HELr "WANTED-FEMALE. XdVU-eiuci.t tinder till- liend UI be ini.ertc.1 for one cent a word lor ench Iimcrtlon. "WANTED-Thrce first-class cooks, chambermaids. . .,; good homes for good nwple. 1M- JC. Y. axe . V'ANTED At once a woman to cook and general Wmework. Apply at ewe at 41 i Oth st. nw. TtytlM V'SIXTED A wonwn iwt in rsrnt; first ch. Apply, with ief erenow. JB7 New .ier-6ej- ace. nw. ll WANTHD-S-lojstodv. three whtu wail"; chambermaid aiid wiues; good o.-evvrKer; twi in fawiiv. 1200 New York axe. ";. "WANTED Two waitresses at one. CAFE. 21 Pa. avc. nw. WICOMICO It YlANTBD-WMte lKm-emaM, f.r w ly. no .ia..,., l.w... twn i?t"s. A MM' at ill 11 It fct. llW. WANTED Neat eirl. for general twwwerfc. for wo. in ftet; imet lie good cook an l-undues. A-kJkI. this olbcc lelS-St.em VAXTBD White girl; ase 12 to 16; orphan or mmiiKtv cki preferred, to assist with '" luMutiviirl" mwl Imnu. No. 7. 2d fit. ne. Hat "ill fllHW. felo-St.eni VANTED-German woman for general housework; slay at night; good home; bung tefs. 4-S lih t. nw. fel5-3t,i HEW WANTED MALE &FE5ULE. AdvertlNemcnta under tills liend Vtlll . e IiiHcrted for rue cent a word Cor coeli insertion. 'UIY voting Irishman made a fellow feel his ftt." "Pdor E. Hcz Swcm explains Sonday nfcM. 7:45 o'clock. Free pews, lake drc oar. l.st Capitol. 1'eim. avc. or Anaeostia jo ... . .'...l ll.mlLl Plnirrli Auditorium. 4ttl t. md a. avc. se. It 1XR SALE -Furniture, delivery and Dayton wag on iHSggies. carriage; ou account of charges; at vein price. 1210 Ohio avc. 1st floor. fel3-5t SITUATIONS WAXTED-FEJULK. """Advcrtlaciucnta under this head rvlll be lncrtcd for one cent a word Cor each Insertion. U ANTED -Wa-hitiff to dii at home or to take care of childien. &2o '.th st. ne. lt.cm V ANTED By neat colored girl, place as cook; can give icft-rcnces. 125 Cedar t.t. nw- It "WKNTKD Plain sewing, mending, icpairing la dies' and gentlemen's clothing: hue laces to vnh hand work. MISS WALL1S. 1237 12th M. n. tcl6-.t.em WANTED Hi a lwlf-giown girl, pluce to do light chsmberwork oi lelp around in kitchen. Call at 20-J4 1. st. nw. felG-8t V'ANTED Washing to do at liome or work out by tltc day. 17SS I. et. nw. fc!6-2t SITUATIONS WANTED MA1.B. AdVertlaemeuts under thla bead vrlll be Inserted for one cent a Trord lor eaeli Insertion. MANTHD A iotition by A No. 1 meat cutter; 8 leatV cxperiehce; best rets Address Box SI. this oiec. ll-cm WANTED Bv intelligent colored youth, situa tion in store, office, or leute; refs. PHOC- 'XOlt. 40 Defrees st. nw. Item WANTED By fint-da thoemaker, sitaatiofl; ex perieiMed in machine work. AWrec BOX 14. Hit ftiw. iei-t A' wrnu Bi a vounir coloretl man. place as achtnan or porter. Please aUdree. to iaialu WAN. tHC K si. im.: lefeicnccs. lt t ANTED By honest J"ou3: man. cHtrtkynet of am- kind"; eeriericed driver; good ref. Ad dis BOX 7.'4. thU olfiec ielC-2t WANTED-An cxiei ienced man desires a position iter oi assistant. Address BOX 732, as lMokkeepcr tiiix o9k.-e. WANTED HO OMS. "WANT-HD Three or four unfur. roWH; -or woM the hoiie with pom ; nfs. Addie? II.. 1110 H st. w. ! AVANTHO Ftmr or five Hirfurnislied rooms, cen tvaHy healed; reasonable rental; famil.i of 3. Ad4res." with detriplon and iice, BOX 709, this HlRf. felg-St " AVTHD Two mihwnb-lted itwuns in northwest for lv; in pood location. Address BOX 737, ti oflic-c M."-8t WANTED H003IS AND HOAHD. jOl"N"G mmii will teach (.horthaiid ai.d tyr-iit- iR evenings, in eM-liange for room aid board; private family . I5ox t. thu office fel3-3t.em BY TI1BEE gemlemn:. pnvale family prefctied; ie large or two small comieetinur rooms: well l&htcd. heated, venliiated; three halt led-.: all eetiiem-e.'-; fin-t -lai-' board: musi le pMW hiii ; cheap. Hot 74H. tins irlice. fe!5-St.e WANTED BICYCLES. UUi'OKE selling ioiu bicycle, secure our cc-l, of fer. CVc LI. EXt HANtil".. 710 KMh st. nw. fel0-3t.em WE WANT 1.000 Hxtond-liand bicycles for cash. HUSTLER- BICYCLE REPAIR CO.. 4 and Me. ac. e. ja3-Sraas WANTED 3IISCELI.ANEOUS. "WANTED To buy. cash register: muM be in r!rrt-et ordci and ivaoiiaWr in price for Ffol oasVi. Aihites. BOX 10. tiii- riif-e. frl7-St VANTHD T buv thoaid mmoi pigeons; lo lixe racWiK. SCHMID'S BIRD STORK. 712 ltHU rt. hw. felC-lt.cw "WANTED 10 gxM!s No. 1 .Tersex milk daily, cei B. A O. IS. R. Adds BOX -, this of fice. fel6-St AVANTED-To tent tyiH'viiiiet lor little evening me. Addics. BOX 7t0. thii orhee. 'fel-8i WANTED 'Highest cash price paid for Iadiea' and gent's caat-oft clothing; drop postal.i'il rail. B. TARSIlliS. 13QS 7th st. nw. ja27-lmo WANTED ror hi;!icst cash prices, metals, iron. rubber, paper btock, machinery, tools, -etc II. BERNHE1UEB. 02C-92S C Bi. nw.. 'phone 2275. i21-tt UiGIIKST price paid for second-hand bicycles; 'ito titken on ttorace. 121 8th s cw,' -r2A-tf.em B:iSCEL,I..VNnoU5. JtK.MttDKLIVG drewes and ts tc pu h ltwile over. 713 Hlh rt. cut siyl; lt.em MISS TvKiHOLSOX giv electric face ami fcalji tclineiit at 910 N. Y. ave fc!5-8l ALL MAKE of sewing machines rcpaired.by skill ed mechanics; no amateurs or cobblers cm teyeil; an ispeclMii of our workshop invited in dVr to sltow our metliods of doing the work; c4wig moderate: send a postal and your woil: will be prompth calletl for and delivered. THE STANDARD SEWING MACHINE CO., 002 Olh st. nw.. .lOSEPH II. 1T-KK, Manager. fel4-St.em 1 WILL MAKE and deliier a free liaBd crayon or jiast'Cl portrait, framed, on payment of $1 1ef week; no charge imles satisfactory: best leii-iCRees in Washington; send postal and I will W and talk it over. Address ARTIST. P. O. Box 474. Station G. fel2-7t,cm BAD BILLS collected or no citargc. DON, lJBwyei-, 1388 V nw. II. D. GOR- fel2-GL HOOD PRINTING CHEAP; all kinds; 580 business enrd, 7c iH'- HAYS, Printer, 810 1" st. nw. fell-7t OUB roof wim't leak if it's painted with our f-s ltrilllt.lt m-u l-Ai.M. it prefcrvcvi tlic imit BhA picvonts icala-. Wc jtaint roofe for SxMffmc hiwI RoohBjr done at lowct ptices for bl w..h1. RUBBER BOOF PAINT CO., Ill Uth st. nw. i'ATItNT- OFFICE di.ititig at hlmit l-otiee ami low rale, bv export; mechanical devices and landed pH4tHled. 1120 IHh si. nw. fell-7t CAPITAL CLOCK REPAIRING CO., 1131 7th st nw. Atry ordinary clock cleaned, SOc; watchn eleaned. 08c tip: nwacal box rcrmirins: and all other work as low in proiort.or.; ratifaction gwutttBtecd; send postal, will call for and deliver inc to aiy part of Dielric-t. fcC-lmo BOOKBINDING AND PBINTIN'G-Binding one tolume niagaritie. 75 cents; other binding cqwally as cheap; piiutiiiR DOO cards, 75 cents; utlier printing cqimlly as cheap. WILLIAMS, 015 Ttli st. nw., Charles W. Dowdcn, Jlanagcr. fet-ti . LOOK! LOOK!: LOOK!!! Goodrich tires, $6 per pair, put on; Hartford tires. No. 77. $0.50 per pair put on. HUSTLER BICYCLE REPAID CO., 4',i and Maine avc B. j-3-3moS TULT, DRESS SUITS for hire. COHEN. 1101 7th sL r.w. fL JUUUS sc27-tt FOR SALEriANOS. FOR SALE -Barprain for a -poor -girl, -an txcellci c Haidman upright jiuuo; niU acU tr rrnt low. t22 N J. aw. c. U&V I UBLP WASTBWULB. I FOR nENT-UOOMS. I I !!! Advcrtlncmcnta under tbla bead Trill be Inserted for one cent a ivord for encb. Insertion. WANTED-Boy to make himself generally use ful in a printing office; one who can run a. job press prctcrred. Apply 021 II st. nvr. It-em WOEKINGJIEN to attend a meeting to be held at Plasterers' Hall. ll. and Pa. avc. nw.. Sunday. Fob. IS. S p. m. Artliur Keep, of New York, will lecture on "Socialism;" scats fiec lt.em W ANTED liiiiiicdi.ilcly7 clerk for lunch i com. $5 tk to salts factor.- i-rty; permanent. IlAoh- JIF.NT. 513 12th n. nw. n WANTED Good baiber at once. W. A. JENKINS, tG O t. nw. WANTED At once good baiber. rence barbershop. HOTEL LAW It WANTED A bov with experience in job printing, ia to $7 per week, according to experience. Ad dress 1I0X 10. this office. - WANTED-Agent, guaranteed salaiy and other good iilaiw: sec us. ULi5lM-.Ns limtat, 1200 New York avc. nw. It WANTED Soiiitoi for industrial fire in-urance. ASKM EXT. :K)7 (' st. n v. fel"-7t A ANTKD-nwitlcman to join lady in fine dra matic sketch; must be strictly business; no objection to amateur, with good voice. Address HON 15, this office fe!7-2t WAXTE!) Three men; one as cook, others for dairy farm; also butler. Enquiie 103o Uth st. nw. f- WANTED Younc man with experience at type setting; qoick. HAYWOKTH l'flll.ISHIMJ llOl'SE. 512 tth st. nw. U WANTED Kxpericneed man. married, German preferred, to work market garden near Abbe ville; half fare and good offer to right parly. Address 11QX K. East Capital Station, City. lt WANTED Energetic salrman; school supplies; country work; $100 balary and extras. H. O. EVANS & CO., Chicago. 111. lcl0,ll,14,17.1S.21,24,25,25 WANTED One good ovfter shucker. HOTEL. 10th and I st. COltDON febi-2t WANTED A good barber, at 21S 7th bt. fe!0-2t WANTED-Small white boy to run errands for retail store; pay $1.30 per week. Address in own handwriting. Box 747, this office. fel5-8t,cni WANTED Agents for "War in South Africa," or the story of a brave people struggling for freedom, by William Harding, the famous author and African traveler; only $.1.50; contains authen tic, up-to-date history BritUh-Boer war; biggest book; hundred illustrations; enormous sales; en dorsed by Krugcr. Joubert, etc.; credit given; height paid, highest commissions; outfits free; cwlosc 2-cent stamps for mailing. THE DOMIN ION COMPANY. Dept. 5, Chicago. fcl3-7t WANTED Bovs with bicycles: can earn from $1S to SCO 'per month. MUTl'AL DIsT. ME&S. CO., 1401 F st. nw. te340t BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB ALE- Saloon; .T. Dl'GAN, G17 lest corner touthcast. . Ij. ave. f el7-3 t.em FOB SALE -Saloon; near Gov't. Printing Office; cliance of a lifetime. W. J. Dl'GAN. 017 La. avc lel.-3i.em FOB SALK Saloon; centre of city; will be sac rificed. W. J. DL'GAN, C17 La. ave. fel7-3t.eni WANTED-Partncr. with $1,000 to travel with first-class theatrical company; large returns for investment. Address Box 10, this office. fe!7-3t.cm FOB SALE Oyster liouse; clKap. 303 Pa. avc fe.; call tonight or Sunday, bet. 11 and 3 p. m. lt." 1 WANTED Smart man with some money to invest - I in loiritimate lraine-s: ref. ivi.il and re J uirci. tex is, this office. fcl7-3t,cm FOB ?ALE--Dhrinsr and everything complete offk-e. lunch room; cheap: Addnss BOX 17. this Iel7-3t FOB SALE For S1C0. Initter rwite. liorse, wagon, and liariM'. Ennuire STAND NO. 12. O St. Market. fe!7-3t STATION EK STOKE Etablishel 15 years; no competition: selling- account illness; splendid lHtujH2--vl'J22Jlt- ie74t FLOriJ. a!d feed business; obi stand; clearing S2.000 vear: retiring. NEW YOBK Bl'SINl-ISS BBOKEBS. 100 F st. f, $50 WILL buv stock and exclusive right of mono poly clearing $100 month. NEW YOBK BtSI NES P.BOKEBS, 100Q V st. fe!7-3t i TBOFITS in stock', wheat, and cotton. Mackey's lloderc Methods Make Money. Write for our I free book. C. E. MAC1CEV & CO., 2-J Broadwaj-, N. ". jau,sa, t:,cm A BAKGAIX One of the largest, l-st locateti, anJ paying bicycle agencies, in tint city; a rare oitponunitv topiek up an established, well-paying brines. Address J. D. ABNOLD, 1797 21-t st. Mtt-St.em LAKGK billiard, pool, cigar store and bowling llo ; aWlute guarantee $30 week jrotit. or no sale' BUNLAP, HOG F et. fel0-3t,cm niNPCR-BOOM on Pa. avc: exceptional location; cirarim now $130 month; investigate. DUN LAP. W F st. felG-St.cm FOR SALE 2S notes. $30 each. iyahle monthly, with interest: wt-il secured by trust on store and fixtures: proiterly innctl; will sell for $SO0. Arldress BOX 75$. this office. ' felG-3t FOR sAl.K Grocery fto-rc ami fixtures; cheap if sold at once. 4SSG M st. e. felG-7t GROCERY STORK sk-knorih caHe; Dl'N'LAP. 906 F sc. nort Invest; daily sales $33; cheap expense; price $500. fcl5-3t,em CONFIX TION'KBY and notions, next to school: owner ill; must sell this week regardless of price DUXI.AP, 900 F st. fcl3-3t,em PARTY leaving city will sacrifice laundry busi ness: iHxifits $25 week; fine woeon, oflice, flx twes. etc; 300 cash. Boi. 71G, this office. feli-Si.em FOR SALE Grocery, stock, wagon, ii'voicc. Bv 711. this office. fixture; at fcl5-3t,em WANTKI Yoking mau with $1,000 as assistant manage) of gnod business; salary $123 per m..ntli Bov 744. this office f cl5-3t,em FOR sLK Dinirg and lunchroom clearing $2,030 veal : mice. $1,000; rare chance. NEW OIUv Bl S1NESS BROKERS. 100G F st. fela-3t GROCERIES and variety. $400; good stock: rent, whole liouse. $12.50; innst sell account of sick ness. 727 7th st. ne fel3-3t WANTKI-To buy a nnall machine shop: a we!I eutpped bievcie sliop preferred; must be -!.eap. M. A. LEWIS 330 F 6t. sw. fe!3-3t I Bt Y all merchandUi and general stocks. i:i"R ROSENBERG General Auctioneer, sw. roincr th and 1) sK nw. ja31-lmo THE finest stock fystem in existence; large as sured income and guaranteed principal. "STOCK BBOKEBS," P. O. BOX 1354, N. Y. deS-tt FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR S LE Sh lfjh and beH, . Applv 313 Pj. It I OI! SALE Tin ee good lcighs:. S10 each; also bells; lot .single and double wagou hatne. ( OGSWELL. 2W 11th st. nw. fel7-3t FOR SLE On account of retiring from business, three delhery wagons one phaeton, one nm- alxiit. and Brewster road wagon; all a.?-good a new. THE ALMA CO., SIS Dth st. nw., corner I). f.J7-3t FOR SALE One fet of good -iecond-hand single wagon harness for heavy xvoik. Enquire of No. K K M. lit felO-St.cm FOR SALE-Gteat baiain. 2S head of horses and mar, ranging in age from 5 lo 9 jearp, weight COO to 1,403 pounds; suitable for any busi ne.., and ni rctorble offer refused. Call 212 4 ti- nw. - fel6-St FOB t-ALE -Farniturc, delivery and Dayton wag on, buggies, carriage; on account of charges; et wr price. 1210 Ohio avc, Ht floor. icl5-3t,cm FOR SLE--Tluee second-hand coupe rockaways, two lHiggies, two phaetons, one wagonette, one extension front brougham. MERCHANT STA Bl.i: STORAGE DEPT., 410 IHh st. nw. fel4-7t.em FOR SALE Cheap, bay marc. G and gentle. CIS G st. nw. rears old; kind fcll-7t " 1 FOR SALE Bl CYCLES. GENUINE bargains; large as-ortment of high-grade "wheels; some onlv slightly used: from up. CYCLE EXCHANGE, 7f0 10th Jit. nw. felO-St.cm FOR SLE "0l Rambler, everything complete, pood as new. .!. -0 1) s,t. c fel0-3t BICYCLE repairing, we do all kinds; also buy, tell. rent, and exchange bicycles; tires, Good rich. ?3; Hartford, ?.1; first?. $2-2j; good seconds, fLEO. LAUUFIbll, Bicycle M-cmniiC i am i. nw. ja23-lmo.em TVrEAVRITERS. rOR SALE New tyrev.rilcr, tlieap. 2d floor front, 939 Pa. ave. fclo-3t tVPEWRITER REPAIRING Wc do careful work; charges very reasonable; Also buy, cell, im rent typewriter- LABOFIS1I, 717 9th St. nw. ltl7-lno EVENING TIMES FOB BENT Dining room, pantry, and conser vatory furnished for housekeeping; use of parlor: and large unfurnished bedroom; second floor, front; bath on same floor. Address G. T., 1028 17th nw. feh-3t-em FOB BENT Large fur. front room; ?12 per month. " 917 II st. mv. fcl7'3t-cm FOB BENT Entire 2d floor, 4 rooms, with heat and bath; ?12. Call after 5 p. m., C15 I st. ne- fel7-3t,em FOB BENT Nice warm rooms, bath, ?1.23 wetk. ULLE BJIOUSE, 470 Pa. ave. fel7-3t FOB BKNT 720 10th st., furnished rooms on ftKt and third floors; cheap; no objection to house keeping or business. 'e'"' FOB BENT Furnished or unfurnished room. 207 rst. nw. fj!7-3t roit BENT Parlor with piano, for mu-ic lessons. 1002 K st. nw. fel6-3t,cm FOB BENT Nicelv-furnished large 3d-floor front room. a. m. i., $8. 223 4 et. tw. C3. FOB BENT Furnislicd S03 Uth st. nw. and unfurnished rooms. felC-3t FOB BENT 1123 10th St. nw., furnMied or un furnished roon.?, tingle or en suite; rent rca sonablc lel-3t FOB BENT Comfortable fur. rooms, in elegant house; splendid location; heat, gas, and bath; reasonable rates. 212 4', eU nw. felG-.t FOB BENT Two rooms month. 024 11th tt. n and bath. $7.50 per felG-3t FOB BENT-Comfortably-turnished, well-heated room, $3 per month. 511 Oth st. nw. felG-.it FOB BENT Neatly-furnished loom, light, heat, hot and cold water. 1037 N. J. ave. mv. fclG-3t . FOB KENT Large fur. room; heat, gas, and bath; S7. 119 II st. nw. fel5-St,em ELEGANT downtown rooms; every $1.50 up. 537 Pa. avc nw. convenience; fcl5-3t.cm FOB BENT Dining-room and kitchen, suitable for caterer, $!0. Call 1023 7th st. nw. fel3-3t,cm FOB BENT Three furmVhed rooms for keeping; Use of piano. 110 3d t. nw. hotisc-felo-3l FOB BENT To gentleman, fiont per week. 1003 O st. nw. room, $1.23 fcl5-3t FOB BENT Two furnished room--, 2d Hoot; light housekeeping; heat and ga; cheap. fcl7 Sth st. nw. fe3t FOB BENT Nicelv-furnished 'J 1st floor. $5. 722 10th tt. floor loom, "ii; tol3-3t FOB BENT Two laige rooms, furnished; heat and gas. $10; board if desired. Sl'J 17th t. nw. fel3-3t FOB BENT 1116 G st. storv front room. niceiv-furiiished 2d-fel3-3t 1-OB BENT Furnished rooma, fouthtrn exposure: in priwte famili, with use of parlor. 457 M st. mv. tel3-3t FOB KENT Young men; large room, south front: rent, $a tcr month. 310 D st. ne. fel.V3t FOB BKNT-FuniLshed 917 D st- nw. room; steam heat. gas. fcl5-St ROOMS AND HO.VHD. FOB KENT Furnished E. Cap. st. with lKard. 721 fcl7-3t,em HOTEL THYSON 7th and P st. nw., fir-t-clas.; iiieal-i, $4 per week; board and room, !f3and upward. E. WOOLLS. Manager. fel7-3t FOB BENT Second story front room, without board. S12 Oth St. nw. with or fel7-3t ACCOMMODATIONS for 1 to 3 adults. 021 Ist Capitol St., near Capitol, Library, Nsiy Yard. fclJ-3t FOB KENT Two fur. rooms, enable. 1115 N". Y. no. with board; reas nw. fel5-3t,em FOR KENT 101 2d st. nw., nicely -turnlshed luck parlor, with board, for gtntiemeii oniy, $40 for two; $23 for one. fel5-3t ICLLOW THE CROWD and you will rtrtalaly "bring up" at the Genoa, SOS -hi! SOS 12th St.; tatiafy your appetite; only $4. table board, equal So any $C a week in the United States; plenty fruit, pure cream, and butter; (teaks and chops all broiled; beautiful rocir-, a. m. i.; reasonable rates to transicrtd. P. II. MOORE, Mr.; 'phone 1237. oclS-tt FOB SALEr-SIISCEL,ANEOUS. FOB SALE Slrsch (cutter) and bells: also gents' riding saddle and bridle. 3510 Brightwood ave. It -em FOB SALE Nearly new National cash register; total adder; will sell cheap; part cash, bal ance on time if desired. Address BOX 12. this of fice. fci7-3t FOB SALE One basket sleigh, $3. 213 10th ft. nw. felO-3t,em FOB SALE One Ntw Home, $10; improved Singer. $10; Empress, $10; Diamond, $7; Wheeler k Wilson. $7; Hartford, $3; other makes. $7 and $10. FUNK'S. 327 C st. sc fclfi-3t FOR SALE Complete set of blacksmith tools. Apple to T. F. HODGSON, Btrwyn. Md. fel6-3t" IOR SALE One genuine autnmath GiblM sewing machine, ?25. at C2C Ij. avc nw. U ilk-ox i -IXCLAIK'S, fr!6-3t KOU SALE Sinrer Jlaehinc. j-l ; W iieeb-r : Wit son, ?7; Domestic, 10; Singer Ocilator, ?10; I warranted for five years at ori'LNllKl.MI-IRS. 511 Mb st. nw. ; sewing nuchino repaired ami warranted. $1. fl.V3t.cni FOR SALE New 4-piecc parlor suite, encap. ci Pickford place lie. fe!5-3t FOR SALE Pawn ticket for diamond pin; pawned for $20; ticket, ?S. Address BOX Tin, this office. felo-3t FOB SALE Squaie piano. J23, on 1 weekly pay ments; call today. F. G. SMITH, 1225 Ta. avc fc!3-tf FOR SALE Walters organ. 12.30. on $1 weekly payments; worth $30. F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. avc. ' fe!5-tf FOR SALE AH sizes tafeij opened and repaired. ISIS F st. nw. fe!5-3t FOR SALE Fancy fowls, pheasants, rabbits, guinea piga. canaries, pea fowls, breeding ca'-cs incubators," brooders, bone cutters, etc. SCH-MID'S BIBD STORE, 712 12th st. nw. fel3Ut FOR SALE $6 for hair mattresses, in two parti; lounges, $2.75; $8 cook and beating store. f3; parlor and bedroom suites, ?1 per week; we are after furnishing your house, cash or credit. RED MOND, Sll and 313 7th st. nw. tlel-t'.cm FOR SALE Coke; oven coke, better than gas coke, K.W per load; re. -d , J2.75 per load; northwest and touthwest orders booked at BOO F st. nw.; cash with order. de7-tt FOR SALE Good Quality opaque ihadci. fitted t your windows, only 25c; the best ouallty cQ opaque shades. 60 cents; hung free; will call with samples. KLEEBLATUS- 11th and It sts. ., u2t-tl CHURCH NOTICE. REFORM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH-Serv-ices at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon and 7:30 o'clock Friday evenings in Confederate Veteran Hall, 431 11th st. nw. All are cordially invited, lt.em TRINIDAD BAPTIST CHURCH Levis Et.. near Trinidad ave. ne. Covenant meeting 11 a, m. Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. Preaching and com munion at 3 p. m.. administered by Rev. W. J. Robinson. Preaching at 8 p. m., by the pastor. Revival meeting all nevt week. All are cordially invited to those meetings. BRO. W. F. DICKIN SON, Pastor. It SECULAR LEAGUE, Masonic Temple, Sundays, S p. m.. Feb. IS, memorial day of Bruno, martyr for truth, burnt Feb. 17, 1C00. Seats free. It THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH 123 G st. nw.. Rev. Alex. Kent, pastor. At 11:15, Jfr. Ettwccd i,n.v of Newark. N. J., will sneak of "The Pmcenr" Political Situation and the Ethics of Democracy." All welcome. It EVANGELIST A. F. BALLEN'GER will speak to morrow evening at Typographical Temple, 123 G St., and will answer the questions: "What Is the Millennium of the Scriptures?" "What Event Marks Us Beginning and End?" "Where Will the Bcdccmed Spend this Period?" "What Will Be the Condition of the lrthi" "What Is Meant by the Binding of Satanf" Seats free. Bring your Bible. It FOR SALE SUBURBAN. FOR SALE At Brookland, 8-room liouse, $2,500; easy terms. GRACE JL TH031AS, 100 Cor coran Building. fel5-3t FOR SALE In Rivcrdale, within 30 minutes' ride by electric cars, 7-room cottage; 0,000 feet of ground; price only $1,500; terms casv. Address BOX 757. this office. " fel0-3t SUBURBAN HOME For sale at Riverdale. near the Baltimore Pike, adjoining Hyattsville, a large IC-room house, with wide halls; hot and cold water, cellar, bath, stable and necessary out buildings; suitable for a boarding-house or a large family; partially furnished; very easy month ly terms. Apply to J. A. BLUNDON, 1000 F st. mr. fel5-3t,cm GAS STOVES. For Cooking and Heating. CAS APPLIANCE EXCHANGE, 1121 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON; SATURDAY, L'NFCBNISHED two laie 1-ommunicating ropms on same floor with bath. 115 Q st. nW. fel7-3t,em . TOlTBENT Unfur. connecting room?; liIit house keeping; bath on same floor, 113 D st. ne. fel7-3t,em jt FOB BENT Two unfuriiisli'd rooms; second floor' front for light housekec'njng; heat, gas, bath. 047 Va. ave. sw. g fcl7-St FOB KENT Unfur. roonilfTr, light 1'iousckeepins 2d floor; a to fur. u$m, 2d and 3d floors; heat, gas, and bath; rcntjvcry reasonable. 'Jin C st. sr. P . ' fel;3t'em FOB BENT 206 B st. sc, rpora on 2d floor, front reasonablej f felG-3t FOB BENT Second-floor, bav-window front and back parlor; heat, gas, anil bath; rent $12.50. 119 H st. nw. !?"? FOB BENT Tlirce nnfurnifilied roonn, suitable for light housekeeping; heat, water, and ga. 1311 t'lh st. nw. fel3t FOB BENT Two unfurnislicd room3, $13; south ern exposure, 2d floor; private family. 1111 N st. nw. fe!5-3t FOB BKNT Three or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; 1st or 2d floor. 311 South Capitol st. !' FOB BENT Two or four communicating room.', 2d flom ; convenient for light housekeeping; 3d floor; nut low. 1451 Corcoran St. nw. fel5-3t FOB BENT Tlirce very desirable unfurnishsd rooms, newly papered and painted. 127 C st ne. fcl5-Ct FOB BKNT Unfurnished, S0G L st. nw., 2 fine 2d-floor rooms; heat, gas, and bath; large closet and cabinet mantels; light housekeeping permitted. fcl3-3t FOIl KENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Oth nw.. near L st., V, r.s....$100 00 319 C st nw., 12 rs WIS 439 Mo. avc nw.. 12 r.-- 010 10th st. sw.. Or 112S T st. nw.. Or Sll E st. sw.. Or v 31 G st. nw.. Or 1313 C st. sw., 5r 1015 lith st. nw., 5r 2152 Mh st. nw., 5r . 933 F st. sw.. Or S2S Del. ave. ne, ar 2025 I st. nw., Or S310 7th st. mv.. Or Bear 1115 10th st. nw., Or 2320 7th st. nw., 3r Rear 311 B sL nc. 4r 10S M st. sw., fr 1413 Madison st. nw., bet. 14th awl 13th. P anil Q, 5r 1030 Superior st. nw.. Meridian Hill, Or 1303 Fii-itoe ft. nw., bet- 13th and Uth V and W, 5r 1010 Beeves St. i.w., Int. 1st and 3d, (J and 103 Beeves Alley nw., let. 1st and 2d, K 27 Click's Alley nw., bet. Cth and 7th, B and S, Ir 2 Gordon avc ne, let 2d and 2d, F and 200fi' Columbia Tcr. nw., bet. 20th and 2st, E acd F, Ir 2003 SVaton st. ne. bet. 20th and 21st. F and G, Or , UNFURNISHED BOOMS. S0C E st. nw.. 3d floor. 3r IS 50 IS 30 15 30 14 30 13 31 13 SO 13 03 12 30 10 30 9 30 9 03 S 51 8 03 8 00 7 SO 11 33 13 30 S 50 7 30 7 30 7 C8) 0 W 5 00 13 00 Riley Bldg., I3.' 9th st. nw., sinlc or en ainte. STOP.ES. 123 4 st. sw.. 7r ?1S 00 504 4"st. sw.. 7r 1G 10 Blacksmith shop, ne cor. 11th and F sts. ,!0 15 00 A. S. CAYWOtUl, 933 Dili st. nw. fWjCKUl, 933 Dill ner siore, dwelli avert hous-e o fel7-3t.em FOB RENT Small corner above. $9.30; 1328 N. J. arc; open ; new felC-St stable, $1. FOR RENT 1917 3d st, nw., 11 rooms. SO feet front: terraced lawn;7 2 bath rooms; stable and cairiage hoie; low to permanent tenant. C. SHEPARD. 017 F st. nw. fel-7t,cm FOR SALE HOUSES. FOR SALE-Bargaia! Bargains: Bargain! We ccviiftf.s that thU i.s, cot the finest weather to wll ital estate, but wlien we have largain we ,.,... wtl ii. oi 1 hfii'i- fine mniert on the .. c.....i. ....i.J.i' .i I. ta c .hi - room preyed brick IrnttV: lot laxlilt feet, an.l Mails for MEXICO overland, unless tpfciallr ad two 110 feet dv lo'.-. the loi leing woit'i 'dressed for despatch by ttcamer failing fiom New n.rc than the yelling price, of whole probity, a , York, clof-c here daily at 10:30 a. m., and 10:CJ tine plare to rai-e iHiuItry:"lhis property U well j p. m (k) piri-pTn POP rented: U1 Kell (he whole, 'property for ?2,70. Mk ' ;s"nlCA. Vl'h K; ) F ' and ill loan 2.20) on Ami-, attract of title TEZ. and GIATKMALA. by rail to New Orleans without charge. Also a pretty three-story prcs;ed and thence via steamer, close here daily at 10:00 brick houo. rooms, in fine condition; gas. ! p. m., the connecting c1om fa. -which being Sun-rr-- l,:.tl. lt 101 fnet dec!) to back alley on I data and Tuesdays for COSTA RICA, and Monday to back allev on I ited; will eell for same; just think M.. near 7th ft. sc, well rented $1,650, or wilt loan Sl.GDU on only 259 tah for a home aM ract of title witliout charge. A' a nice 0-r"Uii liou?e on c st. fe.. let. 9th and 10th ts. .. in fine condition; rcnU i fcr 1.1.30 ikt month; will sell for 1,.-0U ami loan j purchaser $1,2); ab-tract of title futiii-hed with I out charge: office open until 7 p. in. every cven- s. JOHN II. O DONA ELL, 302 ra. ave. sc fe!7-3t,em FOB SALE-OSS F st. ., 3-story, 10-room brick, luth. cellar, stable 5,200 N. 1-:. cor. 7th and (J M.S. sw.. 3-stoty buck. More, 5 rooms and lth 610 10th st. sv., Crooni brick, bath, la-troltej--, range 2f36 s-'tli t. nw., 2-.--tory, 0-ioom brick, tewer ami water C01 I st. Til:, fl-room brick, water and few 3.105 2,&V 1,039 l.l'iO er; will Mibmit oner. A. S. CAYW00D, 933 IHh f-l. nw. fel7-3t.cm FOR SALE To colored person, a bargain, small cash payment, balance $25 per month. O rooms bath: "a. in. i.: iust completed; half square an l)atI. ..,,, rre. from cars; wide paved allev and sidewalk; price; S.giO. Applv to owner, PERCY II. RUSSELL, l-06 i; st nw! fel5-7t.em ' . FOB SALE At Brooklaml, a C-room house: gas ' and ivater; corner lot; larc bargain. GRACE , M THOJIAS, 100 Corcoran Building. fel3-3t I '-: j FOB SAl.K .New nouses; scno lor iisi. luuh. GADDib. 511 Uth St. liw. leiu-imo.eiii FOR SALE 71S -Id. cellar. 7-room house and feS-14t,em AUCTION SALES. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE By virtue of a writ of fieri facias. UmiciI out of the clerk's office of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and to me directed. 1 will sell at public sale for cash, on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, WOO, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. 31., in front of the court house door. Washington, D. C, the follow ir.u described real estate, to-wit: Lots numliercd S7 SS, Sl. and VO. in block number 1, in Oregon L.' Green's subdivision of a part of a tract of land in the comity of Washington, District of Columbia, as per plat in County Book, number 6, page 54, in the office "of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia, seized and levied upon as the property of Claud ius B. Smith and George O. Walson, Trustees, teire tenants of Andrew 31. Green, deceased, and sold to satisfy execution No. -11,654, in favor of Henry H. Bcrgmann, Treasurer of the Washington SK Per Cent Permanent Building Association, plaintiff. AUL1CK PALMER, JIarshal. TIIOS. DOWLIXT. CO., Auctioneers. LEGAL NOTICES. (Filed Feb. 0, 1900, J. It. Young. Clerk.) IN THE SUPREME COURT, OF THE DISTRICT OK COLUJIBIA. THE 9TH DAY OF FEBRU-'aRYT"19O0- NATULINE JL THOMAS, vs. WADE II. THOJIAS. ,No. 21033. Equity Docket 13. On motion of the plaintiff, by Jlr. Alphonso Hart, her solicitor, it is ordered that the defend ant, Wade H. Thomas, cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule cVy oc curring forty days after his day; otherwise the cause will be pioeceded' .with as in- case of de fault. " "9 The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce and alimony upon the ground of cruelty- of treat ment, endangering the-ltfcj.antl health of peti tioner. This order to be published in the "Washington Law Reporter" and IhCJ Washington Times for three successive weeks -prior jto the said rule day. By the Court: , ' (Seal.) A. B.' lfAGNF.R, Justice, Etc. True Copy: Test: J. B. YOUNG. ClcrV,tc. By 31. A. CLANC.Y. A&istant-Clcrk. felO.17,21 " LOST. LOST A white silk crepe shawl, embroidered m white silk and edged with fringe, Wednesday evening about S o'clock, on 1st st. sc, in front of Congressional Library, bet. B and K. Cap. sts. Liberal reward, if returned to CASHIER, The Times. 10th and D sts. nw. lt.em LOST Blapk, white, and tan male collie. Re turn to 1427 F st. nw.; reward. It, em LOST Ladies' shopping bajr, containing pocket book, money, and several other articles; re ward. C23 G st". nw. fe!7-Dt LOST February 15, between National Hotel, Palais Royal, or Columbian University, enve lope containing letters of endorsement. Reward if returned to GURLEY, this office. fel7-3t LOST White fox terrier, with yellow and black around eves; answers to name of Hunter. J1RS. WRIGHT, 333 Mo. ave. nw. felo-3t FOUND. FOUND Ite cream, pure and delicious. 70c per gallon. LACEY CttEAMERY CO., C07 N. . arc. mv. 'Phone 20SL je27-t" EEBKHARY 17. 1900 Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. - Every day in the year for Norfolk, New- port News, and all points South, by the superb, powerful steel palace steamer "Newport New?," "Norfolk," and "Waih- Ington," on the following schedule: Lv. Washington.0.30 pm Lv. Alexandria. .7.00 pm Ar. Ft. Monroe.7.00 am Ar. Norfolk 8.00 am Ar. Portsmouth.8.15 am Lv. Portsmouth.5.00 pm Lv. Norfolk 5.45 pra Lv. Ft. Monroe..G.15 pra Ar. Alexandria.. 6.30 am Ar. Washiugton..7.O0 am Tickets on sale at 817 Penn. avc, B, and O. ticket 'office, 019 Pctin. ave.. and corner 15th st. and, N. Y. ave, C. k O. ticket of- rices, at 513 Penn. avc, and 009 14th at.; 8. A. L. ticket office, 1434 N. Y. avc, ani - on board steamers. 43TFor further information apply at gen- eral offices. 7th st. wharf. Wash. D. C. 'Phone, 750. no28-tt JOHN GALLAHAN. Central Manager. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. NOIITH OEKMAN LLOYD LINE. (New Y'ork and Baltimore.) IIA3II1UHG-AMEIUCAN LINE. IIOLLA.VD-AMEUICAN LINE. ANCHOR LINE. ALLAN LINE. I'llINCE LINE. NEW YORK AND PORTO RICO STEA3ISHIP CO. E. F. Droop & Sons, 925 Penna. Avc. iaft-tu.sat-tf CANADIAN PACIFI? JIAIIAVAY. Intended Steamship Sailings froc Vancouer. JAPAr. CHIHA, AH3 PHIUPPINE ISU.HD3. EMPRESS OF CHINA Feb. 2C. May 7, July 9 EMPRESS OF INDIA. ..March 20, May 23, July 5-t EMPRESS OF JAPAN.. April 10, June 19. Aus. 20 HAVAIIAI ISLAND. AND AUSTRALIA AORANGI March 9 I WABRIMOO Apiil C For.ratea apply 12 Pennsylvania Avenue. dcl5-tu.th,sa-136t AMERICAN LINE. FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. NEW YORK -SOUTHAMPTON LONDON. CALLING, WEST-BOUND, AT CHERBOURG. Salltrg Wednesdays at 10 a. m. RED STAR LINE. NEW YORK A NT WER P -PAR IS. Every Wednesday at 12 noon. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPAN. Piers 11 and 15, N B. Office, 73 Broadway, h. x. Philadelphia Office. 305-307 Walr.ut St.f WASHINGTON OFFICE 1303 F ST. N. W-. . Or W. G. MOSS, Agent, at Sanders Iz Stayman i, 1327 F St. nw. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. WASHINGTON. D. C, POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should be read daily, as changes may occur at any t:me. FOREIGN 3IAILS are forwarded to the potts ?' Siilintr dailv. and the schedules of Closings arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupt- j-,, p,ijn j;0 jj 0f timC- prompt and jr fH fivprtjml transit For the week ending I cli- manentciirpL'iinratifpfd- KvriliilUiinvvtn olpnnvl ruarv 17, 1000. the last counectiiisr cicves will be made from this lice as follows Muili for South nnil ventral Aiiierlr:i, A Vent Indie. Kti: SATURDAY (b) At 0:0T p. m. for NlSU. V. P.. er steamer from Miami, FIj. SUNDAY (h) At 12:00 m., for ST. PIERRE- M1QUELON. jwr steamer from Halifax. N. S. Jlails for NEWFOUNDLAND, by rail to North Sidney, and thence via steamer, elo?e here daily except Sunday at 12:00 in., at.d on Sunday i only at 11 :30 a. in. (d) (h) .Mails for JIIQUELO.V by rail to Boston, and thence vi steamer, close here daily at S-!3 p. m. (d) , CUBA 3IAILS close Here via I'ort lampa, r.a.. Pundas, Wednesdais, Thursday, and Fridavs, at 1 2:20 p. m. (f) ! Via Jfiami. Fla.. Jlondays, Tuesdays, and Satur- I davs at 10:30 a. in. (f) ' daia and Tuesdays for COSTA RICA, a ' for BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ, ar, J 3IALA. (c) nd GUATi:- Trann-I'iielflc JlnlU. Mails for AUSTRALIA (except W-,t Australia). NEW ZEALAND. HAWAII. FIJI, and S.WIOA.V ISLANDS, via nan lrancico. close nere ctaily r.-.t-l i. m.. up lr r curium- l inclusive, for t..ateh nor s. R. Alameda, (o) Mail for CHINA and JAPAN", via Vancouver, close here daily at G:S5 p. m.. up to February 20, inclusive. lor de.-patch per s. s. Empress of China. Registered mail must be ditected "Via Van couver." (o .Mails for CHINA. JAPAN. HAWAII, ar.d PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, u.i San Franekco. clo-e here dailv at 0.i p. ra.. up to rcoruary .. inclusive. "for depatch per 5. s. Coptic (o) Mails for the SOCIETY ISLANDS. ia San Fran cisco, close here daily at 0:35 p. in., up to rcbru sr'v 23. inclusive, for despatch by ship Galilee, (o) Jlail's for HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:35 r. in., up to March 2, in-elu-ive for despatch per .. s. Australia, (o) Mails for ai,sik.ii.i. icxiepi 1.0.1 ausiikiu. j nhioli gors via i-.uropc. aim . ai-nu. wnicn Eoes ia San Francbco). HAWAII and FIJI ISL- AN'DS. via ancouver. close here daily at 0:3.. p. m.. up z 31arc!i 3, iticiusue, for dopatch per s. s. Aorangi. (o) -Mails for COCHIN CHINA, are forwarded Jo jfciv York, for connection with European steamers. "PHILIPP1NS ISLANDS (Military 3IaiI). lies- patched' to San Francisco, at all closes for that orfjCe to connect with Government transports, the j failings of whicli are irregular, ib) Besistcred mails close at 1:00 p. m. same ilav. (c) Bcgistcrcd mails close at S:09 p. in. same j dav. ! (d) Registered mails close at 3:00 a. in. same ' ""- ..,.,, . , n (0 Registered mails close at 1:00 p. m. preview day. .... ..... (h) Registered mails close at 12:00 p. m. prev ious day. (k) Registered maibj close at S:00 p. m. prev ious day. (o) Registered mails clois at 0:00 p. m. prev ious day. JOHN A. JIERRITT, Postmaster. FOR SALE OR REST-BOUSES, TliOS.XWAGGArVIAN7 Rcnl Estate l!rolcr uul Anctloneer. 9 1 7 F Street N. W. FOR SALE-NORTHEAST. 17 3d st, b h. 4r, lot 21xOG ft H'???, CIS G, b h, Cr, cellar, a m i 3,500 1233 SI, bakery, 2 stories, Sr, a. rr.. i 3.J 1030 Bladeniburg rd. f h, Cr h" 1151 and XI53 A, frameJ. Pr ofler wanted SOUTHEAST. 533 Oth st, b h, Sr. bath, a m i $3,2M SOUTHWEST. 217 10th, f h. 2 stories, attic, Sr, bath S2.O03 UNIMPROVED, NOKTUW-Sl, New Hampshire ave, near It, 25x93 ft.. S, bet 18th and 19th, 22"-100 ft $10,000 5,000- 4,500 U st, near Uth, 20x50 It Pe.- sq. ft, Nw cor lCth and Caroline sts, bet T and U, 25x80 ft fj 2J Sw cor R 1 ave and Uth. 79x100 ft 3 53 R st, bet 19th ar.d 20th, 45x90 ft 3 oO 1915 I st, lot 31x115 ft 3 03 14th st, bet Clifton and Roanoke, 106.83X 1G0.43 ft 2 50 1200 21st st, lot 35 ft front 2 2o D21 N J ave, lot 22x128 ft 2 OT 21st, between L and M. 17x100 ft 2 00 19th, bet E and F. 00x153 ft 1 2j Uth, bet T and U, 22x93 ft 1 2a N, bet 21st and 22d. 25x100 It 1 fa Va avc, bet 27th and 2Sth, 110x122 ft W Wisconsin avc, nr St Alban'3 Church, 60x200 ft ' S st, bel 33d and 34th. 70x150 ft Bismarck, near Sherman avc, 50x130 23 FOR RENT. 417 K st. nw., Sr 521 N. Capitol st. nw., Cr West flat, 207 R st. cv., 4r 213 L st. nw., 5r IS 30 15 00 15 20 13 00 14 30 13 00 11 80 11 50 10 30 12 50 8 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 G 00 5 00 500 5 00 5 00 217 10th st. nw., 8r 932 21th st. nw., 6r . G03 Acker st. nc, Gr C20 lid. avc. sv., 5r 1320 29th st. nw., 5r 2118 D st. nw., Gr. 83 H st. nc, Gr G21 and G2G 3' st. nc, Ir. 1503 Norris st. nc, 5r Rear 120 G st. ne., Sr G15 Blair's Court nc, Ir... 1113 Q st. ne., 4r Bear 230 JId. ave. nc, 2r. 2009 Gales 'st. nc, Gr 211 Schoots Alley nc, Sr.. 152S Levis st. nc, 4r Cali at office for semi-monthly Bulletin IF Y'OU WANT to buv, rent, or sell property, call on GBACE JL THOJIAS, 100 Corcoran Building. fcl5-Ct FOR RENT OR SALE 1113 B it. nc, 9 rooms and bath: hardwood finish: cabinet mantels; low to permanent tenant or purchaser. C. SHEPARD, G17 .F st. aw. fcl2-7t,cm RAILROADS. Baltimore & Ohio HAILR.OAD. SceCe In effect December 24, 1509. Leave Washington from station corner of New Jersey Avenue and C Street. For Chicago and Northwest, Vestibuled Limited trains 10:35 a. in., 8:03 p. m., daily. For Cincinnati, St. Louts, and Indianapolis. Express, 10:55 a m. Vestibuled Limited 3:40 p. m express 12:0-3 night, daily. For Pittsburg and Cleveland, 10:33 a. m. and 8:30 and 11:55 p. m., dally. For Columbus, Toledo and Detroit, 12:05 night. For Winchester and way stations, S:3a a. m. and 3:40 and 5:S0 p. in. For Luray, 3:10 p. m. daily. For Baltimore, week days, x2:35, 5:00, 6:80, x7:03, 7:10, x8:30, 8:33, x'J:30, xI0:00 a. m.. xJ2:05 n., 12:15, xl:15, x3:00, x3:30, x4:30, 4:35, x5:03, x5:10, x5:30, xC:20, 0:30, x8:00, xl0:0fi 11:30, xll:35 p. m. Sundays, xti:33, x7:05, x7:10, 8:30, x9:00 a. in., xl2:03, 1:00, 1:13, x3:C0. 4:33, x5:05. x5:10, 0:30, xS-.CO, xl0:Wi, xll:30, xtl.33 p. m. For Annapolis, 7:10 and 8:33 a, m.. 12:15 and. 5:30 p. m. Sundays, 8:30 a. m., 4:33 p. m. For Frederick, week days. 8:35. 10:55 a. m., 1:30, 5:30 p. m. Sundays, 9:00 a. m., 1:15 i- m For Hagerstown, 10:35 a. m- and 3:30 p. in Tor Boyd and way poinU, week days, S:3 a. m., 4:30, 5:30, 7:03 p. m. Sundays, 9:00 a- ra.. 1:15. 7:05 p. m. For Caitheraburg and way points, week days. 8:35 a. in., 12:50. 3:00, 1:30, 1:33. 5:30, 7:05 11.25 p. m. Sundays, 9:00 a. m., 1.15, 1:3, 7:05 10:15 p. tn. For Washington Junction and way points, week days, 8:35 a. m.. 1:30, 5:30 p. m, Sundays. 0:00 a. ra., 1:13 p. m. Iloyal Him- Line. All trains Illuminated with Pintsch light. For Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Bo:ton and the East, week days, 7.05 (Diner), 8:3u (Buffet). 10:00 (Diner) a. m., 12:03 (Diner) 1:13 (Diner), 3:00 "Royal Limited." Ex clusively Pullman Train. Dining Car. 5:05 (Dining Car), 8:00, 11:30, and 2:33 night, (S!-ep ing Car open at 10:00 o'clock). Sundays, 7:05. 9:00 a. m.. 13:05 noon. 1:15 Dining Cars, 3:0u. 5:05 Diniofr Cars, 8:00, 11:30, and 2:33 night (Sleeping Car open 10:00 o'clock). Parlor Carx on all day trains. For Atlantic City, 10:00 a. m., 12:03 noon, and 1:15 and 3:00 p. m. week days. 12:03 noon Sun da vs. For Cape May, week days. 12:03 and 1:15 p. ra. Except Sunday. "xExpress train?. Baggage called for and checked from hotel and residences bv Union Transfer Co. on orders left at ticket offices. 619 Pennsylvania Avenue X.W., New" Y'ork Avenue and 13th Street, ar.d ai r.e,D. "underwood. d. b. MARTIN. 1A V. P. anil Gen. Man. Mirr !. Traffic. PERSONALS. Dr. Young Cor, 12th and F Sts.' Oldest in age; longest located; Regular graduate two schools ; Authorized by the District Go vernment to treat All diseases of the Nose. Throat, and Lungs, Heart, Nerve), Brain. Blood, Skin, Stomach, Kidneys. and Bladder. Night Losse?, Sexual Weakne.-?, and all Special DL-cases of either sex. Stricture. Varicocele nnil If vdrocnlf" cured wltbni.t cuttln-nrntmirnn lor life without mercury orxotajh. Nocstcsure. CHARGES LOW. MEDIC1NES FURNISHED. Dally Office Hours 10 to 1 and S to C. Similar. 10 to 12. FREE CONSULTATION. WARNISd Dr. "..' It in no u con' , Beclcd with any so-ca'.lei medical Institute. I Dr I pal-hftrman. ' m m- m y EXPERT SPECIALIST in the cure of all ptivate oieases. Hvdrocele. Varicocele, Stricture, Im- latency, and" Syphilitic Di.-eajs poiiiuely cured. Advieo -n.l .!f.fin frrP. Ilnth se.te. Daily. 9 to 12. 2 to 5. Tueidaj, Thursday, and Saturday, Evciiings, 7 to S. I!0 ! Street (Closed Sunday.) Nor t Invest. t m. mm. i The 3 DaS CUT - mm- w. w (for men) leadi all remedies in this city prompt and permanent cure or no charge. Con sultation free DR. McKEEHAN. 5K 12th st. nw. Office 1kui5, 1) to 12 a. in.: t to S p. m. Sundays, 2 to 4 p. m. teG-lni REDUCED' REDUCED. Hif Reading.? to die?. 23c. Gents, I P 5X-. OF. AY. Oldest established ( lair.aiit, telh yoo, Im-iness. ne affairs, family troubles, about hiw.-uit.-'. di vorces, or anything y-t wih to know; brings separatrd together: causes speedy marriages; re moves family trouble-, bad luck spells, or ros- j lerioiy feelirgl ; fel7":,tm 10 10 d-'ly. ls) II t. . 3l7 6thSt.,Cor.L3. A. Washrngtoi, D.C. X-RAY IN USE F03 EXAMINATION AND DUGMO'I GERMAN SPECIALISTS in charge to treat all chronic disease- of man and -.cman. Catarrh. Rheumatism. Brain Stomach. Heart, Kidney. Blad der. Hemorrhoids (Piles) cured; vitabty restored. PRIVATE DISEASES. Stricture. Impotency. Varicocele, Hydrocele. Syphilitic SUa and Blood Pois-an cured without mercury. I Especial attention in old ami so-caTled incurable case, treated ar.d cure accomplished, nours. 10 to 12. 2 to C Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, till 9 evening- unuay cioseu.j ur, Auta. Dr, A. H. TAYLOR, OOG V St. N. AV. Gold Ailing and bridge work a specialty, at ill. tnirr?t nrices: amal-am filling-. 50c: full sets I nf teth on plates. ?j; extracting, '.il ter ov gas "J ...,,, -,?;,, Me, VSh. ! ., o-,. alt t-T.rtr done h? exnert and nrr. antecd the best; open on Sundays from 10 to 1 o'clock. mh22-tf-cm K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE 3 14 Ninth Street iN. W. Money Loaned on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. Business ittictly confidential. No connection with any other Loan Office in the city. Mrs. DR. RBNKBR, SPECIALIST 1:1 obstetrics. Gold medal awardeil for lln science of ob-stetric? from the University of Munich, Ba varia. Trea's successfully women's complcatioas and irregularities; ptivate sanitarium for ladiei before and during confinement. InfanU adopted. Oflice hours. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 621 Pa. Ave. nw.. Washington. D, C sei3 tf Smi THEO, Medium and Ca'd Reader. Washington's most famous Clairvoyant and Palmist. Consult her on business, love, and family affairs; reunites the separated; removes spells; causes speedy mar riages, and gives luck. Open daily. Gennan spoken: 23c mil 30c. U-9 II st. nw. fc!6-7t YOUNG woman, alone in the world, father left .10,000 in property, which she cannot manage alone, desires kind and honest hsbar.d. Address. Box 23, St. Louis, Jlo. lt.em LADIES uho dejire a Monthly Regulator that cannot fail will please address, with stamp, DR. Sr EVENS. Buffalo, N. V. dc5,tn.tli.sat-l- GYPSY PAI-iHST, 1022 7th st. nw.. 10 int: waik tipStaiTS; post, pti-seiu. luiun-, ll..j in-iiu-, separated brought tgetiifr. fel-2t 1 OOK here, fellow man; we consider your inter ests; let us tell you that wc ran supply your wanU in an elegant suit of clothes or an over coat made by our leading tailors: worn seareciy anv at a price that you cannot dispute. Famoui JUSTH'S OLD STAND. G19 D-st. nw. fel3-"t ju; 1. NORRIS. Baltimore's lalenlcd medium. " at 73 9th st. nw., daily from 10 to 0, Sun davs included; seances Tues. and Fri., S p. m.; Wednesday. 2:30 p. tn.; Sunday nights at Jlaccn bee Temple, Oth st. nw.; ood music; silver col IccTtion. 'eU'Tt 3IJ1E DWIS, born clairvoyant and curd reader, tells about business, removes spells and evil influences, reunites the separated, and give? luck to all; cures piles and drunkenness. 122S 2ot!i si. ,. fli-lmo,cm SUFFEBERS from Epilepsy will do well to call at the DR. DAVIS' MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 715 13th st. n Ja22-tf FOR SALE -'AIOIS'.. UOR SAIJ Farm. 137 acres; 10-rconi brick house: good improvements. For particulars write to Jlrs. II. B. GRAHAJI, Garfield 1. (., Fairfax county, Va. fel-3t,cni FOR RENT OR SALE Farm 25 acre-, on R. & O. It. R.. 10 miles from city. 1 miles, from station, buildings first-c--. Apply OWNER. 1SIC 14th st. nu. It jfifB-a. &r h. ww RAILROADS, Pennsylvania RAILROAD, STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AND B STS. 7:55 A. it. WEEK DAYS. PITTSBURG EX PRESS Parlor and Dining Cars Harrisburjr la Pittsbunr. 10:50 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pull man Sleeping, Dining, Smoking, awl Oberva tion Cars Harrlsburjr to Chlcspi, Cincinnati Indianapolis, St. Louis. Cleveland, and Toledo. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10:50 A. JL FAST LINE Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Car Harri hurg to Pittsburg. S:30 P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EX-PKESS-Slecping Car Washington to St. Lo. and Sleeping and Dining Car- Harrisburg to Indianapolis, St. Louis, Nashville (via Cincin nati and Louisville), ami Chicago. 7:lfJ P. M. WESTERN EaPBEsS Pullman Sleep ing Car to Pittsburg and Chicagu. Diniag Car to Chicago. 7:20 P. M. SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS PuH rnan Sleeping Cars Washington to PUtafewB ami Harrisburr to St. Louis, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Dining Car N 10:10 P. M. PAtlrIC EXPRESS Pullman Sleep ing Car to Pittsburg. 7:55 A. M. For Kane. Canandaigua. Rsehester. and Niagara Falls, daily, except Suaday. 10:50 A. M. For KImira and Benovo daily, ex cept Sunday. For Williamsport daily, 3:30 P. M. 7:20 P. M. For WiKiamsport, Rochester, Erie, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls daily, exeept Sat urday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Roch ester. 10:10 P. M. For Erie. Canandalgwa. Koehester. Buffalo, and Niagara Falls daily. PuMraan Sleeping Car Washington to Kechester Satur days only. For Philadelphia, Neir Yurie, and the EllHt. 1:00 P. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED." daily, all Parlor Car3, with DiBing Car frm Baltimore. Regular at 7:u0 (Dining Car). 7.M. 7.55. 8.15. 9.00, 10.00 (Dining Car), and 11.00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A. 31., 18.1. 3.15. 5.00 (Dining Car from Baltiinore). 0.3. 10:00, and 11:50 P. 31. On Sunday, 7:00 (Diniag Car), 7.20, 8.15, 9.0O. 11.00 (Dining Car frm Wilmington) A. 3L. :15. 3.15, 5.00 (Dinimj Car from Baltimore), 6:50. 10:00. and 11:S0 P. JL For Philadelphia only. Expr x-l 1L week-days, 2.01, and 5.18 P. JL dally. For Boston, without change, 7.55 A. M. week day and 5.00 P. JL daily. For Baltimore. 6.20. 7.00. 7.20. 7.53. 8.15, 9.00. 10.00, 10.50. 11.00 A. JL. 12.15. 12.15. I2JW. 2.01. 3.15. 3.30. 4.00. (Limited). 1.20, 1.31, 5.00. 5.40, 6.15. C.50, 7.20. 10.00, W.40, 11.35, and 11.50 P. JL On Sunday. 7.00. 7.30. 8.1S. 9.8 9.05, 10.50, H.fiO A. M-. 12.15. 1.15. 3.01. 3.U 3.30. 4.00. (Limited), 4.20, 5.00, 5.49, 8.1, 6-59, 7.20. 10.00, 10.10. ami H.50 P. JL For Pope's Creek Line, 7:53 A. JL asd 4:M P. JL week days. For Annapoli. 700 xnd 9:00 A. JL. 12:k. and 5:10 P. JL week davs. Sundays, :60 A. JL ami 1:20 P. SL 'Tlorida Special" for Jacksonville and St. Awtjm tinc, 6:20 P. JL week day3. Express for Ftrt da and poinU on Atlantic Coa Line. t'M A. 31. , 3:07 P. M. dailv; BichmoRd only. 11:45 A. JL week davs; Atrinta Special, via Re-t-!l and Seaboard Air Line. 5:00 P. JL daily. Ae-ccmm-jdatioB f-r Oiantko, 7:15 A. M. ditty tod 1. 25 P. JL week day. Seashore Connection. For Atlantic City (via Delaware River BriAce. all-rail route). 3.15. 4.00. ("Copgressoal Li.-n-itfd"). asd 11.50 P. M. tfaily. Via Jtatket Street Wharf, 10.1-0 and 11.00 A. JL. 12.15 P. JL week days. 11.30 P. JL daily. Tor Cape 3Iay', n.00 A. SL week days, 11.50 P. M. dailv. Ticket offices, corner Fifteenth ad G Streets, and at the station. Sixth ami B Streets, where ordrs can le left for the eheekiag of bag?ae to destination frcm I otels and residences. Telphonr call "1111" for VsahiifiyMih RalV road ( ab Servire J. B. HITCHIN'-OV, J. R- WOOD. General Manager. General Passenger Agent. Southern Ry. Schedule in effect Januaiy 1. 1S00.) Ail iraiui arne ana Kae i'euiyiauu. Paa- j tenger Station. .-....- -- . . j u,mii illtir 5:01 A. 31. Daily, local mi r-.ic, w-j. , lotte, ana way saiu- -- .--, - -j t for stiasburs, Harrisonburg, awl StanMwi " except Sunday, and at Lynchbwg with i the N , aMl Western dairy, and with C. i O. I.. fc. r Natural Bridge nly. aad Lexi;toii .-- j cept Sunday; also fcuBBects at CalvertOB ar- I 111. A. M.-Dai!v. the LN1TED STATES FAST i MAIL. Pulbfian Sleeper New Yerk awl Wafc ' ingtou to Jacksonville and. MiamL """ 3 i Sati-burv with Pnllf- Sepr toe -hll- a ' Hit Sm-ins. N. C; KooxiM-. uiMtt Menmhi. Tew... awl at Ck-Mte w; sleeker tor Anu.ta. Ccucetts at C.-i Hct spring. N. C; KnosiM. UWo85u. nw Iumfcia with f..r i-iilktoB. I'uBman SleeMf. Aw York to N-w Orleans, .iiitis at Cho.Mte l Pullman i-b-epcr ' A.t. S-1W tii. ' iugton t Neu Orlea-i witheul -n;s. IHatttc t an!wlAt' M. iHiEy. local for Clrlotrwlr, ..'t;- t hrt-o tor MarrtatOB. 4 81 P "JL-I-ocl t-'S Urcut W-asrt. Strada?. and IUtrHmbcr. A-ity. elt i!-,- ,., 4:S P. M. laiJj. lcal tor CWlottoSi. coa'iMet5 at Calertn ter wr!T5.".rtl,,. .vft r.:" P. JL Week Iy5. M"w aOltK AM riOBIDA LIMITFD. linest tr;n tn In wvim. Pullman Drawios: W". -;. J?i . Olxervation eais b-ei New Jerk. Wwfcl-gUi. and St. A-)tie. via Ja.oviIie. Also mm-in-.rooni SleepiriK CVt to AihcB nd Awgreni. ' W"s?P M.-1.I1T: NEW YORK AND fLMtWA FXlMtESS. canies Pnllm-n Butfrt Sleii Crsk w York and Wahiitim 1- A.krfrtWil. I toMcrtimr there iiu lra-.Dt M--. ; I inr car tor "t. Angu-tine and Mia. at to A ! tu -! I" "-"or Tmjx, Fh.. vi.i CntaMlkNK. j ith eonnetinr for Aiken. Throoeh touch W ' mston to Jackworilic IXniiK er ntec. I 5-31, P J! -Daily. "WASHINtfroNV.XD CHAT- TNOO:A LIMITED." via LyBchg. wih ' tbro-h SLepers fiom New York and Washington to JleVfiphis and New Orleans. tMOtnjh Pf-'l"hrt.u- to-jeh WasMMrtvn l Jlewpfcfcs. Paster I ami oUenalkw U" between Radorl. -Va aBd I..-11- u IMninir Cir service. i 10:13 P- Jl--"& " A' "ti , f , col rllVVKs.TEKN LIMITED. ceioini of PH- 'ill'UWi .. ...... i-iCiiiVMYte rrfc Sleeper. DMb? Cas. f m-n tsiIn!-1 I aed Isv Om' Pullen Sfeepss, Nw . ... ." v-llk Tmsic. via AMKvWc Kx- 1 ille and CtalUiwo-; k M". Athmia aid Mo.ta;omr.. . OIrvttia Steepta fai v YcrK ani nji iv .-,, -. Attowta. PMlI-an. library, and Obr- rjr between Nw York H W- 1 I tatton . . , ...,.. rnri t ltisa rin(. .. V TJk tor, wil'h tr.,i for Pinrfwrst. X. C. Kxri Drawing-room Sleeping Car. between Nw o,k WashingltHi. and New OrWaia. evry fh ,v a'nd satmihr. conrectinc tn-e """jn-t limited" for Sin FtaneisCO. Jestihwkrf D-y Ccitn Washinpton lo Atkir.ta. IHniwr Cr Serv ice nnet IViwrnally Coodrnted Twirfct Exe-r-.ia Sleeper 00 this train every MoKciay. Wedses- .I,i -."4I-:'. . . -. ,- ; , .l.lu dav. and FndaT to "i rrsm.- - .s- TIIAINS ON WASHlMr-O.N A.M umu uu " ""...- . .... ..! o..r. r. r -,'. in-ton S:2 A. -"- wilt-, -mi 1 . a. -. davf and 3:W P- 31. Sunday owly. fm Rnd Hill' and 7:00 A. M. week days from Her. andS-3l A. M. week days; 7:0rt z. M. JI-Bctetit. and 7'.32 I'- 31. Wednesday ami Sained-, itmx 'Tirouttb trair frm the Scmth arrive at Wisfc inlto" G:t2 and 7:35 A. U. : .2:1 m-I -JR SI. dailr, and 10:15 A. 31. dutfy. est Xoncky. Harrisonburg. 12 neon weelt day, and :l P. JL dailv; from CharJottesvUte, S:2S A. 31. and 9:"t0 P. JL daily. Tickets, sleeping ear reservations', ami other In formation furtiislitd. and Uegae ead fsr and checked from hotel ami rv-Mences by Unien Transfer Compuny. or odw toft at Ttefcet Of fictrt. 703 Fifteenth Street northwest: 511 Penn sylvania Avenue northwest, and at Pennsylvania Pss-senger Station. ... . . ,. 1 Telephone call 1141 for l'eH-71-iMa l:rvd Cab Service. - ., . , FRANK S. GV.NNO.Y, Third iee Prei(dgnt and General 3Ianagr. J JL CULP. Trall'ie Jfanager. W. A. TURK. General Passenger Agent. L. S. BROWN. General Agent. FOR KENT OFFICES. GOOD OFFICES. VERY LOW RENT. Elevator Service. Steam Heat. HUTCH1NS BUILDING, COR WTH A I. APPLY W. J. DANTE, f.l3-tf ROOM 33. FOR RENT Desk teem, centre of city. ?" floor: heat and gas: also service of elerkj $3 per month. Address BOX fg5. thU office fellt WALL I-VrEIl. OUR TORE shows that spris f coming. 1M3 of new- styles in Wall Paper already hero aHd more on the" way. Rich, dainty, handsome de signs. Stop in and we them. We paper rooms -do rcry finest work- -for onl.. S-- "P- T. G. yoLTE. 810 frth st. VOBB.IC'H. "cl7-H ROOMS PAPERED. SL73 up: won. g"arnteel; s-raplcs brouhL HUXT, UH I. St. nw. felG-3t ui- VNIOV Ieavs Washington !:! A. JJ. ! wl 4 13 P JL week day?, and 6:23 P. M. Stcy u!y, for Round UiU; 1:35 : P. M. G3 P 31 Satardavs. and It:20 P. JL wedaes lavs and Saturdays "for Leesburg, and :2ft P. M. . , ir.rruiiui. t;emrm:r. am k -s-