MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL- SATURDAY. AUGUST 21, 1886. B1SLEQAD USE TABLE. fcfjTile,pw OrlrMi Tt R'j sjUnMlllPPl YALLKT KOtTK. and titer Mar i. 1So. tmnioa "TAbt MAIL. booth. North. Memphis - A 4: p.m (I: SB p.m :! a.m 7:21 .m 4:07 a.m 1:13 a.m llilB p.m SiM p.m 7iM p.m 6:(i p.m nia..-. land. C lea.barg.....- D- arrison "' lihel.., F .a ton Rurt... 10:3 p.m l:u e.m i:M a.m 6:26 a.m 6:14 a.m Raw Orleans H....J 9:(D a.m uNNKCIlUN. A-Wlth all lines nteringMemphli. fi-With M. A N. W. R. ft. lorllelena. 5 For tJreenville and Huntintton, and all Arkansas polnU. B-With V. A if. and Vu B. k P. Rallroadi. 1-With V.. J. AC. R. R. ior Natchei and J.ifeion. For Points on the Branch. With staamers tor uayou Bar. With railroadi diverging lor Florida, Teias and Coastlpotnta. J AS. M. EDWARDS, V. P.andO. M. A. J.KNAPP. 0. P. A. HlaalMlppI em TraaniM.-Tralni nova u Inflows: New Orleans mail arrival iaily at 9:25 a.m.) leavei daily at 6:00 p.m. wMrtNwaaad MUalulppI Vl y. Trains move ai follows: Feat line leaves at 10:00 a.m.: bt. Louis faat lina leaves at 5:30 n.m.i Fait lina arrival at 1:30 p.m. I St. Lonli fait lina arrival at Y: Oft a.m. oalarllle nd Nnahwllle Trains ?iova at followl t Fait mail arrival daily at :1ft a.m.: laavai at 10:10 p.m. i mail laaval daily at 10:10 a.m.; arrival at I:IJ0 p.m. Brownsville aecommniatiom laavai dally' loapt 8nnday, at 6:00 p.m. i arrival daily, leapt Sunday, at 8:50 a.m. (itandard tiuia). esaphla And Mule Koett. Tralni Sove ai followl (central itandard tima) : 0. 1 laavai dally at 4:20' p. in, t arrival at 9U p.m. Mo. 3 laavai at 5:M a.m. : arrival -at g iM a.m. No. 5 (freight) laavai Iloiwfleld dally (aioapt Sunday) at 6:00. a.m. I arrival at 7:10 p.m. Cinir Ronte (HneM 'ly, Sprlnsr elil Kaid HempeM) ttralni leave M. and T. depot ai foltowsi 4,fcnnias City ei nrass, leave! at 10:4a) JL.L No. 3, Kansas City aiiress, arrltet t I p.m. No. 2, Kansas City mail, leavM 4)11:00 p.m. ! No.1, Kansas City mall, arrtrat (4 8:45 a.Ji. No. f, Bt. Louis and Chlea express, leaves at 1:00 p.m.) Na. 1, St. LMsTanil Chleaioex pran, arrlvei at 8:45 i..ln effeot Sunday, April 18, 1M6. Memphis asit t'hairlealon Trains nova aa followl: Throuifh eipress leavei daily at 10:40 p.m. Mail and express laavai daily at 10:00 a m. boinerville accommoda tion leaves daily, eioept Sunday, at fi:M ,m. Through eipress arrives daily at II :i A.m. Mail and aipreii arrive! daily at 1(.:U) S.m. Somerville accommodation arrival ally, axoapt Sunday, at 8:30 a.m. Hempbfa, HlmiliiRhnnt mid AHnn. Me Uolly Springs Route Tralni move ai fellows: No. 1 leavei Memphis dnily at3:4ft &m.i arrival at Uolly hprlngs at 5:58 p.m. t 0. a leavei Holly Kprinirs dully at 0:00 a.m., arrival at Memphis at II ilSa.m.t No. 6 laavel Memphis daily at 7:16 p.m., arrlvei at Uolly Springe at 11 :45 p.m. t No. 6 leavei Dolly Borings dully at 2:16 a.m., arrival at Memphis at B:4l,m, THE WEATHER. WiBHiNOTON, August 21, 188f, la.m. Indications: For TitnnvBSco local rains; slightly warmer. For Arknntn!, local rains; station ary temporal ure. Indlawlloiin. For Mitiiji)i; 1 Mai mint; marly ttatiimari) It mperalnre. For Imimana, Texan and Arkantat: Local raiiw; toxdheatterly wimh; warty ttdtimtary lempcralnrt. For TinwMrt: hical raint; Kiullterly wW; tliylitly varmtr. INftMrulKl'Hl Krporl, MauPHia, Tw., Aimii't 20, ISHH. liino. liar. Win.l. W'Uior H.K Oknr. "W." VUnr." "n K." (;i"ar.'" 7:(KI a.m. 11:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. iW020 75.0 ao.ooi) 010 7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.l:i0 0'J7i 80 0 Maximum tempt rat mo, U2, Minluiuiu tuuipcruturu, 72. Ozono, 1 1 a m., 2. Kalnlull, O0O In Ilia 4'uitou Itoitloii. HlflNAL SkbVK'B. II. H.ARlir, Aoiinat 20, 18SU-5 p.m. J JHvIbio:i of t')l.-niaiiii ami repoita (or the bBiititli of i:otnmiTi:e and BRrictil tare. C'.tton rnumn hnllntin for trve t hours emlin; A niit-t -Oth t at 6 'Tl'M'ii p.m. atKHPUlH UIH- SS: i4 J g 5 THIIT. ? S i ? P Mmuphis 02 72 .00 Nusliviiio U rami Junction... 01 71 .00 (joriuUi Hit 7 1 .0.1 Tnacuutiiiu Ill S! .(XI Ducat lit.. I4 :i .0.1 Ktotteliurn h7 (ill .00 Jioruamlo HI 71 .0) t.alu3vi,lo til 70 .04 Urnnaila 02 70 .00 Ouviniitt'ii t; (II) .00 DyprslmrK 01 (ill ,20 ArlinKtou o:t IIU .(H) Biowiisviim Oil 70 .12 Milan 07 71 .00 Pwia 55 .02 olivr 01 71 ,00 Uolly Spring 04 72 .00 Oiford , 74 .00 8nma 17 IM 1349 1.42 Mwan 02 0, 710. .08 Durraici 1 1 g 1 1 g WllminRton 81 61 .00 Oliarle-io i 80 05 .01 lriKni.U 82 (i(i .00 Bayannah 88 71 .44 Atlanu 83 09 .20 Montgomery 80 74 .3 MobilH 00 73 .04 New Orleans OH 78 .01 GalveBton 88 71 2 89 Vtckslmrn 0 72 . Little Ko. k 9i 74 . Mempt'ia 92 71 .08 Soma 10M 838 4 06 Mean 88 70 .34 CITY NEWS. B.vcba'l a ain today. Private schools all over the city re prvpuMiii to tejpen. Tim summer resort on Custom House blutl was crowded yea erdsy evening. Tbs lnyirg of the new block atone pivemoD1 on Third street is progteat log rapidly. Oop reports from all te Burronnd ing country are very flattering. A flush business spason teems likely. The Toboggan n t run to night, hut will le ume opra(ions to morrow, beginning at 2 o'clock p.m. Tlie teufntly elected offtVersJ who went olT to r cuoerate aft-r the labors incident to t'm Batt e of Billois are re turn) ag one by one. There we e two small fire" early yesterday morning, one at Jone a brick kih, the flames sprfaling to the plankinp, 8ud another at Nu. b8 Sec- oad 6trset. The tfiadd Jury is expected to make iin i,';ort uniiy, wnd judi-ing from tie lt- trtli ol tiini it has tnken to wriie it bjihh in.ejvtjuff divol n.enti may bo ex. rt'! le. t. It id t.rril io my whioh in of jiksI Interest to the average citizen, tbe latest weather or war bulletin. One is regarded aa of about aa much impor tance as the other. IWock.owned by C. II. Brackett ol this city, won a race at Brighton Beach yeetwday against a big field. It was too warm to light bonfires in honor of tbe event. The negro thief, Tom Lawrence, made a clean bieatt yisterday and hid the police busy all day limiting np va rious articles be had sold or planted. It was an excellent catch. The matter of the aproiutment of anew Surveyor of Customs, vice Mr. Uesnen icbigned, is ri"t likely to be acted upon until after l'reaident Cleve land's return from the Adirondacks. The sewer builders on Monroe street are rapidly nearing the end of their coutract. The work is very tedi ous. The wells through which the earth has to be hauled up in buckets are from thirty to sixty feet deep. United etateeJMarsbEl Yancey was expected in tbe city yerterdsy, but It is dow laid ho will not arrive until Monday, by which time it is supposed he ill have made his bond and will be ready to assume the duties of tbe office. "This is the place for a Turkish bath," remarked Mr. CulleD, of tbe County Court, yesterday, as ho held open the massive inn door of his vault. "Just mount that ladder and go np to the top. It is the hottest place in Shelby county." Tbe invita tion was declined. "We can protect our homes against burglars," eaid Col. Jiinmio Gallagher, of Clay street, yesterday; "but we ought to have better id walks hnd more street lumps. Tho only thing the Taxing District has done for us is the laying of half a dcren narro.w planks." A larpe force of hands ere em ployed at tlin new clubrooms of the Cbickeaw Uuxnla. I'artitions are torn out. plasteiing, papering and iteKfoing are g 'inn on nt a lively rate and several bundsomo mantels buiug put in. The bi Hard tables sre ex pected to arrive at any day. There seeniod to b a soit of a fatality about the corner of Hernnndo and Vhiich streets yesterday. A car riage broke down at the crossing at noon, a wagon half a iuare awny a litt'e inter in tho day, and another on its way to Him cdiintry let down a block south a sl.oit timn alter, forcing the driver to camp out for the night. The indications are gnod for tho early building of th college in the First Dihtrict under the provisions ol tho will of the late W'ado Itolton. On. Luke K. Wright, aicompuniud by Dupu'y Olark W.ilaii, woatout yester day to locate a situ, and as pooh as their ropoit is acted on by the chan cellor tho building will be commenced. A remarkable shower full jetior luy at tho City 1111. In ihw fiist whirl of excitement the occupants of tho building bt lit Vi)d it wai r.dning human being. The emblem's depart ment, which is a part ol tne ma n uall, consists of tlireB sin ill rooms with par titions ex'oialn g mily half way to tho ctiling, covered with Intl. a anil plas ter. About. 3 o'clock n shower ol plas ter fell in fr nt of Maj Mo riwotner's desk and swiftly f illoing it the body of a prowling tlaikry, who tumble I a distance t f ten fet to the fl ror, lie did not st iy to tell h w ft was doBe. l'eabody llotrl Maud, Uu)ono Hotel .Stand. Cigar I'ulnce, UIOMulii Street, lleadiiua't' rH for If .ratio K. Kelley & Co's fb.o Key West cigrp. The trade auppbe I at New Votk prices. Cigars by the box a specialty I. kamkLson A CO., Sole Agaats. TEUSONAL. Gem. Job WiikkiBh wai in the city ytsti r lay. C. T. UaNHMALi. and bride are stop ping nt the (lay- ho lintel. K W. LkIWaiimk, of St. Louis, is stopping at 'hi Oayoso II Ul. Mns. Morton and daughters, Misses Cir, and Nellie, are in utecity. K. H. Wk4km left yes'e'day for Koarey Spr nc, to ioin his family. FmtniNANo r.uititY has returned from a nwi.tli'a t air tluoiivh Col ra to. CniKK Ci.kaiiy bai gone to 1'iovi ileice, it. 1 , to attend a Fire Chit fa' Cuueulou. Attdhnky iKNuitALl'sTKits lelurncd home e t. rd.iy iroiu aeiiiutlrip to tho muni tainq. F F. Johnson, chief rato clerk of the K .imam i: v, Fort Se.'ti and Gulf railroad, is stopiniig ut tlm Gayoso Hotel. Ciu'n ry Ci.kiik QmoLKY bat loturned fro it M rehed On v, aj hr wn ss a berrv anil as full of fiali ttones ns a not is of iniaJies. Jamus 1.. Fi.ctciikr, of M'ssisaiopi, and A. K 1'iilbis aud Miss L Wli t ten, of MiiM'saippi, are stoppibg a; the Gayoso Hotel. Ji'ixig Mahhuall, who was in our el'y a f w 'as ago, wd are srry to ear, ! lying very ill at his home at Catrollton, Mis. Siikiiikk Cannon returned yesterday from a brief tr p, but will leave giu tomorrow for the in untons of Fatt Ttnneisee in search of health. A Tm.miRAM to the Appeal from Mor he d Cny, N. C , say: Col W. L. V.'iice has not been sick, a d is in hot ter health than be hsa been for years. R. F Dow nino chief rat clerk St Loivs and 8ui Francbco railway, and N. L. I iiinis, elief rate clerk M ssou l I'a' ifit: rilwy, a e stopping at the Gayoso Hot"l. i HKltev 8.0 Ca'dwoll.a'terab'lef Vflca ion sre' t at M mteagle, Nash viIih and J cson hs returned, and wi 1 bold Ferv cesat Lauderdale 8,reet Chnrrh Sunday. S W. TttrsKR, chief clerk of the gen eral fr-onh' and ticket office, and U B Conrtnoy. nasnenger clerk of the Mem phis aid Little Hock rai mad, Little Kock, are at the Gayoso Hotel. Call at Ci osappake and Ohio city and dot nt ticket offices for tie lowest rats to St Liuis, Kansas Ci'y and the W. st. Will sell to St, Louis at f 3 25 to.iay. TKANSFERS. 8 P. Ldbotter and wife to Samuel H'rsh, trus'eo, to eocn e tbe B'nff Ci'y Bulletins and Loan Asoc a'loo in the nun of $(100, lot 23 and east 10 fo-t of lot 24, Tlion.t a n'a nubdivis on, south Bide of Adams, near Dunlap street, Leon Fol'a and wi'e to Samuel Hiis h rruette, to secure the Blufl City Buih'ing a"d L an A'sciat'oa in the utn of $to00, 1 t No. 2, south Bid of Poplar site t fi0xl69J feet. A C. Rogers st ux 'O Hannah Fol's, same propi rty ss abov, for 15000. Fine Ktcb reiiatrta at walford'a ubhorHv ior the MAppeaI. ON 'CHANGE. Tns first bale from Arkansas River and fourth bale of tbe season, shipped by W. P. McDM 4 Co., Garrettson's Landing, Ark., consigned to Mallory, Crawford & Co., was sold at the Cot ton Frchange yesterday to Patterson, Mailer & Co. at 18c per pound. It clawed strict middling and weighed 460 pounds. Jno. M. Richardson has made ap plication for membership in the Cot ton Exchange. Mkssrs. S. W. Green & Co. will open a brokerage and commiseion business next Monday in the large hall nnder Cha Merchant's Exchange, Visitors on 'Change yesterday: Jos. II. Spearing, Now Orleans; Mr. David son, St. JiOU s. Ci.okino prices of September options at Chicago yeiterday: Pork, rJ 55. Urd, $7 40. Clear rib eid-s, 0 12. Corn, 433c Wheat, 7itf. Oate,27Sc. MENKEN AND COMPAJiY. Opening New Millinery. Today we display new FALL SHAPE HATS, White, Brown and Black Narrow Brim Sailors, also tbe "Waler itein," "Mad.laine" and "Favor dale, all now, NOBBY AND STYLISH. GLOVE8 AND MITTS. We will make tbis a great ft love ii ml MIU Day. r0c Milts for S5r. 75c Silk Gloves for 37c. 35c Si'k Mit's for 15c. Jl 00 Extra Long Mitts, 58c. $150 1'uro Silk Glovo3, 67c. GREAT GLOVE DAY. Come loilay; open from 8 o'clock a.m. to 6 o'clock p.m. MENKEN AND COMPANY. Mruphis, Trnn., August 17, 18M. Acid Iron Earth Company: Gknti.rmbn Soma time ago a vim lent abecaes formed in my month, the rcfult of a decayed tooth, and caused mfl much pain. Acting on the advice of my druggist, I applied Extract Acid Iron Earth t) the atll c'od ptrt and was at once relioved. I am still using i', and with such goo! reeults that 1 b el no bositaocy in recommending it to persons similarly nflcctcd ss a val uable cure. R. T. BROWN, Benla itroet, noarDeeulo street. Ho Shocking. "Hava you any Ko-Ko Tu'u nbout you?" ankud a lady of aa acquaintance tit ing next to ber at a reading club e ntcrtaiutnont. "Nj, indeed 1 What made you think to?" ' I didn't think so; I only thought you might have. I forgot ta bring somo " "What do you wish to use Ko-Ko Tit' u for?" "Mrp. DeMauvois going to rfad that nan'y "Ostler Joe,' a id I want somo t' ing to entertain me and make mo feal plo.vnnt during the operation." (Solid Nil verwiire ut Mislford's IS RKUOVKO UV THri (J till OV COCOA8ISB, And it stimulates and promoto the growth of the lukir. Rttrnett'H Flnvoring Ktnluwth hew (let KnileilKPA I.nicoiunralHO to lo your flnullna. Mackinaw llnte, 70c at Cohen's. A IJriiKgiHfs Nlory. Mr. Isaac (!. Chcpman, drnggiet, Newburg, N. Y., wriien us: "I have for the liaat ten yesrs sold eeveral gross of Dr. William Hall's Fair am for thn Lungs. 1 can sty of it whtt I cannot sy of any other medicine, I havo never beard a customer speak el it but to praise its virtues in the hig'o est manner. I lave lecomnit-nded it in a great many cases of whoopimi cough, with the happiest eflects. I have used it in my own family for many years; in fact, always live a tmtttle in the medicine closet ready for use." Mnlforil, JoweVr, 294 Main, so licit orders from the country. On to KutlMlare LiiaoiiinrMlna tor your PlnmbliaK sail Una-tUllBtf Maceinaw IIatjL70i! at Cohen's. Ad i loo (o SlothetR. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup should always be usod when children are cutting Uteth. It relieves the little sufferers at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all Cain, relieves wind, regulates the owels, and is the bcj. known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. Monogram lluiigie Nulford. Mackinaw IIaU, 70c at Cohen's. Cheap If iillrond llatea. The rates of the Gulf road between Memphis and St. Louis and Chicago will in no cs be higher than those iftVrrd bv couipeti'ois. and oureervice will continue to be superior as in the pas'. Call at ticket olilce, 31 Madison btrott, before bnytntr vour t'ekets. n.D. KUUS.Tickat Ant. Dr. M'ard'M Seinliiary, Nashville, Tmn., the Uadii g school for young ladies in the Mou h, and tqntd to any in the North, opens its twenty-second yar September 1st. This school is teo well known by lis grand sucio s and tbe noble line of women It h s educated to need any ormment. Pareut will also find it fan mt ressonabln in its terms for such rot m, snt h accompllthed teachers, and soch superior music, FKnth and ait dvn agLB. Addres im. W. K. WARD. OrderMMnlttrd Made Metlalf. (Hit Ion! Din'ttake sny Tobacco forOaely'a nnlese each out Is stamped "G aveiy'a Superior." OtberwiBeit is not gauuitie. nOT AKUIVALS. The Sew Uaroia. PARRISQTOK, STEWART A WHITB, PaorsiaTOU. Ratal, t2 SO to 14 par day, aocordim to L ca tion of room.. 0 L Roblnon. Ala W B Davi. Va B Winston, NY C T Mairhall 4w,Tnn JCHini'b, Mo DCMaad, NY U Becker. Mo W A Hullock. Ho M Brievle, Tenn J C Payne, Misa J L Hmith, Ark J B Vhd Ar.dala, Ohio W I) Barrett, Ky N M Couk, Tenn U M-raball. Mo J II Se ring, La t II Dorsey.Misa S M Jackson. Ky W H 1'hen.i, Ky K H J.incn, Mo U 1 Wilson, ko J B Perkint, La 1'. T Watkins. Ark E II James. Ark ' L Jordan, Ark KB Polk, Miss li L JJeonif, Mo R K Downing, Mo K K Johnson, Mo J L Miner, ienn (1 h Our ey, Miss J J Fletcher, .Miss MisAH Phillips, Miss Miss L Whitteo, Mils 8 W Tucker, Ark K B Courtney, Ark JCLewis.SO J Davis, Tonn ADKIedito As, Misi Miss B Leftwick, Mill J K Brown, Mm J II Wehb, Miss R (i Ball, Tenn C II Foote, Mo K L Hanniman, Ohio W Uerwer, Ohio J M Reed, Mils C Ueudereun, Miss. Unmnn'e Hotel. W. II. BINtiHAM MASiOiia. Earoi enn plan. Knlarsed aod refurnished. Prices acoonlmg to sir. and loca tion of rooms. L Robinson, Ark J Ortrnin A w, Tenn K Blanton, Miss C E Bruoks, Tenn Mrs 6 V Castleu, La K Castlen, La W A .loplln, Mo W W Murray, Tenn J h Matthews. Miss B W Kthetidne, Tenn B K I.vman, Ky .T M Lowe, Ala J W McDonald, Ark Mrs 11 McDonald, Tenn J E Beittloy, Tenn H M Price, Tex Miss L Jones, lena Mifs M B Dhipp.Tenn K C! tiwoope, Miss ) B Peters, jr., Tenn W A Farias, Tenn M C Jordan A w, Ark S A Nelson, Mia J Hchutt. Ill W Willey, Tenn M 8 Jay, Tenn li li Lewis, Tenn J 8 Touilinson, Tenn HBalti, Mica N Moriwether, Tenn 0 Gobi), Mo Mrs Jordan, Ala Mrs RU Hoe J, Tenn TLLonv, Ala W LUrahain, Tenn Wm Ylnrtin, Ark J K Knell, Ark O l Bustainenta, Miss J U Kheffy, Ala E B Stevens At, Ark T J Kowe'l Aw, Miss WS lloudlette, Ark T L Martin, Ten a J Brod, Ark 0 Klnine, Ark O A Jnnnson Aw. Ark Mrs Van Meter, Ark Mrs M B agios. Ark Miss Lucy Ount, Ark MissDOant, Ark Mrs PenoeAs, Ark Miss II Winter, Miss Miss Nicholson, Mist Miss W Blmiton, Miss Mrs 8 K Mebane, Va Mrs Oweus, Ark. PdHhoity Hotel. C. B. OALLOWAV A CO Pftorancioss. Kates ti Ml and (3 per day, aoonr.Mni to iaa and looation of room Speoial rates made. (i A Wood, Mo Mm Storn. Ohio JCLewia.St! (J K Fossick, Ala W A Curroll. Tenn J It Finney. Mo PT h'utlon. Mis: J II Liwrenco, Ark D A l.inthicuiu, Ark O A Wo (1 on, Ky Mrs Miicholl, Ark F W Cohen, P W A Frunr Aw, Ark J Buyer, 'lenn A Prny, La HO M t-elilon, Tex L Moshy, Va Piss Bell, La J V iMc.Brido, Tenn J H lllalte, Miss WO Baker, Ms WrKainsey.N Y W E Schwing, Ky ui m 'r n bo one, ra P TUrithn, Ky J K Fruur, Ark Mrs L 0 Pray, La K II Arnolil, Tex A tlreen, N Y M Be I. La A H Vorster.N Y A M, Tenn R K Hennolus, city A Draper, jr. N Y T A Laninr, N Y L White Ky I ,T IIHIH'i A "llil F T Anderson, Tenn Mrs BSulibKchsr.AluJ MoKonald, Mo W r, t lynn, hm u li fitts, Hi if s A F Lanier, Ky T Ilartman, Ark J Anderson, Tenn P June', Ala II Dowdy Aw, Ala W 8 Mooro, Tonn. Dnfly'a Karopean Hotl, Ooraernf Adams and Main streets. Roomi, 5Uo, 75o and II per day: American Plan, ti per dny. Fir't-clnps Restaurant in the Hotel. J. M. PUFFY (10 years witbPeaoody Uotel) Proprietor. ACDona'dson.IU W T Williams, lit ALCooiier, Mo RLF1 tcher, I'ex M ' ate. Ark W p llayden.Teuo E L Oeorge, Misi RLl.exton. Tci a M Scott, Ark W O Moore, Mo HT Jamison, Ohio X MFrankiyn,Ky CCArch.Tex W A Andrews, lenn A M Miller, Misi II II CffKcr, Tex 11 W (Inker, Tex J F (loode, Tenn A (I Lawson, Ark J It Hooper, Tex B M Hnnrd, Mo N Pylos, Mo A A Mnnnes, Ind T II Harvey, Ohio T L Kingharn, Tenn II C Needham, Kaa J W Crocker, Mo R H Arnold, Tex ROM -elden.Tcnn W 0 VcLeun Aw, Mo R 11 Miller, Tenn J P Smith, Tenn W M Smith, lenn Miss S'ondtbrd, Tonn KliLinderman.OhioN D Williams, La TjOOAL notices. Dk. C. D. Smith, Veterinary Sur geon, No. 01 Monroo street. P. M. Stanley, funeral tlirector and emba iner, 55 Madison street. W. A. Faihks, No. 50 Union street, has just received an A 1 lot of good Kentucky saddle and harness horses. Ti Herbu. ii; Ouw, tbe beet tonioaral iitl-,'j:iv,!Iu Known. A ecrtain and sure euro for mi'JU. Price tl por bot tle. Send stsL'its ir"uinri, Ar.y nf arence gixon. -1 John C. ltuckor. LytiChliarg, Va. Tho teit r. guihi..r of digesiive or gans end thobn't nrpptiaer known is Ansoatu'a Hitte's I :y it, but beware cf ioiititi ns. Get from your grocer rr ibngut tlm eenninn nrtic e, m;inu fiiituied by Dr. J. G, J3. Si'gjit A So-s, Studies ai St. Ague Academy will be re-uruid on illnndny, ths'titb of repUinliev. As an inceLt vo ts the imliitrv of tb puoils, a brndsomo gold wilt-:)) t re"ei,t d bv M.-.T ylo'ns tbo '-Jliggie It u lli -l M-mOiial Pre niitini" will be awarded to' thw young 1 otv boarder h o, g atiHine i ber Inutt euth yar, bai ixceWel in all Ec!f ol ditties aul rcqulrimeDt". Tub wt'stit g fiiH.nsos of infants and chiliben are by no nn-at s copti ed to a i iesutliciitnt ftipply of food. Tbo trouble is thi:t the f n d is irju.licioup ly selected, and the limited dig stive power of the child is unib'e to aj similfltfl it. Mellin's food, when pre pared according to tbe directions, iorms the best Bubt-titute for mother's milk that has ever b -en proluced. Ely's Cram Balm wasr commend ed to me by my drnvuist as a prtventa tive to hy inver. Have been using it as dire e e l eince the H h of August and have found it a specific for that, mnch A ea.led and loathsome dis-iate. For ten years or more I have been a great tnflf-rereach year, friim August Dtb till frost, a-id Lave tried rnatiy a'leged remedies for its cure, but E.y's Oream Bairn it the only pr vent t've I hive ever found. Ilav fever tuflerets ought to know of iti elll -scy. F. B. AINSWORTH, Of F. B. Alnswnrth A Co., Publishers, lndi- anapoils, Ind. ADDITIONAL KIVEKS. Vicisbuko, August 20. Night De parted: Ausie P. Silver, New Orleans. riTT.-Boao, Vs., Angus: 20. N'gbt 2 feet 7 inches tho fcAiino and tailing Weather clear snv! -warm. Cihoinnati, O , Angust 20. Night River 10 feet 8 iuches on ttie gauite and fulling. Wettur lair aud Wiirm. WHKEHNo,W.VA.,Augmt 20-Night River 0 fei 6 inches on the gauge and falling. Weatuer clear and p'easant. New Orleans, Augast 20. Night Arrived: Oitv of St. Louis, St Louis. Departed: City of St. Louis, St. Lonis. Cairo, August 20. Night-River 9 feet 0 inches on tbe gauge and falling. No arrivals or departures of regular packets. 1Ooisvill,Ky., Aunust 20. Night River falling, with (5 feet 6 inches in the canal and 4 i ot 4 inches on the falls. Business dull. Weather clear and warm. St.Locis, August 20 Night River risen 4-lOinchev, nd sUni's 8610 feet on the gauge. Went her clear aud pleasant. Arrived: City of Natchez, New Orleans. No dn a turns of TUtfU lar narke-t". WHNlFfl A.J t.,V na Woiu.a IIAlilCU , M ..Tlnf CHILD' IB LK " Intro luetic a bv Ha.J 11. Via eent, l).k. On Kk-c-' has H S in a tow; of ("i popie: ,ii,t- ..i i'i i r;il,e, of 714 on new awnt ie ( ,j. r t - two s iwq. livaweer': li ip i'nv M two dlffiret timet. ltxi"t','ic 'ii incaS'TV Atdrur C a .u ;L't'rl, WIjuh fis illil. Cbionio. J AMEN C. HELL, l'resldeut. MEMPHIS SADDLERY GO. Nos. 890 and 292 SECOND STREET, MEMPHIS. TENN- WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS laddies, SAIIFTiBY tST SPECIAL PRICES to Riilroad Between & Betwixt Too Early for the Fall Too Late for Summer. Hints How to Save tyoney. aflg- It Is between season! in tbo clothing trade- The denand lor summer roods is now over, and 'juyers are not yet thinking of fall goods. Tba Misfit Clothing Parlors, 2fi2 Soeond street, do not believe in dull seasons. Goods can always ba sold, provided prices are placed low enough. Tbe way to do business is to do It. If trade it dull force it. That's what wo now propose doing. Of course wo till have goodi on band which we do no oare to oarryover. Now we propose to sell these goods. How? Why, by soiling them much lower than they cost us. CAItGAEXS TO SXAP AT! Medium-Weight Suiti-Just the Things for Fall Woar. Light-Weight Suits Below Cost. Fine Medium-Weight rants carr'ed from the Spring. lloavy-Weight Pant for Winter Woar at Half Winter Prices. A General Clearing Sale. Wo Intend to sell all our present stock be fore our Fall Goods arrive. Now Is the chance to secure great bargains. It will pay you to stock ap now with tbo Salts and Pants you may not need until the fall. Fall will soon bo here, and what you can save now will be a lucky inves1 ment. Kl'Ktlal. ftOTM.'E-0dd and Ends of Suits, and Odd Coata and Vests, at remarka bly low prices. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 282 Second Street, OppORit Court Hqunr Blcnipblg. 7 Open Evening;, until 7; Hut nr. nrilHya.nullI 11. err Ml alterations to insure a perfect fit, done free of chtrire. Devllvri TraltM, Nlirlmn, NhIiiioii, 1'renu I nn Machrrel, siidliiPK, l.oliNlrra, llrooU Trent, OyatrrM, .W'tckcrnl In 'loninto C'nnp, Saeel MnnXI Plrklra, Sonr Ftchlea by th gnl. nntl in Jar, PirklMl Wnlunw, Hot Kolluli, Woohivi- Hnni-o, lomalo Uatanp, t'n-rn, MuNlnnl, Curry l"owl-r, -NhIhiI ltreNhlug, Ollvra, Olive Oil, 1'reniu ( bene, Olrrjr Nance, Celery Salt, tie , Ele. J. P. BUCKHAM & CO X E C L Ji E a r S N H 1 G O I E N p E T N B I o. 5 1 G I !l Anil EAGLE Boiler Works. SHEA JIcCAKTHY.Propr'B, U0, U2, 144 Front, Memphis. ONKOFTBB LASAWHT BOILER SHOP! in the South, tu-i the only compleU Boiler and Sieet-lron Works in the city, Mnnariturr of heavy nlate Iron war of every tliwiriptlon. Rpeoia1 attention vf t n'l-ta'ion work. J. G. SCHMIDT & SON, ' &tfis4rs' Importer! ami dealers In Quna, Ammn. nlllou and I'lahlnK Tftekle, Bnlldera' Hardware, l.lerlrle Hells and An nnrlaf i,r. tor liotols and Kesldences,)l4n Mala alreet, Humiilili, ream. Eleotric supplies always on hand. Rapalrtn naath dona. It. KUPFEKSCHMIDT, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN tSurjB, Anitnnnitlon, Ftnhlng Tacklf and ltant-Ha!l Hoodg. WHOLEHAlK AND RETAIL. 0114 Mala N I reel, Tleniphla, Tenaii Manufacturing and Repairing of Guns a Kpeita'tv. Young & Brother, Booksellers and Stationers SIM Mala Nl MeuipUissTeni Lacroix's Mineral Colors, Artists' Materials, HI HE PAINTS. CANVAS, Et. Frank Schumann, Importer and Dealer In Mum, MlitK l irtlf and por ium1i Miiirllou. kjt "i-eoial atteolior fiven to MAN OFAti'LKlStf nd RB PAIKINJ. -vm 113 Mtu rttBltiapht,Ten r- l -OF Harness9 ItBDWAI13 AEfl I7RATISEK. ant levee Confractorg for Wagon, Scraper and Cart Harness. -0 Jamea H. Good bar I Win. E,, ciarkl KaKene J. Carrluglon 1 Frank e. Ion insjtAbllajlteci XOeO.l i GOODEARCO WHOLESALE g BOOTS and SHOES r 319 Main Street, Memphis, Teun. o WE offer to MEKt HAWTS ONI.T th largest and best stock of Boots and Bhoel wa l 0 Vr brou'1,t ,0 tbil market, and which cannot be sarpasted in quality aaj styles by any house in this or any other oity. In addition to a complete line at Eastert made foods, inoludina tee t tLKllli TKU IOODBAU CO. KKOIJA Ntt, wehar.dla a large and select stock of Custom-made Goods for Mon, Women, Misses and Children. Wa Ojrry a nuni berof tke best makes in tho country, in overv variety ind atrle, and amont tbemittia well known Men's Oalf Boots and Shoes manufactured by Oco. llocker for cur STJIf lj lo carry a ohoice line of Ladies' and Misses' Custom Kid, Ooat ana Calf Seods, manufactared by Krippendorf, Dittman to Ce. We invite the trade to examine) onrstook before buying elaewhere, and we guarantee everything we sell to give satisfaction. J II H It t MJ 1 o tils Trsis (Mif! kniors TUG IMMENSE GRID REPUBLIC Have attained, his irduced unprincipled manufacturers to plai-e in tho innrfcet a basa imitation. We hrrebv cnulion the publio that all Genuine Cinnrros will boar A KEI teal on ench box. and our Factory uioher, liDIl, :tl Itiktrirt, IV Y. Ihe only all long Havana filler oinar on the market for S cents. GEO, X9. XjX33 Sa GO., Factory 200, Sl JUsti I t, JV. Y. 100M & J0YHEB, Wholesale genls, iDLEEBE000.,26!MIIS W.LD0UGLA3' 13.00 SHOE WARRANTED, mm T. JA W5sa!swi 5' sN - hi tar S7-:i78-:iS().:W'2-:i.S4.386 SecoDd street, south Uayoso, Coots, Siish, Blinds, Flucriny, Ceiling, St;-irn, Shingling titnlrtliiir. I.h. V1ar VnHtm l i- .4 J. H. IT, Lite of J. S. Day A Son. W. II. IltSRTOf, Late of Moacham & Horton. DAT, HORTON & BAILEY, -WHOI.ESAtE- GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, 360.362 rront Strft Memphis Tenn.. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE A. YACCAR0 fe Co WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS, Nos. 278 AND 280 FRONT STREET. MEMPHIS. (8C0CESS0R9 TO at Old Stand, No. 9 Uniou St., Memphis. Manufacturer of AND DEALER Iff . NFWEB pipf. roriAn cemfnt, FIiUK MIGS, BOsiEDilr; 'K.f ET, GMIMSKY TOPS, I.OBINVILLE CKHIIT. l.A' VtSHN. PI.ANTK.K PAUIS, TILE, I'llti: IAY, 3S2 ritOWT STT!T!T. MF!MTfTS TTIgV. , ST. CECILIA iEAB NASHVILLE, TEXN. CONDUCTED BY DOMINICAN SISTERS. 1 Unrlvaledn v,iv i t .il-;e tor highest linloCHlinn h. :l htii.0--i. h iwjmlurts anu training. 1 TKKMS PErt Ai-l -l'i -ihle Uali in Advaone Bosrd. Bedd.nir, Washing, Tuition I Ennlirh l ie .1 i-t- i, t . Vocal Musioin Class, taoo. " lor particulu, apply to .SUi'ERIOR. F. MEYER, ff'j aiMlrrea. Collars, P0PULARITI OUR Latest Novelties in Footwear FOR BPRING AND BUMMKR. LGAKT STTM Nt SCPERIOB WIIRKVisMHir 1.41 M V or VUtCkSl AGENTS FOR TUB FAMOUS W. L. Douglas S t (K) Calf SboeS In Button, Lac. and Congrast. Illustrated Catalogue and Price-Llfl Mailed Fre- r, Ri,i,Ilo.i'ion - PAT'f I3T CO. Manulacinrer'i Agents for Dauifl I 'lit (i ('oil ati Gins, FEEDEKSAM) CON DENS KR3, su S51JM:V. f.73!TfJ CO., .V:niii?.i''iurur. of I'ra" l",i-!"!.. Ilu .inn. FeI-t-i-m itii l.n. i.t-pi.treiN, l)S to 101 i'liiiluf S ., Mciiubfs BferPratt hcvi.lving-Iiend Gins une iU ,!ed. .-t" k n ,oiuilote. Prioei roiioccd. Curro (n'tiili-nne ana orders njioited. ' It i'i" Hopairedin First lfis' rdw 4t -i-W KitJir.-inioO''- J. W K4ILET. Late of Utiluy 4 Covingtoll fomervuie. LOCATED AT FARHDALE P O , IR1HHMN TO,, six miles from Frankfort,, Ky., optns d Annual Session September 6, 1HHH, under more lav rahle auspices than tor twenty years. The Superintendent and Faculty give un divided attention during all hours ot i very day to the gov ernment and instruction of the pupils, all of whom are or ganised into one family. Before placing your ton elsewhere, send for Catalogue and Circular of Information to HOBT. IP. AI I.EN Nnperlnlenrtent. .WD EACH AM IIOBTOBP Alabama LimeJ UAIK and! ll.EUKICK.Etoj ACADEMY instruction In Langu gn, Music, Art, but all 1 ,