MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1886. 5 JT 4 (imcmur to HCRKAT IUDGKLY,) " TAILOR, DRAPER & IMPORTER Ho. S8 MADISON BTEEET, la la. rlnt af a tare-sir- j9.a. v . M i ma .p en. wna-i than wn tor afinww itock comprises the choicest m lotueasieca 01 u A3iat us, n uks 1 biziuus aid 0YEBC0ATI5GS, (all this geasoa'i Import. aid MOit d arable goods In gentlcnien'g wear. f9 Sample! and Pricei on wko have left measures. PI BWlMd JEWELER 290 MAIN STREET, HAVE 17 Stock Open NEW AUCTION HQUSE. "XXJ E would resreotfully announce to the publls that we have opened an Auotion Honse, V.V and will conduct the General Auction Business, at our old stand, fco. 18 Main (Street, in the Webster Block. Havin secured tne servioes of Maj. J. R. MnDON ALD, the well known Auction Sale'man, who has a long- eaperierca in the auction business, we are prepared tomakeaalei at RESIDENCES or STOREHOUSES, and will pay particular atten tion to tbe sale of Kenl Estate and solicit a liberal patronage, asour motto is QUICK BALKS and PROM FT SETTLEMENT; We will make special rates with Attorneys, Adminis trators, Assignies, Sheriffs, Commissioners and Guardians. Sales at our Salesrooms daily at 10 o'clock a.m. and at 7 o'clock p m., and Trade Sa'ea once a week, the diy to be an nounced hereafter. Corrsisnments of Merchandise of every kind solicited. H. UKNTllOfcF ate CO., Licensed Auctioneers. J. R, McDONALO, Bnlesman. AMUSEMENTS. JJKMl'lllS THEATKK. Five Nights and Saturday Matinee Com' rrenelne 0Y. NuV. 1. "Tn Idol or ths Fuk Lovraa FoiLto," Miss KATE CASTLET05 and her Famous Company of Comedians in ORAZT PATCH ! Brilliant Music I Tjudlcreus Situations I IM-Seats at Mullord's - Wot. P-fl-10 MKSTAYEtl-VAUOHAN CO., in WE, US 4 CO. Not. H-ia-13-AUSS ADA tJRAY. In RING OF IRON. Eugene Robinson's Museum. CROWDED DAILY B Y THE ELITE! Onen Dailv from I antil 10, SO n m Open Sitnrdays front 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. i Everything New in both Halls: Admiral DOT and JKNNIEQUI'JLEY, tbe Mideets; v M'lle ARLINE, Human Mates Wit. PEN- NICK, Human Balloon) 8 CAVALIERS 3. Albinos: and a host of other onriers. and d the BABT EWING'H KLECTRIC CON- uriaoo ur nuvai.i in,a in an enure new nrosramme in the Theater. lfl inUlfl.THIU Ti ATT. 1A. Reserved Seats in the Thent-r, IO- Extra LOST. LEATHER BOX Containing dray re ceipts. Leave at this office and to re warded , I'EKSONAL. D R.J. D. WIIITE-2W Mnln, enr. Jeffer son st. eiBicc telephone 831 ; residence 68. CMSTERNS-Builtand repaired and war- ranted. Inventor of ihe Sanitary Port land Cement Pump. Contractor and brick layer. Telephone atR. TllOH C1IHHINS. TAKEN UI. SPANIEL Liver colored spaniel bitch, white strip under throat; has on leather collar wih ring. 1 pply County Trustee office. STRAYED. MULES On the niaht nf Oct. 3d, S miles eist of Collierville, 2 black raHre mules j one about four years old, in (rood fix and trimmed up, with little white spot under jaw; the other, ten or twelve years old, rough, and not so well trimmed. Reward for information, or return of mules to J. W. Young, Memphis, or W. T. PRICK. Collierville, Term. FOK SALE. COTTAQH A very ohoice cottage of six rooms on Vance street, near Shelby, with eonvenient out buildings, almost new, and in fire minutes' walk of business. . F. W. ROVSTKtl A CO,, 2OT recond street. AT A BARGAIN A good paying German Boardinghouse In Helena, Ark., owner wishing to retire. For further particulars, Inqniroat BRUNER'S. in Helena. Ark. THOHOWHLY seasoned and finished Black Walnut Slabs, suitable forir.terior work in building. Add. C, Letter Carrier 10. HITZFBLD'S Oil, Fluid and Gas S'ovas, for light housekeeping, 233 Second St. A FEW Heating Stoves, second hand, good as new, Cheap. HlTZFSLD, 2.13 Beeond. WO MULES AND DRAYfi. Address W., this office. LOi Choioe Fort Pickering lot: no city taies. DR. HINSON, 279 Main st. FRAME Cottage, en enr. Raybarn ev. and Georgia st. lot 66x170, with a house of 6 rooms, in good order. This is a choioe piooe of property, and can be purchased on easy monthly payment by paying part eash. Ap ply Minter Parker or A. J. Martin, 289 Main. ORGAN Suitable for family or Sunday sehool. Apply at 62 Geslee street. PLANTATION-On the Arkansas River, Lincoln County 600 acres in high state of cultivation ; leiOseres in tract; well im- Tiroved; steam gin, 2 large barns, 21 good cab ns and bandnin dwelling, 7 rooms, with 20 stores lawn in front. Liberal terms. Apply to MAI. LORY. ( RAWFoRD A CO., 372 and 374 Front street, Memphis, . or J. G A "RETT. Barsssa, Ark. "tTITZPi'I.D'SOII, Vapor and Gas Stoves I 1 ar. ltua a. I i ti) J C llUl UUUetKCOflU' slK BVVUUU Pi! XJUUSK AND LOT- I he J. A. Hayes, Jr., j-jl resilience. Ho. 3tt Vance street. A to W. O. HAYK, Ktate National Ban FR SALE CUEP-No. 6 Washington Hand Prase, for niao-column paper; awu now. iqmrc at j o. si union si AT F. A. Jones A Co.'i., one nioe gentle . baggy MA HE that any lady ean drive or ride perfectly safe. RKSIDENCB-Nos. 86 and 88 Market St.; in g"od repalri lot 57ixl4sji. Apply to M. O. KENNEDY 47i , Mosby rt. B EDROOM FURNITURE bideboards, Lounges, etc. . AMiDS, REATTIK A CO., No :W3 Main street. C CHAMBER'S FOLDING MACHINE-But J UMle used, and in good condition. Ap ply ai APPEAL OFFICE. THE leas and fixtures of the St. El no Hotel, Me'idian, Miss, Twenty-five commodious rooms, witbin three minutes walk of the Union Depot; large sample room on tbe street next door ; now doing a good business and popular. Can be had at a bariain if applied Tor within tbe next thirty days. Apply to Charles Klmire, proprietor, Meridian, Mies. OLD MATERIA L In the storehouses and Senate Building, occupied by B. Low nstein k Bros.'; must be removed at nnoe. Apply to JOHN RKID. Builder. TSJSAT COTTAGE Of six rooms, and lot j-i iviii, oi ueun avenue. Inquire on premi'f ( llllAP-"ne second hand RoCKAWAY, vr ns.iriy goon ss new, at KU llni' n st f yDA N ENtMNG PO'SfS-For sale by " . n. i.bam", i.orr insvllle, Ala. TA; Ol );. W N S f. .OK P A RM-Inthestud. Y one th.jrnughhrsd Kunning Horse; fee fiO. One 1 ruttingllorre: fee, 110. OneJer. sey Bull; fee, 1.. VI For Sali 30 Hores, 3 Milch Cons, J5 head Butcher Cnttle, Pca cocka and Newfoundland Pups. Horses on pasture, tii per uionth; Texas horxes, liie per JUy. ielei'l one JOSEPH lSl'KSEf, 8.52. 1 m mnra varied and bctfnr a. vawa Alia IIPTIC! tf WW sens war i aa la this market. The, designs, flntst textures application to those fBKKSX&SSEBBB. CORNER MADISON THEIR for Inspection STOLEN. COW On Thursday, near neon, two cows: one a black, with cn.p and hole in ene ear and slit and hole in the other: the other, red and white spotted, with a swallow fork in right ear; teats have black marks, A. suitable reward for their return to me. near corner ol bane avenue ana Ayre street. CHARLOTTK BARLEY EOOMS AND HOARD. DESIRABLE ROOMS-With board, at 72 MADISON RT. 00M Newly furnished, with board, for single gentleman, at 87 Court street. TABLE BOARD The best the market af fords, At 87 COURT STREET. DESIRABLE ROOMS-Neely (urnished rooms and board, at 49 Market street. E LIGIBLE ROOMS With superior beard, two bloom trom uayoso Hotel. 4, Shelby JAMES WASHINGTON, formerly eook at the Gayoso, has been emidoyd as ca terer lor 463 and 455 Shelby street, 2 squares below Gayoso, where superb meals, with prompt attention, will be served lor 120 per month. ROOMS Furnished, with board, At Ml Shelby street. ROOMS Pleasant futnish.d rooms, with board, for ladies or gentleuen. Terms very reasonable. 392 Court Extended. S' T. JAMES HOUSE-58 Adams street. Board and lodging. Sol day board, S350. BEAUTIFUL front rooms, single or en suite, furnished or unfurnished, with or without hoard: nter rooms, HH-lllo Dourt st. Wanted. o "100K Good colored cook, immediately, ai i Liinuen street. SCRAPER-HOLDERS, LABORERS AND Drivers; work lor 10U0 men all winter. Applyon the work, in Indian Nation, twenty miles north of Paris. Texas. FkIIN-BaMBRICK ClHTBl OTtOK Co., Contractors 'rrisco R.R. BY A YOUNG HDY-Instruction In Book-kcening at borne in the evening. A ddress 8. H. S., Ill Washington st. (i 001) Coloted Chambermaid, T At 72 Madison street. POSITION A young single man would like position as general assistant in of fice, store or manufactory, bill clerk, eolleo- tor, etc.; will work cheap. J. P., this office LADY CANVASSER For General Lee's Memoirs; one well acquainted in the Citv et Sg-wcv 19 K rnn.t .t. V UUtk. tinuU tiTHl- V I ll Nit COOH, la I, ebtfdyg DUO- AUKNTS-Iosell ' MoCLELLAN'S OWN STORY," lolt in manuscript at his death, and now published in interest of his widow. A maste-ly account of his great campaign. Inside his'oryof the conduct of the war by the authorities at Washington. Tbe most brilliant and deeply interesting book relating to the war which has yet ap peared. A bonnnsa for agents. For terms and territory address 0 B. BEACH, No. 126 Washington street, Chicago, III. RA TEAMS AND TEAMS J.ERS To work tfJ on levee at Austin, Miss. Will paj H Eer day, or hire By the cubio yard. 100 good ands also wanted; will pay tl. 50 per day. Apply at F. A. Jones A Co 's stable, 61 Mon roe street, or on the work, at Austin, Miss. r. A. JU1NK3 & CO. ROOMS Two or three unfurnished rooms by two persons. Apply at Schilling's puwruingnonfle. nuarnR Birod. A GENTS- Jn every town to sell Pianos anuursans. HUUUh. A CO., Memphis. s Il'UATION As porter or house boy; can give city references, rumen, Appeal. V OUNU MAN Experienced in Job Print X In. No. 10 West Court Street. s ALatSMEw In every State in the Ui ion to represent A PAINT M A Nil V A PTTT U ING ESTABLISHMENT havin. ......I 9rioiALTiaa that are) popular and easy sell ing. Can be handled alone or in connection with other roods. AnMre.s TIIW wm u PRIOF MANIIKG. CO.. BAI.TIMORK. 'md! c HAMBERM AID With good reference, uMmwi ison street. AY BOARDERS Or wi 'bout rooms. At m Rut Oo,..t T5 S TAMPING AND KMRROIDERljSGf o MAra jSMPORruM. OOMS-Well furnished roims7No.81 mnuen sires . MAN An intelligent, earnest man te rep resent, in his own locality, a large re sponsible house. A remunerative salary to riiht party. Steady pesition. References exohanged. American Manufacturing House. iq pi.roiny c-t., is . I . L, 1 Of i Llta- FEATHERS HUhest cash LJ tyj priew paid by GABAY, Memphis. E-WERYDODY TO itNOW-That 1 wil J FILL TEETH WITH GOLD for the next thirty days for tl 50. A. WESSON, 243 Main sreet. OLD GOLD A SILVER For cash orex eharis-e. MIIMSORI). ,lw r, 34 y.jn "Londcn" Trouser Stretcher Patented in Europe and Uni ted States, stole Agent la I nltrd Males for eelebratetl John Hamilton k Co. Stretch er. Takes biticKlnsr osst of knees restores pantaloons te original shape. Only patented Stretcher combining sorew roe in combination with clamps, All others infringements, Original and oti'j atrptctiei Express securely packed. Price 12 Ml Writ, tor circular.. Agents wanted in everv oitt. i W.WIrHlltW 1Q llsln.lllal! Electric Bolt Free TO Intrnduoe It and obtain agents we wil for the neit sixty days give away, fre of charge, in each county in the U. rj. a lira ited number of our Oermnii ft-;f,tro ajh. vaulc MnMiimaorr Klt. Price ff: a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous De bility, Varicocele, U.mirrioni, Imnotency, etc. 1510.110 Pwari raid if every Beilt we maauiatare dees act a renclns jiectria current. Allress at ori; KLEO TRIO BBL.T AitJCY. F. 0. Box ITS. 3roklvn. N V II wild Hy VrtutuU, nulionVn. 1-7 9 a S9 CARRIED EVERY COUATY. JASES THEHS'S MAJ0EITT 4400 IX THE DISTRICT. Tbe Rural Districts or Shelby Cjnn tj Democratic as Well as the City. Returns wra received yeeterday from a'.l of tbe count) y districts in Shtlby couBty except the Fourth, at tbe Point in the Sixth, at Log Union in the Eighth, in the Tenth, Thir teenth, and at Island 40 in the Seven teenth District, where no elections were held. Tbe Democratic ticket swept the field, Mr. l'htlaa cerrykg the country, which is nearly always Republican, by one vo'.o. Leaving the city with a majority over Taylor of S40S, he carries bhelby county by 3409. The vote for Governor and members of the Legislature was about the same. The figims are given in detail below: Fiscal' Ultamil'T. Governor. Robert L. Tavlor 130, A. A. Taylor 159. Congren. Jame Fhelcn 131, Zach Tavlor 101. StateSenatt Lvnn 137, Mnntedouico 137, Hamilton 154. Smith 154. Iloutf of litprttenlalhv Ilarrnll 137, Davia 130, Allen 137, Clpp 137. Od- Inm 135, Speaks 154, f ields 151, Tick ering 154, Rideont 154, G.illia 154. SECOND WISTRHT. Governor. Robert L. Taylor 238, A A. Tavlor 150. Congrest. James Phelau 237, Zach. Tavlor 157. State Senate. Lynn 239, Montodon ico 239; Hamilton 155, Smith 155. House of Reprtttntativis.Umv 239, Davis 239. Allen 239, Clapp 239, Odium 239; Speaks 15 Fields 155, Pickering 155, Kideout 155, (jriflia U5. Till His DI4IKIUT. Governor. Robert L. Taylor 129, A, A. Taylor 69 Congress James Thelau 127, Zach Taylor 70. State Senate. Lynn 125, Montedon ico 120, Hsmil.on 70, Smith 71. Houte of liepreuntalivet. Kartell 126, Davis 120, Alien 123, Clapp 127, Odium 127, Speaks 70, Fields 69, ncaeung vo, wiueout tt, onum 70. HIXTH BISTUltT KALKIG fj. Governor Robert L. Taylor 57, A A. Tavlor 118. Congrest. James Phelan 57, Zich Tavlor 118. State Senate. Lynu 58, Miutedonico 58, Hamilton 117, smith 117. Houte of Representative. UtTToft 59, Davis l9, Almn 59, Clapp 58, Odium 57. Speass 116, Fields 119, Pickering 117, Kideout no, uritiin lib. SEVEHT1I DIsTKICT. Gotvrrwr. Robert L. Taylor 198, A A. Taylor 132. Congress James Phelan 198, Zach Taylor 131. State Senate. Lynn 183, Montedon' ico 183, Hamilton 137, Smith 137. House of Representatives. Harrnll 181, Davis 182, Allen 185, Clapp 181, Udium 183, speak 131, Fields 132 Picketing 131, Rideout 131, Griffin 131. EIGHTH DISTRICT AKLIXUTON, Governor Robert L. Tavlor, 65, A. A. Taylor, 88. Congress J amis Phelan, 64, Zjch Tavlor', 89. State Senate. -Lynn, 65. Monte- donico. l. Hum! ton. 88, Smith. 88. Howe of Representatives. liarrell, 65, Davie, 65, Allen, 65, Clapp, 05, UJium, 04, Boeaks, 8S, Fields, 8S Pickeiini, 88, Rideout, 88, Giillin, S, KIMHTII BISTRICT-BHIJNSWIf'K Governor. Robt. L. Taylor 51, A. A. Tav'or 42. Congress. James Fhelan 48, Zich Tnjlnr 45 State Senate. Lynn 49, Montedonico 4'J, Hamilton 44, naana 44. House of Ilforesentntines. TTarru'l Aft Davis 37, Alltn 60, Clopo 49, Odium 40, Speeks 45. Fields 43, Pickering 43, xuueout to, uruuii oa. , M.NTH niSTBUT-FISHKKVILI.E. Goterncr. Robert L. Taylor 76, A A. Tavlnr K3. Congress. James Phelan .76, Zach luvu r oa. State Senate. Lynn 76, Montedo- nirn 7fi. Hamiiion fi Smith K9 House of Riprisentatives. - llarrell 79, Davis 70, Allen 77. Clapp 76, Od ium vo, Kpeeks 5-', l ;ei(ls 53, Pick ering 51, Rideout 6.1, Griflin. 31. aiSTHlHSTKUT-MANUXICnALL Governor. Robert L. Taylor 101, A A. A. Taylor 76. Congress. James Phelan 104, Zich Tavlor 76. State Senate. Lynn 104,Montedonico 104, llamiltm 76. Smith 70. House of Rfpresentatives.Htrrtn 104, uavis j 04, Alien ia;f, uiapp 1U5, UJ lum 103, Speaks 76, Fields 76, Picker iug 72, Kidejut 73, Griflin 60. TEKTII IISTHICT-40a.LIEBTILLE Governor. Robt, L. Taylor 242, A. A. Taylor 182. Conjrrrss James Phelan 237, Zach Taylor 185. Stale Senate. Lynn 242, Montedoni co 235, Hamilton 180, Smith 179. Houteof Ripresentatives.BtiTreW 75, Davis 236, Allen 238, Clapp 241, Od ium 240, Hpf-sks 180, Fluids 180, Pick eting 177, Rideout 180, Griffin 174. XLETENIH DISTRICT. Governor. Robeit L. Taylor 104, A. A. Taylor 170. Cong rets. James Phelan 104, Zich Tayir 170. SlateSetiate Lvnn 103 Montedonico 102, Hamilton 170, Smith 170 House of Repristntalhcs Hnrrell 07, Davis 101, Allen 103, Clapp 102, Odium 102, Speaks 172, Fields 170, P.ckering 171, Rideout 170. Griffin 170. TWELFTH DISTRICT OBAXttE HALL. Governor. Robert L. Taylor 18. A. A. Taylor 17. Congress. James Phelan 18, Zach Taylor 17. State Senate. Lynn 3, Montedonico 3, Hamilton 32, fmith 32. House of Representatives. llarrell 3, Davis 18, Allen 3, Clapp 3, Odium 18, Speaks 16, Fiids 17, Pickering 6, Rideout 16, Griflin 17. TWELFTH DISTRICT OAK VILLE. Governor. Robert L, Taylor 37, A. A. Taylor 165. Congress. James Pbelan 36, Zach Taylnr 106. State &-nate. Lynn 33, Montedonico 30, lljmil'on 105, Smith 164. House of liepretntaMis. llarrell 32, Davis 82. Alien 31, Clapp 33, Odium 30, Srwrks 100, Field" 105, Pickering 105, Rideout 105, Gr flin 106. SIXTEENTH DITRIL'T. Governor. Robt. L. Taylor 84, A. A. Tavlor 90. Congrees. Jemets Pbelan 84, Zach Taylor 90. State Smate. Lvrn 84, Mottedonito 81, Hamillrn 03, Smith 90. Jlo'ise of Rer(Hntatws.TarTe 83, Davis 84, Alien 84, Clrpp 84, OJluin 8 If Speaks 95, Fields 90, Pickering 90 Kideont we, vo. SKTEliTEENTU BirCOKK ELL'S, 6'otvTnor. Robert L. Taylor 18, A, A. Tavlor 79. CanoTf-M. James Phelun 18, Zich Tavlor 79. Slate SWmfe.-Lynn 18, Montedonico ro ir :i. -o L, ul io, iiaiauion is, ooiitu House of R' liresentatives. llarrell 18, Davis 18, Allen 18, Clapp 1 Odium 18, 6peabs 79, Fields 79, Pickering 79, Kideout 7!, Griffin 79. EIGH1EEKTH DISTRICT. (Vom-nor.-Robert L. Taylor 161, A A. Tavlor 71. ConjrrfM. James Phelan 161, Zach Taylor 71. State Senate. Lynn 161, Montedon! cj 161. Hamilton 71. Smith 71. ' House of Reprttentatives llarrell 101, Davis 100. Allan 158, C'app 101, Odium 100. Speaks 71, f n-wis 71, Pickering 71, Kideont tl, uriiuu 71. TOTAL TOTE OF CITT. Governor. Robt. L. Taylor 4S71, . A Tc.lnr MI 'X Congress Jamea Phelan 4SC0, Zach xavior jays. State Senate. Lynn 4930, Montedon ion JUlin II.,o!llnn 1 'W Mmiil, 1!li ITMiao nf li'Mirttlfnltvg. ITarrall 4899, Davis 48:14, Allen 4896. Clapp Aitn f 1 , .. A.)na i.' 1.. 1 L-1..I.1- tl'Lw, UU1UU1 lU-O, npOBAB iwi", I lHll 1301, Pickering, 1308, Rideout 1341 Griffin 1349. I . THE COUXTRY DISTRICTS. (.'ot'frnor. Rabeit L. Taylor 2097, A A. Tavlor 2075. Congress. James Thelan 080, Zich Taylor 2085. State Senate. Lynn 2074, Montedon' ico 2053, Hamilton 20S9 Smitli 2074 House of Representatives. llarrell 2087, David 2050, Allen 2116, Clapp 2083, Odium 19t9, Speaks 2071, Fields 2il0L. Pickering 2044, Kideout L'055, Uritiin 2034. TO TAL TOTE OF SHELBY COISTY. Governor.-Robt. L. Taylor 6908, A A Taylor 3478. Congress. James Phelan 6'.'52, Zach Taylor 3483. State Senate. Lynn 7004, Montr don ico 6943. Hamilton 3427.Smi.h 33S8. House of Representatives. llarrell 6980, Dav:s 084, Allen 7012, Clupp 7005, Odium 6097, Speaks 3443, Fields 33rJ3, P ckonog 3412, Kideout 3390, ynlhn 3381. The latest and most authoritative advices from the outlying counties in this Congressional dietriot furnish ths strongest feasors for tbe Dalief that Mr, Phelan has broken the record. He has carried Shelby, Fayette, Harde man and Tipton, with three districts to bear from. Fayette gives Phelan 103 meioritv. Two of tbe three are Democratic, the other Republican, and unless tney diner woolly lrom other districts in tbe character of the vote, Fayette went Democratic by at least 75. Hardeman gives Pnelan 005 ma jority, Tipton 210 and Shelby 3469, making a lotal of 4409. This is by far tne largest majority ever given any candidate in ten district. POLITICAL NOTES. Allen led his ticket. ' 1 Lynn led in the city. Tub greatest surprise of all wzs that Fayette went Democratic. , A. L. Elcan, Democrat, was elected to iue xjrgiBimura iroia npion. Allen led in the country, with Uar rell second. Both are cjuotrymen. Tub dittrict gave Phtlan over 4400 mnjorily. He carried evry county. Col. Wm. Sandkord is elee'ed Sen ator liom Fayetie and Tipton ounties by a sale majority. J. S. R. Cowak, D.-mocrat, is be lieved to have been elected to the L-g:8l ituro from Fayette. broke all the records. He carried the city, the cnun'ry, every county in the oi trict, and hto msj iri ty is the largest ever givtn a Congress man. The election of Col. Wm. Smford will bo h iilHd with delight all over Wst Tenuees?e, and in Memphis es pecially, where he has a host of warm personal friends. Flue HatciiCH at Hi n I lord.. AMUSEMENTS. Roblnaon'e Hneewni. This popular family report is daily crowded with the most fashionable audiences, seeing the eights1 that can be seen at this place, and Mr. Ribin son'a untiring effort? to please the public is receiving a deserving reward, and ihe management should rtceive the full support of the amusement public for the resprctable way the museum is conducted. Order and re spectHbiliiy is strictly enforced. The two floors this week contain a grand collection of curiosities and wonders. In the curio hall is presented Ad miral Dot and M as Jennie Quigley and Mr. Wm. Pennick, tie so-called human balloon, front the wonderful performance of expansion. This gen tleman by inhaling air to (ilia his lungs that he expands his chest nine teen inches. The expansion of the human breast ol a person is only two inches. On the third floor is found Mile. Verona, the human match, so termed from her ability to light the gai with her finger, a piece of ice, wa'er, coin, or anything her audience may hand rnr. , Mulford, Jeweler, 294 Halo street, solicits orders from 1 be comitrr. LAW REPORTS. Chancery Conrl Elicit, Judge). flalanrfap far KntAmha, Ath J574 Hooper ve Hooper; 4598, Oneal vs f'raolV, - 4M10 lijthl . fV.h . aiinv Howell vs Grieshiibfr; 4606, Biggs vs Grieehaber; 4010, Poindexter vs Col lier; 4dio, jona vs ureatti; 4ii., Mar ion Urx.l Af.AA VtlanL. - 'rth- 4032, Uotifitt vs E son ; 4654, Sirong vs Guion; 4060, Beaumont v Tilley; 4082, Doyle vs Fuzge aid ; 4083, B and vs Busbby ; 4B94, Iteindekopf vs Ber toreili : 4098. Ciea'h vs flr.a'h: 4760 Peters Birchui; 4767, Bink of Commerce va Flannigan; 4706, En swinger vs Powers; 4708, Higgins va Chasicery Conrl I Hell, Judge Decrees yeatetdav: Mitchell vs Mitchell, abating cause: Auocrson vs Mason, continued; Cnbbins vs lies key, appointed guardian ad li'ein; S rest vs Bowerp, Brown vj Miller, Vas:ar vs Kay, contnned; Steele vs Hoist, ordtr on Speed; State vsZeat, sale nofjlirmed ; Stati vs ',u lor, pro c:)nvacatid; Gorant h vd Carf y, fale and (lis ribut'oo; English vs Thomas, in drmurrer; b'e vi Butler, dts lot 20, cruntry lot 510; S'ate vs Butler, rl's. lot, ci'tn'ry lot 403 ; cam of Z notil vs MiKenna, Thursday, which will also be mttion day, af er wtiich calendar as j ub ished will be called. ItiMpccl Wulford n tsiock. iffiiraij icrioi RIVER PLASTERS DEEPLY INTER ESI ED IS THE RESULT Or the Request Made for Aid What Major Dibuey Sajs of the Levees. The planters along therivtr tithe southward are awaiting with onsidxi U int-trest tbe promulgation by the Seoretary of War of the allo'men's made by the River Coinmiaiion at their niestiug ia New York. The Ysxio Delta Botrd asked tbe c un- nuBsion this year to apiircpria'e $12;' COO out of the fund at their (linpoiai, to add to the f 100,000 levied from tbe planters by the Ddlta Board, and which amount is insufficient to carry out the plan considered reer&ary for the adequate protection of thn levees. ItiabHlieved that with $525,000 the levees can bo built to stand, provided the commission ran st p caving, a r- piilt which tliey Hops to attain. Maj. D.ibner, chief engineer ol ths li zoj Miesirwiniu Delta levees, makes the fjllowiug statement in regard to the leves: The Mislfsippi Levee District (or lower district) has a line of levees about 220 miles in extent Before tbe war these levees were mainta nod in a comparatively perfect condition and uni'er tlgp ir protection ninny millions of dollars were invest d in improving large areas of a'lnvial lands, which yielded annually a vast quantity of product in euttun and coru. During the progress of the war great bavee was made on this linn of levees, I oth directly and indireo ly, the direct de struction being incident to the opera tions of the armies and fleete, and to the unc?aut g caving of the river banks, the indirect injury being pro duced by genva! neglect. Thessme may be said of the Y. zoo-Mies' ssippi Delta (or upper) District. At the close ol the war theBe levees were in a very deplorable condition of in- Botliciency, the gaps in the lino were very extensive and the whole Yazoo basin was at tbe mercy of the Missis sippi river Hoods. All this country was practically uninhabi able without levee pro'eatiim. The people in the territory which ccnjlilutsa the levee dittrict went to work manfully to re st: re ther lovees. They organized a lovee diHtric', and tixtd ibeir cotton $5 I or ba'e, and their a sp-cilic tax per acre. h:nce tne c'o.'H ol the wnr they have exptnled nearly lO.OOO.OOO on their levus, all of which waa coiitributed by four counties. The upper or Yezoo-ldiB- siaedppi Delta Dittrict did not display so mucn enterprise uotil two years ago, when by act of the Legislature this territory was or ganized into a levee district, with au thority 10 issue ji'U,uuu in levee bonds, supported by taxation on the lands embraced in the district. Those bonds were negotiated at par and the money expended in an eflort to res' ore their line of levoee, 110 miles in extent. The money which theee bonds yielded was Use than half the sum required to make a perfectly a?cura line of leve s. This year a further Issue of $4(10,01)0 of bonds waa authorised, and these have been ruccorsfu'ly negotiated, and the proceed are about to be applied to levee b lilding. But there is still of di licit of about $125,000 for present needs. All of this expenditure of money on the levees In MipsisMppi, amounting to nearly $7,000,000 In the two levee district, has contributed d rectly to thn furtherance of the Mis fissiiipi R ver Commission's plans for improving navigation in the river by conserving the flood energies anil thereby deepening the channel, a re sult which is everywhere mauifested where levees are matninineu on both siiies of the river. The River Com- niis i-in, with the limned means f jrnishi d by Conjirens, has boen able to make only feeble eflbits in utilizing tne important ficlor of levees in con serving 11 10 1 waters an lec ..tiring away the enormous depuaits 01 sand in the channel. While fully appreciat ing the value of levees aa an indispen sable adjunct to channel improv.- ineut, and recognizing the great ad vantage which would accrue to the United States Government by co operating with the local levee organi zations for a mutual and common pur pos, they have been able to expend in Mise'sippi only about $4 10,000 in the lower dis'rict and about $40,000 in the upper district, against ihe $7,000,- 000 expended by tbe people in Iheee districts under a very heavy burden of special taxation for levee purposes. the benetits'of which are reaped by the government equally with tbe owners with tbe own are so taxed, , of these lauds which Diamond WH'hOK,ltIulforrs THE ELECTRICAL GIANT 1'oara oss I hit Corner erf Reeoad anel nadlaoa Slreele. About 5 o'clock yesterday evening, while Mr. Charles Dollman, the con tractor, was standing on the northeast corner of Second and Mudism streets talking to a couple of friends, one band resting upon a wire looped on an electric light pole, he suddenly uttered a cry and fell sprawling upon the pave ment." Don 1 touch mm don't touch him," excitedly cried one of his com- nanistneB TJriitin ( ra tltliaa was In tka jj iit'ajr vv hum kuo wvuui Tvewnv aaa mo act of lifting his fallen friend. The next moment Mr. Dollman sprang to his feet, unhurt, but badly rattled. and during the remainder of the con ference fought shy of the post. An hour or so alterward, when the current had baen fully turned on, and not only the wire bu- the wooden post was thoroughly charged wilh electricity, a darky lounged np to the post and clasped it in an effVc tionate imbrare. In an icstacit he wa3 thrown upon the curb, hie head st'iking the stone with suf ficient violence to render him nncocscious for a time. Jlia Injuries were so severe that it was decided best to remove him to the hospital. A crowd afterward collected, and for an hour or more remaiued about the placo, makiog experiments, ap pr achlrg now and then to the danger ana. Mr. Nat Graves wsb one ol tbe nrst to put the discov ery to uss. and, standing at a little d B'atjce, be held the end of his cane n Don the post. Ids sting npon a car dial hand.-hake with every man he knew who happened to pass. In every case, of cours", the thock was communicated to thoss who claapeii his iroad palm, and it was amui-ing to study the expieesinn upon their I acts surprised, electrified. When lest jen IVTr. Uraves wai listening to a roposition frr rn the mftnin'r of K b- ism's MuBfiirn, who wautd to ex hibit him as the K ectrical Giant. MoiKsjram IE:iiif(I4, 9Inirril. JTt'iiiR nntl CT-niilii. Ladies aid g-intd' citues e'etned. or dyed la auy color, aUo kid glovo", ostrich feathers and lane cnriains liy Louis R'dgel, 58 Jeller n street, Mem phis, Teon. Goods received by express. E. SLAGER, Tailor and Importer. WT FALL JTOCK tt few eomplete. The I.argoet, CholMSt anel Moat Varied I have ever offered la Memphis, eonsntlne of aU Ue " " " --" iD-irrsi varieij, ail or tne a, I DI-.aiUNS, latroducoa tj tbe ladlnr Importers of KnaMend, fraaoe and Oer- maDy. 1 wiaa 10 ssaae rrsfni ia mm uuiTiiuiuutuiABS Ulna B17 vku sisnv. Cor. Sicond and Jefferson rvr - A SOCIAL EYEXT. Ilrll'lanl Kec-Hou la Honor or Mim Kroerrn Trend well. The debut in society of Mis l!e- necca lremiveii wan iuatietueorca'ion of a very elegant reci plinn given lasit night in her hci.or at lie residence of her parente, Mr. and Mra. A. B. Treadwell, at N.i. 228 Ut.iou street. Tiie crean of Memphis eiciety sonmed to have turned ont in honor of the fair debutante, and thespacioua parlors of Mr. Treadwell's r.'aiilotra were enricliid by tho beauty ami fashion uf the city nnayed in their loveliest garb. No efloit stems to have been epa'ed by the honint it le givers cf tho rtception to make the etitertainrnent in every way woit'.iy 1 f her in whose hrnr.r it was (jive a and the fair gii'e'H the had Biim mor.ed to her siiie, iiud it is r.ot too much 10 say lha the refult wai a brilliant eurcces. The parlors were decora led with tiie choicest tlowerj cf the coniervat ry, aud a fl rHl arch of "Welcome," sus pended under the folding dorrs, gave to ea h vieiior the asturauceol hearty greeting. Arnold's llaod wes there, dice :ursiiig niuaio that might have tempted a hermit to dance, aud the in vitation offered by the entitvhg music wan freely accepted. By a happy srrangoinent of mirrors thn forms of thn duncars and the. parti colored globes thut tempered the light of the chandeliers above them were multiplied agin and uga n, eo that the spectator e'andirg at. one end of the par'or.t beheld au unbroken vluta of lovely forms and glowing colota, ad blending hatmrniously in the anft ened light, the former gliuirg graceful ly into the dietaut perepeclive, to the tuneful meafure of route eutrarcing wai a lo the dining room cham pagne, punch and the most delicate vauds were eerved to all who came. The table wis exquisitely arranged, a bed of red roses and white (lowers run ning down its entiio length and cap tivating all the senses by its fragrance and beauiy. Judged by the lcok of pleasure that seemed lo animate the faces ol all who were present, the ef forts of Mr. and Mrs. Treadwell to please their gnosis were rewarded to a moat fiiatoiul degree and the evening was epeut in a manner that left noth ing to be desired. Among the ladies present were: Miss Olie Clapp, Miss Carrie Keating, Miss C. Mamlieiil, Miss Annie Long, Miss ft. lleiskell, Miss Marina kojle, Mi's Mottie Humos, Miss Liiiie Hunt, Miss Anna Mansnuld,Miss Aliee Jones, Miss Kate Uslea, Miss Hottie bnonoy, Miss Minnie l.onK, Miss lassie II units, Miss Sallle Lonney, Miss Lila Lv "ns, Miss Mamie Vass, Miss Nona Vniut'r, Mis. Mamie Savase. Miss A. l'aitnrson, Miss Mattie Hunt. Miss Bet tie llrii.k'Of, Miss Aline tluiwilon, Jim Kate baundors, Miss Mailve llruee, Miss Mara-ia Voston, Miss Kale Maury, Miss Kva lilihtbiirne, Miis lo rieraiues. Miss II, Clark, Miss Miss J. Alcorn, .Miss Alias (I. Alenrn, Miss Miss J. Munliiniiiory, niir. 11. i.lKhliiornn, Mi's M.Hriulirt,ArkMiss Matlie Mr liny, .Miss KeliciMia Million, Miss P. rluiiiinniiil, Mii;a KiilaCnehriin. Mies Kobecea MeKar, Miss Lsnra I'rniiilfit, Miss Clyde Thornton, Misa Ida llrnoe, Misshullie llrnwu, MirsC. Hi ml mun. Miss llessia Vance, Mise Motte Htrullon, Miss Mamie flre.ory, Mirs Jennie Walker, Miss Lula (loodiiuin, Miss billy i-'tratlun, Misa Hohecri CuMwell Mis 1 l.nuire Hneed, Miss Maudo MiiiuiTii, Miss Hanliel Hull, Miss Norinudoo iiiihh, Miss Lnura Wrialit, Miss Kannie Hnt bclt, Miss Rose l,en, Miss Krankie Jobnsnn, Miss Kate Wriiilit, Miss M. Liglitliurn, Misa Pearl Nouly, Miss Kilna Ksinbiiut, Miss Planch Kronn, Miss Maaaie Haiubaul, Miss Jennie Iny, Misa Aildie M. dais, Miss Matuio Hcaifn, Misa Magsie Maorao, Miss Mary Murlin, Miss Julia Karr, Miss Connie Whito, Miss Nellie White, Miss Jennie IVIit, Miss Mary Mallnry, Miss JessieKonntday, Miss Lucy I'ottit, Miss Kusa Itumbaut, Miss lieltie (irniiory, Miss l'et Oiillnway, MissCarrio (Irosveuur. IktiiinoiMlM ill Mill lord's. ECZEMA, And ttvery Si' l of lirhlnsr and ItiirniUK li-ea Cured bjr nllrurs. 11ICZKM A. or Halt Kheum, with its saonli y Ins Itching mxl burnini, relieveil by a warm bath with ('I'Tictia Hoar, and a simile aiiplinallun nf Cunonaa, the meat Hkin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three dnses of Ctmnum Hsaui.vKNr, the Mow lilood Pu rifier, to keen the blond oool, the perspira tion pure and unlrrilutina, the bowels open, the liver and Kidneys aolhe, will speedily cure Ecsema, Tetter, Kinaworin, Psoriasis. Lichen, Pruritus, rinald Head, Dandruff and every specie, of Itchlna, Healy and Pimply Humors of the Sum p and Hkin, wher the best physicians and all known remedies fail, RI'SEMA. I gratefully aok now loose aeure ol Koiema, or Sail Uheuui, on head, neck, faoe, arrrs and lens for seventeen years not able to walk escept on hands and knee, for one y ear 1 out able to help myself tor elsht years) tried hundreds of remedies 1 doctors pronnuneed my ease boneless; iwriuan.nlly eured by the Cuticusa Kkuiihfn. will McDonald, 2A42 Deurburn street, Chicaso, III. rotten a. Some five months uso I had the pleasure to Inform yuu of my improvement in tbe use nf the Cutioiiba HsasmaH ia my ease of severe Chronic Kciema Erythematosa, and today cheerfully confirm all 1 then said. 1 consider my cure perfect and complete, and attribute It entirely to your remedies, havir used no others. FGHMAN KHKNCU AR1)0, 3t0j Penna avenue, Ht. Louis, Ma. K' IK SI A. I have suffered from Halt Rheum for over eicht years, at times so bad that I ouuld not attend to my business for weeks at a time. Three boles of I'liTiniiRA and four bott es HsHiiLvaaT have ent rely eured me of this dreadful disease. MK. JOHN THIRL, W llkesbarre, Pa. (TTICIRA KKMKniF are sold by all drussis a. Price: CtiTicnaA, ,10ots.t ROLVNr, Jl.lfli Hoap, 2.5 cis. Pre pared by PoTTKa san CiiamrAt, Co., lloston, Mass. Mend lor " How lo t'nro A hiss fllaenare." 11V ATTTIFY the Comtileslnn and Bkln 1VaJKJ Dy usina the OoTimiRA rtnAr. X Oaii't X3rettlio, Chest Pains, Numbness, Fore- ness. Hacking ooutrh, Asthma, Pleurisy and Inf) .niination, re lieved Is one niluul br the y niicnri asiii.Pain rinaler. Nnthins like it. At drus ists. Ii6 fuller Drier unci Chemical Co., B"'ton. NoD-ReHident Notice. No. fii2o In the Chaneery Court of Shelby County, Tmin - bt.ile of Tennessee va. john-Q. Davidson. It aiipearins from hill which la sworn to in this emu.e tht tiie ilufnndants. Harriet K. Smith, Kllen None, Louise fiooe, James Mu- mlan, are non-resnioniH 01 iuc niate ci 1 eo ne'iseet and t ai'i'erina from the ro'urn ot tltn Hh.riS' (i'i,t. Michael iMah.r and Nullie Hinilh are not to be found in his O'Uinty: It Is therein e ordered, inal they inane their apietriuiro herein, at the o urthouse . -L-lI '. 1 l-.n..kl. ''... ..n n. U' rueiujr coiiiiij'. ,., ,v'i,,.,u" " before tne Brnt Monday in December, lVt), and plnsd, miswcr or demur to con p'ain ant's bill, or the s.iine will be taken lor oonfosscd as to Ilium ""d set for h'nrir.s ea psile; and that a copy of this order be 1 ub lislicd nee a w ok, for four sc oer-iv. oi ks, in the Mnoiphia Appeal. "I nis 14th day of October, l"l. A eopv attct! H. I. MeDOWKl.L, Clerk and Wester. . lly T. B. Caldwell, Ocasitv 0. and M. V. II. k C. Vr'. llaiikeli, tiolleiUrs for com plainant. Irl mi f's. a. "l r 1 1 1 4 1 v tn mw nniinntaM - a SSAUniriCKHT I . lOCai at nr Sts., Memphis, Tana. .v. ...!..:'.;;.' ta.-e iii.i ii.i.ii FOR UK NT. ME furnished Iront room. 3 squares frosa Ponb dyjloteat lui Monroe street. 2-HTOHV Frame. 8 rooms, lurire yard, riev eelh, near Cnroliti". l"K. LAtlKENCK. IjIKONT ROOM-Larsc and ple.Vant, nice- J' ly f urtiished.jtt 4, l'ontnt c .ireet. N EAT PRICK COTI'ViE With5rooms. sood cistorn, No. 7V 1'ontotuc. Apply at N o SI IN roTilU ST R OOMS- i'leasant rooms, furnished II drsirrd , with references, at 'M M i li-on. JOOM Nicely furnished, Hith or without I board, with private Ininily j suitable for two (rcntlemcii, or rent e in 11 11 and wife; t.rms rcasonaldo. At -.''.M'nion street. I Ol).MS Two, nicely furii'shei: aiiilsblo J V for ccntlouicn ; five uiinutos' walk fro at Court S(U:ire. Aildre s X. V, MY ItHSlDliNCE No. Int Poplar street - to jood tenant W. A COLLI Kit. 1 ES1DKNCE- J V I,. II. KATON. 13 Madison st 1 OOM Furnished roou At liift I'nlon street. TfQV 1S7-A v.'lunble pinntaiien In the V .MIhs ssippi river bottom ; M acres in cultivu'tion, with aood houses and teuces, steam sin, a fine oreharj, eto. Waalsooder for sale of) iuuloi, corn, hay, tools, wiisons, and h 'Ue and kitc(cn furniture, on credit of twelve months, will security 'or personal property... TUOS. li. ALLEN k CO. CIOTTAOE-Three rcoms, on Klinwoo.t J street ear line, near south sale Kim wood. Appl yat 3 Ui 1. ion 1 st. J U3L E tiO W. HOl'H I'- No. 2l:t ile street ; new. with ntneiooms and lame yurd: near Miss lliuloe's school, M. L tsEl.tKM, . 1W7 Main street. DOUHLK COTTA'iK-Oti ViriiinU vs rue, Uvo mlnulcs' walk to street cars, new, rhuun and convenient. Cu'l st lei) Rny hnrn for particulars. Mr. K. L. WHIiliiT. o FF1CE First lloor- At XI Madison street ISV RN ISH ED ROOMS With hosrd. "Ca P isine ol iieculinr esccllcnce." Vi Court. 4KLK0 AN T ROOMS-At ,M Market stree-ri sinslo or en suite, furnished or unfur nished, jrood water, and roar business, COTTAUK-Neven rooms, on Walker are J mi, en Flinwood stroet car line. Apply at 3HJI' men slreot. JUS. LENi"W. PLEASANT furnished room for senile n en ; HI Washine'ton ; rclorrnce roiiilrA TORE ROOM -On Main, dwellins house on Court streei.acd several vacant lots. Apply to It. II. HNOWDKN or J. L. OOO D LOK ,JWM ad i so nst ree t. ST0RKIIDII6K- Four story and basement storehouse. No. 2M Front street M ALLOW Y, CltAWFOHD A CO. OOMS-Weil furnished rooms. No. W Linden street. IOTTiiN OFFICE- Apply to I7M. Apper J son A Co., No. Sit Front street. Ebl'HE-aai Washiua-ton H . 1 7 rooms aai b.throom. Apply at VA Poplar St. QTOKKUlHISKH- O No. li'sl Main Street. No. r Main Htreet. No. m Main Htreet. tpplyto I A M KM LKK, Ja.,4 Mudisin ft K OOM8-Two furnished or unfurnlsh.4 rooms at 40 Madison street. M.itdANT newly lutnlshcd rooms, bath i room, etc. Inoiilre nt tta flonrt street UNION & PLANTERS' BANK OI' Mi:.lIPIIIN,TILX.f AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, OOTOIlllIl SO, 1803 IICSOI'IM V.H. Loan, and Discounts 11,1.17.344 Dank inihouse and oflloo flitLroe .W.ISK) Overdrnlis 2S,iVi7 l Expenses and hues 7,100 41 KiientEx.-hiirme ,IM,Kri M Cash on hand ari8,il7 7.1- rat.MS 2,t ZH.94A 7V. MAUII.IIII.H. Capital P11I1I up I aJ.0fW 00 Undivided Profits 121, .177 H7 Eickanso and Interest 31,311 W Duo other Uaukson llillsrediscouuted.l 2n:),0l fv Deposits 1,074.125 14 l.a77,2B 00 12,029,944 Tt President ..Vice-President Casiiior NAPOLEON II ILL WM. A. WILLIAMSON 8. P. READ MKICtTOKs). A. Vaocaro, Wm. A. Wllllamsea. Joseph llruce, Napoleon Hill. R. Dudley Frayatr, K. Knsier. H. P. Read, Ben). Uahb, John R. Pepper, Jas. If. McDavltt. Isaaft N. Hnnwden. -Sk "To tho VICTOR tria LAUREL Pf-minBnt in every higher quetity, te HANAN SHOE hea become tre 9Cwi t-d-'i (or fm wear awnong (Jietrtrnineting gentl(Ten. A Iflan allh Ilralns nJ onerlrn will drop pfity iirrdiutlirrH ni!flMly ptrked uf whrn trulh Uihh Met ttii- iUwr. ISnrh rv ncA ei try on peir ( " lliiiin " shin!.. We tttiem tiie rcftiill : rvfry m;tn who Mitta 0r hret turf ftfisHt Hrtu lr iti t nurkri will tittuine (tifli HhI " H alien " limn. CHANCERY SALE Cf III: Alt ESTATE. No.P2092. R. D.-Chanoery Court of Shelb county State of Tennessee for use. eta. vs. W. K. Hutler et al.; No. 1704, K D. Memphis City vs. M. 11. Stillman et ai, BY virtue of an Interlocutory decvee tl sale, entored in the above eause on the J lh day of Ausust, 18H4, M. II. 44. pan I'M. I will sell, at pubhe auction, te the hisliss bidder, In front of the Clerk hnd Master' olHca. Courthouse of Shelby evunty, Aleak phis, Tennessee, on NHlurduy, Koveinbvtr IS, ISMB, within IoksI hours, the follcwins describeil property, si'uated ia bhelby eounty, Tn nrs re, to-wit: E st pa t of lot twenty nine lyin west of mid sJloinin l t No. in Cherry, Caldwell A Co.'. subdivis on ol part ry lot 601, kr own as tho Arsenal tlmunila, Ihe said ea t part of lot i'f fronting feet on the no Ih riJc of Curt street eatended, ruiinlna back IH io t, aaJ tbe east lineot s.i'il lot lieiiig BblU 'eet west of the norihw. st 0 ol C.inr-.aiidO -loans sts.: said lo's owned by dr'-'iidan'., W. A. Bifk furd and Mrs M iri .n 11. cUilluiau. Tonos i f iale-Un a credit ot six roorithf ; nr,iot with eco i y; lion re'oined; ro Jomii tion b irrod Th. 'ot ,l,er IS, IShti. ri. I. VrD'lYVELL, I'lH'k and Mjiter. By I'. II. C r'll ell, I'ei uty 0. and M. .Vetenlf A Walker, an! Lanreno. Lamb, 6olicitora fur ooiup n't. st atni