OCR Interpretation

The evening times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, August 27, 1895, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1895-08-27/ed-1/seq-7/

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." - r-
, -r - ?&
One Gen!
One Cent &
Jondtcrtiscment lesi than 10
One Cent &
No advertisement less than 10
One Gent vffi
One Gent
One Gent .
No advertisement toss than 10s
One Cent &
XoadrtrtUemjntUji than lOj.
; .. a.
Nordxertrseiscnt less than 1 0.
foadvartlssmenllpsi than lOj.
No advertisement lew than 10s-
j,p jr?' il?S?9 '-tsr.St -i
Gerge W WnllL-r. petitioner, vs. Abby K.
Walter, ri-spondent.
On motion of the petitioner, by Jamev
T. Hunter, Ills solicitor, .It is ordered this
15h da) or August, A. D. ISM, that the
defendant. Abby K. Walter, cause bcr ap
pearance to be enleretl herein on or be
fore the first rule day occurring fnrtj days
arter ll.b day; otherwise the cause will
be proceeded with as In case of default.
Tl.c eil'jixt of this suit is that the enrf--trac.
of marriage between the partlts
ticrem be dissolved. It is n.rtber ordered
thai this order shall be published in the
Washington Law KeporU-r and The Wash
ington Times for three sue-ce'sslie weeks.
lly the court. CIIAS. C.'COLE.
. Associate Justice, etc.
A true copy. Test:
J. U. iOUNG, Clerk.
By L. I. Williams, Assistant Cleric.
Filed August .17, 1895". J. U. Young,
The 17th day of August, 1895.
Stewart E. Shepherd vs. Man'le C Shep
herd. No. 16,658. Docket 39.
On irotion of the plaintiff, by i'r. Sam
uel 1). Trtiltt, bis solicitor, it is ordered
that defti ilant, Mamie C. Shepherd, caute
her appearance to be ci.tored ticrelii on or
tttfore the first rule da occurring forty
days after this da ; otherwise the cause
will Us proceeded witb as in case of de
fault. The object of this suit Is for absolute
divorce on the ground of desertion. This
order to bo published in the Wa&hingtou
Law Reporter and the Washington Times,
as required by rule of court.
By the Court.
CIIAS. C. COLE, Areo. Justice.
STJMEIER Bnanlcrs RaJcigh will v
open until October 1. Plenty of oys
ters and crabs. S. L. UALEUiH. KIdge,
Mil. nu27-12t
SWAN'S Summer Resort Open for
fishing partes and families until Octo
ber 15. Boats furnished free. Three daily
meals in the house. Rates, $1 per day, $6
per week. Apply to J. T. 8WANN, post
nusfr. Piney I'ouit, Md. 26 2t
JOHNSON HOTJSE- Colonial Bacb.
on wavr front; terms reasonable. 6i
cjal rals to parties. Address Mrs. U. E.
POTOMAC BAY A ncv place op
posite ilkcr&on b, beautifully located
forsunuuer boarding; boating, liathing. fish
ing, etc ; tab'c abundantiv furnished; terms
low. C O WILKERSON. Trop ,
jy30-lmo Colonial Beach, Va.
WOODIjAWNi Rockvllle. Md ; witb
all moJern conveniences; lighted svith
fas. baths, eto.: large rooms and Bhaded
lawns; terms moderate; $1 50 per day, $7
to S10 per week. MRS M J COLLET
$1,500 in hand for Immediate loan
at 0 per cent, on U.i'-hlUKtoii city real
estate; no delay S M. JuNEis, 510 loth
st nw aug26 3t
H. K. FULTON'S Lotn Ofrice. 1218
l'a ave nw Established in 1870.
Money loaned on watches, diamonds. Jew
elry, silverware, etc. Sjieoal bargains in
vatehea. Jewelry, and silverware uu20-6m
NO COItTailSSION 5100,000 'to
loan in tit all cunib on ii nallmeiit plan,
ot lei,-, thin 6 per cent J T. H HALL,
721 iri.'i st nw , Agent Granite. State
Provident Association tf
MONEY to loan on bonds, stocks, tiusts,
lean association ceitificatcs, and old
tine life insuiaiicc policies; no delay.
40 tu 40 M'lzeiuttHldg
BIONEY TO LOAN-In large sumi,
or as low as s-l.Ouo.at 5 and 6 per
cent on U C real estate; also S250, $500,
1760, etc. ,at 6 per cent WAl A SAUN
DERS & CO , 1407 r St. tf
MONEY to loan at 5 and 6 per cent.,
on Uistiict of Columbia realty; so
delay if sccunty is satisfactory.
WALTER H. ACKER. 704 14tb nw
MENTS" Head this booklet carefully
before borrowing or invcslSn g: call and get
a copy free. B H WARNER & CO . 918
P st. nw. m2S-3mo
HON El TO LOAN All classes of teat
(sstate loans nude with promptness at cur
rent ratos. THE McLACHLEN REAL
Eer lOtb and (J meets nw. taVU
r rf 'r ct lune 28 itv
man S'.tei'Jit, Jhnias, bmoklnc. ana Otnnr.
Tstlon Cars llarrisburg to Chicago, Cinclo.
nstl, Icdianspolis, bt. Loalj, Cleveland, auj
'Jo;eda llulfet Parlor Car to lisnisburc.
JCJOAM FAST LINE. I'ullmaa Buffet Pr.
lor tar to Harrisburir l'arlor anj Dntlaf
Cars, llarrisburff to Pitt3burg.
rullmun EuflHt Parlor Car ta Uarrlsburj.
Sleepics and Dining Cars, llarrisburs to it.
Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Chicago.
51ee Ing Car to Chicago, and liarrlsbnrf tj
Cleveland Dining Car to Chicago
UtP. M. tOUTII-WLSTElur EXPJtESa-rull.
man bleeping and Dining Cars to bt. Louis,
and Sleeping Car liarrisburg to Cincinnati.
rC-iOP. JL PACIUCEi.PREb!-PuUminbIej.
lag Car to Pittsburg.
5X0 A M for hann. canandalgua, Rochester,
and Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday.
20 IDA. M. lor Einilra and KenoTS, dally, oxrept
Sunday ror illiamsporJ dally, 3 40 P. L
!.:il'. JI fur H UHainsport, Uoehester, Buffalo,
and Mikgara 1-alls dally, except baturday,
with sleeping car ashlogton to Suspension
Bridge vlaBuSala
;c 0 P. ."'I. for trie, Cannndaigua, Rochester,
Buffalo, and Niagara Falls dally; sleeping
car W ashlugton to Llmlra.
Iirl'hilaJeip.iIa. .cu n-'c. rnd I'll 5Snt.
Parlor Cars, with D nlng Car from Balti
more, for New Yorf daily, for PMladelpal
neek-daya Regular at 7 03 (Dining Car),
5 SO. 9 00, 10J (Dining Car), and 11-00 (Din.
(ng Car) a m., 22 1 j, 3.13, 4H, 6 40, lO-OO, and
31 ESp ui On Eanday. 7:03 (Dining Car).
!i0, W. UJ03 (Dining Car) a. m.. Ii 13, 3 13,
i0.CJU, lOOO.and J1.33 p. m. For Phila
delphia only. Fast Express 7 23 a. m. weot
daya Express, 01 and S Op m. dally.
Tcr Boston, without change, 75J a. in. week
days, and 3 15 p ra. dally
Jcr Baltimore, C-23, 73, :3a, :), s-00,
10 00, 10S1, II-0J. and 115 a m., 12.15,
111, 2.13, J , ti Limited), 4-A), 4JA, S 43,
ISO. 6-40, 7:10, 1003, 10-40. 11-15, and 11.-S1
t. m. On Sunday, 7i, 70, 9S0, 9.-03,
:0XO,llM)a. in., W15, 1.11, i.Dl. 3.13.3-40 (1.0J
Limited), 420, a 40, R03, i (0. 7.10, 10:00, U U,
and lia3 p. o.
or Popes Creek Line. T-50 a. m. and 43 p il
daily, except bunday.
Jcr Annapolis, 7.M and 0OJ a. m., 12 13 and 1 !1
p. nu daily, except Eunday. Snadays, 9 Ji
a, m. and 4-JS p. m,
Atlantla Coast Line. Express f or ltichmonl,
.'acksonville, and Tampa, 4.3U a. m., MO p. m.
daily. Richmond and Atlanta. 6 40 p. m. dally.
Richmond only, IC-i7 a. m. weex daya
Accommodation for Quantlco, 7:43 a. ra. dally,
and 4:23 p ra. week-daya
Jcr Alexandria. 4.30. CSX 7:43, S.IO. 9H3. 10 17
51J0 a. ra.. 1JJK). 1.111, 350,4-3, iM, 3J7. 6 11
SH2, 10:10, and 1129 p ra. On Sun Jay at L I),
7.45. 9.43 a. in , 2.13. b.15, 8.1, and 10 10 p. in,
Zcave Alexandria for Washington, 6.-05, 6 43,7:3),
8-C0.II-.1O. 10.13, 10-83 n. m., 1-00, 2:13, 3-00, 3!l
t.C0, 530 6 13. 70, 7:30, 9.10. 10.52. and Il-OS p.
in. On Sunday at 6 43, 9.11), 10.23 a. ra., li,
UO, 7H0. 7.20, a JO, and 10.3.! p. m,
Seashore Connections.
Tot Atlantic CJ'y, S (Saturday! only), 10.-01,
11 00 a. in. cot days, 1213 and ll.il a. m.
Jcr Cape May, 10.00 a. m., Caturdays only),
lrJ5 p. m. week days, and 113 p. m. daily.
"i Icket offices, northeast coi ner of lltttstreat
nl Pennsylvania Avenue, and at tho station
Clxth and B btreeta, when orders can b left tot
the checking of biggaf o to destination (roa
kotelsand rMldcw.es,
.ii. pkevost. j.rt.tvooa
turi Manager, facneraj Pi mnr iff
WANTED-MIwi1"'! genu' furnish
4ns department. TUE BON MARCIIE.
WANTED-Four energetic gentlemen
to camacs Industrial Insurance; bring
reference; exiierlcnce not necessary. WM.
A. BENNETT, Gen. Bupt., 005 V st. nw..
au27 6t
"WANTED Two men to take orders.
Apply -155 C st. hk, bet. 6 and 7p. in.
WANTED-A few experienced bundle
v rappers; none with lesstbanone year's
experience need apply. Apply between
8 and S:30 In the morning. ISAAC GANS,
Manager Lamburg Bros. It
WAHTED-Cy "f gd address, be
tween 14 and 10, to loam trade. FEHL
I1CUO & CO.. 1 009 M st.nw. It
"WANTED Experienced tile setters.
Apply JOHN HAEDLlNfi'S, 1331 P
St. nw. It
WANTED-Two good buffers on chan
delier work-. ELMElt II. CATL1N &
CO., Central Power Station. It
WANTED-A Iwy w ltll a bicycle Ap
10J Center Market. It -
WANTED-Stout lwy as helper to
carriage blacksmith; oue not afraid
of worlc 1527 7lh st. nw. au26-2t
WANTED-Kprescniati e for the La
Floriana Cigar Co ; enclose $2.25;
samples forwarded; references required.
Orfice, 309. 311 Market St., Philadelphia.
BUYER Lady as buyer; hosiery and
uuuerw car; state experience and salary
Address Box 9, Times Office. au27-2t
WANTED Middle"-aged white woman
cook, near city; name and residence.
Address SUBURB, this office. 3t-tu lliusat
WANTED-Young colored girl. Just
from the country, to assist in light
housework. 124 D st. ne. It
WANTEDrColliri'l1 woman forgeneral
liuurework;-'call before 7- p m. 700
4th st. ue. ou27-2t
WANTED-A girl, cook and general
housework. Apply No. 1920 Ta. ae.
aw. auu2C 31
WANTED-Man and ife; man to
drie and attend dining room; woman
to cook, wash and Irou; reference required.
1735 I' st. 7-.
WANTED-Specialty people for
small variety show. Address J. L. R.,
this office. au26-3t
fit tor old and joung, $1,000. Cost
$1. 10 a mouth. No assessments. Money
liuuedmeiubers;6perce'nt. Eas pajnieiHs.
Ladies taken. Mutual I'eneficlal Asso
ciaUon. JOSIAII RYLAND, JR., Presi
dent (Second Auditor ot Virginia), Rich
mond. llrjiKllTjflicu.SlG 12uist. nw.
WANTED-Bmlth Piemier Typo
wilter uierators and stenographers
dliected to positions. Operators de
siting to familiarize themselies with new
No. 2 Smith 1'iemicr Tjpowriter call
CO.. No 1416 T et. nw. jy31-tf
81tt;axions wasteii-malb.
WANTED-By a colored man, iioel
tion as driver of a delivery or making
himself useful around a store. Address
710 23d tl. nw P. JONES. 27 2t
WANTED-" young man desires place
drrwug. tuch as private, or grocery,
market, coulraetur.ele ;good care of hones.
Calloraddres J. IIA.MEs, GOB b St. nw.
au 27-1 1
WANTED-By a oung man, a place
to wait or ilrle in prlate family:
knows the care or horse,; thoroughly. Call
or address J E. S No. 18J4 I lorida ?"
ow aug26-2t
WANTED A 'situation as Janitor or
sick nurse. halng had four jo.-irs' ex
perietio' at a Ji'pensary; understands ad
ministering medicines and dressing wounds;
will accept a po-Jtion as porter, rtner, or
butler; first-class refs. Address C, 1452
T st. nw It
WANTED-Dy young man, 20. clerical
or similar position; ref and bond If
necessary Address A. W. I) , tills office
WANTED family washing to do at
boine. Aadtvssl30115thuw. It
W ANTED Colored girl wants general
housework HELEN JANES, 101 Cor
:oran St.. Ivy City. It
JTANTED-Uf- reliaWe colored wo
man, iwsilion as cook in pmate family.
Appl No. 3Chefctercourt nw. It
WANTED Hi' conipcte-ut dressmaker
fen- engagements by the day or would
take work home. Address A. C, this
office. auJC-3t
PARTY desires loan of $50.C0; will
be billing to rent nice room to loaner
and take anie out in Imard in nice house In
nw. section. Answer R. 8. T., Time- Office.
WANTED at once, heavy one-horse
wagon, suitable rnr fi-ed business; slate
lowest cash price. Address It. P., tills
office. ntU27-3t
WANTED-To buy a bicycle on miall
monthly payments. Call after 4
o'clock. C13 Dili st. se. au 27-2t
WANTED-T" purchase good morn
ing ueutpapcr route. Answer A.,
this office. It
WANTED-By man and ifc, place to
takeeh.irBeoffjrmjgoodrefs. Address
THANK WARD, 3G N st. se. au27-3t
WantedTry Rubber Roof Paint,
And charge only for painting: work gnarnnt esl
NAT. llbBBMt ROOF PAINT CO. 1023 Sta nw
518 9 st nw str A. iSOG E st nir, 31
dwc.il r .173 00 Coor,2r. fiOOO
1234 31ass. av. nw. OI K sw, ml, 7r... 19 00
m 1 . 10 rs 101 01 1313 i st nw,ml,9rs 18 CO
17M p nw,m 1, 13r. C7 60,433 9th nw, 2d fir
319 Onw. ral,13r Ci 13 2r 16 00
1120 9th nw,ml,i;r 60 SO 110. Muss, avo nw,
1708I.nw,ml,l2r.. 50 53 ml,5r ... 15.50
804 K nw, m 1. llr. 50 00,1153 19th nw.fir... 13 40
2030 G nw, m i,13r. 50 00 iXM 7th n w, 6r.... 15 30
813 5 st nw ml.lirs 15 CO.COS WhltneT ave.
910 12th nw,ml,12r 40 00 nw,7r. 15 00
1422&ldnw,ml,10r 35 53 CorSA Grant nw,
4i M nw. m I, br S3 00 mt. 2d D, Irs.... 15 00
204 D nw, m I, lOr 3; 50 3 bcott ave nw, 6r 15 00
920RIatonw.ini, 213 m nw, 1st fir
lOrs . 32 50 2r 15 00
910 9 st nw, str & 11004 N J ave nw.Gr 14 00
dwg,5rs v 20 50 311 13th sw, Or..... 11 00
S:C3 O nw, m 1. 8r. 7 50,223 Oak st nw,m 1,
231 2d nw, m L 7r. 25 39 7rs 13 50
1733 9th nw, ml, UJSlDsw.Sr 13 80
8rs 23 17,31014th sw, 5r.... 13 30
1510 Columbia st 713 Grant avnwr 13 SO
nw. mi.fr 23 30 633Lse,5r 12 80
1740 6thnw,ml,7rS2 50 635 Lse,3r 12 50
453 1st se, m I. 7r SI 50 6 Scott ave nw, 5r. 12 S3
213 II ne, m 1, 7r. 21 00 2508 0th nw. 6r.... 18 00
IGOi B ne, mi,7r. 20 42 1330 B ne, 6r 1100
803 Pla av nw.m 1, ,638 Sumner st nw,
7r. 20 40. Sr 10 50
11 u M,rrmt... so no 119 Beeves st nw.
1112 T nw, m t, dr. 80 30
1213 5th st. nw,
mL, Cr. S3 00
5 ra 10 30
Hear 227 14th aw.
sr 10 SO
504 iii st sw, str.
mithnc,6r..... 10 09
anddwgSr. 20 DO 2135 9th nw, 5r 10 00
Uartlordst South
" BrooUand,5r.. 10 00
513.9th nw, store i50I4L st aw, str
anddwlg,21r..$173 00 idwg, 5rs. fiO 00
910 9th st nwtoro -J1S13 14th st nw....$15 50
dweUIsg, It.. 30 50,33207th st nw..... 8 00
9079th stnw. ... 25 00
103 Draper's alley tBear.319 C nw....$10 00
sw 118 COlRearl31313thnw. 10 09
132615th nw 10 00
A. S. CATWOOD, 533 9th St. nw.
FOB SEN T Desirable corner bouse;
reduced from $30 to $24.50: 0 room
and bath; concreted cellar; all m. 1.; ne.
cor.-ytb and A it, se. labutre at 808 N. C.
are. ee.
-' an25-3t
FOB RENT Two-story brick stable
lu -Hide alley; rear of Net. 427 New York
ae: $7i per month. uug26-2t
FOR RENT 221 A fct. se., 3-story
brick; 11 rooms and cellar; very rea
sonable. Apply II. O. 10WLC3, 1007
Pa. ave. au27-3t
FOR RENT 512; excellent 0-nn. and
cllar house n It li deep lot ami stable; ou
car line; 2918 7th st. uv.,. J. CHESTER,
Room 19, Laurence bide;., G15 14th St.
$100-1222 D St. nw.; 15-r. brick; a,
. m. 1. C. T. YODER.015 Est, uw.
84Z.50-120 E st. nw.; 1 1 r , a. m. 1.
C. T. YODER, G15 E st uw.
S3Z.GO 314 to 320 N. O. ave. se ; 9r.
a. m 1.; new.
0. T. TonCR. file E st. nw.
S3500-1420 uth st. nw., sr. b.; m L
O. T. YODEB. SIB E St. nw
GENTLEMAN can liave room, with
board, in privato family; $1 per week.
G30 H tt. sw. 27-3t
FOR RENT 1221 11th st. nw., three
delightful rooms, fur. or unfur.; one
on secoiiil floor, near bath; two on third,
communicating; m. I., central location,
and terms very reasonable. 1 1
ROOMS Furnished; 027 N. Y. nve.;
soutti front; a. m. I.; pleasant location.
FOR RENT 21S Olb st. aw., near II,
large neatly fur. front parlor; bay win
dow, folding lied, heat, gas, and bath;
al-so oilier rooms. au27-7t
FOR RENT At Mount Vernon Plata.
ouo halt flat, consisting of two unfui-
nlslid rooms; all mod. Imps.; price, $20
Apply to rleiator. 20 3t
FOR RENT Ki-coiHl flmir. four rooms:
bath on the same floor; rooms are
pleasant uikI central; terms reasonable.
628 I st. ii w. nu2B-3t
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms
on third floor; all e-oiue'Meiiees; newly
papeird and painte-d: Unlit liousekeeplug;
$12permoiith 121 lDlhst nw. an27j-:tt
FOR RENT At 725 1.1th st. nw..
fur. or unrur., 1 large 3d-stnry front
room '.otnmunlrtitlng with smaller, single
oreu euile-;also handsome back parlor; con-
enl nt to Treasurj-, War Dept., .ind ;t car
lines. au25-3t
FOR RENT 606 3d St., near Tension
Offlce.l 1-room, baywndowbrltkhoiisc;
mod imp.: Ke-y 614 3d at. nw. an25 3t
FOR RENT 903 8tb st. nw, front
bay window rooms, first and second
floor; au25-.1t
FOR RENT Two large uufur. rooms,
second floor. 1753 Seaton st. au27-5t
FOR RENT Fur. room, second floor;
S7 ior month. lauts T st. nw. au5-a
FOR RENT Three rooniB on Eecond
floor, nicely fur.; suitable for light house
keeping; rent reasonable, good location.
2106 G Et. nw. au24-4t
FOR RENT Handsome rosewood fur
nished room for rent cheap. 722 11th
st. nw. au23-7t
WANTED-Three unfurnished rooms
on 2d floor, with heat anilgas, by the 1st
of month; n". preferred: not to exceed Slo.
AddrrbsPnOMrTPAY.thlsofflce. It
FOR RENT 1217 K st. nw., beautiful
furnished rooms, single or en suite, with
first-class board: location delightful; refs.
required; no children taken. au22-7t
FOR RENT Front dining room and
kitchen; large pantry; closet; eery
rom cnlcncc; good location for table board
ers; close to Pension ami Printing Offices
Call arter 4 pm. 524 1st st. nw.
FOR RENT Unfur., entire floor of 3
large rooms; beat, gas, bath; no other
roomers: 3 lines of cars. 806 K st. iiw
Mt. Vernon Place. ati27-3t
FOR RENT Light housekeeping, 2
large rooms, front and back; first floor;
Mr. complete; witb uso ot kitchen and
cooking utensils and dishes; gas, bath, re
frigerator and sewing machine; $16 per mo.
301 loth st. sw., near Smithsonian.
FOR RENT One delightful fur. front
room. 803 8th st nw. au24-3t
GOOD BOOMS and excellent Board
at THE TEMPLE, 207 Pa. ave. nw.;
$4 CO per week. aug21-7t
XOZ7 22d st. nw. For rent Large fur.
or unfur. room, with bay window;
reasonable rates. au24-7t
LOST Saturday evenlnggolng from 1 1th
and P streets to 8th and N nw., gold
breast-pin; large tiger eye, pearls around
ieL Return to 1010 P Bt. nw., and receive
reward. an27
LOST A partially executed deed from
Jobn L. Joyce and others to James E.
Chapman. The finder will be rewarded
by returning same to CHARLES G. THORN,
1213 F st. nw. au27-2t
LOST A moonstone ring; left on sta
tionary basin In toilet-room or Wood
ward & Lotbrop'g. Reward it returned
to superintendents desk In said store, it
LOST Aug. 23. 1895. unset Mexican
opal; probably lost on F St.. bet. 6th and
Tin ats nw.; $5 reward If returned to 27
SUi at. ne. au26-3c
YOU'LL l a I urtlrtl eaf liUiliid the
age It you don'D call and get one of
those elegant custom-made suits, the "least
bit" worn, at the Ibwest price ever heard
Ol . duoi a a jin .r, o u ot. ,i m ,
MASSAGE ani1 eltttrle treatment by
Mrs. Lewis. Hours from 0 a. m. to 9
p. m. 702 9lhst. QW. au22-7t
PLACE)" orderat WHITNEY'S, 471
Pa ave. nw., for pure old elder vinegar
and -a . your pickles aul8-10t
THE Wonderful Remedy. Cancers
cured without knife, pain, or pay
until cured: also carbuncles, piles, dropsy,
by Prof. 11ARTIN RILEY, 467 Pa ave
nw. anB-lmo
J T. WALKER SONS. 204 lOtbst. nw..
carpet lining, felts, fire brick and cloy,
asliestoa. paints, brushes, lime, cement, two
and three-ply roofing matertaL apr21-tf
PROF. CLAT. oldest established ad
vertising clairvoyant, medium and for
tune teller in Ibis city, removes all your
troubles; tell from cradle to crave; ad
vice on business, love affairs, loanea or
matrimonial adventures; unitea separated
and causes speedy marriage, with one you
love by proper advice. Call and be con
vinced tbat I can work a case quicker
than any medium you ever met Fee. 53
cent. Hours, 10 to 9; open Bunday.
489 H at., bet. 41-2 and 6tb at aw.
WE'Hi push through though the heav
ens fall," aid do It by felling elegant
suits, custom" made, tbe "least bit worn,"
at prices that can't help but cult you.
JUSTH'8 OLD BTAND,010Dst.nw.
clalnoyant and business medium. Pri
vate sittings dally; htisincoa examinations
aspeciulty. 1911Pa.ave. au2J-7t
MME. ESTELLE tells aU the
events ot life in Herman "and English;
hours. 9 a. ra. to 10 p m.; 2s mid BO
cents; curea all cases of running or dry
seres B13 19th at. nw. Je291m
LADIES ni-sding confidential treat
ment. A safe and sure relief In all
female trouble, constipation. Irregulari
ties, tumor, cancer, opium habit, ristuin,
etc. deparate looms foy patlaM before
and during confinement, and find hnines
for Infants if required. Strictly vonfiden
tlal MRS.DR RENNER, 16 Fourth su no.
near E. Capitol st . Waahirgton, D. O.
MANICURING chiropodist by Mrs.
E. C. Curtis Special terms to ladlea
Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p m 702 9th
st- nw. au22-7t
bined circulation is
by far the largest of
any paper in Wasn-,
ington. The results
of an advertisement
are naturally in pro
portion to Ihe circu
lation.,,. .- '
;Want ads,. ar.e, .in
serted Mn both Morn
ing and Evening edi
tions for the same
Times want ads.
bring certain results.
EGYPTIAN Gypsy Seventh daugh
ter of the seventh generation: she can
take off spells and cause to marry, as well
as tell you the pastanu future: persons call
nir at the tent next to railroad, will ask for
Take Ecklngtou and Beildlers' Home
cars. aug26-7t
MME. BROOKE tolls all the events
or lire; all business confidential; ladles
and gentlemen, 50 cents each; hours 9 a.
m. to 9 p. in. 605 New York avenue
northwest, near Sixth street. au27-14t
DR. TAYLOR. 90G F st. nw., makes
full sets of teeth for $5; satisfaction guar
anteed; teeth extracted without pain;
gold filling. $1: amalgam. 50c. jel3-3m
CLEARING Sale Will go 1804 7th
and S sts. nw. Bargains In Oils,
Paints and Stains. Calsouilncs. YOUNG
& CO.. Paint Store. 714 K au21-6t
IF you have rheumatism or neuralgia
inquire aboutYlUettc's 4 Oi!s.Druggisu'.
THE "3 DAYS" CUKE For men.
This remedy cures In 3 days or no
charge. Consultatlbn' free. DR. McEEE-
HAN. 716 12th St. nw. Jyl6-lmo
FOR RENT Store No. 51 M st. sw,
wltu5-room dwertrog.$12 60 per month;
also 2 new 9-room honf-es No 35 and 37 S
uw., 525 per month, cNj). 632 15th st. ne..
S15 50 per month. F. X Dieudonne, Room
23, Ohio National Bank' Building, au25-3t
FOR SALE Hprse.i suitable for light
business orJtHiggy;. kind and sound;
$75; owner will place $5,000 fire in
surance -with purchasbf.' Address BROWN
HORSE, this offlcef'r au25-3t
EUREKA Carpet Cleaning Co. will
clean your carpet, by scrubbing pro
tess; takes out all grease, dirt and stains;
also portieres cleaned. Address postal
4 1-2 st and Maine ave. sw. au27-7t
S25 ror position as conductor on Wash
ington aqd Georgetown or MetroiKill
tan Railroad. Address WILL, this ofrice.
i It
USE "Indian Forest Salve for Erup
tions." For sale by all druggists.
. - au25-3t
WE don't care to,do "cheap" "slop
printing, and most" everybody knows
,lt and they know we don't care who knows
1L Prices right M.r W. MOORE, Gen.
;MaG., Law Reporter Company, 518 5th
st. nw. - au22
'JUST RECEIVED Fine lot young Ctt
I baa panrts, guaranteed to talk; also
xnenkeys, cat arlcs mocking birds, gold
!flan, dogs, and fancy, pigeons. BCHMID'S,
712 12ib-at.vw... branch izai Pa, ava
i mylO-tt'- ' " " '
ATTENTION Bricklayers! There
will be a special meeting MONDAY,
August 26, 1895, at Hall. Sevcntb and L
streets northwest, at 8 o'clock- p. m.
Etery member, is requested to be present;
business of importance. By order of tbe
union, W. L. LEVI, President; C. C.
1IES3LER. Recording Secretary. aug21-2
BAKERS' DRIVERS There will lie
a special meeting of L. A. No. 1046 , K.
of L., ou Monday evening, August 26,
189S, at G p. m. sharp, to make final
arrangements for Labor Day.
au25-.lt Seal, fly Order cf Com.
SPECIAL to Table Boarderi Mesara
Duffy & Leonnarda, proprietors of
"Tho American House," corner Pennsyl
vania avenue and Seventh street, beg to
announce to tbe public generally tbat they
are now Fcrvlnc tbe best table board In tbe
city, from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m., at tbe
following reduced prices; 3 meals per day,
S20; 2 meals per day, $15 per month.
Particular attention given ladles
THERE will be a meeting of all union
liartiers at Tbe Times Building Tues
day evening, AugiiBt 27. By order of
BOYCE and J. E. WILLIAMS. nu26-2t
PRACTICAL printer owning small
modern printing outfit, sufllclcnt
display and body type to ret f mall 8-page
weekly, and for Jobbing purposes, with
preis not f mailer than 8x12, can make very
advantageous arrangement with adver
tisers. Address PERMANENT, this office.
FOR SALE Thriving milk lunch busi
ness, near F st., bet. 9tli and 13th: low
rent; steady ruu; cheap. B. M. JONES,
510 10th st.nw. 27 3t
FOR SALE-A cigar and news stand,
doing a good business; good reason for
selling. Cill.itOOt l-210tli8t.nw. au27-2t
"WANTED Coffee mill for grocery
fitore. small and cheap. Addrcvs.1. W.R.,
this office. aiiK2G-3t
gentle-man, 20 e-ars' experience State
fairs, will handle (Specialties on commis
sion and cxpense-s. Addrcsi A HUSTLER,
Anacostia. D. C. au25-3t
PERSONS desirous of disposing of their
buslne-ss plaee-s can have purchasers pro
cured without any publicity: ail business
confidential; charges moderate. T.O.AN
DERSON & CO.. Real Estate and Business
Exchange, 907 G st. nw.
Property. Orrice or Building Tor Li
brary or Congress, 145 East Capitol St.,
Washington, D. C, August 23, 1895.
Hoisting engines, derricks, rigging, tem
porary buildings, fence', old tools and im
plements, scrap iron and copper, old tim
ber and other old articles and materials
will be sold at public auction on the
premises or the Building for Library or
Congres. In this city, on Tuesday, the third
day of September, 1893, at 10 o'clock a.
m. The material may be seen at the bulld
lngandscbcdulesobtained on application to
the auctioneers or this office. BERNARD
R. GREEN. Superintendent and Engineer.
RATCLIFI'E, SUTTON & CO., Auctioneers.
au23-4-6-7-8 se2
TIONEERS. 1229 AND 1231 G
By virtue of a deed of trust dated May
9, 1S95, and recorded In Liber 2011,
folio 34C, ct seq , or tbe Land Records
or the District or Columbia, and at the re
quest or the party secured thereby, we will
pell at public auction. In front or tbe prem
ises, on THURSDAY, 8EPTEMBER 5. A.
D. 1895, at 5 o'clock p. m , all those cer
tain plecesor parrels of land known and dis
tinguisbeel as parts of lots 13 and 14, in
Daniel Shanahan's subdivision of lots In
square 775. as per plat recorded In Liber
"W. F.," folio 46, or the records or the
office of tbe Surveyor of the District of
Columbia, beginning at the southwest cor
ner of said lot 13 and running tbence north
on Third street 44 feet 2 inches, thence
east 33 feet to the cast line line of said lot
14, tbence south on said line 44 feet 2
inches to the southeast corner of said lot
14, thence west 33 feet to the place of be
ginning, the same being sold together with
tbe Improvements.
This property will be sold, however,
subject to a prior deed of trust for $1,00
to secure the Old Dominion Building and
Loan Association, or Richmond, Va., full
particulars of which will be made known
at time of sale.
TERMS All cash over and above the
amount of said prior Incumbrance. A de
posit of $50 will be required at time of
sale. All conveyancing and recording at
purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be com
piled with wltblnlten (10) days from date
of sale; In default of wblcb trustees re
serve tbe right-to resell at risk and cost of
defaulting purchaser, after such notice as
the trustees may deem proper.
L. D. YARRLLL, Attorney for Beneficiary,
505 E street northwest. au24-10t
Defoe's Opinion of Himself.
Defoe expected bis fame to rest on his
poetical writings, which form the buuror
his work, and did not appear to attach much
Imnortance to Robinson Crusoe -Ban Fran
cisco Bulletin. - - - - . ,
TWO delivery wagons of the Bon Ma rcbe.
Can be teen at the Rex Stable, E LeuC and 7.
FOB SALE Three-quarter top Iniggy,
Cattery make, S35; one no top buggy,
good us new, $25; nice roan mare; bar
caln 624 K st. nw. au27-3t
FOR SALE tx5 box camera, complete;
chemicals, tripod, plates, eta. all for
$15 cash. After 4 o'clock. 108 2d st. nw.
FOR SALE 2-seated Dayton wagon.
1740 Mass. ave. nw. au25-5t
FOR SALE Barroom for rale; $250
cash. Address "WEEK," this office.
FOR SALE Good delivery wagon,
horse and harness for $75 on monthly
payments. Call 437 Uth St. uw. au27-3t
FOR SALE Bargain; fine sajt water
front; 50 acres iie-arNewportNews, Va.
Address E. B. BACKUS, High Point. N. C
dog. Apply21011tlist-nw. au27-lt
FOR SALE Three-burner gatollne
stove, latest Improved; not uteri three
months; cost price, $21; $10. Apply 1413
G St. nw. au27-3t
FOR SALE Luucli room; satisfactory
reasons given; full particulars upon
application to owner. Address "REA
SON," this office. au27-3t
In ths "Lion's" Den.
"Come, hurry up, Joe," said Tom Bently
to his younger brother. "Thesun'g niosian
hour high and we'e got to go oter the di-
ide beroro we'll find any game It's all
been scared away from this side."
"All right.Tom, I'm Just putting up some
lunch. We'll likely want it before we get
back," replied Joe.
The two boys, aged respectively 17 and
10, were tbe sonsor John Bently, the" work
ing boss" or my gang or miners, whose
boarding cabin was situated well up in the
Rocky Mountains, about three miles above
Georgetown, CoL They were going out for
a day's bunting, and as both We-re fairly
good shots they expected to bag an elk or
a black-tailed deer, or perhaps better still,
one of those exceedingly wary creatures,
the mountain sheep.
For hours the hardy joucg fellows toJwl
steadily on and up, over or around rocky
bluffs and through intervening gulclie-s,
until at last, far above the timbt r line, they
reached tiie summit of the "divide" aoel be
gan to tread the ravines and climb over
the billowy bias of the Pacific slope, but as
yet without see-ing a sign of game.
By uoon the'y had got ouee mure lie-low
tbe re'glon or eternal snow and among
a eeattered, but gradually thickening
growth or pine, spruce, hemlock, and
poplar, while on ciery sheltered spot
between the giant bowlders were luxu
riant patches or .srass and blooming
"We'd lietter take dbiner now," ob
served Tom, as they sealed thcnisclies by
a bubblins sprirg "We'll rind game be
fore long and we won't want to stop
Each or tbe boys carried a good Win
chester rifle and a bunting-knife They
were terribly expert lu the use of lntb,and,
with the darUis impetuosity of youth,
neither would hare hesllated to attack any
thing In the shajw of a wild beast.
Nowone who knows nothing of mountains
is apt to think that the- sides of sucli ara
coullnuojs ascents or descents, but. this Is
far from being the case; the traveler,
winding' through a ravine and the next
climbing a corresponding acclivity, or,
perhaps, walking over a stretch of level
tableland, belie at times, except from
tbe nitutv or the eve-r-changlng riora, quite
unable to tell whether be is ascending or
As our young hunters were silently eat
ing, Joe ha piened toglanccat a perpendicu
lar cliff, which aroe abruptly from the
little al'ey to a height of 300 reet or to,
its base being at least 250 yard1? from where
the buys sat.
At this moment a mountain sheep, a
big mile, with a prodigious pair of curling
horns, showed out against the sky on the
very edge of the cliff and stood surveying
the country below, as Is tbe bablt of this
animal. Doubtless he plainly saw the
two youths, but cnosideied himself per
fectly sare. "Let's take a crack at
him," whimpered Joe. "He's got the
biggest pair of bonis I ever taw."
Iu that wonderfully clear air the keen
eyed boy could, be said, almost couut the
wrinkles on the horns .
"It's a mighty long shot , well on to 300
yards, counting tbe rise," replied Tom;
"but put up your back sight to tbJt notch
2nd we'll try our luck. Fire at the word
'three." "
Each boy now knelt behind a sapling, by
the side of which his outstretched left band
firmly held the rifle, while his eye ranged
along the sights. "One, two, thrcel" softly
cried Tom, and the two reports rang out as
"noorajl Hooray! We've got biml"
Joe jelled, as, after ree-ling for au in
stant, the gri-at rani pltehe-d headlong
"I'm afraid he's smashed all to smither
eens," said Tom. "But we'll get what's
left of blm, anyhow. Come on." and the
excited marksmen dashed through tbe In
tervening thicket to inspect their prize.
'Why, he's hardly smashed a bit! My
ain't those bully horns, though!" ex
claimed Joe. "But it'll be a tough job to
southern and the hindquarters back to
(The writeT onev killed a mountain sheep
whose he'ad and horns without a particle
of adhering fles'i, weighcil sixty-nine
"Well, we've got to do It," responded
Tom, "for I don't believe een father him
self has ever seen such a head as this. But,
Do Yon Want Cheaper Sas?
If so, write your name and address
in this coupon andsend it to THE
NAME..: .s
You can help to save Washington a
half million dollars each year by writing
c your name and address in the above"
coupon and sending it to THE TIMES,
to be used in preparing a petition to
Congress asking for cheaper gas.'
WANTED To exchange a eottageaml
grounds within ten minutes' walk from
railroad station on Maryland Lrancli B. &
O. R. It, fifteen miles from Washington,
for a small farm near Washington on rail
road: balance of purdiase to be on easy
ternu. Address C M, L. this office.
say. Joe, we needn't go back to-day un
less we like". We've got lots ot meat now,
so we can bunt all the afternoon and
sleep In this cave at night." pointing to
a low, dark opening at the root ot the
"Yes, It looks warm and dry In there',"
assente-d Joe. "We'll see what kind or a
place it Is alter we've skinned the she-ep
and hung up the bead and saddle. If we
want to eat any mutton here we can take
some off the foirquartcrs."
It took the lads nearly an hour, however ,
to remove the heavy hide and properly "
dress the carcass tiy removing such parts
as were badly bruised." Then, leaving the
meat meantime piled up on the skin, Joe
said "I'm going fh now to look at our
bedroom, Tom. There can't be any liv
ing thing; in there, for I don't see any tracks
about," both boys totally ignoring the fact
that hundredsof animals migbt ha vepassed
over the rocky ground without leaving a
So, taking only bis knife witb him, tbe
rash youth crept Into the hole, while Tom
sat down to rest. In a few seconds he
heard his brother utter a joyous shout, and
this was 'immediately followed by a. series
or angry, kitten-like mewings and a slight
scuffling noise.
Tom was alert enough now, and seizing
his rifle, he sprang to his feet, anxiously
awaiting developments.
Presently, Joe, chuckling with delight,
scrambled awkwardly out, having much
ado to retain bis bold upon three beau
tifully striped and spotted little crea
tures which he bore in bis hand)
Concluded into-morrowsMornmgTimes.
Incidfiit ImoUlntrii Woman n nil Two
Mot tierx.
It was on a Sixth avenue surface car,
and when she got on at Fourteenth street
there were but three full-grown passen
gerstwo women, each with a baby, and
myse'lf. One of the women was seated in
the far e-nd of the car. while the othe-r
was directly across from me on the op
posite side. I am not. as a rule', fond of
babies, but this baby was one of those
irresistible cre-alures who insist upon
making friends with every one, cooing
and laughing, gurgling out all sorts or
criticisms of jou and jour get-up gen
erally, which would be pe-rfectly madden
ing If you could understand tbem.
How such J, thoroughly delightful baby
could have S'-k'Cted such a mother was In
comprehensible. She was an angular,
sandy-balred woman, whose light-blue
eje-s and thin lips proclaimed a hard ard
narrow nature. Her very way of hold
ing herself antagonized jou a Phariee
of the Pharise-es. Heaven help the being
who should ever turn to her for sjtnpathy
and help!
I had jurt arrived at this ioInt in my re
flections when tbe car stopped and another
Iiaessnger stepped on. She was most taste
fully and becomingly drefocd in a gow u or
soma light summer fabric uncla'siftable to
the maeculine eje. But with her pretty
fresh face she made a charming picture.
from tho nodding flowers in her hat to the
tips or her smart boots. But about ber was
tbat underinable comething in spite or,
or perhaps because or, her otherwise mod
est demeanor which stamped her as tbe
woman of pleasure. She seated Lerselt
and lmmediatlye the liaby, desiring, like
Alexander, new worhlE for conquest, aban
doned me for tbe newcomer. She held out
llttl hands and laughed a delighted greet
ing to the pretty face and the nodding rotes.
And, as I watched, there catuca lwautlful
chang" oer the girl's face. The holy In
stinct of maternity, which slumbers in the
heart of every woman, however fallen,
awoke at the touch or the baby bards. A.
line that migbt come day make that young
mouth bard riteappeared. Her face lie
came suffused, her eyes were tender. In
voluntarily she laughed a cordial greeting
lu return.
"Oh, what a dear baby! Won't you let
me hold it Just a minute?"
Somethlngsccmed to galvanize that stony
mother Into life. Her eyes actually spark
led. She gazed at the girl with a look that
seared and scorched as it passed from the
trim booted feet to the pretty, gay lut. She
smiled a smile that was not good to see.
"You!" she Jeered In ber liigb, thin oice.
"Why, I wonldn't let you touch her."
The poor face cba ngeri. The lovely flush
of happiness deepened to a cruel red. For
the baby's pure sake she smothered au Im
precation at the door of her lips. Just
then the car stopped and she hurried to the
door. Biitshewas notsoquickbuttlutthat
othermother caught herlund. Ibadscarce
ly noticed her and her sleeping child. Her
race was alight with the divine impulse of
genercsiiy. "I get out here, too," she said.
"Won'tyou carry my baby a little way, my
arms are so tired?"
As for me. overcome by the beautiful
character of that act. I felt as If I knew
what it was "to entirtaia an angcruua
warcs." Tlio Deptlis ot tlie Sea.
Small boys often ask their parents, "How
deep Is the sea?" The answer depends
entirely upon the tea Tbe following table,
complied by one who has investigated, may
help oue to the solution of one of tbe
small boy's problems. Average depth in
yards: Pacific. 4.232; Atlantic, 4,026;
Indian, 3,658; Antarctic, 3.0CO; Arctic,
1,690; Mediterranean. 1,476; Irl-h. 24G
English Channel, 110; Adriatic, 45, ana
Baltic, 43. Harper's Round Table.
Tin Mornlns Tline-s for entcrprLo
-s-,vS.f.- i

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