.o TME ft i ESTABLIS UED 1S40. MEMPHIS, TEXN., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 188(5. VOL. XLVI NO. 100. MEMPHIS WAR MEMORIES REVIVED. IMERESTISGDIiCCSSIOS IX THE HOUSE. OId Soldier FigttlBff TkMr Dattln Orer Brayr f Wlscoaaiu Stir ring Ip the oj. ' Washington, , May 7 lkte. After Ihe routine business was disposed of, a contest for precedence arose between iprivita business and the Military Academy appropriation bill, vhica was re olved in favor o' tbe former, rni tbe House went into committee of the whole Mr. Crisp Ga. in the chair oaurivate business. The bill which gave rise to the most interesting divusss on was one paying 5J00 to F. W. Haldemau The report states that dur.ng the war, llaldeman, then a boy cf twelve yars of age, de sired to join an Ohio regiment, but was refused a muster on account of bis age and size. He, however, pur cfcased a uniform and served in toe regiaient a year, acting as a bugler and performing scout duty. He ia eaid to have performed gallant service. ' Mr. Bragg Wis. in a sarcastic speech riiposed tfm bill. He ridiculed the iaUa of aboy to youngto be mustered in performing scout duty and d- ing gallant service. Tlie great patr'otism which had been displayed by the boy setuied to have passed away and he had become a beggar, asking money from Uo Government. A tou h of sentiment was added to the picture of a battle sceno by placing in the fore ground 'ho figure of a doud drummer nov with hn drum beside him I!ut it was onl sentiment In reality the drummer boy at the beginning of a battle could bo seen breaking the head of his ibum and run r ing to the rear to do hospital so-vice. One oi the most glorious memories of the war was of tho noble w. men who be came nurses iu order to alleviate the sufferings of the soldier, but now these women wen found coming to tho War Claims Committee begging that their gratuitous services should be coined into dollars and cents. That knocked oil the sentiment out of the thing. He wanted some of tho rich memori s of the war preserved. He did not want them all brought down to dollars and cents. Mr. Weaver la. admitted that war pictures were very deceptive, but wore deceptive than the picture o' the dead drummer boy was that of the officer with epaulettes, leading the charge, sword in hind, singing out, "Come on, men!" If there was a humbug in American military history i' was that portion which represented the commissioned officer leading the charge on the enemy's works. As a rule they were wh re their orders and the rules of war required them to be in a safe place in the rear, while the private soldier did the fighting, shoot ing and dying. Mr. Johnston IrH. maintained that a lad, though he might be too young to be mustered in, could do good service in a regimeut,and in stanced the case of two boys in his regiment who had been with it at the battle of Richmond, Ky.. and who had performed their dnty gallantly. They did as much lor their country as did tiie man who le the iron brivU rnd who now attacked a boy who hud bared h's breast to save his country. 'The gentleman from Wisconsin had attacked ihe nurses in the army. If a poor woman had given her services to her country and no, with health shattered and means gone, asked the country to do someting for her, Mils it in t as honorable for the Gore nment to help her as to r ise the pension of a genral's widow from $30 to $50? Mr Bragg inquired where this brave boy ha 1 bared his breast. He had . Mown his bugle somewhere as a scout. Had the scouts that served in the com niand of the fentleoian from Indiana heralded their coming with bugles? Did its scouts movo with a brass band? If that had been the practice of the command it should have hud some officers of tho regular order to teach it its duties. ' There mas no oc oiision for all this t lk about odic-rs. The gentleman from Jowa (Mr. Weaver) wanted to know who had ever seen an officer lead a cha ge. He (Mr. Bragg) had seen the gentleman who followed the fit-.ni and bars who bore commissions as olli crs coming down in advance of t'eir l ncs lead ing their men plumb against ihe musketry and carrying works at the point of the I nvonct. He had seen oiliceM who followed the ftars and stripes who did not say: "Go in, boys; I nni a little lame, but you will prob ably fce rep'ilsod and I will be here to reutivo you." The army he bad served with, had officers 'who were not afraid to fight. Tt.esa officers the soldiers h:ii had confidence in, end when bo heard men, who said tvey had been soldier?, take every oppor tunity to abuse officers, ho was led to tbe belief thut they had bo'onged to the squad 1. 1 camp followers. vnat was that tremendous battle at Rich mond, Ky.? What was th record of it? What was gained or lost by it? It was oneof those skirmishes between ontlyiru troops where here and there a shot was fired from tin t icket, and the troops rallied buck on the center, and tho horns were sounded and d'lirns beaten to move upon "Johnny Keb." an 1 when they moved,'1 Johnny Keti hud gone. Mr. Johnson commended to tho gentlemen from Wisconsin the read ing of the military history of his country. Tho battle of Richmond had lasted f r ten hou'S, and for the number of troops engaged it had been as severo a battle as had been fought (luring the war. Mr. Bragg -How many men fell? Mr. Johnsto-i I have n t got the flgires here. There were thousands of them. There were about 9000 men rnpaged on the Uiinn side and about I2,i'0il or 15,000 were with Kirby Smith. Continuing, he repelled the ch rge that be hud ever abused the office s lie had nevr tried to detract from an officer's reputation, but he had tried t" .-land by t.ho interest of the private soldier Mr. r.rairg Was it not a fact that nearly all the command to which you belonged was captured at Richmond? . Mr. Johnston-A great many were. Mr. Brag.: And was not tli- bal ance S"nt hack to Gen. Wolford to be drilled? I.!iuh'r. Mr Johnston -In that battle we were subj i ted to many humiliations, but no humiliation So great as to be drilled by the gentleman from Ken tucky (-r. Wolford) -The General was a brave man, but I nev rsaw him have bis own troops under command in mv hie. f Lauglito-. It is a re markable spectacle for a man who claims to be a Union soldier, to have had some sympathy with the Union estate, now at this late day to gloat over a Union defeat. Mr. Wolford Ky. rose, as he said, to reply to the unjust insinuation made by the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. JoLnston). 11- had commanded a regiment, brigade and a division, and he had never been ashamed of thmor they of him. Ho had led them in a hundred battles. He had never drilled for dress parade, but he had drilled to fight. Some of the cav alry that had run away at R'chmond had been sent to liim, not to be drilled, but to be disc plined. They had been disciplined, and in many fights they had shown themselves gal lant men : they had run no more. A vote was t lien taken on an amend ment to tbe bill, but a number of its opponents refrained from voting and the committee, being left without a quorum, rose. The House then took a recess till 7:IU) o'clock p.m., the evening session to be for consideration of pension bills The House, at the evening session p'ssed tifty-sevea pension bills and adjou ned to to-morrow. FUGITIVE SENATORS. Tha Ohla Lealelalara aa a far al Chattancoga, Tknn., May 7 Fourteen of the twenty Democratic members of the Ohio State Sena e ar rived in this city to-day in a special car, and are occupying their car( which now stands in the Cincinnati Southern railway yard. They left Columbus, O,, secretly Tuesday night, and met at Covington, Ky., where they took the car for Chattanooga. They left the Stato of Ohio in order to get beyond tho jn isdiction of a process " that might be issued to tho Sergeant-at Arms of the Senate. They state they are niere'y standing by tho constitutional rig ts and have no intention or disposition to obs'ruct legislation; that the ap propriation bill has been passed and all important measures disposed of, and they now leave the Senate to pre serve the constitution of thoir State and defeat the plans of scheming poli ticians. They are firm in tbeir de tcrmina ion tot to yield an inch and will remain un il a compromise is effected. Will Hetara t'wfrr terlnln Condi, lion. Coli muus, O., May 7.-Senator E S. Dodd. one of the. absent Senators, telegraphed Gov. F raker from De troit saying they might return if thy had any guarantee that the Senate rule would be observed by the Fresi det. Foraker replied that he could not speak on the point, but suggest-d legitimate remedies for the majority, instead of fleeing from the State. BR0WNSY1LLF, TENS. Attempt to Kara a Dwelling bjr TklrvH, liriout TOTUl Af rEAL.I BnowNsviLi.E, Ti.nx , May 7. On Wednesday night last burglars broke into the store of M. Marks,, but. her, and carried off his cash drawer wi h the contents. They probably did not get a great deal of money. It appears that the jobbers then carried their booty out Washington street, a short distance, to an unoccupied residence owned by Mrs. J. B. Moore, where w oy shMMl jn tl plana r.'hd rjt lire to the cui-.li drawer. A large hole was burned in the floor of the porch and the side of the house scorched. The alarm works of the cash drawer were found on tfie spot. Whether it was intended to burn tho house or not is not known, but if a heavy thunder shower had n t come on jus1 at that time the house would certainly have been destroyed. The flames were seen by a lady liv'ng oppo-itc, who was awakened by the thunder, but she paid no attention as she supposed it was a light on the street The officers think they have a clew which will rt suit in tho capture of the rascals. . . t ttlTTON STATEMENT 'or the Week Kicdlug Friday, ay 7lli. The following Is the cotton com parative statement for the week end ing Friday, May 7, 18fi: Net receipts at all Unitfd States porta during the Balf-; week 42,678 Swne week lust year 8tl"J Exports for the week 00,334 Stock at all United Stutes porls f!)5,393 Same time! ast year 5L'l!l Stock at nil i::ttrior towns... 97,0i 3 Sime time latt year 2'4.W- Sf.ck at Liverpool ti4!),0 0 8 ma time latt year '104,000 S.ock of American tlljul tor Great Bri'aia 117,00 Same time last year 72.C00 Tbe Situation at Chicago. Ciik'aco, III., My 7. The city as sumed its normal condition to-day, so far as the quiet of the city was in volved, iliero were no gatherings for the police to disperse, although lluir watchfulness was not in any manner lessened. The lumber district was absolute y peaceful, no large as semb ages being seen. The police continued to prosecute witfi energy their search of tho haunts of tho An archists, and succeed d in producing a few more guns and explosive ma terial. PAIISONS CAlTirRKI). A rumor is in circulat'on this even ing that A. R. Tarsons, the Anarch et associato of Spies and Fielden in the horriblo massacre of Tuesday night, has beeu captured in the southwest ern portion of the city. Lieut Shea of tho central police station declares the report is untrue The statement is that Parsons has a painful shot wound on his left thigh, and showed no resistance when arrested, and also that Parsons sought she ter at tho residence of a former friend who, fearing the consequences, immedi ately gave him up to the police. S? ordered Her Mtepinother. Li pisvillb, Ky , Mhv 7. A Courirr Journal ppe 'ul tay? : Mies W:!kor, n yuur g Wiimuii living r.e,ir Fulton, Kv.. vakr'd up beriind her ft-p-u.olirr, who wa washing at a tub, snJtt.ui'k her cn the b-;d v. uh a Im'j. S'.e coLt'rue.l to s'like fie f.ben vom.an ui.t 1 .s!.e was da id, and then l i i kni rcr ht-;d to 5 :tC' s A family tli' nc et mc.t 13 mpp.i ed t5 be the (a i". The cirl escaped, but is beirg pur. tied by a pi?se cf exc t:d c.t Zeus. Attempted Wile HI nr iter and Snirlrte Toronto, May 7. To-n'ght Ctnr'e Rd, a bookbinder, cillt d on his i e, from whom he had he?n bvirg apart on account cfjalou y, and sbtt hr ii tie prm and snonldsr, and then s iot himsilf in the tnad, dying a'mott instantly. Thewcmin is net fatally wjunded. TBE IRISH HOME RULE BILL CIIAMBEItli.U.VS POSITION AS DEF1SED US HIMSILF. The Pretnltr Determined to Male tain His Measure ia All Essen tial Particular. London, Mav 7. Thos. liolton, member of Parliament, a rote a letter to Mr. Chamberlain asking him if he would support the rome-rnle till on its second reading provided it be con sidered a rtimnle affirmative of the principle of home rule, leaving the question of the ietntion of Irish members open for consideration in committee. Mr. Coaniberlain replied: "If Mr. Gladstone will main tain the imperial Parliament as the supreme representative authority in the kingdom 1 will gratefully ac cept tho concession and vote for the second reading of tbe ill. Bu' I am unable to find in Mr. Gladstone's manifesto any su'h assurance. Ho asks us to grant Ire and the right to manage her own arlairs, bu'. if geogr phical consideration must yield to na ional sen inient then the prayer of the Protest mts for separate con sideration dese-ves equal attention. The fate cf Ulster lies in its own hands. If it is earnes; ia refu ing to intrust its liberties and fortunes to the Dublin Parliament, fellow sul jects in England and Scotland will never sutler the Ulsterites to be co erced into submission. I have main tained my pos tion against the bill as proceeding on lines of separation or colonial independence instead of fed eration. I have cons dered the full representation of Ireland in the Imperial Parliament too im portant a d-tail to leave for tho committee. The question must bo settled on tho threshold of the discus sion. The extension of the home rule to Scotland and Wales depends on the maintenance of united representation of three countries in one supreuiB imr liament leading to a fir lire federation of tho great dependencies of the Crown and the welding of them into a mighty and harmoi iou9 empire. Mr. Gladstone's alternative has ren dered necessary anomalies and restrictions which no true Liberal will app-ove. He has produced a halting measure which offers no rea sonable prospect of a final settlement and which ia certain to be tho fulcrum for future agitation. He has bronght us within a nieasurablo distance of civil war, threatetdng the ultimate cie ation of a foreign hosiile nation who e reconque t is aetui.l y con cmplatcd as a possible eventuality by the pro moters of the measure. So long as uncertainty prevails in matters of such p ramount interest, it is impos sible for those who value the unity of fie empire to affirm the p inciple of t e bill." Lord Carlingford, an old and mti mato colleague of Mr Gladstone, be fore joining tho Liberal I'Lionist Committee, tiied to obtain tho seiiti. ments of the Premier on the probable amendents to the Irish measures. He ascertained t at the bom rulo bill would be maintained in all essential nrtintil The Firnningham members of the T.ihnml Kadera ion at a mee ing to day adopted theresoluti ns favoring Mr. Gladstone's Irish poli'y which were passed at a meeting ot delegates in Ixindon Wednes a. A resolution was also adopt d advising Mr. Cham berlain that it was his duty to support the home rule bill on its second lead ing. Mr. Ch mberla'n iesen'8 the de cision of the Birmingham ca-cusund maintains the position that un ess Mr Gla 'stone mates concessions he. will oppose the measures. Irish Home-Rale Meeting- at New Yora. Niw Ycrk, May 7. The Irish bom rnle meeting at the Aialemy of Musin to-night was a great buci ew. A nmi g h(go on thi plat'orra were Enfcue Kelly, ex-Poa mtit'r-Gtu. Jame?, (i v Hill, Mso' G'hch and Gov. Ln AbVetof Saw Jerso . Later S-ii ator John Shernut', Co mrc s-iuen Urofverior and But e wnnh of Otib nrd(ioa. St wa-t L. Wnlfj;d a-rivtd ami were e cored to setts ou ifc p'.at- f rnj. ARISTO R.VTIC AUUIOUESSIS It yid'f Inrrrnnlaz In tJerumny 'I ltelr trm-ae. Wmjn. Aristocratic authoresses are incteas ing so -opidly in Gurmuny that the Kalninlit eituwj enters i mtci-t thus ; We appreciate to tho full what nobil ity and tin fair sex -the latter often both fair and urist cratic - have done for theG. riuan lit rutu e of the nine teenth centu-y We intend to th ow light i pon tho strange manner hi w hich ar stocratic autho-esses are nowadays advertised. The number o' novels and romances vrittesi by countesses and ba one ses bus n: lute years enormously increased. Some of ilieni ass ".me a si i pie ma e i.seu donyin, which is, how . vcr, removed as soon ns possible and the high sounding n me brought forward Against his there is nothing 'o be done Every German has the riyl.t to write as many good or bad nov Is as it pleases him and of this r ght fu'l advantage is tak- n Nor are we at 1 11 implying that all the novels of baron esses or countesses are necessarily worthless ; on tu crontrary, the ma jority of them are readable enough. As a ruN, however, i can be en that the authoress, before she began to writ , had 'eadagrent many novels, chiefly Englis i, and that si.e km ws more bout ertain sports tnd the so ial life of aristocratic houses than abo .t the most vital questions of human society, approaching which she makes man evident blunders. On the othe1-hand the lady ge-erally can gracefully criticize littl human we knesses, espec ally those of outard appearance, rnd she dis .days, sometimes rather t o much, her acquain'anco with the history of art and literature The latter "is chielly the case when she has lor to Italy on her wedding trip. This does not make the lad novel-writer of to-day into a first rate ut ores, such as PuaJz-'W, llahn Ilalm, Lewalil, Juughau. llillc rn and others, no does it give them a i lace bv the sid- of Eiiot, Lady Kullerton aiid Ouida. To t n m literature is a pleasing sport, a pastime, which they have adopted beca sc among ill their relations and friends they were k own as tiinitu d'eyiril. because they have f-een a d rea l much, ami became it really -s delightful to see ones If in print. And f once Countess X has published a novel, Baroness Y. i sure to say: '"I can do that also." Let ladies but t y earnestly V increase their talents in such a manner that they have a right to stand by the side of literary artists, or let them treat literary pastimes as their friends treat w ater-color sketches, fancy wo-k or music; let thorn have 1'iK) 'copies printed f'r circulation among their friends and have them handsomely bound, but just as their friends do not send their productions to exhibitions and play before a pub lic, so let the autho esses abstain from treating their gractful amusements as real work. A UEORtil.i CAKE WALK. Aa lacldeataf Lira Aiaouc the '! ored Poaple. Parien.Gi., special in tbe At anta Cfui7"1ioii : "CUke walk to-night. Admission 5 csnta." This announcement led your corres pondent to witness a display of Ethi opian fcrase the other night, the cc: &on being a caka walk. On enter ing, the sonoioas voice of tbe presid ing judge' could be beard requesting the band, consisting of meloJian, a banjo and a drum, to play a quadrille, and the youthful prl of tbe dusky assembly proceeded to dance. After about ten minutes tbe judge donned a gi a n'.icviirof rpictacles, and pulling an equally fo'midabl watch from h'S vest pocket, he announced that the time for tto c ike wU bad arrived. Tbe list couUining the names t the contet-tants was sctnoed and fie names of the tint piir was called. Tbe names here givtn are iictiihmi), from a deeire to give no offunm. Mr. Josh Gion and Miss Jemima Jotustoa were tiri-t on the litt Jonh pulled his red handkerchief out io as to ivuke it mere pr.iminent, tdjiutod his cola-,, a-.d, milking pioully across the lloir, , he bowed politely to an intensely obscurj maiden oi about 273 ('0 uuda, SLe gracctu.lv a -cepted the profh-J-ed arm; and wl en the ilu'cut strains oi he melodian atia'.n becuma audible, J,li ai.d Jemi ma, arm in arm, staited cit oa the tcrupulorjs'y strwght chalk line. Toe pjir, however, proceeded on their cLurce Ciurusily.. The judge looked displeared, and It was generally con eluded that the take wn sate. CVsir Smith and Laura VcCJlnm came next. Cie ar bore his htal like a con queror ai he led demure little Laura to the staituig point. But the proud bearing of Cesar did not avail him. He s urted off on the wrong foal. Tbe whole audience ro'.iced it, and while the judge frowned, all knew that this meant ns cake for Ciewr. Then rams Jim Bluet and Lotina Gray and six orBeven other couples, who all did comparatively well. A pause ensued. Tbe judge looked sigi iticantly around the room, wbila loudly calling the name of Jo seph Marstall Parcel). A vttoraa rake walker of seventy-five summers appeired. Oa being kd if he was ready, Joseph replied "I ie," and pro ceeded with a cavali iristi air to select a partner. The hopes of the precedirg conteitants seemed to (adeoway like tkwers intheantnmn. Oa all sides the cake wai conceded to Joseph. The judge, however, announced a tie between three, and Jim Wbeelright, one of the winners, was appointed 1 1 cut tho cake. It teemed t t piu.U Jim hi w to divide a round cake in three, but he, afscr a little considera tion, cut the cake into two equal hftlvas. One cf tbei'ialves he subject ed to a similar dlviaiua, tnd started for the door with the lioo's stmr, one of the original halves. Jim wai brought bsck by lorce, and tne juurs eppeaiea t . The judge f aid tbe or- ly way out of the difficulty was to rut Jim Wheel- rights part in two alto, ana, roiling oce cf thess parti into a piece of paper, he pocketed it and lift amid tumultu ous spplane ON 'CHANGE. It begins to look as if May wheat might go to 7.:c after all. The liberal port receipts are mak ing crop prophets stare with amaze ment. The Cotton Exeltmgo was deserted yesterday afternoon. Buyers anil sell rs were all at tae races. Tus cotton buyirs backed Judge Jackson heavily yciterduy. A promi nent exporter win- among the lucky ones. VisiTorm rn 'Chaigo yesterday : E. R. Jones, Hollv Springs, Miss. ; T. Ii. Allen, Baileys, Tm. j. ; J no. T. Thomp son, P ides, Ala.: Harry Grindler, Helena, Ar.: .1. P.Rci y, Mississippi; J. A. Suddoth, Mississippi; Mrs. Chas I la stead, l'aducuk, Ky , Mis Vie Ballard, Pittsburg, Pa.; Miss Ga'-ie Werdcn, city; Mian Laura McKce, Tennessi e. The t'lnvrrlOH Xfnrder ( null RiciiMOMii, Va", May 7. Counsel for T. J. Clirveriiis, coiivic ed ot the murder of Fannio Lillian Madison, entered a motion in the Supremo Court of Appeals txlay for a rehear ing of tho case decided yesterday, jn which the judgment of the; lowc'r court was fully allirned. No rehearing w ill In allowed unless ono of J bo judges who concurred in the decision is dissatisfied with t and desires a re hearing. "Lay thy sweet hinds in mine, and trust in me," ho mid, but she only remarked that she lad neuralgia an 1 must hold her h ad. Then he b ugh' her a bottle of Sslration Oil for -'" cents. Now he holdi her sweet hands bv the hour. bolera la Itnly. Rome, May 7 During the patt twentv-f ur boats twelve new cases cf cholera and four deaths have been re ported at Venice; five raies and two deaths at V er.ca, srd sixteen checb and six deaths at Bftri. Have used ToiiKalino in neuralgia and acute rheuinatism, and am well satisfied with its beneficial ellecU; have also found it v;rj etlicacious in no vons diHensei. ii. O. Ill TI.KK, M.D,, ClrTelnnd.O. I.KWOV UXIU. A IiUiIhm : il-liir'g txperleace. Kcv. l. l:. Lj-r.-'i. M'M hr of tlia Alu l i mi Cli ieiiri.-. Birmiimliiiiii, wntf: I t'uv.l I ih. M.tf; niy lrtn',.-s sty lh' y li i i br. Munlcy'ic Lone n Klixir a ini.nt nv' n-nt im-ci rin. Mi Imuk- ; er nml f.iro:c '--th in. it in plji-u or a oiui.-l, ltl', t-.' A I'romiui ii I:iter Wriloii Pr. Moitey I t A 'ler teniHrnnf trv.ci'U'ii r tiei-i i' Hire-lion or dyi-i-t a. wiib (rrenl m n i-ro-ti.ti n i.d inl- oii'neia. iii.-urcliTf I k 1 1 n i o d (-rit'in-tieii. I have b 11 i-mel i j lour I lil-e uf jour Lemuii Kin r. "' " " n"0- UrA'. U. E. DA IS, Elder M. E. Chur-b South, No. J Titnull lit ert, AilnnU. tin- ; Sold by druitiitl'- " f 00 holtln. PraiKd by Dr. U. Motley. At Umn. fleoryin. j 60 UtIW)MCiralian..lllMl-- n n,. lam. r Ki" Hwtn. i.c l aw" WEEKLY TR IDE REVIEW. THE (iEXERAL BUSINESS MTt'A TION LESS SAHM-ACIORT. Labor Treohlri the DUtarbinff EIe ' ments Influence et tbe Elght Honr Asllatlon. Xkw Yokk, Mav 7. A apeiiul to'e- gram to Ilmdlrttl' indicates that the general trade situation is bss favora ble than a week ago. This is due niiinlv to the partial paralysis of busi ness at Chicago, as well as to th dis turbed industrial situation in Milwau kee. Cincinnati. St. lxius, Baltimore and elsewhere. At Chiejgono busi ness of a wholesale character worth mentioning has been dons and merchants generally are awaiting the settlement cf the labor troub'es A noteworthy incident is the determina tion of the Chicago metal and furnituro works and lumlier yard employers to shut down rather than to accede to wht they regard as unjust demands. A similar spirit ii displayed at lxnia ville. The movement of merchants at leading cities East and Wost have been checked ny the industrial troubles. lirmlstrtit t telegraphic reporta indi cate that S'.Ti.tkH) men have taken part in tho short hour movement; that 17').0J0 have struck, and that l'O.OOO have received concessions without having to Btriko and that some :15(000 have sained their ends by striking. The outlook for a nearly or go coral clearing aay ol industrial disturb ances ts not bright. The New York stock market was extremely weak tho llrst two clays of tr e week, but a stronger feeling de veloped and tho prices recovered Money on call is in good supply and easy at from 2 to II.) per cent , but commercial paper, tr.ough scarce, is m: re dillicult to place, tho rates havinir stiffened materially. Tho advance in the Bank , of England discount rate to 23 re cent, causes a demand f. r sterling ex change at 7 00, and Rold shipments continue ti bo made, going now to Ixmdon. The domestic money mar kets are gcnera'ly dull and easy, with loan rates unchanged. Tho excep tions are Kansas Cby and St. Paul, whero funds are in ' very active de mand. Col ections genera ly are poor, ratber less satisfactory than a week a;o. Sugar is lower and quiet, the de mand having fallen away. Coffee is easier, with good crop pros pects and smaller request. The winter wheat pla"t continues in excellent condition. Spring wheat planting is nearly finished, and tho prospects f r a crop aro good. The breadstull's markets aro dull and lower. lxiuisvillo advises that indications point to a largo planting of tobacco, leading tobacco u.au ets are quiet, with prices steady. The general movement of dry goods has been limited. Print cloths aro stronger. Wool is dull and prices are cut to suit largo buyers. Pig iron is quiet, but bars weak. fall arm tor the Week. Nkw York, May 7. Tho bosiness failures occurring throughout the country du ing the last seven days, es Teportod to Ii O. Dun ti C.. number for tho United States 1(17, and for Cun- aHa 25, or a total of 11)'.!, as compared with a total of '-07 1 st woek and 1J4 the week previous to tho last. Busi ness casualties this week appear to bo about up to tho averago in all sec tions of the country. In New York city they are very light. Had aa Awlaameut. Cinc innati, O., May 7. Tho Pioneer at Eiirhth and Culvert streets, assigned to-day to - . .... , ii, ..-.I John lionuu. ,101111 w. jucnnrcin, rx-aui lnt nml nrinehiid stock holder. also assinned. The tobil liabili ies are estimated to bo :tO,0(K); assets, tie, OOJ. inr.n. AT.LKN In New York City, Chi, In fiii.t iliniKbtor of Hurry nnd Carrie Alton. Funr:'l norvlrM at Kim wood Comet, ry after arrival oi o o ctoi'K iram dulax nltornoon. ALIiKN Of cliimtneriii, in now 1 orK unj, Ma 6, ll!ci, Mamie I.atiuu, i nly dnuuhter of Kirhnrrt W. mul bitiio Allou, aKod two yo in und uil.o uiontht. Kunernl fervUei M KImwood Comelery .. i ..tiki r. V oltor nrnval of 0 o ciooa irain ou.xi;n afternoon. WOHMKI.EY At hi. residoni-e nn Union 'rent, in tn ia ony, i-nuuy, iny i. mio, o'clock p.., Cni. KiLrH WonmtLKV, d Due notlca of tho fiinfral will ho itlvon. HOT ics:. rpiIR MKRCANTII.K AOKSCY. I J. K. tl LUN A CO.) Mk. A. P. MKIRIAM ia no longer eon nected w;th th a oflico. H. i A 1 l r.Jt ho.,J' a n niror J. L.FROST, Cor. Sccoud aod Monroe St., S?AIIjOHi Would call attention of hli friendi and patroni to hit NEW NTOCK, Comprtilnr the hcloet nnd latait dn imna of Foreign (Jooda In the market. Having taken ipeoial cure in their .elec tion, I amvleued to lay to my ouitoineri and puolio who favor me with a eall, to ihow tb.m : inel ol goodi only found in leading houiei. r WILDOR'S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER K OIL AND LIME. A Wllb.t'al'oil-I.lvrr Oil unci I.tum - Pct'ioa who hnvo bcon tilling fed l.iver will l.o pleated to lc-n ih it Ilr. ilh -r hiva aui-ro-.de. 1, from dircolion- i-f ,' -eral .rofcMiin!il KU tlpiliiill, in otnbiouiir Ibo pure nil and Lime In auch a manner th'.t lt isilonamt to I lie tto. Hiui H nc " Lung complaint" are truly wonderful. V or" inn fi permnawho e cn.ea were ronn'ini-ed I npi'ie a, at.d win, h il t. k-n ice cl-nrlhl lor a long liiuo wi'buut in:i' k'd r(lc-t. hn boj n entircl curjd by uking thia p eprinion. He aure nnd gel the g inline. .Ma, ut-"-t rod only by A. II. Wii.biiu, Cheuiiat, Uo-lnn. tol l I,? all drugiata S250 A MONTH, "" un - .lln' j A V lll(l-iON.Irlrolt.liiau pr-aiXQ eiin money with our Amnteur MUCrilu photo outnt, nnd collect m fnm'ly p'eturei to enlarge. Hpeoial SO day offer. Empire Copying Co.. 381 Canal itrwol, btm York. F3& E? i LEWIS Hand FIro Extinguishers 75e Each, 99 Per Dozen. J AS. J&Y SMITH A CO. UM Frat Mrevt. GOLD MEDAL, PAEI3, 1878. BAKER'S MTrrnIil KlAniitrlr pan Cocoa, fnm hii-b thnrxo4' o( OUha bon fvinovtMl It haa thrtt times t A itrrnyth v( Vwmmr-il with HUrrh, Arrownrnt or Buifmr, ftttd 1m thorrfurt' far monM'ononi leul, costing ltt fAcin one cent tt m. It Is drlieUui, DunrlHhlnfr, trvnthcnlim, cully dlgoatrd, ami tlinlrmbly iulptiHt fur Inval- tdsaa wt'llMMortHTaoiwhi hnulth. Sold by Urovr ritrynliera. . BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. School Hals Shooting Medals, Rowing Medals, Bicycle. Medals. avWlth loornMail faollltlai In oar mnna fnolory, wn are prnparnd to fill all ordari for above toodi, AT LOWEST l'RICKH. On Igni and atluiatnl iurnlnhnd free, on ap plioatlon. C. L.BYRD& CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, 290 MAI V KTItKKT. J. F, H0LST &BI10., (scccaeeoRS to a. u. holst bbo. Funeral Directors, UO MAIN NT., MEM I'lIIS. A FULL and complete l took or Wood and M.t.lllo 0a.ni and Ca.knU. Cloth-Co. nred Caoketn nnd liurlal Hobs, alwayton hand... aar-Ordarf by tnlcwraok promptly l.M. sr i UwUJ'in til 1 IttffllilB M Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $25,000. J. K. tlOWWIX, IWt. J. M. WOOOIIAltTylcg-Prea't. C. II. KA1XE, Cwifalcr Z3oaarcl of IJlraotora. T. B.Tt'RLKY. J- M. CJOODDAB. J. R. OODWIS, JOHN ARMIbTKAL), 0. B. UHYAN. A. W. NBWM0M. at-A Deaoeltnry of tha Ntata of TaaaewMKa. Trhnt a aimaral Baahlas Ha a iat tw kiiwl.l lliilli - I ol IIK E. SLAGER, : jj TAILOR. TY SPRING AND SUMMKR KTOCK II now oompleU, oonitaU ML ina of tha latent nnd oholonut daalrni in nil the Noveltiel in- troduotii in loraiiin market!. My elootloni arn mad. with treat care al toootti and quality, in order to od.r to tha publloth. latent faahionabla ooda at reasonable prloei. I wirh to make ipeoial njnn lion of mv inlootion of a lrm anicirtment of tbe moat nleiant da- Mgot in KMMLlall I'KWIINKHH, which are now ready tor the impaction or my menu ana to puono, ni uiy om .,, Cor. Hoeoncl and JefTeraoa Htm. TJtY THEM ! THY Zcllner's anta' aula' hie, t 7.KLLN Kit's 7,K.L1.NKH'8 ZKLLN KR'H omeat, ihapalieat Try ZKLLNIlK'Hd 1 I I Ian "rnv COHSET SHOES For WEAK ANKLES Solo Amenta aarhlend your onion or oome and evamlne their grand aaortnient of FINK BOOTS, hllOKS AND hLll rb.RS.-a iBBiiiiNnn oo boo iviyvirJ htiidet a-tllnlriitw.l rntalcienea Hen' Kree on Al'l'li"alion.-a iiiioi & mm WHOLESALE Dry Goods, notions, Hosiery GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Hon. 326 and 338 Main St.. Memphli, Tenn. WE ARB IN DAILY RKCKIPT SP DKSIRABLK WPBIMW AHO MDIIH HIH, which w. ertor to the Trade uoon the moat favorable termi. Onr prion will eomparn fnvorably with thoie of any market in the United SUtei. We are Ag.nU for Tennewite Munuractorlug Co.' Plulih, Orllln, Mheetlnj, Nhlrtlnf, Etc. t n TVTTVrOTVr o-ATj-FI. O. K, HOUCK & C Oo No. JIulii Nlreol, Tleiuplili. FiaEios and Organs AT LOWEST I'UK'KS FOJl t'ASII Oil TIME. S1ipotMiis .nml l?ool's. Xftw Pianos for McrA y. And Commission Merchants, . Nofli 34 nnd 30 Jladlson fltreet, HempUU, EASTER HATS! EASTER HATS! XJOW IS Til ETt MB TO CH ANOS HATSt x for lti tirin. Hutu hiiTe mii1e thnlr m.ne.mi)-., ind MAKIIN 'OIIKN. Tho ll.vn :K. h.i the Lund Miork Id the city. They oompriae til the L.K.t Noiel ti.: Ihef r of the Bant Mtandnrcl Brmadi, in ail ri ort'sr d kind., (rom the little b.bj'l hat to the nd lrrDd'.'. Young m.n'i li.ht i-ol,,r.d lrrbTi from ft (M up to H bO. 'II I'.rbjr fur H (ri). Mid tvnrrvhar for K. A Derby rr . At terby for . A SO Darky for M. - i pert. f Ch. l.ria itock o Idran't Slrnw liU. Harlin Cohen, THE HATTER, MAIN HT. DK. It. L. LASKI, Phjrslclaa, Nurreon and leconcher. RKSIDKNCI AND 0FrI0K, S13 MmU Mret, Near Unloa. T.tephnna Ho.Ba. PIANOS and ORGANS Dlrael fraat aTaelary la rarcaaa. era, mvIbk SB per Mat. 1 Wrlta Monte ricken & Co..'Memphlii SEALKI) mOPOSALS IUH 11 U UNO (IKWKLwl I ba roMlvd I. until I uitU-y Mny llih, nt 4 o'clock i .in. Conlmi'iora will lUln h rrice pr cm lti ot twenty ton to he haulrd dmtnct of ono. one nnd or halt two. lo nJ on hull ii nil throa unln , accortltnii to clroum titni. Ilia i' rite ir cur loid will ba ia lull fur unloiulinir t-nm. hKuling. dtrlbut i to itr't'ie, imi rnllitiK iurfH. The eon tmolor will he re,uiru I lo unloaj all run to anuinheruut f icrnditif twouly on the tiny ol anivul. Adtlre?- J.J. WI1.MAMS, 8acretry Tu npike Cumwiiiioneri al Court Houre. OHANUfcGKOVE TRACT FREE Wtito jmr nm In la 1 1 tlil Wrrnlf ttMt n l.a ma1r ootra.ll. Ait It-m AT. AISOKKUN HAW K. K. AMI l.4MI t O., rn m.ib Hl. (In. IhbsM. !., or Mb A ndrrw llntr, t'm. HexMican l i-ttHiutMl more ttrniiitilf If jiu atMim Hie (UbciubuI nftlc'a. Tlila (roil rn OttT ti Inr Oit iurHtn farcanlfltl ft ltval .I'kiur I tiui nrlitkborbooil. HtMh un tll tea vntita In & ft-tri fl.iMl i"r irri. W f1 " Utm imo jr. Yoh nn (fl II bv B1tnT tmir Mama Kit't 1lroi In full, CHANCERY SALE or it j:al estate. CK No. 5447, B.-Chanoery Court of BVelby county Wm, U. blovnll at nii v.. J. A. Auntin at al. BY vlrtuo ol an Intarlorutory daorna for alanntored in th. above cau.n on tbn ii.th day of Maroh, IBM, (M. U. 47.. V nun 81, nnd neon the writt.n reiiunut ol J. A. Au. tlnnndWni. II. Htnvali) I will .ell, at pub lic auction, to the hitlbitt bidder. In Iron of the ( talk and Winter'" olbca, courthoun of Hhulby county, Alcilil'h . Tonn., on NatarilMy, May 19, INS, within loml hour., th. following deicrlb.d lrorty, .'luaird in Memo In. bhelby eoun Iv, 'lennr.iee, to-wll ; Lo'n M, lis and III of j. W Kowler lubiltvlnon on the .outh tide of I'lilon tired, each of .aid lot. frontini 611 leet on th. mulh aide of I n ion (treat by ir regular d.plln. A plat ot lutd (ubdlvialon . Ii on flla heroin. Tha bidding, lor laid loU will atari at IU r front loot. Xeruii ol Bala-Oanb. Tbil April 2.1, m. H, I. Mil DOW KL.li, Olnrk nnd Mu.t.r. riyJ. M. Hradley, Depu'yC. and M. w.llor Uro.nr and w I,, ri.on. .ol. ant i THEM! THY THEM! English Walkliigfast Shoes ailiuea. In all itylea. are tha beat In Ihe eltf Nlniea, in all ahapei and itylea, are tbe nob- anil beat In the United Htatei. lloya Nhoea are the boat that are made. t lillileen'a Nhoew will lava you money. I.Billea' Nhoea anal Mlpiiera are the hand- and moat atyllih, ana are cnoapennan any llDlilS. oinera oi eiuai grime -7,KI,I.NKR'H JI.Hllaal Kid llnlloa IHIiaea, with ailk worated butt m hnlea, are the greateit bar auini von have nvor leen.