OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, May 19, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024448/1886-05-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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ClOTTAOE-Withsixroomi. Price, I180C;
rent, ft pr momh. Inqaire on prem
ises, KXi Mieei.eir-pi iTinrn. -
COW One drk brindle cow driving milk).
J white star in forehesd and whit spot on
hip. Call on H. L. Punch, at north rata
Elrawomi. prove proper-v unit ray charges.
C10W A milch cow: white, with red epota
J all over; crumpled norm. Liberal re
ward ill be paid Leave information at
Durant'a Grocery, Pigtuu Rooat road, sear
'Cycie Park-
2 WHITE COWS-One with rope around
head. IS reward for th-ir return to R.
B. BARTON, near Curve. Herranfio mat.
R. H. P. OREkN hu removed his resi
dence to e5 Jonei avenue, cor Mawley.
CISTKRNS-Bollt and repaired and war
ranted. Inventor o' the Sanitary Port
land Cement Pnmp. Contractor and brick
layer. Telephone m. THQ8. CUBBIN8.
. LAW, Marine andCommereial Notary
Public, Commiuioner oi Deeds and U. 8.
Commissioner, at the old office. No. 3 Midi
PAPER BOX-On 15th Instant a paper box
for J. M. Pooaery, Hernando, Mia...
weighinf about four pound, from express
car, near Kerr'i avenue. Finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving lame at South-
em Kxpreai oflice.
PIN A cold bar pin, pointed on the endi.
Kinder wll be rewarded by leaving at
144 Vadienn street.
Newly furnished, at 49 Market street.
ROOMS AND BOARD Defirablo roomi
and board at 72 Madison st.
ST. JAMES UOUSE-Cor. 6ecoud and Ad
ams ata. Room and board 86 per weok.
Day board M per week.
00M Furndhed room, with or without
board, at IV) Court atreet.
OARD With excellent room,
5 NICE Ron mi, furnished or unfurnished,
with or without board, at 137 Madison it.
TWO large unfurnished roomi, with or
witheut board, at 6t Madison itreet, cor-
oer Third.
TON 4 QROSVENOR, 2t4 Second st.
"NJICE COTTAUE Three rooma on College
LN atreet, near aouth gate of Elinwood.
App'y at 36 Union atreet.
ROOMS Several very choice furnished
reoma tor gentlemen in a private fam
ily Locality unsurpassed. Beat relerencea
req u i red. Addresa A. B. C, thia office.
OHSE No. 110 Jonea avenue. Apply to
Mra. L. Tonamann.i'l 1 bird St., Chelsea
OUSE-No, 8a Fifth atreet, Chelsea.
Apply to J. U. WILLIAMSON.
At Wm. R. Moore's.
Ho Monroe street.
OUSE 354 Linden atreet; nine rooms.
good yaru, large atanie. Apply to
COTTAGES-Nos. 47 Avery and 136 Vance
atreet, and other nioe cottages.
L. B. KATuN. 12 Madison at.
H OUSE-No. 280 Third atreet, from Jane
1st to September 1st. Four rooms fur
wished. Apply on premises.
CLARENDON HOTEL Fifty-four sleep-ing-rooms,
furnished; kitchen and din-ini-room
fully equipped.
E. B. McHKNRY, Receiver, 292 8eoond it.
KO0MS Three or 4 rooms lor light house-
keeping. Refcronoei. RENT, Appeal.
DWELLINa-HOUSB-Two-atory dwell-ing-hoase,
6 rooms, with kitchen and
servants' hou'e. son.er Seventh and Ursen
law, Chelsea. Good water. All in nrst-olaaa
condition. Rent $26 per month
A. DOWYNNE, 356 Front st.
HOUSE A new double-tenement house. 4
rooma on each aides nicely finished;
large yard; in fot, all conveniences, on
Koss avenue. Good cistern. Apply to Mrs.
K. Quintan, 130 Manassas at.
OUSE No. 75 Adams atreet, on corner
Thirds three atones: good repair: from
July 1, 1886.
803 Second street.
FURNISHED ROOMS-Forgente and lor
housekeeping, at 116 Court atreet.
TWO elegant front rooma, furnished or
unfurnished. Apply at 89 Adams st-
ROOMS Furnished or untarnished, at 118
Second street. Hoeroncos required.
117 Ulltl I
A BAR-TENDER (married) want! a
place. Address 0. M. K.. Appeal.
MKN and women to stirta new business
at their homes, easily loarned in an
hours ICo to COc an hour made daytime or
evening. Send 10c lor a paekage of samples
nd 24 working nmpi) to commence on.
Addres ALBAN Y SUPPLY CO. .Albany N.Y
" TAN to take an oflioe and represent a
-LT-L manufacturers ,fH) per week; to-all
oap.tal required. Address, with stamp. Box
70 iVest Acton. Ma s.
0ARDER9 A few boarders at 98 Court
streot. Relerencea.
TjH'KRYBODY To call and see the cele-
J.JJ brated Uypsy Clairvoyant, at 177 Xhird
street, near Poplar.
rr0 BORROW-tKOCOfor two year.; security
a onereu, giu.uw. Aaoress aiWi Appeal
1THITR WOMAN To tnke charge of two
VV children. Apply to-dny only, Si Avery
MEN, EIC.-200 station men,
60 tii -makers,
50 tea is,
25 teumttirs,
2ft choiipers,
on Bald Knob axtenion.25 miles from Mem-
This. Apply on work at Tyronia river, or
to loot, McUowan 4 i o.
a ADY AGENTS For Mr. Campbell'
-Li New " Tilter "a iilUr, Bustle, Hoop
Tikirtand Underskirt oombined. Hoops can
be removed and skirt laundried. Adjusta
ble to anyaiie. Vo'y f.shionaole, and sella
for $2 to every well-arersed Wdy as aoon as
shown. Agents double their money, Al'o,
a lull line of new furnishing goods for ladies
and children. Address, with stamp, Fi. H.
CAMPBELL ft CO., No. 484 West Randolph
itreet, Chicago, 111.
JJj spondents for new business. Positions
liermanent. Salary or oommission. Write
o-day. Address
Any length ana sixe. Appiyto
C A P r . FWLEMAN, Str. Overton
"HlkN To do station work on Bald Knob
.in. railroad; station work at 11 to locenu
Also, tie-nikers at 12 cents. Apply to
UARVBY . SCOTT, Tyroniie.
MAN To take an nfllce and represent a
manufacturer; toO per week; small cap
ital required. Address, witn sump, box iu.
West Acton. Mass.
mo KENT House with 6 to 8 rooms, on
.1 atreet car line, from 15th of June or lit
or July. Address i. is., tnii omce.
LD GOLD ft SILVER For cash or ex.
change. MULr PRO, Jeweler, 24 Ma n
IOH EST cash prices paid for old and new
r fc. ATM tits at 448 Main street.
T ADIES and Uentlemen, In eity or eonn-
-s-j try, to taie ngnt wore: at ineir nomes;
l to 43 a day easily made; work tent by
wiail : no eanraasing. We have a good de
mand for our work, and tarnish steady em
ployment. Aairesa, end stamp, vnunn
jrl'F'li V ne St., U'ncinnati. onto
A OENTS-With small capital. We have
CX something new, no risk, large profits,
special 30-day oner, write at oi ee.
EMPIHE CO.. 381 Canal street,!. Y.
J1S1UUU dress at onoe, DR. SCOTT'S
KLhCTBIS GOODS, 842 Broadway, New
York. The only gen nine.
A GENTS In every aeetion of the country
J for two New Booka.Juat ready. BrxoiaL
Taaua to men of experienoe oapable of fill
ing a large territory. State experience, age
nod territory an tea. v.icoauu vv.
limited), 8iJ Broadway, N. Y., and 40 Dtmt-
born atreet, tmrmgo.
ALESMEN lu every S'ate in the " ion
to represert a fAl.i ' annursiiun;
Mil KsTA P.I.ISH w kiNT hav.ng aeveral
SricMl.Tias thatare popular and easy sell
ing. Can he oanuitu aione or in conneobn a
with ntht bTi
Addrecs THE WM. B.
AN INTELLIGENT, Earnest Caiholto
man to reiTeaent a lare, responsible
Barclay street hoiise in hi own l.'Callty at.d
outaide large citiea A remunerative salary
to risht Dartv. Rnfe-enoea exchanged. Ad
dress BARCLA I Box 1580, JN I
Orricg No. tecond street,
, Memphis, lenn..
Offer for le the following rhoire property,
terms on which will be mde anow n at their
No. Madison Ptreet Fle"ant new two
atory brirk re'idenc.. lot 37SilW-i feet, en
southeast comer of Madison atreet and lt
alley east of Thi d street. Eight large
rooms and all modern improvement. Rental
value, $1U0 per month.
Price. HV).
Country Ilome Well improved, eleven,
acres land, house of six rooms, neoesrary !
nuthouses, orchard, plrndid well, beautiful
lawn and forest grove in Iror.t of houMS new
macadam road about completed to the eity;
on north side of Union avenue, lj-s miles
ewt of the eity.
Price. 11500.
No. S7S Beale Street Two-story frame
residence, lot 40x148 feet, ten large rooms, in
good repair. Rental value, t4v per month.
Price, tttftMU.
No. 220 Wellington ritreet Two-story
frame residence, opposite W. D. Bethell
residence, eisht rooms, in firat-elaaa condi
tion and conveniently arranged; lot 40x175
Price, H200.
A very desirable house, corner of Alabama
street and Thornton avenue, teat of and ad
joining the Wetter place Two-story frame
residence, nine rooms, in good repair, two
large cisterns; lot equal to about an acre of
Price, M500.
Doub'e Tenement Frame one-story House
Nos. 378 and Vance street ; seven rooms
each, in good repair; lot 60x148 feet. Rental
value, fV per month.
Price, tVviOO, or&tuoO for either tenement.
The McHmber Hues North side of Frailer
between Wellington and Laudtrd.le streets;
houe of eight rvoina, in good repair; lot
60x2u0 feet.
Price. VW.
An Elegant Adama Street Reildence Near
Uaoatsas atreet.
Price, fl2.000.
No. 332 JetTron Street, between Lauder
dale and Orleana etreeta i'wo-atory frame
re idence, ten rooms, in good repair, all mod
ern iinsiroveuients; lot 37x148 feet. Rental
value, 135 per month.
Price, lr00.
T" XT r" . . fc' . . 1-1 3
178 Orleans street between Madison and
Monroe st eets, three rooms each 1 lot 40x100
feet; very desirable for mechanics. Rental
value, $15 each.
price, liuuoraeh.
No. 71 Calhoun Streot. near Main Frame
eottage, five noma, built laet year. Rental
value, S20 per month.
Lot 35. on west aide of Auction Suuare.
35x75 feet.
Prioe, 11000.
Lot 160. on aouth aide of Auction Square.
37x75 leet.
South half of lot -Ui. on weft aide Second
street, between Overton and Conoord streets,
37x148 feot, with small honse.
I'rioe, liouu.
v ! - 1.1 n .u 1 1 i. ck.ik
UUK I. lu uiuv, in, vu wrri vi trmiuj
street, between Linden and I'onto'oo streets.
btlx200 feet. Thia lot fronts on Shelby and
Clinton street.
Price, w&K.
No 9 Howard's row. or Union atreet. 25x100
feet, three-story brick storehouse, in good
repair. Rental value, fi per month.
rnco, v)ou.
100 Lots, each having a front of 60 feet by
depth of 170 feet, fronting on Calhoun.
Clay, Webster and Georgia streets.
rrice iia to i hi per ironi loot.
.a T ... m r . i r .1 C-J
oo ijoie, ouxiju -oei eaco, iruniina on oi
farans, Lonuev, Ewing and Manassas streets,
In Ninth Ward.
Price, 15 to tjlO per front root.
Lot 144, on west side of Main street, 74x148
feet, between Winchester and Market
streets. Will be sold at a bargain.
Lot 456, southwest corner of Second and
Sycamore streets, 148x148 feet.
rrice, iiooo.
Lot S9S. northeast corner of Overton and
Third streets, 148x148 feet.
rrice, Kiuu.
Storehouse In Jefferson block. No. 229
Second street, one of the finest buildings in
the eity f ur stories, iron front; 24x148 feet.
Henii tor i3o per monin.
i'rioe it!,.
o. , r . Ti i. -. . I .. . (yiVK f! . 4t
Dior jio Deaie Bumi. ivi .ijiiu wi
doors east from southeast eeroer ot Beale
and Desoto streets, two-story brick house
with hall above, rlental value f-(o per month.
Price, ihsju.
nwalllni.honse No. 451 Pontotoe'atreeti
has 8 rooms in good repair. Rental value
135 per month. LotSlil'Jl.
i-rice, aooi'.
Xiweiung-nonse bouid siue varoiioa sbreet,
first block east of Main street; 4 rooma and 2
kitchens ; can be ustd ai a double-tenement.
Kent 1K per mon h.
rrire, iism
Dwelling house No. 110 Alabama street,
two-story frame; has 9 rooma. Lot 3cil)
feet, near corner of Bill atreet. Rent til
per month.
rrice, ezotai.
Ttnn.e of 3 rooms, lot 60x90 feet, on north
side Broadway street, east of Mississippi
avenue. Rent $7 per month.
Prlee, g7.
Double-tenement dwellinr-honae. No. 236
and 238 Linden street. No. 238 has 9 rooms
and bouse No. 236 has (rooms in good repair.
Lot 38x150 feet. Rents $40 per month.
Price, .uu.
Rrtek stora-honae. and rooms luitable for
residence on second floor. No. 161 Beale
street, 25x2) feet. Rent 115 per month,
tiood stand for retail grocery atore.
SO Tiaantiful Bnildine Lota, of one and two
frtf.. K.IMII.
acres each, in Claybn ok sabdivision, one
mile esstofcity, hetween union avenue ana
Pnnlnp .trjutt. at from &UMI to IfrlO tier acre.
Lot 32, on southwest corner of Adams and
Manassaj stree'e, btixlio feel.
Price, SfcO per tool.
T.nti nn Daaa avanna. in Dawaon eubdtr
vision, atl.'5 per foot; and lot nn Jeffersot
street, corner of Manasaaa, at 125 per fool
and In various otner parts oi me out.
Call and examine our lists. We offer aont
ncial haraains. and will take pleasure it
ahowinar nrnDertv to Darties wanting to buy
either for building purpose1 or as Inveat-
ments. Iitle perlect, Abstraoia iurnisnea
when requestea.
UVtttiun a UBU3VSJIUB,
264 Seeond street
T OTS Five choice lots, corner Slx'hand
XJt Walker street, rort i-icxering.
FKKD OROILL, 310 Front at.
J S W. BARBEK, Ashland City.Tenn.
ESIDKNCE-Ko. 75 Linden at. s lot 60
feet fririt. ATKINSON. 39 Monroe st
"1EDAR FKNOINI4 POST-For sale by
K.J W. R. LARKIN. Larkinsville, Ala
KJ west of Mam,o0xi7U, on mommy par
menta or very chcip for cash. Address
T. A. LAMB, 10 Madison st.
"PEANUTS CHEAP 100 sacks fancy
X. nana picxea Virginia peanui.
H. B. SHANKS ft 00,
OOD 500 cords of wood in amounts to
suit purcbaaers.
Corner of Beale and Landerd&le streets, will
be offered to the public for sale, on Wsdn
dat, May 26tb, at 12 o'olock, on the prem
ises, at AGOTiuM. For information, with re
gard to the site of the lots and plat, inquire
of W. A. Wheatley, 281 Main street, or to
Wm. M. tamngton. lb juadison street.
2K1 Main street.
fBjOnfi WILL BUY a new businesa for
tJjZUVj the etste of Tennessee, Ala
bama, Missouri or Louisiana, to make large
caan pronto atonce a monuioiy iuny pro-
leotea. rar'ics wieuin a ao.iu uuiiH.MM,'
drees M A iUFArTU RB" this office.
CHEAP FOR CASU-The to story Brick
Storehouse, No. I'll Beale street, just
east o' Desoto: lot 21x7; will take utv,
OKO. T. VANCB, ttitisens' Mt. u. K. omce
DRY HAUKELi Bl'AVtSa, i:HK.M- in
ca- lots. bRINKLEY LUMBER CO.,
A TNKWPORTNEWS,VA.-10001ota,600
Xi feet water froi t, 4c feet deep. ror fall
information address WM. A. DEAN,
47 Lexington itreet. Baltimore. Mil.
t Jfce) gnuvau nr wv ana an ones to iae
'lievee nain. aids digestion, and tones
the system, nrs. vr. a. sans, no, oov
Shelby street, Memphis, lenn., says her hus
band was cured of rheumatism after trying
paany otner romoqiea wiiaouv am
rerKAt.TU in WEALTH. Da. I. 0,
' vrasrv. neava aav xiaaia aaaaviianT,
. M.nntMil aoaaiifle for Hysteria. Dlui-
at ... . n a
ness. Convulsion's, Flu, Nervous Nearai
gia, Headache. Nertct-s Proatration, caused
by tbe see of alcohol or tobaeeoi Wake
fulness, Mental Depression, Se'toning of the
Brain, resulting in insanity and lee ingte
misery, decay and death; Premature m
Age, Barren neaa. Lose of Power In either
v: Involuntary Losses and Spermator
rhea, oan" l oj over-exemoB oi tne orain
jkif.ahnaaAVAveriadulaenAe. Each box eon.
taina one mortt. treatment. 81 a box, ot
aix boxes for 15, sen' be mail prepaid, en
reoeipt of price. We gntri ntre Six Boxes
tooure any case. With each order leoeived
kv for sir boxea. aoccimnanied wltn .-5.
we will send the Durehaeer our written
guararv to refund the money if the treat
ment doei ot eueoi a cure, uuaxanvew
baaed only br A RENKERT.A CO.. Drue
gists. M.nioms.
i8w'8 irisv iim run am
- uard by Ma. Kate S'ephetison. 26 Pey
ton avanna. Memnh s. Tenu.. in one ol thi
isu ts ub'xirn cases of chii g she ever knew
enditcu'ed. see gve it to Der es laren
with kood resaiu m bowel disorder and ays
We Will Now Proceed to Help Oar-
selves to Pome Savan
nah Tie.
Tbe eame vtsterdav tetween the
Mea nb 8 ind Aacaetk fistwbxil (Jin ha
eetabliebed llulat ber'g $n pet iorii y over
AQfrusia 8 otter pitchers very cvnclu-
lveiy. tie reia tre lois don to
eight hila and etrnck out five men, and
t was as macb lack ai anvtliing else
nat gate tbe game to tbe locaia. It
was anybody a game until tbe fait
man wis put ou, and even in ttie
ninth innir the Tititoraatcod a cbance
to win. Afir two men were out Har-
bridge and Sutc iffe both biteefely.
Uogan then hit a Ions and difficult fly
to right field, and Soeed, byajbiill-
latii aaa ekiiuul play as be ever
made, sot tbe ball and retiied the
aide; but it he had muffed at tbat
critical juncture tbe bit would have
been good for two bam, Uarbridge and
Sntcliffe would have ecorcd and Kap-
pel, who waa tho next batter, would
have come very near biioging Hogan
in. toituoaU'ly all tbis was avt ided by
Kaeed's catch ; but it looked very blue
for me reus wnue tnat tir was Bailing:
out to right field. Tbe game wt a in
teresting throughout, and luck favored
the toials from tbe first inning,
baeed tiled nut to Iloffan, Mnnseil
maJH fi st on Kunpel'a iurable of a bit
to third and s'.ole teennd on a throw
by Sutcliffe to second, to high to
each in time ti touch tbe runner.
Andrews got his base on I a h;
Broughton flied out to left, field:
Krehmeyor hit safe to riht fii-U for
cne bag, Ant. rows anrtMautell scoring,
uut waa put out Uitneelt trying to
make second on tbe bit. This save
tbe locala two runs, neither of which
waa earned. For the viaitoig, Hcgaa
rapped the ball to right field for thtos
nures; Karpel went nut cn a 11 v to
right Sold, caugbt by 8need af ;era hard
run; I'hiilips sent a rly to left finld.
which Krehnipyer raptured and Ho
gan (cored on ttie throw in; Manning
flied out to Hneed. Reoult of fi'st
ioning, 2 to 1 in favor of Memphis.
In the second and third inning both
p.tcbera retired tbe men wbu fared
them in one two three order. In tbe
fifth inning tbe locals played luckily.
wnncneaa nit palely to center tie d
for one base and s ole second ; Sautry
struck out and O Leary waa put out by
an easy bit to fits' ; Snfed nit lo first
and got there safely on Toy's fumble,
Whitehead scaring; Bneea made sec
ond on a wild pitch; Mnnrell got
bine on balls and stole second. Snoerl
stsaliDgghird, and the former scored
on Andrews s bit to right field fur two
begs; Mansell crotsed the home-plate,
but waa declared out by umpire for
not touching third base. Thia gave
Memphis two more unearned runs, all
due to Toy 'a fumble. In tbe sixth
inning tbe Anguetae scored on Phillips
one Eater, followed by Manning'
single, which advanced I'hillips. to
second ; the latter then went to third
on Broughton 'a wild throw to second
and scored on Sylvester's sacrifice to
brat; Hoiacber bit to fcantry and was
thrown out at flist in neat style. In
the eighth inning that dangerous lit
tle Iloean azain ranned the ball to
center field for three ba'os and scored
on Kappel'a fool fly to Whitehead;
I'niliipa bit safely for one base.
Manning struck out and Phillips
made third on Broughton's wild
throw to second. Tbe score, it will be
remembered, was 4 to 3 in favor ot
Memphis, with one man on third,
and Sylvester, a good slugger, at tbe
bat. . A hit would have tied the
store, and tbe boms team generally
loses tie gambS. O'Leary stemed to
appreciate tbe situation, for he struck
Sylvester out, and a danger cf a tie was
lor tbe time Dalng averted. The
ninth inning waa tbe most eventful if
all. Krehmeyer hit safely for one
base; Philan sent fly to center field.
which 1'hil'lpa caught cn a run end
sent ts first in time to oat Krehmeyer,
who bad mitsd lor eecono. making
a fine double play. Whitehead
then stepped np to the
plate struck vainly at the ball twice,
and hopes oi more rans begitn to fade
in tbe distance. It was tan-yard to
a shoestring that the batter would fail
to bit, but it is always tbe unexpected
tbat happens, and o it waa in this
care, for Whitehead made a drive at
the very next ball delivered to htm,
and sent it cleanly over tbe right field
fence for a home tun, the shouts and
cheers and waving of hats of the 1800
people who wera present accompany
irsg him on his triumphal tour of tbe
base?. The usual collection was made,
and $64 '.15 was the player's reward for
the Lie. Sentry, the new shortstop,
then hit safely for cne base, made
third on a passed ball, and
acored on O'L'ary's single to right
field. Snetd flied out. The visitors
failed to score in the ninth inning, as
previously described, and the game
ended o to 3 in lavor ol the locale.
Sceed, r. f 5 1
Mansell, c. f 3 1
Andrews, 1st b. 3 1
Broughton, c 4 0
Kremhayer, 1. f. . 3 0
Phelan, 2d b 4 0
Whitehead, 3d b. 4 2
Santry, s. s 4 1
O'Lesry, p 4 0
Total 34 6
Hogan. 1. f 5 2
Kappel, 3d b 4 0
Phillips, a. 4 1
Manning, 2d b.... 4 0
Sylvester, cf 3 0
llolacher, p 4 0
'loy.lstb 4 0
II rWidge.r. f.-. 4 0
Siik liffe, c. 4 0
B H.
2 2
8 27 9 2
B H,
, P.O.
Total ...36 3 926 10 4
ilk d fell oat for not touching third.
Memphis 2 000200026
Augusta 1 0000101 0
Summary: Runs earned Memphis,
1; Augusta, 2. First base on errors
Memphis, 2 ; Angusta, 0. First base
on called balls Memphis, 2; Augusta,
1. Htruck out riy O .Leary, 8; by Hoi
acber, 5. Left on bases Memphis1, 4
Angusta, 6. Two-b se hi s-Sneed
Three biss hito Hogan. 2. Home
runa Whitehead. Double p aya
Phililra to Toy. rawed Pans Hut
clifle, 2; Broughton, 1. Wild pitches
Htlacber. 1. flies raiiifht Mem
phis, 8; Aognsta, 7. Fouls caught
Memphit, 2; Augnsta,2. Ba esetilen
Kneel, Mars-ll 3. lime ol game,
1:55. Umr.i e, J. Brennan.
Don't B Dejected; ir Yaw Don't Get
lost a-esiosiBia, wet wiss.
IsrgctAL to thi arriAL.t
Nashville, Tenn., May 18 The
Masons defeated toe Aasbvilhstxla
by the decisive tcore rf 8 to 2 Th
Nashvillao' battery was Brynan and
Earlp, and Brrnau was free'y ba't
and the hits were also bunch d. 8a i
and Dueler held the points I' r tbe
visitors, and though Smith waa batted
freely few hila were made. Bittmnn
U quite aick and waa much mist e l.
Bams umpired the game. Yoon has
gone tj Cba'tanooga.
ee Ball tee.
St. Loi s, 14; Boston, 8.
Brooklyn, 12; St. Lou's, 7.
Chicao.v, 7; Washington, ti,
Paitimork, 0; Cincinnati, 4.
New V.irk, 7; Karsis Ciiy, 2.
MkTuoi-oiiTAKS, 14; 1'itUbu'g, 4.
Detroit, 1; Philadelphia, 0; eleven
QNogimeat AtlaaU or Chatlancg
yetterday on account cf rain.
Snrkd may be pnor manager, hut
be is a rattling good ball player all the
Thi price of borne tuns is going np
in the ma'ktt. The latest quotation
ia $64 35.
No Gins to-dny. To morrow : Ma
con at Atlanta, Charleston at Nash
ville. Savannah at Mem phia, Augusta
at Chattanooga.
Whitkhiao's catch of foul fly at
the very edge of the bleaching board
in the left field waa ons of tbe best
plays of the day.
ScTCurri made surprising catch
of a foul fly yesterday. There are fw
catchers who would have got that ball
within fix inches of the grand ttand.
Saktry, the new shortstop, made
an excellent impiesaion. One put out,
two assists, one base bit and no eiror
ia a remarkably fine record for a new
man. He promises to till the bill.
Ir tbe popularity ti baseball con
tinues to increase among the ladies at
its present rate the giand ttand wi 1
ave to he materially enlarged. It
waa nncomtoitabty lammed yciter-
Tun Augusta papers represent the
people of that town as very (ore over
their club's defeats in Memul.is. They
expected to win more than one out of
f ur games. J ha Augusta people mutt
want the earth.
Pitch ia P.kardom has been fined
$100 and suspended for the rest of trie
taton for losing Monday s game. In
the light of the facta befora us the
pctioti of tbe Austin. Ciub in the
premises is arbitrary, unjust aud un-
Th disgraceful habit of guying the
mpire is creeping into vogue here.
It is to be hop d that each ruffianly
conduit will not be encouraged.
One such episode as marred yester-
av a came when a number ol alleged
gentlemen shouted "rats" at Umpire
Brennan because bia judgment of a
supposed put out conflicted with
theirs is enough for a whole season.
Yesterday morning tbe Appeal
contained tbe following statement:
Whitehead and Phelan are regaining
their bating f irm. They will make
game pitcher sick yet." Whitehead
loht no time in veruying tne appkals
prediction by knocking the ball over
tbe fence for a home run. It now re
mkius for Pbelan t3 carry out bis part
of the programme, and he may be re-
Ji d upon to doit.
Som apprehension as to the result
of yesterday's game was entertained
by those wno knew mat two oi tne
Memphis nine were aeen in a promi
nent beer aaloon at 3 o'clock a.m.
drinking beer. Such conduct is not
conducive of good ball playing aud
ouvht ti cease. The names of tbe of
ftnding playera are withheld for the
present, but a repetition of such ca
rousing will lead to the exposure of
the offenders. The Memphis people
like good hitlers, but it depends very
much on what they are "butirg."
Chattanooga Timet, 18lh: "Mat-
thiai", Chattanooga's ahortitop, jumped
bis contract Saturday night, having
received pay for two weeks during
which he did no woik, and l.-f t owing
the club considerable money. It is the
most rascally case yet reported in tbe
Southern League, and be hs beeu
placed on tbe Diaccutt to stay, xne
club bra been especially kind to this
man, and he has repaid it by the
baewt ingratitude and most inexcusa
ble knavery. Uhat'ancoga will see to
it that Matthias dcesn't play ball again
Iba Forsjerr of Baater'a 5amo Hla
Depoaliloai Tstkea la Mexico.
Some time since M. R. Cruger, the
mill'Per, wbo occupied a store on
Main a:reot nnder Udd-tteiinwa tlall,
wa-f sued for rent by the Odd-Fellows
during his absence, and entered suit
for dn mazes. Afterward be forced the
runs of his friend, J. Busier, to notes
for $1000. and when they It'll due d
camped. In the continuation cf tho
damage suit it became ntceesary to
take his deposition. A loving com.
musion was made out, and he was re'
ceutly discovered, through a publica
tion in the Appeal, in Mex'co. 'llis
answer to the deposition was filed ye
terdav. and the anBwera to cross-ques
tions were as follows: ' I left Memphis
on the 28th day of December, 18H5,
knowing that a note bearing tbe sig
nature ol J. Baxter wai toon to uu
due end I was UBable to pay it aud
faaiinir nrosecution. left the city.
X did not leave clandestinely, ine
fart of my going was known to my
folks. Jos Walter. Ur. Ujnoboo and
my lady clerks, but they did not know
I was not to return, nor ttie circiun
stances which forced me to leave.
On tbe 12th day of r-eptember my
assetB were in round Qgurrs, aa close
as 1 can remember, including pereonal
nrnnertv. between I10.IMHJ and S12.-
000, store fixtures and all included. I
distinctly remember taking stock early
in December and finding inme to be
nearly $.;000, my liabilities about
As regards notes forged, I obtained
tlOOO worth ot Goods by forging J.
Baxter's name tn some notei, ad of
which I fully explained in my third
interrogatory, attachment of Odd-Fol
Iowa being the cause of it. 8aid
notes were dated back some few dsys.
I went lo Mexico under the name of
William Hill. I am now living un
der the name of William Moore. 1
am at present temporarily in tbe city
of Vera Crux in order to answer thca
interrogationa. I am working at any.
thing tbat present itself aud enables
me to make a living, and, aa already
atated, being under the name of Wll
Ham Moore, . a. cbuqbr,
Lloenclado Ysnecio I Zarrafoltia, Notarlo
WMiuNQ.May 18-N'ghtr-River 0
feet on the gauge and falling. Weather
clear ana pleatini.
Pitt bdbo. May 18. Night River
feet 4inth a on tfcevangMand station
ary. Weather cloudy and i ool.
LonviLL. May 18. Niaht River
fallice. witn 12 feet 4 inches in the
canal and 10 feet 2 inches on tbe falli.
Bu iotas fair. Weather clear ai d p tas-
St. Loma. May 18. Niaht R'ver
fallen 4 inches, aud now stands 25 fe t
8 inches on the gauge. Weat lit r clear
snd pleasant. Arrived : Oakland and
barges and Annie P. Kilver, New 'r
leans: Citv of i!eiro. Vicks'nrg. D
parted: City of Providence, Vichaburg,
MAY 19. 1SS0.
Hope Bites Being 1 ale n Out or the
Bluff Necessity f,r Imme
diate Xeasarc'.
A genuine sersation has been
crefteu along the the lower river front
during the last few weeks by the rapid
cnvingof the bluff there on account
f the change in the course of the
rumiDt, and the graveet apprehension
ia fdlt for the final result. Before
Hopenuld point begun cuttirg away
tbe cunet t att in abjut the elevator,
and, as the readers of the Appeal
have been informed from time
to time, did a great deal of
datrage to property there and
threatened to co a treat deal more
Tbe revetment of the bank by the
Government did a great deal toward
laving properly in that locality, and
since the pent bepan cutting away all
ftar of danger 1 as ca-ed. As tree
tf ir tree fell in from the Arksnaas
side while the river wits engaged in
straightening itself, the current set In
bwer and lower down. Up to the
present time abont 1KXI feet has been
cut off of the point and a big slice off
if the north end of the sand bar. The
current now strikes a lit. In below ti e
foot of Beale etrtet, ard ia taking
huge moutbf ills out of the bank the rd.
An At peal man who went over the
ground yeaterdav, and afterward
called at the Knitineer'a ctlice, was
shown a map by Mr, Ko-s of that de
partment, which mskeji some startling
revelations. It is plain to the meet
casual observer that the mighty river,
legiird'e's of the rights ol property, is
engsged in a steady and deliberate ef
fort to appropriate asnllicient amount
of the property of Souita Memphis to
give to its movement an cjay.grnc ful
awing into Tennessee chute.
It has already made enormous
atrides in tbat direction end it is not
at all unlikely that it may tike a pinch
out of the west side of rihelhy itreet
before it finishes. The old riveron the
other side cf President's Inland is al
ready dead water, large quantities of
'aud have tumbled iu about Noncou
nah creek and every indication points
to a widening of Tennessee chute,
equal to tbe averaga widlh of the great
river. The manimr in which the cur
rent ricochets from one side to tbe
other may be underbtood from th? fol
io iug diagram:
Every year or two surveys of the
landing have been made, by the en
gineer's department. To go back fif
teen yeara would make too long a
story. The caving since 1882 bus been
suilicient to warraut the bclit f that the
promptest measures only will prevent
a great lesi of valuable property.
Ihe following table shown the dis
tance in fed from the center ot the
Tennessee chute to the top of tbe
bluff In the years namf d :
9 O
In 1878
n m:
In 1HK4
lerein n. lv,
April 21. lH-xi.
filnra last surver a hiiKC seoUon has caved
n between I'ontnt'.c anil Vancn streets, and
Ilia crank lias aonearnd on a line Willi that
cave from Linden to I'ontmoo street.
The tracks of the Minsiesippl and
Tenncswo ind the Kansas City,
Njrii'KleWl and Memphis KatlroitU
Comranit-s on Tennessee siract aro in
the greatett daDger. The lii'eat crack,
outfiiiln of which the bluff ia sura lo go
into the river very scon, is within eight
foet of tbe west side cf Tenneeaee
street, twtn'y-stven feet from the
main traclc ot the Kansas Uity roaa
and fotty Jest from the M Baiavippi and
'i'enm-siee traclc. Tho ciarlc between
Prnli too and Linden streets is e ghty
feit from the Mi 'siiaippi and Tcniies
see track unrl cuts the cpace forms rly
occupied by the giain eleva or I a f iu
two. Tbat building is now being re
moved to tbe west side of lenntmee
street. The old icr-bnuae at.d a num
ber of houses north of it wore moved
away seme tiuio aio.
Knmnwia who nave siuoiea mo
subject think the caving can only be
checked by grading ttie banks down
aud putting in mn'tri s)Ss and ievt-
mniit I roni the loot ol neaia to trie
foot of Jefferson atreet.
Memphla Pots Whlsh Have Nation.
ess aM-puiauwai,
Much interest is flt among lovers
of fluid sporta in Memphis over the
rvHult of the nt. louia dog snow now
in progress Amoig the entries are
tho following famous canine, from
this city, who aro more than likely to
carry oft the priwa in their c aases!
r. It. isryson sent uiu uiausione,
now ten yea s old, for exhibition only.
He carries his ago remarkably well,
and seems aa vie rous aa ever.
The Memphis and A vent Knnel
. n I I l-.l. T.. 1 Inn.
eDb rBni UlSUS'UC. WICIIVU, .uim
AaidIIayd. Paul has won In four
field trials and has numberless bench
show prizes to his credit. His record
ia superior to th t of any d g in
Americ Kodo iiro was the seiiHation
of laat fall, winning; the all-aged stake
at the national trials in one of the
s rongest classes of doi,n ever shown t
any tri Is. Juno A. Las won a long
list of price
Dr. J. N. Maclin sent Gath'a Mark,
winner of the Eaatern all-aged stake
last fal'.
Mr II M. Short sent Count Knpier,
who has become somewhat famous
a aire of field tnal will era.
rVir Whvte Iteilford sent Dixie, and
thrt Mens a. ItrVHOU al o sent the r
handaome and proinimng puppy Uiad-atone.
3 fc ' DKAL
2 J?
. s s
5 V
o '
VaasreH (al U U
With relf-Meainrinf Cards, sent by mail on application. Ton ean have a new set oflShlrta
made bjeendinc as an old one to msaure br. WBIIIC k'OU OUH PHlCKd.
r c4irRrik
lore. I
Memphis Steam Laundry,
Wi have th Latest Improved Troy Lain itTr,Ccnip7'a Machlnerr.
COLLA11S CUFFS Mad NIIIBTS La-ndrled Equal t Ifew.
tiiiris 4'oxrr.KT am mn
The Proaramine rstrrlrtt Out VI Ills
Crrdlt-Aa AWrrae by 1'rcal.
drat Msnkrn,
The third concert of the MnzA't So
ciety win plven hint evening in the
lui'il of the Young Men's Hebrew As
Hociiitioii. to un audience which com
pletely tilled that neat and attractive
room. Among thoeo present were
those who ham taken mont intorent in
the development of the musical ni t in
this city, anil tho concert niiiHt have
been aii nsmirrtuoo to them that their
efforts in this diiection nro being re
The tlrnt number on the programme
was the "Aururu Over. lire" for tho
orelieMra. The orcheatra of the soci
ety is composed entirely of amateurs,
and on this account considerable al
lowance must he niiule. While the
numbers resigned to thein on the pro
gramme wfre, as a whole, fairly well
rendered, there were inuny opportuni
ties for criticism and for defects which
will undoubtedly yield to more prac
tice under such a very capa
ble instructor as Prof. Wink
ler. Their rendition . of a
" Medley of Southern Melodies" Was,
if one may bo allowed to make com
paiisona tho best of the three instru
mental numbers. It took the au
dience from dear old "fluwanee Kiver"
to "My Old Kentucky Home," and
was deservedly applauded. The ama
teurs' are painstaking and ambitious,
and next season will, without doubt,
show an immense improvement, al
ways supposing that they will perse
vere in practice.
The chorus "The Tiger Couehe in
the Wood" (Sir H. Bi'hop) was the
second number. It waa given with
good force and spirit, the jmrta were
smoothly Mended and fiiirly well
balanced, while the accompaniment
by pianoforte and orchestra was
"Hybrids, the Cretan," a bass aria
di bravura, was sung by Mr. James II.
(Jriflith. Suffering from hoarseness,
the Bingr hnrdly did justice to the
bold, Itorce spirit of the Cretan, and
tho aria, in consequence, was more of
a d rgo than a "bravuro "
KoBsinis grand chorus, "rlarm
Atrnln the Thrilling Horn," was nicely
sung and evidenced, as did each of
the choruses careful and conscienti
ous work on the part of the leader.
After a unci intermission and the
Medley Overture, already mentioned,
came the bass solo and chorum (from
"Crowned with the temioat,
robed in the forest;
Monarch of mountains.
l hro' air thou soaroel.
Mr.Gri frith sung the bass solo, and.
making allowance for his cold, una it
with guod ettect. lie ha a really one
boss voice, capable of achieving great
things under favorable circumstances.
Verdi's noble.chorus was in good tune
and came crisp and bright, thoroughly
pleasing a discriminative audience.
A duet for soprano and bass, "I
Keel Thy Blissful Presence," was fairly
well rendered by Miss 1., Htelnbrechor
and Mr. H. M. Wright, tho former re
ceiving a pretty bomiuet the only
one, strange to sny, of the evening.
"Urceting to My Ixive,' a lyrolean
air, was sung hy Mrs. w.n. forest,
and in a most pleasing manner. She
has a sweet and sympathetic soprano
of much elasticity, and took the re
Xle herUn,du,irraden7a
frain or
neiitlv. while her concluding
was not taintless, ine nearly ana long.
continued applause she received was
a just tribute to tho best number oi
the evening.
A nuartetto, "lively Maiden so
Enchanting," was effectively rendered
by the Misses Woodward and Hit-
feldanu Messrs. i nuton ana ltyan.
Mr. J. S. Menken, nresident of the
society, then mude the following ad-
Laoim ahd Okntlrmrn As this is
the last concert of the society, and
closes its work for tho acao9, perhaps
a few brief remarks will ba ol interest,
not only to a'l lovers of muno, but
a'io to those who fcave the interest
and welfsra of our city at heart. Al
though tbe society was s-jmnwhat in
debt at ine commencement, ot me
year, snd is yet In debt to some ex
tent, the directory have felt encour
agement, and have worked with teal
and judginc n'.
They were fortunate in (enuring tue
va'uable services f Trof. Winkler as
m laical director, who had anch faith
intheio iiety tbat be was willing to
devote his time Bnd tilent t lis suc
cess. Beeidn training the voice he
bas, aa yon pirceive, added a nw fea
ture to the society In the orchestia,
which we hope haa delighted and in
tertMoed you this evening. I may say
of Mia. W. E Hughes, our a:com
pliehed pianist, that tier voluntary ser
vices during tbe feason have been
To the Intelligent efforts of enr
fi i hful and energetio secretary, Mr.
0. E. Crook, tbe aocle'v ia larg ly in
debted for the prosperity now enjoyed.
Many tsiucia e members on whom we
lraned f jr rnpport havirg withdrawn,
tbe society was compellrd ! use the
mist rluld ec nomy in oidir to main
tain I slf, and tha who have given
thir services to tt.e S'ci 'y. trutt rg
to i s fu'.ure 1 ir remnner t on, snouiu
not be di app-iinted ; there frp, wj
I mat : tha M-lllllh'a 1 11 1 C. hi W M VS (O
gene ous, will com forwtrd nex'. fad
and give this cuau-'x ttn tbeleitty
fi an al support which itctr aiuly
il.4 rjt9.
'I li . . luan'ajpa oi mnsi al cul'.ure
in a enmmnuitv are well kioan, and
it ia needl ss In dwe'l nn a th tiier nut
wnraallv adrrOWledtf-d ft id SO W l1 UU
riaratra l. Tb.euuiv.roul training of
the young ia a part of their general
education and it la well to have one
institution in cur midst which may be
looked npon t a conservatory, and
a's as an aid to thoee who have ac
quired the rudiment, in obtaining a
tWough musical edncaiton. Every
city with aspirations for the beat con
diuons cf modern society, support
and cherishes ita musical societies.
Neither Bhould we aa business and
progressive people ignore the advan
tage of such u Institution n r.t
traction unsurpassed for atrai g jih uud
We know that the Memphis public
are never appealed to in vain in be
half of a good cauee, and we find tha
Mcairt r-'ociety ia safe in their bauds.
In behalf of the society I thank yea
for your attendance and Hiiniovul this
evening, alto for the kind support
ueretilore given.
The concert concluded with tho
grand chorus from Auher'a Mamn'Ui
"'All Hail the Noble Victor!" The
tenor solo bv Mr. U. I. Kiopollc was
very well taken anil the entire piece)
was handsomely sung.
In their pianisto, Mrs. W. E.
Hughes, tho society haa a thorough
miisii-ian, and her part of the work
last evening left nothing to lie de
sired. The concert, as a whole, was an
enjoyable one and Prof. Winkler and
the directorate are to be congratulated
nn the evidenco it atlorded that the
Mozart Society is working and will in
the near future take high rank in the
leading musical organisations of the
Loals Itotlo, a Twas-Toar-Old Lad, .
Accidentally Brwwsied.
At abont 2:30 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon a little darky ran np to En-gine-HouM
No. 4, on Main near Mar
ket street, and told Mike Fitamorrls.
the engine driver, that a small boy bad
fallen into a cistern on Exchange
street. Capt, W. F.Carroll and Driver
Fitsmonii took a rope and followed
the boy to the place designated, wblch
was found to be in the cellar of No. 42
Exchange street. Capt Carroll tied
tbe rope around Fttamorris and let
him down into the cistern, which waa
full to the top. Fittmorris's attempt
were fruitless, and Chief CI try imme
diately ordered the hook and ladder
company to respond, but when they
arrived found that they could be of no
asiittance and returned horuf. Capt.
Carroll remained until nearly 6
o'rlock, and with others made every
effort pwsibls to recover th body,
sacciedlng after two hours' work in
grappling tbe body and brirgicgitto
the surface. They were delay ad by a
report tbat the boy bad been seen ia
tbe meantime on Main street, but,
when they found a cigar box h was
said to have dropped into th
cellar, felt sura they would And him,
and continued the search. The boy
was identified as Lonis liot'o, son of
Mrs. A. Kotto, who lives at 144 Second
street. Ha had bsen playing in th
neighborhood, dropped his cigar box,
went down the stspa into th cellar
to look fur It, and fell into th un
co vere d ciatera.
MeotiW at Jasd llasnneoeid's Of.
lice to rorlewi flan.
Messrs. W. W. Schnolflold, II. Fnrs
tenheim and H. J. Forsdick were sp
pointed a subcommittee to report
npon a scheme for organization by the
Committee on Astoiated Charitiia
which met Saturday afternoon at
Hammond's oflice. It Is pro-
I P"ed toput in operation an organi...
Z1CI1 lor ByniwIUHUU uuatlbr numi rum
secure the intelligent co-operation of
all benevolent societies and Individu
als for tho relief of the destitute. It is
t) he in the hands of busmen men
and conducted cn business prin
ciples. It is the beglnniog of
a system wnicn use uei-vmw
a permanent feature in all well gov
erned cities where it bocomes, in fact,
an instrumentality of municipal gov
ernment, which cares fir the poor very
mucha the police take care cf th
criminal claeses,or the fire di-p'rimant
the lately of property. It suppleruen
the effo'ta of pnblic and private chari
ty by furniBbing rehaile information
a to doierving objects ol sympithy
and as to impiaitor as well. It de
serves encouragement and success, and
wdl no doubt rem ive it lrcm all ciaf sos
of our community.
President of the Great L0UISVILT.1 C0U-
rUBtt-jeunn aij V.U., was uat
he knowe of
Wlntersmith't CM Cure.
Orrici or yas Oorainm-JociriiL,
LrcisviLLi, Kt.
Dr. Wintmmilk. Sir I srlvearule Jheva
nmM. sve a rule i oeva
r many years, the value of roar
omntine- we lo say. in MlrUf
at. what I know of your Chill
observed for ma
remedy prompt
your request, w
Cure. Ihe private s
t L -.1 la .mH
Ihe private aasuranoee of It jtacaey
had observed on Mr. K. W. Meredith, who,
for more than tlteen years, had been fore
resuiie oi lie wuwvm a
man of my cm e. inuucea ai w
mr family. Tbe re'ulu have been entirely
eaiisf.etory. The first ease waa of twa
years' standini, in which I believe every
known remedy had Deea tried with tomeo
rary relief the chills reterelnt periodically
and with eteminaly inereesed sjvsrtta.
Your euro broke them at one, and there Haa
been no recurrence of them fur more Ibaa
sil months. Tbe other raea waa of a milder
form, and yielded more readily o e her
remedies: but the chills would return alla
tervaii until your medio ne was used.sinoe
which time, now several months, tbey hava
entirely disappeared, from the opoorta
niiy I have had to judire, I do ni.t hesitate U
express my belief that roar Chill Cure ie a
vnluahle specific, and performs all foa
promise lor it. ""jj"iALDKMAN.
vihs, Ky.
uc Trwts) WarwttaejoNi T Kl : .1o
V-Tanae in wna kauralf dinVi wtr. im
.VA s'l hra Rrta.aar. oe i aianl or
. , I. y with r trmforl iumltnetaf aoim lr J.
-iy i.,m..oi .S Y aralhuailiTdiuUiera. hiuta
UausiTIC EkAI. TlUSlCO. JI2 N. fitk at, . Lev.
' '

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