OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, October 07, 1886, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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- V.
Cottoa Lower-Middlioir, S 7.8c-
Sales Yesterday, 2000
Money rules in strong demand at 8
per cent. Lo.al securities continue
Ihe local cotton market wis again
weak yeft'rJay and facto) s eeemtd
anxioas to realize. Buyers were not
- slow to tke advantage of the eitui
' tion and demanded concessions on
official qno'ations, which were freely
granted. The official quotation at the
' Excvang3 was 8Jc for middling, the
tone being quoted strong; but this
hardly reprastoU the condition of the
matke', ai a want of strength was
clearly manifest and led to a decline
of Jc from the opening figures. The
day's sa'es aggregated 2600 ba'es.
At New York spots closed quiet
end easy; rr.iJdhiiz, 9 7-10c. Futures
quiet; Ociober, 9.139.14s.
A leading New York circular on cot
ton future? Bays: In the absence of
farther important offerings and at
sietedeoraewbat by (lightly improved
advice? from Liverpool, the markt-t
made a steadier showirg with 2 or 3
points recovery.
At New Orleans yesterday spots
were nnu; tmdulinir, Be; lulures
steady; Oc'ober, 8 87(5i8.89.
At Liverpool spots were dull, in
buyeis' favor; ra ddling, 6gJ; futures
were it-aJy: October, 5 10-84d.
In the general market there were
co fe&tu ea of note.
Rarjn VnnrlrnH and Ai aVttv.aavpn
brls applee, 40 pkgs bacon. 500 bu
corn, iu cars cotton seeu,44!u etc scotton
1 ' ifl I J ) . nn I
445 bris flour, 454 bhs hay, 10 pkgB
iia'8, 1M Da nrgs, iuu mi Bneep. iu
hd cattle, 42 bd mulne, 17 pkgs lard,
58 0C0 ft lumber, 73 pkne liquor, 265
Vitla maul Krla mnlnCBM 311(1 ktra
nails 9h"I( hn nnto 9(1 hrln nninnB 7K1
brls potttoap, 4 ran pork sides, 370
pkgs tooacco, aouu du wneat ana ou
trie uce.
Tke following shows the amount of
grain received, withdrawn and in
store by regular 'elevator, us reported
to the Merchants Exchange jester
day: Whflnt roceived, 543 bn; with'
drawn, 543 bu; in (tore, 1045 bu
Corn received, 1081 bu ; withdrawn, 246
bu; in store, !)- bu. Oats received
4301 bu; withdrawn, 2131bu; in store,
177,234 bu.
acerDally Quotations of Cotton
Oil Trnnta and New York Ex
ctaaoco Stocks are opea to thoae
interested, at ray ofllce.
9 Madison St., Memphis, Tenn.
Monev in active demand at 8 pr
cent. The Clearing House repoit is
as loliowa:
"Wednesday, October6rb $224,90044
thus far th.it week. (761,365 13; same
time lost week, $560,277 84; corre
sponding tini9 in 1885, SH5U,U63 58
corroppoiiding time in 1884, $0 6,'
062 24.
Wednesday, Cbtober 6th, $48,799 84 ;
thus frr this week, $164,868 13; same
time last week, $187,843 09; corre
sponding time iu 1885, $148,702 23
corresponding tirre in 1884, $143
530 54.
New York Bight on all piinrs, J
discount buying, narssiling; .New Kns-
land demand, i diecount buying; New
England eight, discount; ew Vi
leans, discount buying, par selling.
Bank of Commeriie..l46 hM, 149 ankerf
First National ..160 bid, 165 asked
German Bank 195 bio, tiOi) asked
Wate National 145 bid, 150 asked
Union and rmri tore ..150 bid, J53 a ked
Mercantile B.ink......l35bid,)37Ja ked
Blufi City 100 bid, ... aaked
Hernando 101) bid, ... jsite.l
Home 75 b d, 8i) aseil
Memphis Cny 1C2J bid, 105 a kt d
Peonies 80 bid, 8't is'ted
Phoenix 98birt. Itu.ased
Planters 107 b , ... naked
Tand rbilt 25 a, 26 as'ed
Arlington 3- -id, ... asked
Factors "0 a; ked
M. & C. R R. shares...;; id, ... atked
M. & T. R. R. shares... 4 Did, 50 asked
M. 4 Cconuolsji' 119 bid, ... a?ked
M. & L. R. 1st in. Ss..l05 bid, ... at ked
Miss. x l.K.lv.cs.A.,.111 bid, 113 asked
Mist.&T. R.R. C8.B..10I j bid, 103 ssked
Tenn. wts. s?r. D 90 bid, 03 asked
Tenn. wt. ser. E to J.. 83 b d, 85 asked
Shelbv Co. 6s 108 bid, Marked
Tax. Disr. 4, 6j 97 bid. 984 aker)
Tax Dist.6s 104 bid,H6J asked
Mem. (i 8 bonds' -104 bid,... at ked
Mem. Water binds 97 bid, ... asked
Hanauer Oil Works b:d 65 asked
Am. Cot. Oil trust ' 6 bid, 57 asked
Pioneer Cotton Wills.. .25 bid, 30 iskerl
Mem. Stor.Com. Co...l06bid, 110 asked
Mem. Oaa stock 75 bid, 80 a-ked
Nw York, October 6. Money on
call active at 58 pir cent , closing
at 5 asked. Prima mercautile paper
45 per cut. Stotling exchange
weak at 4811 f ,r 60 dy b.Hs and 484
for demand.
Bonds Government bonds were
dull and Ftaady. Stat3 bouds were
dull and ttejey.
Stocks Tbe e'o k ma-ket was mush
less a tive than yes;erday, and the
upward movement received a check.
There ws some buying by London,
but much Ices tlun has oeen notiutd
for the pn-t few days.
Th money market workid somo
what close, wh!ch had an adverse in
fluence upon speculation, but starling
exchange rates were reduced in con
sequence of tn.e lack cf inquiry and an
increesed supplv of cotton biils. The
speculation in New Eigland received'
another set back, and that ftock to
night shows a heavy decline. Tue
psual contradictory rnmors were cir
cnlated, but tho general impression is
that the bull leaderi have taken (heir
profits. WeBtaru Union was ex
tremely ective, but shows no
change this evening. The Vandir
bilts were conspicuously stioug in
the morning, stori. s to the ttl jct thst
the dissatisfaction of the Pennsylvania
railroid had been removed, aiding the
rise. Canada Southern was the most
conspicuous, although there was
nothing new, and in the afternoon
the C, O. and I. advance nearly 4
per cent. The Canada Pacifio also be
came active on buying by foreign
house". The general market ws
stiong throughout the morning hours,
but iae txu-nsive realiza'ions broke
the list in the afternoon, although the
heavy buying of Reading in the iast
hour had a bentficiil effect upon the
rest of the list; but the market closed
heavy at irregular channel The
opening wee ttrong, the gains cvar
last rvening's final figures ranging
from generally, but Missouri Pa
cific aa up 1 per cent. Several of ihe
active list were unchanged. Webtern
Union was down J. Tee market was
fevei ish and irregular in the early
trading and New Eng'and dropped
nearly 3 per tent., but the remainder
of the list was strong and so continued
for moat of the morning, though
highest prices ware generally made
close to 11 o'clock. A somewhat
irregular bat generally heavy market
succeeded, there being a slight rally in
the last hour, but the cIobs was weak.
Final prices show irregular changes,
the me it marked among which is a
decline of 5 per cent, in New York
and New England. Tenne.-sea Coal is
down 1 per cent, but other declines
are for fiactions only. Amorg thoae
which are higher Cieve'and, Colum
bus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis is up
32, Canada Southern 1J, Texas Pacilic
t'Ubt receipts 1, and Canadian Pc c tic
1J. Railroad bonds rontirU9 mode
rately aciive, and follow closely the
coime of the share market. There
was vtry little feature to ttie dealing,
but the A'lat tio and Pac lie iccomes
are a' ill activa upon the stories of ar
rangement to be ins-. do wl ich wdl
bent tic the Btrck and junior sedulities.
The Texas Pucifij kcome tiu&t re
teipta were first in ac:ivity today
upon eood buying Y-y irisideis on the
improved prosreet of toe suc:esi
of the rcorgRcizatiou plnn. 8aes
for ths day were 52,127,000.
Texes Pacific income mm receipts
furnished $164,000, and Atlnni c and
Pacific incomes $ 171,003. Final prices
show irregular ebnnire?. Taiminal
trust receipt) rose 2j, to 603; Lake
Shoie registered firsts lost 2, to 129;
Mobile and Oli o aud second deben
tures 3J, to 132J.
The total Sites of s o ks todav were
586,077 shares, including Canada
Southern. 21,610; DalawarLackawan
nn and Western, 14,350; Erie, 10,600;
Kansas and Texas, 39,497; Lake Shor?,
37,645; Louisville and Nadiville, 11,
260; Michigan Central. 7807; Mis
eon u Pacific, 11,248; Northwestern,
7110; New Jeisy Central, 8J10; New
York Central, 13,690: Ohio and Mis
eiesippi, 3500; Patific Mail, 4105;
R ading, 69,825; St. Paul, 29,8:0; S-.
Paul end Omaba, 6600; Union Pa
cific, 10,480; Western Union, 51,030;
Northern Pacific preferred, 927; Ore
gon and Transcontinental, 11,762.
U.S. 3j, 103. in, coup, 129.
I'At, oui, U2i. Pacific us ol 1893, 126.
La. stamps, 4s, 7iV. Missouri 6i, V0.
Cent. lJac. Uu. Kb. Hen. A K.U.lsU, 124.
Don KH W.l(t,6l!4. Krie aecunil, 116.
M K.A T.Gfn.6. 99. Notlh.l'ao. Ids, 11
North. Pao. 2d, 1(K). W. Western con., 142.
N.Vet.dob.6,10'.IH. St L.S.F (ien.M, HW.'i
Ht Paul con., 131. St.P.C iP.lits, 120.
T.P. lund grants, 58. T.P.,R..ex cou, (ill.
U. P. 1st. 1Vi. West bhoro, UUJ.
Tenn.Ss, tet'mt, 106. Tenn. 5s, BBt'mt, 100.
lean. 3s, sot'int, Ti.
Adams Express, 141. Morrin'.i E.,offd, lit.
Alloifheny Can.,. Nashville it C, K5.
Alton A T. II., 37Ji. N. J. Central. 62K.
A.4T.H. rfd.,f2. Nor. Jr. W. fd, 4;.
American Ex., 105. Northern Pac. ,20.
li. C. R. Jc N.M. Northern P. n'd. 63.
Canada Pac, 71'i CAN. W., 117.
Canada Sou.. B.i.S. C. A N. W. pld, Ui.
Central Pacific, 4'i'i. N. V. Central, 113.
ChepfakeAO.,10 N Y. C. A Sl.L., .
C. AO. I t pfd, V't. N.Y.C ASt.L.,,21.
C. A O. 2d ptd 11. Ohio Central, -.
O. A A., 1421-4. Ohio A Miss., f8"4.
O. A A. pld , lot. O. AMis. pld, 0.
C B A Q.. m4. Ontario A Wttt., 22.
C, 8t L. A N.O., . Oregon NaT., lOT)1.
C. St. L A P.. MM. Orexon Trans., 31.
C. St. LA P.l'fd, 3 J' j. Oreuon Imp., 2.l.
C. 8. AC. MS. Vxiao Mull, K'i.- .
C. A C, 60H. Panama, VS.
O. it II. Valley- 3 Peoria. U. A E., 30.
Dol. A Hud., m. Pittsburg, 152.
Del., L. A W., 137. Pullm.n P. C, 143.
Den. A Rio (1 , 31) . Keadinn, 36.
Krie, 3fr. Rock Island, 126.
Krientd, 77X. ISt. L. A S.
New KnstTenn.,12. St L A S.F. pld, 66
NewU.Tenn. pfd,7o. bt.L.i S.F. ltt i, 114.
Fort Wayne. 146. C. M. A St. P.. W7..
Hannibal A St. Jo. .0. JI.A St.P,, p, 121Sj.
II A St.Jo . uld. -. Si. P.. M A M.. 117!,.
Harlom. 2. St Paul A Omaha, 50- a.
Houston A X., bt.Paul A O. pld, ll.t.
Illionis Central, llU.Tenn.CoalA Iron, 64.
Ind , B. A VV., Wi. Texas Pacini, in
Kansao A T., 37'4. Union Pacilio,62;,i.
Lake K. A W , Uii. U. S. Express, 50
Lake Shoro. 92V4. W.. St.L A P.. 204.
Lou. A Nash., o. W ,St.L. A P. p.. oVA.
i.OU. a n. A.,uO. IV.tf.
M. A ( 1st pfd, -. W. U. Tol., 7ii;H.
M. A C. seconds,. Oolorado Coal, 28.
Mem. A Char . 40. Home Stake. I'.iV..
Mich. Cen., 03. Iron Silver, 210.
Mm. A St. L , 20,'i Ontario, 2o.
Min. A St. L. pjd.46. Quickailrer, 6.
Missnur Pacilic, 115. Quirksilvor pfd., 21' j
Mobile A Ohio, 16. touth Pacific, .
M. L. 8 A W., 6). Sutro, 7.
M L S.A W.pfd,3J,.
London, October 6 ConsoK 100
1516 for money and 101 1 16 for the
amount. unted Mut-s bonds 4s,
l.jl'j. Bar silver, 44j 1 per outce.
Paris, 0:toher 6. Thr.e tier cent,
letes, 82f. 92ia fcr tbe account.
Xkw York, Ojtober 0. Excbanuts.
ido,44t),ti4; paiancee, fo,089,2ra.
Baltimore, Md., October 6. Clear
ings, $2,217,351 j balances, $294,921.
Bostox, Mass., October 6. Ex-
Cangts, $16,3:8,405; balances, 31,371,-
St. Louis. Mo., Oc'.ober 6. Bank
cleaiintis, $2,983,950; balances, $493,
148. Philadelphia, Pa.. Ojtcher 6
Clearings, $10,865,774; balances, $1,
Chicago, III .October 6. The Asis-
ciated liank cleoriDL-s today weie $10.
ThA lnrnl rntt.nn marVal Annna.l t.mav
and Jc lower and closed tteady; mid
dling, 8Jo. Sales, 20C0 bales, 1350 to
expunersana jzouio spinners.
YeBtrHttr. TuhbiIuv.
Ordinary Nom. Nom.
Good Ordinary.... Nom. Nom.
Low Middling 8 S5
Middling 8J 9
Good Middling.... 91 flj
MiJilling Jba.t !8 s
Fair Nom. Nom.
MlMPHlB. October 6. 1886.
Stock Sppt. 1, 1886 ... 4,009
Received tod'.y 3,336
Keceivea previously ...20,020 C9.365
Shinned today 674
Shipped previous'y .... 8,982
nome consumption to
Stock renniue account
, 6,01!)
2 ',356
, 367
, 349
. 245
. 200
Thus far this week
Thus far la t week
Since Siptember 1st .,..
M. and O. R. R
M. & T. U. '" '
L. and N. R. R
m. Jj. . K. K
C, O. & 8. W. R. R
L., N. O. & T. R. R
K. 0 , 6. & M. R. R
M..S. AB. R. li
Steamers "
nragons ana oiner sourcts...,
jt r ..I ,V I, ,.ijjii uieaui Jt pummiigi ifjaaWJipaii f r TI I ""M "" ' " " " !" " ' ' '' .Fevawaggeaeawgavwei.
Thus far this week
Thus far but week
Since September 1st
M. A T. R. R
L. A N. R. R
L , N.O. A T. R. R
M. 6. A B. R. R
Total .
New York spots om ned naiet and
steady, nd closed quiet and easy. Mid
dling, 9 7-16c. Sales, 430 bales. Quota
tions wereasiouows:
Yesterday. Tueediy
Ordinary - 6 13-16 6 12-15
Good ordinary. 8 3-16 8 316
Low middling. 9 9
Middling. 9 7-16 0 7-16
Good middling 9 1316 10 13-16
Middling fair.10i
Fair 11
New York fu'uresopened steady and
closed quiet. Sales, 62,800 bales. The
closing quotations were as follows
October 9.13 9.14
November.. 9.16 9.17
December 9 20 9.21
January 9.26 9 27
9.12 9.13
9.14 9.15
9.18 9.19
February... 9 35a 9.36
9.33 9.34
9.41 9.42
9.43 9 44
9.52 9 53
June ...
July ...
9.50 9.51
9 60 9.61
9 69 9.70
9 76 9 77
9.82 9.84
9 59 9.60
9.75 9 76
9.82 9 84
spot market
opened quiet, and c ored firm. Mid
dling, 9c. t-a es, 4250 bales. Quota'
t'os wereas f-idowj:
Y sterdav. Tuesday,
Ordinary (ij (ij
Good Ordinary.. . 75 7
Low Middling 8 8J
Middling! 9 9
Good Middling 9J 9i
The New Orleans future market
opeied Fteauy, aijd closed tteady.
Salep, 19,900 baloe.
Quotations were
as follows:
Yf s'Piday.
8 87 8 89
8 74 8.75
8.77(u 8 78
8 8(i 8 87
8 97 8 9S
9.08(aJ 9.C9
9.19 9.20
9.29 9.30
9.40 9.41
9.49 9.60
8 80 8 81
December ..
January ....
February ...
8 6 8.70
8.71 8.72
8.80a 8 81
8.90 8.91
9.01 9 02
911 9.12
9.22 9.23
9.32 9.33
9.42 9.43
Prices Stock.
9 1-16 64,578
9 45,569
9 5,973
811-16 77,462
8 41,345
i 21,269
9$ 13,376
) 3,504
9 7-16 89,626
9 9-16
9 2,047
91 10,917
N. Orleans
Mobile ....
Norfolk ...
New York
Philad'a ..
St. Louie..
Augusta ..
Receipts at portp, this day, 18S6..27.577
Receipts at ports, this day, 1835..25,992
R'ts U. S
n'rts 5davs
Ex. Gr. Br
328 503
R'ts Sept. 1
For'srn Ex.
Decrease in receipt) tnis year.. ..36,638
At noon: Liverpool spots were
du:l in buyeis' favor. fcalfB, 80C0
bales, of which Ameriran 6600 bales.
Receipts, 2200 bales of which Amer
ican, 220J bales.
Closing quotations were ai follows:
Ordinsry, 42d;Rood ordinary, 4Jd ; low
middling, 5 316d; good middling,
5 11-lOd; middlinf uplands, 5 516d;
middling Or lean, 5 7-16d.
Theprictt aregiven inptneeand bltht,
thu: 4 63 meant 4 03-04(1 ; and 5 01
meant 5 1 04i.l
At noon: Liverncol futures w.io
dull; Oitobsr, 5 085 09d; October
November, 5 03d: NovembBr-De-cember,
5 Old; December-Januaiy,
5 Old; January-Februa'y, 5 Old;
February-March, 5 03d; March-April,
; April-May, 5 07d; May June,
At 2 p.m.: L'verpool futures were
dull but steady ; October, 5 09d, sellers ;
October-Novembsr, 5 034, buyers;
Noveniber-Decamber, 5 02d, selhrs;
Dacember-January, 5 02d, value;
January-Febiuary, 5 02d, sellcra;
February-March, 5 03d,buyers; Maich
Apiil,5 051, buyers; Am-il-May, 5 07d,
buvers; May-June, 5 C9d, buyeis.
At 5pm.: Liverpool futures were
firm; Ojtjbir, 5 10J, value; October
November, 5 Old, buyers; November
December, 5 03d, buyers; December
January, 5 03d, sellers; January-February,
503d, tellers; February-Marcb,
5 043, buyers ; March-April, 5 06d, buy
ers; April-May, 5 08d, buyers; May
June, 6 lOd, buyers.
Cornmbal Standard, $2 202 25;
pearl, $3 253 35; roller, $2 45.
IIay-CIioxp, from store, 75c; car
load from levee or deoot, $1213;
prime, from store, 6570r. ; car load
from levee or depot, $11(3)12 ; prairie,
from store. 50c. ; car load from levee
or depot, $7.
Corn From ttore,white,50c :mixed,
48c, from levee or depot; white, in
bulk, 44c; in seeks, 47c; mixed, in
bultr, 42c ; in sacks, 45$c.
Oats From store,whlte,37c ; mixed,
35c: from levee or depot, white, in
bulk, 32c; in sacks, 34 Jc; mixed, in
bulk, 31c; in sacks, 33c.
Bban From store, 70c ; from levee
or depot, $13 10.
Floor From store, No, 3, $33 25 ;
family, $3 503 75; cbole, J3 764;
fancy, H4 25 : extra fancy, $4 5
4 60; patents, $55 50.
Bbans Navy, $2; medium, $1 50.
1 75; common, $i 25; German miller,
$1 201 4
Rick Louisiana, 45j3; Carelica
Oatmeal In half-barrels, $33 25
from store.
Crackers Soda, extra, 4jc; soda,
treble extrs, 5c; extrs,7c; gingersnans,
extra, 66c; assorted jumbUs,9llc.
Crackkd Wheat Iu bait-barrels,
$4 25 from store.
IlniiiNY and GaiTS-Frona store,
$g 15(513 25.
Kansas Citt, Mo., October 6.
Wheat steady; No. 2 red, cash, 6,Js
bid; October. 62j; November, 62jc
bid; Mav, Tfjc. torn strorger; N.i.
2, cash, 30c; November, 3 ijs; Decnrn
ber, 32Jo'. Oats nominal; 24c bid,
Ft. Louis. Mo.. October 6. Flour
quiet, steady and unchanged. Wneat
act.ve and about svadr. Tbe mar
ket opened weak aud JJc lower, but
scon strengthened aud recovered the
Iojs, and Jlc more. Toward th
end cf tbe se&ion prices ead off
strain and closed at yeiterday's figure).
Vn 9 roil frn.li 7'!?7Jln. n ,1.1,..
73Jc bid ; November, 74 j $75, clwed
at 74Sa74Jc; Dscember, 76j77c,
closing at 76jc : May, 85jS86c, clos
ing at 80 jc uorn active and higher;
prices ruled strorg thronghont and
closed JJe higher tban yesterday:
io. mixea, asa, o.;4c; Ucto-
oer, 34(ii4tc, ciosea ai .hjc; Govern
btr. S4l34c. closed at 34c: IWsm.
ber. 33j35Jc, closed at 36jc; May,
S9J39c, closirg at 39Jc. 0is
dull but strong and i(a js higher; No.
2 mixed, cash, 262tiJo; Oc'ober, 26
Mi'; rovemeer, zogo; Dtcainter,
27 jc bid; May, 31 Jc. Rye esy,
4SJj a d. Bar ey dnll and nucbanged.
Ha active and firm; prairie, $9
10 50; limothy, $U13 50 Flaxseed
weak, 96Je. Bran stea ly, 48c. C.irn
mal steady, $1 90. R oeipts Fiour,
3000 brls; wheat, 6000 bu; corn,
13,000 bu; oats, 26,000 bu; rye none;
barley, 25.0C0 bo. Shipments Flonr,
COCO brls; wheat, 2000 bu; corn,
10 000 bu ; oat, i.Ok.0 bu ; rye, 5CO0 bu ;
hurley, none.
Afternoon Board. Wheat weak
and JJo lower. Com weak and
igc lower. Oata, J)c lower.
Chicago, III., October 6. The wheat
ma-ket opened this morning at nearly
inside figures for the riny, became
fairly strong during tbe middle tee
b ob, but befoie the close cf the af er
noon board prices had again dropped
to the lowest prices current in many
months, and cloted at inside figute.
Tin fear of continued free deliveries
in the Northwest, the "posting" of a
large quantity cf wheat as being out
of condition at Milwauk.e, and light
export itquiry, tend to make tbe mai
ket more limn one of ordinary weak
lies'. The quantity cf wheat on ocean
passage showed a dec recse of 800,000
bushels during the week. A feature
in tr.e corn nit was the buying orders
hr May. These were very nuuitrom
and ciiine from all quj.-tws, but prin
tipa ly fri in the Eas'. This market ,
followed tbe general tendency of
wheat, but clos-id in tbe tinal trailing
a'abLut ytsterday'a ' cbwiiig figuie?.
Flour was lightly traded in at un
changed price 8. The first salei cf
buckwheat flour wt'ro reported
toihy at $2 502.75 per barrel.
Tho following quotations wre cur
rent Ut cash propeity ; No. 2 whent,
71c: No. 2, red, 73c ; No. 2 corn, 35J
3on; No. 2 cats, 24jc; No. 2 rye,
48,i; No 2 barley, 63c; No. 1 tlaxseed,
$102; fair to choice timothy, $162
1 72; prime timothy, $1 661 68.
Futures ranged as follows at the regu
lar session : Whea' October opened
at 71 gc, rang-d 71J72c, closing at
71 Jo; November cpened at 732c,
ranged 7374c, clcsii.g st 73jjc; De
cember rpaned at 75jc, ranged 76 J
75Jc, c'osmgat 76Jc; May opened at
SI Jo, ranged 81j82s, closing at81Jc.
Corn Oct )ber opened at 35c, ranged
3535c, closing at 35Jc; Noveinb. r
opened at 36c,ranged 30a37c,cloning
at 36 c; December opeced at 3"Jc,
tanged 37237jc, closing at 37ijc; May
opened at41Jc, tanged 4IJ42Jc, clos
ing at 41 jc. Oats Octubor opened st
24.:, ranged 2124js, closing at 24jc.
November opened at 253v anged k"
2oji,,closingat 25 1 c ; Derember opened
at 26r!, ranged 26i2(iju, closing at
2t;jc ; May opened stSOJiyaugedSOi'
31c. closing at 30 Jc.
Afternoon Board. Grain weak and
closed at inek'e figures, while
fiiov'siocs were steady. The Id
owing were the c'oeing pricss at
3 :30 o'cl ck p.m : W heat October,
71c; Nnvember,73c; December, 75 Jc;
May,81 c. Corn October,35c : Novem
ber, 30fc; December, 37 9 16c; May,
41 jc; Oats-October, 24c; November,
25 7-16c; Dtcembrr, 20Jc; May,
30 ll-16c.
Riceipts Flcur, , 29,000 ba rels;
wheat, 131,000 bushels; corn, 354,01)0
bushels: oatn. 343.001 hiishrln; rye,
5000 bushels; barley, 118,000 bushels.
Shipments tiour, 22,UUU Danes;
wheat 42.0C0 bushels; corn, 244,000
bushels ; oats, 103,001) btuhels; ne,
3000; b.-rley, 36,000 bushels.
Bdttkb Butterine, 12J13cl;
creamery, 30(332(!; dairy, 1820c;
country butter, 1016c.
Hoo Products Mens pork, $10 25;
sugar cured hams, 1212jc; breakfast
Daion, 8J9jc; clear rib sides haon,
7i(7ic: bacon shoulders, 71(4fc;
bulk pork clear sides, 7ic; clear rib
side), 7c; shoulders, 6jc; long clear,
Lard Tierces, 6c; half-barrels and
kegs, 6ijc; choire kettle, 7 Jc.
Frkhu Mkats -No. 1 beet, 7c; mut
ton, 8c; hind quarters of bjef,8Jc;
lambs, lUc.
Poultry Chickens, fpring, $2
2 7: i id bnns, $1 75(a3.
Chkk k Fjctsry, 9c, nominal; full
crKiu, 1313Jc; young America, 13c.
Fkh Feet. Barrels, 9 50M1U; hall-
barrtb, $1 755; kegj, $1 75.
St. Louis, Mo., October 6 Pro
visions aciive at eiisier pricn. Pork
weak, S9 9 25. Bilk meats easy;
loose lots: long cleer and short
ribs, $0 30; short clear, $6 65; boxsd
lo e : long clear and sln't ribs, $ i 371 i
ehoit clear. $0 624. Hacon ubon1;
stefdy; long clear and short rib?, $7;
short clear, $7 37J. Hams easy at
10J121e. Butter quiet ana Iirra
but unchanged. Fggs unchanged.
Chicago. III., October 6. A suspi
cion that possibly the packing houses
might shut down Monday ws respon
s ble for an advance of about 15a in
park, though other hog products
movfd with la a somowbat narrower
ranpe. But wken later in the day it
was declared tht packers had decided
to so back to ten hou-s the feeling be
came a little easier. Tbe markets for
provisions closed a shade firmer than
on yeiterday. Mess pork, $8 60 8 85,
according to quality and weight. Lard,
$5 805 85. JShort r b sides, loose,
$6 37 J. Dry salted shoulders, $5 70
5 75; short clear side', $6 456 50.
Futures ranged as follows at the regu
lar session: Mtss pork October
openel at $8 40, rargjd $8 408 67J,
closed bt $8 65 November opened at
$S 40, ranged $8 35(,8 70, closed at
$S 6"; January opened nt $9 65,
ranged $9 609 87J, closed at $9 82.
Laid Oitober opened at 15 07 J,
ranged $) 67J5 77 J, chred it $5 72J j
Novembti' opened at $i 70, ranged
J5 70f5 77J, clo-ed at $72J; Jan
nary opencil at $5 8' ranged 5 77J
5 021, do- d at 15 871. bhort ribs-October
ripe led st $6 25, ranged $6 25
6 37J, i;!oed at $0 37; January
opened at 1 1 92, tanged 44 825 021,
closed at $5 ( 2
Afternoon i.'surrf. Pntk November,
$8 62; Jannary, $9 77. Lard No
vemher, $5 72 ; Janua'y, $5 87. Short
ribs October, $6 37; Novembrr,
$5 15; January, $5.
Cofpkk Common, 10c; ordinary,
lOlfaHl jc; prime Rio, 12J13c; choice
to fancy, 1314s; old government,
Hokf 3tic per pound.
Sai.t-$I 20 per barrel; sacks, fine,
$1 351 45; coaree, $1 10l 15; pock
ets, bleached, 2J.'aj7u; car-loads from
'evee or depot, 5c cheaper.
Candibs Hticks, all sizje, in boxes,
pails aud barrels, 7(')93.
Candlej Fall weight, Oe.
Canned ' Goods, Ktc Prices per
doz.'n: Pineapples, $1 25l 60;
peaches, 2-lb, standard, $1 15l 25 ; sec
ond', $11 10; tomatoes, 2-lb stand
ard, OO.fTi $1 3-lo,$l(-i)l 15; strawber
ries, $1 i)l 25 ; raspberries, $1 10
125; b'ackbnrrias, $11 10; green
gages, $1 60 1 75; pears, $2
2 25; plums, $1 0001 70; aspariioj,
$2 60(.?.4; green corn. Slrat .V; rAn
peas, $1 551 1; cove oysters, lull
weight, 1-lb, 8595c; cove oysters,
foil weight, 2-lb. $1 fioi go; cove
oyfcters, light weight, 1-1 b, 60c; cove
oyeters. light weight, 2-lb, $1; con
densed milk Crown, $5 605 75
Esg'e, $7 50(7 75; Daisy, $4 75.
Molasas Lonieana, common to
fair, 1825c; prime to choice, 3040c ;
svrup, 2t'40c; common to fair, 20(a)
25c: nrima to choice. 'M,,
ngal, fancy, 32(.T33i .
lOBAcco ujuimon, ll-inch, 27
28c: other imiIm and a'tloa t-...
- r . w, w.tDUi(
Snuff Barrett's, $10 85 per cise;
naipn s, iu per rae; xi. K . SO 25
10; Gail A Ax's, $8 75.
Spcur Purs white. fl(?c; off
white. 62rae!)c: vpllnw plAr.fia.l rAfA
6jc; open keitio, 661c; refined A,
jo; RrauuiRifu, oc; powaered, 71
o; cut loaf, 7J8c.
New York. Octnhr A rtnflaa
fa!r Rio nteailv! nntlnna rnf,19R nr;ia
higher and active: sales, 66,000 bags;
October, 9.359.40e; November, 9J
9 35c ; Decern ber, 9. 15 a 9. 30c ; January,
QlnrSOlR! Fvhrniirv H"il. M.nh
9.159Jc; April, 9.209 30c: May)
9 2O(a9l0. Sugar dull and nominal;
refined dull ! oranulateJ. Xlnlua.
sea dull and nominal. Rice Bteady,
moderately active and firm.
Api-les App'cs, $1 6IXS.2 50: dried
apples, il3ji) per pound from store.
una pacno, ij(r.i.jo irom store.
euetaui.es Outons. i.'l from
s or. CabbKge, $250: per bead. 8 10c :
$1 75 from levee or depot per crate.
Kwut, hrls, 5 (rtis 75 ; he If brls, $2 75
3. tiurlic, 40('f'60s per 10J. Turnips,
6t)n per bmbel.
iimiT Orancs, per box, $5: per
barrel, $9. lAiim ns, $6 5'.)7 per box.
Biinauae, $1 502 50 pur burnt).
Cocoanuts, J5 psr 100. Peanu's Vir
ginia, 7c; Tennesaje, faroior's ftock,
34c; roasted, 2i! higher; shelled
10c. Almonds, 1820c.
Kai-inr Itndon layers, $3 40; lay
ers, $2 75; Caliloroie, ; Imperial,
$3 504.
Pickles In jars, pinis, 95c; quatta,
$1 50 ; half-gailnns, $2 75 ; gallons,:! 75 ;
)ooe, bairels, $6 507; half-barrels,
$3 75: 4 ; mixed, barrels. $10 60 ; mixed,
half-barrels, $6.
Potatoes New, $1 25l 50; North
ern ftock, $1 752.
Cider New York, $6 507 porbar
rel, and $3 754 imr half-barrel. ,
Vineuar 1015c per gallon
Pecans Texas, 810c for small to
medium, 1014o for large; Aikamas,
Fisrt Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1,
$5 2P5 75 ; No. 2 $ 1 755 ; No. 3,t4 So
475; 10-lb kit, No. 1,90c; No. 2, 73c;
15 lb, No. 3, 65c. Dry herrings, .fam
ily, 25o per box.
Walnuts French, 12c; Nap),15c;
Grenoble, 15c. Filberts, 12o.
Gamb Game fish, ll(;M2c
Etius Firm, 1718c.
orioi hki monitors.
Iu cur load lots: Piime crude
cotton seed oil, new, 2830c; off
crude cotton Beed oil, old, 24
26o; prime summer yellow cot
ton seed oil, 3637c; off summer
yellow cotton seed oil, 3132c; min
ers' summer yellow cotton seed oil,
3335c; prime summer white cotton
seed oil, 35c; choice cooking yellow
cotton seed oil, 3740c ; prime cotton
seed meal, $14 5015; off cotton seed
meal, JISQH;
Baooinq Jute. 2 lbs, 8c: 1J lbs,
7Jn; 1 lbs, 7c. Fiax, 8 lbs, 0J.
Ties-$1 051 10.
Nail Common, $2 202 25; steel,
$2 35(2 50.
Powder Krgs, $4; half kega, $2 25;
q-arter kegs. $1 25.
(1 i lub washed, 3136a; grease
a- n) T! ,7."H- timrv arnnf 1'rrtllo
Sr. Louis. Mo., October 6. Wool
hc ive, strong and higher; medium
clothirg, 22i7c; omblnf, 2520c;
'o and craree, 14 a 22c- ti"e liglit, 20
C-;:5c; heavy, 1621c; 11 ck, 1724c.
Coal Oil Prime white, yJr 1 sale
lot-, llo per gallon.
PiTTsm-RQ, Pa, Oc'ober 6. I' t:o
lenni uiMive and firm; National liiinsit
cerniloet a opened at 63jc and clcs d
at O'Jj; bighe 1 66c; lowest, 63c.
Whisky Slia'ht Kentucky Bour
bon, $1 505; r"' isti I led goods from
85c it $1 50, according to proof; rye,
$1 758.
St. Lcuis, Mo., Oc obsr 6. Whisky
firm, $t 13.
Ciiicaoo, In,., 0:toher 6. Whisky
Steady, $1 18.
Cincinnati, O , Oct .ber 6. Whist y
active and firm;eah'8 of 1095 kaires
cf Mnishtil goods on a basis of $1 13,
Choico to extra corn fed cattle, none
received ; good, none received.
Grass Cattlb Choice, 313i;
good, 23Jc; fair to medium, 2
2Jo; scallawags, llc.
1 Iooa-Choice,414c ; good,3JW,4c j
common, 33c
fiiBip Choice, 33e; medium, 2
3c; common, $11 5t. Choice
lambs, per pound, 44c.
Kansas City, Mo., Octiber 6.
Tbe Liu Stek Indicator reports: Cattle
receipts, 2451 hind; shipments,
none; best grades weak and 610d
lower; cows and butchers' stuff a
shade lower; stockeri and feeders firm
and in good demand ; gaed to choice,
$44 50; caaimon to medians, $3 30
8 90; stockers, $2 2&2 75; feeders,
$IOS0; caws, $U820; grars
raagsBteeis, $2 263 2. Hogs re
ceipts, 40K6 head; shipments, 1827
head; the market wai steady; good
to choice, $4 05 ( 20; commoa to
medium, 43 804; gra:serj an4 pigi,
$2 7fi3 75. Shep receipts, 6.'!3
head; shipments, 55 head; muttons
firm, othtiia Bteaay; geod to choice,
$2 503; coaiuasa te medium, $1 10
2 25.
Ciiicaoo, III., Octeker 6. The
D overt' Jmrnal remuM: (Mile re
lents, 11 000 head; shipments, 20CO
tea I ; market slow and 10'.'0c lower,
sloping steers, 050 to 1500 lb',
i.j iioiojo jo; seekers and teener?,
9.2 15rWL' 40 ' Town, htilta ami mixed.
$1 753 15; bnlr, $2 402 65 : through
rexB ran e-cows, I22U(2 .() ; steer,
2 603 40. Western ranterjmirket
l(l15c lawer; natives and ha'f-hreeds,
$2 903 90; cows, $2 502 80,
winteind Temna. t'l RYa3 411. Ilucrs
rereipts, 18,000 heid; ihipmenti,
nnr 1 1. .-l.-i .1 l : 1A
uuu iitai; maraui, mow ciuHuig iu
l5c lower; rough and mixed, $3504
4 15; packing and shipping, $4 15
40: light weight;, $3 50(f)4 35;skirs,
$2 203 40. Sheep receintK, 6000
bead; ahipmonK 1000 bond; market
Bteady, cloning 10ia;20c nfl; natives,
$2 2"ta;4 30; Westeru, $:l 403 75;
Texans, $2 253 10; lambs, $) 60
4 75.
New Yoiik, October 6. Ttie market
has been more qniot in general de
mand because of tbe very nominal
soppliot of cotton fabrics and wool
specialties, with the tendency of prices
upward. Agents have advanced tbe
price of balei of crochet qallti 6o
Tiatoarilla CHRSinmr, 5
Friar Point...... J aim Lm,5 a.m.
ArkiniMOity ..Kats Adahb, 6 a.m.
Virkburg. Asiaxsas Citt, 10.m.
Oxwola.. Coahoma, S p.m.
St. Louli........CiTror Ciiao, 10 a.m.
Whit Hirer Alkrta Na. 3, 6 p.m.
Concordia Oatsko, S p.m.
Atriralt James Iee, Friars Point;
Chioka-aw, White river; Coahoma,
Osceola; Belle Memohis, St. Louis.
Departure Bella Memphis, Vicks
burg; James Lee, Fr are Point; Chick
asaw, White river ; Coahoma, Osceola.
Boat in Port Chesapeake.
Z'oo Due Dovm, City of Baton
Boati Due fp. Kate AdamB and
D. li. Powell.
Kccelpla Tatrday.
Chickacaw brought out of White
river 802 bales cotton, 10ti3ska siod
and 80 pkgs sundries.
Belle Memphis 100 Ions merchan
dise. Coahoma 258 bales cotton, 52 bags
seed cotton, 2224 sks seed and 21 pkgs
James Lee 149 biles cot'on, 19
bags seed cotton, 859 tM seed, 4 bead
cstt'e and 5 pkgs tundrier.
TuaGayoso, dpt. A. I.. Cumnnns,
Is tbe b'atnrday packet for Concordia.
Ths Alburta No 3, Capt. A. li.
Smith, is the Saturday packet for
White river.
Tim Lee Lino packets tomorrow
evening are the James Lee for Friars
Point aud the Coahoma lor Osceola.
Tim Anchor Line pirke's tomorrow
morning are the Aikaueis City for
V.ck.-burg aud the City of Cairo for
Bt. Louis.
Tub Cheenpeake, Capt. W. P. Hall,
is the packet thin evening at I
Oi'ircz lor iia'ee i'oint, iiptonvills
aud all way poin'p. 0l. J. p. Ful
ler h i ha'rfo of hr ollUie, assieled by
r-oba Feildi and B. O. Mitchell.
The Kate Adnme, Cap!. Maik R.
Cheek, having bten unavoidably de
taiueJ, will arrive this evening and
leates again tomorrow evening at $
o'clock for Helena, Atknneas City and
all way landings. W. C. Blanker hat
cbarge of her olllcs, assisted by Amos
Day and Morris Uans.
. BuaiNJsj biisk,
Weatheh clear snd warm.
The Chesapeake resumes ber place
in the Tiptonville trade today.
Tin Lee Line packets were In and
out jesterday with g:od trips.
Tin river here stands 5 feet 8 tenths
on the gauge, a ties of 2 tjnths the list
24 hour.
Ricmi'TS by river yesterday, 1183
bales of cotton, 71 bags cf aeed cotton
and 4146 sacks of seod.
The Belle Memphis parsed down
yesterday morning for Vicksburg. She
i) if charged here 100 tocecf height aud
added CO tons.
The Chickasaw arrived yesterday
morning from White r.vcr'with 776
bides of cotton, 1063 tackn of seed and
80 packages of sundries, bhereehlpped
at Terrene for New Orleans 36 bales of
cotton, and returned las, evening with
a gnd trip.
Natchez Democrat : When the new
wherf is completed the old wharfboat
will be scuttled and Bunk tome place
about the city front, where It will do
ttio most good, I. e., where it will be
calculated to stop theciving of the
river bank.
The Bt. Louis O lobe-Democrat ol
Tuesday says: The fatuous Helens,
after a moat successful excursion soa
Eon, is loading under "Anchor" aur
pices, at the foot of Ma ket street, and
goes cut tomorrow evening for New
Orleans. Cat t. Alf Grissom com
mands. Ths CIibb. P. Ctuiuteau, Capt.
Wm. II. Thorwegen, follows next
Mond iy at 5 o'clcck p. in,
The Steamboat Ollicew' Protective
A' social ion of Pittsburg 1. us ptid in
six ars to familiis of deceased mem
bers $12,4:':.'; to members dirablfdby
accident, $213; making a total of
$I2,6?5. Of this $1555 was paid ont
of tu'i hiB in the treasury, while tbe
balance, $S080, was made np by as
8 ssiuent on members. Number of
deceased members, nineteen.
L-u svble Courier-Journal: Some of
the St. Louis merchants l ave ttarteda
movement looking to the establish
ment ol a line of steamers between
that plflCJ and Cumberland river, and
negotiations are now pending with the
Evaiiiville, Puducah and Tennessee
Kiver Packet Company to take hold of
the trade, the organizers agreeing to
assume all losses for two years, if tbe
company will place two boats in the
trade. This move will be a bard blow
to Cincinnati, Louisville and Nash
ville, which cities have enjoyed the
largest' part of the trade for many
Office Bkinai Skbvick, U. 8. A., 1.
MsMi'ins, October 6, 1 p.M.
Tbe following observations are taken
at a I s'ations named at 75 meridian
time, which is one hour faster thaa
Memphis time
Ab've Ljw
Water. Change.
Rise Fall
Feet. lOths lOths lOlhs
7 0 3
1 8
8 8 4 -
3 5
5 6 1
2 4 1
3 -
6 1 i2
4 ti 2
5 8 3
2 8 3
4 2
5 M 2
1 9 1
"a "2 "
"7 4"" '.'.'.'.Z
2 5
4 7 1
3 8 1
Chattanooga ...
Fort bmilh.....
La Croesa
Itt'e Rock....
New Orleans..
St. Imis
St. Paul
Sbrevoport ....
Ilanaer Mne Feat and Isntbi of a hot
ab.T lero of tuna:
Cairn, 40 (net. ChiiUarjooa, S foot.
Cincinnati,. r0. Davenport, Ifi.
Iiulmqiie, lii. fort Huiith, 21.
Keokuk, 14. Jlelena,
Larrns-o, -1. Leavenworth, 2S.
Little Rook, 21. l.onifvillo, 2o.
Momeliii M. ttv Orloiinn, 13.2.
Na.hville, 4. Pitt-uura, '1.
Omaha, IS. 8t. I'nul.7.
Ht. Louii. .12 Vioknbur(,41.
bhrevoiiurt, iS. Yankton, U.
PiTTBBDRM, Pa., October 6. Noon
River 5 feet 5 Incht s on tbe gauge and
B'ationary. Weather clear.
Cincinnati, O., October 6. Noon
River 8 feet 9 inches on the gauge and
rising. Weather clear; thermometer
Wbiiliho, W. Va., October 6.
Noon Kiver 3 feet 3 inchei on the
gauge and falling. Weather clear and
Locistilli, Kv., October 6. Noon
River 4 feet 3 inches in the canal and
2 feet 1 inch on the falls sad rising.
Biwinese fair. Weather clear and cool.
Cairo, lLL.,Octoer6. Noon Rmr
7 feet 5 inches on the gnugeand rising.
Weather clear and coo. Arrived: Port
Kadsand barges, NewOrleans, 11 p.m. ;
Ironsides and barges, New Orleans, 11
p m. No depaitures of regular pack
-The learner KATBADAMShavinit been
unavnidably detained, will not arrive ia
time to leave tbii evening, but will leave at
5 p.m. e KIDAY. Oct. 8th, for Arkanea City
ana all way landieai.
K. WALWORTH, Agent, 4 Madlunn nt.
. Lonla aail New orleaai larhoi
City ol Cairo, TSX
Llihtner ...muter, alii MiiVkiidi
..in ' u r.iavor iniUAl, October
H i li -,o' or,,re"shi or puiiaae apply
Sit. Lonla Mint New ttrlraaa Aairkor
Afc"3 City, fzxt
Will Iat th JlUrator FRIDAY, Uotobar
Utk tr.. 4 : u ' . . i
inn. ai. iu ..ui, iu irviKn vr pwisn ftPBlT
O. L. Hti.i.. I'm. Ae't. ADHToKM. Ar't.
Sil. I.onia aail w ttrlrana Arrltnr
l.lue-l .IS flail KUR NEW ORLKANS.
City of Baton Rouge affp,
R. J. Whitledire... mauler, eAiViXCTa
Will loave the Klevivtor W HDNKHDAV. Oct.
Hth, at It a.m. For freiskt or ranae apply
II. f. II m i. , I'm. Agt. Al STPHM. Sun'i.
For Oaeeola, llalea Point, rruthcrvil'e.
()reio and Tiptonville Ike new aide
wkerl paiNenirer iteatrer
i ill in A vv.i uv. -rr-js
W. P. Hall matter. I J. D. Fuller.;...ol rk
Will leave a above, and all war I'nintl,
Etrralila,rrlr Vctne ruiI ItlMniiUla
find OuoeiolH) lajli i Ooinpnny,
Tor Helena, Ulendale, Krioi Point and at
Way Laneleii-titaamar
Tames lice, i2KA
B. T. CLAETT "MaVler.
Will le.ve aiab. v. on KVKRY MONDAY.
VTIDNRtiDAY ana JlRlDAY atfto'elook.
For Randolph, Fallon, Onceote an V ay
aad FRIDAY at & p.m. The boati ol thl
line reierve the riiht to peel all landiuse
the etptaia may deem aniam, (itBre, No. 4
M.dl.nn it. .1 A VI B l.lilQa , Xnp't.
Arkansas ltlTer Pk't Co.
B. B. Smith maitnr, Si;
Leavet Memr hie Kvery JU ItSDAY, at 6 p.
u. u. uiw a, Agent,
OWoe, No B Medlinn it. Telephone No.
Meinpliis and Vicksburg Packet Cose
pan U. 8. flail Line.
Tor Ilelena, Coneordla, Terrene and Arkan
u !ltv The elerant paxenger etaamar
M. K. Chek...maiter I W. 0. Blanker ...clerk
lvei Meniohli
For Concordia and ell wylandind.
The KUaiuer
A. L. Cammlnn, Mne:'rJ Lew Price. .....C.erk
Leaves TU K-DAY aid SATURDAY at p.s
For general inlormatloa apply at
No. t Madnen Itreet.
JOHN ftHB. Pan'r Anent. Telephone
The Ht. Francis River Traasnortatloi
Co. ' Flat Hide-W hoel U. ti. Mail Bteamal
Jld rosier, jlcS.
0. K. Joplln maiter,
at 5 o'elook, for Marlanna, the Cnt-OIT, aad
Intermedial landing! on St. Franeii river.
The eaptaln reiervei the right to pan al
landlngi he daomi nniafe. JA8. LEK, Jr.,
SnnAplTttfnrlMne. OSVe. Vo. 4 Mldiion ft.
Memihi8& White Hirer 1'kt.Co
Var Inrrndon, Dfivnlla ninlt,,
Arc, Angnita, riearcy. Newport, Jaokion-
Snrt. llateiville and all Way Landing!,
Til. CHICKASAW, P..,lcLl.
K. 0. Poital maiter, ' 1 T,rtm'
Will leave KVKRY WKDNKSDAY atS P.m.
Sir. ALBEUTA"KO. U, rft
Albert B. Smith mauler. 11 1 "
Will leave KVliKY SAlBRDAY at S p.m.
Through ratoa given tn all pointi. Freight
eonaigneil to the Men yhli and While River
Packet Co., at Memphii or Terrene, will be
forwarded promptly. For general informa
tion apply at office, No. II Mailition at., orl
Call Telephone V2. It. O. LOWK, Ag't.
! yon Coiidh, Pronohltln, AithnirV Tndlfinrtlonl Ul
'ARKIR'I TONIU wiiium- atony. iu cth
lany of tliu wot-Nt n.n Mini In tlin int rftnrily rr
jivruoiiRor in inrnnLmiti inn
mm (iu i hi r IiIikxI aik! shiuiMtl
TrrUoiiiof th thrnlit taint InriirM. ftlut (1lKiAnig t.t H
mm I in i hi r lit.wxl avihI ttt hkUiMlion. Tlittfwlilf Kill I lol
liiiirirlliiar awkltieit itiauuiitM. mini fllrtwlv i
ravo.wlHiii nuiitiafM(Si'tHiivtrthtvlr hnrtlth by lltetlmn
iiiiiiMir to m
Of rAAKKR'ft TtiHIt', ItUt ltlT i cUf IKfrollN. TrlkJ
I ti ttie. ('iitm whfn ftll fin ftvlii. liiri nit w lift Hfl
ftmgUi to lit AfW antUunrm. $l t 1 nitf niU.
Copartnership Notice.
HE underalgned hire formed a copart
nerihle. datin. from the H'h initant.
nnd.v th. arm name aad atvle of DK AN A
LILLY, for the purpoae of conducting a
Wholenale coffee, Tea and hplce buiineil at
2ir Mna atreet, Lee 11 lock, Memphia, Tenn.
The buline-l will be conducted at 191 Poplar
atreet until the machinery aud II tarei at
tbe new itand are completed. . ..
, September 'X, TaVM.
WiM.ria Vmiw.
Jo Lillt.
Coffee Roasters,
205 Main St. (Lee Block)
WtJoiHIilly rrotitnfn4
tur i tha tAt rme.lf
bkrjtm to N toUjMTaVr
aU. mmii ia iimi UH U
oat given Mlwlfc-rica.
AleeU A Lkk,
iiuiIko. . r,
WE, the undereigned, having bought tha
entire buaineae of manufacturing
Furniture, Mattrunei, Awningi, Tonta, etc.,
Irmu llonry Buttenberg. would rcmieotlully
eik a ihare ol jour patronage, knowing full
well tliat, rmu long eipf nonce, we can and
will give intire atiefaction to all work en
truileil to ui. Wo will be ready at all timee
to furniah Awninge, TanU. Paulina and all
kinda nf cnva work ! make all k indi of firat
olaia Mattrewei; repair, vermin and make
all kinde of Furniture; reupholster Parlor
Suiti. end deliver gooda free of cha-ge. Car
iicti ronovattd in the true Penian ityle. All
work done promptly end at living prioea.
W. lliiilnlTtr 'e.,MI eieconil.
To Real ttate OwDers and Affeott.
LJARTIK' having aldewalka to put dpwa
JT will and it to their lntereat to apply to
W. B. LOCKKY, SJ Madiaon, or ehop. Me.
Second. Contractor for Stewart! Graoa
llhlo Faremeata.
f l TO Tp'iTllXj
jrOmriDlMe M l
MiM MBMttirtaian.
MM ml; by the
wkaEfiniOimlMl fla
Y (MaolunaU.at'Hai
' 1 1

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