MS, f MEMPHIS DAILY APPEALTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1SS0. COMPLETELY SWEPT AWAY IDE EIIXESS PORTION OF WIL. aiKGT05tS.C, LLTi.VLD. Oyer aXiUloa aid a Half Dollar.-' !Trth f Property Deatrojed The Losses. WiMsnni-ro., K. C, Fohruary 22. iub uiauua, piTiDg ix-iwwn tins city nd Fuycttcvillc, N. !., caught liro Uiw afternoon about 4 o'clock, "just before reaching hor wharf, and owing - to the infiarrnnuble nature of her car, consisting of rosin, p-iinta of turpen tine and cotton, was immediately en- eiojieu in names, ine pilot lieaded her for the nearest aviuinlile wharf, and the potwengers succeeded in encai inp;, some by bout from adjoining vch- . wig ana otucre ny jumpingoverbonrd, when they wero quickly rescued. The tcamcr landed against the wharf of tho Now York and Wilmington Hteam hip Company, and the fire was quick Jy communicated to the sheds and warehouses thereon. All tho wharfs and sheds being sat united with rosin and turpentine the spread of the fire was rapid, and despite the efforts of the firemen became a disastrous con , flafiration. Uhore was a gale blowing ironi me Boutnwost, and soon the Mocks on tho water front were burn ing furiously. At about 8 o'clock the Are was getting under control, but not . Bum n iiaa aosiioyed A IIIUIO.I AND A UALR DOLLARS' worth of proporty, starting from Chest nut street, the New York Steamship Company's w harfand warehouse were tmrnexl, next the store of F. W Kerchencr, tho store and offices of Hcrcliener & Colder Pros., K V. Snot- u-r vo.. a. u. weasel, Weith 4 WeiUi, O. G. l'arstey, Alex. Spnint and Hon, Chadburrs lumber null, C. O. Binney fc Co., B. Wright's flour and grist-mills, tho Champion Compress and Warehouse Company, the freight warehouses of tho Wil mington and Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Com panies, and several boarding-houses were also destroyed, and in addition to the steamer Bladen, the steamer Iiiver Queen of tho same lino was burned to tho water's edge. The American schooner Lillio Holmes was also burned and will prove a total loss. Over 1250,000 worth of goods were burned in ono warehouse, owing to sparks wafted by the high wind. Numerous private dwellings caught fire and wero burned to tho ground, including those of the lion. Geo. Clark, Col. W. T. Brink, Mr. Solomon Bacr and about. thirty others. In ad dition, a block of small tenements oc cupied by colored people was com pletely swept away, although nearly a mile oistaul. from r ia MAIN FIRE. The general offices of the Atlantic oast Lino were destroyed, with nu merous valuable papers and records. The Front Street Methodist church was also burned, and is a total loss. Owing to tho general demoralization incident to the fire, it is impossible to ascertain to-night tho individual losses or insurance, i lie telegraph wires in tho streets wero pulled down, and communication is ditlieult, though the management is using every possible endeavor to keep the service intact. So many poor people are burned out that fears are entertained of serious distress on this account, and active ellorls are being made to relieve ail suffering. Quite a handsome sum has already been raised, and others are contributing. The guests of tho Orton House alone raised a munificent purse, which is being distributed to Hioso most in need. publication of the look. The time of publication is set for May. The ad miral is now in his seventy-thin: year, but as vigorous as many of the young men of the service. Citing a very ancient authority, "his eyes are not dimmed nor his natural force abated ;" and even some of tho scantily-covered heads of the fresh ensigns hold a feeling somewhat like envy as he shows a full shock of chestnut hair, hardly flecked with irrav. II wrote to his publishers nut many days ago mat ne would complete lua naval history long liefore the printers could cairn up wiin mm. 0. O. Hall, who started the Ciu einnati Graphic two years ago, has been arrested on a charge of emliezzle- ment preferred by V. S. Bragg, his partner, who invested 100,000 in tho plant of that paper. The latter has brought suit for a dissolution of the partnership, in which Hall has only a nominal interest, anil received a salary of 175 a month and a share of the profits. Bragg claims that his loss will amount to several hundred thous and dollars. Hall was cauglU by means oi a decoy letter, lie is a young fellow of thirty-three years, wno originated ine dramatic festival. and was its secretary. He claims to le a relative of Gladstone, thouirh born in Louisiana, and signs his name- in alliums as Utis Orlando U'wrnuliul stone Hall. His father was a national banket, anil his mother and sisters reside in Pans. He sent ten years in ivngiisn colleges, and lias been em ployed on newspapers in St. Ixiuis, an irancisco and elsewhere. Ho denies his guilt. Tun Western and Atlantic railroad of Georgia has issued in very attract ive form and beautifully illustrated the Mountain Camjmignt in Georgia; or nar y'w on trie Western and Atlantic Tho narrative is compiled from tho best sources and the illustrations are from such artists as Waud. Gen. "Joe1' Johnston says of it: "I have seen no publication relating to the war so attractive in style and appear ance. And Gen. v. T. Sherman LITEKARY NOTES. Tim Oompijts Angler, 'by Isaac Walton, forms number four of Cassell's National Library .edited by Prof. Henry Morley. This rare gem that has de lighted so many generations of Kn-glish-epcakiiig people can thus bo had for 10 cents. Jn any form it basal ways been deemed worth its weight in gold. Tim Century is bringing out sev eral Southern writers whose names have not been hitherto widely known. Mat Grini is tho author of a Southern story in the February number, and in the March number will appear a story of Louisiana, entitled "John Toner's Experiment, by Mrs. Margaret Weth erell Kernan, with a full page illustra tion by Mr. Kemble. "Tim Strength and Weakness of Socialism" is the title of a striking and timely article by Dr. Washington Gladden, in the forthcoming March number of Tlie Century. Dr. Gladden attempts to show what the Socialists think and want. Dr. Gladden also gives his own views on this pressing public question the result of many years of elwervation and study. Km Castklar is probably the most brilliant orator now living. A full-page portrait of him will form the frontispiece of .the March Century, with articles by William Jackson Arm strong and Alvey A. Adee, of tho State Department, Washington. The latter was a member of the American Legation in Spain at the time of Cas telar's political ascendancy. The pres ent situation in Spain makes these papers especially timely. Tim Tennessee State Board of Health Bulletin for January, in its leading article, endeavors to impress the importance of organizing county health lwards, as authorinod by the statu'?, in the twenty-six comities that have failed to fol low tho law. It presses the point that it is not epidemics of yellow fever or cholera alone that are to be provided against, but the numerous wasting diseases that prevail. One life raved or euUuring avoided would requite the ellort and expense. The magistrate who reads this, if his county has not organiieu iw ooard, let nun make a note of it now and call it up at the April quarterly court. A ciRfim.A a from the Forum Publish ing Company announces the purpose of the magazine to be to address itself to tho mass of intelligent people. "It will discuss subjects that concern all clamos alike in morals, in educa tion, in government, in religion. It will be genuinely independent, both of partisan bias and counting-room influence, and will endeavor to bo im partial. It will be constructive in its aim, presenting opposing views not for the purpose of exciting strife, but in order to assist the reader to form wise conclusions. It will employ the best known esssayislfl; and it will also in vite to its pages men anil women con nocted with important business and social interests, who have special op portunities for information. Is view of the rerent dangerous ill ness of David D. Porter, Admiral of the United States Navy, his publish ers, the Sherman Publishing Com- fiany, New York City, announce that lis crowning work, T he Kaval History of the OmJ Hot, is so near completion that nothing can seriously retard the takes great pleasure in compliment ing you on having made so condensed and valuable a souvenir of the old State railroad from Chattanooga to Atlanta. The maps are admiral) e. the illustrations are characteristic, and the text as near the truth as can be com pressed in so small a space. I am willing to indorso what you record that the Atlanta aamniuim of 18IU would have been linpossilile without this road j that all our battles wero fought for its possession, and that the Western and Atlantic railroad of Georgia "should be the pride of every true American," because, "by reason of its existence the Union was saved." Mr. Thomas J. Girardeau, a South erner oi the old typo and a literary man of taste, skill and abilitv. read Uncle Tom'n Cabin the other dav for the first time, and confesses that be fore he did so "it angered him to hear the preposterous praises heaped on the book. When certain admirers talked of similitudes to Shakespeare and the Bible I failed lo dissemble my utter disgust. When twitted with con demning and contemning what I was ignorant of, I replied that it was not necessary to read tlie Book of Mormon to pronounce Joe Smith a fool, nor the Age of Beaton to discover what the babble of the world had abundantly revealed that Tom Paine was an atheist and a radical." Well, Mr. Girardeau read and he was conquered, anil he writes: "Let tho political features go. Doubtless tho book did the work of a million men in bringing on tho conflict and in freeing the slaves. We are thankful it is all over and not even an active imagination may picture now a Lcgrceor the woes of a Thomas ya Kempis in ebony. AVe try to forget and forgive the cruel im possibilities of the tale, knowing what we know and seeing what we see; we forgivo the grossness of the caricature as regards its facial features, when wo feel the honest beat of a loving heart beneath all, and listen to the gospel of faith in God and good will to man. Uncle Tom't Cabin will live and be read centuries hence, in all proba bility; not as veritable history, for such i is not; not as agallery of por traits in ink, though "St. Clair" and his wife, "Aunt Ophelia" and "Topsy" are creations of original value ; not as arhetorieal special plea, high-w mii.rhl, cunning and impassioned in its ery i simplicity no, not for any oi thrsi things, but it will Hve and be r.-ml with tears and deep conviction hi- cause it is an evangel of love. But not even an evangel of love could fly to the heart so quickly and with such subduing j)ower were it not winged wiin me airs oi genius, mere is a type of genius which, though it may not reacn to even tne second round of the immortal seats, is yet as genuine as that of the master who sits at the head in his jieaked beard and ear rings. I he genius of tho sentiment and of the spiritual nature may be at limes commonplace, but it moves many more hearts and influences more lives than do the princes of creation and fancy. Montgomery, even, has more followers than Shelley." PRESIDENT MD SE5ATE. Alf The INTEEYIE1T WILLIAM WITH UE0CVE fLUTLS. Prrsrnt Dlspnte Betwrtn Two Branches of the ExectUire. the Nkw York, February 22. The Tier aid this morning prints a long inter view with George William Curtis, in regard to the dispute between the President and the Senate. Mr. Cur tis saiil that perhap tho President was justified in relusing to make confiden tial communications public, but his refusal should only apply to such as had already been made to him. He should give the people- to understand ' that in the future all papers would lie , .... t . . oien lor inspection, and men any one wno nau any information to lay be fore tho lresidcnt would know what to expect. No ono could sutler by such an agreement. It would servo to make people more careful of what they said and for whom thev signed, and that certainly was desirable. The signing of petitions for olhce had grown to absurd proportions. Many prominent men will sign anything, and a uovemor of this Ftate, Mr. Curtis said, had told him that ho signed every petition that was pre sented to him, but whenever he signed such papers lie wrote to the appointing power to say that tho sig nature meant nothing at all, and that if he really wanted to help an appli cant no would write, in a private way. llus was not lair to those who hud secured tho signature. President Van Burens practice was similar. If Martin wrote and said such and such a thing it would not do to rely upon it, but if Martin s son said or wrote it. whv. then, it was oerfectlv reliable. These wero tricks of politi cians to be sure, but they showed how great this "to ston tho exjx-n,- of middlemen and send meats i:r,rt ), the pro ducer to the coiiMiin. r. I hae dis covered that in the pr.n Uai working of tho cattle biisiiu-.-s us at present conducted that then-iv eleven mid dlemen, cacn oi wiioin must have a profit before the meat lies the con sinner, l ne wuoiesaiiTs are eating us up. M i oropose to Mart retail shops m all of the teiieiiu ii! Imuse dii-trict of the city where our meats will be sold on account of tin- company. Tin cattle will bo killed .it our abattoir The beef will be sloped in refriger ator cars. 11 win oc delivered to a central market, and from there dis tributed to the dilliruit shops. We shall have the scheme at work aiioui sixty uays. ine details arc now iK'ing Hrfected. The advantage to the consumer will amount to from 2 to 4 cents iwr pound nil around. We think we might as well i-ive the con sumer the lienetit of this profit which now goi-s to ine miiiiiieinen,-- W. W. BCHOOLTIKLD. LDUI3 BANAl'KR. H. . MILLER. BstablistLed 1862 TTAR ON THE SPORTS. EfTorta lo Bnppreaa Gambling at Nt. Lonlw. St. Ixivis, Mo., February 22.-Ever since the public gambling-houses in this city were closed, about two years atf". by police authority, several of the gamblers have been running houses across the river in East St. Ixmis, and it is alleged that they have been pro tected by the Fast St. Iouis police on the payment of a large money bonus. This becoming obnoxious to the bet ter class of citizens, and no hope ofire lief from the Fast St. Louis police being entertained, the aid of tho county authorities was invoked, nnd Saturday night Sheriff Uobiqitct, with several'dcputies, aided by Thomas Fur long, Chief of the Missouri Pacific liail way Secret Service, and several of his detectives, raided the three prin cipal houses, captured their proprie tors and employes, took them to lit-II-ville, tho- county seat, and placed them under bonds. It is now alleged that this action was instigated by Chief Furlong, and that aside from the purpose of breaking up the gam bling dens or closing and proving the alleged corrupt relations between the Fast St. Louis police authorities and the gamblers, it has some mysterious connection with the murder about three months ago of the Hon. John B. Bowman, ex-Mayor of East St. Louis and a prominent and wealthy lawyer of that city. No explanation of tho mat ter can be obtained, but it is said that some startling revelations are likely to be made in tlie prosecution of those castas. AIll'HK WAS CAPAHLK OK HUCOMIXO, Mr. Curtis said that ho agreed with Senator Sherman on the right of the Senate to see the recommendations for appointments. The Senate was part of the executive power. The constitution said that the President should nominate and by and with the consent of the Senate appoint certain oiiiccrs. jn nan oi ine executive ower tho Senate had tho right to know what influences, considerations and information bail decided the President in making a nomination, Its action could not be thoroughly in telligent unless it had such lnlorma- tion. The object of the Senate in de manding these papers was twofold. rirst, it wanted to defend the eharac ter of the men w ho had been re moved." In the second place, it wished. i possible, to throw discredit on the President and to show that he had violated his pledges. The latter was its prune object. The Senate be longed to the opposition part v. and it had tho right to attack the President's osition if its warfare was honorable I'he President could block t he Senate's game by furnishing it with (ho infor mation asked. The Senate has said mat the inlormation was wanted as secret information. It was pretty cer tain, however, that u anything hkelv to injure the President was obtained in this way it would speedily become public. Let the 1'resident try the Senate's secret session plan. If the information thus given should leak out ho could thereafter reply to the Senate's demands by saying, "I shall give you the information you ask, but 1 shall also give it to the public at the same time. TUB I'HEMPKNT, Mr. Curtis thought, bad nothing to fear. Mippose that Ins reason tor re moving a iiostmaster was that ho was drunk, would tho publica tion of that fact hurt the President? Would not such action deter other postmasters from liko offenses? In conclusion, Mr. Curtis said that he was compelled to differ with the Pres ident as to his prerogative. Mr. Cleve land was perhaps right in declining to uiaKe ins action retroactve. anil in refusing to turn over communications intended as confidential, and In many cases so marked. But his course in the future was clear. Ho should place all communications on record, and the writers should know that letters to the President are letters to the country, JMavorixjw H idea was praiseworthy, He let the people know that he felt at liberty to mako anything public, as he deemed best. Mr. Curtis said that a demand of this sort had never been complied with by any other President, irom Washington s tune to the pres ent, but Mr. Ueveland was elected under peculiar circumstances, under a movement intended to reform politics, A great step for reform would be his putting an end to all secrecy that was not supported by reason of the consti tution. FRAUD AND C0RKUPTIGN In the Soldier' Orphan School! of Penimjlvanln. Philadelphia, Pa.. February 22.- TEXAS LAND SWINDLE. Tboaaandaot Propl Rrlna; Victim- lard fcy Old t'rrtltiralc. . nt i.i acstin. iex., renruarv t ip land agents of this citv have within the past few weeks received a flood of nquirics from persons in New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago ami other points as to tho status of Texas land cortiticates. it appears that some parties are unloading Texas certifi cates, ami nave somehow created a demand and found purchasers. Some of the certificates are out of date and worthless, and others are of little value, as there is now in sight no pub lic domain upon w hich to locate them. Texas holders unable to sell have, in many cases, illegally located these cer tificates upon lands especially set aside for school and university purposes, or asylum lands, or lands liclongmg to the railway companies. 1 Ins they have done in the hunt hope that at some future time tho legislature will val idate their locations, especially those upon common school lands. There is no public domain in Texusanv longer. and the holders of these certificates (of which there are several thousand outstanding) are undoubtedly finding a market for them amoiigthe moneyed people of the Fast and North. Tliese certificates all bear date about UK) veurs back, nnd 4uc verv ufiiren in Texas, because they have lwen picked up and sent Fast for the benefit of nn- suspecting land speculators of the North. It has lieeii repeatedly sug gested by prominent men in the State that Texas ought to advertise the true condition of these old certificates, and thus prevent thousands of people being swindled, to thedetrimeiitof the good name of the State. Utrmaa Day at tha New Orleaaa Ea. poaltlon. New Orleans, February 22. The celebration of German day at the Ex position was a complete success. The ceremonies at Music Hall were par ticipated in by thousands of peacea ble, thriftvGerman-Aiiierican citizens. Mr. John Krtittschmiilt, German Con sul, presided, assisted by Jacob lias sing, vice-president. An address in German was delivered by the Hon' Charles F. Buck. A poem was read by Sol Marx, the festival secretary. The ceremonies were enlivened bv suitable music and songs. There were present on tlie platform foreign con suls, government, state and citv o(!i cials, commissioners of States and Territories and representatives oi var ious commercial organ iz-at ions. 25C and 258 Front St., Memphis. Trim. DR. D. S. JOHNSON'S ruiVATjt: MEDICAL DISPENSARY, No. 17 Jefferson Street, UiotwMo Main and Frnnt.) MKMPQJU. iK-mbliihed in lVi. DR JOHNSON iaacknoalclm-d brail par. Iw intrrtutad bf luo eei'ul phynu-ian in thatreaimontof prtiT.ta or F.rret di'e4e. Quiok, pormaD.nt cures unrnted In every cue. in a!, or fW.alo. Kei-Ant raaei uf Gonorrhea and firnhilii cure i in a f w da without the ue of mer- 'iiry, rhanre of dirt or hintlranea irom mo. .--ti-nnitry Hribilia. the laat vea- BMNKLEY LUMBER COMPANY YELL0AV PINE AND OAK ICMI1EK, Dooraj, SmsbIx nsxct X311xclaa. GEO. BAYMILLER. Agent, 124 Jefferson Street SLEDUEBROS.,ofComo,JIIj(8. F. M. N0RFLEET, Resident Partaer. SLEDGE & IOBFLEET Nn. 3B5 COTTON FAOTOES, Front Street IrTpmpTdw TnrwatM, CoIImi-m. Illtud Ilrldlcts BiU'kbaudN, llaiueMtrliigii, True ChtaiiiN, Ham cm, Niugte Tree, Double Tree, Curry CodiIm, Home HriiNhe. A Complete Line of the nbore OoodH at I,owet Price. Lap links, Lap IliiiKH, Repair Lluks, Cotton Hope, WnOLKSALK MANUl'ACTUHKRS SADDLES, IIAItMN ANU COLLAltS, SOI and SQ3 lrfaln Wtreet. Mom phi. Term. W.. A. GAGE & CO. Cotton 3F,otor,.3, No. 300 Front Street, : HeniphU, Tenn W, F. TAYLOR & GO. Cotton Factors & Commission rierch ts, No. 314 Frout Street, Corner ol Monroe, MemphiH, Tcnn. Liberal Aduinwi Mnd on 'nnnlcnninl. t ue t-rMilii-Ntf-il withonttna uita nf mitmir Jnvolunxnry i,, of stopped in aehort time, t-ullerftre from i in potency or I oea ol friual mwit restored to free rior in a few aei-ka. Victim of eslf-ahur. venery, u(fertnjr from f permaterrfaaa and loof h)ioal nd mental power, aadily n,t permanently cu-ed. Particular atten tion paid to the lliteaaee nf Vaman. B.n4 cum auaranteed. File and old toree cared wiinoio tne une nt camticor the knire. All o iiruitiitiona rtrirtlr confidential. Med cinm ut by eipreM to all pacta at tha oouorrv a-Workintinea tared at half the ainal rnt9. Office boura from R o'elook a.m. to 9 n ciocup.m. i. H. JUIIUMJ.N. M.U. Cnro Giinrnntfiml 1 h l.ltfclrolialviiiii.,urM-nmrv llHl tat a 1'oPiiitr 4'iiretitr NtoiuI-.i,IMj. ft I' aiinr. nihiie. I 'mint I nreOlif A Ac. Vr. o.iu hi-wanl muiI If ery irouuiiu I iOt't IM fit front, l'rloe rHliH-fl lo .. tttUi ra.- )i It n Btoiit ft n I lin iruariuiiM tdt redirs the full amount jWl If It dom not nuLL ft mmi'MA cur. Synjet! partit iiiara Mil rv Kl Kt'lHlO JIKKT AOKNOY. corner FlU bwUx Avenue and Htata btxet llrooka, f. t Thomson'sIIotoI AND CRESCENT EATING HOUSE, I.., N. O. A T. It all road. Clarkgdale, Bliaslsalppl. Tralni alop 111 mlnutei for meali. ireakiaat, coma North ... T:'4 Dinner, oin riouth ........l ' .-fa) Dinner, aoina North I ill) Buiiper, auini Mouth T !i Ik. hotel la near the L..N.0. and T. Raj' ro.u Depot. The only hotel In town. Travel era, rt t boardara and familial will and t ta belt of aoco-i modationa. To. rooma ara no ntortable, w t plenty of beddinc. Tha tableau I ervlce i jr t claii. Terms rea onabl. W. R. THOMSON CO.. Proprietor. Vimii U h tbctiel IMHI tOUAutiC ml i Amu We h ive mi, ftiitlta tnry caw ft) Ium Kva ""rifrm AlMtt UftK M I'aretla VI f f I TO ft lTB. f yQt)Ara4Ad nt mW MUM MirUivrt. I 1 UrflMLrbytlw 1 Itmn Oainicftl Oo. A Valuable Paten). Itanjy'a (Horaa) 4'orn nnd Pf PI a. I.r. HAVING perfected my Invention. I wlnh n plno. it bnfore the public, aapeoially m .nutaoturer.. Aa a cntn Planter, it ii a perleot mi, oalf apaai tha drill, ditribatoa tha aeed ac rai.i, uiuuiered, and oovera tha lame, thereby on. man performing tha work ol three. Thev hare been uaed in thli lection tor over a doion yearn with t-cr-feot latiifactlon. Can give reipOLlibl. teati uioniali, ,llre'.l JOHN ii. PANCY, Dancyvllle, naywood county, lenn. Scot t'a I maMoi or Pare rod Liver Oil, Willi MvpoptaoHptaltca, JlemarkabU at a Fink ProJuctr. The increase of 'flesh and strength is perceptible immediately after com mencing to use the Emulsion. The Cod Lir Oil emulsified with the Hy pophoephites is most remarkable (or ita healing,, and flesh producing qualities. l lie liicora tins liiorni ne publishes a six-column article on the mantiire ment of the soldiers' orphan schools of Pennsylvania, which uIIcki'S not only oflieial discrimination, "neglect anil corruption, but also that u syndi cate is profiting at the rate of t50,000 a year in the management of four of the schools. A voluminous array of figures is given to support tne allega tions. In soino of the syndicate schools children are packet! together in bed-rooms ami school-rooms like herrings. Fifty-three, children were removed lut full from good schools. single beds and pleasant surroundings in the Northern Home, to sleep in loul rooms at Uhester springs. At Mercer, in consequence of the penuri ous methods employed bv the man agement, some ol the boys bathed in-. pickle barn-Is, two to each barrel. At Chester Springs some twenty five or thirty pupils have been deprived of nil schooling for three months. All regard for the children seems to have been subordi nated to a heartless grab for profit, and this evil inlluence has been carried to such an extent that a premium of J20 a head has been paid to agents to re cruit children for various schools. It is because of this competition and be cause of the comparative scarcity of orphans that tho schools are now half filled with children whose parentoare living off the l.r0,000 appropriated annually by the State to pay for feed ing, clothing and educating tliese wards of the State. It is calculated that nearly $!K,0()0 is absorbed in ex cessive profits. . . , m , . Freah Heat rr Hew York. New Yonic, February 22. The Mar quis Kcllorcs has not yet started for Ids Western cattle ranch. Ho has been delayed here to perfect a scheme which will probably have considerable effect on the price of meats in this citv. A Tribune reporter met him ac cidentally up town last night, and, although the project is not yet fully ripe, he explained the principal features of it. "We propesc, he said, Scrofula of Lunss Ke- licvcd. I am now forty-nine yean old, and have afierotHbr the hut fifteen yean with a lung trouble. Several member! of tha family on my mother'! aid. of the house had died with consumption, and the dottora were all agreed in their opinion that I had conimuip tion alio. I had all the difltrpRiina ivmn. toma ot that terrible diroave. I have iiotit thousands of dollar' to arret the morcti ol thii diseaao; I have employed all of the uiual malhodi, not only in my own ru-e. out in tne treatment oi otner ineiniien nt my family, but temporary relief wii all that I obtained. I wiu unfit for any manual labor for feve-al year. By chnnce I nun into poaiension of a pamphlet ou 41 Blood and Skin Diseniiei," from the office of hwi;t bpeolno Co., Atlanta. Oii. A fnond recom mended the use of Mtite'd bpocilic, c l iiniinit mat ne nimaalt nnu orc-l urcntiv itenflitcl by ita use in mine lunu troulile. J niHolrod to try it. About lour vcarl niro I nommenced to take S. 8. ij. accoriiinn to direction. I round it an invigorating tonic, and have used about fifty bottles, iliere-ulla are most re markable. My couuli haa loft me, my atrength baa returned, and I weigh liity ounua more than 1 ever did in my life. It las been three years since I stopped the usoof the medicine, but 1 have had no re turn of the disease, and there are no naina or weakness folt in uiylunga. I do the hard est kind of mechanical work, and feel aa well aa I ever folt since I was a boy, 'i'r cue, I enow, are wonderful atatementa to make, but 1 am honeit when I aav that I owe mv existence and health to-day to Swift'a tape- ciuo. it ta tne only medicine that imm lit me any permanent relief. I do not sav that Swift'a iSpeoiGo will do thia ineverycase, but most positively nfhrm that it haa done this much for ine, and 1 would be recreant to the duty J owe to suffurlng humanity if I failed to bear thia cheerful testimony to the merita of thia wonderful medicine. I am well known in the citv of Montxomerv. and can refer to lomo of the best -itiien In tbe city. T. J. HOLT. Montgomery, Ala., June 25, lKHr. Swift'a Specific la entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseaaea mailed free. Thr SwifT Bpicic io Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocers, Jfo. 11 Union Street. : : Mempliln. Ten. M. 0. PEARCB. JOnN L. MoCLKLLAN. M.C.Fearce&Co. Cotton Factors & Commission Clerch'ts No. 270 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. TENN. l'oo Warohonaat Nnn. WW ami Mt, llnlra Nlrl. I.H. COOVER & CO. Lifier Yarfl and flail Hill. MANUFACTUBER8 OF Doom, NhmIi, Itliiidx, MouIiIIiikh, nil klndn of Door and Window Traiueia, ItrackctH, Noroll-H'ork, Hough and DrcHHod liUuiber, NhlnKlofs I-atlix, Water Tank. All kinds ol Wood Work ICicculed at fibort Nolle. Nos. 157 to 173 Wnslilnirion St. MciiidIiIr. Tftnn. ini if mi is, R.G.CRAIG'2i35:C0..: EA RMING ITOOLSmfi SEEDiDEALERS , TruHtee'i Sale. 347, Kegiater'a office of Hhelb neisee, tba not, tn.reln p id at matttriiy, I will proceed to aril, for TN and bv virtu, of a certain trmt iImuI . I ecuted by 8allle and J. V. Hunt on tha 24th day of February. lHel, and reoorded th. lit Ii day or March, lxm. In book 1, nag Hoy eonnty, Tan not having been p m at maturity, 1 will proceed to aril, lor cash, at pub io outcry,to th. highatt Udder, in front of my olllc., ho. ill Madiaon eureet. oiempnis, lenneaieo. on aliuratlny, Mrk Is), lftM, the following deaoribed real e-tata. iltuat. and being In Shelby county, Tenneiw., and mora particularly described aa fllowii Us ing Ibeeaitcrn half of a 4.17't-aore tract of land near Withe Depot, aald eastern half thus described I Beginning at a stake in th. north lin.ef said tract, tbe northraatonrnur of Hint part set off to Uriny II. Kvanai thrnce ea t 14(1 poles to a stake, tha north. east corner of said trao'i Iheoce south IV) poles to tne southeast corner ol said tract t thane, west with south line of said tract 140 poles to a stake, the southeast corner of a part set apart toll. II. Kvanai thenca north it) polea lo Ilia beginn'ng, I elng sain, tract set apart to Mrs. Bui ie K, Hunt, hy partition ded, recorded book 1114, page 4n(), Heglstor'i oflico of Hhnlbycounty, Tenncaiiee, lo whloh rolorenr. la here made. Ibis land will be sold aa a whol. or In aeveral tracts, aa may appear moat advan tagooua on tha diy ol aale. ii. ii. iwcf AitiiAN i, Trustee. Morgan k McKnrlan I Attorneys. ManlioorJ Restored HhiMKLiv Kukk. AfHitimof youthful MnpruJono Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $25,000. J. K. HODWIJr.IWt. J.M.OOUUUAU, VIce-PresH. C.II.RAlNE.Ctuhlcr. 0 Board of Dlreotorai. D. T. PORTKR, J. M. OOODBAR, J. K. OODWIN. W. H. HHUCK. M. HAVIN. J. W. CAI.I.H. K. M. NKLHON, T. I): KIMrfj W. P. DUN A VANl I. W. BMITII, CIIAKLKS KNEY, H. J. BLACK. Ii. K. COKKIN, A. W. JSKWHOM. tf ii , inu 1.1 ,1,1,111, T. B. ISIMB, jO 1 1 A 1 J 1 L'U XI XT W W. N. WUKERHON. K. T. COOPER. JOHN AKMIHTUAD, 0. B. BRYAN. A Deipoaltorjr of tlui Hiat ol Tanaeuee, Trnsiaiuita a UVDernl Baaihlsii Baaiasiaa mmil rlvra Nnivnlnl Allatntloa to folltntln.-B MISTER'S. MASONIC TEMPLE. ARE STIL1. TRIITHIPHANT. For fiftMnv.ars thev have ateadilv rained in favor, and with sales constantly increas ing hav. become the most popular Corset, throughout the United rjtatea. The w quality Is waRBiaTan totkab twics Aa Loan as ordinary Corhhth. We have lately Introduced the and m H grades with EiTaa Loan Waibt. and can furnish them when preferred. nigDeat awards irom an tne world s great Pair. The last medal reoeived ia for FieHTDKSRgR or MiRtT. from the lata Expo sition held at New Orleans. While scores of patents have been found worthless, the prin ciples of th. Ulov.-fittlng hav. proved invaluable. lie tailera are authorised to refnnd money. If, on examination, these Corset, do not prove a. represented, for aal. everjr 4 ataloeruna fr on annllrnllon. Thoninon. Langdon Co., New York Admloltitralor'g Notice. HAVING qualified aa administrator of th. .state of V-ank Duncan, deceased, notice is hereby given for all part .a havi g claims s gainst said estate to lie same with me: and all names Indebted to said estate will settle at tee. Memphis, Tnn.,Jan, 27,18116. fri UE.NJ.R.DUHCAN, Adm'r. OZANNK. O 25 Jk.JST 1ST E! titoiun n. rox. 9&S f TO VEN Tinware, Lamp Stock. ' Coal Oil, Headlight, jrisner Ranges, ujr ' Ill.ftrated Catalogue. . Ma.led tnt. 257 Main St. UeinphtM. . If. HKBBEBft. G.H.Herbers MCo. WXXOZaZiaAXaB GROCERS & LIQUORDEALERS 338 AlfD 310 FBOXT STREET, HI EM PUIS. trWlioloaale Only.-M i l)aa Nanmia lla.l.iliL i4k wlil' li fa w it tjr 1 lT triaxi In vain avan V nnarm rnmd.hadiionTrBjHtmp)niannf fylf r it. iv ii. to mi ifjiio e a null) IT lrematar l)mr, Narroti lbth if trid id A (tirar IiiHolienC lo(lee No. M97 R. 7.-Htnteof TnnrMft, Hhflby county. OlTiot of County Court Clerk, Mem Dhii, Teun.. Jinunry 30, 1HH6-To John LoMftuts I'ublio AUniiolstrator. and aa uoli AdminifltrHUtr ol .tha estate of A. Younr, doceitiail t HAVINU PUKRe-ted the Inanlvancy of th estate of A. Younirt deoeacd, you are) hereby ordered to five notice, by advertise ment In umie newMpaper, imltlihed within tlie aiid Ktale, and "luo at the Court-Houao door ol Shelby county, tor all p.rioDi having clitima AKiiliiMt Naid extftte. to appear and file the name, aulhontiouted in the manner pre acribed by Ihw, nn or before the 3d day of May, IHW. and any claim not filed on or be fore laid dny, or before an approiirintion of the l u mil of miidertiite ia made ahall be for ever barred, both in law and e iity. Wit tM my baud, atollice. th in JOtb day of Jan uary. 1H86. II . B. CUI.LEN, aerk. I!y Lou in Kettmann, Deputy Clerk. Notice in hernhy (riven an rouirod by tba above order. Jimunry . Ih8ti. JU1IN LuA'il K, Adm.nlrttrntor. Pennyroyal Pills. I IIII II I.N IK It 'N KiLINII ' His (Irlirlnxl aail Only (4niiln. bale and always Reliable, llcwareot worllr. si Klmitatinns. Indispetifalde to l.aislfeN. A r, your BirUKKlat tor "4'tilrhlrr'a t nttl "and take no other, or inclose 4o 'stumps) to us for particulars in i.ttr by return iiimiI. n fAflU, Chl rlirmrrl lirmlrnl Co., at I 4 neillaoa aanarr, Plillnrtn , " . 'IKAOKaupplied by UEO.C.UUUUWIM holoanlo Aarnta. Rnaion, Ha This 11KLT cr B. gener tor ii made el press! y u r the cur. ot degeneration of th. generative or gans. There ia no mistake ebon this ia strument th. con tinuous stream of KLm TRICIXY per meatin. through th. narts mus restore) them to health, action. D. not conlound thia with Kl.otrio Belu advertised to car all Ilia from head to to., ft t- for th. ON K apeciSc purpose. Kor elrcu'ars vivlnf foil nformatilon. address Cheever Klectri.; Beit Cn . I Wi.Vsnnn street, t'hieac . 111. rU FORlVj.-.'J Notice of Dissolution. TDK copartnership h.retofo-. eiiitlng'on derihefirm name of MeKlveen, Auger mannACo is this day diuolv.d by mataal eons.nt. H. W. M aon letire. and hi oonveyed his Interest -o J. B. M.KIveen. who is authorised to sign th. firm s nam. In segment of the ho. t hld ,-.- H. W. M. AUOBHMAKX. Haapbts, Tea.., Febroary U, IW. All I di- J nal I I llli am 8. l(