water was thrown about 125 feet
high, and not less than 250 feet with the
nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees. Tlio
test 'was more than satisfactory to all who
witnessed it, especially to tho city officials,
firemen and officers of Ihe nuachucn wa
ter company.
The Land LeaguoTvill elect officers next
Thursday night, All msmK'rs should bo
Budget of News from the Lively
Camp North of Us.
Correspondence of the EriTAru.
Russell, Juno 11, 1882.
In accordance with tho purport of
the minutes, and tho clerk's request,
I he'rowith mall you a copy of the
proceedings of the Democratic pri
mary meeting held hero on the 10th.
This was the first effort of our camp
at a political meeting-, ana from tho
goodly showing mado theDemocraoy
may expect some substantial help
from this place in "comine contests.
There were some thirty-five persons
present, with fully half that number
at tho mines unable to attend on ac
count of work, besides several oth
ers for various reasons absent.
The camp is steadily advancing
with the work that' is being done on
tho mines, and thero is a heavy force
at work on the Peabody, under Mr.
Al. Burnngton, foreman, and that
mine is turning out to bo a veritable
bonanza. The ore bodies are improv
ing in size as well as richness, and
besides the heavy bearing of the
rock in copper and silver,
as heretofore, tt now carries
in gold $24 per tpjv Other mines
will soon be in full blast that bid
fair to rival tho Peabody. In faot
negotiations are pending for heavy
transactions, upon which vigorous
development will be made on several
valuable properties here.
The Russell company's smelter
will start to-morrow, again, after be
ing delayed on account of scarcity of
water. They have just completed
another large well, which gives them
abundance of water and no further
impediment to the continued opera
tion of their smelter is anticipated.
An offort is being matured to place
the merits of our district before the
Denver Exposition, which the camp
deems of inestimable value in keep
ing abreast with the time.
Socially we have nothing of im
port, but keen-eyed rumor says we
are to have an event, if occurrences
keep their even tenor. Yours truly,
II. T.
Primary meetingof the Democrats
of. Russell, June 10, 1882.
Meeting called to order at 7 p. m.,
and on motion A. Jordan was unani
mously chosen permanent chairman,
and John L. Smart was chosen per
manent clerk.
Tho chairman then stated the ob
ject of the meeting to bo to elect a
delegate to the Democratic County
Convention, to be held in the city of
Tombstone on the 24th inst., for the
purpose of electing delegates for tho
county to the Territorial Convention,
to be held at Phceuix, and to select a
Democratic Executive Committee for
the county; and declared the meeting
ready for business, whereupon the
following resolutions wcro offered,
and on motion adoped:
Be it resolved that we, the Demo,
orats of Russell, in primary meeting
assembled, announce and declare the
First: That we heartily endorse and
concur in tho time-honored princi
ples of Democracy.
Second: That we earnestly ap
prove tho general and thorough or
ganization of tho Democratic party
in Cochise county, that is now being
made, and we sincerely pledge our
most zealous efforts to its success.
Third: That we proceed to the
election of a delegate and alternate
to represenfus in the county conven
tion to be held at the city of Tomb
stone, June 24, 1882.
The chair then announced nomi
nations for delegate in order. After
nominations made, and ballot taken,
Mr. A. Joerss was declared elected
Motion made and unanimously car
ried that Mr. Samuel Purdy of the
Epitaph, be elected alternate for this
camp, and as such requested to act.
Motion made that a copy of these
proceedings bo sent the Tombstone
Epitaph, carried.
Motion made to adjourn, and car
ried. JonN L. Smakt, A. Jordan,
Clerk. Chairman.
Ir is roported that three new pa
pers are shortly to be started in
Tombstone. Thore is no doubt bt
what they will all do well, as it costs
nothing to run a newspaper. Cer
tainly wo shall greet thern gracefully,
and hold nothing in opn-osition. Tho
Epitaph is hero to stay, and will
live long after the election campaign
is ended, feeling go'od will towards
all and malice towards n ono.
TnE editor of the Ep, itaiui, after
diligent search, has dis covered just
fourteen chronic growlo' rs in the city
of Tombstono. Two. o ' them have
the distemper, threes aro crazy, nine
have corns and tisey a 11 want of
fice. It would be a good idea to
take up a subscription an d send them
to the Dry Torsugas
Thk Republican club 'list at Tuc
son is advertised as bei ng kept at
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s office.. As the
proprietors of that company are all
Democrats they must bo &dified by
the knowledge that one of iheir em
ployees has rebap-tized their polities.
All along tho l:ine, in Cooise coun
ty, tho Democrat 6 aro thoroughly or
ganizing, in a- dietormination to se
lect good nominees, and to Avin.
m m
Denver, Jun o 15. Chang Tsung
Tsing, attache c if the Chinese Lega
tion, passed tlirough on his -way to
Washington. Ho says the Chinese
government vrill return tlin- fifty
studente to An lerican colleges, hav
ing discovered, t,bat the removal vvs
a mistake.
An Areldeut.
Charley Bullard met 'with a severe acci
dent at Dos Cabezas ltst Wednesday. He
was extracting a cartridge from a gunan(l
by some means it exploded, u portion oi
the shell striking him between Hie eyeh
and fracturing tho frontal bone. Ho was
conveyed to Willcox, put on tho cars and
brought to Contention, froai which place
ho was brought here In a carriage .'ast
evening. The wound
is an ugly one bui
not serious.
The Phccnix Gazelto has tho following:
"Hon. Patrick Hamilton has been chosen
to represent Cochise county in the Denver
Exposition. A good selection."
We undeistand the Nugget company
have ordered a complete set of newsoaper
and job material, and that it will soon be
on tho ground. Wo shall extend a cordial
welcome to our old contemporary and,
wish it unuouncied prosperity.
A miner named John Donahue, em
ployed at tho Grand Central, had his fore
finger badly mashed by being caught
between the cage and the guide while
descending into the mine about two o'clock
this morning. He was attended by Dr.
Gutbcrson, who amputated tho linger at
the first joint.
Tho following telegram announcing the
death of ex Governor Dennison, was re
ceived by John P. Clum yesterday. We
understand that the cx-tiovcrnor'was a
near relative of Mrs. Clum:
Columbus, Ohio, June 15, 1882. To
John P. Clum: Goveinor DennUon died
this morning. W. A. Wilson.
Quite a number of horsemen cathcreil at
Dollng's race track yesterday altcrnoon to
witness a race between Spangeuberg'sgrcy
and Huyne's sotrcl. The former won after
an exciting run of 400 yards. Tlw usual
accidents occurred on the wuy home, the
successful horse smashing up a buggy and
forcing the editor of the Epitaph to ride
on the bare back of a horse that had a ver
tabrae like the apexot a fence rail. Doling
has shown a good deal of judgment in the
erection of stal's and arrangement of his
grounds. It is understood there are to be
several exciting rades on the third of July.
Last night about ten o'clock, a ruffian
named John Archer entered the Oriental
saloon and grossly insulted tlie pianist.
Mr. Dein ordered tho fellow to go out,
whiqlt he refused to do and force was re
sorted to. Archer struggled violently and
tell as ho got to the front door. The po
liceman came up'at tho time and both
men were arrested and taken to the citv
jail. While the officers .were making a
light, Archer again made a to i lent attack
on Mr. Dean, struck him a heavy blow
over the eye, indicting an ugly wound.
The officers had to handle the fellow
roughly to make htm desist, and he was
finally placed in the cooler.
W. W. Hubbard, of v the Santa Maria
Gold and Silver Mining'' Company, of So
nora. Is in the citv. Ho reports that Amer
icans are settling all along the valley of
tue bonora river, and estaoi'suing rancucs
Most of them have a few head ot horses
and cows, and arc building comfortable
houses. Seven out of ten. men that one
meets on the road are Americans. The
Santa Maria company is building a road
from the Sonora river to the railroad, over
which will be brought the machinery for
the mines. Maltcr, Lind & Co. havu con
tracted to construct the road for the sum
of 130,000. and they will also build the
mill. Tho grade of the road will be es
tablished with a view of placing a narrow
guago railroad upon it, in caic develop
ments justify the increased expense. Mr.
Hubbard will return to his place of busi
ness in a few days.
The Star ituate Cnsew.
Washington June lpv In the
star route trial several witnesses were
examined concerning 'je Agate
route, but the testimony was not of
any special importance.
A Soulllne .Hutch.
London, June 16. The sculling
race between Lorgan and Prince, th
Australian rower, was won by the
Cruel Elements.
Nashville, June 16. Lightning
killed two men to:day. A fierce
storm prevails and much damage is
being done.
Wreck of a Train.
Albion, N. Y., June 10. A wreck
on the New York Central killed two
and badly shook up the entire pas
senger train.
Et tu Comeron,
Pjttsboro, Pa.,. June 13. Inde
pendent Republicans held the first
meeting of the campaign last even
ing. There was a large attendance
and many heretofore classed as stal
warts took part.
Produce Slarkrt.
San Francisco, Juno 14. Feed
No. 1 barley higher at 1.80. -No. 1
yellow corn higher, 1.S2J bid.
Riistlera Hoisted.
CniCAGO, Junot 14. A Las Vegas,
N. M., special says: The four rust
lers who bound and gagged Mason,
a storekeeper, near Sita' recently,
robbing his store of all they could
carry, were overtaken by a Mexican
posse and strangled. .All were
Americans, but their name.s are un
known. They belonged to a gang of
Arizona cowboys and richlv deserved
their fate. t. ,
A A UbiaHtrons (Storm.
Indianapolis, June 14. The se
verest storm of the season occurred
last night. Two inches of rain fell
in the city east of Uttion depot and
flooded along the railway tracks
northwest up Pennsylvania, Delaware
and Alabama streets. The cellars
were rapidly filled. Fifteen or twen
ty persons were standing on the
platform over Pagueo creek when it
gavo way and threw them into the
water. Some were rescued and
others passed through tho culvert
safely, while others aro supposed to
be drowned. It is impossible yet to
give the number lost.
205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and
We keep on hand the largest Stoclc of Araoricris Tjjity 7ypo over l:opt on
Una Coast, toother with a completo stock of Muter & SUciiard'a Scotch Type, and
can faralsn at a moment's notice anything in tho Printoro' lino from e. bcdliin to r.
Cylinder Press. We have a very loree ctoctc of Now and Second-hand Printing
Presses of aU makes aad sixes. We are sole agents for, and lcoop In stock, Campbell
Cylinder Presses, Cottrell de Babcoclc ditto, also S'uortoss, Clipper, .level, Gordon and
Washington Jobbers, Washineton Hand Pressos, novr xtaztor Btoau Engines (Just
the thins tor printers), Tuerlc Water Motors, Oom Paper Cutters aad a full line ot
Sanborn's Bookbinders' Machinery. Our Fidelity Roller Compoaltlon and Peerless
Pristine Inks are considered the best In use. Havo you used our Fcrfoction plates?
They save editorial work, and composition) and therororo save money. Kond for our
BFKPfBgK Wo Borue oa this Coast can compete vrlih us In Quality of Goods.
Hoard of Supervisors.
Saturday, June 14, 1882.
Board met at 2 p. in. Present Chair
man Joyce and Supervisor Vizina and
Supci visor Solomon.
Minutes oi the previous meeting read
and approved.
xL-o Eession of the board was occupied
in t. lengthy discussion of the legality of
tfo bills presented by the clerk of the dis
trict court.
Upon motion of Supervisor Solomon,
iconded by Supervisor Vizina, tho board
lrtjourned to meet at 3 p. m. Monday, the
10th day of June 1882.
R. Rule,
Clerk Board of Supervisors.
Epitaph Printing and Publishing Go
Hamnei t'unly. Editor and Malinger.
OflScc, 325 and 327 Fremont Street,
Tombstone. Arizona.
niwntrTibN 'vniCB :
Of ly ,(S'j!.v;rc! ny 'urrkr)....25 cents per week.
Dally, ono year ,, $10 U0
Daily, it months s 00
IMllr.thrco montlm 3 Ml
.Vetldy, ono year 5 00
Weekly, Bis uionthH , 2 B0
Weekly, thrco ciouUm?....,.., 1 SO
MyKntorod at tLe1To'jitttonn postofflcea see-onrt-dr.ex
matter. -,t-
The Territorial Democratic Central Committee
U t'-oroughly reorganized ac.d made rcadv for tbo
fa . campaign . A now constituted It la as fl
ows' Pima oi.i.ty.... Fred Q. Duch'a
'Jocnlei: County M.Gray
Marie pa County A. C. Baker
Y-vapal County E. J. rook
Pica. Connty P. E. lirady
xpuche County C. B. Cooley
Yuma County A. K. do Corse
Gila County Alonzo Ballet
Mi have County Herman Bockbaum
Graham County U.o. . htevens
W. W. JONES, Clialrmau.
A. D. Lehov, of Plicenlx, Sccreta-y.
Ifostetter's Stomach Bitters has been
the reigning specific lor Indigestion, dvspepsia,
fever and ague, a loss or physical stamina, liver
coniplnlnl and other dl-ordcrs, and has been most
emphatically Indorsed by medical men as a health
nd strength restorative. It counteracts a ten
dency to premature decay and suetnlns and com
forH tho agd and Infirm. For sale by. all dug
Fists and dealers "Cncrallr.
Babbit Metal!
For Sale nt tlm EPITAPH. Offlce,
Fremont Street.
a vi'Stff !
c o oo
fcMMtt!WS?, V,:jtf&, rTf
YTCc&QS& tosOU-ZSSteSiaete,1
Patent, Nov. 11, 1879,'
Patent. Nov. 9. IBM.
Medical Electricity
J The Only Qmulnct Pint Prtmlum Statt Pair.
ElettM-&t(BetIelt?IU,JlewStTl,tlU EWtre-BuatUi
0.11a, Extra Appliance, (U JJtttr0.JU5a.lie iiclu.
WUl positively cue witho.it medicine Rheuuatkin. Pa.
ralyas. Neuralgia, Kidney Disease. Impotencr. Rupture,
Live, usease. Nervousness, Iivspepsla. Spuial Disease,
AzucPllesandotherdtseases.. Also,
1 orcurca. senmorimurraica
,'eatalof-ue. 1 1 undreds of cures.
W. J. HORNiVProp. &ManiTr.
u iuiumvi obi ana .nuici9COt vai
By buying at dealers' prices. We will
sell you any article for family or per
sonal use, in any quantity at Wholesale
Price. Whatever you want, send for
our catalogue (free) and you will find
it there. We carry In stock the largest
variety of goods in the United States.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
137 & 3f Wabash AvcnuR.-hSjaX'.
9 Scotch Type Founders,
529 Ooinmeroial Streets,
afefe STOMACH &
13r3C"EJ 00"DVX)NrC&-
on tho night or tue
23d OP JUNE, 1882,
And Mill continue to tbo close of the night
A magnificent Illumination ol FIBE WORKS,
surpassing anything urodurcd heretofore, wll. bo
one of the leading features of the programma.
Manv other attractions, not less expensive, will,
In addition to the above, make it the
Parties corresponding by mall with the view ol
purchasing locations will ba promptly attended
to, and are requested to send In their applications
before THE 16'h OF JUNE, so as to here suffi
cient time to arrange their fix urea.
VISITORS will receive a cordial invitation and
every attention look'ng to their convenience will
bo given.
Will be largo and commodious and
Has been set apart by ocr citizens for a full en
joyment of all the pleasures and attractions the
FUsta may offer.
Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona,
In aud for the County -f CMh.U e,
John Ktiettncr, plaintlnTve. James C. McKean
and Isaac Knight, composing late fiim of He K tan
&, Knight, lU Beila Wellinan, defendants.
Action brought In the District Court of the First
Judicial Dletr.ct of the Territory -of Arizona, in
aud for the Conuty of Cocblse, and the complaint
filed In the said county of Cochise, In the office ol
the Clerk of said District Court.
The Territory ol Arizona sends greeting to
James C. McKean and Isaac Knlcht, composing
the late firm of McK-an & Knight, and Bella
Wellman, defendants: You are hereby required to
appear In an action brought against you by toe
above named plamtlfi. In tho District Court of the
P Irst Judicial Distrl. t of the Territory of Arizona,
la aud for the County ot Cochise, and to answer
the complaint filed therein, within twenty days
(exclnslve of the dav of service) after the service on
you of this summousdf served within this County ;
or If served out of this county, but lu this district,
wiinin ininyoays; oinerwise witnin iuriyaaysj,
or Judgment Dy m aalt will ne taken against you
according to the nraver of said comDlalnt. The
said action Is bionght to recover of ilcK.an &
Kulehl the sum of two thousand dollars on note
lor S4000. with Interest thereon at 2 tier ceutner
mouth from April 30th, 1B81, until paid, costs of
sun, siuiuiory aamages, ana tu per ceni lor attor
neys' fees; also to foreclose against all the de
fendants a mortgage given by McKean & Knight
to secure said note, Interest, attorneys' fees, &c.
on a certain parcel of land situate on the corner of
Allen and Sixth streets, being SO feet front on
Allen street by 93 feet deep along Sixth street,
being lot 13 in block 19, according to the official
survey of Tombstone, being pare of the surface
ground of the Ullded Age mining claim to
toaether with all Improvements thereon, and In
Cochise County, Arizona Said action is brought
on a certain note and mortgage executed by said
MdKean & Knight to plalmllf, dated April SOtb,
18S1, due one year alter dais vvltn 2 per cent per
month interest from April 30th, 1881, until paid;
sala mortgage Is ol record, Cochise County
Records, Moitgages Real Estate, Book I, page 55,
et req.
Aud you are hereby notified that If you fall ta
appear and ansuer the said complaint, as above
required, the said plaintiff will takd judgment by
delault lor $2,090 with 2 per cent per moHth from
April 30, lbsl, costs statutory, damages and 10 per
cent for attorneys' fees, and will apply to Ihe
Court lur the further relief demanded in said com
plaint. Ulven under my hand and seal of tho District
Court of the t lrst Judicial District of tho terri
tory of Arizona, in and for tho County of Cochise,
this lUth dav or Mav. In the vear of uur Lord one
thousand eight hunured and eighty-two.
fs.AL. W. H SKAMAI 8, Clerk.
By E. M. Cabb. Deputj Clerk. rajZt wlO
Ooiumcu & Ooocricii, Plaintiff's Attorneys.
First Duplication, June 10, 1ES2.
Application No. 109, for a JPatcn t to the
Wade Hampton JUInlnir Claim.
sou, A r Irons, May 3rd, 1882. Notice !s
hereby given that Philip Corbin, by Samuel A.
Mooie, agent, has made application for patent
to 1374 liuearfeet of the Wado Hampton vein, lode
or deposit, bearing previous in. tals, together with
rurfsce ground 6(A) feet in width, situated in the
Warren Mining District, Cochlso County, Arizo
na, more particularly described in tue field notes
aud plat ot the official snrvey, on file In ih.s office,
designated as lo'. No. W. as follows, to wit;
Beginning at the initial monument near the
center of claim, on the cast side of discovery
shaft, atapo.t 4 ftet long, 2i4 Inches square, lu
mound of Btones marked ' I. M. W". II. M. C. No.
1," from which United States mineral monument
No. 3 bears north "2' Si' east 47 feet distant ;
tbence north 22 Si', west 31 feet, to shaft 4x6 feet,
3i feet deep, and b74 feet to a 4x4 inch pvst near
the center of north end line, marked "(N. U.IW.
11. M. C. No. 2;" tbence north 6t 2T east 300 feet
lo northeast corner post, 4x0 iuchca square, in
mound of stones marked "(N. E.) W. II. 11. C. No.
3 ; thence south 22 52 , east 174 feet, to southeast
corner post 4x4 Inches squaro, In mound of stones,
marked "(S. E.) V. II. M. C. No. 4; theuce south
66 29. west too feet to south end center post,
marked "(S. C.) W. II. M. C. No. 6," and COO fret
to southwest corner post, 4x4 inches square, In
mound of stones, mark-d "(S. W.) W. 1. M. C.
No. 6;" thence north 22 51 west 1374 feel, to
northwest corner post. 4x4 Inches square. In mound
or stones, marked ("N. W.) W. 11. M. C. No. 7:"
thence north 66 29' 299 feet, to post No. 2 and
place of beginning the survey et the exterior
boutdaiy oftha cialm. Variation 1122' east:
containing 18,91 acres.
Said claim la duly recorded in the offlce of the
Itecorder of Cochlso county, A rlzona.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
whole or anr Don Ion of tht Wado Hamntnn mln.
Ing elf ln aro required to file their adverse claims
In the United States Land office at Tucson, during
the sixty days period ol publication hereof, or they
will be barred by the provisions of the statute.
J. It. Lvcas, Tombstone, A. T., Attorney for
Ordered that the above notice be published for
tbe period ottsixty days (ten consecntivo weeks)
In tne EpltaDn, a weekly newspaper published at
Tombstone, A. T., which paper Is hereby desig
nated by me as published nearest each claim.
First Publication, June 10, 1&2.
Application .o. 200, for a l'ntcnt to
the Baxter .Mining Claim.
son, Arizona, May 3, ltft3. Notice Is hereby
given that Philip Corbin, by hit agent, Samuel A.
Moore, whose postorcce address is Tombstone,
Cochise county, Arizona, has this day filed his
application lor n patent for eleen hundred and
twenty-Eve linear feet of the Baxter mine or vein,
bearing luer, gold and other minerals, with sur
face ground about four hundred feet average
width, situated in the Warren Hining District,
Conuty of Cochise and Tenitory of Arizona, and
designated by the field notes snd official plat on
tile iii this offlce as lot No. SO, said lot No. 5'.' be
ing as folluws to wit:
Beginning at u post 5 feet long, 4 Inches square,
In a monument of stones, marked 0. 31. Baxter,
M. O. No. 1, fiom which United states mineral
monument No. 1 bears north 27 23' eaat C13.il feet
distant; thenccjrun north tiO 9', east parallel
with the south end or claim, 45 lest. Intersect tho
eat t end lino of tbo Atlanta mining claim, lot No.
4'J, at a point nori h H 36' ; est 2..i feet lrom a 4x4
inch poet, marked A.M. C. No. 4, at 153 feet In
terred noitheast side line of claim at a point
south 31 0', east 325 teet fiom tbe north corner of
claim, to a post 4 iuclies square, 5 feel long, in a
monument of stone, marked Baxter M. C. No. 2,
Lbepcorun south 3J'U', east along the northeast
sldu line ol claim elecuhundred and seventy-four
feet to southeast corner, to a 4x4 tuch post, 4 feet
long, in a monument of stones, marked Baxter il.
C. Xto. 3; run tbtneo eonth 8089', ucst along
south Una of claim 29 fet, lo south end c nter or
thu Baxter claim and norm end cent, r of Hayes
claim, to a post 4x4 Inches, 4 ltet Ion?, in
monument of stones, marked Buter II. U. No. 4,
fromuhlch a shaft 4x8 feet, 10 feet deep bears
noilhi:5 , nest 849 feet dlsiant, a shaft 4xti feet
10 feet deep, on the same line 10 feet distant, at
57 feet to the southwest corner, a pott 4 inches
tquarc, 4 fiet long, in monument of stones,
marked Baxter M. 0. No. 5: thence north 14 31",
eet along soiithncstnlde lined said claim 785
feet, Intersect evuth side line ot Atlanta mining
claim, lot No. 4'l,ata point south 81' S3', west and
73 leet distant lrom a po i marked A Al. O. No. 5.
at 7S8 leet to a post 4 Inches square, 4 feet long,
lu a monument of stone -2 feet high, marked Bax
ter 11. C. No. : thence run north 3' Oi". west 300
leet to place of bceinnln?. coat 8.
Baxter M.
u. no. i.
Containing 9 60 acres, less thu i-nnAi-t
wun me Auauiu. ju. u. oz .so acres, amount
claimed U.S0 acres.
Magnetic nrlatIon 11 21' east.
The location or this mine is recorded In the Re
corder s offlce of CocUsc County, A. T., in book
0. page 657 of mines, Transcribed Mecords of Co
chise County. Any and all perrons claiming ad
verselyany poition or said Baxter mining claim or
surface grouud, arc required to file their adverse
claim with the Iteglstei of the Unltcdstatee Land
Oftlco at Tucson, A. T., during the sixty days pe
riod of pub Icailon hereof, or the y v, ill be barred
by virtue of tne provisions of tho statute, in sucb
case made aud provided,
J. II. Lucas, Tombstone, A.T., attorney for
It i hereby ordered that the foregoing notice of
application for patent be publUhea for fie period
of sixty dojs (ton consecutive v.erke),ln tho Kpl-'
taph, a weekly nei paper printed InTooihrtone,
A.T., which i np;r is liereby designated by me ae
publlshol neatest such claim.
iir..i. cuubi.b, jcginer.
Smelting and Lead Company,
410 Montgomery St. ban Francltco, Cal.
otthe Pacific Ilulllon Kxrhamrcna
have removed our office to No. 416 Monteom
ery street, where deposits of Gold andSilvtr wll
loslts of Gold andSilvtr wll
ng and asssy.ug or for coin
be received for meltl
ing ana as
age, as heretofore.
res aseave
rea, lead bulllom
purchased, also, the Higbcst.nricepala for
manufacturers ol
Lead ripe,
Iron, Etc.
Hliect .Lead,
hliot, liar
Traveler nnd Projectors Attention.
Honita.Honora, Mexico.
.Merchandise and Provisions.
JL Cisco, and he raost eWantl. appointed
hotel In the world, over $1,500,000 have leen ex
pended by Mr. Baldwin in Its construction and
furnlsblnjf. Headquarters of the Army ai d Navy.
Special accommodations for lamllles and large
parties. Prices 'tbe.f amc as other first class ho
tels From 83 to 85 rcr dav Special con
tracts will be made lor permanent boarders. The
hotel has coaches acd carriages In waiting at all
boats and railway depots. Cs? Rooms can be re
served before arrival by telegraphing the Baldwin,
Hole Owner and Proprietor.
S'-Thls great
Strengthening Rem
edy nnd Neno Tonic
Is the legitimate re
ult of over twenty
.cars of practical ex
Dcrlcnce. aud cubes
TAiNTr Nervous and
Physical Debility,
Seminal Weiikncss,
Emission', Impoten
ev. Exhausted VHsl.
ity. Premature Decllu'e, and loss or maKhood,
from whatever cause produced. It enriches and
Surlflts the Blood, strengthens the Netves,
rain. Muscles, Digestion, Kenrodnclive Organs,
and Physical and Mental Faculties. It stops any
unnatural and dbllltilng drain npon the system,
preventing Invo untary losses, deb mating
dreams, seminal losses with the nrlne. etc, so
destrncttle to mind and bodr. It Is a sure elim
It contains no Injurious ingredients. To those
suffering from the evil effects of youthful Indis
cretion or excesses, a speedy, thorough and per
manent cure Is Guaranted. Price, $2 50per bot
tle, nr five bottles In case, with full directions
and advice, $10. Sent secure from observation to
any address npon receipt of price or C. O. D.
To be had only of DR. CD SALFlELD.at
Etarney street, ran Francisco, Cat Consulta
tions strictly confidential, by letter or al office
Tatz. For the convenience of patients, and In
order to 1. sure perfect secrecy, I have adopted a
private address, under which M packages are
Nones I will Bund a trial bottle nf the Eejuv
enator sufficient to show Its merit free of
charge, to any one afflicted, applying by letter,
stating his svmptoms and age. Common. cations
stilctly confidential. ,
16 Kearney Street San Francisco, California.
nlant and very wholesome, can be safely used by
all invalids; all who value their health should nao
blMMOND'a NABOB WHISKY; It Is the purest
and tbe beet In the market: being analyzed by the
most eminent profesrors and pronounced by them
free from any adulteration, and recommended for
give It a trial, you then can J adge for yours. Ives ;
sold by barrels, half barrel! and cases by my
agents on liberal terms. Cndoiredby all leading
physicians; kept by all druggists, grocers and
first class saloons Beware of counterfeits; none
genuine unless labeled with my signature, O.
SIMMONDb, across the cork, and brand on the
glmmonds Kentucky Nabob Bourbon
Has been known for many years, being unsur
passed for Its excellent quality and delicate flavor.
Agents for Benson.
The Great JEnelisk Remedy.
Is a neer falling cure
for Nervous Debility,
Exhausted Vitality,
Mmiia, Weakness,
Spuroctsrance, Lost
i.sntcd, Impotoncy,
Psralj sis. ard all the ter
rible effects ofself abuse
youthful follies and ex
cesses In mature years
Such as Loss oi Memory,
Lassitude, noctnral em-
Iss'ons, aversions to so
ciety, dimness of vlsrlon, noises In tho head, the
vital fluid, passing unobserved through tne urine,
and many other diseases that lead to insanity and
Dr. Mintie, who is a regular graduated physi
cian, will agree to forfeit live hundred dollars for
a case orthls kind that the Vital Bestorattvo (un
der his special devise and treatment) will not cure,
or for anything Impure or Injurious lound in It.
Dr. Mintie treats all diseases success nlly without
mercury. ConslltaMon f rce. Thorough examina
tion and advise. Including analysis of urine, SB
Price or Vital Restorative, $3 a bottle, or four
times the quantity, $10: sent to any address upon
receipt of price, or o. O. D , scenre from observa
tion, and In private name, If desired, by A. E.
MINTIE, M. D., No. 12 Kearney street, San Fran
cisco, California.
Dr. MIntie's Kidney Remedy. NEPURETI
CTM, cures all kinds of kidney and bladder com
plaints, Gonnorrhoea, Lecncorrhoca, Gleet. For
sale by all druggist: $1 a bottle, six bottles $5.
Dr. MIntie's DANDELION TlLLS are the bea
and cheapest dyspepsia and billions cure In the
market, For sale by all druggists.
Will be sent to any one applying by letter, statin
svmrjiomt. sex and ace
secrecy In regard
to all business transactions.
Importer and Manufacturer.
221 Montgomery Street,
JUirh IIoiihc Illork, Nan Francisco, Cat.
Keeps the Largest Stock ot
On the Pacific Coast. Buyt-rs Intheconniry can
rely on getting goods at ono price, whether older
ed by express, by mall or In person. This house
by lt squaro dealing, ha gained the confidence of
the country. 2X0 JtlontconieryKtrect.Nan
Francisco. ml2
re: tss list tunovzs
9 Gearjr.'St.
ParapnAxle Grease.
Urease now In un.lt nctergums, and keep
me axle clean and smooth. It 1-uurh ailed for col
lar gall, Ferateheaoroni'rbruuesonhuiRcs. Ur
der ltlrouiourstorcheeper,nnd If lie las tt aot
tell him to send for It to TLTCO.UB JL. Co.,
Sole Agents, Nb. 225 Sacramento St., San Fran
cisco, Califorufa.'' '
Teamsters & Fanners

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