OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, September 29, 1886, Image 7

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CottOB '
Steady -Middling 9 14c
Sales Yesterday,
850 Bales.
Money rules in active demand at 8
per cent. Lo?al securities continue
The cotton maiket closed s'eady.
and Jc h'gher. Bales, 850 ba'ea,
ob a bat is of 9a for middling.
New York spots closed steady; mid
dling:, 9 7 10c j futures steady; Sep
tember, 9 219.22c.
A leading New York cot'on cir
cular says: "Same disappointment
over Liverpool, but more par
ticularly a growing movement of
snpp'ies and somewhat forcible
efforts lo raliz from the Sooth,
created a little fright anaong the longs,
and spilling out of contiacs followed,
witb coots reduced 23 points. At
tbe close the tone was seaiier, with a
partial recovery on va'uej on all
At New Orlears yestetday spots
were steady; middling-, 9jc; futures
steady; Nember, 8 9Jc bid.
At Liverpco! spo'g were firm,
active demand ; rn'dJ ine, 6J1;fQturs
steady; September, 6 ?5-64d.
In the ceneial market the:e are no
featured of note.
On hundred and six brh app'e?,
2 0 Bk bran, f 05 ro'ls bEggirg, 115
pkga bacon, 43 i kio boors and shoe',
fiOO bucoru, 9i paga cberse, 532 aks
coffae, 1 ctr cot'on seed. 246 sk cot
ton serd, 3(M pkgs dry goods, 7 pks
egg', 450 trif flour, 1G53 bales hay, 03
pk.s hit', 2S0 hd S'ueo, H4 hd caitK
462 pk.B lard, 52,000 feet lumber, 92
pkgs liquor. LOO.) hu oals, 1G0 brls
onion;, 3.1 brls no a'oe3, 6 ca'B pork
sides, 65 brls prrk, 122 brls sugar, 355
pkgi tobacco, 4000 bu wiif a", Hi brls
The following shows the amount ol
grain received, withdrawn and ii
store by remilar elevator', es reported
to the Merchants' Exormnge yetter
day: W hunt receive 466 bu; with
drawa, 466 bti; in ttore, 1015 ru.
Corn recei ved,V 57 bu withdrawn, 2441
bu; in store, 7764 bn. O. its received,
2220 bn; withdrawn, 7249 bu; in store,
173,190 bu.
art-Dally Quotations t Cotloa
Oil Trams and Kew York l.i.
ehana;t Ktocks are open lo I boa.
Interested, at my o flier.
9 Madisoa St., Memphis, Teaa.
Monev in ac'ive demand at 8 pr
-cent. The Clearing House report is
as follows:
Tuesday, Ssptflmbjr ' 28 h, $233
785 64; thus far this week, $394,623 33;
same time lat wek, $375 379 11 ;
same time in 1885,1313,007 97; sme
time in 1884, $215,887 77.
(sTTueeday, September 28th, $58,
440 28; tuus far this week, $139,
307 6o;Fa-ne true last wenk, Ji00,
129 41 ; same tima in 185, $08,077 32,
tame time in 1884, $31,129 20.
New York sight on all points, par
buyinsr, t premium selling; New Eng
land demand, J discount buying; New
England sight, i discount; New Or
leans, i dit count buying, par selling.
Bank of Cjmmeroe..l46 bid, 149 asked
First National 160 bid, 165 asked
German Bank 195 bid, 20() aeked
Pate Na'ional 145 bid, 150 asked
Union and Planters ..150 bid, 153 a ke 1
Mercantile Bank 135bid,137aiked
Bluff Gty- 100 bid, ... asked
Hernando 100 bid, ... faked
Home 75 b d, 80 asked
Memphis Ctiy .'.102 J bid, 105a ked
Peoples 80 bid, 83 asked
Pbocrjix 98bid,100s'ed
Planters 107 bid, ... asked
Vandrbilr 2 b'd. 26 asted
Arlington 35 bid, ... at kerf
Factors 20 ark d
M. & O. R R. shares. ..36 oid, ... apkod
M. & T. B, R. shares...45 bid, 50 .,k. d
M. 4 0. console, 7i? 119 bid, ... a-ked
M. & L. R. 1st m. 88..105 bi ... a'ked
Miss.AT.RR.cs.A...lllbV, li3 asked
Miss. AT. K.R. C8.B..10IJ b . 103 asked
Tenn. wt. Ber. D 9.' J, 93 asked
Ten, wik. ser. E to J8.'l t. So asked
Shelby Co. 6s 108 l. .110 asked
Tax. Dmt. 4, 6s 97J b I, 98) aeked
Tax Diet. 63 104 J bid,llj6i asked
Mem. G B bonds 104 bid, ... aiked
Mem. Water bmde 07 bid, ... asked
Hananer Oil Works b'd 65 asked
Am. Cot. Oil tiust!...57J bid, 58J asked
Pioneer Cotton Mills. ..25 bi t, 3D naked
Mem.Stor.Com.Co...l06bid, 110 asked
Mem. Gas stock 75 bid, 80 a kid
Naw York, S'p' ember 28. Money
on call quiet at 37 per cent., closing
at 3 per cent, eeked. Prime mei
cantile paper 4(25 per cant. Sterling
exchange qu'et but strong at 482J for
CO day bills and 481 for demand.
Bonds Government bonds were
dull bit firm. Statj bonds were dull
and sti ady.
Slocks The strck matkot showed
somewhat bet er d:stribut.inn, and
prices wa:e (iencrally higher thiougb
the dav than at the close last nigtit.
New EagUnd ro tinned to be the
feature, and its fluctuations wera wida
and at iime3 violent, but it reached
higher figures tLaa has yet b.'en a'
tainid oa any previous day, and
showed a handsome gin at the ck.s .
The movement is as much if tomore
of an tnigtn 1 than it has been at any
time; but fevarul new etories were
put in circ lUtim, all of which se m to
be bopsltsdy conflicting, but ens ex
planation givn is that tbe different
stories rea ing to the KUat.d
people, the suppo?ed arrange
men's wiih Erio and the New
Saven, ate timply parts of one
grand icheme which sie put forward
by tie feparnte in'erRflts involved.
WestTa Ubioa, Pac fic Mail and Cen-
tral Patiflo were aeo featur s in to
day's trading, all bting 6:rongand
active. The movement in the latter
stcck waa np in talk of a dividend, and
eupeos'd buying by European parties.
Pecific Mail was bough', up on the
continued reiteration of the aw er'.ion
that the Transcontinental d ffcultits
were settled, notwitbetanding the
olhciil denials. Western Union was
active and featureltss. St. Paul was
the oily one among tbe Grangers
abowicg any lite, mo&t of tbe trad i or
being credited to Chicago-people. The
early weakness in Reading was the ef
fect of the unfavorable statement late
ly put f 01th, but good buying later in
tue day f or both home aud fi reign ac
count enables it to show a alight rain
at the close. The scarcity of commer
cial urns cuDseu an auvance ol ball a
cent in st-r ing exchange, but it bad
little or no effect upon t ie st xk mar
ket. Frees a the openirg were very
irreuar, iatsawauna tieing down 4
and Kew E' gand acd Union Pxcifii
np a like am; unt, other changes being
for smaller fractious. Piicts hesitat d
somewhat in 'he early dealings but the
market soon became strong ihrough
out, New York and New England
gaining 2 per cent. The adrance
culminated shortly btfue Boon and
Borne heaviness was diso'ayed, while
the advance in New England was
nearly a 1 lest, but it soon j lined the
remainder of the list, and aitb thi
exception of a small reac'ioa toward
the cIcbb the market was firm a 1 the
way up, fka'ly closing sttady to firm.
Total sales were 456,444 sharfs; New
England 62.630, Kan: as and Texas 55,
C54, followed br Western Union. Read
ing and Pacifio Mail in the order
rawed. Everything on tbe ac'ive
list is higher; New York and New
England showing a gain of : ; Central
Pacific. Louisvilie aud Naihvi 1, and
Uuion PaciHo.l each ; Wb. tern Union,
1; Jerwy Cjntra.1 and Lake Shore, lj
eacti; Pac fie Mail, 1; St. Paul, 1J,
and Tennetsee Coai, The bueinesa
in ni road bonds Wi s qniet, the only
ffa'.uies being salts of J302.0O0of West
Sho e fours iu large :o:a, and $256,010
in Atlantic and rac ri inc. m s, rutol
a total tiuEi;:ess cf 1,369,000. Prices
were generally fi -m. ahliough they
B'gtd oiT souidwtiat in the lat.er pa;t
of the day.
The total sdes ( f s o ks todav were
456,444 shi-rts, including Oinada
Southern, 3150; Cent al Ptc fl', 3735;
Delaware. Lacktwanna and Wes'ern,
2.",8i0; Dd'Hware an.l Hi-dsoo, 85E5;
E.-e, 28aS0; Miaou i, Kansas and
Texa', 66,0 o4; Lake Shore, 12,031;
L'.uitvilie and Na-hville, 20,270;
Mici iiau Central, 458) ; NonhweBt
ern,;i575; New Je:s y C n'ral, 14,
710; Prttinc Mail, 33 885; R ading
34,610; Sf. Paul, 20.CU0; S . Paul and
Omaha. 3200; Tex s and Pac tic, 10,
5 4; Vn'O'i Paeific, 13,875; Wi stern
Union, 36,620; Northern Pacifio pre
ferred, 7H0; Or-gou aad TranECjnti
nenlal, .1009. CKsing quotations:
U. 8. S, lm-i. 4, coup. 128'.
4! coup, 112. Pacifio tin ol lb'Jo, 126.
L. tnmi,4s, 78V4- Missouri 6f, 11 OK.
Cent. Vac Isu. 1154. Den.i R.(l.lnt, 122.
Deni K W.ltta,(0. Erie iecotdf, 116
M K 4T.G.n.6, VP, Noith.Pao. Hu, 115.
North. Pao. 2d(, 103. N. Western eon., Hi.
N. West deb.5. 109. St L S.F Gen.M, HWX
et Paul eon., 128. St.P.,C iP.ltta.120.
T.P.laadgrHnts,66. T.P .K.U.exoou.tij.
U. P. lata. 115V4. Wekt Shore. 101M.
Xeon.es.iet'mt, 105. Tenn. 5s, set'uit, 100.
Xenn. 3j. let'mt, 78.
Adami Elpress, 140. Morris St E.,offd,140.
it On..
Nashville A C. tv.
Altoo & t. H., 37.
A. 4T.1I. pfd.,0.
American Ex., 106.
B. C. K.iN.S
Canada Pao.,
Canada Sou.. bM.
Central PaciBc, 45? a.
Chetap aka&O., lit'
C. 1 0. 1 t pfd, 1
C. lc U. 2d Pld,, 12.
O. k A . 143.
N.J. Central. 6i.
Nor. & W. pfd,
Northern Paa..2V.
Northern P. p d, 62.
c. a n. w., ink-
C. N.W. ptd. 142.
N. Y. Central, 113.
N Y.C. 4 8t.i.,H.
Ohio Central, .
Ohio A Mist., 8.
0. A Misa. pid, W
Ontario Sc West... 21Ti
Oregon NaT., 106.
Oreaon Trans.. 33!4.
Orenon Imp., 284.
Pacific Mutt, bSti.
Panama, VS
Ptoria, 10. ii, 30.
Pilt.burir. 152.
C. lc A. ptd , 1G0.
c a a y., 137.
C, St L. 4 N.ff.,
CSt.LAP..U. C.bt.LAP.pfd, 30.
C. 8. A C 36.
O. A C., 62.
Del. A Hud , 10(1' f
Dol.,L. A W., 13S';
Den. A Hio Q , 32. l'uilm .n P C, 14S.
Erie, 36. Keadinx, SHrii.
Erie nfd, WA- Kock Island, 127H-
New East Tenn.. 12. 8t.L. AH. K. , 32?-,.
NowE.Tenn. pfd.72. St L A 8. P. pfd, 65.
Fort Wayne, 146 M L. A- S.F. hi p, 112H
Hannibal A St Jo .C. M. A M P.. 7.
II A St Jo , pfd, . !. M.A St.P,, p, 12.i.
Harlem. 2)0.
Houston A T., 35
Illionii Centrul, 135.
Ind . B. A W.,18.
Kansa A T., 36.
Lake E. A W , 12.
Lake Shore, 91.
Lou. A Nash., 50.
Lou. A N. A., 57.
M. A i 1st pfd,.
M. A C. seconds. .
Me-. A Char , 40.
Mich. Cen.. 87.
er. r., m at si., im4.
St PaulAOoiaha.50.
St Paul AO. pfd, 112?4
Texas Paoifin, 17.
Union Pacific, 61.
U.S. Exp ess, 58
W., St.L P.,2&
W.St.L A P. p.. 36.
W. F. Ex.. 125.
W. U. Tel., 73.
Colorado Ooal, 29.
Home Stake. 18.
Min. Aht. L , 21
Iron Silver, 200.
Min. A St. L. rkUi?1;. Ontario. 25
Missouri Pacifio 112. Quicksilver,
Mobile A Ohio, 15. Quicksilver pfd"., 25.
M. L. S. AW., 63. South Paoifio, -.
M L S.A W, pfd,tsl. 6utro, 7.
London, September 28. Console,
101 for money and 101 1-16 f r the ac
rnunt; United 8ta'es bonds, 4s, 130.
Ba' silvtr, 44 7-16d peroun 'e.
Pa his, Seotember 23 Thres p(r
Ci t rentes, 82f 47 jc for the account.
New Orleans, La , Septemb-r 28
Clearings ot the banks, U 175,037.
New York, 8entember 28 Ex
cbeegep, $105,920,560; balan.ts, $1,
373 i3.
Boston, Mass., Sertember 28.
Exchangts, $12,642,481 : balances. $1.-
Baltimore, Md., Repteraber 18.
Pank dealings, $1,738,747; balances,
Philadelphia, Pa;, September 28
Bai k clearings, 19.456.125: balances.
Chicago, III, September 28. Asr-
cia'ed Bank dealings today were $7,
88 ',000.
St. L-cis, Mo., Sptmber 28.
Bank cleaiioss, $2,492,362 ; balances,
The local cotton .market opened
s'fady, and closfd steady; middling,
9tc. Sales, 850 baits, 625 to ex
por.ers and 225 to spinners.
Ordinary Nom.
Good Ordirmrjr.... ftoni.
Low Middling 9
Middling 9
Good Middling.... 94
Middling Fa r 10
Fair Nom.
' 9
Mrmphis, September 28, 1886
Stock Sept. 1, 1880 .... 4,009
R-ceived todv 1,476
Rtceivad previously... 7,581
Shipped today..
Uoiuri connumpnon to
date 4,009
Slock running aeccint 9,057
Thus far this week 4,960
Thus far la t week 1,094
Since Bt p ember 1st - 9,057
M. and 0. R. R 119
M. AT. R. R - 189
L. and N. R. R 238
M. & L. R. R. R 208
C, O.AS. W.R.R 116
M., S & B. R. R 4
Stan:en - 08
Wagons and o. her aourct s 100
T..tal 1,476
r JCxporlt,
Thus Jar thia week 1,307
Thus far la t week 519
Since September 1st 4,009
L. A N. R. R 479
C, O. & 8. W. R. R 124
Total 603
New York spots opened ateady and
closed steady. Middling, 9jc. Sales,
951 bales. Quotations were aa follows:
Ordinary ....... 6 1316
Good ordinary. 8 3-16
Low middling. 9
Middling.. 9 7-16
6 13-16
8 3-16
9 7-16
9 13 16
Goo-t middling 9 13-16
Middling fair,
Fair -
New York futures opened quiet and
cliaed steady. Sales, 69,100 bales.
Tbe closing quotations were as follows:
September.i.9.21 9.22
O.tober 9.23(a) 9.24
November...9.29 4 9 30
December... 9 34
January 9.4 1 9.42
9.24 9 25
9.2.V4 9.26
9.30 9.31
9 35 9 36
9 42'4 9 43
9.51 9 62
9.60 9 61
9 68 9.69
9.76 9 77
9 84'4 9 85
9.92 9.93
9.97 9.99
February .oo 9.51
9 59,4 9.60
June ...
July ...
.9.67(2) 9.68
-.9 75 9.76
.9.83(4 9 84
9.91(4 9 92
9.96 9.97
New Orleans
spot market
opened quiet and c ved steady. Mid
ling, 91c. Sales. 1250 bales. Quota
t ous wre aa f 1 ow:
Yesterday. Moadav.
Ordinary 7t 7i
Good Ordinary 8 8
Low Middling ....8J 8J
Midiilinu 9j 98
Good Middling 9 9$
Tbe New Orleans future market
oreiud firm, and closed tteady.
Salup, 16.700 baUe. Quotations were
aa follows:
Yts'orday. Mondar.
Sepemr;er. 8.95 kid. 9.00 bid."
October 8 96 '4 8.93 8.98 8.99
November.. 8.89 8 91) 8 90' 8.9f
December .. 8.91 8.92 8.91(4 8 92
January .... 9.00 9.01 9 00 0.01
February... 9.10(4 9.11 91(1 911
M-uch 9.20 9.21 9 20,4 9 21
April 9.30 9.31 9.110 9.31
Mu 9 40i 9.41 9.40 9.41
June 9 50 9.51 9.611 9.51
-nly 9.59:4 9.58 9 00
AugUB- (4
Hec. Prices Stock.
3,670 9J 52,434
9,26i 9 44,501
1,394 9 4,944
7.0OH 9i 4 949
3,837 9 32,428
1,217 9 3 16 7,212
1 290 d 7,229
' lOi'i 3,401
9 7-16 9i,l38
9 7,143
593 9t 7,845
1,457 8
N. Orleans
Mobile ....
Norfolk ...
New York
Philad'a .
St. Loui?..
Augnata .
Receipts at ports, thia day, 1886..25.808
Receipts at ports, this day, 1885.28,197
11:80. 1885. 1884.
R'ts U. S
n'rts4dav8 76,341 83,798 88,044
Ex. Gr. Br 13,925 16,136 23.877
St ck 301,103 287,865 270,273
R'ts Sept 1 309,231 359,004 34496
For'gnEx. 112,411 100,905 121,27'
Decrease in receipts this year.... 49,77 J
At noon: Liverpool spots were firm,
active demand. SaVs 14,000 balep,
of which American 12,200 bales. Re
Reipts,13,000 bales, of which American
11,600 balas.
Closing quotations were as follows:
Oidinary, 4 6 10d;Rood ordinary, 4jd;
low middling 5 i-16d; good middling,
5 7-16d; middling upiaads, 5 7-161;
midiling Or.tanp, 5Jd.
Mancuester: Cioths fiim, fair de
mand; yarns firm, demand light.
The prica are given in pence and Qitht,
thin: 4 63 meant 4 63-64d; and 6 01
meant 5 1 04 A
At noon: Liverpool fu'urea wsre
irrrgular; September, 5 2'55 25d;
Sep ember October, 6185 17d; Ou-tober-November,
6 125 lid; No-vember-Dfcember,
5 0H5 09d ; Da.
csmber-Januaiy. 5 09d; January-Fi-brua-y.
5 08(Si5 09d; Fcbruay
Manb. Slid; Mdrch-April, 6 13d j
April.May, 5 ld.
At 2 p.m.: L'verpool futures were
quiet at advanca; September, 5 24d,
buyfra; September October, 5 16d,
buyers; October-November, 5 10d,buy
rs;; November-December, 6 08d, buy
ers; Dacember-Januarv, 603d, vb'U;
January-Febiuarr, 6 08J, value; Feb
ruary-March, 5 09d, buyers; March
Apiil, 5 lid, buyers; April-May, 5 13d,
At 4pm.: Liverpool fulurB were
t teady; September, 5 25d, sellers; Sep-tembei-Oitobar,
6 17rt, buyeis;Oc.o-ber-November,
5 lid, buyers; November-December,
5 09d, value; December-January,
5 09 j, sellers ; January
Fibruary, 5 09d, sellers; Februarys
Maicri, 5 lOd, buyers; March-April,
5 12d, value; April-May, 5 14d, valui.
Cornmeal-Standard, $2 202 25;
pearl, $3 253 35; roller, $2 45.
Hat Choic9, from store, 75c; car
load from levee or depot, $12 ; prime,
from store, 70". ; car load from levee
or depot, $1111 60; prairie, from
store, 50c; car load from levee or
depot, $7 60.
Cobn From etore,while,51c :mixed,
48c, from levee or depot; white, in
bulk, 46c; in sacks, 49c; mtxad, in
bulk, 444c; in sack, 474c
Oats From stoie,whne,36c; mixed,
35c: from levee or depot, white, in
bulk, 31 Jc; in sacks, 35c; mixed, in
bulk, 30c ; in ssckp, 33c
Bban From store, 70(2 75a; from
levee or depot, $12.
Flour Fioiu store, N). 3, $3; fam
ily. $3 60 ; clioi. e, $3 764 ; kney, $4
4 25: extra fancy, $4 30(44 60; patents,
$55 53.
Beans Navy. $2; medium, $1 50
1 75; crnimon, $i 25; German mil.ot,
$1 20 1 4).
Rica Louisiana, 4 J51 j ; Caro'ija,
Oatmeal In half-barrola, $303 25
from Biore. '
Ckaceeks fioda. extra. 4c: coda.
treble utra, 4 c; lemon cracbeiH, x
tra, 7c; lemon cream crackers, treb'e
extra, 74c; ginger enape, extra, 'c;
ainifer s iers, treble ex'ra, 6c, asa.rteJ
jumblis, 9c.
Crack kd Wheat In half-barro',
$4 25 fromB'ore.
Hcminy and Grits -From slore,
$3 153 ?5
Kansas City, Mo , September 28
Wheat quU; No2 ied, cash, 61c bid;
October, 61 Jc bid; November, nom
ina1. Corn Headier; No. 2. rash, 30n
bid; O t ber, 311(0: November, 31 Jc
bid. Oa a steady ; 23j.
St. Louis, Mo., September 28. Flour
dull butetealy; XXX, $2 352 45 j
family, $2 002 75; choice, $3 K
3 20; fai.cy, 3 403 50; extra fancy,
$ 603 8; patenU. f44 35. Wheat
active and lirmer; the market opened
weak a id prices fell off Jc, ex ept f . r
May, wh cn ruled steady; later prices
strengthened and advanced and
closed ftsady 44c higher than yes er
dy: No. 2 red.caah, 74c; October, 74
(4748. closing at 74Jc bid; November,
76j76Je, closing at 7CJc bid; May,
87487c, closing at 87Jc. Corn fairlv
ac ive out wek and lower: No. 2
mixed, cash, 84l34c; October, 34J
34jc, closing at 34o; November,
35435c, closing at 354c; May, 401c
Oats very dull but Bteadv: No.
mixed, cash, 2f.i2Pic ; October, 25Jc;
iovemoer, zte ssaea; May, 311''.
Rye weak at 47 Jc. B.ir.ey very dull
and nominally nrcbansed. Hav
active and firm; prairie, $S10; timo
thy, fii(4i3 60. flaxseed weak,
$1 02. Bran easy, 50c. Cornmeal
weak, $1 95. Itetip's Flour, 3000
brls; whear, 10,000 bu; corn, 13,000
bu; oa'B. t2,i00ou: ye,2000tu; bar
ley, 28.0C0 bo. Shipments Flour,
40.i0 brls; what, 3000 bn: ccrn,
8000 bu : oat, 6000 bu ; rye, 3C00 bu ;
AfUrnoon Board. Wheat ftrong and
i(sic h'gbir. Uorn aavanced 4tc
Oats unchanged.
Chicago, III., September 28.
Wheat started In ba-ely (teady this
morning at 75Jc for November, broke
ott to 74, c, then rail ed to 761c, and
closed within a shade of the best
figures of ttie i ession at 1 o'clock.
Tbe trade dragged, however, on the
regular session. Foreign advic a
quoted dull markets and lower prices.
The aggregate receipts were again
liberal and tbe exports enly moderate.
In the afternoon tbe temper became
quite etroog, Novembtr advancing to
75Jc and c'oe na et outn te rigurts;
No. 8 spring, 72731o; No. 3spiing,
OoJjj No. 2 red, 73c; No. 3 ted, 71c.
The baling in crn was only of a
mcderati cbaa&ter, bo h rn specnla
tive aad shipping awount. The feel
ing waa taBier With fre" specalt
tive efferings, dec'ins of jc oc
curred, but in tbe latest trad nn of the
aft?rnuon, prices were we 1 nu to those
cf yis e'day; No. 2, 3636Je; N. 3,
35Jj; No. 2 3ellaw, Stij(;137o. Tuere
waivery little to i. 11 u uca the oats
market in either direc ion. and it
tultddull, with no sppieciabb) charge
in prices: No. 2cish, 25Jc. TbesniHll
grains were all qniet; No 2 rye, 48Jc;
No. 2 barley, 54ii55a; Nr.. 3
barley, 5354c; No. 1 11 x feed, $1 05
(4 1 04. Flour wts dull and un hailed.
The fo'towing shows tin rat ge of
QUithtions on tbe tegular Bession:
Whia -Sep embi r opened at 7i'4c,
ranged 72472Jc, ctoi-g at 72J.i;
October opeued ht 7.''ic, tang d 72J
73'3c, iloging at 73jc; November
opened at76jc, ranged 74i75Jc, clrs
irg at 758c; December cpoied at 70 J a,
ranged 76iJ77Jc, closing at 771c. May
opened at t3jc, ranged 83J8383, clos
ing at 8 Jc. Corn September opened
at 36c,rangid 36 364 closing at 30J;
October opeued at Site, ranged 30j
36Je, closirg at 3tijic; November
opeued 8t38c, ranged 38j'a38jc, clos
ing at388c; Deoember operjed at 39c,
tanged 39:j.91e, closinir t, 3ic; May
epeted at 43e, tanged 43J43c, clot
ii g a' 434c Oals Septemheropened at
25c, ranged 24J(525c clcsirg at 25c;
Octobar opened tt 25Ji', rsngad 25,
25 g o closing at 254c ; Nnvem ber opeued
at 2ti3, ragged 626ic, closing
at 2uic; May orei.ei at ail
ranged 31314c,cl''8;ng at 31 4c. Re
ceiptsFlour, 18,000 brls; wheat, 73,-
000 fu; corn, 235,0OU bu; cats, JliO,.
000 bu: rie. 3000 bu ; barlev, 87.-
000 bu. Shipments Ficnr, 7000 brls;
wheat, 23 Olio bn; corn, 158,1X10 bu;
oats, 180,000 bn; rje, 2000 bu; bar
ley, fi 8.0UO bu.
Afiernoon Board. Wheat ruled
s ronger aLd higher, while tho other
markets closed higher than at 1
o'clock. The fallowing were the clos
inn figures at 2:30 o'clock pm.:
Wheat 8ptembir, 73jc; October,
73c; November, 76 jc; May, 81c.
Corn September, 3(ijj; October,
361316c; November, 384 ; May, 433c.
Oats-September, 25c; October, 25jc;
November, 26J3; May, 314c
Bdtteb Butterlne,12413c ; cream
ery, 22(o)26n; dairy, U01 8c; country
butter, 1p16c.
Hoo Products Mess pork, $11;
sugar cuted hams, 12J 13c; break
fast bacon, 8j10c; clear rib
sides bacon, 8(S 83c; bacon Bhonldeis,
7Jc;bulk pork clear sides, 7Jc; clear
rib sides, 7J74o; shoulders, Ojcjlong
clear, 747jo.
Lard Tiercer, 717c; hilf-barrels
ard kegs, 7j7Jc; choue kettle, 8J
Fre.su Meats -No. 1 beef, 7c; mut
ton, 7c; hind quarters of beef,8Jc;
lambs, $2 503 50.
PouLTaY Chickens, $23.
Cheese Prime flats, 8jc, nominal;
factory, 7J8c, namhal ; full croam,
Pios Feet. Barrels, $9 5010; half
barrels, $1 755; kegs $1 75.
St. Louis, Mo., September 28 Pro
visions veiy dull, with an easier feel
ing; prices not mateiially lower. Pork,
$10 12J10 25. Ltrd round lots
firmer, U 30. Bilk meats loess lots:
lint I'lntr, $7; short ribe, $7; sho-t
clear, $7 40; boxed lota: long clear and
nhottrihs, $710; shoit clear, $725.
Baton about steady. Butter a eadv ;
rreamery, 2124c; dia-y, 1020c
Egge, 134c
Chicago, III., September 8. Pro
v'b'ous were aiitive and nneettled.
Mess pork kept within a range of 174c,
and alrsed a shade ti. her than yester
day. In lard there was a sudden and
sharp bienk in tht price (or September
delivery. Tbe full decline was 1)7 Jc, fol
lowed by a rally of 7410', closing
tame. The other options iu ed a shade
easier; ra h lo's B old at J(i t;74- Short
nb (ides were a tittle more favorab'e
to buyers, and closed k wer; cash lots
were quotd at J6 90. Dry ralt'd
BhonldeiB, $6(76 10;shoit clear Bides,
$7 107 15. Mbb pork--Sep'embr
opened a' i9 60, ranged $9 47 49 65,
closed 19 50; October opeoe 1 at $9 50,
rtngid 9 47j9 65, closed at $9 50:
November optned at 19 60, ranged
$9 45(49 074, closed at $9 45 ; January
opened at $10 474, tanged $10 45
10 674, closed at $10 45. Ia'd 9 p
tf miier oi eced at $7 27 J, ringed $(1 30
7 27J, clofed at 56 40: October
opened at 16 174, ansed $3 056 074,
ctofed t6 124; Nnvemher opened at
$9 0r-, rantred J6 4 56 t)74, clced at
16 074; Jannnrv orened et $6 174,
rned 18 1240 174, closed at 16 15.
Mhi-rt ribs-Septembir opened a- 3000,
rante,H6 90, c rstd at $ 90, Oc ober
operi"-d nt $6 90, raDgid $0 90, closed
ot $0 90; Januaiy cened at $5 45,
arnrf d 5 45, closed at if 5 45.
Afternoon Board. lnk September
n.l October, $1) 53 ; N )vembor, $9 52J ;
.Idinav, $10 50. l.nrd September,
$7 374: October,. $1 10; November,
$6 f 5 ; January, $6 15. rihort ribs
N. nt-Miher nud October $0 85; Janu
ary, 55 40.
Cokkkk-O' mmon, 9j10c; ordi
nary, 10i10Jc; prime li.o, 11 J12Jc;
cnoica to fancy, 12 j13jc; old Kovern
ment, 2425c; Ceylon, 1822c. '
Soap c linprrao'a Hope soup, un
wrapped, 4J''i)41c per pound.
Sai.t-$I 20 per barrel; Bucks, fine,
$1 351 45 ; coarf e, $1 10(41 15 ; pock
ets, bleached, 23'7c; carloads from
.levee or depot, 5c cheaper.
CANDiFS-Siicks, all B;aoc, m Dcxes,
pails and tarr.-ls, 89:.
Candles Kail weiitlit, 910c.
Canned Goods, Etc. Prices per
doe-n: Pu.eapphs, $1 40r4l 60;
peaches, 2-,b, sanderd, $1 38 1 65 ; SfC
ond, $t 10(41 15; tomatoes, 2-'b
stiudaid, $1 251 35 ; 3-lb, $t 151 30 ;
B rawberricH, $1 351 40; rasi berries,
$1 151 25; blackberries, $1 001 15;
greBcgates. $1 60()l 75; , pea'B, $2
5 25; plums, $1 OOgl 70; BspaMgus,
$2 004; greeucom,$ll 35; green
peas, $155165; covs oysters, full
weight, 1-lb, 90c(3$l; cove oysters,
full weight, 2-lb. $1 651 80; cove
oytters, light we'ght, 1-lb, 65c; cove
oyiters, lig;ht weight, 2-lb, $1; con
densed milk Crown, $5 605 75;
Eaie, 17 507 75; Daisy, f I 75.
Molabsab Louifaca, common to
fair, 182'ic; prime to choice, 3(40c;
svrup, 2040c; common f fair, 20(4
25c; prime to choice, 30358: centrif
ugal, fancy, 3233c
Tobacco Common, 11-inch, J74
28c; otter grades and Btvlea, 3585c.
Snuff Uarrett'B, $10 85 pir rase;
Ralph's, $10 25 per case; R. R , $9 60
(410 25; Gail & Ax's, $8 75.
ScoaB Pore white, 6J6Jc; off
white, 66o; yellow clarified, 6J
6i! open iett'e. 66c; refined A,
6jliic; srnu!at;d, 671c; pow
dered, 7J7jo; cut loaf, 7j8c.
New York, September 28 Coffee
spot fa r Rio firm : options a shade
s ronger: sales, 32,750 baw; October,
9.95c; November, 9 809 85: ; Decem
ber, 9.9.80c; January, February
and March, 9.709 is; April and
May. 9.K49.80C. 6unr dull and nom-
inal ; refined dull and easy. Molasses
steady and in light demand. Rice
firm acd demand fair.
Naw Orleans, La.. September 28.
Coffee in fair demand; Rio, 9J9jc.
Rica 1 teady. Cottpn seed products
dull and nominal. Sugar srace anl
firm; open kettle, prime, 6Jc; good
fair to fully fair. 61(45 7 10c: centiifu-
gal, cbo'ce while, 6Jc; ofl white, c;
chiine yellow cUr.fled, 6 1-16(a)CJ);
clarifird, 6i(?6c; seconds, 45ic.
Mo assts ttedy.
Applks Annies. $1 b02 60: dried
apples, i'l:i4ii per pound from store.
Drid peai ho, 2J34a from afore. '
EdKTABLKs Ouioiis. J3 from
s ore. Cabb ge,$250;perboad,910c;
$1 75 Irom levee or depot per crat.
Kraut, brls, $0; helf brio, $33 25.
Garlic, 4060d per 100. Turnips, 50o
per bushel.
p ruit Uraanes. I ouiiisna. nomi
nal, $6. Ijemrns, $7(47 50 per box.
Bananas, SI 60(42 60 per bunch.
Cjcoanut", 5 pr 100. Peanu's Vir
ginia, 74c ; Tunnessee, farmer's etock,
34c; roieted, 24c higher; ehelled
10c Almonds, 18(420.-.
Rai inh London layers, $3 40; lay
r, $2 75; Calilornia. : Imperial.
3 50(rf4.
Pickles In jars, pin's. 05o: ouatts.
$1 50; half-gallons, $2 75 ;gallons,$3 75;
iooe, oarxeis. s-U OU(7: ball-baire s.
$3 75 4; t i xed, barrels. $10 60 ; mixed
Potatoes New. $1 251 60: North
ern ttcck, $1 752.
UlDER-JNew York. 10 60(47 nerhar.
rel, end $3 754 per half-barrel; vine
gar, 104c per gallon.
pecans IV xas, 810a for imall to
medium, 1014c for laree: Aikamas.
Fish Mackerel, balf-barrels, No. 1,
$55 60; No. 2. $14 25; No. 3, $3 50
(44; 10-lb kit. No. 1, 00c; No. 2, 75c;
15 lb, No. 3, 05c Dry herrings, fam
ily, 25c per box.
Walnut French, 12c; Naplee,15c;
Grenobles, 15c Filberts, 12c.
Game Game fish, ll12c.
Egos Firm at 14c
Iu cor loid lota: Piimn oradx
cotton seed oil, new, 2830c; off
crude colton seed oil, old, 24
26:; prime summer yellow cot
tan seed oil, 3U37Jc; off summer
yellow cotton seed oil, 3132c; min
erb' summ'-r yellow cott n seed oil,
3335n; prime cummer white cotton
seed oil, 35c; choice cooking yellow
cotton seed oil, 374(440o: prime colton
S9(d meal, $14 50 15; off cotton teed
meal, $13
'Baoqino Jute. 2 lbs. 8Jc; 1J lbs,
7Jc; 14 its, 7c. Fiax, 81b3,9ij.
Ties $1 101 15.
Nall Common, $2 2o2 30; steel,
$2 40 a 2 50. '
Clear tub washed, 3136a; erease
wool, 2320c; burry wool, 1318c.
Sr. Louis. Mo., September 28.
Wool firm, but quiet and unchanged.
Whibky Straight Kentucky Bour
bon, $1605; redistilled goods from
85c tn $160, according to proof; rye,
$i 756.
Chicago, III., September 28. Wbla
ky $1 17.
Sr. Liuis, Mo., September 28.
Whisky firm, $1 12.
Cincinnati, O , September 28.
Whisky firm; sales of 894 bairels of
fiuilmd goods) on a btsis ol $1 12.
Choice to extra corn fed cattle, none
received ; good, none received.
Grass Cattle Choice, 3J34c;
rood, 231c; fair to medium, 2
2Jn; scallawags, lljc.
lloas -Choice,4 J4 Jc j good,3J4c ;
common, 33c
Sheep Choice, 334: medium, 2
3c; common, $ltol 50. Choice
lambs, per pound, 4t4Jc.
Kansas City,' Mo., 8optember 28.
The Live Stock Indicator lepoits: Cattle
receipts, 2598 head; ihlpments,
766; shipping steers and grass range
slow and weak ; butchers' stud steady
and feeding t tee s firm ; good to choice,
f44 60; common to medium, $3 30
3 90; ttockers, $2 253 76; feeders,
$2 803 60; common. $1 60(42 60;
graes range steeis, $2 253 20. Hogs
receip's, 5424 bead; thipmonfs, 219
head; quality belter; market steady;
good to choice, $t 004 75; common
to medium, 14 30(44 45;graserj and
p gs, $3 764 20. Shiep rereipta, 293
head ; shipiuents.none; market steady ;
good tocho'c9, $2 503; common to
medium, $1 602 25.
Chicaoo, Iil., September 28. The
Drover' Journal reooits: Catile ie
ceipts, 90 K) head;' ehipments, 20110
head. Market (-low but steady; ship
ping steers, 050 to 1500 lbe, $3 50
6 20; sockeis and feeders, $2 201";
3 60; cows, bulls and mixeal, $1 50
i; DuU, $2 252 70; through Tex is
a t e a shsde lower; cows, $1 7t
35: B'efrs, $2 60(43 25; Wisteru
1 ii.'T', tiBttve and ha f-hreods, $3
(. :; 75; cowb, $2 30(42 90; wintered
Tcxxhb, $2 tHWn 3 35; Montana, $3 95
4; Montana Texine, $3 30; Wyoming,
$J453 50; Oregon, $3 15 Hog'
ra.e'pte,' 15,(00 bead; shipments, 4000
tuad; maiket a rong, rc nigner, cios
inz wi h advance list; ruusb and
mixed, $3 704 60; packirg and ship
ping, $4 604 90; light, $3 704 65;
skirs, $2 253 6). S!ieep-receipt,
3000 head; Bbipraeuti, jOK) head;
mirket steady; natives, $J 2o(i.4;
Western. $3 50(3 60; Texa.18, $2 50
310; lam(.s, $ 4tKii4 60.
kew Tuauuai uuobj market.
New York, September 28 Ths
expnts of dnmoBtic CO' ton goods tho
past week have been 6141 packages,
which for the expired portirn of the
year, mvkes a t italof 183,815 pack
ages,' against 101,266 packages the cor
responding period lat ytar, 121,167
in 1884 and 126.333 packages in 1883.
For all styles of eotton fabrics there
has been a veiy good business through
orders and ee ectlons, and tbe tone of
the maiket very ateady to strong.
For wool soods tbe new business has
been moderate, aj the weather la too
Friars Point.... Jim Lai, 5 p.m.
Whit RlTr.....m.CHioiigw. S p.m.
Oseaola..... ......CoiHoii. 5 p.m.
New Orleans ...Citto Natchiz, 10 a.m.
Arkansas City .......Kara Adams, 5 p.m.
j4rriwili. Chickaw, White liver.
Ikparttires Joe Pe ers, Arkansas
river; Ed Fote', St. Frm is river.
' Boat in Port. Chii kasi w.
Boat Due Down. C abom, D. R.
Powell a"d City of Natchex.
Boatt Due Up. James lee and Belle
Btorolftls Tfwierdia),
Cbi kasaw Brought oat of While
river, 398 bales of cotton and 79 pkgs of
roTcatat movements.
Ths D. R. Powell is due down for
Thi Chickasaw, Capt. E. C. Postal,
la tbe packet thia evening at 6 o'clock
for White river. O. M. Postal and John
Childress are hercleikt.
Thi Coahoma, Capt Llenry Cooper,
is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock
for Osceola aud the tipper bends.
Wm. Smitber iB in her othce.
The James Lse, Capt, Thos. Clag
gett, is the picket this evening at
0 o'clock for Ile'ena, Knars Point and
all way landings. Will Ashfori is in
her otliee.
The Anchor Line steamer City of
Natchi a, Capt. II. E. Bixhy, will pas
down tn s morning for New Or'eans
and n'l int.iriaedi re poiuts. John
Lmglois is her c'eik.
The Kate Adams, Capt. Mark R.
Chei k, is the United Stati B mail
raik't tomoirow tveiiirg at 5 o'clock
for lle'eae, Atkansas City and all way
landings. W. U. B:aiiker In a charge
of her ollice.
BudNEiB qu'et.
Weather c'ouJy and cooler.
Receipts by r ver yeaterday, 349
bales of to too.
The Ed Fo.rer dot a-ted last even
ing for St. FranciB riv. r.
The river bere is on a etand, with
6 feet 0 tenths cn the nauge.
The Joe PctaiB cleared last evening
for Arkansas liver, with a good trip.
The Chiokaeaw arrived eerly yes
terday morning fiom White river with
349 bales cotton, 79 pkgs fundriea fjr
thia place and resbipped 49 bales cot
ton at Terrene for New Orleaue. She
returns thia evening at the utual
The Globe Democrat of the 27th says:
Owing to tbe high and ddnnerrms cav
ing banka at paints below Vlcksburg,
bouts are afraid to touch at certain
landings, and they have to be moved
from one point to another. Each of
tbe Vlcksburg boa'a tows two barges,
and generally take a cargo amounting
to between 450 and 650 tons. All the
heavier boats, principally of the
Anchor Line fleet have to go to the
b nk during the night between here
and Grand Tower. The time rf the
round trips between hem And Victs
bnrg, which lias all along boon twelve
days, has been increased to fourteen
yet s me of the best conimBndera of
bra's say that it is simoly an Impossi
bility to make the trips in tbe time
mentioned and tiw one and two
barges, aa is now at the low stage of
water necessa'y. The water at Cairo
is only about six feet, bence barges
have to b towed by tbe boats aa ur
down as New Madrid and Helena.
Okfice Sionai Sbbvicb, U. 8. A.,
Memphis, Seplembor 28, 1 p.m.
The following obeervatlnns are takea
at a I s'atioos named at 75s nierldiaa
t me, which ia one hoar fa.ter than
Memphis time:
Ab've Low
Water. Change.
R se Fall
Feet. lOthe lOthe 10;hs
Cairo 5 9 1
Chattanooga.... 2
Cincinnati 6 13
Div. noort 3 6 4
Dubuque 5 7 '..
Fort Smith 3 1 1
Keokuk 2 7 3
Helena 6 4 1
L Croeee 5 6 3
L avenworth...
L'ttleRock 4 1 3
Louisville 4 7 1
Memphis 5 i
Nashville! 3 1 1
New Orleans.... 3 1 7
On i. ha 7
Pittsburg 3 4
St. Louis 7 13 1
St. Paul 2 6
Shreveport 4 2
Vlcksburg f 4 8 1
Dancer Line Fast and tenths of a faat
ab ve sera of same:
Calm, 40 feet.
Cincinnati, Ml.
Pubuqua, 16.
Keokuk, 14.
Lanros'e, 24.
Little Rock, 23.
Uniihis, 34.
Naaktilla, 41).
Omaha, 18.
Ht. Louis. 32.
Bkrereport, 28.
OhatUnoota, S3 faat.
Vavaaport, 15.
Fort rlmltk, 22.
lleleaa, .
Learea worth, M.
IjonfsTllle, 26.
Vmm Orleans, 13.2.
Pittsburg, 22.
H. Paul, 7.
Viaksburi, 41.
. Vaakton.24.
PiTTaBUB!, September 28. Noon
River 6 feet 6 inches on tbe gauge and
rising. Weather cloudy and raining.
Cincinnati, September 28 Noon
Rivar 5 feet 11 inoteson the gauge and
stationary. Weather raining; ther
mometer 65.
Whkklino.W. "", September 28.
Noon River 4 feet 8 iuctei on the
gauge and rising. Weather cool and
raining; rained all night.
Evansvillk, September 28. Noon
Rlvei 3 leet 1 inch cn the gauge and
rising. Weatber clondy ai d cooler,
with oicwional Bhoweisjtheimometer
Louihvillk. September S8. Noon
River 4 feet lOiucbes iu the canal and
2 .eei 8 inches on the lulls and lining.
Weather cloudy and cool. Business
Cairo, Septrtnber 28. Noon Rivei
6 feet 7 inches on the Banna and fsll
Insr. Weather cloudy and cool. No
arrivals. Departed: City of Natchez,
New Orleans.
Crab Orchard Springs,
LINCOLN COUNTY, KY. Tha excel lan
of the cuMno, anil aorommodations char
a.'teristin of this hotel durins the past threa
Tears, shall be fully maintained this aeason.
lieursion tickets to the tsarinas by the L.
aad N. Hallway are good ! LouisTille, both
coins and return ins. to proceed on Drat train
unreadina arrival in Louisville.
Uf T? (1 KANT. Pres't. J. C. KINO. Snp't.
Georgetown College, D. C.
tonmlfl 17H.
THE A'lrltll) ABIO HI'lt'.NTII'IC
M HOOI.Mopen yeiiteiubar 9, letki. Avply
to Crenl'lent of the Colleve.
Sept. 211. land. Apply to Prot. J. W. II.
LoVejor. M. D.. m 12th streat, N. W.,
Washington, I). C.
THE H li'OL oP LAW opens on tha
lYirst Wednesday In October. Apply to
iaml. H. Ynatmaa, Bae'y, eorasr Stb and
Ht Isaia and New Orlmna Axeher
I.I -!;. Jinll-lrOK NVf 0RLEAN8.
City of Natchez, mis,.
Will leava the Elevator W EDNESBA Y, Sept.
V. t..
nn, a lua.m. Iur rreig&tur uasnaa apply
iu a. ui. r ur ir
Hsi.i,. e. A Vt.
A II W I'll' V ip'l.
Ba tltln.Erlom CaIbi aidRrinniui
ill I Wawwioln CcMlat tloiainjT.
VorliaWna.aiendale, friar' Polr.l and al
Vf Landings dtaajner
ryjll leave aa above on EVERY MONDAY,
WtDNKSDAY and FRIDAY, atio'olook.
For Randolph, Tnlton, Osoeola an Hay
Lasdlnas SUamer
J.H.COOPER .faster.
aad FRIDAY at 5 p.m. The boats of thi
line reserve tha right to paas all landings
the eaptam may deem naiafe. Office, No.
Wadisonst. JAMKS LEK, Ja, Snp't.
Arkansas Hirer Pk't Co.
K. B. Smith master, -- M
Leaves MomrhU Every TO KRUAV, at 6 p.aa
... U. CLOWE, Agent,
Office. No. n Madison t. Telephone No. fit.
Memphis and Vicksbarg Packet Cos
pany U.S. Mail Line.
For Helena. Coneordia, Terraneand Arkan
sas ciitv The olnganl paaianger staarrar
M. R. Ohcwk...iiiater I W. C. Blanavr...olerk
l-ves Memphis
For Conoordia and all wiylandlnci.
'1'he c-tfiimer
A. L. Cummins, Maat'r I Lew Price O erk
Leaves TUK-DAY and SAl'UKDAY at 5 p.
For genoral intoriuation apply at
Nu. i uau.ion street.
.lnWV CAWP. Pn.'r Ar-ti T.'.vli'i..
The Nt.FraucJa IMtpt 'J'fnnsiiortrttloi
Co.'l Fin. Sldo-W heel U. ti. Mail SteaxM
1UI Foster, r-'
O. K. Jovlin ,....'i..iter,
at S o'clock, for Marlanna. ths Cnt-Uu, aa4
InteimodiniM lundingH nu it. Francis nvr.
Tbe captain rrservas the right to nius al
laudlncs he deeux ni'iiu'v JAS. LICK, Jr.,
klntnrln. nfu Mftl 4 Mn4.nTl
Momplil8& White It i ver PktCo
For 4'lnreiKlon, Devnlla III nil,, Dei
Are, Augusta, ticaroy, N.wp rt, Jackson
port, llatn.vtlle and ail Way Landings,
W. O. Postal master, 72i?St
Will leave KViRY WKDNEHDAY at 5 p.m.
Albert II. baunh Dinter i
Will leavo KVUllY MA11JKDAY at f i.. ....
Through rates given tn all points. Frn.sht
consigned to the Meinphis and Whito Kiv.r
Packet Co., at Meinpuis or Terrene, will b.
forwarded promotlv. kor general in forma
tion apnly at ollice, N S Mu lxon st. on
Call Telephone 11. C. LOWE. Ag't.
E. the undersigned, having bnuiht tho
antlra burlni.ia af nii.nnr.cturin .
Furniture, Mattresses, Awnings, Tunis, etc..
Irom ttnnrv lluttanbarir. would rnMercttutlT
ask a shar. ol your pairona. knowing full
well that, irom long ur nonoe, w. eafl aud
will give entire fj-'Oraotion to ell work en
trusted to ' li will be ready at all lime,
to furuish Awnings, Tents, l'aalins and alt
kinds of canvas work t make all kinds of Brst
elasa Mattresseai repair, varnish aid make
all kinds of Furniture : reupkolstor Psrlor
bulls, and deliver s.ods free .f aha ge. Car
Ptirenovated in th. true Persian .tyle. All
work ane proinpily and at living prices.
K. Bi..ptirsr o..SI siwtnl.
th popuUr fkTOliU lui 4rflnrjj
tit hair, tUaiorliic oolor wt'
aTTwr. vnA nrvTOBtuic IMndrufT.
tair fsUllnir, and 1 ur Id plaaM,1
fV.amltl.OOkthruigTlft. 1
TheaafmS, turret anri brateure for Ooms, Benlone.Ai
loiMall iMln. Knsur. oomfnri o the rMt. K.vernul
our. UtnttU HmggUta. Uwxl A L'u., . 1
Wit', Nsavs and 1)sai TaaaTMsicr,
a guaranteed sneclllo for Ilystarla. Diisl
ness. Convalsfon.s, Fits, Nerval Neural-
Jia, lleadaoh. Nerve- Prostration, caused
y th. nso of aloohol or tobacco I Wake
fulness, Mental Depression, Bo'taniug of tbej
Brain, resulting in insanity and leu Ing to
misery, decay and death i Pronator. " d
Ago, liarrenness, Loss of Power ta either
n Involuntary Losses and fiparmator
rhea, eansi J by over-eiertlon of the brain,
self-abns. oroverindulgenoo. Each bog con
tains ons month's treatment. II a bog, o
six boies for 45, seni b mail prepaid, oa
receipt of orioe. We guars ritre Big Boias
to onr. any easo. With neb ordor reoelved
by as for six boxes, aecompanl.d with tl,
s will send th pnrchas.r onr written
guarantee to refund th money If th. treat
ment doe ot (fleet a cure. Guarantees .
Issued only A. HVNKKRT A CO.. Drug
gists. Memphis. Tenn.l
A book vl 1011 pages.
Th best book fcr
an advei tlser to eon
suit, be he eiperi-
lfeia '"UIiTlsu;
newspapers and estimates o- th. oost ol ad
vertising. The advertiser who wants to spend
on dollar, finds In it tha Information n re
quires, while for blm who will Invert on
hni.drod thousand dollars la advertising, a
scheme Is Indicated whioh will meet bis
every req ' Iriment, or can b made to do so
by slight changes anally arrlv.d at by sjorrsj
spond.no. On. hundred and tfty-thre.
editions hav bnlsd. Bent, postpaid,
to any address lor ten cam. Apply. t? GEO.
VERTISING BURKAIT.10 Hpruo.st. tPrlnt
ng Hoosa Honav N.w Tor1'
Positive Cure for Piles.
For sal, by all druggists.
tJ. IVEItl l Y M'lIOOI.,
PETER8BUKO, VA. Th. Twenty-secoBcl
Annual .Session of thia Sohix.l for hoys
begins th. first Monday in October. Thor
ough prepuration for University of Vlr
finia, leading Kngineering Schools and
lulled Hutes Military and Naval Acade
mies; higlly recommended by Faculty of
Universityot Virginia! lu'l stnffof Instruct
ors; situation healthful. Early application
advised, a. number of boarders is striotl
limited. For catalogue sd.lress
W. HOHDON MntlAUK. Head Master.
A Valuable Patent.
Dnary'i (Ilorae) i'orn ausl Pea PUav.
BAVINO porfootod my invention, I wish
ro pi ii co it before the public, .specially
nmr.niaotur.ra. As a Corn Plapter, It is at
perfect suoooss jne th. drill, distributed
ill. seed aoctrntely, nniniurod, and ooverd
th. sam., thereby on. man performing th
work of threo. Th.v bav. been nsed la
this section tor over adoion y.ars with per
.ect sat Itfaction. Oan give responsible testi
monials. Address
JOHN 11. DANCY.Dancyrill..
11 at wood eonnty. Tn
"Lontltn" Trouser Stretcher
.-.1 I Vn..n. .ml llnl-
tod ritates. A.s; 11
B nurd MniMi foroolebrated
John Hamilton A Co. Stretch
er. Takes bitBgltiir u of
kiirra restores pantaloons to
original sliape. Ouly Patented
Strotcher couioiniiiir.cr'w ru
in combination with clamps.
AH others Infringements,
J I V I I Original ana "'
vt L fVnr gtnil.n'u' I
Ks. rsly Prtc. WriM
lor c rcunirs. nt"i' "
Ts Real Fstate Owners and Agenta.
i AUTIE Shaving sidewalks to pot down
P wiH find it to 'heir Intorest to apply to
W tt LOCKEY. 32 Madison, or shop. 3i
rfewnd. Contreotorifor BUwart'l Orsaa
1th io Pavsmsnts.
.Mil y i

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