FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MOSEY 8 PER CENT., SEW YORK EXCHANGE 1-4 PREMHM. Cotton Steady Middling-, Sales Yesterday, 1200 Bales. Oe - The money market continues firm. Local securities quiet but steady. Ti.e cotton market closed steady, mid dling 0c. Sales l-'OO bales. The New York spot market yesterday closed quiet; middling "Jc The course of yesterday's future market in New York is thus described inGreene's re port: "An easier tone of Liverpool and Manchester, superfhduced by a decline ol silver, found prompt re flection here, and the tone was weak all day, with 9ffil0 points lost. The aborts appeared to have recovered from their nervousness, and some re cent purchases were unloaded. The close stood about steady at the lowest point." At New Orleans spots closed quiet and firm, middling 8 13-16c; futures barely steady and 5 to 9 points lower, May 8.858.86c. At Livernool the spot market was re ported steady, fair demand, middling 5id ; futures quiet and steady and 1-04 to 2-64d lower than Tuesday, April 5 Olid. Receipts at this port yes terday were 351 bales; total this season, 523,899 bales, against 419,1(10 bales same time last 'year. In the general market eggs are easy at 10c per dozen; chickens dull at $2 503 per dozen. IMPOKTS. Twenty brls beans, 10 pkgs butter, 129 pkps bacon, 1453 pkgs boots and shoes, 500 bu corn, 22 pkgs cheese, 228 sks co(Iee,l car cotton-seed, 300 sks cotton-seed, 128 pkgs dry goods, 500 brls flour, 350 bales hay, 10 pkgs hats, 17 hd cattle, 5 hd horses and mules, 60 pkgs lard, 64,000 ft lumber, 11 pkgs liquors, 251 brls meal, 25 kegs nails, 800 bn oats, 45 brls potatoes, i cars pork sides, 13 brls sugar and 813 pkgs tobacco. ELEVATOR HKI'OKTS. The following shows the amount of grain received, withdrawn and in store by regular elevators, as reported to the Merchants' Exchange to day : Wheat, none received or discharged j in store, 3057 bushels. . Corn received, 1002 bushels; withdrawn, 4217 bushels; in store, 96,842 bushels. Oats received, none; withdrawn, none; in store, 2448 bushels. JOI1NL. IVOllTON 9 Madison St. Memphis, Tenn., DEALER IN STOCKS AND BONDS -Correspondence solicited. Infos matioo cheerfully fnrBlbet.- FINANCE. I Money in poid demand at 8 percent The Clearing-House report is as fol- i lows: I CLEARINGS. j Wedneslay, Aptil 14th.2til 001 10; thus far thh week, $793,722 67; same time last week, $1,033,459 87; s-me timein 1885. $588,574 40; same time in 1884, $049,700 88. BALANCES. Wednesday, April 14, $21,013 99; thusfai tbia week, $150,352 90; same ,tim last week, $244,654 87 ; same time in 1885,$146,353 03; tame time in 1884, $101,711 10. EXCHANGE. New York sight on all paints, pir buyiDg, J premium eellins; New England demand, discount buying; New Eaeland sight, J discount; New Orleans, discount buying, par selling. BANK STOCK. Bank of Commerce. ..148 b'd, 150 asked First National 145 bid, 155 asked German Bank 182 bid, 200 atked State National 145 bid, 150 asked Union and Plantera..l48 bid, 150a?ked Mercan ile Bank. ..135 bid, 137 a-ikeJ INSURANCE STOCKS. Home. 70 bid, 75 asktd Bluff Citv ....100 hid, ... tsked Peophs Planters Phoenix Memphis City Vanderbilt Hernando Arlington Factor3 80 bid. 82 asked ...101 bid, 105 atked 98 bid, 100 asked ...102 bid, 104 asked 16 bid, 19a?ked 100 b'd ... afked 30 bid, 35 ssktd 20 asked MISCELLANEOUS. M. and C. consil", 7s. ..115 bid, ...asked M. & L R 1st m.8'..P2 bid, 112rs'red Mies. AT R.R.cs,A, 122 bid, 122J BBked Mies&T.R. R cs,B, 104 bid, 10i asked Tenn. wts. ser. C 97 bid, 98J t skc:l Shelbv Co. bonds 105 bid ... asked Tax. i)is. 4, 6s 92J bid, 93 asked Tax. Dist. 6 ...10l bid, 102 aokf d Mem.Stor. Com. Co.. 109 bid, 110a ked Mem. Gas stcck 75 b d, 77J aiked Mem. GssbondB 06 bid, ... asked Mem. Water bonds 90 bid, ... asked Hananer Oil Works... bid. 59 nominal City Oil Works b d, 45 asked Pioneer Gotten Mills bid Am. Cot Oil trusts 25 bid, ... aikul Mem. City Cy. bonds bid, ... aal ed Nkw York, April 14. Money on call easy at 1 J2 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper, 4()5. Sterling exchange dull but steady at 486 j for 10 days and 488J for demand. Bonds Government bonds were dull and steady. State bonds were neglected. Rai road bonds were dull, with sal s of $1,154,000. Prices in the morning were strong, but showed a disposition after midday to yield slightly. Indiana, Bloouiington and Western ' da are up 2to87 ; Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western lsts, 2 to 120, and Wabash Trusts, 3 to 561. Stocks Stocks were very dull and generally firm except after midday, when a raid was made on a few stocks, including Union Pacific. Pacific Mail and Western Union. The attack had no effect upon the rest of the list, and biter in the day a Prt of the losses established after midday in the stocks mentioned were recovered. The raid was unaccompanied by anv news of a character to affect the price of thos.? stocks except in the case of Western Union, regarding which there was a report that the company hud been served with a protest against the pay ment of a scrip dividend to-morrow. Pacific Mail fell from 53 to 55J, and rallied in the last hour to hH. The market was particularly dull late in the afternoon, and closed dnll and from to 1 different from last evening s close, . - , i; . f. f x-. . i Exceptions are a decline of 111 North- western and 1 in Pacific Mail. New York Central and Reading are up j each, and Union Pacific j. The low jiriced stocks came in for mure, than their usual share of attention. Min neapolis and St. Ixmis rose from 20 to 22) in the forenoon and was steady thereafter, closing at 22). The pre ferred advanced H. The tot 1 sales of ntoc'n to-day were 223,316 shares, including Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, Hi,775; Erie, 01-."; Kansas and Texas, 4:150; Lake Shore, 12,'JVi; Luis ville and N:i'i villi-, 31C0; North western, It'.StiO; New Jersey Central, 37Sti; New York Central, 4000; I'aciric Mail, lt,S7; St. I'nul, 32,550; St. l'.tul and Omaha, 4250; Union Pacific, 23,230; Western Union, I 7750; Northern IVitic preferred, 3025; j Oregon ami Transcontinental, 4270 H The closing .iiotatioiis were as fob. lows: I novum UTS. II 8. Si. IiSI1.,. New 4s. New 4V4, HJJi. Pacific i)t 16, V-T',. KONDft. Louisiana cons., 85. Missouri ti, 1U1H. Tenn. 6. old, MJ. Tenn. ', new, t-8. Cent. 1'ac.liilB. Wi. Den. k R.(l, lsts.l:. Den4K.I.W,lft,77. Erie seconds, l(r". M.K.T.,Uen.Hs, -';,. H. A.C. lsts, m M. V. A. U. Ui, N. Western con., 141. N. West. deb.6s.Mist. 8t.L S.K (Jen M, Ktt'i tit. Paul, con . IM St P.,0. JtP. lsts.l'ilH T. P. landrants,38'T. P.,R.U.cI coo.61Ji U. P. finis. UT. Weft Mire, 1027a. STOCKS. Adams Express, 115. Allegheny Cen., . Alton T. II., 40'.;. A k. T. 11. .pfd , s. American Ex., li"H B..C R. 4N.,io. Canada PaceV,,. Canada Sou., 40' . Nashville A C, 45. N- J. Central, 53i. Nor. andW., pfd. 3(1' Northern'i. , Northern P., pfd. 67. N. Y.C. iSt. L..-. N.Y.C. ASt. ..., -. C. A N.W.,1117-',. C. k N. W.,, 140. Ceo trul Facitlc. iz Chesapeake ii 0 , 11. N. V.. Central. llrfa. P. & 0., 1st ptd. H'. Oh'o Central, C k 0..2d Pfd., l;i. Ohio 4 Miss., i'4. O. k A., 141. O.IJt Mirs.. pfd., Wl. 0. 4 A., td, 1W. Ontario k West, IS. C. II. k Q.,i: 're.i llnv., W-h. C, St. L. 4 N. O., - Ore on Truns 3ft1,. C. St. h. k P., U'4. dreg-on Imp., Zi'.i. C.St.L.A P.,p.,Jtl. Pacific .Mail.W. C.,8. k C, 31. Panama, IM. C i C. hlK. Peoria, D. k E., J.P4. Del. 4 UuJ.. 101 -i. P ttshurg, 150. Del.. Li. 4 VV., 127'. Pullnuin f. C, 134. Den 4 Kio (1., U,',,. Reailinn, S4V. Krie, 2t5'4. Hock Island, 13ii. Krie,, !''. St. L.. 4 8. F., IS. KastTenn., 2. S L. 4 S. F., p., 43. Kuot Tenn., td, 3. Rt.L. 4 S.F.lst p.lUl. Fort Wayne, 11.. C. M. k 8t. P.. S7'. Ilunnitial 4 St. Jo, u. M. St. r.,p.,n. II 4 St. Jo. ni l. Bt. r. m. in. St. P. I Omaha, 41Vi. St. Paul 4 0., pfd,10.r , ! Harlem, 215. llouiititn 4 1., -n. Illinois Cen.,1 s). lnd B. 4 W.. U'i Kiinras 4 T., 2i LakeK 4 W.. 12. l ake Shore, 82' . Lou. & Nash.. Lou. 4 N. A., A. M.4C, lstpfu, M. k C, 2d pfd. Mem. k Char, Mich. Central. "8. Texas raenc w Union Phpioc, SOS. I . b. hxiirei"., ( H'., St. L. 4 P., SMi. W. St. L. 4 P. p., lfi. W. 4 F. Ex., 120. W. V. Tel , oMW. Colorado Con1, '24 . Uomestnke, Iron Silver, 150. Ontario, 23 Uuickflilvar 7. Min. tst. L.. 13 M. 4 St. h., tifu.49 Quick.ilver, pfd, 2o. Miss Pac.,10'. bouth finiac, Mobile AO., 11 Sutro, 17. Morris k E , offl, 140. London, Ajiril 14. Consols, 100 7-1 ti for money aid 100 for the it-count. Bar silver, 4li 10d per ounce. Paris April 14. Three per cent, rentes, 80f 92 Ja for the account. Havana, April 14. -Spanish gold, 238239. 'Etchaneea steady. BAVK CLE A RINGS. Chicago, III., April 14. l5ank clearings, 7,'-89,000. New Orleans. La., April 14. Clear ings of the banks, $1,108,370. New Yohk April 14. Exchanges, $90,412,323 ; bilances, f 4,907,321. Baltimokk, Md., April 14. Clear ings, $2,232,22!; balances, $331,1(10. Boston, Miss., April 14. Clear ings, $' 4,803.1)33 ; balances, $1,807, 381. Pmil'Dei.i'iiia, Ta., April 14. Clearances, 8,728,410; balances, $1, (K19,110. St. T.ouis, Mo, Atiril 14. Hunk clea in.-s, 12,327,197; balances, $539, 080. Ivxchange on Nov York, 25(ji;,r)0c preinium. COTTON MABKBTS. The loc-1 cot'on maket opened steady and closed steady; middlint?, 9a Sa'es, 1200 bales, o' which 700 were to expottjrs and .i00 to spin ners. EXCIIANOE QUOTATIONS. Yesterday. Ttissday. Ordinary 7 7 Good ordinary 7 7 Low middling S.J 8J Middling 9 9 Good middling 9 9j Middling fair 10 10 Fair Nom. Nom. Dusty 61(58 !8 Staina, tinges 7J8J 7i8J COTTON STATEMKNT. Mkmpbi.i, April 14, SKi Stock S-pt. 1. 1885 1,392 Received to-day 351 Received previously. ..521,348 K5 291 Shipped to-day Shipped previously- ,. 1,925 .434,879 430,804 Stock, running account 88,487 Imports. Thus far this week 1,793 Thus far last week 2,5?6 Sence September 1st 'r3.. M. and C. R. R 58 M.andT. R. R : 18 L. and N. R. R 52 M. and L. R. R. R 35 C..O. andS. W. R R 91 L., N. O. and T. R. R... 21 K. (5 , S. & M. R. R 7 M , 8. and B. R. R "j Ste imers.- " Wagons and other sources. " Total 351 ExporU. Thus far this weak 7,789 Thus far last week i 7 009 Since Septamber 1st 436804 M. and C. R. R 4l L and N. R. R 564 C..O AS. W.R. R 531 Steamers notth 180 Totil L925 New York spots ooened steady and closed quiet. Siles, 380 bals. Quota tions were as follows : Yesterday. Ordinary tig Good ordinary. H Tucsdav 'S i 8 i S 13 lti i i 1 ) 11-16 ! 10 11-1(1 I Low middling. 8 13 16 Middling 9J Good mid 'ling 9 11-16 Middling fair..l0 ll:16 Fair 11 11 New York futures opened easy and closed steady and 4 to fl points lower Quotations unchanged. Jialeii, 6(1,100 bales. The clising quotations were ga tallows: Yesterday. ,.().14fi, 9.15 .9.25 9.26 ,.9 3($5 9.:i7 ,.9.45, 9.4S ,.9.55fd Tueadav. 9.22 9 54 9 3-' 4 9.33 9.44 9.45 9.54 dH 9.55 9 t3"? 9.(i4 9.47(. 9.4S 9.32( 9.33 1I.28M) 9.29 9 32(.A 9 ."4 9 40 .1) 9 41 V.m 9.52 April May June July August.., Septembw...9.40,a 9.41 October 9.2.5(a) 9.2(i November ...9.22 9.23 Dwember ...9.27() 9 2H January 9 34(3) 9.36 February 9 44 9.46 The New Orlean si ot market opened quiet, and c'osed quiet and lirm. Silee, -;UO bales. Yetrdav. Ordina'y TJ Good ordinary... 7 15-16 Tuesday. 71 7 1516 8 5-1(1 8 13-li n market Low raiddlirg.... 8 5 1(1 Middling 8 1.5 K I Good middling... 9J The New Orleans future opened steady, and closed sttajy and 5 to 9 points lower, barely Sales, MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL THURSDAY, 16,000 bales. The closing quotations were as follows: YesttrJay. Tuesday. April Nom. Siktrjom. Miv 8S."va 8 Mi 8 92'i 8.93 June 8 SC.A S.ll'J 9 ('t,rt 9 l7 July 9.13 a. 9.14 9:M(.i 9 22 Aiii' 9.17i5i 9.1S 9 2tki 9.27 Sep embe-.... 8 9 8 94 9 0H& 9.02 October 8 8 81) 8 IHM 8.91 November.... S.S.l.'.Tl 8 8'i('t 8 S" Du eiuber ... 8 95 "bid. 8.90,.$ 8 91 Jiriuar 9 07 bid. 9 01(a) 9 02 February ("N 9.12(;f.. 9.14 DAILY 1'OBT AND INTKRIOR MARKETS. Tone. Uvc. Prices I Stock ialvestoll N trleans. Mobile Savannah. Charl'ston Wilin'ton. Norfolk.... Haltimore New York Boston .... Philad'a... St. lxuis... Augusta. . et'dv. quiet, quiet, quiet, dull. 572j9 102.". 813-lli; 43,712 231,290 :r. in 34,345 3:,713 4,025 40,220 30 890 3e,S2t li,310 18,697 82,430 813-K 109.; 8j 785 9 219 8; 2580 9 et'dv tt'djr quiet quiet quint dull, quiet. 30 9 3 18; 213 9 170 9 1 1 9 7-18 1508; 508.) quit 1. 1 Receipts at ports, this day, 1880. 7,ti2S Receipts at ports, this day, 1885. 2,878 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT. 18S0. 1 4S5. 1884. R'ts U. S. ports.5dvi' Kx. tir. ili Stock U'ts S'ht.l 39 727 10,376 19,837 29,S t! 17,403 10,747 785,09V 014,805! (12,(i23 4,912.313 4,019,33814,t57.481 3,423,079 3,418.t-8-:,405,P37 ForVn Kx. ! Increase of nwittts this year. ..292 875 i The Liverpool spot market at noon , was reported steady, fair demand. Sales, 10,000 hales, ol vl ii h American 78(H) bales. Receipts, P,'00 bales. .f i which 10,20(1 were Aiuericiin. The following aiv the cosiug iuota- lions: (Inlinary, 4 5-lOd gixnl ordi- nary, 4 11-lOd; low mitldliui;, 4;d; good middling, 5 "i-llid; inidillinjr up l lands, old; middling Orleans, 5 3-ilc. 1 1 iifpruYf areijntn in nnu ihiu, Ihiu: 4 03 muni 4 03 04i, and 5 01 nvaim 5 l-04d. 1 At noon: l.ivi'i-pool fitures were quiet. (Quotations were us follows: April, ; April-May, 5 03d; May June, 5 Old; June-July, J Otid ; Julv August, 5 0S1 ; Augus.-Septeinher, 5 Hid; October-November, 5 () d ; Sep tember, . At 2 p.m.: Liverpool liilnres were Mat; April, 5 02d buyers; April-May, 5 02d buvers ; May-June, 5 D2d buyers ; June-July, 5 05d 'sellers4 Jilv-Augitst, 5 07d sellers; August-Scptem1)er,5 09d buyers; Septeinber-Octobei, 507d sell ers ; October-November, 5 Md sellers; September, 5 lid sellers. At 4 p.m.: Liverpool fi lu es were quiet and steadyand 1 ti4o 2-04 low er than Tuesday; April, 6 02d value; April-Mav, 5 02d value; May-June, 5 04d buyers; June-July, 5 04(1 buyers; July-August, 5 OkI buyers; August -September, 5 08d buyers; Hep. tetuber-October, 5 Otid buyers; October-November, 5 0:!d buyers; Septem ber, ." lOd sellers. (iENEItAL TKADE. n riKi; diai.n. The following is the record of the bids and offers at the Call Hoard of the Merchants' Kxclange yesterday: cons No. 2 white, spot, 39c o. t bid, 39tc asked; April, 39.1c asked ; May, 40c asked; June, 41 Ac asked; No. 2 spot, 371c o. t. bid; May, 39c asked; June, 3SV bid, 39c o. t. asked. OATS. No. 2, spot, 34 jc asked; April, 34c asked; May, 3Uc asked nit an. April, $14 asked; Mav. $14 asked-, June, $13 25 bid, i 13 75 asked. IOKNMKAL. Ai-ril, $190 asked; May, K2 asked; Jnne, 100 barrels Sold at it 9. BKK.4DS I I'Ft'S. CVikx White, 47c ; miked, 4Gc, from store ; from levee or depot, white, 44c ; mixed, 4''c; in sacks, in round lote, white, 42c; mixed, 40c. Hay Choice, from store, S5c; prime, 75 " 80c; prairie, 50c ; round lots from levee or depot, choice, $'414 50; prime, $1313 50; prairie, ISO'S .50. Oats White, 40c; mixed, 88jc, from store; round lots from levee on track white, sacked, 37c; mixed, sacked, 35Jc. Bhan From store, 85c per cwt. ; round lota from levee, $14 7515 per ton llKANs-Navy, $1752; medium, fl (M)1 75; German millet, JT2J( 1 4 . OoitNMKAi.--Standard, 2 l"ffi2 25; pearl, 25 from store; 5c cheaper from mill, levee or track. Kick Louisiana, 4tc; Carolina, 6'oi'c. Pai'mkl In half-barrels, S3j 3 25 from store. C'hm kko AVhkat-Iii half-barrels, $3 ) fnnn store. FlouhIu ciu- lot. double extra, 13 f? 3 60; triple exlra,!i3 tK(4" 75; fami lv, 76(4; choice, ft 2i(54 35: fiincy, J4 5)4 70; extra fancy, $4 90 fn),5: patents, 25f$ -5 Cm ; from store, I'amilv, f l a 4 25; choice, J4 2ry("A 40; fancy, 4 0."(iiN I 90 ; extra fancy, 5(-i 5 25; patents, $5 50(6 25. Hominy axi G kits- From store, 3 (A3 25. C'KAi-KBiis-Njila, extra, -ic; soon, treble extra, 4Jc; lemon cream crack ers, extra, 7c ; lemon cream crackers, treble extra, 7Jc; ginger snaps, extra, 5c; ginger snaps, treble extra, cj as sorted jumbles, !)c. Kansas City, Mo., Apiil 14. Wheat weak; cash, tile bid. 02c asked ; May, 02, c; June, 05Jc bid, OOs askd. Corn stadv; cash, 26jc bid, 271c aked; May, 28c; June zn,e Dm, ar.uo tseo. Oats nominal ; May, 28c bid, 29c asked. St. Lntis, Mo., April 14. Flour dnll and easier; XXX,$3f3)3 10;fm ily, 13 15d3 25; choice, $3 60rA3 75; fancv. H 104 25: extra fancy, f 4 40 (a 4 70; patents, f4 55ci5 25. Wneat qnet and higher; the market opened eaBier. and iSc lower under the influence of dull ca -ies, nne weather and weaker markets else wbere; later, however, prices straight ened aud closed Jc h-gher than vesterday; No. ) red, cash, toj (5.85 c: Mav, 851855, cloeiDg at 85 j85Sc bid ; Jane, 80(5.8tli-, doling at Stijc bid; July, 83j(rtj832c, fl s og 83;c bid. Corn very dull, but firm, and lc; N. 2 mixd, cash, s-'ln hid: Mav. 33J(a331c. closing at 33Jc bid; June, 33, f, nominal; July, Misiffhid. Oata almist entirely neg lected; prices nomir all firm ; No. 2 mixed, cash, :l0ic bid ; May, 29c bid. Rye a m, 00c. Barler no market. Hav quiet; prclrie, 168; timothy, $1114. Flaxseed weak, $1 05 Bran weak, 58r. Uornmal Bteadv. $ 1 85(2) 1 90. Receipts Flour, 1000 brls; wheat, DlXW bu ; corn, h7,000 bu ; oats, 70U) bu; rye, 1000 bu; barlev, 7000 bu. Shipments Flour, 5000 bu; wheat, none; corn, 5000 bu; oats, 3000 bu ; rye, none; barley, none. Afternoon Hoard. Wheat strong and Jftjo higher. Corn steady and un changed. Oits unchanged. Chicaoo, III, April 14. May wheat touched 7i'.o several tiuifs during tbe first hour to-ilsy, the !orst fig.ires the prfsjnt crop year, and precisely the lowest point t.inched for the May option last year. Tr.e market slightly rallied during the middle session on fair buyinp, and t iward the close of the regu'ar sess-nn became strong. May advsncd to 77J. In the alW noun May ndvancnd to 77jand closed nesrly at out-i.e figures. The crop r-pnts wir.' generally favorable, 'n le the Liyep:o! cable reported wheat firmly ht-1 1. There was no fea ture to the tra.lirig in corn and oils, pit 1 price showed lit; le cluni:e. I'ro-vi-i ids were quie; and averaged a simile Hither than ths la'e prices of yestenlRy. Hour Thire wa? a little mo o inquiry, with prces showing no change. W'htat epeied esy, but el. sd tim er. Ssis ranged: April, 7-.'o 73c, closfl 72 15 10:: May, 7tij 77 rloeed 77 1-Hs; June, 78,78jc, clo-i-d "8 6-10;; No. 2 spring, 73(;i)7t..-; No. 3 spring, 00 (ajOSc. Corn quint but stea ly, c'oiing jc higher; cash. 33)iil3Ac; April, 33J C""33J-, closid at 33 7 10c; Mav, 37K 37Jc, closed at 37Je; June, 37 9-10(.i) 37 jo, clotei at 37r. Oats dull and su-ady: cash. 2(i(.i)28jc; April, 20c; Mav, 2929jc, cioeeil at 29Jc; June, 30i50J", ch.w-d at iOJc. Ryelirm; No. 2. 5759?. Barley dnll; No 2, 00c. Flaxseed firm : No. 1, $1 00. Re ceiptsFlour. 13,000 brls; wheat, 18, 000 ba;'ccrn, 16",0(i0 bu ; oats, 9(1,. 000 bu; rye, 3000 n ; barley, 25,000 bu. Shipments Khur, 7000 brls; win a', 29,000 bn ; c irt, 47.(00 bu : oats, 44,(00 bu j rye, 4000 ba ; barley, 20.0(H) bu. Afternoon fcvml. Vheat stronger; May, 77 5 16c. Tbeotker markets were uuchaaged. PHOY1NIO.NN. Bi ttkr Creamery, 3l(.i:!5c; dairy, l(i(.f -JOc ; butterine, i3(.i 10; country, 12J(ii)I8c, according U condition. C'iikksk I'lime flat, 7c; New York factory, 8c; full cretin, 12b' ; Y. A. 12c. Mkss 1ohk-Old, HO per barrel; new, til per barrel ; sigar-cured hams, jiacked, 9J(iH'c ; breiil'ast bacon, 8(.i 9c; clear rib bacon, ti,(a(ijc. ISi'i.K PoltK Clear sides, tk-; clear rib sides, 5jc; long clear, 5J5i(c; shoulders, 4(a)4c. Laud Tierces, (1:5 ijc; half-barrels, (HfnHiJc; kegs, (ijblc; buckets, 0i(i (ijc; half-buckets, iiSPtijc; 5D-Ib tins, J(Vii0.1c; 2(-lbtins,tU0jiij(c; 10-lbtins, (iif-itijc; 6-lbtins. OJtijc; 3-lb tins, tiij(ii!lijc; choice kettle, tierces, tij(4 0c. Kkksii Mkts Reel (Mid Kansas City steers, heavy, 4c; larht, 7(i7e; cows und heifers, 6jc; n uttoii, 8 j(i) 9c ; lambs, 10c ; pork, 0c. l'iDS-FKBT-ltrls, $K)8 50; half-brls, $33 25. Havana, April 14. Sugar firm; centrifugal 90 degreej polur zation, $3 kold per quintal; anall speculative purchases of centrifmal, 92 to (Hi de grees polarization, at 13 09. St. Louis, Mo., ipril 14. pro. viiionB dull and lepressed. Vik weak, $9 00. Lard eaiy, 6j5.8()c. Bulk meats about steady; lo.ise lots, lnrg clear, 5 3(k! ; slort ribs, 5 40c; Bhort clear. 5.55c; boxfd lots, long clear. 5.30(?)5 35c: ihort ribs, 5.40r, short clear, 55110. Iscon easy; ling clear, 6 8O0'.5 .85c ; short ribs, 5V0c; short clear. 6 I 5c. lams uochsnimd. Butter ft-sily; crsamery, 2(l(.i;32fl; dairy, 2t2Si. Eggs firm, 9J. Chicaho, III., April 14. Macs pork quiet, p'ie.ei averaging 5(jn7Jc lower, but c'od Bipdy at outside figures; cb'i,$9 OTri 9 10; Miy.$9 05M 9 121, clnserl at ill KKn.M l''J: June, 19 20, rliiBed at $9 17J(5t9 20. Lard quiet: cah and May, 5.85(i5Jc, June, SOIK'il'Jo. ltjxed meats steady. Prv talted shoulders, 4($ 4.10c; short rib hides, 5.20(Vc; short clear aides, 6.ti0($i.5rt. Butter dn'l and lower: creamery, 2028jc; dairy, 1220c. Engs, 10J101. 4JB4M KKIEN. CoKi-KK-CommDn 88Jc; crdinu'y, !K5i)9Jfi: prime Rin, 11c; clrjice to fan cy, llKd13oi old givetnment, 230 353; Cijlon, 203. Soa p - 3Jf?5 Jc per pound. 8uoAR-rure w. c. white, 61S6ic; ofl" white, rCn: yellow, ertOJc; onpn kettle, 4(er.1Sc; refined A, ti(f tijc; granulated, 6l7c; powdered, 7 jc; cut loaf, 7 Jc. Halt f I 20(i 30 per bsrrel; (sacks, fine, $1 50: otaie, fl 10; pockets, bleached, 217o; car loads from levee or depot, 5c cheaper. . Moi.assks Louisiana, common to fair, 20(.i)3')c; prime to choice, 30(3)40c; svrup, 2O(S)40c; common to fair, 20 25c; prime to choice, 3033c; centrif ugii, fancy, 33c. TouAt-Ci Jomaion, 11 inch, 27( 30c; ( trier grades and styles, 25( 28c. Knuff Garrett's, S 10 85 per cas; Ralph's, f 10 25 per case; R. R., J9 50. Canu'ks (Sticks, all siz s, in box s, pails and barrel?, 7(M8lo. CandIiKS-FiiII weight. 10J10ii(!. CANNKiGono, Kto. Prices per dc en: Pineaoples, l SSi 1 0 ; peaches, 21b. standard, 1 3 '0-l (; seconds, 1 15(id 25; toinatoes, 2 lb, slaniard, tl 10;'3 1b,l 35; BtrwliMrrip, $1 40 0M (10: ra itlrriee. 1 ISfa-.l 25 ; hlncl.- berriei, $11 15; greengniJS, f 1 00..) 1 75; pears, J2tji2 25: plums, 11 (VX) 1 70; asparagus, $2 00,4 , green corn, f1.(,l 35; green peas, :f)2 2; cove oysiers, lull weight, Mb. $1C'1 10; cove oysters, fall weight, 2-lb, $1 75W) 1 85, cove oysseis, light weight, Mb, 65c; cove oyetcrs, light weight, 2-lb, f 1 ; condensed milk-Crown, 15 90; Eagle, J7 75; Swiss, f(l. Baitimobe, Md., April 14. Coffee dnll; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8J(n8C. New York, April 14 -Coffee spot fair Rio dull, jc; sales, 4500 bags; April and May, 7.15c; June, 7 10c; July t j November, 7.057 10c. Sugar firm, letined active and higher; C, .Vatfilfi; extra C, b("Mc; yellow, 4S(4;c; off A, 5j5Jc; standard A, 6Jc; cut loaf and cruthed, Ojcj pow dered, oJ(jjc ; Cubes, &-. Molasse firm. Hice steady, demand lair. IIOCISE1IOI.D NlPPLIWi. Aimim Apples, $1 50(512 50 from store ; tl 252 per car-load fro -a leves or depot Dnd applfH, 3(Alc pt-r pourd from dtore. Dried paches, 8J &,4c from atore. " ' I'otatokj Pottosa,tl 75 2 ?5 from store; $1 50(1 75 per cr load irom lvt or depot. 8weet pctitnes scarce, 12 7 J3 per brl. Pea, f 1 501 75 per bushel. Vi .etabi,es Onions, 1 753 25 from store ; $2 502 60 from levee or dep it. Cabbage, $2 75ft3 25 r f r crate. Krnt. barrels, $5($5fi0; half-barrels, $2 7.i()3. Garlic, 4(Kiti0c per 100. Turnips, 50c per bushel. Fm'it OiaTgs, Louisiana, none; Flo-ida, none; Messina, i l 00(4 per K- Imnprialfl. 25(0,5 50 per box. Lemons. $4 50(Si5 per box. iiuaa nas, H 753 per bunch. Cocoanuta, 4 per 100. Peanuts Virginia, 7c; Tennesse, farmers' stock, 3M4c; roaeted, 2Jc higher; shelled, 10c. Al- naonds, 18(2)-'0c. ! Pickles In jars, pints, 0 c; quaiti, fl 50; batf gallons, TZ gallons, J3 75; lotse, brrels, 10: half-barrels, J3 50; mix-d, barrels, $10 50; mixed, ball-barrel", $J. , , RAisiNS-Londoc layers, j iu, APRIL 15, 1SS0. ere, $2 75; California ; Imperial, $3 50(,H WALM-Ts-French, 12o; Naples.lSo; Grenobles, 15c. Kihwrta. 12c. CiDKit-Mmprmri, $7t&7 50 per bar rtl an. I tli.i.4 50 pur half ba-re! ; Vine gar. 11 (.ill tic pur giliou. Pol'i THV Turkeys, per di)ien,f 12rt 18; chickens, i3; o'ressed turkeys, scarce, l,V.ijl8c tr pound. Pkianh Tfxa, ti'.-iMOc for small to medium, 10Hc for laie; Arkansas, Fish Mackerel, half-barrels, N i. 1, $5; No. 2, $3 25: No. 3, $2 75; 10-lb kit. No. 1, 80c; No. 2,70c; 15-lb, No. 3,60c. Pry herrin.'S, family, 30c per box. Game Venison, whole, 3(j5c; sad dh s, (H.i) h; ; bta', t!(.j)Sc ; wild turkeys, 50(;i75c; dui ka, $3(..i 4; fquirrels, 75i'; quails, $75i-(iVl ; piu'rie chickens, $5; game fith, ll(.i)12c. Fxiua Dul'.lOc. 'OTro-M:r.u oii i:rc, Skso Pelivered at depot and wharf, $8 per ton; on bank of river (f. o. b. hoal), 16; wagon at mills, i 8. Meal Prime (f. o. b ), $15 ner ton. Ias than oar-load lota, 1 16. From store, 90c per sack. Cakk Nominal; $16 per ton. Oil In car-load lots, prime, crude V. S. oil, 22)(u)23c; prime summer yel low, 26J27c; off summer yellow, 25 J (o26Jc; miners', ; choice cooking summer yellow, 26(.30c. PETROLKId MAKKF.T. Coal Oil Prime white, wholesale lots, 11c per gallon. Ci.KVM.SNii, O., April 14 Petrole um uuchanged s.w., 110, 7e. PiiTsiii Ko, Pa., April 14. Petrole um, quiet ; National Transitcertilicates opened at 7(tJ and closed at 7( ; high est, 77 J ; lowest, 75j. IIOKHKt ANI mi'I.F.N. Hoiisits Good driving, $150(225; good saddle, $1 10(Ti30.); plugs, $3'i'1.i) 80; good mares, $8'i(nM40. Mums-Mi to 15, $110(,?135; 15 to 15J, $12V,M0; 15J to 10, $1 50QIU75. Good demand; supply fair. I I !( AMI Fait t KV. Hidki Dry flint, 13(1ftl0:; dry salt, 1012c; green salt, 7(a8c; green. 5(n) 6c;" deer skina, 10ti)t8; hunter-handled co m f kins, each, 2O50c; countty coon skins, l(K'D30c; mink, I0(30c; nimkrat, 510j: otter, $l(iii5; bear, $1(5; beaver, .r'0c$4; wildcat, 20('D 40e; fox, 25(375c; skunk, 2575c. Beeswax, 18(j21c; tallow, 45c. WHIMiT, WIWBN, l.mi OKt, ET( Whisky Straight Kentucky Bour bon, 1 08; rye,$l 7506; domestic, 90c(.i fl 50. CmcAdo, April 14. Whisky steady at $114. Sr. Louts, April 14. Whisky firm at $1 10. Cincinnati,!)., April II. Whisky firm at$l 10. Sales of 683 barrels of finished goods on this basis. a.lfc htoi-k. Cattle Choice to extra corn-fed, 900 to 1050 pounds, 4 1 04 jc; good,;i,(u 4Je; choice grass-fed, 3J('i)3jc; good, 303c; fair to medium, 21(2Jo; com-m-in, HCil'-i!. Hons Rsceip's light. Market bare tt-dsy. Demand good. Prlcmt tlrm. Ulmice, 3(iiHc; goo !, j'.y.ilc ; com mon, 3(i3j. Sukkp Market bare to-day. Pe rn md lor best batchers grades very ivmI- Prif.i.4 tlrm fHtntn kit. OnoVw, r,4-; mediiiin, 3V(31c; commo'i, ) 'I 50. Cliiiaur. Ii.t ., VprO. 14 Trie )" en' .hmrnnl repi ria: jKiiio--ii-.ilpt, il ;ow lira 1 ; shipments, 8(10 head ; mar ket steady ; shipping iteere, 950 to l,i(IO lbs., f 4(5)5 90; cows, hulls and mixid, fl 75W4; bulk,33 30. Hogs receipts, 19,000 bead; shipments, 7000 ht a I ; market slow and 5e lower ; r uigh and m'xad, (M 35; packing and shipping, $ 25(,i)4 50; light, $3 90 (..4 411; skips $2 90(5)3 75. Sheep rtceipt", 2000 head; shipments, 500 bead ; market steady ; i.a'ives, $250( ; Texans, i2 5(K,4 25. Kansas City. Mo., April 14. The it .S'foct Indicator reports: Ca tie receipts, 2603 head; shipments, 1317; strong, active and a shade higher; choice ti fancy, t5 205? 5 50; fair to good, f4 605; common to medium, i4(ii4 50; stackers and fieders, J3 30 Ci4 30; cows, $2 6003 40 Hogs-re-ceipta, 9224 head; shipments, 4(l5; dull, weak and 6()10o lower; gocd to boice, $4(4 20; common to nif diuin, $3 7053 90; skips and pigs, $'i(.i3 (id. Hieep- receipts, 363 head ; Bhipments, 110; weakt-r; good to choice, $4(c5; common to medium, 2()3 50. K.W YKK sRlf JOOIS HtHHKI. Nkw York, April It Willi jobbing houses a better trade has been in p og gresp, but of agents the demand has been ictricted to rupiirements of the trade on motion. l'rin:s are higher and linn. To all who are suBerlng from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous wenliness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., 1 "ill send a recipe that will eure you, FRKBOF CI! A RU K. This great remedy was disaovor ed by a missionary In Houth America. Send ell-addressed envelope to the Ke. J m? T. Tkm-. A'fnltoa I'. A7 V' Non-Kesldeut Notice. No.H7, K. D.-In the Chancery fnuK of Hhelby county, Tenn.-Slate of Jcnneisee, it at,i.rinv from hill swer to In this cause lhat the defendants, . v Hie r ueni liattie Boon, J A Menken. .ni Biseman, Maria A Allen, Kacheel .,J," Ki.r( t-tewart, Mollie. Btewan. Ade Icia Stewart and Henry Stewart, J l.n l-annon, trus le" , Win W Bwain. r" rah Swam' Ok de n, J 0don; Albert Il-J. u. -. , Mr A her Heath, tiariow J "'" ' m" irJ w Mrs James A Bwain. RnWt M Neeley. Wm well and VTl." Mr. K M Il.rlow W Vbeliwi, Mary A McAnalty, Lucy M New kirk" Win Hebnnider Charles Schneider. L X McKensie, Albert Thomas. Mary I n"ms. Ra" h MoClary Fentu-on, Jane HtockeU. J S Williams Ant.iiiietle Thomas. Haiti M Boon. Hamuel Anni. Al..roui. hie, A J MonHomery. Jeremiah Weldoh are non-residents of lonnessee; iind that the Same? and plc of residence r the heirs of R.chard Weldon, mad. parties Mount of their interest in 20 acres of land in the titn Civil Distii'-lof tihlhyiunty. bounded on th" north by iheL. and N. R.H..and on the south by i be Old Raleigh road ; the heirs of u i iiiichrist. mado uarties on account of n..rp.t in 2 acre of land In Pope subdm .Vnn. tarmville. 6th Civil llistncti ll,. L.:.:f r,ti, i R. C ark.msils parlies on Ucount of InUreitinlot 1. block K, Rul .!,, Shelby eount' , Tenn: the heirs of Frank Smith and M h Howard, made psrtios nn arc ,ant of interest in lots . , KM .. U all 14 47-llS) acres, Pope subdivi sion. Faiinville, are unknown and cannot lie as.-eria.ned alter diligent inquiry! this be ing a suit to enforce las leins against said 'It'is therefore ordered. That they niske their appearance herein, at th courthouse of Bneloy county, in Memphis, Ten;, on or before the 6rsl Monday in May, lHHh, and . load, answer or demur to complainant s bill, or the same will be takea for confes'ed as to them and set for bering ei I'arUs and tbut a copy of this o-der be publihod once a week, lor four succes ve weeks, in the Memphis Appeal. This :ilst day of March. MSoWELL. Clerk and Master. Bv 11. F. Walh, Deputy ulerk anil Master V. U. 4 C. W. Heifkell, Hols lor com- plainant thu ilMMTrn AOKNTS.Men and womet WANTED , n "TilK CHILD 1 B1HLK " introduction by Rsv. J. H. Vis cent, U.O. On. sgent has sold 65 in a towi ot hT4 people; onoTt in avillageol TA; om cew anent K in 10 days; one M in ",fu",, ,ive weeks; one 40 in I days at two different times. S-cCTt'd"" It) Doarborn street, Chicago. RIVERS AM) STEAMBOATS. NtKAMFKH l.rAVIMW THIS DAY. Arkumai. City Viokubura St. Li uia Til'ton villo . Friars Point.. White IUver .. K iric Adams. S i. .... City oi Priiviiik'i Hi i i.k Mkmi-his, I it K .Wtl. ,1 ,.l. FlilUM. C.llllilMA, - .lll. Pki, i p. 8 M l KDAV. 1HMKT, S . III. I'. Ill H VKMKNIM AT lilt; I.I.VKI'. .4m'ivi'. - Cnahoina, l'liai-s Point ; City of Viekshurg. Vicksburg: fit of St lAHlis, St l.mns. Dipnrturtt. City ol Yicksbnrg, St. Louis; City of St. Louis, New Oi lcans; Coahoma, 1-iiars Point; Chick asaw, White- river; Pean Adams. Os cioIa; liranite Slate, Cincinnati. liKiii Ihie lirn. (iayoso and City of Providence. i'ihis Ihie I p. Kate Adams and Belle Me ophis. KtpIi VrlortliT. Pean Adams 9 pkgs merchandise. City of Vicksburg -10 bales cotton. City oft. Louis -r0 tons merchan dise. Coahoma 10 bales cotton, 2ti sks seeL 22 bd cattle and 71 pkgs sun dries. it ri at: no t;iti: m. Tim PeSmet, Ca,t. Milt R. Many, is t' e Saturilav packet for all points on Wn te and l.laek rivers. Tiik Lee Line packets to-nionnw evening are the Coahoma lor l-'.iais Point, and Pean Adams for Osceola. Tiik Belle Memphis, Cap'. le nge Baker, is the Anchor Line packet (his evening st o o'clock for Cair i and St. I ami". Al Simpson is her cleik. Tiik (iavnso, ('not. W. P. Hall, is the packet this eviMiing at 5 o'clock lor Hale's Point, Tipton villi- ami all way points. Jesse V. Walt is in her ollice. Tiik Citv of Providence, ('apt. Uco. Cnrvell, is the Anchor Line packet this evening at 0 o clock lor icks liurg and the bends. Frank Per kins and Sid. Wheeler are her clerks. Tiik Kate Adams, ('apt. Mark R. Cheek, is the I'nited States mail packet this evening at 5 o'clock tor Helena, Arkansas City and all way landings. W. C. Blanker has charge of her ollice, assisted by l.en Price, Morris Gans and J. V. Wvcutl'. UKXtHII. WKWM. Ill sinksn quiet. Wka i iiku cloudy with light rains. Tiik Jay Gould and barges passed up yesterday evening for St. Louis. The Chickasaw departed last even ing for Whit river with a fair trip. The I-ee Line packets were in and out on time yesterday with fair trips. Ruckiitn by river yesterday were 50 bales of cotton and 2(Kt sacks of seed. Tiik river here stands 34 feet and 2 tenths on the guagi,a rise of 2 tenths in tho last 24 hours. The City of Vickslnng passed Tuesday night, for St. lmis. She up charged here 40 bales mid a good lot.ol ! sundries. ( Tiik Granite State depailed lust I evening for Cincinnati Willi (l'(i Imliw of cotton, 50 bales of ih 30 tuna ; I si-rnii trim, nn ViirrcV. id on, 'VM siv ks j ol j-otton-socd unda good list of people. Tub Tim'-' )'tnorrul, April 13th : The Ulirbeo and Jackson Traiii.ii'tttti'm j Coinpany'g tow I tout llenrv Miirx.J. P. Jackson, master, arrived from Green villi' with nine model barges continu ing 03,01 sin ks cotton-seed consik-ncil to the New Orleans Seed Company; also seventy bales col ton mid 150 empty oil bnrielH, nuking in nil about 3200 tons. This is the largest amount of cotton-seed cper brought to this city by any one,,, tow. On previous dips this Heasoivishiv brought at one time 40,430 siujfFM, ond on another trip 41.3(H) sacka. . ,. v WKAVTIIKK Al kivlkm. OkkicH SkNAL Service, U. S. A,, t MruiH, April 14, 1 f The following observationa are taken al all stnt ions nwuud at 76 meridian time, which is one hour faster than Memphistma"j; Ab've Ixiw Wahr. Change. STATIONS. llisn i Fall 101 ha lOt ha Feet. lOtbs Cniro Chattanooga .. Cincinnati Davenport Dubuque , Kort Smith Keokuk Iji t'rosso Ijeaveii worth.. Little Uock Iiuihv'iMo Mi nil'1" Nas -ill He . Orleans.. ( nahii itishnig St. Louis 50 12 10 H 7 10 43 H 11 10 :io ill 41 13 10 21 4 "w 10 Ht. Paul ShrcM'port Viikshnrg I'lTTHiiUBO, April 14 Noon Rivt-r 10 fePtT inches on the gauge and ary. Weather clear and warm. EvtNxviLi.B, April 14. Noon Rivtr ttatiimiirv, with 43 :H0 feet on the gauge. Weather clear and warm. Busi ness .lull. Caiho, April 14 Noon Rivet 50feet on the gauge and rising. Weather mild and cloudy-. No arrivals or departures of re. l. r packet. Cincinnati, April 14. Noon-Rive) falling- with 50 feet 2 inches on the Haute. Weather clear: thermometer 70. A 'lived: Jauiaa W. Uaff, Mem phir, 'mt irght. Lowisvili.b, April 14. Noon River fa 'lit:, -with 31 feet 4 Inches in the cans1 and J) feet 2 Inches on the falls. bUHiiieas good. Wca'ner tair. ut partfd: (4ol. ten Rule, Cincinnati, lsat night. Hiivfiueeulsi ill Oeonu Nlesiur. Habiiubo, Annl 14. Arriveu: nne via, New Yulk. qi iunbtowN, April 14. Anived: -j i v o( Hichmond, New York. Pennyroyal Pills. l llll lirXllKN ENa.lMH The Urlwtssal mat ! ." . i.i -- 11.11. 1,1. lUaareol Wrlll- Daie anu a,wj ,. ... Aitia'ja .. m. Imitations. IndisMnsahle to l.a . your lriiBBi"itor " Btr t:sli "and take no other, or inclose 4c (stamps) to us for particulars is '"""J rrlnra insll. . ri"aa. -rhratrr heimlcsil 'o., . TKAISK supplied by UE0. C. UOODVi IN Ablesl AesIl4l. " rvKMOCRATS TO TUB FKONT-T al J peraoua a MWalUI uu'vih." pioymeni in aoj " ... i- Washington, or any otVer positions und nT ol ID i iraw-' theUovernment, 1 wilisena "".'V'"""" as to how to prosrs ltii obtain the same, and Ill 'nU f orm. .1 A ppl '' receiot ol On. Dollar. Al.lrM. J" 7Q htk am boats. Special Nciice For Marion. The IWryboat Johii Overton, fa 1,1. n ill leave the loot of JetTerton treat tor M :inrn , Ht w h . m . nii p.m. ? pUK VICKSHIIRO. i Ht. Iiil iin.l Xfw SSrlisna Anrbtr I lue I ... jimil-r'OK VICKbBURd. City of Providence, rfSL. Will lflttve the KleTtcr TH'KS1A . Ait.! r th, t ti .iu- h': r frciicht or iPHg apply K'. Is. II 1 1,1.. In. n.'t , t M ON VI . M ,,'r.V K ,OU18. 1 Auvhorl I r. Lot is. I CAIRO AM) HT. LOUIS M. I. on la aixl Orlrana Auvhor I.1MC-I-. N. ttitll-CAlUO k oT. LOl 13. Belle Memphis, .fSi, (Ion. Baker roatr.9iai Will laava the Ktovatnr TUUHMJAI, April l 'lll, si a t'.i i Ftr Iraifbt nr rassan apul) 0. I.. H. . P i Art. AO -1 voi LP I ISVILLEA CINCINNATI I .tl cm phis and Cincinnati Packet Co.,J roil Msl'INTILI.K l!iriXATI. J I Buckeye NlaterVwt ( ll. J. Vlnk.n. .. .masUr. V i "ill leave .Muni'Ai. April inn, ii 3 P.-r ireitht or raasnire apply to O. B. HUH ! KKLI.. Anent.No. 12 Ma J hob st. Telephon i N.. fc'7. .IOIIN CAKK, 1'aswenrer Asant. ! KOK TIPTON V1LLK I Omeola, II alas Point. OarutheriTtlle ' tlaosn. mni 'rintnnvlllt The now stoamoi W. P. Hall master I J. t. Fuller olerk will le' as almve, ami all -ny iKiinti . 1 V!KWY vilSDAV and TIIDUSUAY at t p a. Pur trniitht nr passaae apply on board ! -.-tiiv (,Vrtnr4 K'ntjkt su.i Mvuiiiiai! t nli ..cla fiitikf S-tkinpfsui.. i Her Ualaii. llo!n)a!a, l'riars Print an J si l.aTidtBrl-hlesmor Coahoma, aKZZj !.. t. Cl.iaeit...i;itr I I'ta'.i 1 ,.os. .o,.rl I win ',) as vory .V.oSuA'V, i WSDMi,.yVand X H 1 1) A V , at f-o'olwk.i Fir li imiilph, Osooola nl Hi ! 'anair s rteiuuer I) KAN A DAKS, j J. M. Cosper, mastor....J. W. tmttberi ,p!erf l.ea.-' ory HON UAV, V KI.X lihUA ii r'lilt) V av (l p.m. The at tbi 1 Una rrWrt tho r'mjt to puss ill landlnv f 1 tbn -ja-i i.khp unsafe. Offii'e, No. I V.'i.- - 'AW'N ,ln.,Sip'i 1 I Arkansas Illver Pk't Co Str. J01 PETERS, WR1 K. B. tSiatlh....ruaiiter1 WWVJ Leaves Meuifiis Kvrry TIIKHPAY, atft p.o U. 0. LUWK, Arent, OW.-n, Nn. 1 Nsilsnn st. Telephone Ni. M Memphis iV White lliwr PktlV V. H. MAIL LIKE. STR. CHICKW, g. C. Postal. ..master I 0. iH.H,f,,al...oler oa - - t lsrradua, llaviUlH ItluCT. nm Am Af anain, Jnchonirf mill Nfutrvy. LkltVliS MKMl'lllH Kvery WKPNKSUAY at 1 p.m. Throosh raUs to all iwlnts. Freiuhl siasleiied to " Meoii.hls ol Wall M.:ir l.-ket Oompany ' will be I'.irwird. iromvtl. H. U LOW H, A tent, . W.. 3 M iiHnori st. Teletihof. No. A3. FOR WHITE H1YEH. milt iiakuy'. eniiiliia,WhllnincW RiverPackfl Pur Ih ena. DeValls limn, pes iee Ar( iiuiU, Newport and ltatesillo.-Tbe ne uai nlogant sl.iewneei nassenter swinia Miiaiarrv masier I Will ,IATIIKDAY at&o'olc I inn. lhroiiiOj rates' v .o JM,inli. fnitf eonslnnsJ f Milt Harry, i OflJ... a K!t rt. n st Telephone 1 ; 'hi-i, Passener Aent. Te j epnnnt. i1T . I T'MSf.rfoarlti RlTor TranniMftas'bL. Rerf fstacready, r.-Jl I n K t,.,A i r ma ter I Wll.i. IKAVK MKINrillN EVKB I TlirNISAT, . I at 5 o'oloim.for Martanna, the f ut-0?-an tntermeiHtli) lunilinxs ou at. Vranisll rlyef ' , The .netiir reserves tho rlti.t W Was a. laniilnsv ii iooms iimafo. JAf. LEK, Jri-i,ri.'-i om.-i. No. 4 Ms4ion st 1 f . . . J.UI... - J .. I Hempliis and Vicksburg I'acJttt Com j 1MB) U.N. Mail Line. or. I Yor llbns, CWordla. Terrene aad Arkarf an. ' Ay -The elesant rassenuei Iteaniejl KATE ADAMS, r,Xzl M. R. Jaee... taster I W. O. Blanker ...olerk UaTM Memphis ; V p. .,reserrln(therlitht to pass all landina the eactaia may deem unsafe. Kor aeners Information apply at oBoe, No. 4 Mad-iso;: street a. WAIitiusia, sisdi. ,1011V OARR tiun'r Afont. Telephone W Ol'KAN .STKAHSIIIPS. TO lSVKOPJBt I'aek's Etearsien Parllo leave ill April, May, June and July. Hand for Pni .rumniB. I Individual Ton rial Tlrhel for travr-. In Hut-ope and all parts of the globe. ' I .l-i.-aosa by all lines of steamers. I onk's KxeissralonlNt, with maps, puh t lllhed month.y by mail for Tes Cunts. . I s I mm eissrs, . ff- Hrosilway, New York. I UrketStnxdJnnivTri pRl. k. and ronrll.. UUU1U1 UUI,uj t Ma as. ht o.t.ilii.,l ptoaictMsaaim m ati" JC Z: of PRIV ATE,! CASES. . . .'. ieriuu.t0rr2ii stiin Impoleaur, . nll al .bus m y-'MK, " .u-m. lb ma il. ..i.- T .uil L.U.1...H 1. ... i.v .1i. iil. P.anrti" r lUdiit, ih, m' -i ay- . lift l..W.I-i:M, IV lll'it 1 lT-1 H nl II' i .i . I iiiin.. v r.nK '.iN.ii.l 'U ol ;n4. vt flrMI8il Pir 4V. , "df i lOsJ I ISTPUltlS' "1, . ln' .tlT.T (rlrai.liw qtil-Hlj up itaii1ir, afo Uiarkugtal, m rtQ- I JMtf bum aw G.-norrhftavp rlvatUWBiW4 aukkljr 9unA, .-ir fu,eTi Uiniiilir "iolAj) io p r 'rkal aWa-Osy ,i a nor lu -taa of itgMVM, anl fsaadt tnoo : ai .ii.lrfa BTat BkUL Kltj'BliUni iniWOla fam oftrn l pernor. U mj Whal Kwiwaitt-Bt u j .'.iUfi - u fo- u-at-nt, iTia4Vieasi k attM prltajt i nl . ,'jif tif wait a iiM saiiywW- J . tPi.vrs OoM,tMd im U CftMlf a.,;fe!tr" t- WW IN, jm ".ulil ..i.a Ws ejf PRIVATE COt ISES-aR. J hi. Mbould ri by alU Sr il t,',r. fci I4.S. to9 S.W. KWI"I Electric Belt Frei rr H) Introduce it and ebtain '" j a. ir ins"'--v ud uniny c-r. tor I 'Htyi..Vi.r.coc.l., Kmlj-lon. luipoi i -a- .Mm il ELC r - b -not irenrtt Aildritrti Ht oooe KL1 S-E Ii" ukiIt Afl'lfjy . 1. 0. Bo. Brooklyn;; f: U w trmifSTTTI BCR. young or l.j the Klect bhwlii ana "l"' riRflure every staj Weakness of the ' re s , osnal Sys Varicoce'e and la enteeblia po Mieey refindeT not as repreeeis! PriMVisaua aim. eamnniec i-ee. orders mu.-t be sent to Asssrira wi j ...... .ii.w Maw boss all ont Wetra offices aro Jlaraaltaj Noth Is Hereby Wren, rpilAT the sinoual meet ln of th s and Southwestern Railroad tor the election of 1 sui-h otlior business as may ( " .I-.. ..Ill i.- h.1.1 t Company, In tie city of Memphis (call Tuxine- Pl'trict ot Shelby Uuoly), 1 on the Bils Hiy of April, lssa. n.,nn tt iIav. and that th. fr..m thatComp1y to the Newport New mittedto the st.ickholde-s for their c. li.iiBit Vn ley company win o n,l nnnroval thereof. VT i.,v,k will be elosed from March t April 6, ItWt. ., . it. b ....I., nf the President and Bo Directors. ISAAC K. (iATKS, Secret "et I'.ir mm Cod Uirectore I Mime befoif r 1 s