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The Middlebury galaxy. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1848-1850, January 11, 1848, Image 1

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lrmnT minmr TrnmiYYYtm rtrTTicir. a -ir tm-nimm t ihtt nn . . ..
vramuixi, xujloihli MUltllJtr, JAiUAM 11, 1345;
n. BELL,
editou asj rRorniETon.
Villagc subscrilers, ......
Mail siibscribcrs, within thc State, - -If
not paid withm thc vcar, - - - -
Mnil stuVcribcrs out of thc State, - -
Imlivi duals and Companics vrlio takc at thc officc,
51,50, or Sl,75 if not paid within the ycar.
Tliosc wlio takc of Postridcrs, - - - - S2.00
If not paiJ at thc cnd of tht ycar, - - - S2.25
Xo papcrs discontinucd until nrrenragcs arc
paiu, cxccpi ai uic opuon ui mc propnciur. xo
contract witli, or pnjmcnt madc to Carricrs, cash,
keeping, or othenvLe, allowcd, cxccpt asscntcd to
Iiy tlic proprictor.
" AII communications must bc addrcsscd to the
cililor 1'ost 1'aii).
ODE Mrs. IIemass.
Tlic breaking waves dar-h'd high
On a steni and rock-bound coast,
And tho woods agniust a stomiy :ky
Thcir giant branchcs to'J
And thc heavj- night hung ilark,
The hills and waters o'er,
When a liaml of cxiles nioor'd tlicir bark
On tlic wild Xew England shore
Xot as the conqucror comes,
1'hcy, thc tnie-hcnrted came,
Xot with thc roll ofthc Mirring dnims,
Or the truiupct that sings of fame
Xot as the flyinjr eomp,
I ii silcncc and in fear:
Thcv sliook the depths of the descrt's gloom,
With thcir hjnins of lofty clieer
Amidst tlic storm thcy sang,
4 And the stnrs heanl and thc sca, rang
And the sounding aisles of the dim wood
To the anthcm oi'thc frec
The ocean eagle soar'd
From his nest by thc white wavc's foam,
Aml the roekingpines of the forest roar'd
This was thcir wclcome honie!
What fotight thcy thns afar?
Bright jeweLs of the mine?
Thc wealtlof seas, the kjIIs of war ?
Thcy tought ai'aith's pure iJiritic !
Ay, call it holy gronnd:
The sjHt whVrc first thcy trod!
Tlicv have left unstainM what thcrc the
Frccdoin to worship God ! l'ound
IJiii.ixii Vi:ii:TAiiLE asd JIeats. In lioil-
in vc-'ctAhlc-i, tliev fliuuUl nt le tmt into tlic
watrr until it i fnllv Iicalal.ainltiicn thcrc .-lionlil
lie no ccsiatiuu of iicat until the coukni is lnmlU
Ilnt whcn liu-at arc to tf lioiUii, ijmte an op-
jio-itc iirof-eutitv ti lie ol-cri-l. llicy rciUin
to le put intu tlic watcr liilc it is o!d;(ir, i:
mse of fowN. m Iiilu tlic watcr i a little wann
tlii'ii, in-tcail of niiM iKiilin, tlic mitrr liould I
men'ly .ininiiTCil. IJ tlii- iinii-cs, the nicat i
nuidc ti'iiilcr. uliilc liy (icrcc Uiilin it i Iiardcnci
and lu.icle toimh. I'mirie I'aiunr,
TIhtc i imirli dii" tn tlu Miction as to thi
manncr if iDnkiii. IkmUii. liniiliu. roa-tin 01
lukin, of Imtli tctaMo aiiil mc;iL-. Ilaviii'.
Iiranl thc scpji"ti:i tirit iHitatni-- .-iiiiuM lic pir
inM iMiMin, iu-li-:n! itf. toM uiitcr ovcr thc (irc
wliilc wanniii'4 tlic fcct in kili lun at thc time o!
cmiMnxau airly Iireakf.i'it. aw tlic vati
lioiliii U'fo.-c tlic ni.iii hail Itnxivtlit in thc oti-t').-i.
takcii iliat innrnin; frjni thc -;rcr.iiiil. Tlic
nil of tlic 'ranl n ".i Mirivh n to inake thc pu
t:ito, hcavv: wcll rlcnniHl. thcy wcrc hoilcd a
iuiik a hivi1iIc: and witliin .-mnc twcnty miiiu-tc-i
itc wcrc cithi th.'iii at the lircakf.ist t.ililc.
lmrstin from thc tcndcr skin. and mcaly a- thc
hcst iKtatoc raiscd upon thc ric-h gronnd'! upon
our neiglilmring hirjhlanJs. Fatmtrs Mmillilj
ofien hcir tlic foiiiplaint tluit lmtter madc in thc
wintor is poor. Ours was so for sevcral scasons.
It was vcr" slow incouuns. and frothv, whitcnid
soinctimcs hittcr; whilc lmtter niadc from thc
amc kind of milk in thc ivarm scason was pood.
I dcisl niany jihnis for improvcincnt, snch as
throwin-iin alt, warm milk, scaldin crcam,
Imt to no purpoic. At lcnth I .--ralilcd my milk
whcn hrouglit from thc cow. aftcrw-.mls sctting it
in cithcr a cold or vrann p'.a-c as mo-t ft)nvcniint
I mcan I rammumcatcii MtlTiricnt hcat to my
milk to dttroy the cflcct wliich frostv fccil in au
tuinn or dry fi-cd in wiatcr had um it. Sintc
Mhich timc wc havc madc, with tiftccn minutcs
churuiiijr, purcr, swcctcr, and morc ycllow lmtter
tlian wc cvcr madc in snnimcr and sometimes
from thc frnzcn crcam frradiiidly warmcil. And
wcrc it not that thc incrca.se of tnanufjcturics, thc
pursnit of fashion, and othcr causcs combincd,
rcmlcr helping hands in a dairy-room now-a-days
vcry scarcc, 1 shouhl bc at thc'trouhlc of scalkiu'
mymilkliclbrc sctting it during the sutnmci, as
wcll as in wintcr: forsurcly, hutter madc in this
way poscsscs a dclicions'richness and drvness
wluch cannot be found in any othcr. Cult'vator.
rcnmxcs that aue qcicklt made -with
ot-T MEcit excexs Rcat up four spoonfuls of
i rauK anu lour cjz-s to a cood
liattcr, mttmcg and supar to vour taste; bnttcr tca
raps, fill thcm tlirec parts full,and send tlicm to
thc ovcn. A qiiartcr of an hour will bake thcm
Wasiiixg Flaxxel. If white, it shonld lc
uonc in as hot watcr as possible, with hard soap.
SiimxKixG of Flasxel. Enclose new flan
ncl ina bas; pnt it into a hoilcr with cold watcr;
hcat and boil it. It will ncrcr shrink anv morc
after this opcratioD, and thonld tltcn hc madc up
into garmtnts.
BCOOM Conx. It jS aisertcd lir those who
havc madc ample cxpcrimcnts, that the secd of
uroom coru posscsscs thc propcrty of fattening
shccp morc rapidly than that of aav othcr vceta
Ue known. In thc Boston l'lougliman it is sTated
in an articlc on this subject, that Albcrt Hibbard,
Esq, of Xorth Iladley, makcs uv: of all thc secd
of his broom corn for this pnrposc that the ani
mals arc rcmarkablc fond of it, and will fattca
more rapidly than on Indiancom. Hens arealso
vcry fond of it, and so are swinc, in fceding and
fittcning wliich wc have found it highly valuablc.
Feedixo Domestic Aximals. If one cow
daily trcads tlirec ponnds of hay nndcr footjn the
mud, she will waste abont a hundred ponnds per
month; or a herd of twenty cows would waste a
ton per month. At this ratc, how many timcs,
evety tcn ycars, wonld tho quantity wasted pay
tHe cxpcnsc of tuaking fccding boxcs and racb ?
"You ccrtainly havc a strange way of slioiv
ing your grief at thc deatlt of a rclattve," said
Quibblc, a smile lurking in his eyes, although
hc attemnted to look serious; l,but allow uic to
eongratulatc you, Jack, upon your good for
tune. I hope he lnay liavc lcft you something
"I hope so too," said Jack from the bottom
of his heart.
"I3ut cotno," said Quibblc, "gct to work and
copy that ilued."
tfack ouce niore mountedtlicstoveand wcnt
to work, but be wrote nieehanically bia tho'ts
were anywhcrc but upon the jiapcr before
him aml he made so many ludurous b'.un
dcrs that at l:u-t old Quibble said thcre was no
usc of his working any niore, aud that Jack
miglit takc a holiday.'
Of all othcr days'in the "ycar, this one ap-
pcarcd to Jack thc longcst and most tircsome
lic liad cvcr known; but as all things must havc
an cnd, so had tlns.and cight o clock in thc cvc
ning bchcld Jack standing upon the stcps of
lawvcr IJ s olhcc, witu a bcatinpr Ucart and tcr-
riblv ncnousfcclincs. He was soon ushcrcd
into" thc officc whcrc lic found thc othcr two
relations, (vcry distant ones, but who now fclt
vcrj' ncar,; togetlicr witli alew tncnus, alrca-
dy asscniulcd. lhc will was brokcn ojicn
with all tluc lonnality, and reau tims:
I, ltichard Uranible, of the city of Lontlon
Kngland, bcing ofsound disposing mind and
tncnioiy, uo liinKC atnl puulisli tliis lor my iai
will and testamcnt.
To mv sccond cousin, Tliomas Joiicp,
give and becpicath the sutn of fivc thousand
To his brothcr Augustus Joncs, fivc thou:
To mv well bclovcd ncpliew, John Bratnblc
if still alivc, I give and bcipicath myold Fam
ily Bible, which I hope he will ahvays prc-
serve, asl tlunk lic wiiiimUit to lx;,as l liavc.
thc bcst fncnd hc lias cvcr known.
"llic devu nc uocs; cxclauncu Jack in a
perfcet agony of ragc and disappointmcnt
'AVhat thc mischicf docs hc think I want with
alible? AVhv.I have two nlrcvnlv. Ifitwas
only a watch or a gun; but a a Pashaw !
can srct onc anvwhcrc."
All condoled with Jack uiion liis singnlar
ill-fortunc, and Lawvcr lirown handcdhim his
diarc of thc jtroncrty, carcfully wrapped ut
and dircctcd to his namc, themanncr of whicl:
it had bccn reccncd lrom Amcnca.
Unfortiinatc .lack ! As he took it un, and
mtting it tinilcr his ann, walkcd out of thc
!ioiise, nccr did lic in his wholc lifc fccl so
-troii!i antip.ithv to thc holy volumc hcnow
'arricd. The tcars Martcd into his cvos, poor
iciiow, as ne gazcu upon ns mouiucnng lorni.
md once or twicc he had morc than rcsolvcd
to throw it into the strect: but something
whispcrcd in his heart it vould bc wrong and
"Xcvcr mind," said Jack. "111 kccp thc old
liook anyhow, jtvst forfun just to look at whcn
1 jrct a little too high; it will soucr mc, I know,
i-! soon a soda watcr. So carrytng it up to
Ins mo:n, hc laid it awny verv caretullv upon
the top shclf of hi closet, and thcn with a hca-
t heart, with all his bright golden viions of
'h:- fiitnrc di?olveil into cmptv air, and witl
11 thc manv discomforii and wants of thc
ire-cnt, st.irinr him in thc countcnance, Jack
!indrcAed hnnself and junipcu mto ucd.
AiHiut si wccks aftcr thc reading of the
will, Jack fimnd himsctf verv unexncctcdl v, bv
thc ilcath fii'old ( iiilb!c, thrown out of cm-
jrm niciit. Jni'k h.ul no tnoncy and no cn-dit.
liis laiiiliamlv w:ts at him lrom Iay to dav
'or thc Miiall i'cm he owcd her for lioard, and
he wire of thc door-bell was alniost worn out
y iiup'irttiiinic pullings of clamorous crcditors
wiioin nc v.a tosauv unauic tonav. iacKtooK
it crv iihi'iHoiiiiicailr. Ilc. got up m the
nioriiiiiganil, atler eating his brcakfast, hc
wou'd iro to ffliii1 ldacc wlicre hecouldscc ilic
ailv naiici-s. nnd n-ad thc advcrtiscmcnls all
ver verv carefullv, hopinir to find somelhing
wliich would smt Ins aUlitics. rrom thciUT
he would uo and wandcr niuinslv along thc
locks until ineal tiinc, whcn hc would rettirn
to his loardin!r housc, to nicct cold looks and
ent thc warni ilinncr of his hoslcss.
One evcning aflcr adav stient in this unsat
isfactory nianncr, Jack was scatcd in his rooni,
his fcct rcsting uiion his bcd, with a mild 11a-
vana m lus tnouth, (a prcsent lrom a fellow
lioanlcr,) smoking away vciy complnccntly,
cnjoying the soothing proiicrtics of thc delic
ious wced, whcn his nieditations were unplcas
anthv brought to a tcrminiition by the suddcn
appcarance of his laudlady.
"iiy dear Mr. Bramble," thc ladj- bcgan in
her most winning manncr, "I shouhl rcally likc
tahavc somc money this evcning."
"So would I, Mrs. Joncs," rciilicd Jack with
thc most pcrfcct sang froid. "I should likc to
go and scc the new pantomimc at Astlcy's.
"You would V exclaimcd Mrs. Jones, her
voicc grown suddcnly as shnll as a crackcd
ckrionct, "you would likc to go to thc.theatre,
would you, instcad of paying your honest
debts! Xowljusttcll you what it is, Mr.
Bramble, if you think I ani agoin' to markct
cverj- mornin' of my lifc to buy thc bcst as thc
market afibnls for such idlc, tobacco-smokin
fcllows as you, you arc mistakcn. Kot anoth
cr dayTlo you hvc in this housc; and if vou
don'f go to-morrow mornin', 111 get a policc
ofliccr and have you put out ncck and licc's.
So rcmcmbcr; and shutting thc door after her
with a crash, shc wcnt down stairs.
"AVliat is to bccomc of me ?" thought Jack.
as soon as shc had dcpartcd. "Tlicre is no
mistakc about the old lady now I'vc got to c
vacuatc thc premiscs. Oh Unclc, why did'nt
youleavcmca fcwhundrcds, instcad ofthat
old Bible," suddcnly thought Jack, "I wondcr,
if I was to rcad a fcw chaptcrs in it, if I conld
'nt dtscovcr somc way of gctting out of this
difficulty? any how, 111 reada little in it.
Maybe U's becausc I ncvcr havc rcad any in
it that I am so unlucky. So hcrc gocs.
Jack rcachcd down thc old Bible frcm its
rcsting placc, andplacingit upon thc little ta
blc, drew it up tothe side of the bed, upon
which hc scatcd luniself, and snufiing his can
dlc, coramenccd turning ovcr thc ycllow lcavcs
ofthc an-icnt volumc, in ordcrto find that por
sion of it which tclls of Daniel's deli very from
out thc lion's dcn, as that he considercd thc
most applicable to his sitnatiori, thc onlv ven
jmmatcrial differcncc bcing that Danicltvas
m the lion's dcn, and unablc to gct out, whilc
Jack was in what hc considercd a bad a placc,
and had to go out
Jack had not turned ovcr morc than thirty
pagcs. when suddenly lus eyc rcsted upon some
thmglnngbctwccn thc lcavcs. Xfith a crv
of joy he scizcs it in his hands and holds it up
to thc light. It ia a bank notc ! can hc bclicvc
it ? and for onc thousand pounds ! Quickly
he tcrns ovcr anothcr lcaf, anothcr notc, and
for thc same lamc amountl LuckyJack, all
thy woes arc cnded. Prccious lcaves, twcnty
of thcm cach concealing thc samc amount,
making m all twenty thousand pounds. Dear,
dear old Bibl(J and hc fairly clasps it to his
heart, ;anu rolls uack with it upon thc bcu m
Thc first thing that Jack did upon thc fol
lowing morning was to look into thc prccious
boolc and assure luinscll that hc had not bccn
drcaming, and thc ncxt after, gctting change
foronc ofthc notes to pav Mrs. Joncs, wliich
hc did to that good lady's uttcr astonishment.
11c alsostartlcd all lnsother crcuitors ina likc
nianncr, and could aftcrwards walk thc strcct
without molestation Jack said it somchow got
wind that hc had bccome hcir to a fortunc,
and says it is astonithing how tho numbcr of
his lriends (?) inercascd in conccqucncc of
Jack Bramble is a marricd man with a largc
tanulv, and altliou"h lic lovcs his witc, anu
thcre is not anothcr just such a onc in the uni-
vcrsc, and altliougu hc dotcs upon 1ns chudrcn
and thiuks thcm a little fmarter than anv
body's clse, yet bcttcr than all does hc lovc
thc old volume that brought him such good
fortunc, and as Jack has bccomc a vcry sobcr
fellow, and a mcmber of niecting besides, he
sa3-s his unclc was right aftcr all: and cvcn if
thcrc had bcen no monev in it, he couldn't
have left him any tliing bcttcr than "the old
Family Llble."
Tnn Claim of Texas to tiie Kio Del
From what prcccdcs, it appears that thc Gov
cmnient of the Unitcd Statcs considercd thc rcfu
sal of 3Iexico to rcccivc a rcsident Envoy or Min
istcr as a sufiicicnt causc for'War; nnd thc Kio
del Xortc as thc lcgitiraate boundary of Tcxas.
Thc first opinion is now of no importancc ; lut
thc qucstion of Boundary, wliich was thc immedi
atc causc of hotilitics, has to tliis day bccn the
grcatcst impeilimcnt t(We Huiiilion,of.rcacc.
I fccl satisfied that, if this was scttlcd,thcre would
hc no insnpcrablc difficulty iu arranging othcr
Thc Unitcd Statcs claim no othcr portion cf
tlic Mcxican dominions, unlcss it bc by right of
conuucst. Thc tract of countrr hctwccn tlic Kio
Xucccs and the dcl XoKa, is thc only one which
has bccn clahned by lioth partics, as rcspcctivcly
bclonging cithcr to Tcxas or jlcxico. As rc
gards cycry othcr partof the Mcxican posscssions,
the Unitcd Statcs ncvcr had claiincd any portion
of it. Thc inifiuity of acnuirinsanv nortion of it.
othcrwisc than liv fair compact frcclv conscnted to
by Wcxico, is sclf-cident. It is,in cvcry rcspcct,
most important to cxaiuinc the grounds "on which
thc claim ofthc Unitcd Statcs tothc only territorj
claimcd by both natiuns is foundcd. It is thcinaih
qncstion at issuc.
The Kcpublic of Tcxas did, by an act of De
ccmbcr, 183C, dcclare thc Kio dcl Xortc to bc its
lioiindary. It will not bcscriously contcndcd that
a nation has a right, hv a l.tw of its own, to dctcr
inine what is or shall c thc boundary bclwccn it
and anothcr country. Tlic act was nothing morc
than thc exprcssions of tho wishcs or prctensions
of thc Govcranicnt. Its only prcctical cflcct was
that, cminating from its Congrcss or lcgishittvc
body, it madc it impcrativc on thc Exccutivc not
to conclude any l'cace with Jlcxiro unlcss that
boundary was agrced to. As regards right, thc
actofTcxns is a pcrfcct nullity. Wc want the
arguments and documcuts by which thc claim is
On a first icv thc prctcntion is truly startling.
Thcrc is no cxccptioii : the Kio Xortc, from its
sourcc to its mouth, is dcclarcd to be tlicriglitful
l:oun'l.in- or Tcxas. Tho rivcr has its sourcc
within tlic Dcpartmcnt, I'roviiicc or State of New
Jlcxico, which it travcrscs through its wholc
lcngth from north to south, dividing it into two
imciiual parts. J lic larecst and most poimlou
incliuling Sauta Fc, the capital, Iies on thc lcft
bank ofthe rivor,anil is, tlicrcforc, cinbraccd with
in thc claim ofTcxa. X'ow this iiroinccof Xcw
Jlcxico was first visitcd and occupicd hv the
Spaniards nndcr Ynsqmz Coronado, in tlie ycars
lo4U to iJiz. it was at tliat time volnntanly c
vacuated, snhscnucntlr rcvisitcd, nid somc scttlc-
mcnts madc about the vcar I5S3: finallv con-
iiucren in luus iiy tlic bpaniarils, undcr Uic com
mand of Onatc. An insiirrcction of thc Imliani
drove away thc Spaniards in the ycar 1CS0. Thcy
recntcrcd in thc cnsninjr ycar, nnd. aftcr a long re
sistancc, rcconnucrcd it." This was an intcmal
conflict with thc Abori"incs: bnt, as rclatcd to
Forchni l'owcrs, the sovcreisntv of the Snaniards
ovcr ttic tcmtorv was ncvcr callctl m iiucstion
and it was, in exiircs tcrm, madc the Wes
tcrn Bonndarv of Iiiiisiana in thc lioval Chartcr
of thc irench Govcniinent.
Thc coniiucst of thc nrovincc liv Onatc took
placc fivc-and-twcnty ycars prior to tho landingof
tlic 1'iignms in .cff Aiigianu, anu twclve ycars
licforc any pcrmancnt scttlcmcnt had bccn madc
in rortn mcncn, on tlic sliorcs of tlic Atlanlic.
iv citncr .ngianu, rrancc, iionami, awcucn or
any other Powcr, but that m Florida by Spain
I havc in vain s ouirlit for any documcnt. ciiU'
nating from the K cpnblic or State of Tcxas for
.i r e :. -
uic purpui Ul BUJ UUlllili; JIS ClUllll chuit to new
r - .1 . i i r . . ,
iixexico or uic cuuntrv ixjnit-nu on inc lowcr
portion of tlic dcl rvorle. 1 lie onlv olhcial nancrs
within mv rcach, in which thc claim of Tcxas is
sustaincd, arc the Frcsident's Jlessagc of Alay 1 1
and Dcrcinbcr 3, 184G; and thcse rcfcr only to
uic country Doruenng on tnc lowcr part ot tne ucl
Xortc. The portion of tho Mcssac of Jlav 11.
I&46, relatine to that snbicct, is as follows : Jlcan-
time .tcxas liv tho hnal action ot our Lonjrrcss,
had bccome an mtcsral part of onr Union. Thc
Congrcss of Tcxas. by its act of Dcccmbcr 19,
ibob, nait ucciarcil the Kio dcl JNortc to bc tlic
boundary ofthat Kcpublic. Its junsdiction had
bccn cxicndcd and cxcrciscd beyond the Xncccs.
The country betwccn that rivcr "and thc dcl Xortc
had bccn rcprcscntcd in thc Congrcss and in thc
Convcntion of Tcxas; hadthus takcn part in thc
act of Anncxation itsclf : anu is now mcluded
within onc of our Con"rcssional Districts. Our
own Concrcss had, raorcover. with crcat unanim
itv, by the act approveu iJcccmLcr 31, 1845, rc-
cognizcd thc country hcyond thc X'neces as a part
of onr tcrritory, by incluiling it witliin our Kcvc-
nue systcm ; anu a itcvcnnc othccr, to rcsiue with
in that District, has bccn appointcd, by and with
the advicc and consent of tlic Scnatc. It bccame,
tlicrcforc, of urgcnt ncccssity to provmc for thc
dcfcncc of that portion of our country. Accor-
dingly, on the 13th of January last mstrnctions
wcrc lssucu to thc Ucncral in commanu ot thesc
troops to occupy thc left bank of thc del Xortc
"The movcmcnt of our troops to the del Korte
was made by the Commanding Gcncral, undcr
positivc instrnctionstoabstain from all assrressive
acts toward Mexico or Mcxican citizcns, and to
rcgard the relations bctwcen that Itcpnbhc and
the Unitcd Statcs as pcaccful, unlcss shc should
dcclare 'War, or conimit ar ts of hostilityindicativc
ofa state oOVar. He was spcciallv dircctcd to
protcct prh-ato propcrty, and rcspcct pcrsonal
In his annual mcssage ot IJcccmuer 8, 184G,
the Presidcnt statcs that Texas, as ccdcd to
thc Unitcd Statcs byFranccin 1803, has Lccn
lwavs claimed as cxtcnumg -west to the ltio
Grandc; that this factis cstablishcd by dec-
larations of our Govcrnment during Mr. JelTcr
son's and Monroc's adminbtration; and that
thc Tcxas wliich was ccdcd to Spain by thc
Flonda trcaty of 1819, cmbraccd all the coun
try now claimcd by the State of Tcxas bc
twcen the Nueces and thc Kio Grandc.
He thcn rcpeats the Acts of Texas with ref
crencc to thcir boundarics; statin that "du
ring a pcriod of niore than ninc ycars, which
intcryened bctwcen the adoption of her con
stitution and her anncxation as onc of thc
atates ot our union, icxas asserted and cxer-
ciscu many acts orsovercinty and jurisdiction
cvcr thc tcrritory and inhabitants wtnfthe
Xueccs; suchs aorganizing and definin " limits
of counties cxtcnding to tho Kio Grande; cs
tablishing courts of justicc, and extendiii" her
judicial systcm ovcr the tcrritoty ; establishin"
also a custom housc, post-ofliees, aud a laiuE
officc, &c."
Tlic Presidcnt dcsi"natcs by thc namc of
Texas, thc ccssion of Louisana by Francc to
the Unitcd Statcs; and he again calls thc territorj-
ccdcd to Spain by the Florida trcatv of
lhl9, the lexas. lie intnnatcs that the claim
of the Unitcd Statcs to thc territorj- bctwcen
the Sabine and thc Kio JTortc was derived
from thc boundaries'of Tcxas, and that by
claiming asfar west as thc rivcr, thc Unitcd
States did reconiizc that it was the boundary
of the Texas. Ircally do not understand what
is mcant by tliis assertion.
The Unitcd Statcs claimcd thc Kio Xortc as
being thc Icgitimate boundaiyofZouiVann,and
not of Tcxas. Keither thcy " nor France had
cvcr bccn in posscssion ofthc country bcyond
thc Sabine, Spain had alwaj-s hcld posscssion
and had dividcd thc territorj- into provinccsas
shcpleascd. Onc of thcse was callcd Tcxas,
and its boundarics had bccn dcsignatcd and
altercd at hcr will. Wth thcse the Uni
tcd fStatcs had no conccrn. If thcir claim
could bc sustained, it must bc bv proving that
Louisana cxtended of right thus'far. This had
no conncction with the boundarics which Spain
might havc assigncd to hcr provincc of Texas.
Thesc lnight have cxtended bcyond thc Kio
del Nortc, or have bccn east ofthc Kio Nue
ccs. Tlicre is not the slightcst conncction bc
twcen the Icgitimate boundarics of Louisiana
and those of thc Spanish provinccs of Tcxas.
Thc presumcd identity is a mcrc supposition.
It is not ncccssarj- to discuss the soundncss
ofthc prctensions to thc Rio Xortc, asscrtcd
by Mr. Jcnerson and Mr. Monroc, sincc thcy
were yieldcd in cxchangc of Florida and somc
othcr objccts by thc trcaty of 1819: a trcatv
cxtrcmely popular at thc time, and thc exe
cution of which was prcsscd with grcat zeal
and perscvcrancc.
Iicncvcr ultimatcly ccdcd to Mexico, that
rcpublic fixcd its boundarics as it thought prop
cr. Tcxas and Coahuila wcrc dcclarcd to
forma State; and thc Ilio Nueccs was made
thc bounclarj- of Tcxas. "Whcn Tcxas dcclar
cd itsclf indepcndcnt, it was thc insurrcction
of only part ofa State; for Cohahuila remaincd
unitcd to Mexico. But thc ItioNucccs was
the boundarj- bctwcen the dcpartmcnt of Tex
as and thc State of Tamauhpas. Tlic wholc
cohtestcd territorj-lics within thc limits of Ta
maulipas, which ncvcr was. undcr the Mcxican
Govcrnment, connected in any shapc with
Thc qncstion now undcr considcration is
only tluit bctwcen thc Unitcd States and Mex
ico; and in that vicw of thc subject, it is quitc
immatcrial whcthcr thc acts of thc Unitcd
States cmanatcd from Congrcss or from thc
Exccutivc. Ko act of cithcr, rccognizing thc
territorj-bcyond thc Xucccs as a part ofthc
territorj-ofthc Unitcd Statcs. can bc alledrrcd
against Mexico, as a proof of their right to this
country was claimcd, Anj- such act is onlj- an
assertion, a dcclaration, but not an anrumcnt
sustaining thc right It is howcvcr, propcr to
obscrve hcrc that thc port of delivcry west of
the Xucccs, crccted by the act of Congrcss,
"To establish a collcction district in the SLatu
of Texas," was at Corpus Christi, a placc which
was in thc actual posscssion of thc State of
It must also bc prcmised that, in thc joint
rcsolution for thc anncxation of Tcxas, thc
qncstion ofthc lwundarj- bctwcen it and Mex
ico was cxpresslj- rcscrvcdas one which shouhl
be settlcd fij- trcatj- bctwcen thc Unitcd Statcs
and Mexico.
Thc onlv armimcnfs in lhc. Prpsidcnt's mos-
sagc, which sustain tlic right of Texas to tcrri
ritoiy bcjond thc Xucccs, arc containcd in
those passagcs, in which it is asscrtcd that thc
jurisdjction of Tcxas has bccn cxtended and
cxcrciscd bcj-ond the Xncces: that the countrj
bctwccn thc rivcr and thc dcl Xortc liad bccn
rcpresented in the Congrcss and Convcntion
of Tcxas, had takcn part in thc anncxation of
itsclf, and was now includcd within onc of our
Ccngrcssional districls.
Bnt it is not stated in thc Prcsidcnt's mes
sage, how far bcj-ond thc Xucccs tho jurisdic
tion of Texas had bccn cxtended, nor what
partof thc countrj-betwccn that rivcr and thc
dcl Xortc had bcen rcpresented in tho Con
grcss aml Convcntion of Tcxas and was then
includcd within onc of our Congrcssional dis
tricts. Xow thc actual jurisdiction bcj-ond thc Xuc-
ces ncvcr cxtended farthcr than tho adjacent !
scttlemept or San 1'atnco, consistmg of about 1
twenty iaroihes. Ihat small distnct, though
bcvondthc Xucccs, was contigttoUs to andln I
the actual nosscs.sinn of Tov.is On this .ic- 1
countit might be righlfully includcd within thc
limits which wc wcrc bound to protcct against
Mcxican invasion,
uui wnat was tnc countrr betwccn this
Hnau scu cniciu oi oan i-atnco, or betwccn tne
11 ..1 . n i- . .
i -i e- -i- '
that thn illrisilictmn nf Ti.vn s Iiooti nt ..n.
iiiuii ii jui!iiii uu siiTiiKJseii iroiu mc mcssage
ded, so as to bc includcd within onc of our
vyougrcssionai uisinctsr iicrc, again, Acxas ,
imu crccieu tuai Miiau sctucmcnt into a coun-
ty callcd San Patrico, and dcclarcd that this
countv pxtpnilpd fo thn VAn ilnl X'nrt. Tlns.
likc all othcr dcclaratorv acts cftho samc kind
wa, only ancrtion nafi-ecting thc qucstion '
ot ngnt. l nc state ot j.cxas nught witli c-
nual propnety hayc dcclarcd that the boun- '
uarj-cxtended to thc Sierra Madro ortothe
iacinc. Ahctruc qucstion ot nglit.to any tcr-
nlory bcj-ond tho Mcxicvn limits of the l)c- ,
partmcnt of Texas dcpcnds upon thc facts: By 1
whom was thc territor-in nucstion actiinllv in-'
hacitedand occupicd? and had the inhab- '
ltants unitcd witn Xcxasm the insurrcction a-
"air.st Mexico?
iiie wnoio countrj- bcvond the scttlcmcnt ot i
oan xainco anu v-orpus uunsu, till witmn a i
c x. ... i r-t - . .. .... ....
fmilesoftho dcl Xortc, is a pcrfcct dcscrt
"mra "mu 7, rouiu puraucu oy ucd. fin thcmsclvcs in tho ncwspapc?, and malignant
Taylor, as stated bv himsclf, and ncar 120 . ivattcmptins to cxclndc tlicir brothcr oflhcrs
milcsinastraightlinc. f"rom thc crcdit they verv justly claim. AU this
The only settlcd part of it is along thc lcft . is donc in lansuase ridicu!oulv afl'ectcd.
bank ofthe dcl Xortc, and but a few milesin :
Lraadth. This bclt was setlled, inhabited and t
occupicd cxclusively by Mexicans. It inclu-'
ded tho town of Lercdo; and Mexico had a '
ca tom housc at Brazos, north of thc mouth of
thc rivcr. Till occupicd by tho Amcrican
arms it had cvcr bcen, and was at tho time
whcn invaded by Gcn. Taj-lor, h part of tlic I
.1 1 l -fT i: . .1 I,. .1
UCIIU1 iilimu Ul J.uuiiiuuiiaa uuu duujwi iu iuv i
jurisdiction oftlio Prcfcct of the Xorthcrn
iistnct ot thc Ucpartmcnt.
In the coursc of the war betwccn Mexico
and Tcxas, incursions had bccn occasionallj
made by cach partj- into tho tcrritories ofthe
othcr. A Mcxican ofliccr had, once or twicc
obtaincd teinporarj- occupation of San Anto
nio, within the limits of Tcxas; and the Tex-
ans liad on one occasion takcn loredo ltsclt,
and morc than once had carricd thcir arms not
only totho left bank ofthc dcl Xortc, but cvcn
bcj-ond that rivcr. In both cases thc aggres
sive partics had bcen repul-ed and cxpcllcd.
The last Tcxan expcdition of that kind took
placc in Deccmbcr, 1842, and tcrminated in
thcir dcfcat at Mier.
That thc countrj- adjacent tothc leftlankof
thc nver was cxclusivclv m thc jiosscssion ol
the Mexicans, was wcll known to our Govcrn
ment. Whcn Gcncral Tajlor marchcd to thc del
Xortc, hc issued an ordcr, Xo. 30 translated
into tho Spanish, ordcring all undcr his com
mand to obscrve with thc most scmpulous rc
spcct the lights of all tho inhabitants, who
might be found in pcaccful prosccutionof thcir
respcetivc occupations, as wcll on thc right as
on thc left sidc ofthc Kio Grandc. Xo mtcr
fercncc, hc adds, will bc allowcd with thc civ
il rights or rcligious privilegcs of the inhabi
tants. In June, 1845, Gcncral Taylorliad been di
rcctcd to sclcct and occupj-, on or ncar the
Kio Grandc dcl Xortc, such a sitc as would bc
bcst adapt d to repcl invasion and to protcct
our "W'cstcrn boitlcr. But on thc 8th of July
following, thc Sccrctarj- of 'War, addresscd thc
following letter to him :
"Thc Dcpartmcnt is infonucd that Mexico
lias somc niilitarj- cstablishmcnts on thc c.-st
side ofthc Kio Grandc, which arc and for
somc time havc bccn in thc actual occupation
of hcr troops. In cariying out the instme
tions hcrctoforo rcceivcd, j-ou will bc carcful
toavoid anj-acts of aggrcssiou unlcss an actual
state of war should cxist. Thc Mcxican for
ccs at thc posts in lhc posscf sion, and which
havc bccn so, will not bc disturbcd as long as
thc relations of pcacc bctwcen thc U. S. and
Mexico continuc."
On thc SOth July 1845, thc Sccrctarj- of
U ar again addresscd ucncral iaylor, asiol
lows :
"You arc cxpcctcd to occupj-, protcct and
dcfend thc tcrritory of Texas; to thc cxtcnt
that it has bccn occupicd bj- thc pcoplc of
lexas. lhc luo urando is claimcu to bc tlic
lxmndarj- betwccn the two countrics, aud up
to this boundarj- j-ou arc to cxtend j-our pro
tection, only cxccpting anj- tiosts on the cas-
tcrn side thcrcof, which arc in thc actual oo
cupancj- of Mcxican forccs, or Mcxican scttlc
mcnts ovcr whicli thc Kcpublic of Tcxas did
not cxcrcisc jurisdiction at the pcriod of an
ncxation or shortlj- beforc that evcnt. It is
cxpcctcd, in sclccting thc cstablihmcnt for
your troops, j-ou will anproach as ncar thc
boundary line, thc Kio Grandc, as prudcnce
will dictatc. 'With this vicw thc Presidcnt dc-
sircs that j-our position, for a part of your for
ccs at Icast, should bc west of thc ltivcr Xuc
ccs." Thc Mcxican scltlcmcnts, thus cxccpted,aro
not those ovcr which Tcxas did not claim ju
risdiction, but tliosc on thc east bank ot tlic
Kio Grandc ovcr which Tcxas did not cxcr
cisc iurisdiction at thc pcriod mcntioned. The
Presidcnt had noatithoiity to givc up thc lioun-
darj- claimcd bj- Jtcxas; but it is clcar mat at
that time, whcn war was not contcmplatcd; thc
Administration was ofthc opinion that, till the
qncstion was dcfinitclj- settlcd, the occupancy
bj-thc 'cxicans ofthc territorj- adjacent thc
lcft bank ofthc del Xoite ought not to be dis
tnrbed. Xcithcr thc sulise(ucnt refusal by
Mexico to rcccivc a rcsiding Fnvoj-, nor the
successcs of Ilio Amcrican aims haic not
aficctcd thc qucstion of right. Thc claim of
Tcxas, whcthcr to Xcw-Mexico or to thc low
cr portion of thc Kto Xortc, was idcnticallj
the samc, as invalid and groundless in onc casc
as in thc othcr. "Whv a dsitinction has becn
madc bv thc Kxccutive has nnt bccn statcd.
The fact is that he has cstabli.-hiil a tcmporarv
Govcrnment for Xew-Mcxicoasa coiintrv con-
riucrcd, and without anv rcgard to the claim
of Tcxas; whilc, on thc othcr hand, hc has pcr-
mitted that State to cxtend its jiinsdiclion o-
vcr the countrj- Ijing on tlic Ictt bank ot tlic
del Xortc, which, like Xcw-Mcxico, had bccn
conqueicd bj-thc arms ofthc Unitcd Statcs.
Xot a shadow of proof lias bccn adducedjlo
sustain thc prctensions of Tcxas to that dis
trict; and justicc lmpcnouslj- rcqnircs tnat it
should bj- trcatj- of pcacc bc rcstorcd to Mex
Thc commandcr-in-ihiff of thc army in Mexr
co. and tho captain of thc naval forccs in thc
Gulf, havc both committed blumlcrs, thc cflects of
which will stick to thcm quitc as long asnnyfumc
which thcy maj- acquirc dnring thc warwith Mex
ico. The ungcntlcmanly rcprimand of Licut.
Huntcr, by Commodorc Pcrry couchcd as it was
jn such langnagc, that thcdisgraccfcll cntircly up
ob thc commod0rc in thc cvcs of ninc tcnths of.
, . . , . f .iii : ,i, .
l'countrymc.i,-has found a parallel m the gcn
cral ordcr of Gen. Scott respcctmg ccrtain lctttrs
writtcn from thc army. Dogbcrry might not
havc becn so grcat a hcro as cithcr of thc cpaulct-
tcj gcntlcmcn who liavc so sagclr appropriatcd to
ci n.i,.;r(. , hc rcrtaiiilv excceded
mwiwwi " w 't mi
. . ,,.,,;. Ti.c vew.York Pb
linsihefol owinzscnsibloreinarkscoTlmngtlic
latCSt foolisll act Of Gcn. bCOtt
iVhatevermav be the rcasons for thcarrcstof
thc olnccrs, and howcvcr propern may uc iokccp
nnr nuimon rcsncctinc it iu hkii h ;
morc ofthc facts, thcrc .is no snch rcason for sus-
ncndin.? our iudscment concermng bcotts gener-
al ordcr, which carrics its condcmnation on its
&JZ VI Z?T?t
ic ucrs in the newspapcrs ofthe Unitcd
gK wtrS to cobm from tl.e army, in
"ji;raiL u b&towcd on ccrtain officcrs and
.Bn fmm ntkrs. in a iiunncr not acTceing
-nR.n R,ti'own views. He innnediatcly
takcs it for grantcd that thc lctters were wjittcn
nr nmrmYifl to 1 writtcn bv the officcrs wliose
praiscs thcy sct forth, and puts this charge, not di-
rectiy, out in sucn lenus uiui nu iunS.o w..
bcar no other construction, mto a ecncrai orucr.
"i"-'"" -- i -- - ... ViV,
: "V .1 .1 m ,rt,mi,
tpcsrc nniv 10 inier ii iroiu iiiu miutnwui iuci,i
SffiWSf i'wfthl
Xo furtlier disclosim: of facts is necded toshow
thc injnsticc of this proccedingof Gen. Scott. To
makc his own suspicions thc ground of a 1 n lic
charBe ,J,e ,,onor omccl? "
command. however s trongthose susp.cions maj
J T. . i.i., thr, i1ipsi mmnnn! were
.Ttrcmelv vairuc. Gen. Scott docs not himself
. - . to t-.-l. u. -U.ll l. o.
gainst tho officcrs against whom his gcncral order
is issued whcthcr that of having writtcn thc Iet-
prctCnU tO KUOW wnab C1UUIC uc uu -'-f
tcrs, or mstigated others to write thcm. Hc rcfcrs
for his authonty to the "conjectarcs" of the uin
t'clligcnt." Wc vcry much fcar tliat Gcn. Scott's hcad has
bccn turned by his sncccsscs in thc Mcxican war.
His military carcer ihiis far has bccn cxtraonlina
rily bnlliant. He is a bravc lnan. of murli mi'tin.
Licnulition, and in private lifc, wp IwlicTe, aman
oi Kinuiy icciings, uui ins vanuj- is lus besctting
infirmitj-, and so CTcatly does this prcdominatc.
that whcncYcr any occasion ariscs to stimnlatc it
the opcrations of his mind scarccly kccp witliin
the bounds of sanit v. Such an ordcr as lhc onc
we publishcd j-csterday bciiring his signature, if
it oe not a torgcry, could not havc been issueu bv
a commanding olhccr who was not, for thc mo
mcnt at Icast a inailman .AVc arc sorrv that Gcn
cral bcott iJiould havc staincd hi3 rcputation by
an act bcaring on ils faec soclt manifcst cvidcncc
ot loiiy and uijiisticc.
Vnjit to scrce on a Junt. A iuror in the Su
prcme Court of Xcw York lhc othcr day madc
many cfforts to gct ofl", on inmimcrablc "cxcusc.
of cvcry sort. Judgc Gray lutcncd wiih paticncc
10 inc cno, anu tncn toid him that hc might go
not becausc that hc bclicvcd any of his cxcascs,
goingover thcm all.nndcxprcssinghiscoriTictioii
tliat cach and cvcry onc of thcm was faUc, but
because a man rap'ablc of rcsorling to sucli dcccp
tion to gct rid of scrvir.g on a jnry, was unfit to
bc cntmstcd, cvcu on hisoath, with thc imcrests
of his fellow mcn. 'ITic unluckj-juror took him
sclf off, fccling likc thc mcancst man's counscl in
Tlic following ist opicd from thcX. Orleans
Ycsterdaj- mornin': wc happencil lo be iu
thc ClcrkV ollice ofthc First DiVtrict Court.
A crowd of gcntlcmcn, mostof thcm clcrks, or
in somc wav cmpiovcu m tnc courts, were
. i . .
stanuing ni-ounu a iiaiiu-.onic lookmg young
man, in whom thcj- sccmcd to rccognize an old
Thc young man worc a beanl and moiista-
chc, and had on a splcndid chirct-colorcd coat,
a satin vc, anu a pair ol light bluc nnlitair
pantaloons, stnixtl with sih cr. Sei cral of thc
clcrks rccognizcd him as a school-mate. and
talked ovcr their pastiincs in thc gounds sur-
l-oundmg bt. Alary s tollcgc, m Baltimore.
The foldicr who had bccn through nearlv all
thc bloody wars m Mexico Mill lemcmbercd
with dehght lus boyih gaines in good old Bal
timore. Thongh he liad forsakcn thc marble for thc
cannor.-liall, and the 'handv-.-tick" for the sa-
brc, he still rcccollcctcd lus lihivmatcs and lhc
gamcs that thcv wcrc wont to delinht in. The
TK.rsoiiwcspc.ik ofwas Aiigii.-.tin Iturhide, ol
Alexico. Ile conics hcre a prisoner ofwar.
but has, we belicve, obtaincil lcae on his pa
role of lionor, to traicl whithcrjoecr he
In thc Mcxicnu amiy hc hcld tho rank of
aiajor, amt is ri'iiortcdto be a gallant amUkil-
lut ollicer Ile was, il we mi.-takc not, an anl
to Santa Anna, aml in various actions tlial
luivc takcn tilace, dciioitcd himsclf in a nian-
.i ? ,.t i.. .
ner mai gaineti tlic crcuit anct approbation ot
iill. Wc undcntiind that thc faniilvnftlm l.-ilc
Empcror Iturhide rcsidc iu Philadclphia, and
that Maior Aumistin Iturhide will lcac thi
city in a few daj-s, on a short visit tj his rela -
Washi.n-oto.v, Dcc. 27, 181
Tlic natnral conseciucnccs of the war with
: with
Mexico, are just now be-nniiinsto thow thcm -
v-v-j iu mi; iiiiii.iiiu Iliauu 11JIOU l. OIlgTVSS lor
i .i..i t- " r r-
bpoiiations romnuttcd upon pnvate pro)crty.
Among the alniost innumcrable bctitions beforc
the tommittcc on Claims, arc betwccn thirt
and fortv growing out ofthe war with Mcxiio
Somc of thesc arc crv largc in amount, am!
onc of thc iiiiiulicr is l'or hoiMrs seizcil, ncccs-
sanlv for thc pnlilic fcnite, bv C'oloncl Ihini
phan in tlicir lonir iouincv lhroii"h Xew Afex
ko. A claim is al.-osct up, fbr vnln.ililc iroi-
cnj-10-1 ai inc sanic time, anu thc two lo om
jici-Miiis or partj- is for an amount cqual to oni
iiuniircu tnoiisaiiit iiou.m.
Another claim isfor the horses lost throii"!
thc gre.it Uxly of Mesicans who attackcd tht
hnraniacion pwcncir, of nhich.Mpsf rs. Gaiiic
i r if ! ..i. i-. ..
anu v. i.i i.ij oi jy., wcrc partics. juicm
arc iiui as tirops ui i.:e grcat occan ot loss .".n:
expcnditurc im-idcnt to thc war with Mexico.
Tlicir claims growing out ofthc Florida war.
and wluch havc nl.-iimcd so manv for thcii
Z i1: "Z?Z"T l0ar, 'nr,'?. f
Ml i . . i.r i i f .. .
iiiwiiiih. .iiiii iiiu.i mt jii tll. Pll 111-11 CMaulIMI-
cd in justicc that their pnyinent cannot lic es-
From thc Providcnce Jotirnal.
Amnngtlie cxpcnscs ofthc war, is onc class
tliat sclilom cnter mto thc 0ng1n.1l otim.itc,
but wliich necr fails to twcllthctotal nmotitit
thc class of pricate elnliii', growing out of
losscs sustaincd and propcrty scizcil.add to thc
u.iici iiiuu.iiiii 1111 ui ii.ii. iivu viaiiii.'-
111 UJV. A. IUI lli.l lllll, 111.1V 111I11IIUU-, llllll 1111.. 1
havc not ccascd cvcn vct. Similar claims a-1
i 1 1 1.. l... I
rilllll UUI Ol 11IU III U21.I1I. Hill Iiibli: illlUlUl Ut-
. ....... .. .
"un to come in. and it thc war could bc clo-1
sed to daj-, thcj- would not ceasc to comc in
for manv" vears. It will nrobablv sunirisc I
manv of our rcadcrs to Ieani, that durinz and
aftcr thc last war with Grcat Britain, thcse I
claims ciiuallcd thc wholc onlmary cxpcnsct I
oi tnc war: anu yet wc arc assurcn oy one wno i
kcnt thc account, that such was the casc. The
numucrann vanctj- anu amouni oi incsc cjainu-1
i i .. i .., , i
iiiii ut. itii uii-iiiui iu inu niii imiii in uui int-
vious one, Onc claim for propcrtr takcn by
Col. Doniphan, has becn procntcd, amounting
than onc hundred thousand dolLirs.
1UI 1 1.1 1 114U1I11 I 17111IVJ lllll. vv ..Hka.i.i., ...... I
thn 1 .-toA .-iml tlm extmva.Tnnt al-
lowed. This is inevitable. It u not possible
m'thintcntions howcvcr cood and with indus-
trv howcvcrnaticnt: can fully investigate all
cases that ansc and dccidc justly upon thcm.
Thesc claims will go to swcll that vast na-
tional debt 'which the war will lcave to thc
country, or thcy will rcmain a prey upon the
rcvenuc of succeedinf; j-cars. lono govcrn
ment unon theelobc is war so cxpcnsivc as to
ours; to no peopic is war. succosiiu or unsuc
ccssful, fraught with greater or more ccrtain
c vils. The Icast of thcm is thc pccnniary cost:
thc deht sooncst dL-liarged is that which can Lc
reckoned in dollars and ccnts.
. . f i
Perhans no Enzlishman, sincc thc days of Ber-
nard Gilpin, has givcn so much away as did John
Wcslev. Whcn lus mcome was thirty ponnds al
hn uvtti on iweniv-eir'iii. ann KiTcunmiori
tn mnrf-
Thesc claims arc manv of thcm just, and manv armv; anu ycsterdaj- the 5amo j
ofthemcxtravagant, "and the classes arc sb comnuttco rcportcil a bill aatborizing "twcnty- r:
mixed up and confotinded, oftcn so cntanglcd "cw in-imcnts of vokntcers." When all theso ;
,.:.i t:.:, .i t.i ;iin lf rcgiments shall bc raiscd thc Armv of tho U- 'J
living" on 28 he had 32 to spend. A fourth vear ,u"aaa": n inc purciiaso oi uiaruio . . i.i.y
Lr. i : . iin ,,,,, d.tr..; .for thc entirc front ofa honso hcu wcctiazin
his plan, thc poor got 92. In thc ycar 1775, the
Accountant Gcncral serit him a conv Aftiw V
cisc Ordcr for a rctnm of. 'Kev. Sir.As it
Commissioncrs cannot doubt but TnnlinTn nl
for which j-on liavc hithertornegitctcd to maket
cntry, &c, ta which hc wrote this m'cmorablc ui
wcr "Sir, I liavc two silvcr tca snoona nt Iii
don and two at Bristol. This is all thc ula
wluch I havc at prcsent and I shall not buy ar
morc, whilc so many around mc want bread,
am, Sir, your uwsi humbte serrant, Jon We
PiftiliDEtrlnA, Dcc 2, P. M.
Ax ELcniAXT Bk6ke Loosn His Aicric
An ejcpliant at the Zoological Institutc, in th
citj-, tliis aftcmoon, liccame grcatly cnragcd,Avhc
V,X.'."" '"" cay wnca ins nccpcr, namc
Villliiiin l..Ui- 1 r .1 i i 1 . ,
. ... . viuu 1
tbc cagcs iontainmg wild bcasts.and sct thcm t
lilKMly. Hc thcn procecded to kill scvcial moi
kcvs. wliom Iii tlfv.ii'iteli.i.i : i m . .
was grcat cxcitemcnr and abrm among tfic pcc'i
mastcrcd antl sccrircd. 1
HofSu's TELCGRAPl't. OFtl
wuuui.u ui uiiiiucn c rcinarKs inns:
T 1 ! i- V . !""
Housc s tclegrjph prints its communii ations t
thc ratc of 1P0 lcttcw n minutc. Bctwcen evoi .
two words is a dash, cud-beforc the opcratoris
rcglstcr by which he cart d'ctcct aiiy crror thc mt
nient it is madc. ,
HoiiscVTcIcgrapH is-cxreridiil!r rn'marivilir..i
tions, and is vpry popular cvcry wherc. Its Aian
agcrs lake pains lo aciomnioilmc tlic pcoplc, aif
to sccurc thc good will of cvcrv bodv. Wc hoiif
it will scncrallv suucrscdc . O..I. SnntJi's
IIoh-.-John P. ftnirics arrivcd at Covingtot
Ivy., (ui Thursdaj-, and was recctvcd witlfdil
tingui.-hcd honor. A largc pfocscssion w.-s fol
med at the Kcnton IIoilm;; aml- inovcd thenc
to thc McthodiM Church. Mr. John W. Sti
vcn-on, in bchalf ofthe citizcns, then add'rCsi
wl Major Gaines. tcnilcring him their conjra
ulatious and loulial welcoaie oA n retar
heiiiC. '
M.i! fZntnni 'l'- l'.i-aiV
thanks, i-poke al out an houraud a half, for
most part pnsoiitin: a narrativc of his-
.j. -..titi.- uiivi 11:1111 iiiic- ina xicnril
trance mto .Mcxkoi tlic ict6ries bf Gcftcn
He said vcrj- little of political matters'. I
rcgard to the war, hc le-avowcd thc opinio
itcclaix-d by him beforc he joincd thii ann;
that it wii Trthsfidlj1 brought abo,u"t by oi
Govcninicnt, nnoVhe n6w addeif rtaf,j?-j
miiii.tratioii wcrc qnite as icnsurahle for tl
nianncr of its prosectition as for its unjust or
gin. TJh! aruiy, hc kncw from pcrsonal ol
-crvatiort, had fnflcretl for want ot proiision;
li'iiiiliofif aml ilifir.-th iiiraiisoffnrrJsIiing a
which haV been xAmai il tnc hands of"th
l rcMiicnt by longrcss. f
Xot only had thn gallant soldicrs arScn
srcat pcn-onal privations owing totha lTeli'
tion offfuS Exccutivc, but thc war luwf Kct'
ai tually pro!ongcd and rcndercd inwh mor
bloody and disnMrous than it would olherwisi
have U'cn. Uad the Prcsiilcnt emulovwl tli
nipans at his disposal ii rcinforcing Gcn. S
( the?citv ofMc.tico Wonhl Iiave been rantun4
carlicr, r.nd in his njiiiiHin, with far "le.-s loA
I "l'Kfe than that a-tu:illv incurrctf from thcitf
1 ediciciicy ofthp AiIuiiiiiMralion.- L
I In thesc opiniofts rpfCclnig thc failurc c
the h.xecutie to furrtL-h pnnkions, miinitioif
and mcn 10 thi'.lrmv, and the iiu.nrnliil rc
-iiits ol sncli inclhcicncy, iilajor (Jaincs sar
t'H'n man in' thc aniiv. whntniT his tiKtn-i-!
f twlilictions. ciiiDhatic ilh- con nmtl will
. ' J :
I llllll.
Ile avowcil his lntenlinn to vote in Congres
lhc ampfot snpplics for the armv as loi a
the war lcgallv pxiMs; bnt he also avowcd.wit!1
grcat cmpliasis; us rfecisive detcrnunation t!
npj)rc the aiinexafion of any Mcxican tcrri I
tory tn llie l intcd Statcs, or thc incorjiorntiot j
of any portion ofthc pcoplo of Mexico wittfl
oir. rrl
He rcniarlcd that hc ncvcrfonndaMexicnili
in Mexico in iiu or of iicace with thc Unitcf'l
States, and hc had no hone of anv treaU I
iiirougn tnc instrumcntalitT ofMr. Tn.t. H
i .. . .1
lLincuinati Atlas. jl
Wele.inifioiii Grcat Falls that Bnrnham.'l
one ofthe icixns arrcstcd on susnicion oiil
haiiighccii i-ngat'cd in the murilcr ofFrce-'jl
man. h.is ttininl Statcs cvidcncc, aml tcitificdj
that Jrrccinaii was knockcd down and ftunncdJ
by LVhcr, robhcd and takcn to thc rivcr ani
helil undcr watcr bv the thn-i mcn wlm h.ivn I
undcr bv the thrce mc..
bccn iispccti-d nf tficcrinic, iz:himsclf,youiigi
Feniald aml (Mier.nntil lifc was extinct. LMi-.J
er w.is nrretcil on sasiiii-ion of bcing thc nmr- I
lercrof Parker, at Manchccr. Doctr ln-'
A Jfll fias bccn ilifroduccd into thc LanthAl
turc of ALiIkuii.1, thc ol jcct of which is to pnrj
vcnt the sepnration ofthc familics of ii-to-i.
and ta cxcmnt their sale bv 1pm1
motion was mailu to indcfinitclv liostiwnc thoS
l.tll I .- .... . I i i 1
bill, but was lost bva larc nuiioritv.
Mr. Lownc, of whoso tcrriblc dcath, inthcjH
PI.Ti, ...... Cir...J . e .tP
I wi.i.iv-i. i.'vu.-, ui; V1IUI.U illl ULI.OU111 ITlJIll II1C
It - t-i .
r-nsiiMi papcrs. was a son ot th llon. w.
Lowrie, l'or tnanj- ycars Secrctary ofthc U. S.
Scnstc, and a sraduatc ofthc Pnnccton Scm-
inarj-. lie mam'ed a dauuhtcr of thc latc S. i
Bovd.Escj. ofthc Xew York Board, and wcnt fi
to jm.ia in thc scrvicc of thc Presbj-tcnan, I
uim oi .uiiuii.
...... rt ... . j
TI' Mthtary Cominittcc of the Senafc, re-f.
I' a bl" ? fuw daJ's aSi r adding ten
r? , ": ' , ",u prescni iwcatyvc rcgimcnts T
-r I r. . , 1 . .
nltcu Statcs, rcgular and voluntccr, will a-
"'",,,u ' ?n, seveniy thousand men,
latacostofnulhonsof moncy. which it is at
Pcnt impossiblc tocstimatend all to -nndU
catc tbe personal consistcncv ol" l'ri-sidpiit
Polk. The ruinous conscnuences of this ilU
starred Mexican war are now ranidlv annron.
chiirg a jioint wliich the most blind.ed fuUower
of jiartj-will bc unable to extenuatc or ui
Watcbixo Cattle. Manv finners snfTcrn
loss bv not providin-r cooil ouJ conrcnient w-jicp
for thcir cattlc. An animal that is couipcllcd to
go half a milc ovcr u slippery road, and rhascd
crliaps bv ilogs. cannot gain m llesh by thc op-
cration. Jfa cow has to travcl twicc adaY half a
milc to watcr, and rctum, shc travobt two miloi a
d.ty ; or tcn cows pcrfom twcnty miles of trarel
in per day, and two thousand miles each wintcr.
icjrTf ? iT..,t fnn nnn w tiinn n.
i i ..i t ..ul .

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