MEMPHIS APPEAL. SlXRn.lTT7" OCT." 80. 1880. demockath: TICKET. I0K 0 0 V&kSOR, 10BEKT L. TATLOH. ef Weahlngton. FOR COSailKSS, JAMES PI1ELAS. of Phtlby. lEOKLATIVh' HCKE1. HENRY J. LTNN. J. D. MONTEDOKICO. W. R. HARB.KLL. KALI' II DAVIS. J. W. ALLBN. yf. L. CLAPP. R. A. ODLUM. PiBHIB AND I'OWLKEH.- The contest between J. N. Turker cd H. L. Fowlkea, of Dyer'county, ia prftini? considerable interest. We cannot understand how any Datno crat can hesitate as to Lis duty on TueuJay next. It ia true that Mr. Towtkea is a good citizen and has fcien a (run end reliable Deuitcrat, but in this contest he ia a baiter, and pla'jii himtelf in the position of a die- omanlx r who la lending himse'J to H.eR'pnUicaaa to defeat tin Demo rtic nominef. and t3 a'rike down tho crcuni ton of. his party. Mr, "P riti T. the D:-mosiatic nominee Lr the Lfffislaturo, is a c;t.ou of Dytrs- bnrtf, a woithy young man, a true Pemocrat, and a grpduati of Lebanon Collide end Law School. Tlie 1 mo ara'ic Convention held at Dyersljurg nominated him ov?r three other aspi ranta, Mr. Fowlkta biing one of the three. But, in utter dmrfgard of Daily ueajzea, Mr. Fowlkta aniiourjcta hinisolf an independent candidate, He wa? a member of the body which deeided whether candidates should be aelectcd by a convention or primary election, and voted for'a convention every time, and now that be was de feated by the methods of his own clioosinn by a convention whieh he preferred to a primary election he an nonnces himself an independent can di late, and every vote he receives is a vote for Mr. St. Clair, tho Republican candidate. Vr. Fowlkea ia. there fore, seeking the election of Republic in and the defeat of the Pemocratio nominee Demo- grata, let no such reareanoy to party obligationa be successful. Yon bonld realize before it ia too late that every vote cast for Fowlkes aids St. Clair. Maintain your organization, and on Tuesday next crush the Re publican candidate and defeat the bolter, who ia a mare tool of the Re publicans. If ambitious, selfish Dem ocrats, who for some reason fail to ware a nomination from a Demo sratio convention, can secure Demo , eratic votea as bolters, then party or ganisation ia a farce and a mockery, in open enemy ia much to be pre ferred to a faithless friend, aad true Democrats should see to it on TucnUy next that St. Clair nhall not be elected by the votea cast tor Fowlkes. THE WAR SPIRIT IU ECHOPE. The lire of war t ill smoulders in Europe. France continues to growl about Eng'atid'a occupation of Egypt. Kiieiia and Turkey back its policy in that respect. Turkey has become the creature and tool of Russia. It owes that country a vast sum as indemnity for the laat war, and it is understood that Ruuia, which haa for some time bi'en priBing payment, has become an obliging and conceding creditor, beside promising other favors, aa the price of Turkey's obedience to its wishes. Its services in Bulgaria are now at Racsian command, and al though the eucraln of that country, it is the complaiaant friend and ob sequious ally of Bulgaria's bitter enemy. That Russia should send its wanhlps to Varna, a Bulgarian pott pon the Black sea, shows with hat todacity that power ia braving the sentiment of all Europe, especially ai the intention is expressod of occupy ing the city with 400 soldiers on a pre tense of protecliug its own subjects there. Russia sends its emiaiarles. They break the law by , en deavoring to induce the people to rise against the government. When they are arretted as foreigners en gaged in promoting tumult, Ruralan I alp and soldiers are sent te "pro tect" . Russian subjects, Never wai the labia of the wolf and the lamb better exemplified. When R'issia threatens to bombard Varna, aa it has done, it lcoka aa it a crisis was at band. Hungary, England and Italy are on tbe side of Bulgaria, so is Aus tria if it cannot advance ita interests in other ways, but Germany makes no sign, while France ia aacumlng a position disgraceful to a f'ee Republic. The goveranieut of Bulgaria, in the meantime, holding close tj law and conetitution, watching carefully lor the reservation of Bulgarian independ r.c, calmly, steadily and firmly per . forms tho mouuntoui duties now de volving upon it. OBVAH AID HALMKHN. In the Second Miaiiaeippi Congres sional Piltrkt Gen. Chalmers is mak ing a vigorous canvast fighting with tbat desperation which deepair al ways inspires. lie met bis Gravelctte two ean aeo, and knowing defeat in this contest will be bis political Be dan re ii madly rushing on his fate. Soeh diabolism as was practiced apon the (ax paying people of Mississippi, by the very men ar.d party whose vot s Gen. Chalmers now relies on for an election, ia without a paiallul tha history of tbe siviiii'.d world. The borrow cf the wr were ne thing com pared with the agonies of that lul perio.l. But the noble D emocracy cf yieaisaippi quailed not uudtr tie terrible it fl.rXion. Siictaired by the conv'c'.ion firmly Innhntf d n their n,ind3 thut this lior rible tlate of af fairs c;old nit latt; tlut ctrpetl ag gers, barbnri'm nid ignorance could not lorg rcb and domintte our vi tua, te Tgecie aud putiiolism; tliBt a day of deliverance would sorely come with sublime patience and heroic en durance they calmly bided their time waited, and they did cot have to wait long. ' The Democracy of Missis sippi determined to rescue the r-.ate and the peop'e ruled by thieves ana ignoiant negroes. Deliverance came, aud no two men in Mitairaippi con tributed bo much to the overt! row o! the Radical party, stifl d by the a'ench and fl th of its own foul rcttennes, as Gin. Jhui6 R. Chalmers ai d the Hon Janios Briitht Morgan, lhey tcok the stump, canvassed the Htat?, and were the cherithed ido's of the people tbev hid reetued from ruin and an- n by. Cbalmera waa elected to Con eresn. and Morgan remained a private citian. But both rejoiced in the wonderfal change, the marvelous ad vancement of tbeir State in all the elements tbat go to nuke up a great and nruaoerous commonwealth. In j . his contest for a second election Chal mers "pointed with pride" to the fact tbat since tbe Stats of Miesiflf ippi had been ruled by Democrats, with firm and steady tread (he was still march ing onward and upward toward I giand future cf illimitable pcsiihilities. In 1880 he whibked through the Sla'.e of Maine like a fiery come', to'd the cooo'e that thr re wts "a free ballot aad fair count" in Mississippi nd that the teople were peaceful, happy and prosierouB. But in 1882 Chalmers was defeated for Congress, and because tbe Democratic majority in Congress, ii lluenced by tbe tragic eloquence of W. R. Moore, who, "in the name of the civilization of the niaeteenth century," protested against such a fraud tiking a seat we say because the Democratic party woa'd not give him tbe seat he sought to steal from the negro who was elected he severs bis former relatione to the Democrats and allies himself with the party and the men be denounced as robbers and plunderers, and was elected to Congress by their votes, In the meantime Judge Morgan was a private citizen, faithful to the party tbat redeemed Mississippi from cor ruption and mlamle and made the BUte peaceful and prosperous. Two Years aso he was called from the seclusion of private life. He and Chal mers caavassed the district, made flf'y speeches in joint debate, and Morgan I was eleoted by a aaajority of 4000 votea. Of ccurje Obalmeis suid lie wai electee by fiaud, and would have cheated him ol his seat, net as he cheated his negro competitor ont his seat in the shoestriag district Bat, as Judge Morgan deleate 1 Gen Chalmers by a majority of 4000 two years ago, hia majority on Tuesday next ought to be much larger, lor no man in Congress has served his con stituents S3 faithfully, emciently ana Btifactorlly as J. B. Morjjan. He tree to hinisolt and the Democratic party, which rescued the people of Mississippi from the robbery, the cruel oppieasion of Repub lican tornnnlora and persecutors, to whom Chalmers looks (or support. The white Democratic tax-paying people of the Second Miouieslppi Con gressional District have long memo ries, aad they recollect wilh vivid dis tinctness, the party which has -made Gen. Chalmers i'B candidate, and they will vote for Judge Morgan. If anch a man faithful to his party, ef ficient as a Representative in Con gressshould be defeated through negligence, through apa'hy, through anything, it would be a calamity to the district aad the whole country. Duty to principle, to good govern ment, to (he National Democracy, de mands with a sacredneBS and sol emnity that admits of no hesitation or equivocation, that J. B. Morgan be elected to the Fiftieth Congress ef the United States on Tuesday next. BOB AND ALF T06KT1IKB IsraoiAbTO TBS APMAL.I RiflBBHViLi.a. Tbnn.. October 29. Alf and Bob discnased bere today Da- fore an audience of 1200 voters, at- moat eauallv divided. DOTS and darkles, tbe majority Republicans. making a f usa for the crowd and the disorder waa on a par with Maryvllle and Damlrldge, and worse, causing Bob to clone bis speech before be got through, much to the chagrin of the considerate of both parties. Alf bad rested and was much Inv DTuved DhvBicillv. but he had evi dently been under the tutelage of bis snpplanler, Roderick Batler, causing him te appear heated and in anger, assailing a private individual not in the race, calling him a magnifi cent liar. All led in the de bate and had fine attention from all. bnt Bob was frequently in terrupted by boys and inconsiderate Republicans. Damp and cold weather made it extremely el eaareeab'.e. Dem ocrats were bold and enthusiastic, while Alf and his whole following seemed te be smarting from inevitable defeat atarios them in the face, and the people were aatnulsked to see Alf cheek by jowl with Butler, in view of tbe former rivalry and bitterness mutually felt and expressed, and peo ple wonder why, Alf allows hlmee (f to De entrapped and entertained or uod erick to subserve Butler's individ ual aims. It will tell on Alf Look for a fa'l and increased Democratic vote from East Tennetaee, t they are fully aroused and working Hob will come over the moun'aioa with the biggest Democratic vote ever given to any candidate in Tennessee, CUATfANOOtU, TE5N. Aeeidftittal S)hl- Klde. Perka-M laraoiAL to tbi afpbal-I Cuattahooqa, Trnn., October 29. A yoang man named Mike Moore met wan a terrible accident lest rigtt, which may causa his death. While walking on the street he stumbled and fell, which canaed a revolver in bis p. cket to explode. The bullet entered hiB abdomen, iuliciing a mortal wound. A eeclion foreman of the Nashville road, named l I). Mcltride, was struck by a tiaiu in the outskirla e iIih rity today, and instantly killed Koine believe ho wanted to die and stood in Iront ol the train as a means of committing sulc-de, MEMPHIS DAILY AITEAL SATURDAY, TIIE FOURTH DAY'S RACES OVER THE MEWrH.3 J0CKET CLCB COURSE. Uood Weather, a Fair Atteadauce, Hauy Horaeg in the Held aud Helling Free and H'utj. The fourth day of; the fall meet ing of the Jockey Club was a Buccess so far ai weather and attend ince waa csLcerntd, but was a slight diBsp pointmcnt to tbe:e who went cut with the expetta'ion of witneas ng several (iood races. Oaly two of tbe reces were well eonleited. The Unit, one mile and half a furlong, had ten start ers, and it wis ran for all tbe horses were worth. Tbe second was drawn, owing to the failure cf Rose to s'art, and the conditions requiring three starters. The third bad four en- t'ies, all of which had corns backer, first Emma Manley and then Damman being the favorites. The fourth, in which Sir Joseph and Ilopedale con. tested, was the dullest rice of the sces jn, as Sir Joseph h id it all his own way. PI 6 NT BACK. For this event there wero (en atart ers. Petticoat, Puil Lewia, Probua, Jim Nave. Dawn of Dy, Fronie Louis", Bnb Swiinin, Lsroy, "Watch 'Em and Monarch. Pettieost was fa vorite till nearly time for tbe siart, when B b Swimm web bringing mait money In the pools. Considerable time waa loet in stsrt'ng. When the word was given tho horses were wall together. PeticOit and Down cf Day roon got a sl'ght lead, which they held till near the foot of the hill, when B b Kwimm was even wltl thorn. The wtinle lot earns int the homestretch well togettier, and four of them well to tbe Iront till the fiuieh, when Petti coat was first, Watch 'Em aeeond, Fronie Louine third, the balance close behind, except Dawn of Day, who had broken or been cut down near the head (if the stretch, where ehe was left. Pet'icoat sold under conditions of the race, was taknn by her owner at tbe selling price, $ 1300. SRCOND RACE. .Fi'ri Heat. There were four start ers Fflie H., Dauaman, War Sign and Emma Mauley. Fcr tome time tbe latter wai the favorite, but jUBt before the atari Uauxman tied become popu lar, it having been given outthat hia owners had 13500 on him, and aime taking bim because he bad light weixtit and a good jockey. At the stait Ellis II. and Emma Manley had just a little the best of it, on even terms, and -Daysman and Ellis 11. to gether and nearly even with the lead ers. They ran In pairs till the third Quarter, when they were in a bunch. Coming down the homestretch they all woiked well, end tbe whip was viaoiously applied to throe of them. Daueman finished fire t, by about half a lergih; title li. second, and Manley tuird. Hecond Heat. Dausman was still fa voiiie, although there were many who doubted whether tie would hold our, some saying Emma Manley won't outlant him, and others thinking ElOe H. would bo belter in the second heat. They eoon got a good fcUrt and made a rapid rare, nnistung wen toaretner; Dauemau nrd, Manley second, tune ii third. TIU HI) RACE. Warrenton had boen withdrawn and Sir Joseph and II iftdale were to make the race, if it could have been so called. The bookmakers didn't want to bet anything against Sir Jcsnph, but a few of them kindly put up 1 rgaiost 12, and a'l were paying as much s0 to 1 against Ilopedale. i he two hoiBis went up to the hend of the Quarter BUe'cti and were given tne worl on the first attempt. They came paet the a'and very near together, Sir Joeoph with a si ght lead, which he increased to several lengttis Doiore reachins tha half mile. On the third nuarter Sir Joseph took it easy, and Uopedale came u.) so near that they turned into the straight nearly even. Sir Joseph retained a slight lead to tbe nmsb, winning very easily. Summary. New Memphis Jockey Club grounds, Friday. October 29, 1880. Fonrth day of the fall meeting. Judatt. Mesws. Overton, William son aud Brown for first race. Meters. Overton and Cochran and Senator Harria for others. Tinner: Yf, R. Brannon and A. D Gibson. arfer. D. W. Woodruff, of New Orleans. FIRST RACB. Bellini. Part, WQ, of which W to - end; tboi cnUrtd lor JW, waiiht lor ire; llowanMi. 1 Dound for aaoh 1100 to I1J00. Jpoindi foreoh 100too00,3 poundi (or OD.lUV 1SII. LmMn Broi.' b f Pittltoat (99) Alarm-Ladv Bt-Arhrnuffh... 7tt 0 7DW.I ..... ..Wlllntmi X. u. BMTont t b i Wktoh 'in 11. 81 (IT). 4 r, HAUon-Wblijit ..Jo Niok Btokor'i b f Front Louiu UH), S Mri, Oikrk-Lotli Moon..... Coopor PawdM HUbl.'l br h Phil Uwl (US), jmti. liiwtk Binm Smith Bodon A. B. Onodwin'i b i Probui (90). S Mara. nnfon IiODi How-Llnit llajdan Warwick 0 Wm. Malkfy'i b t Jim Mara W), 4 jfeari, Lucifer-Uinier Pop.,.,. Freeman 0 B.L. Oarmicbael'i br mPawn of Day (101). 4 yeari, Oiark-Lotti Moon Uenlfea t Brannon k llroi ' b ir Bob Swim (Wl, aied, Hrifand Kitt? higbt Oorlngton 0 0. 11 Brankett'i b a Leroy (W), 5 yean, A I- lan Plnkarton-Sour Heart Taral 0 N. Armitrnni't oh g Monarch (S3), aied, Monarohial-Kitk . Morgan 0 Xira-1:MH. Poit Mh.-Pattlookt. X ll Phil Lewii, -l! Probun, 10-1 1 Jim Nare, 7-1; Sawn of Day, 5-1 1 Froiia Lnoise, H I; Bob Kwim, 7-6: Leroy. SO-l; Watch 'Km, 10-1) Moo arch, Ml. 6K0OND RACE. Llrerr and Bala Stable' pnra, 1400, of which 1100 to leoond; fre handicap. Mil heal. Ueo.Denonli'i oh g Paotman (fW.S'yean, Vrille-Carri Watton Covintton 1 1 flray k Oo'a. oh m Rmma Manley (. 6 yean, Bt. Maitln-Cloely Jopaon (John ion) 1 1 0. T. Armalrong' b m Efli II. (9S), aged, I'at Malloy-l'enelone Oooeer t 9 Wm. Malkey'i ch h War Bign (UK)), 6 yara, War Dane-Louie Taral 0 0 Tim-1:47, IM. Poil ()(M.-K(ti II., S-l; Daniiman, S-J; War81gn,5 1; Krama Maaley, 7-6. THIRD RACB. Oayon Motel Bwpitaka. d00. For all ajrem l0ech; half forfeit; HM) ti aeoond; wmnera of a nUke race thia year of th Talu of l(lX),5 pounda extra; two or moreatakea. Ill pounda i hor.ei that hay run and not won thia year, allowed 7 pound: maiden, 8 and 4 yaar old, a lowed 7 pound) 5 year and upward, 10 poundi. On mil and a quarter. D. T. Pulaifer'i ah o Sir Joneph (11V), 3 year, l)k ncl-Hiie Linwood Mono 1 n, Armrtrnng'a bg Ilopedale (lift), 4 year, llurrah-Bilenca Jon 1 Time 2:iriS. Poil OiVii. Sir Joseph, 1-12; TJoptdal. e-l. Nolra. Rxcrswill bo cslltd at 2 o'clock sharp. Startbb Woodbitk ia lucceeding admiiably with 1; is d.flicult task. With six races this day's programme pin uid draw a Iiukh crowd, aa it will be the laet day of the races. All classes bf olll e hold-r, from United K at' a Senator to district con- stable, were on nand, and all seemed happy. Caft. 8am Bbow.v, whore stable has made ro great a reputation, is as healthy and happy lookiog a man as can be found. Thkrb were a great many ladies at the clul lion'e and many prelty ruro onte. The strive would he delightful if the dnat was not so plentiful. This ii tbe eec nd winter in Mem phis for Mr. Gray, of Gray & Co. He is considered one of the rea'ly hor.cst and earnest men in the ra.e buRino.v), and there ae alwavs w&ny whobst ou hia entries. At least ten st&blei will winter at the Memphis track. These are Ed and Pat CorriganV, Gray & Co.'s, Le masneyJBrcs.', Pat Donoven's, Ketch urn's, Pu'sifer'a, Avis's, W. Gratz'a, Mike Wesh'p. Tin match race between Katie A. and Faster is talked about considera bly, and many people wonder why Faster'a owner made snch an agree ment: Distance, three-quarters; Weight), 107 pounds. Tai.KQRAMS at the trfck yeterdey announced that a winter meeting would be held at New Orleans. Some rare men Bay tbat winter meetings at New Orleans and eummer meetings at Brighton Boacb are very much elike. Campbeu. 4 Fkston bought Daus- man yettaiday for $1500. They won $3500 in bets, and he won tha purse for which he aiarted yesterday. A good day's work for the firm. He was bought from George l;nal, ot or. Louis, who bought tiim this Bummer from r-ara Ecker, for $150. Kntrleaaud I'ooU fer Today . Firtt Race. Seven-eighths of a mi'c. Tonv Pastor flltt). !): Lisland (112). $2; Phil Lewin (i)8J. $0; Utiy (101), $5: Probns (101). $H; Bob Bwimm (103), f'J; Ligan (!)7), $25. (Second Ance. M;itun i"r VMU. tlirea- quarters of a mile. Katie A. (107), $30; at,ter (107), I lard liace. ltirfe-quarters ot a mile. No pooIb sold. Kife (102), Tznra (9!)), Paisitun (102), Florimore Four in liace. Hire ana a six teenth. Finality (t8), $15; Portt-r Ashe (102). $13: II flavtit (10S), 20; Sis llimynr (03), 10; Hat ie Carlisle 70 , fH; liarban !) , $7 ; L,utie fliin- nie (95), $13; Gov. lUti (75), $2; Mona (101 ),.'&. Fifth Race. Beven-eighths ot a mile Little Joe (105) $20; (Jluuila Brannon 95), 5; i)akof (Ja-inaugUt (!)o), jo; lim 'ave(105), f5;Monaich (100),$5, Sixth Ract. tiiteplechaBe, mile and three-quarters. H p King (140), $S; Aureimn t I4i). i. ascoii inaj, io; Judge iSnrnett (1 Jo ),-'. Mntlonal Jochf-y 11 ob Bacfi. WasnrKoroN, O.itober 29. National Jockey tunb recta: Ftrtt Race. Oae mile. Urann Wara won by two lengths; Gleaner second, Iristi l'at third, time 1 :li. Sicond Race Hxndicap, mile and a quarter. Greenfield won by a neck; Richmond second, Bonnie Prince third. Time 2:111. Third Race. Hie Capitol st kes, for two Tear olds : eevon-eiKhtns ol a mile, Connemara won by four leng'hs; Urieat'e second, Laredo third. Time 1:311. Fourth Racem'e and an eigfc'n Baruum won by two lengths; Lizz'e Dwyer eecoud, Bigonet third. Time -2:30 Fifth Race. One mila.TFeirasus won bv fouMouathe; Banner Bearer B'.c ond. Mamie llugan third. Time 45. S"i'.r(t Race Handicap steeplechase Wellington win by a short length; Jack second, Will lUvis third lime 1 :30. Otmonde'a ilrnt Bccord. Londos, October 20. Tha private sween.t-ikea of 1000 aovereiiins each, half in teit, arranged to take place at the Newmarket Hi ughton meeting, proved a failure. 1 be Duke of WeBt- mineter's thiee year old colt Ormnnde was tbe only hoise to appear, and he wa ked over tne conrse. Tne cither horses expected to start were Lord llaatina's four year old co t Melton and K. Peck's three year old colt Tbe Bard. Omnnde goeB into winter qnariera. He has not yet been beaten and has gained one of tbe greatest records of any race borse of tbe cen tury. The race for the jockey club cup, Cesarewitch course, was won by J. Hammond's five year old horse St. Uatien: Lord Heating's four year old colt Melton second, J. Hammond's fonr Tear old colt Eurasian third. There were no other starters. 8t, Gatien won by eight lengths. Time 4:03. A TIPt Follow it up ind you will come out a sure winner. GO TO MAY'S FOR Fall Underwear, Shirts, Hosier, Haadkercbiefg, And anything in Furnishing Goods. lie has the best stock, the largest assortment, and sells finer goods for lees money than any other bouse. Do not fail to see his stock, and save money in buying there. A Failed Flraw to Rranana Bniiatu, Ohioaqo. Iu.., October 29. The statement is made this evening tbat within a week or ten days the firm of A. S. Gage A Oo. will probably be do ing basinees on its own account with out the assistance of an assignee. Nearly, if not quite, half of the 360 New York creditors have signed an acceptance of tbe terms offered, name ly, 45 cents on tbe dollar. It is under stood that one or two parties atand ready to come to Mr, Gage's assistance in satisfying certain creditors; that tke firm is about to be reorganised, and that the astisting parties referred to will herea'ter nave an interest in the business: The lataraaatioaal Alliance. Ci.kvsland, O., October 29. The session of the International Seminary Alliance at Oberlin today was opened with Mr. Herrick, of Princeton, in tbe chair. The committee to select the nnxt nlace cf meeting reported in fa vor of Alexandria, Ya., aud the report was adopted, rapets were read by the Rev. R. D. Schmidt, of Lancaster. Pa., and WalterE lis, ol Yale Divinity School, on missionary work. Three minute reports tf much interest were made bv the representative of the thirty-one seminaries represented. ProtoataHl laaoreare. Montbial, Oiilolier 29. In tbe care of Mrs. Fannie Ward, who diid from the effects, it is al egad, of an abortion, produced by Dr. Crevier, fuither medical tuHiimmy goes to show the blocil pe'i-oninn, which waj the immediate auso of her death, could only have b-en produced by an abortion. Dr. Crevier still protests bis innocence. OCTOBER 50, 188G. THE CHICKASAW GUARDS DEDICATE TDCIR CLUBHOUSE ASD ARMORY With aa lafornial Reception,' Which tlie Elile of the City At tended In Masce. ' The informal opening of tbe armory of tbe Cbicka'aw GusrJg lust n'ght will probably take tank as the social event of tbe saasoo, and tha company gathered together to do honor to the splendid ml i'aiy orgacization, whose fame extends from A'ew York to New Orleans, was notable as being com posed of tbe very b st elements ot Memphis society. If anything were needed to revive the grateful military tradtinns tbat cluster around the name of the "chicks and to give a new impuba to its career, it is iuct snch an occasion es last night, and tbat man mast be unimpresuor able inded who could fail to catch some roit of iaeplratioa from the bright eyea tbat flashed encouragement to new triumphs on the temed fijld. And theie ia no doubt that tbe effect of laet night's reception will lead to imoortaut re sults, r.nd will culminate in an effort to bring back to Meiaphis the banner cf m'l:try Buperio.ity, and to bang it where it belongs by right of merit on the walls of the Chickasaw Guards' armory. Tbat ws the spirit luav ricv.,ii.u wci nunc mob i-iguu and it reqaiied no prophet to foretell that the "Chicks" will bring thut bin-. rer hack or make a nallaot hunt lor it. The present headquarters of the com pany are not only admirably adapted lor armory purjpos.B, but for su 'h eoiial mes as may tend to make it tbe natural resort ol the members of tbe company in their bourn cf leisure. Entering on Second street, tbe visitor ascends a flight of broad etaiil leading to the 11. or above. At the head of tlie stairs ou the right is the led.ea' recep tion room, coziiy luimehed aad pro vided with every appliance in the way of toilet articles, mirrors aud other indinpenBab e adjuncts to fem inine comfort. R.omy closeia for theetoraue of wraps aud ciO:ki aie also provided, iu shrt everjtbiug nec essary to make it a very jewel ol re ception rojms. Oppobi e the ladits' rtceptioa room is a long and gor- ueouily carpeted drawing room, ex tending back something like eighty foit and opening into the readiLg room, where ljug tables, provided with the latest periodical literature and surround d by luxurious a m cbHirs tempt tbe tired wayfarer to half an hour of quiet diversion. Electiic incandetcerit lights are sus pended about the tab es and throw a soft but brilliant light aound. Auceuding another flight cf stairs one is contron ed with the billiard room, aleo brilliantly illuminated and provided with four tables cf the moat approved manufacture. On the oppo site side of the hall and parallel with it is the Cirdrjom, modestly and quietly yet e egantly famished aud aula to accommodate as many as ntly players at a time. No gaming is per mitted in the room, aud games of skill, like whist aud hearia, are favor ites. Kunnieg at riitht anzles with the hall on the same Usor, and ex'endicg tbe entire width of the building, is the gmna:iam, a roomy apertment, furiiitthed with trapiz-s, hcrizontal bars, Indian club.', aud other appli- auces tor gymnastic exercise, where such cf the members as are that wny inclined may devote themselves to tbe development of the mueculur eyJ tern. Ascending still higher one enters tho armory prrper, a long room lor drilling pnrpo es, tarnished with au elegantly fluishi-d stand of arms, con ing 1UO guns. To the r gut is a some what smaller room, lined with narrow cedar clcse s, about 100 ia number, each separate to itstdf, and provided with a luck and key. 11 is here tbat tbe uniforms cf the company are stored way, ench member having his own compartment for tbe parpoee. This rapid outline will only serve to give a rough idea of tbe commodious man ner in which the iiew armory is ar ranged, and how admirably it is adapted to the purposes for which it ia used. There are many regimental armories more exteneive than that of the Ohickasaws, but we hazard noth ing in saving that no single company in tne United (States can challenge comparison of armories with tbe company whose name ia a pait of the city'a piide. The ladies whojwere present last night seemed never to weary of visit ing the various departments ol the building, and aeemed to find quite a fascination in tbe billiard room, where they lingered with yearning lpoks, some even venturing to take up a cue with gloved hand and endeavor to propel the ivory spheres. Ar nold's band, aa nsnal, furnished delightful muse, but it waa too crowded to dance with comfort nd the attempt was not made till de parting gueeta made gap, bere and there in the crowded drawing room. The gentlemen present were, as a rale, in evening dress, but others wore the fatigue uniform of the Chickasaw Guirds. There was no attempt at elaborate costuminz on tbe part of tbe ladies present, tbe informality of the cfctsion rendering it anneceesary ; but few were verv elegantly attired, nd vleitirg lady who wore bla k velvet en train, with white silk bio- cade, waa verv much admired. . ins stream oi vihuutb couunueu an the evening, and at times the jim was so great as to make locomotion difficult, but all who came were hos pitably enter'oined, and there was at wavs someone ready to do tbe hon ors of the house. Capt. Carnes, in fatigue uniform, was particularly at tentive in this way, and did much to eause the evening to paea pleasantly. Among the tadiea present were : Mia Kat Bet, Miaa Mamie Laoaa, Miaa Utile Blratton, Misa Cam Hunt, Mia Mary Mallory, Misa M.rion lloyle, Misa Kate Maary, Miaa Pearl Neely, Miaa Metla Strattoa, Misa Liaaie Hunt. Mia Maud Milbura, Mia Mette llumas, Misa Jen ni IJay, Miaa Mary Martin, Mis M Light burn, Mia Edna Kambaut, Miaa badie btranie, Miaa Ida Bruoa. Miaa Madu Bruce, Miss Viraie uaan, Mis Magsie Maora, Misa PetUalloway, Ml.. Klli Tavlor. Mi.a Mamia Soaife. Ml.i.l.niil. W&lkar. Mi.. Louis Bneed. Mta Cha lloisseaa. Miea A Polk of Helena, Mra W L Smith, Miss Anna Bruc, Mr l i rorier, Mr in n luun Mr RF lata. . Mrs Doyle, Mr Jno L Cocke, Mr E K Meacham, Mra J 11 Poston, Mr K W Harris, Mra H 1 McDowell, Mr A D Waly. Mra W W Tavler. Mra Wm Bowles, jr. Atifsllettie l.ooney, Mr W R MnUomery, Mis lyd Thornton. Mra L K Donelson, Miss M CVaaa.Mobile.MJa Lnka Wright, Mrs K M Manslord, Mrs J J Polk, Mrs J R Uodwin, Airs J 1 Papuy, Miss Klla Don.vant, Miss T.lla Lyons, Atrs J W Jonj, Mobile, Mrs II C Uoskins. Mr. W L l;lAnn. MrlJWuwnllKI, Miss Laura VVrixht, Miss Anni Patttrson Airs. I I'Wallace, Miss, Mis riallie Drown, Aliss Piitih, Airs Raoh Semros, Mr I 11 Polon, AlistC (looduiao, Mi. Vrnttk .lithntn. Mr. P Ktilith. Atr O B Bryan, Mrs Holier Anderson, Mrs Mi.-i' Roger, Min Kat Writht, Mrs Juke Williams, MissMHUdie freadwe.l Mrs 1'tias Jordan, Mrs v u Manory, Mr O V Maora, Mr Ilaiu Patterson, HARDWARE STKAIf AXD IIAXD PUMPS, steam rirrwcs and pipe, BELTIXQ AIHD PACKING, A FINE 1INE OF I1KEEC1I & MLZZLE LOADIXG SHOTGUNS. ORGILL BROTHERS & CO. U. O. MULUNS.o! lataJ.H.aodw)4Co. JA8. YOHSK, lateol J. W. Caldwell A Ca MULLIWS m YONGE, Cotton Factors Commission Merchants No. 1 Ifoward'a Row, far. Front and Union, Ifflniphtg. Mri Ilober Jonea, Mr S P Walker, M'a Tel Seldon. Mrs A'.W Juhnton, Mm .In, Inn MrDaweh.Mrg G E Tucker, Mra W M Wilkeraoa, Mr J M Seinraea Mra Dick Writ-hl Miaa Nellie White. JIrn C F Karnswurtk, Mra W L Cameron, Mi- Julia Le liner, (Hits Mangie Poaton, Mrs Cecil Vlosby, Mra R T Lonney, jr Mrs J II Smith, Misa Crinne White, Mrs C M Cole, Miss Id i Cameron, Airs II J Mnhoa, Mrs Pr Overall. Mra W D Beard, Alra 8 T Carnes, Itli.K C Grofivanor. Alia? Hadie birimge, Misa Clyde Thornton, A'ina LilaLyou, Mils mattie (iluas, Slift Alcorn, Mis Juliainor, Mrs l.ueas Ulapn, AI-saFrankirJohnaoiMrs J U Chirk, Miss M Dunlup, Tenn Mrs .las Williamson, Aliss Cordclo Mathea, Mrs C S Jones, Mrs Frank F Woods, Mis Julia Phelan. Mrs Straltm, MrsW P Dunnarant, Urs W A Wage, Wit Jennie vt aiKor, Miss M Burton, Mrs C B Church, Airs Ij B McFarland, Mr Benrd. Airs Dr Overall, Miss t McKinney, Miss M Mearhain, Airs Selden, Miss Mary Moore, Mrs Cleveland, Cal Mr Fllis lacker, Sirs Alareo raoii Mrs 11 J Muthea, MUs 1 "n Loonoy, Mra Mast, Alra Btnrk, Miaa Mary S'coueo. Miss llcnnio Smith, Alra Dr Nelson, Miss B Willi". Tenn Mifs Anna WrUiht, Alra E L Woodson, MissUodwin, Miss Miittie liu-1, Mra W A Collier. ,TUE NATIONAL GAME. A Wnlhover for the Vl'orld'a Cham piona att Little Kock. I SPECIAL TO TBI APPE1L.I Littlb Rock, Abk., October 29. The carJcladiue etme ot ball was played between the As ociation r.ine of this ci'y end the Browi s of Bt. Louis at AHSociatiou Park this altar noon. A laree crowd witneseed the same. Time was called at 3 o'clock, with the he me team at the bat. Caruthera was in the bcx. and the aidience cheered bim until be lifted fcia hat in acknowledgment of the hnncr. Hie Ditching was Rood, but the home tf am butted his balls all over the field, and. of course, wtrj put cut al rapidly as the bullet went up and at tempted tJ light. Four innings com- rjltted tlie scora for the Afscciat on team, all of which were made in the sjcond innine. The Browns scored lot il of fitteeo. Some flue playins was performed by both clubs, and the enthusiasm that arreted each exniDi bition gave both ninfs good opinions of themselves. William foa. of Chic.'BO. umpired the game. Tonight tun Browns are being wined and dmerj- by the asaceia'ion. O'Neill, of the Browns, simply tore the leather clean off the ball every time he' struck it, while Latham's stheics created considerable fun, NeTt week the Maroons, Of St. Loul will plr-y thres games in this city. HUMPHREYS' DR. HUMPHREYS' Hook of all Diseases, Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pag, with Hlrl EngraTlpg, M tlU n FRPK. LIST OP PRINCIPAL HOS. CfBES PBICK. Fevera, Conotion, Inflammations... W orms, Wino r evur. Worm t:olie.... Crvin 1'ullc, orl'uelhing-n Infanta. Illarrhea. of (children or Adult. Ilvai-nli-ry, HriiiM)r, Bilious Colic... Cllolera lorlMia, VomiUug ('ought. Cold, Hronchiti.. . .2 . .25 .3. .2.1 .2.1 .a a .25 .25 eurnlllla, looinncue, raoBBcuo Ili-adnohp.. Sifk Hi-1ai-h. Vfrligo. .25 OMEOPATHIC 10 bilimiH Momacb I I Illlliri'sxra ur I'nillllll I ruim. Vhltea, too FrnfiiKu 1'eriods .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 12 : 4'roillt. t'oudta. Dithcult Kreatnma.... Hnlt Itlieiim, Erjmipela. Kruntion.. I I a it. ItheilllintlHIll, Hlieuuialio lain. Kerr and Anr, Chills, Malaria I'lle. Blind or Uleedin tatarrh. Influenza, Cild In the Head .Ml 17 .no .AO .no I! 2H W hooping :onn, vioienouKii... General leblllly,Phyaioal WaknM iz no .AO a .no 37 Kidney lllaea.e... v ......... Il.hilllV 2H I rinary AVeakne., Wettin Bed. 12 ll.en'. or the Heart. Palpitation.. 1 .WO SPECIFICS bo.d by DruggmUj or awnt potp)d on receipiot DliO. Mt lrUM UUltiA W. IVW wtvai ae MOTHER'S FRIEND Not only shortens th time of labor and lessens the pain, bat it greatly diminishes th danger to HI of both mother and child, and leaves th mother in a condition mora favorable to speedy recovery, and less liable to Flooding, Convulsions, and oiher alarming symptom. Ita efficacy In thia respect entitles It to b called Th Mutbh'i FaiKNn, and to rank a one ol the life saving rem (dies of the nineteenth century. We cannot publish o.rtifloate con cerning this remedy without wound ing th delloaoy of the writer. Yet w have hundreds on file. Send for oar book, "la Mothers," mailed tree. BRaDFIELD REUIL1TOR COM'T ATLANTA, OA. Qf Q WHBOB'S COMPOUND OF x PURE COD LIVEE . OIL AND LIME. 3et tho Ornntae Article. The a;rat popularity of "Wilbor' Compound of Cod Liver Oil and Lime" ha induced aom un principled persona to attempt to palm off a (imple artiele of their own manufacture; but any peraon who la suffering from Coughs. Cold or Consumption, ahould be careful where they purchase thi artiole. The re mits of it as are its best recommendation , and the proprietor ka ample videnoe on file of it great success in pulmonary com plaints. The Phosphate of Lime possesses a most marvelous hraling power, as combined with tb pure Cod-Liver Oil by Dr. Wilbor. It ia prescribed by the medical faculty. Bold by A. B. Wilbor, Chemist, Boston, and Pruggiata Our Book contains illuitrrtion of Human Ani.tomvand Eleolricltv: illustration and facta in relerenca to Nervous Disorders. It will advi you how to avoid lellow lever Choltr. Small-Pox, and all o cnlod conta gious diseases and kivos inferiuation which will at any intelligent mind. Mailed on application t but nodr".. TH.K ll.llTKH'IO., " 7,t Hromtway, T, T iTPXTSl'THOS. P. SIMPSON, A A 1 rj.y I O-Wa.hington. U. C. No pay asktd for patent until obtained. Writ or Inventor uuide. JET PIPS, MISS S. F. MAY'S ART STUDIO Reopens October 4, 1886. TDCPILS prepared for "The Art Student I T ........ . ' ' f K.w Turk. A. am nthr first class art school they may desire to enter Address, IJO. 57 MADISON STREET, Ml.ineillN, I'EBiaj. EXTRACT in A NATURAL TONIC ALCOHOL FomponaV PLEASANT TO Ui :AS".' THE GREAT BLODD Wot Dyepepxla.ull flcrriM;;rinent Of tha Dlffestlre Organs und the I,lTer, Sltlu Dlsentea, Cata, Hurna, Icalda and Bruiaea, ACID 1B6S EAKTI1 ia a apecllle. Rheumatism, malarial Diaor tier, Chronic Dlarrhosa and ok atlnat cnaea of lllood Poleonlnf, yield without fall to Its wonder fal rarntlTs fovsmw. Acta Er Breo pa-aitptiij)!, c ha tataal fall lsaIo7 oa aena, ? from the A. I. K. Co., B3Mle, Ala. PRICE, FTmr CENTS. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. At Wholesalo hf TASTLEET CO. R. KUPFERSCIIMIDT, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS iitD8. Aininnnltlon, Flsbliitr TactJe and portsruena' Mipiilics. WHOLKSALR AND RKTAIL S24 Stain Nlreet, iHempltln, Tenn: Manntaotnring ana RplHrgnf Bon a Bpeniftltv. Largest Stock. Best assortment. CHANCERY SALE OF RIAL ESTATE. No. 6251, R. D. Chancery Coart of Bhelby county Ida Stewart y. Georgia Ban Stew virtue ol an Interlocutory aecree ipr tale entered in tbe above oauae on th 18th day of October, 1886, M. B. 64, pan 488. 1 will cell, at public anettun, to the hiRhest bidder, in Iront ot the Clerk and Master' oflioe, courthouse of Shelby ooanty, Memphis, Xenn.. on Batnrdar, November IS, 1886, ' within legal hoors, the following described property, situated in th town of Arlington (formerly Withe Depot), Shelby conty. Ten nesee. to-wit: Beginnina ata ;Uk 6J ft Irom th eenter of th Loutarille and Nash ville Railroad, on th south aide ef laid rail road and on the west aid f Greenlee tret; runnina thence with id railroad oath wast 8 chain and 91 link to a tak on Jack ion street; theneawith Jaoksoa street sou th eat S chain and 4J links to a stake en Jaok on and Walker streeUi thne with Walker street northeast 8 chain and SI Jink to a aUk.on Oreenle tret : thi with r n lee atret northweat chain and it link te th beainaini containing aereii mere r 'cn?' . .f o.i. n.V.K aulit halaneeia twelvemonth; note bear! n a iatereat. witn approved eonrity, requird; Ilea retained. 8. L M0D6wEL1. CI.rk and MU BiT. B. Caldwell. Depiy v. ana a. Craft k Conpar, Hols, tot Coopr, Sol, for oompl'nt. CURTIS & CO. MANUFACTURING CO. .T. LOUIS, xit oecvuu oi. M 1 1' ri ti-(i HMKTTTaOTtnUtnl or QAWQ ENGINES OA VI Ol BOILERS SAW IV1ILLS WOOD-WORKIWQ MARHIMgRY LOGGERS' & RAFTERS'APPLIAN CES SAW AND PLANING MILL SUPPLIES wnrria yon cataiogtjk. -a EALTH IS WKAI.TK.-Da. B. O. a guaranteed apenific for ilyateria, ini ne" s"convulsfona., Flta. Kervout Naural- E fnlnesa Til' arr; ofTPow.r in elth.r invoiunvary " . -r Thea. oau. i by over-xrtion ol the brain, elf-abuse or overindulgence. Kaon bog eon taint on month's treatment. (1 a bog, e ill bore for 15, gent b mail prepaid, on receiptor nitre. We guarsntee Slg boloe to oure any caio. With eaoh order received by us for alg boiea, aocotnpaaied wit'i 81, we will end the purolianer our written gaarnrtxo to refund the money if th treat ment rto "Ot efie-it a core. Guarantee Esued .1t bv A. HKNKJilt'f km.. Drug Memrbis. Tenn. IVUMTrn AGENTb.Wrn rpd Woiren, WAN I t to seii " 1 H K CtULlJ'S BIBLF." larroda-Hion by Kev.J . 21. Via oont, D.D. On agjint ha sola to in a town of 674 peor-i; ine i.l in avillv of ' 011 new agent 86 in 1) das; -n.-i J; two succes iv wee'ic); on 40 in i days at two different tiuti. Egpcrienoe nut necessary. Addret CAti!-El.LUl. (L't'd.) ti) Dearboin Itrcti. Chicago inn mnv rnin iu id ii Iron fcartb. ESS9 3fv SOT Al ROM flSSVliArtificifi I Trar7o irijrl- .1 ia, lieaaaon, wervor rrw r y th ne of aloohol or tobaoi Waka ilnes. Mental repression, S1?'",.0,''?? rain, resulting in inaanlty and le.'lngto ramnuri riu