CHEEP' FO.Itf0A.Li:. A flock of 250 puro Spanish Sheep, of llic "Don Pedro" nn J "Improved Foular" breeds, brlontt ing to tbo estate or tholntc Joseph Sheldon of Folrbavcn. Also to flno lambs, 25 yearlings, In nne condition for shipping: loo flno breeding ewes and 8 stock bucks, will bo sold altogether or in lots to suit customers. Tor further partic ulars, call upon, or address S. W. IlAlI.r.V, ADM'B. seplddtf Falrliavcn, Vermont. Oil SALE A first. class safe flro and but nlor nroof coui- blned one of "Herring's Patent Champion," In perfect working order. Will bo sold for less limn its real value. Apply at Ilio Baxter Na tional Hank, .,, Ijltdtf i. H. UOTTl'M. o n s a r, v. Thr subscriber has a Candy npiumluj cmn prising a complete outnt tor manufacturing candy? wblcli bo will sell for ess . tlm n one-hair tuo original cost. Also, one hcav j J ruck ) o gon.Aery cheap! and one pair of Double Work oEO. W. CHAPLIN, .1"., 9 Merchant"' How, Hutland. Ma!. .Iny2f,a"' 6Tt s a i. e My house on the corner of Mnlu and Washing ton street with nr wltliotit the I wo houses nil- Aison desirable giitilen lot on tho sn'llli end or .M A I X S T H i: i: T , .ontalnlng nboul tlfly choice fruit livcls. Mlts. i:. W. llt'NTOON Enquire of ('. F. Iluntoon, al l.ANDON - Ill'.Vr(lON"M. JUlllKIdlf 0 welling house AND LOT ' a it s .i , ;. The subvrll"'!' offers IiIh llnuo and lot, situ .iled on Prospect street, for sale. Tiiu house srns erected within n few-Seats', nlid bus eight rooms. Water In the lirst and second Morion, and n garden uml'-r good slate of cultivation. The premises will lie sold cheap. siptr-dlni I'. i:. YOUNO. N jew Toitr.: new goods: Mi:-. II. J). STK'i:.S. iii'e.'ni,r loMIss II. Mow-r. Wii'iKI si MMiti lnlO' ,onr iittetilloii ( UMPLKI K vrni K MP ,j()(llls, j whlcli She t sellliiir a the v-n '..west nilee., oiiswilncot I..H'I LACE NElI.s, I.AI K ISARI'.s, WORSTED - WORSTED l-ATTKI.'.NS ii wiih im. a- needle work, embroideries, hosiery, corsets, handkerchiefs, heal HAiit switches & curls. A full I ne ot ladilv underclothing, ( HII.DREN AND INFANT'S CI.nTIIINU. ItiUmni, h'tnthiv. h'lwttf mul lint'. And ninny other things iis'i.illi kept in n Hint t hiss FANCY 000I1S MOKE. Please call and examine before puiehnslng elsewhere.- H'p27dlf "JVnitY DAY. RHINOS S O M K T II I N (I N E W . All those who wish can now have Di:i.ivi:iti:n at thkik homes SODAr AM) SARATOGA WATERS, IX T1IK celebrated siphon bottli:. As;spnrklliig and as pure asdrnwn irum the FOUNTAIN AT MY COUNTER. Call and examine nt U .M Kit (' II A NTS' ROW, bales' Block', tj , ALHEIWMV. UIKKI1NS, mayliltt Al'OTIIKCAHY. r Q V K It A , II o u s i: , mo a da r i: v k si iv a , ixnoiilllt (t nt. " What I liixuv Mitut Vim ! " I LI L'SIHATKII 111 J. JOSHUA JKXKINS.f ' ADMIHSION, to-, IIKSKHVKD H11ATS, hK-. sepnodcd ' CELKHY WiANTS Kroni I'ctcr iremlcr bon nady on and after Junu eitJi. Hcnd In yotr orders. CaLbaso plunts for latocronby tho hundred or.lhDuiaud: also, uieoa Peas leady about July 1st. riower iiinntti; ninonjf whlcli Is the celebraU'd Aniaranllias HaUUollus or 1'ountaln Plant, constantly on hand. Bou quets, wreaths Ac,, made to order. 8. CT.r.M0X8, maywiy Near Fair (Irounds V'TJ:iUNAKY.-I. O. Wll-lnson's T (Jrcat Kngllsh Cough Powders, for Horses only. A suro case for Coughs, colds, Hwalllug of tho OlanUs. Sorn Throat, J'pMomlc, lialan h, Horso All, undull illseusi's, of tho Throar and bungs. Tbee iwwders aro sufo at nil tunas, being &'it!tfmJ'?J,s0l.1.0u',,1'u-'8- 1'repared by 1'. c, 5 'uK-fc-N-, e'tlnary Hurgeou, Claivniont, iJm .S0J-!.' .0,-1'U'1'- w'!u. useuts for lint: land and v)cln N,pdlw QATHOLIO VMtt. ' A fair for tbo benefit of tho New c.ithniln church (now In tho courso of ercellon' wl 1 bo nelU in Vown Hall, nt Falrbavenrrammo nclSS Mouday. October oth, and win cohtlnuo Sur lai tbo week. A liberal 'patronage Is exKed from ?li,..TCral Mcful BnU "B(,y rtlclei ari ofrercd forsaie. octwiw hotels ami gininfl goomji. gABDffSLl HOUSE, .. H'. CJUMTOA; I'rvjrrUtvr. The BAItDWF.LL HOtJSK is located opposite the Depot, and has lone been favorably known to the traveling public. It has been recently Improved, now affording the best and most nmplo accommodation to guests. Ilio TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries of tbo Heason, and every attention will be paid to tho comfort ot Its patrons. In the future, as In the past, tho Proprietor In tends to mnko It a Ilrst-clnss House afTordlng all tho comforts of a homo to tho traveler. Thu public patronage Is solicited. A (1001) LlVEliY In connection with J In House, Attentive romT.HS will be found nt the lie. pot on the arrival of all trains. Jitne24d4rwtl Q H N T It A L II O U H K , on tiii: euuopean IIOAKD bj Ihi) IU.V, Week or Month. NTWI.V FURNISHED IKOMs vr 1, O W It A 'I' I". S . OYSTERS tenrd In every sUIe and for sulw In'lurge --r small (ii.iti1ltles. .1. A. .NAl.MICIIY, sejiiildlwliu K-pt. S3, ISW. JAICK I) U N M O It V. HOI' ST., sAI.lslUlllY. VFltMOST. II. I'. HITCHCOCK, I'lioruiiTiie. I. W. POllTIMt. M(MOSK. 'flits well known una lpul:ii- lintel, situated onllu'-bores of Lak( Dunmon', bus been re eenlly put In thorough repair. Severn! new Collages have been built nnd newlj iiirnlsh'sl, mid will be opened Juno Isi.iorthe ri pllou of boarders mid tourists. uui!dtf JEW niNI.Ml HAM-, run i. .1 ii i i: ,s' .i . u ii k s r i, k,m i: a v J. V. I'ISHEIi. (fnilnn's lll'iek.i (iri-nsiif. thk Dcroi, l!l'TI,AND, VKIIMON'T. fi-Wanu Meals nt all hours. Polite and attentive wallers In uttendance. Fresh ojslers received dally, nnd sold bv the gallon, quart or pint. JjVXOCIl MOUOAN'S SONS' Isasubstllutoforsoap for all llousehulil pur. poses except washing clothes. S A 1' O I, I O fur Cleaning jour Ilouso will save the labor of oiio cleaner, (ilvu It u trial S A 1' O I, I ) for Windows Is better than Whiting or Water. No remov Ing curtains and carpets. S A 1' OLIO cleans Paint nnd Wood, In fact the entire house better than Soap. No slopping, s.ives lalior. Yo.i can't arfoid in bo without it. s a r o r. i o for scouring Knives Is better nnd cleaner than lkitli Uriel;. Will not serntcb. S A )' O 1, I O Is betler than So.ip and S.uid for Tin ware. Brightens without scratching. S A I' O I, I O Poll-lies Hrass and Copper utensils better than Acid or oil mid llolten stone. S A 1- O I. I O for Washing Dishes and Olussnuru Is Invalu able, cheaper thiiu Soup. S A I' O I, I () removes stains from Murble Monties. Tables nud statuary, from llnrdiliilsiieii Wnlls. and irom (;iilna and Porcelain. ,S A ! O I, I O . removes Mains la ltd i, reuse ln.ui r,in.w ,.,i oilier woven rabrlos. There Is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work, nnd do it as well, as Sa illo. Tnv Ir, HAND S A J' () I, I o a iH-vv and woiiderfull.v elficllve - Juliet Soup,haHugnoeipmnthls eounlry oi- a broad. HANI) S A V O I, I O as an art lele fur the ltuib, "reaches Ibe foundation ' ot nil dirt, opens the pines and gives it healthv ac tion and brilliant tint lo the skin, HAND S A 1' O I, I o cleanses nnd Ileuutlltes tbo Skin, i Instantly removing any stnlu or I blemish from both hands and face. HANI) S A 1' O I, I O Is without a rival In the wot Id for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or lace. ' HAN!) S A 1' 0 I, I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink stulns and Urease ; for workers In .Machine, Shoos, .Mines, Ac, Is In valuable. For making tho Skin White anil Hon, nud giving lo It a "bloom of beuuty," it Is unsur passed by any Cosmetic known. HANI) H A ! O I, I O costs 10 to if, cents per cake, and S'tiRiW. "''""I'l Inivii It. You wiiiiikolt. DO.NT FAIf, TO THY THKSK (IOODN. ..11,u,:!Mt.,;,.J'0,lrmcr;"111" "lie or will IVocHr,!i!,'i,.r..ou.- lfI(". then write for our 1-araphlet, " All about Hjpollo," and It will bo mailed free, 1:N()("H MOllOAN'H SONS, nuirtdl.w8m so Park Place, Now York, D It. CAIJLE'8 VATEH PItOOI.' Oil. ItLAOKTtfu, 1'OK1 HArtNi:asF.b, cAnuiAau tops, HOOTS, SHOES, F.TC. Fits harnesses perfectly and prevents crack. Ing. Docs not fry out or gum tbo surface, Softens nnd prcsorrcs tho leather. Excludes the water, JCxcellent for boots, sbqes, na rOTHvca universal satisfaction. Manufac tured by myiea&wtf N. (1. MARCH, Midalobury, THE RUTLAND B URT A; r3HEHMAN witt oit.n SOU, 000. 00 m rnr. CHOICEST DRY U 0 O S THIS SIDi: OF NEW YOIlK I It I X T f? , Ho. lie. lie. lie. Ginghams, 12,!tf lolle. Pound Prints, ir.o.,sjds. Innpound. Ilest renther Tick, S5c. Ladles Vests jl.oo, $1,1 Ji. 1 !5,, tsjM. The best Of goods, Allsiies. YAI1DS NF.W lll(i;- ll()01) 1 nut fur. TWIOTY-I'lYi: f'lIXT. CorNTKIt COIlDKIiOY,, vi:i,vi:ts, "llAWI.x, S1I.KS, ItOHKIIY mill KID HI.ii l, mil im elegiim mI in I; or I! I, A C K U ) II IIS, f'rnmtii llUirl: Urmiilcliiili mill DurnHnn. In short, eiei'Mhlng iisinilh foniiil In n llril cl,is Hr.x Coods IMulilisliiiieiil, 111' I IT'S MIOI. nirnT & sumt.MAN. sept. is-n. JT.W HOODS. NKV HOOIW KINsM N A lt(ls lisve now III sliiie ii l.ti-if,' :inil tine sl.h-1 nr N'i:Y 1'AI.I. OOOD-i. ISpiS'llll lit It'll! 1--1J i- lllli d t-i '.ill -I ! lll.U U AI.PAi ( .s, Mi lit Mils, , CASIIMKIti: AND II,KS. which we are selling nt ver.v low prices. Iuf,ict,lo make a long slory short, we think any peison wishing lo puivhase Dry Ooods, will llnd It for their hit eresi to look al our stock be. foi e purchasing. via.- roil r.umuuch'H i:i 77:;.v.s. ohkiin.w, oni: pitici: stoiii:. No. .1, Merchants' How, Idly KFTI.ANl', VnitMONT. 18711 SEITE.MIlKIi. 1R7.1. OK AND OI'KNINO OF DltY HOODS, AT C. A. i'AKKIIUItST A- ro.'S. We h.ive In store the I.iikhi .ts-Mtiliie-iit, the . greatest m.i lely of but h I'd I! II I (1 N AN D DO M KsT I 1' j ll It Y IMMlDs, FANCY (lOODs, NOTIONS nnd NOVlXTli:.-, of any dry goods bouse In lliestnle, nnd nsk the special attention oI'iierMnis In pursuit of goods In our line to our stock. We have selected goods fur the eailv Fall trade with great care, and have lurgalusln every department worthy the attention ot per sons from far and near, our ' A (' q V V. 1. 1 N 1". CO 1! MIT Is giving unciunled satisfaction, our as-ort- inent ot SIllltTlNt: FLANNELS, WOOI.F.N CLOTIIs, IlllOAD CLOTIIS, DOMESTIC COTTONS AND PltlNTS Is complete. In WATEIiPUooF CLOTIIS wo have every thing desirable, nt prices from i ID In f i.n) per jnril. HI.ACK SILKs from $I.Mi tu ft.m. SHAWLS lii endless varlctj. kid (il.ovi:y, ,7. ti.ui, i.j.'., ,m, t.n per I'KII, ),l IIIIIU',1, C. A. I'AHKIlUlt-ST, CO :i:i MI'.IICIIANTS- ltow, Kutbiiid, VI. sell(i.lll j"ey iiiNE or rAi.r, ooods. losstsriMi or ID1E.V AMI OENTS' I'lNi: HOOTS AND SIIOF.S. CALL ND SEE THEM. o. W. I I'HUIEII. No. II. MmiCIIASTS' How, Itnt.ANIl, XI"I3NS' KIP IIWm.vlio'lu.sTock -IT I. Ilanil made, t'.l.t at No. 0 Merchants' How, o, w. CUIIKIEK. "TENS' HUHItKK HOOTS, lloitglit Is i 1. fore the bilo Use, jikto, nt O. W. CUKIIIEH'S, No, o Jlercluuls' How, I?Vi:itYl!ODY ShouliI visit tltu Hoot -i nnd Shoo Kinporltim of O. W. Cl'ltlllEll, No. i), Merchanls- How, itutlnnd. It E A T It H I) V V T I O N in iMticr.s. RTIm great excitement now prevailing In Hut nd Is, where can n Man, Woman or Child get tho best HOOT OU SHOE for tbo smallest nmount of money. Now, citizens of Hullnndnnd vicinity, I claim, And do nlsu slate, Unit 1 can sell you anything usually kept In n II ist -class Hoot and Shoe HI ore as cheap, or even cheaper, than can bo found this sldo of lloston or Now York markets. . IP. H. Please call-before purchasing else wlicre, and 1 think that you will bo convinced (beforo lenvlng) that the above statement la correct. Yours respectfully, W. K. 1109S. . . No. D, Merchants' ltow, liutland, Vt. Htorujforinerlj occupied by French & Harrows, juuullfdly B ;OOK EINDINO. AVe mo now icatly iu receive oruers tor an Kinds of work. OL01115 FAl'Elt CO. DAILY GLOBE, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1873. insuvjutrc. jgUUNIIAJI & TE.Ml'LE'S I X 3 L' H A X C E A 0 E N C Y , HfTLAND, VEUMONT, ETNA INSUHANCE COMPANY, As;ets, $0,00(1,000.00. IIOMCQINSUIIAXCK COMPANY, Assot, W,NO,'.0o iiAHTroitn Fim: iNsfiiAXci: co., Assets, f!l.0i),0iXI.K) i.MpuniAi. rim: insukamci: co., AWU, fSi,OW,0O.W) ItOYAI. INsfllNCK COMPANY, Awl, n,ojn,o.( PIIKNIX IXSniANCT CO., N. Y., .sot-, B,ftfi,i,Win.o FHANKLiv lxsniAxci: company, Assets, J.Mhi,uio.i INSI HAN'OK CO. of Ml. AMKHICA, As'lR, $V),fk"l-f"t SPIIINUFIIXI) INSFHANCi: CO.. Assets, l,cno.(rt).ol PHIF.NIN INS. CO., IIAUTFOIID, AWts, JS.'ll'il.O'D.OO NATIONAL FIIll; lNsfllANCi: CO., Assets, Mrjn,rai.m PENNSYLVANIA INSI HANCE CO. Asw'is, l,rji),ii'Ki.iii The nlwive strung INI of romp.tub'H i-Mpr,, seated bv Itl'ItNIIAM A- TI'.MI'IJ:. Iip-ni lluiiv, Ill'TLANII, VEUMONT. rn h r, v r, it m o x T i, i r r. 1 s r Ji A l V, ( O M 1' A N Y, OF III ULIM.TON, VKKMONT. oitwk, j'Kri; j:i ii.iit.w, ror.iMW sr., Incoiporated Ockiber ','stti, lsiis. Assets January 1st, lHTil, - silIW.'JO.IW. Surplus Including capllnl.f I II In assets to cochil.OUln liabilities. Surplus exclusive of capital, 1.21 In assets to eiieliii.onin liabilities. Every desirable form of lsillcv Issued al even rates with any tellable- company, or lower. ENDOWMENTS AT LIFE KATES A SPE CIAI.TY, Five linpoiumt privileges secured In this form of jwltcy. 1st. Tho term may be i educed nt any time by larger payments. 2d. Non-forfelllngon the paid-up policy plan. Sd. Non-forfeiting on tho "temporary In surance" plan for the full amount ol the policy. 4th. Tho accrued value of the policy may be iccelved nt any time alter live pajmcnts have been made. Mil. The deferred aeeumulnllons will be divi ded among the stirv Iv Ing policy holdcts nt ma turity. ALL POLICIES AKEKON-FOHFEIT1NO FFON THEIH TEKMS. Ev cry policy bolder will bavollie lsuieiltsof bis ovv n Investments secured to him. send for circulars ot rates and plans or call In at the ofllce and examine for yourself cs. l'ATItONIZF, HOME INSTITUTIONS! IlL'SSEL s. TAFT, President. WAKItE.V OIIII1S, hecretnry. seiIdlm - jgQUITAlil.E 1,1 EE ASSURANCE SOCIETY or tiih UNITED STATES. No. ISO IIitoAnvvAY, N uvv Yohk, lias become tbo most popular Compiuy In the world. Assets over Incosik srni-Lcs New business during Iho year panics represented In Htitlanil. Eqcitablk Mutual Ufa Thu-nlx Mutual .Etna charier o.ik Metropolitan Itcpublic Massaehuset Is .Mutual North America Travelers' Ufo Insurance .$20,OJO'W)0 . . . s,rjt,r)o . . . S,52ll,W(0 H74 of the com- . . .$r.l,011,l79 , .. !H,:i7,ii5 ... !!l,711,73-l ... 15.S35.1S7 ... 12,SlC,S9t ... ll,r-Ji,fia . .. n,rai,:u',i ... 6,417,7!-) ... 4,G2l,i7fi . . 4,osa.eria mji-ai. aiivisouv i-r, van or iiekkiikm'i: : ,i,.",",1,N'-.I,IJ.,c''' '-'' i'- Haven. ' 'vdk. ( hulfee, ueo, II. liotttim, W'J: ',',m",.ls.. , Charles L.silinsou '.,,'n,;uti',1(,;M,, lo1"1 W- Cratnlon .J', r..Kl.P1's,'-v- John A. Sheldon, ( ol. v.(,. Nca.'j', Nicholas U Davis. MASON f: VAUOIIN, , General Agents, JimelVdwSm vt. (Sdurntional. QASTEETf )N SEMINAHY. The next Tet in vv in commeiico on the lib of September. TKI.KUII.M'ilY sill.!. lAtlllll. This old and well knuvv ii Inslltullou Is still In successful operation, wllh u lull cotps ot leoiiicrs, for pi eparlng young men for college, or for business, nnd oucrlng unusual facilities In Music, French, Drawing and Palnllng, mid other iicconipllshmenls to young laities. STATE NOHMAE SCIIOOI,. ' CASTLETON, Free Tuition Is oiTered to nil who graduate, and a thorough courso In branches required bi lbo State, together with theory nnd practice of tcochlng. Hkv, 11,(1. WILLIAMS, 15iiugdl.vvlf Principal. mllH EAI.E TEItM OK THE HUH- 1 -INOTON, VT,, SCHOOL for joung ladles, will open on WEDNESDAY, HEPTKMHEK lollt. . A limited number of boarders taken Into tho Principal's family for tho year. For terms apply lo tho Principal, I.OU1H POLLENS. Itiferences President Angcll, Ann Arbor, Mich.; l'rof.M. Petty, lliirlliigton, Vt. ; Itov-.J. II, orcestcr, 1), I)., llutilngton, Vt. j Chief .lustlco Pleriwltit, Vltgcnnes, Vt, i Hon. II. A, Hurt, Hwantou, VI, luli'.'Jiltf rjplIE HItYANT AND STI1ATTON TKOY HUBINEHS COIEE()E, Established 16&3. Incorporated 1ST1. Prepares young men for Intelligent and successful work In lite. Has tho host tcubors, best coureo of study, nnd does most for Its students, drcs Catalogue, giving lull Information, ad- ul,vcm. 0-'CAI.NnLL,TroyN V. A N I) 0 N & II U N T 0 0 N, Wholesale nnd ltctoll Deolors U FLOUH, SALT, LLME, CAL. PLASTKK, CK.MKNT. IHON, STEEL, NAILS, ico &e &o. genet-Kl Assortmetit of HAitnwAiti:, I'AIN'l'S, OILS, CLASS, l'L'TTY, MM), II E I. T I N ll, L A O I N O, .riti-. TIMOTHY, CI.OVElt, AND ALL OTIIEIt SI'.r.DS. NOVA SCOTI.V I'LASTEIt, I'-HADLI'.Y'S I'HOSI'HATH, 1.0DI M NFF.CTUHINii CO.N POItDIIKITI- A I I'I.I. LINK Of ACltlCULTUItAL IMPLEMENTS PLOW'S, HAltItOYS, ItOAD SCItAl'EItS, HAY CUTTEItS, OIHNDSTONIW. KOKKS,: HOES, -tC, &.C. C II E A I' I' O It (,' AS II Ii AH It ETT'S O L D S T O It E' mnyldivv If 'A 3 JEVI (!. KINGSLEY. Dealer In Hl'ILDEKS' AND CABINET HARDWARE, Wejiuoulh Finn Finishing and Empire; Cut .-t-lll, HUH, .-HL-I.-I, V.II.III1S, ftl-. OAKPKNTEK'H TOOI-S, IIUCKSMITII'ri TOOI-S, MACHINIST TOOLS, Itl-ACKSMlTilN STOCK, BLACK8M IT1 FS CO A I.-BRHT. (ll'AHKY .MATEKIALS. Steel, Iron, Picks, Ames' Shovels, Blasting 1-ovv. der (gov erniuent proof), Fuse, Large IDrlll Files, steel strfklng liom- mers. Handles, 4c. MANILLA HOPE AND COKDAUK. SAW-MILI, CIItCULAK AND WOOD SAWS', AND BOYNTON'S LIOHTNINO CHOSS-CUT SAWS. P A I K T H , Oils, Varnlslies, aiue, Hand Paper, Brushes, Ac. (H.ASS AND PUTTY, CUTLEHY, 3 of Table an iors. Asplcndldlluoof Table and Pocket Cut lery. Shears and scissors. STANDAHD SCAL1M. K U R N I T U R i: . Parlor Furniture, Center Tables, Mirrors, F.x tension Tables, Bedsteads, Mnt trasses, spring Beds, Bureau and chairs. Manufacturer of Block Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Sets, 0 A R PE T S . Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Threo Fly nnd In grain carpets, oil Cloths, c., ic, COFFINS AND CASKETS. AND METALLIC 11UWAL CASKS. At L, O. KINOSLKVS. Mlltland, Juno 17,1973 B OOKS, STATIONEItY A.C. SPAULDINO vt CO, Have n largo stock of Books consisting of FAMILY BIBLES, Of dlflorcntlslzes andstjlt", Pocket. Bibles and Testaments, largo and small, -jv. wuu.Vinillll JHAOlS, iJUVUllUllUI Books, and all tho populnr books of ths day received as soon ns published, JUVENILE HOOKS AND TOY BOOKS, Games, Bockgarataoii Boai ds, Chess and Checker PHOTOOKAPH ALlltTMH, INITIAL MTATlriVPMV. FHENCH ENGLISH and AMEHIOAN' STATIONEHY, .Of tho latest styles, plain nnd tinted. INITIAL STAMNNO PONn TO OnDrtt. MtITINO FLUIDS. Inks In Black, Violet, niuo nnd carmine. Pens, Fcn-holders, Pencils Slates, Pocket Books and nllets. Ijnlles' Portc-monnalc", llroel,-. ets. Hall Pockets, Towel Hacks, slipper Cases, Blacking Cases, Euslo's Hool; Slides and Shelves, .lewcl Stands and Boxes In Caned Wood, Mntrh Safes, Writing Desks and Work Hove. Man uals lor Wax Flowers, (ILissHiados, Vases, Parian statuary, Hron?o (iroups nnd nses.Mcreosc.opes nnd Views, Photographs .Lithographs, .steel Engravings nnd Cbromos. PHOTOOKAPH FliAMEs, In Volvet, Holly Wood, Ac. All kinds of l'lctuio Framing-done loonier nnd In the best stjie. N E W S D E F O T . Dully nnd Weekly Papers bupplled. Wis Invite nil wishing goods In our lino to call and examine our stock beforo purchasing. SPAULDINO -t CO., No. 1. M i.ik in sts- How, KFTI.AND, VT. Innjlillr riHIE EXCELSIOIt DIAHY KOIt 1871. UI.OIU-: I'M' HI! COM l A A')', lll'TLANIi, VEI'.MONT.I li'hersl Wholesale Agents; lor VEUMONT AND INEW HAMPSIIIIIE, WASHINOTON, WAHHEN, EssE.Y,: AND CLINTON COUNTlF.s. N. V. TWELVE KKASONS Why Iho Trade glvo lo the F.xcelslor Diary the preference over nil others. 1st. It Is printed on flno roso tlnl paper. 2d. Tucsamo quality of paper Isused through tho entire line, giving Just as good paper In a chrap book ns In n high priced one. 3d. It Is the best llnlshed Diary in the market. 4th. We give you SSSdllTerent st.vle.i to select from. Mb. Quite a number of the best selling pat terns nro made by no other house. 6th. Tho pocket-book styles are all arranged to suit tho business man. "tli. Itetallers want a Diary that Is neat, at tractive and saleable. 9th. You mil nnd fewer of them among the old slock of dealers, nsthoy sell better than any other Diary. 9th. The salo of the Exceistor lias Iticreasea inoro than 500 per cent. In the last four years, which fact shows that tho retailer appreciates them. loth. We give attractive show canlsiind nit ers, and plenty ot them. 11th. They cost no more, and no less, than other Diaries all lists nnd discounts being uniform. 12th. Tho Excelsior Is the Inst retailing Diary offered lo the trade. Wo Intend lo v Islt nil dealers In Diaries early In the season. If tbero aro any, however, that wo do not reach, wo shall bo pleased to send them, on application, n line of samples to ex amine In comparison with other goods. Early orders are always Illled complete, while lato orders aro apt to llnd Iho ussortinert broken, and frequently tho best selling stjles used up. H Is a good plan to put In orders eni li as pay-day comes no sooner .than wltli luto or ders. Wo can deliver goods any lime nflerlst of October. Send In your orders for tho Excelsior early to THE GLOHE PAPER CO., HUT LAND, VEUMONT. BLANK HOOKS Aro a specialty with us. Wo have evcrythlngin Ihls line. Wo have one ot the best nr nuL ttm liesiv nnnitit,.,i Blank Book manufactories In tho state. Kvery- ""h a iwm ill KUUU SUHOU, lllltl WO 1I0V0 ll man In charge of it who understands tho busi ness in nu ns tieions. vvo nave a stock of tlrst class ledger naoers. nnd Invito banks, tniumrue. turlng companies. Are., toexnmlno our stock nnd J'liw. U1.U1IE I'AI'EK CO, PRINTING. Anything fiom n Gml to j- ii nous, iieauy nnu promptly execuieu, Johaons good facilities us nny other estab lishment In tho state. It you need anything In nun inn-, kiu' us it inni, raiisiiiru(in guai ilU' teed. OLOHE PAl'Elt CO PENCILS. Dixon's Round Gilt Pencils nro as good as Faber's Hound (lilt, some sas'bclter. If no belter, they deserve favor from being an American Pencil at lower prices. They are made by tho Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey city, N. .1., nnd wo offer them lo the iniuu in m-'ir net prices, j ry ineni. (ILOBE PAPKIt CO. MIAGS, Wo olTcr Dcnnlson's Mcicluui JL disc and Shipping Togs to stationers mid Printers nt Denulson's lowest prices. Semi us an order ami satisfy j ourselves. OLOHF, PAPElt CO. OUR STATIONERY DEPARTMENT comprises 11 full lino of staplo goods, tlrsUclass papers, folded nnd Hat, iiilcd and plain, all weights and sizes. Envelopes of nil grades and colors, drug. pay. note, letter, oni clal and document, nil ilrsUclnss goods nnd prices low. order nsamplo lot. OLOHH PAPEIi CO. fjlHH RUTLAND DAILY. AND X WKKKLY OLOHE, contains all tho latest novvs, lp Ju.llng tho telegrams of tho associated ,.i.-.-t-, luvm suiiesiiuimt'nee, siaiu news, KC, No expenso spared In tho editorial department. Arll-ni-llllif,l-.iln. Imt- nu......... It .. . j vertlsements. Tho papers uro largor and con tain morn reading matter than nnvother In tho state. 111.U111. r.vrr.u co w RAPPING PAPER Mlm1lf1tl((4 tllt)f nHfifnrl .-rs.. ...Ml .1 well to consult us beforo ordering, us wo make as low Ilgures as Now York or Boston Houses, andglvo honor accommodations Iu nssotting lots, while n great saving enn bo made 011 freight. GLOBE PAPElt co. f PO NE.Y.a OODSM EN, GROCERY'- uuTciiKits tc.Wo offer tho lnrg est lino of Wrapping Papers, l'aneriumi. vinnr Hacks and Twines, to bo found In tbo State flnf 'l'nW.W.'Jj" niality busman: SHrimplngr Wo handle" thesogoods' .! ,iarg 'ma,ruzvp"tt order kwva, ocuu us uu QLOIIE I'Arnt CO, - - - - M. UIXIIY & CO.'H TWO OFMS FOI1 IIOFSFIIOI D l'?r , r-" JlJLl-lliJl.lJ LSh., ; Bunr's Fnrscti Lvcsdrv Bu'K. HtMT'J IlFST SUOK HUCHIN0 v.,--,. NI.T HlHK. septU dw4vv "WOHKINO CLASS. Mole or fomnle, j - i im a week Buar.miccu. Hespectobie employment at home, day or evening! no capi tal required! full Instructions nnd valuable package of goods sent free bv mall. Address, with bIx cent return stomp. M, YOL'NO A CO., 173 Orccnwlch street. N. 1 . scptlblw4vv TSJEVEIt NEGLECT A COUGH. Noth Xri Ing Is moro certain to lay the foundation for future evil consequences. WELLS' CAUHOLIC TAIJLETS nrc n sure cure for all diseases of the icsptra tory organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph therla, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of tho Throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial 'lubes, and all diseases of tho Lungs. in nu cases oi suouun coin, novvevcr taken, these Tablets should bo promptly and freely used. They equall?o the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity ot tbo attack, and will, in n very short time, restore healthy action to I bo nuceteil organs. Wells' Carbolic Tablets nrn put up only In bluoboves. Tnko nosubstllules. It they can't be round ut your druggist's, send at oneo to t ho agent In New York, who will forward them by return mall. Don't be deceived by Imitations. sold by druggists. Price v cents a box. JOHN Q. KEI.I.OOO, Is Piatt St., New York. Send for Circular. Solo Agent for the United States. septi4dwfw 1 f PER CENT. NET. The Iowa XVJ and Tnist company will invest money on llrst-clnss KenI Estate nt 10 per cent. Interest, net, payable semi-annually in Now York, and will guarantee the collection of all loans made through Its agency. All charges nald bv the borrower. Please write, beforo In. vesting, for New York nnd Now England refer- i ences, and full particulars. Samcf.i. J!kiihii.i, (late oovernor ot Iowa,) President. Address ! JAMES it. IIKAKTWELL, Secretary, Drawer 1C7 i Des Moines Iowa septlidW4vv "pAMPIIORINE."-Tl.c Rtcat illscov J cry for the relief and euro of Hiieumutlsm, Neuralgia, sprains, Bruises, Pains, strums, stlil.lulnts, swellings, Iiiilama llons, Bullions, cnlarth, .e., Ac. It will not grcasi) or stnln, and for the toilet Is n luxury In ev cry family, Tliousiinds will nnd now testily lo Its great merits. Try It. Prlco per bottlo -is cents. 1IE1BEN IIOYT, Prop'r, 203 (Irecnwlcb street, N. Y. sepsidtw Iw A GREAT SENSATION ! Agents IS. wanted. Cash salary, or commts-ton al lowed, strictly honorable. Address F. A. ELLS K Co., Charlotte, Mich. septUdAwiw rami: national encyclopedia SL Completed. Speclmol pages free. "Con tains a wealth of Information" Prov. Press. "invaluable." Watchman x Hclleetnr. "Wo i urge nil .voung people to secure tills work."--1 Button Commonwealth. "Useful facts necessl. ble elsewhere only In costly nnd ciunberous works." Huston Journal. It Is an entire I llbrnr at small cost. Agents wanted every- i wnere. Aiiuress .-SATIONAI. i-:M'vt'i.oi'sniv it's. I Co., Tompsonviilc, conn. seplldAwlw WHITE for Lari-e Illuslratcil Pilec List. Address GREAT WESTERN GUN WORK'S, No. 171) Smlthlleld street. PITTSIIUKOII, FA. Brt-eeh-loiidlngSbot (Inns $10 to gam. Doublo Shot nuns, tstu ir,o. .single nuns, $3 lo $so, lillles, IS to 475. Kevolvers, fil to fi'.. Pistols, $lto$S. dun .Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount lo Dealers or Clubs. Army (inns, He volvers, A"c, 1 ought or traded for. Hoods sent bv express C. O. D. lo bo evamlnf d befoie paid for. septlldAwDw "jQOMESTIO" PAPI'.I! KASHI'iNS. A (1 E N T S W A N TED. fi:xn ton CAT.VI.0OfK. DOMIISTIC SEWINO MACHINE LO., tcplfi!Aw4w Nkw Yof.K. c CANVASSING HOOKS sent ftce fnrllic UNDEVELOPED WEST OIL FIVE YEAIIS IN THE TEKKITOKIES. The only complete hlstorj of tho vast region between tbo .Mississippi and the Pacific ; Its Kesourees, climate. Inhabitants, Natural curi osities, etc. It contains 210 lino engravings of tho Scenery, Lands. Peoplo and Curlostles ot the (ireat West. Agents are selling from 15 to 25 copies n day, and we send a canvassing book iruu iu uiiy uuuk nifi-iiL. Auuress, slaving ex perience, AC, NATIONAL PUBI.ISIIINO CO., Philadelphia, p.i. septl4dA'w4vv rjMir, FIRST DIVISION OK THE ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY lIKlLi: KOl: HAI.E l.oOO.OO 0 A C R E S ! PRAIRIE. TIMHEIi AND MEADOW LANDS. I'l.'ICKS H.V.NCIK IliOM 1? 1 T O 1 r, P E It A C R E! r"Ten Years' Credit (llvcn When Desired. AIM! t o X L O T S At Moderali! Pi Ices, In Towns at II. H. Stations. GOVERNMENT LANDS still tube bad. under Homestead Law, along an Linus ui 1111s1.omp.1ny, ON THE MAIN LINK, between Benson and Breckenrldge, we also sell WHOLE SECTIONS AT fii PKU ACHE On 3.v Years' Time, Free of Interest, on condition that tho purchaser breaks tho w holo seel ion within a 5 ear from purchase and punts ioriy nrres 111 iinioer.ior vmicn tun com pany w HI lurnlsli young trees or seed, For par oculars, nddtess IIEHMANN THOTT. l.adi! Commissioner, St. Paul, Minnesota, septlldAW4w .OODENOUGH HORSE SHOE. T II E C II E A P E H T A N D II EST. Cures and proveitls nil diseases Incident to llie liuie H iuui. JUST PUBLISHED : " RATIONAL IIORSE-SHOEING," Willi Dlates. IllUit cut III'- how 111 tierfnrm nnr. nllOllS lltlll dire foot troubles. Snthvmnllnn receipt of one dollar. Send stamp for circular CUOODENOUOH HORSE SHOE, scpdd.Vw Ovv 41 Dey street, N. Y. A GENTS WANTED for tlio ucw book, iv Lire and ndtcntnrcs of K I T CARSON, by bis comrade an.l friend, D. W.C. peters, Bre- ii'iu..ei, nun isurgeon t . s. A., Irom lacts dictated by himself, Tho only true ami au thentic life of America's greatest Hunter, Trnp- oer, count. nun uuuio ever puuiisiicj. it con 1 sins full und comnletn descrlntlons of the in, dlnn Tilbosof the Far West, ns seen by Kit, who lived among them all his life It gives a urn, reuauio account. 01 1110 -Monocs and 1110 .Mouoo w ar. -as a wotk oi History, it is in valuable. A grand opportunity to mako monev, Our Illustrated circulars sent frco to all appli cants. Write and sectiro territory nt once. DUST1N, OILMAN ; CO., 6epta3dvv4w Hartford, Conu. JENTUCKY vt GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, FtKST MOIlTOAOK SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD HONDS, Coupons pavnblo February and August In Gold in New Y.ork or Balllmoi-5. For sifto at 00 lief rent, and uccrued lutercst In curiencv secnreii by First Mortgage ; exectite.l to Farmmf iS aud Trust company of Now York.coVcrlng ifiSi P-uiJ's Line, lis Franchises, Equipments, Heal r ?eV? ,i,?4 ln,ni1. 'ending from Cincinnati to 1 ?: "",--"""tui uiiesuin-iiKu nun Ohio ltoad, lb) miles. 'S'f1"11",101."?'. Ktl1"'- '' Hallroador any other nnrkclablo securities taken In exchange, at btgliest market rates, without commission iinu K, u.E.H. Hoiiils forw 01 ded free ot charge to purchaser. Pamphlets, Maps and full Intor mntlon w ill be furnished on nppllcailon lo W.M. FISIIElt 60NS, R1 fcfttlfll RI iniuvA 111111 isuiu juuivers, uuu riscal Agents of tho Company 1 dealers In Oovern- llients nnil llnllH-nv-MOiirftlea tit ntt flin mnp kots of the U, S, Or to Hanks nnd Bankers throughout tbo country, sept23dw4w ITiMl'LOYMENT FOR ALL. Ono li AL'cnt In four weeks made a nrnflf. nr I41S.S0, selling Bryant's Library of Poetry and Song : 170 In one week on The Now Housekeep er's Manual, bv Miss Bcechcr and Mrs st,. Any itvo man or woman can have an agency. J. II. Foiti) 4; co New York, Boston Chicago; or sau Fnvuclsco. BcpiSdtwdw ' rjMIE HASICINS MACHINE CO Fllchburg, Mitss,, Jlonur VKKTHALa; HoMZONTAL STJ.AM . i im. our Combined Englnis nnd Boiler, arc n.aui' ,n 'luanlltlcs and to standard gauges, d H u oil parts oro Interchangeable, can be run wl'ti greater satcty and less expense than nnj otbet vuiiuiv uitiuuiueiureu, size rroin 1 to see nors ' power. Wore Hooms, No. to corilondt stree' x, Y. Send for circular. sej,itiAsw WASHINGTON OUTSIDE AND IN '..V Agents wonled for a complete I history of our Nallonol CanlLI. Its oiiirln. growth, excellencies, abuses, bcaullfs and per sonoges ore all portrayed In that graphic styl-. which has placed the author, Oeo. Alt. Towii'i end, among tho foremost newspop' r corre iionilents of the time. It gives bold, startling, truthful inside views of Washington lite, and Congressional and Lobbying Jobbery, nooks ready for delivery. Address sepvi:id.v.w4w JAMES MITTS CO., Hnrllorit, I ' CTH THOUSAND IN PRESS FIRST I month. I'.cmarkablo success. One agent made Ills in four days, nnd another i:.s in s uajs, seningouKAis'.-t siouy. A perrect The saurus of Exploration, Discovery und Adventure upon, and tho Wonders Beneath the gre,t Oceans, Diving, Dredging, Tolcgraublng, Ac., 225 spirited Engravings' Prlcn extremely low sells omazlngly fast. Strike quick for choh Held. Address HFHHAKD BI.Os., Putillsbcr., 53 V nshlnglon St., Boston. scp!3ilA;w4vv 1 QK DAYS ON AN ICE RAKT l-.'y'f -MioMclnl and Thrilling lllstorj oi THE I'OLARIS EXPEDITION Under the Into capt. Hall, his .tntlmcly ilrnib, Kemarkablo Hcscuo of tho Crew from n Float ing Field ot Ice. Also a History of nil the pedltlous to the Arctic World Horn the Earn s l imes. Profusely Illustrated, Agents Wnnt Address Philadelphia Hook Company, Phlla. sep:3d.vvvi itnUvoarts. VJ:iiont central and hit LAND HAILHOADS. SUMMEIt AKHANOKMENT. On and after Monday, Juno 2d, ls7o, irj'i 1 will run ns follows, (Sundays excepted t (lOtNO SOCTII AND EAST. I'ave Itutlnnd at 12:M and 4:3ou. m., ml ijn nndt.ieop. m. MAIL. Leave Ogdensburg at C:10 p. m., S' Albans at c-20 n. in., Burlington at s:io n. 111., Port Henry at 7tl3 a. m., liutland at 12:10 p. m., Bellows Fulls nt 2:30 p. 111., arriving nt New 1111 don nt 9:30 p. in., connecting with steamer fm New York. NEW 011K EXPl!IS.-LenvesSt Albalc at 0:'io a. m., Burlington 10:20 n. m., nrrUHiK (n Itiitlsnd at p. m. NIUHT EXPItf.SS. leaves Ogdensburg at is: ta p.m., Plattsburg 3:3o p.m.,Montreal 3:30 p.m., St. Johns 4:50 p.m., St. Albans 7:20 p. m., Bur lington 9:10 p. m., Hutlaud 12:50 a. in.. Bellows Falls, 3:25 a. 111. arriving at New London at H:it, n. m. MIXED Tit AIN. Leaves Biirllnglon ot 2:'i p. m., arriving In liutland at 7:40 p.m. Loaves liutland nt 4:30 a. m., Bel'ows Fails 7:4.1 n. in., (accommodation traln),arrlvlngntNewI)ndoii at 5:in n. m. MIXED Tit A IN. T-eaves liutland nt 5:M p. in. arriving In Bellows Fnlls ut 10:011 p. in. uoisa NORTH. Leaves liutland nt 1:43 nnd f:40 n. n,., ,.mt ." Rnd 5?i5p. m. MAIU Loaves New London at 5:0i n. in., Sprlngtleld S:o) n. in., Boston 7:.lo a. m.. Bellows Falls 11:45., liutland 2:3u p.m., arriving nt Fori Henry at ?:0o p. m., Burlington Mm p. m si , Albans :10 p. in., Montreal 9:45 11. m., ogdens. burg 1:45 11. m., making connections with train forthn West. f.l'Ki;ss--U.aves F-ulIaiid ut 5:05 p. m., St Albans nts:55p. m. NI0I1T EXFHESS. leaves New London at 2:45 p. iu., sprlngtleld nt s:lo p. in., conncctln: with train leaving New Yorkut :() p.m., Bel lows Fulls 11:20 p. is., connecting with irnlu leaving Boslon at 6:30 p. in., liutland 1:13 n. m., Burlington 4:40 n. in., St. Albans 0:lo, urrlvlm. In Montreal at 9:40 a. 111., Plattsburg at 12.00 m., and Ogdensburg at 12:35 p. m connecting with trains for the West. MIXED THAIN. Leaves liutland at 5:10 a. in. Leave Burlington nt 9:30 a. m., St. Albans I2:i in., arriving In Ogdensburg at S:5op. m. und st Johns nt 3:." p. m. MIXED THAIN. Leaves Bellows Tall' nt 4::n a. m arriving in liutland at 9:20 a. in. ACCOMMODATION, Leaves New London ni Siliia.m., Bellows FallsO:00 p. in., arrlvlngui Hutland at 3:35 p. m. Trains leave Burlington going east, for Mont poller, Ac, at 0:55 u. m., 12:30 p. in. and 7:.',i i. to. Trains leave Bellows Falls going north, foi White Elver Junction, Ac, al 8:30 a.m. unii 11:45 a.m., and 5:55 and 11:20 p. in. Connections. At Hutland with itensselacr A Saratoga and Harlem Extension Kallroads ; nt Bellows Falls with Cheshire Katiroad; at South Vernon with Connecticut Hlver Hallroad. SifSleeplng cars aro attached to night trains between St. Albans and Troy, and Burlington and Boston. GYLES MEIlItll.L, oenT supt. St. Albans. Vt., .1 une 3d. 1 S73. H ARLEM EXTENSION HAlLliO D C II A N O E OF T I M V. 1S73. SUMMEK AltltANOEMENTs. On and after Monday, June 'juth, H72, times will run as follows : MIXED. Leaves Hutland at 3:00 n. m., on ncctlng at state Lino with train for Troy. MAIL. Leaves Hutland 9.30 n. in., nnd mak ing closo connections nt Chatham 4 corners wllh trains for New York, Albany, Hudson, nnd both east and west on H. A. H. H. MIXED. Leave liutland at 2.2.1 p. m., lo Be nlngton and Trov. SUNDAY MILK. THAIN (Willi passen "e, 1 attached). Leaves Hutland nt ".so n. m. F A 11 E . Ktitlaud lo New York - - - - j.', tu " to Albany, .... en " to Hudson, - - - no S P"No lay over checks glv en. AllltlVE AT HUTLAND. Mali, 9.35 p. m.i Mixed, 12.0S p. m.j mixed 7.S0 p. m. F. C. WHITE, Supt. Itutland, June 11, 1S72. maj ldtw ll Q.LOHE PAPER COMPVN PUBLISHERS PHINTEKS STATION El! IILAXK BOOK MASUP.iCTUJilSli: HL'TIAND, VT. Having purchased tho Wholesale Paper and Stationery business of II. A. Sawyer, nnd the Frlutlng business of Jas. K, Mo Lean, with the addition of a complete Uook-Blndery, they have consolidated the whole Into 0110 business, and moved tho samo Into tho new and commodious olobo Building," erected especially for the nso of tho company. With ouo ot the most complete PilnUng De partments ot any establishment In tho State, under the supervision of one of tho best practical printers In tho country, they, ure prepared to do all kinds of plalu and ornamental w ork In tbo most approved manner nnd on short notice. Our Jobbing Department will comprlso full lines of Writing Tapers both folded and flat, Envelopes, (Note, Letter and Official,) Blank Books ot every description, School Books, Slates, Fens, Pencils, Inks, Law Blanks, Cut lery, Wrapping Papers of nil kinds, Fnper Bogs, Flour sacks, Twines and Cordage, Wooden Wore, Matches, BnMies, Blacking, Blueing, ic &e. This Department will bo found well stocked nud worthy the attention of closo buy ers. The Bindery will bo under the charge ot one ot the most thorough workmen to bo found In tho State, nnd all work vylll be executed In the best style nnd with dispatch. With men of long, experience In charge, and with extenslvo facilities for conducting their business in ts several derailments, they pre sent ono of tho most complete establishments ot the kind to bo found outside the cities, and solicit the patronage of tho rubllc, feeling con ndent, tout they can insurq the wants of all upon the most favorable terms. a lobs co.