Fourth District, Official Canvass. GO1 lo"Lb Dill'm. 2160 1818 - 565 701 332 Chan'r. 1625 1760 1206 435 395 Putnnm. 246 143 231 395 15 Scatt. 7 Washington Caledonia Orleans Lamoile Essex Co, 5937 5471 1030 10 Dillingham's plurality over Chandler, " lacks of a majority, Chandler, 466 575 1506 A Fair Proposal. The friends of Mr. Clay, at least in this region, having repeatedly avowed astheii opinion, that ho was ready to emancipate his slaves, and would do so immediately, were ho not a Presidential candid ate; and some of Mr. Polk's adherents profossintr to Ijclievo the sainu of him wo may now suj;;et to each, tho expediency of wiping off tho "damn ing spot" which slavery makes upon his charac ter, without delay; and wo engage to. warrant to the one who first perform tho obvious duty of lot ting the oppressed go free, the reputation, in all coming timo, of having the biggest soul. V e pause For a reply. Herkimer Freeman. A Prairie on Fire Three lives lost. The Cherokee Advocate states that recently EzeUiel and Jack Folds, with their two sons, resi ding in the Noithern part of the Nation, went for the purpose of preventing n fire, then sweeping over the prairie, from consuming' their fences. But a high wind prevailing at the timo, the flames rushed onward with such speed, that they were obliged to leave their work, and endeavor to save themselves by flight. Tho two men and one of the lads werp, however, soon overtaken and burnt to death. When found tho next day, the son was in the arms of his father, who had doubtless borne him as far as ho could in his efforts to save their lives. Tho persons of these unfortunate victims were painfully disfigured by tho fire. Tho other youth saved his life by rushing through tho flames to tho windward. American Slaver. The United States Brig Porpoise, says the Cou rier and Enquirer, arrived at this port a few (lays since, from the coast of Africa. She brings intel ligence of the capture of the Spanish Slave Brig, Bolladere. She was taken by a British man-of-war, of course; the patriotism of our countrymen forbids their committing such an act. This is the third time the Bolladere has been taken, having been each time condemned and sold, and purchas ed again by the .slavers. She was built at Balti more, and was sent from that port in the first in stance with emigrants for Liberia, and sailed for Havnnna with a cargo of slaves on her return voy age. She was celebrated for her beauty and fast sailing, and her capture had caused great excite ment. Sympathy for Mr Torrcy. We ore permitted to make the following extract from a letter written by a clergyman of color, ami dated Baltimore, Nov. 26: "My mind has been much agitated to-day on going to the court home to hear the trial of Rev. CHARLES T. TORRE Y. He was loaded with chains ar.d crevvded into the box with all soits of prisoners. It reminded mo of the blessed Jesus at Pilates's bar, and tho early martyrs dragged to the stake for the rights of conscience. It is creating much sympathy here among the rich. They pub litily 3tiy a.)tueiha must be 'done to extirpate tho the damnablo system of slavery within the bounds of Maryland." Melancholy Occident. Frozen to. Death. Wo learn by a pfiitloinan from btewiirtatown, that two men named Joseph and Jeremiah James, left their homes in Caiman, r., on tho 4th inst for tho pnrpo.-io of uxairiinin sublo traps they hit previously set up ten or twelve miles in the wilde moss. Tho day they left homa wa pleasant ai; warm, tho second day was uncomfortable, and the third snow fell to tho depth of two feet, accom panied with a heav-v galo of wind. Not rettirninir in due time, anxieties were entertained that ill luck hud attended them; accordingly search was made tor them, but with little effect until the 1 1th inst., "when they were both found dead, probably on account of coU and hunger. The youngest, aged about 20, was found first, lying with his face upon tho snow, or downward. From the position in which ho was found it is supposed that ho fell while travelling and died without n struggle. Jeremiah aged about thirty, was found about half a mile from his brother, who from appearances had anticipated his fate, given up all hopes ot reaching Ins lanuly, consisting of a wife and three small children. and made such signs as were in his power, which might lead to the discovery of his remains; this ho did by breaking the tops of bushes near where his body was found. The places whero they encamped the first and second nights were found, where, from appear ances, they had u fire, the third night's cainpins; ground has also been found, but it is thought they were unable to obtain n lire, und consequently di ed. iv. il. Statesman. A Bear chase. The Cleaveland, on her nass age from Chicago to Milwnukio, n few days ago, discovered a largo bear cruising off Long Point, and immediately lowered a boat in pursuit, which captured him ns a lawful prize. Mr Bruin not be ini? able to icfthnw his rianiirs." nrul frnm tlm fnt of sailing under a black ilau, was accused of being either a slaver or a pirate. His carcase weighed 400 pounds. We learn that the clerk df Faneuil Hail market received on Tuesday last a check for one hundred dollars, from Samuel Appleton, Esq., with a re quest that it might be invested in turkeys, or any other suitable provisions, and distributed among the poor of the city of Boston, to give them a good dinner on thanksgiving day. 1 ho request was pvopererly attended to, and many hearts wore l i,.. .1,,. .:.!.. ..:c. hi tile Journal. Mr. Appleton laid the corner stono of tho for tune which he uses so generously, by saving a fourpence halfpenny, got for assisting n drover up in NewHanipshiro, where ho wns born. The son of a hard working farmer, ho came to Boston poor, and has made himself rich y honesty and prudence. Mom. Chron. The Weather. New York,. Nov. CO. Here instead. 0f snow, there has been for the last two days, a c-i, ravv atmosphere, with n drizzle of sleet ut timo. which has partially covered the ground; insomuendjat n few sleighs were out yesterday morning byway of experiment. Jour, of Com. Albany, Nov. 20, Tho snow fell yesterdayv. tho depth of six or seven inches, and our streets! to-iiny are merry with the music ot the sieighoeiis. The yvemhrsr is inild and tho navigation of the river still unooBi.r.4cfi.t ,.Tjywnii, Cleveland, Nov. 25. Winter has paid us a chilling visit, sinco Saturday, accompanied witn u slight fall ofsnow. No ice of consequence in the cunal yet; and boats have cleared to day for Ports mouth. Herald. Conk-jet. A Whig was lamenting to v dis tinguished barrister of tlm party, the terrible de feat they had sustained, when the lawyer repli ed: "Rut we havo accomplished ono groat, good thing. " "Pray, what is that?" imiuircd tho oth er. ate. "Wo have got rid of our everlasting candid- Tcnnessee is a Whig Slate. The oflieial re turns show a majority for the whig electoral ticket of 113. The Rev. George 13. Cheever, D. D., has be come one of the odiors of the Now York Evangel ist a strong man. Tho go vol nor of New York has received the resignation ot both tho Senators of that State; Mr 1 nllmao:t: iiemg appointed tiv tne president gov ernor of Wiskonsnn, und Mr. Wright being elect ed governor of his own State'. Governor Bouck will appoint two Senators to act until a choice by tho legislature. The Journal of Commerce says that Governor Bouck has appointed ex-Governor Marcy and ex Chief Justice Savage, U. S. Senators until ttie ap pointment by tin legislature neither of them to be then candidate)?. Tho Albany papers say noth ing of it. The Hon John Quincy Adams wn3 chosen President of the Lord's Day Convention at Balti more, instead of Mr. Frclingliuysen, as first pro posed. At tho Baltimore Sabbath Convention, held on Thursday, an official address reported by Dr Ed wards, was unanimously adopted. Mr Adams va cated the chair, and departed for Washington. There arc 685 foreign delogates in attetidunce,nnd 1111 from tho city of Baltimore in all 1796. A furious Texas paper urges that war should be declared against the United States, whereupon tho United States would invade Texas, and of course, conquer it, and thus secure annexation! The Baltimore Patriot has made arrangements to receive reports of both Houses of Cougrcss by tho Electrical Despatch, or magnetic telegraph, so as to publish tho doings almost up to the moment of going to pre, ;s. We can do the same thing here, when we get the telegraph established. The Journal of Commerce makes Polk's popu lar majoiity over Clay, (exclusive of South Caro lina,) only 33,590. NOTICE. The Montpelier Young Men's Lyceum will meet at the vestry of the Methodist, Chapel next .Monday evening at half past 6 o'clock preciso- (.uostion. Is intemperance in youth as great an evil as intemperance in old free. Disputants F. A McDowell, affirmative: Rob ert Hargin, negative, A general attendance of Gentlemen and Lad ica is requested. J. B. JOHNSON, Dec. 4, 1314. Secretory. Elcceipts fics' the Freeman, .TOT I'llEVlOUsr.Y ACKNOWLEDGED. tin UTT, d il- r. . o luiniscy, ii u Dpnuinmsr, i smitn, & Morso, A Nuwton, J Abbott, $1 ,50 each; H Bencher, 83: W Anderson, $2,33; R Mason, $1,17; S M Sher man, Due.; JJ lslicll, 1; D I Marckros, !j?l,75. teKmijsumi jKawm yTttainni. rxjtx Jjscara: In Benton, N. II., Nov. 14, Moses MeConnell, ot iMewnury, Vt., and U'ma Jellurs.ot 11. In Piermont, N. II., Nov. 14, Ephraim Foster of Cabot, Vt., and Sarah 1J. Moore, of P. SiiUi '40 1,.1J 2 In N. Y. City, ult., Mr. Mouse, late Pi ccen- tor of the Academy in this village, aged 23. Me was a s:m of B. Morse, Esq., of Andover, in this State, and was a young rutin of projiiijo and great worth. In West Rupert, Vt., Nov. 1 1th, of consump tion, Mrs. Aiitiv E. IIasei.tine, wife of Enoch S. Sherman, and daughter of William Haseltine. Eso. of Pembroke, N. H. 1 he niimei-ous friends and acquaintances of the (leeeaseU, at u distance from her ate residence, wt be interested in hearing ti brief sketch of her last illness and death. 11 dr bereaved husband, and her sorely aillictod parents and brothers and sis ters, thouirh thev deenlv (eel and bitterlv mourn tier loss, yet they mourn not without the lichest consolation. biie has eft bnsrht evidence behind her, that sho has gone to rest in the bosom of her Saviour. Her disease was so flattering, that her friends and physicians were unable to determine its nature, until a short timo previous to her death. She had cherished the fondest hopes of recovery, and at the first intimation of her danger, she ex pressed great anxiety lest sho was not prepared to die. Siie carefully reviewed her past life, exami ned seriously and prayerfully the foundation of her hope, and cast herself anew on the inercv of God for salvation. Gradually her doubt and fears were removed her mind became tranquil and serene, and she was enabled to converse upon tho subject of death with calmness and composure. Her lan guage was, "I trust alone in the rVieri:s of a cruci fied Saviour for nci.eptaucc with God. It is all grace nothing- but grace enables mo to bear the sufferings I endure." Sabbath morning, the day before her death, when it was believed that her end was near, her husband nsked her, if she was willing to die. .Her reply wan, I long to nod be with my Saviour. I feel that to live would bo pleasant and happy, but to die would be infinite gain. 1 have no wish of my own, only that tho will of God may bc-dono. Perhaps I may be the means of doing more good by my death, than I could by a much longer life. Mourn not, but rather rejoice for my sake. A few hours before she died, her friends were called in to see her for tho last time. She greeted them all af fectionately , sent messages of love and cratcful remembrance to those who were absent, and cx prcsscd an earnest desire to meet them all in hea ven. She then pressed her littb babo fondly to her bosom, kissed it with all the ardour ot a moth er's love, und then committed Tt to the euro of its heavenly Father, without a tear or sigh! Soon after, " soothed and sustained by nn unfaltering trust," she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. In the li fe and death of this beloved friend, we have exhibited a noble specimen of n christian. ftlic seemed to have lived but to give us glimpses of heavenly purity, and toll us, " of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Com. In Swaiiton, Nov. 17, Hon. James Fisk, need Sii. Un ha severally hold the oflices of Judge of tho Supreme Court, Collector of tho Customs, and a member and Senator in Congress. Notice. 'I'HIS may certify that my wife, Lucy Drew forsaken my bod and board, and I forli'n cw.has iid nil persons barborin or trustms her on mv account. isVshall pay no debts of ber eontr.KMiujr nftor this i'Me. fc'T is o rsuiMr "OX -,ter. Mer. 1A !. i-.Ul. BAKERS FIELD ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION. npHE Winter Term will commence on Wednes day Dec. 4, and continue eleven weeks. Lectures with experiments as usual. Books are furnished at reduced prices by the Principal. Board including rooms, wood and washing from $'l,00tofrl,25. , Rooms for those wishing to board thcmsolvos may bo obtained. Tuition per term from $3,00 to $4,00. Ornamental branches $1,50. J. S. SPALDING, A. B., Principal. F. W. Powers, Yt. University, Assistant. Bakcrsfield. Nov. 9. 1844. " 47 FRESH GROCERIES. JUST received, and receiving from New York, - t AnA II..- T PC?.. . a tilnls. molasses, iiuuu ms.uuiu sugar, 5000 lbs. Brown Sugar, 15 chests of Tea, 500 lbs. Spices, 1000 lbs. Ginger, 3000 lbs. best Salajratus, 1000 lbs. Tobacco, 300 lbs Snuff, 5000 lbs Dry & Salt Fish, 2000 lbs Fresh Butter Si Table Salt, And every thing else in the Grocery lino all bought with cash, and will bo sold cheaper than can bo bought in Vermont. STORRS h LANGDONS. Oct. 8, 1842. SHON, Wcdgewood, Glass uiTS Mari.le MORTARS. Tor sale by S. P. REDFIELD. SpLUH and mack Ink of JD sale by the bottle or gallon. March 14th the best quality, for S. P. REDFIELD ntf ALPACCAS CHEAP ! 0 PIECES moro of thoao splendid Alpaca Lustres, as cheap as ever,. at Storks & Langdoms. Oct. 18. SHEETINGS! TTjROM six to fifteen cents Tickings, Drillings, Can-M- ton Flannell, ka. Call at tho old cheap store of 41 Daldwin, Scott &Co. Mails tmd Viltzm, Ttho lowest market prices, by Baldwin, Scot I & 41 Co. jmm p.: Ei ale, $j40UT1I Eaat corner of Branch Cridgo, state-street, Montpelier. N. D. Particular attention paid to Cutting for others to make Oct. 9, 1844. 41 T HOICE brands of Choking also Lorillard's und LJ Chapman's fino cut chewing and smoking. 41 Baldwin, Scott, & Co. TOBACCO! KINDS Chewing Tobacco, cheap, at w Oct. 18. Stoiirs & Lanqdons. r 1) r ess er "flIKER'S building, opposite the Bank, State Street.1 Keeps on hand cheap for cash,, Wis, Top Pieces. Frcczclls jsxxj.w:u. re: a. exBEr.m-!3 in a great variety. Johnson's Vegetable, Mahono's Pre servative, De Hude Antique a a Roso. Also, MEDICATED COMPOUND. The best article ever offered in the United Slates to re store the Hair that haa fallen olT, or become thin, Ifc. and will effectually cure hcurfor Dandiiff. Montpelier, Jan. 10, 1S14. 5lf 20 hhH. Wtnmcvs for sale at a trifling compensation, by 'STOllllS & LANGDONS. Oct. 7, 1844. 'UVhs.scs aza3 APxl'l Suppon'lcrs. npiIE best assortment of Trusses a?id Abdominal " Supporters can be had by calling at the Dru Store of CLA 11 K COLLINS. S3DA CK ACKEIIS, ut STORRS & LANGDONS. Oct. 7. I CAT. (?B Pieces moro of those beautiful Cloths for ovor Coats "KJE? also a few paterns rich V eatings at STORKS 4- LANGD0N3. Nov. 5. 1844. PIECES LPACCAS, some very low prices. Baliiw, Scorr, & Co. LBS. S weeds Steel, suitable for Sleigh Shoes: Also 50 pairs Plated Shoes, from 12 to 50 lbs., selling loto by BALD WIN, SCOTT, & CO. Pay We Must Have. 6 TORUS 8,-LANGDONS;,vc notice that all de- tnands duo them, of over one years standing, will bo put in collection on the 1st of January next, if not paid previous to that time Special Contracts excepted. Nov. 25, 1844. t t i k r lJi',Alirii- E 15 ,,$&. I'iJT CIV" cries, PAINTS, OIL Will spare nn paina in Bcleclin'.; tho Purest Medicines, and the Choicest Gro ceries. Prices warranted satisfactory. Also, a general assort ment of PATENT MKDICINES. Corner of Stale and Main Stroetp, Montpolior, Vt. March 8. 1814. . lOtf Mondav, Dec. S. At Market, 840 Beef Cattle, 12 yokes working oxen, 28 cows and calves, 1900 sheep, and 1000 swine. Prices. Decf cattle extra, fro; first quality, 4, 50 a 4,75; second do. 4 a 4,25; third do. 3,50. Working oxen 2 yokes at fr'7o a 94. Cows and calves 22, 24,60, and ono at 34. Sheep and lambs, dull. Swine brisk. Lots at wholesale, 3 n 4 for sows and barrows. At retail, 4c for sows and 5c for barrows. N. U. Reef cattle generally .very poor, lint nil sold ut tho nbove prices. Ran elors were not able to got any lots of cuiuutjaenco. Ladies and Gentlemen! j HAVE now in store one of the most extensive slocks, and the largest variety of JS IU ESi. GOODS, of every description, to bo found in New Lngland. Slntr from 2a ccuats to 50 dollars! The materials were purch ased of the importers in New York, early in the season, for CASH, and have been manufactured in tho best manner, under my own eye. Also A very extensive assortment of ppm ij APS. CUi3 US !t& of every stylo and quality. Tho readers of this paper ore respectiully invited to call. ICPWholesale Rooms. 2d and 3d Stories, 173 Wash ington street. WILLIAM M. Stl U J. Boston, Oct. 31 4G ANTED, by ST OMIS St LANGDONS, 2000 yards of Flannel, 1000 yards of Frocking, 500 lbs ot Knitting Yarn. Oct. 8. FOR SALE KY R P. UEDFIELD, TT7UNE Cut Smoking and Chewing and Plug Tobacco 1L Lorrdlard s and Surresers Macaboy and scotch Ssnufi. IVIontp'.dier, 14th March, 1844. lltf Ilolman's Nature's Grand Restorative, for alo at thiaO.Tice. A valuable medicine for billious complaints, fee. &c. Sec recommendations. A N Ointment find Vowdcr, which together areo x l.a-Cfirtain cur lor Kali ICbeum.for snlo hv Marcfi 14th lltf S. P. REDFIELD. C1 ITIION, Mace and English Currants lor Cake, and J Extract of Lemon and Rose to season it with, for sale by S. P. REDFIELD. OA USE and FINE SALT for sale by lltf S. P. REDFIELD. VALVAIfiliti WORKS. OEDFIFLD'S Pictornl Bible Sears' History of the Bible Guido to Knowledge lltble Bi ography Wonders of the World Bible Illustra tions Uiiilo lluailrupeds, &c, together witn an as sortment of Church works, which will ho sold at a small profit. Subscriptions received to tho Columbian Maga zine; tho Rover, a weekly Magazine; Anglo Amer ican and tho JNow World, &c, by I. H. STUART, At tho residence of the lato Judge Buckley, in Ber lin, or by J. A. Some rot, at this Office FREE OF POSTAGE. PLEASE OBSERVE, '3M1AT NO MAN Wor WILL sell any description of Drv CES- nC.CI23CTZ3'CTZ3SS.:EIX333S3 in th'i3 county at less prices than at the Old Cheap stoie, 41 bv tSALDWIN, aco it U Co. A.IUI ITCH'S Cough Syren, one of the best med- 3 ioines for a cowgh, cold , or any disease of the) lungs. for side by S. P. UEDFIELD. EC Iff TfJJ311 1 UJIL 'i'JJ' I Coa'inicr of Maisa and faie Sis., MONTPELIER, VT., a i JL i iN u Lo to pei'iorm me various operations in iiental surgery, necessarv for tho prcseivation ami health ot the teeth ami uums, rtlto superior in- D&nTmrciijjLti TfcfcTH Insertfd, fioiu one ton full Bel by cngraftine on the fangs of decayed teeth, or on Gold Plate, as the caso may require. Particular attention given to the prevention and remedy loi irregularity ol teeth in lyliiltlren and foulli, which is often the cause of premature decav and loss of the Tooth. Montpelier, September 12, IS 11. -Furniture Ware House. By A. W. Caldwell, JOIIXSOJY, FT. Sofas, Secretaries, Dress and Cmn- mon JUtreaus, Lcnfre I ablcs, Boo'; Cases. and a general assortment of other FURNITURE; manu factured and sold at a large discount from former prices. A. W. CALDWELL, October 1, 1844. 40. ash, C a s h , PAID for Hatting and Shipping Furs, by Wm. T. Burnham. Montpelier, Nov. 5, 1844. 45, Sm. Sheep's Felts ! !p ENTLEMEN call with your PELTS, at Bu rnha m's VLTf Hat Store and roceive the Cash and tho highe st prices. Montpelier, Nov. 5, 1S44. 45 3m SPERM OIL.-IJest Bleached Wintor Strained. ' Sperm Oil, for stile by CLARK & COLLINS. Montpelier, October SO, 1844. By Express. tiuwaj uw tkiiap. AAAf yrds 4-4 Cottons from 0 to 10 cents per B .J,V k var.j, STORRS & LANGDONS. N5, 1344. F. C. ROBBINS, CUL'-1 46 Fox-Hunters! OU aro hereby notified that dZi l.SMSM.1S:9 and the highest prices (as usual) are paid for all ' kinds of SHIPPING FUU lit the Drug store ofClark j & Collins where you will find a large assortment of Ri fle Powder, Shot of all sizes, & Percussion Caps. Montpelier, Nov. 12,1844. 4C NOTICE. njMUS may certify that I havo sold my Son, " Leonard Thaver his timo, from and after this date, and shall neither pay any debts of his con tracting or claim his earnings. JKREMIAII THAVER. Warren, Nov. 15, 1844. 47 3w N0TICE 'FpHIS may certify that I havo given my Son, "Hiram Nelson, his timo during tho remainder of his minority, mid shall pay none of his debts or claim any ol Ins wastes hercaltor. ' MOSES NELSON. Waterliurv. Nov. 13, 1344. 47 ap 'JSP -gnus nay rcceiveu uy mllivvidi tt &UU1T, Will and Testament of Benjamin Porter, late of ., Alpacca, (at our former low prices;) Randolph, in said District deceaseed, testate, Also: hioi Lonnctt Ribbons, Gloves, Tabs, Flow- makes application to this court, for license to ell ers, Furs, Salsbury flannel, Canton, do. do. all the Real Estate of which said deceased died Anti-Slavery Books! A NTI-SLA VERY BOOKS and PAMPHLETS of almost every description, just received at this of fice, and for sale at the wholesale pi ices. Call and M. Orders from friends in different parts of the state will b immediately attended to. Uet. o. Pure Winter Sperm Oil. . GALLONS more of that very superior Leap OIL, just ree'd by Stoiuis &. LAKQDOira. Oct, 13. Paints and ye Stulft, A FRESH SUrPLY FOR SALE 8. P. REDFIEUK lltf by Montpelier, March 14, 1S44. m CUNNING GOODS of evetv descrintion. l Til Oct. 1. 41 Baldwiw, Scott, & Cu'$. T0ftT IffiOW&STBBIi! CONSISTING of BAND, from 1 to 6 incheo, ENGLISH HOOPING, 5-8, 3-4,7-8, 1, 1 1-8, 1 1-4, ENG. and AM. ROUND IRON, from 3-18 to 3 1-8 in, do SQUAKE, do do OLD and NEW SABLE, SWEEPS, JACK, SCROLL, HAME ond DRAFT IRON, of all sizes, AMER. and RUSSIA .'SHOE SHAPES, Old Sable Naij. Rods, Cbobars, SntiOH-imu, Eno. aid Ameii. Blister Steel. Round and Square Cast-steel, (Sandenoa'tbaal,) Sweede do German do Toe Cork do Spring, do, eto. We ore weekly receiving additions to out stoek itUtfa we offer at extremely low prices. rurchaaers will do well to giva us a call. 41 BALDWIN & SCOTS 'i.-' tVi Irfi 0 V3tLSSaS TTTAVIJ great pleasure in giving notica to our fileaai .111 thi vicinity, Lamoille, and other Motions' el t& State, that we have received 5 bales SHEETING, at 6 14 per yard. 5 do . do 8 do 10 do do 0, heaviest and best 'fa Marl 20 Ps BROAD CLOTHS, from SI, 75 to 4,50 pii rar. 100 Ps PRINTS, from (t 1-4 to 1 s. CO Ps AI PACCAS, from 2s to 75 ct. 10 Ps ZENOBIA, 3s to Cs. 28 Ps CASS1MERES, Cs to 9s. 100 SHAWLS, French styles, from $3 to JJfc 50 iloz. winter GLOVES. 100 UMBRELLAS, from C7c to; 1,50. 20 Ps heavy PILOT CLOTHS. In fact, we have all kinds of ZI3$Z25'5&3&C3II that one can ask for to keep off tho cold soi pelting itefC AI so lo rolls CARPETING, having boon appointed agoaMfw sollinn Carpeting, wo can furnish at Boston ft't$f. 20 Kidderminster and Lowell KUGb. S Ps beautiful FLOOR CLOTHS. 3 Ps COTTON CAR PETING. 2 ps STAIR CARPETING. 2U doz. Fur and Fur trimmed CAPS. 10 hales BUFFALO ROBES. Aso Ono of tho most beaatifurassortments of from New York, over offorod in this market, s4 a eA and freight. A Is, HARD WARE, of overy description for family w Also, 5 cases Thick Boots, best articlet, 8,29. 3 cases Calcutta Boots, 2,50. 100 prs India Rubbers. 50 do do Fur lined. 30 prs Misses Rubbprs. It would be impossible for us to enumorate the msnr ar ticles which wo have for aalo but will give notiee tba we shall have this week 3 tons Portorico Sugars, 1000 lbs Loaf do. 5 boxes Havana Sugars, 10 bags Coffee, 10 chests Tea, 60 hags Pepper and Splse, 6 hds Molasses, 1 ton Saloralus, 10 bbl Rock Salt; Which will ba sold at Boston cost, with tlie froieht Lddod no mistake! We have pursued the Cash st- tem the last threo years, and wo find it gives much bel ter satisfaction, us goods come so low all must be satisfied. Montpebor, Oct. 1, 1844. - 40 STATE OF VERMONT,) AT a Probate District of Randolph, ss.l Court. holden nt Randolph in & forsd District,on the lShrrtlay of jmov. 1844. i'reseiw? lion. L.evi iJ. Vilas, Judge, Win. II. Harrison Porter. Executor of the last CP i7fi I n nrl nnuanaAil w it n l n Hi I a tatct d rtrl ronro. sents that the same 13 necessary lor the payment ot (1('bts and Legacies asjainst saitl Estate : And it is ordered that said application ho referred to a probate Court to be holden at tho Inn of Calvin Rlodgett, in Chelaon, in said District, on the third Wednesday in December next, and that notice thereof be given to all concernod in said Estato bjr publication of this order three weeks successive ly in the Green Mountain Freemen, printed at Montpelier as soon ns may be, that they may ap pear at said time and place, if they see cause and object to the same. Uy order of Court, PHILANDER PERRIN, Register. STATE OF VERMONT, ) T a Probata District of Randolph, ss. X Court holden at Randolph, in and for said District, on the 19tb day of November, A. D. 1844, present Hon. Le vi U. Vilas, Judiie Ei.iSAnF.TH Young, Guardian for Charles E. "Voting and Andrew A. Youn', mi nor heirs of Alexander Young, Into of Randolph, in said District, deceased, makes application for license to sell nil tho Heal ll,stnte of her saul wards, mid represents that the same will bo bene ficial to her said wards, and it is ordored by the) Court, thai said application bo referred to 8 Pro bate Court to be" holden at the Inn of Calvin Rlod cett, in Chelsea, in said District, on the third Wednesday in December next, and thru notice thereof be given to all coicerned by publication of this order three weeks successively, in the Green Mountain Firemen, printed nt Mont pelier, in this State, ns soon ns limy bn; thut they ui:iy appear nt said lime und pfire, if ihey seo ause and object thereto. lty oiiier of the Conn, niil.AND.k PEHRIN, ?leV$:c,- m MESICIHES, tf -- -