OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, November 10, 1886, Image 4

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term or MLtuM-BirnoH.
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T Contrlknlara and Correapond
uta. Coejatinloatloai lor publioatioa must be.
wrlttea ob Id of the page only.and,
with all other matters connected with lb
. editorial department, hould be addressed t
It Til JbDiTOK off Ibi Arriat., Hmihii,
ITe'oanaot, m a rule,B.dertage to return
articles not found suitable ior publication.
Oar mail beoks ar kpt by postoffioes, and
not by individual names.
We eoliolt letters and eommnnloatloni npon
nb ecu of goner! Interest, bnt such matt
always bo accompanied by the name and
addreu of tho writer, at a I varan too of his
good faith and reiponsibility. No notleo
eaa be taken ot anonymous communica
tions. dpeiiinen copies lent froo of eharre.
fullness letter! (hould bo addrened I
n ordering papers changed from ono post
office to another, tbo names of both poit
offlooilhnulrt ho 'Wen,
M. 0. 04llaway. ) Second root,
J, M. KutTiwo. I Memphis. Term.
WEDNESDAY, t HOY. 10, 1880
Antnmn winds are blowing, the Ko
Tember sky is grey and forbidding, tbe
leaves aie fulling rapidly from the
trees bear their rustle as they are
whirled in tho rouph guet, and nu
morons telegrams toll cf many spots
that are Just having their "first snow."
The ba e trees, the chilly air, the
harsh dampness of the atmosphere.
the aombre licl.t that lingers at the
window, all suggest gloom and sad
nc as, far we have roached the time tbe
poet declares to be "the siddost of the
year." October ami ed sweetly on us,
and the soft sunshine, the balmy
bierse, snd the cherry glow npon the
landscape told how loving summer,
bright and joyous, was leaving ns re
luclantly. nulling and cheery ti the
last. And now November is come,
stern, Latah, nnloving andnnlovely,
and baa turned gentle and genial Oc
tober ont of doors. Now we
must have coal smoke and ashes,
and tbe metalllo smell of
the stove. No sitting cut in the
evening breessand listening to the low
chirps and unceasing hum that are
borne npon the gontle night wind,
while tbe swett, ever busy stars look
down as if saying, how comfortable
earth's mortals look in tbe genial days
and sweet, soft nights. But it is over.
The autumn winds ire blowing, tbe
Rummer leaves are falling, and ill
natured November has come io warn
ns that cold, frecslng winter is ap
proaching, and already the North is
visited by it first snow. So the bright
summer and the gentle fall are gone,
and now we must contrive, and artl
flclalise, and tn.ke be'ieve, enduring
as best we can, and shivering bocanee
we must, aud longing, longing with
lingering wish, tor tho diya when the
bright warm sun will once more
briog brightness, bloom, the tong
of bird, and the light and the
flickering shadows of illumined driys
and gonial evening. But now it is
sour November.
The Vicks'iurg Herald of Monday
announces that next day tie Stato
Colored Fair would be opened at that
city by tbe Governor in peis?n, who
would deliver the opening aildrem.
The Undid awards great credit to the
energy with which the colored people
have got np their fulr, turning the at
tention of their rane in the right di
rection for progress. While North
and 60 nth look with profound into;
est upon these ftire, the Herald ex
presses its opinion that "nothing can
do the white poople of th's Slate
more giod than to co-operate with
the colored people in . such enter
prises," aud it urges the citizens gen
erally to attend. Excursion trains
are expec'od to bring multi
tudes. The Appeal recsntly gave
a resume of the prizes offered,
and for what objects, and those
objects were extremely appropriate
for arousing and sustaining the co
ored man's ambition to excel. An
occasion like the Vicksburg fair Is cil
culated to draw the minds of oar col
ored citizens from unwholesome sub
jects, to advance them la respectabil
ity, and to increase their well being,
AtrineB'uff, Ark., aeimllar fair baa
juat been held. The Pine Bluff press
poks of it with high commendation
and pronounced it a complete iu-c'bj,
In teveral other places colored fairs
have been hold with such catisfactory
results that thoy promise to spread
and become annual celebrations.
Labor troubles are again causing 1
anxiety. Every no and then the
employers congratulate themselves
tbat the labor troubles are over, but
in vain. The evil of distension bursts
out afresh, and the feeling between
employer and employed grows more
bitter. The fact is, that as matters
go, settling a strife fettles nothing but
jost the immediate details of the oc
casion. No principle is rettled, no
system established. Tbe two pariies
struggle and quarrel and calumniate
each other, and in tbe long run one ot
the two titles gets the advantage In
the contest, bat nothing is done to
prevent or soften down futnr con
tests. It is this unsi tiled way
ot settling, this want ot provision ot
some mode ot arriving at a
peaceable and ratisfactory conc'usion,
that makes labor trouble an inceesant
uuunna-suiBui io irauB RDU a Qttngur
to society. Employers aud em ployed
naturally will take different views of
things at times, and mieunderttand
Mgi will occasional y occur. As
things stand, no preparation is madd
for such contingencies, all i3 at loose
end, and that want of ordsr In ar-
raogement should lead to disorder in
practice, we may naturally expect.
Good senee, good feeling and business
like ayatem alone can take loea and
(heating of danger oat of our labor
Every year the Bermuda grass ap
pears to grow in greater favor in the
8-uth, and there isa peculiarity about
it that indnces ns to ask whether it
may cot have a special value inde
pendent of its large yield and high
fattening properties. In an article in
the Starksville (Miss.) Stork Journal,
descriptive of the nature and qualities
ot Bermuda grass, occurs the follow
ing: "Its tendency to withstand a
large excess of water is one cf its vir
tues in this country. Oa low lands it
Is frequently overflowed with water
for months and is seemingly uninjured
thereby. On low wet lands that are
ot very well ditched, and where the
overflows cover it daring a good
portion of the year here is
where we secure our tremendous
yields of hay." Long ago, somewhere
on the coatit of Scotland, the lapping
of the era waves was washing away
the fribble soil of the place, and
threatened the destruction of a fertile
agricultural district. An observant
resident had remarked that the matled
roots of a weed that grew there so held
tbe soil together that wherever it grew
the waves did it no Injury. The sug
gestion was adopted and the land
saved. The close and matted growth
of the Barmnda grass suggests Its pos-
sible value whero the land is liable to
wash into gnllies. Bat may it not a'so
be fjund a binder at the base and
lower parts ot our levees, so as to save
much of the caving tbat is eo common
a cause of their destruction ? Whether
the Bermuda is adapted for the pur
pose or not, a grass or plant tbat wonld
prove a binder as tbe Scotch weed did,
would be of the utmost value in the
lower Mississippi country. Cannot
such a plant or vine be found?
Our national bank system, both in
war and peace, hrs commanded the
confidence of tbe country, and has
contributed greatly to its prosperity
The whole system is now on the way
towards extinction. Whether it is
better the banks shonld die out or be
preserved, it is principally fjr tbe
business portion cf tbe community to
decide. There are theorists about
money and about banks, snd some cf
them are strongly opposed to the na
tion' bank system. It is hardly
likely, however, that theorists will
settle the question now before the
country. Business men, acting on
every day practical experience, are the
jury whose verdict is to settle whether
the national bank sjstem is to remain
or cease. Tbe national banks dope sit
with the government government
bonds as security , and without
them the banks cannot continue
In bus'iuess. Those bonds are ceasing
to be available, and as the law, as it
now stands, requires them to be de
posited, as the bonds difappenr the
banks must ceaaa to ex'at, unless Con'
grpfs provide some substitute for the
bonds, it Con'.rcs8 dceire tlio national
bonk svs'era to be preserved. If it so
desire, it hliotild have taken the necee
ear f t ps before the bonds began to
be unattainable. Now, however, no
lect can exist no longer, for unless
Congrees provide ether ways, the na
tional banks must go. In tbat case
Oonuress must oonnlder what is to
succeed thorn, for the country will
haidly bo SAtiefif d to be cmt upon tho
tender mercies of such a sot of Slate
banks as preyed upon it before the
national banks wcro instituted. The
entire business public is especially in
toiosted in this matter, and before
Conaresi meets It shonld be prepared
to demand eu"h practical effort from
it as will satisfy the country and sus
tain the interests of our commerce.
Ttio liotldeaa Walling for Light
Naw Yokk. November (). The God'
dees of Liberty's torch has not been
lighted sines (Saturday nigtit. Whetn
er it will be lighted agin at all is an
unsolved problem. Tbe American
committee has no funds (or that pur
pose. The plans of lighting the statue
by subscription or through a personal
contract with the engineers, have come
to little or nothing. Gen. Bchofleld
has called the attention ot the War
Department to the lack of any funds
for maintaining a beaoon on Itexllow's
Island, and ot any provision whatever
for the statue. It anv money oan bs
diverted temporarily for that pnrrose
by the War Department the lighting
will probably bs resumed bef r Ions.
If no fands can bs had from Washing
ton the Goddess will nave lo wait,
un. ncnoneui tninx, until a bill es
tahlishing a lighthouee on the island
and an appreciation for maintaining
it passes at toe next session ot Coir
grees, before ber torch ran bo lighted
- "
Verily, the Way of tbe Wlvkad If
ITamilton. Ont.. November . 9.-
young man named L. V, l'reaton, who
was a collwtor In tiuio tor the intir
na'ional Nawa Company of New
York, col'eoted about iltiCO and ild
to Canada, coming to this city. He
was easily located and Charles K
Bii'cne.i, president 01 the company,
cams lime and had an interview with
him. rreston gave up JtiOO ot the
money and two watches which he bad
bought for bimsolf and wife, rres
ton a home is ia Boston. He was ar
rested some time ago in Toledo ior
elopin with a 14 year old girl name
D01 a Weavy, but was released at the
instance 01 the girl's fa' her.
Mulf-rd'it, 210 Main.
ftulrirted on th . v of Ilia Wedding-,
MiicoN, Ga., November 9.
HskiTii.ville, Ga., eperitl (ays that
j. u rac'jorm'ci.igMi ,'ti, a nroeDer
ius cott n broker, who was 10 bave
ui-en married toiuoriow night to Ml
larre iVwis, a ltd? of high axial
Bunding and nusd beu y cutaiitte
biuiiiie Ibis mornir g. He lud bien
ulij't'lto Usui do p n Ifikv, nbd it
h nuppis-a tiiet ilin exdtimeut at
lenei'iig inn we iding pit inr.iti jns
worKe 1 on ii's mr:ud i.ervas sj as to
cause sun tie irii tinii.
Fin Jvwt-lry nt ti I ford's
IIOSDl'BAS rebels:
Delcado Will Not Take a, Required
Oath to Save' Ills Life A De
voted Wife's Tears.
New Obi.hanb, La Nanember 9.
The Timet-Democrat publlehe; an c-
aunt, by an tye-witnee, of tbe ex
ruiion on Ojlober 18'.h of Gen. K.
Delcado, Lieutenant Colonel Indela
cio Garcia, Commander Miguel Cortez
and Lieutenant General Loyant, who
were shot at Uomayaga ior lead ng an
expedhion against Honduras, i'be
four officers above named were lodged
in a small prison at Coraayagua when
tbe news t.I their sentence reached
them. Gen. Djlcado a wife was there
1 plead with a wilts tears and
woman's devotion for ber bntband's
ife. It was tbe desire of President
Bjgran to spare Gen. Dalcado's lifd if
possible, aru any pretext would nave
been readily eeized npon to grant bim
an opportunity if saving himself and
at the same tune vindicate the tribu
nal which had condemned bim. Tbe
Preeident sent a meeieng 'r to him to
say, tbat if he would promise to never
again take np arms againnt noiiunras
be should receive a pardon. ioe
soldier was too brave to save
bis life nnon tbfsa terms, ile
sent back word he would eee Hondu
ras in an even more tropica! clime
than she now enjoyed before he would
accept his pardon on such a pledge.
When bis ansterwas received mere
was no'htrg leu uut 10 prepare ior
the execution. In the ccuutries south
of this there are few preliminaries to
such, not uncommon events. A
priest, a firing (quad and a coflin
are soon obt lined. On tbe
morning of their execution the
men were token to a point near the
Church of Comayaeua, four enffins
were placed near the wall and the
four condemned men were led to
them. Thev accented their nojitiona
as easily and gracefully as It they were
n tbe boxes at the opera, and not a
face was blanched, not a nerve
quivered. Gen. Delcado asked and
received permission to order the
guard to firs, which he did, first re
questing them not to shoot him
n tbe lace, but in tne Drea.t. mere
was no rattle, no scattering shots, bat
one sharp, stunning report, ihe
four men for half a second remained
in an upright position, as if still un
hurt, and then rolled over, bloody
and dead. The soldiers bad complied
with Gen. Da'cado's reneat, for the
balls had penetrated h:s breast.
Umpires Appointed for tbe Next
Season of the Moolbera
Baseball League.
Nashvilli, Tin iv., November 9.
President Morrow has selected the
following gentlemea as umpires for
the Southern League for the seaeon of
1887i W. 0. Atkinson, Tony Buck, W.
E Bobbins and A. S. Morelacd. Billy
Atkinson is well known in this city.
He has been in the Western Union
employ in Nashville for the past ten
years, is a gentleman of qnlck percep
tions snd marked intell'gance and will
undoubtedly prove to bs one of tho
Btrongcet and moat successful umpires
in the loagne. Tony buck was one of
the best catchers with the ill ntarred
Augusta Club, which give up the
gbrst last Juiy. Aftora short season
of idleness he waatdgned by Proeident
Spnulding, of tbe CIiIcbkoh, but had tbe
misfortune to break the index liouer ot
hia right hand. 1 leEecured a position as
umpire In the Western League, where
be was coi Buteied the best of tbe stall.
Mr. Mi re hind is one of tbe bott known
men in tho profusion,. being an old
ball player oi ten years' expeiieuce.
For soino yeara ho htisbeen connected
with ttie local pre a 1 X'ltti'burg as a
sporting writer. W. E. Bobbins was
lornierly manager oi the Montgomery
(Ala.) team, a semi prei-a lonal club,
which at one tune etjoyed quite a
reputation in the r-outh. He was also
one of tbe fnundeis of the Sonthirn
Lagu. Mr. Kubbiu" ia now officially
connected with tbe Florida Rtilway
and Navigation C jmpuny, with head
quarters at Jacksonville.
Vlllftlnone Ynnlli rattll I ill urea
Mia lllval.
lirKcui. to tii Arrm,.
Nash villi, Tbnn., November 9. A
fatal adray ooctmeM at 8:30 o'eilock to
night between William Eleazer and
William llerriman, two well known
vonng men residing in the Fifteenth
Dis'rict, just beyond the corporate
limits. It appeals that E'eazsr had
incurred tho enmity of llerriman by
paying attentions to a young lady in
the neighborhood, and tonight both
parties met at the reading club, which
convenes in the district schoolhoust.
Elrar.r hid bsen warned by Herri
man to keep away from the reading
club, but rtfu'ed to do so. In the
tight tbat ensued hleazsr was struck
in the head with a plank by Herri
man, crushing in his skull and inflict
ing a fatal wonnd. The Sheriff ia now
in pursuit of Herrlman.
Br. Henry Lanrena and If lea Clara
THaalaan Married.
ItPICIAL TO THl ippf 1L.
Hii.sna, Ark, November 9 Mr.
Henry Lanfens, a prominent young
merchant bf this city, and Mies Clara
Diseinan, of Pekin, were married in
this city this evening. Mr. Laurens
is an Alderman of Helena, and Miss
Pieeiran is one of Illinois fairest
Window Ulaaa nannfart nrera.
rixrmiima, Pa., November 9. A
meeting of tbe leadng window g'aes
manufacturers of the United Htites
wdl be held in this city tomorrow to
perfect the organization of a syndicate
to control production and prices. The
project baa been under consideration
for several months, and would have
been perfected soma time ago, but the
manufacturers Interested wished to
first seek legal advice, and had attor
neys draw up a plan that would not in
any way conflict with existing laws.
The rcheme is looked npon as the
ruost important that has been broached
in the glass bueinwas for years.
Looknnt for ttie atnrm Period Pram
Ibe fin to the 17inof Itrceiaber.
Bum.iKOTON, Ia., November 9
Prof, tester, the metooto'oirist. will
publish tn tbe Burlington llau keyt to
morrow bis predictioi s of the great
storm po t"d, extending irom em
ber 4m 10 17th, during wh eh will oc
cur some e f the most destructive win
ter storms of recent years. These
storms wilt ba bin h of the same na
ture as the greet bi.ztrd of Inst Jan
uarr. Hovy enow and high winds
will gieat'y impede railway travel,
aud be advises ttio rallwn.sto ptepave
for blockade thet will recur in the
West-rn Sates about December ft b.
and re tching the Extern Mates De
cember 9;h. These ttjruis will break
no tbe drouth in the Southeastern
States. There will be ere'get c elec
trical d'etnrbaaceg that will arT-ct tel
egraph and telephone lines. Hesrg
gaeta tbat many lives and much pr p
erty can be saved from los by making
preparations for tbe severe wtatber of
tbe storm period.
The Federal Prisons Debated An
Adjournment to Wltaeea ine In
aeurallvn of Gen. tJordon.
Atlanta, Ga., November 9. The
Na'ional Frinon Congress at the
morning seesion dissui-eed the ques
tion oi the moral and religious in
struction of prisoners. JemeaMasRie,
warden cf the Central prism, ot To
ronto, presided and read tbe finst pa
per. He laid great s're-s upon the
character of the warden ando ber offi
cers of the jail as the most elfioieot
factor in the managing cr reforming
of prisoners. The subject was further
diecus-ed by the Rev. F. II. Wines
end the Rev. Dr. Biers of Chicago.
Mr. Tufts of Concord, Ma e., aud
others. At 11:45 o'clock the
Congress .took a recess in
order to be patent at
tbe inauguration of Gov. Gordon. At
the afternoon eeeeion tho Rnv. F. H.
Wines presented tbe report of a epe
cial committee a;pointed a year ao
to consider the auettion cf establish
ing a Federal prise n for violators of
Federal sta.utes. The rtpirt took
strong ground in favor cf Federal
prisons, and approved the bill of Rep
resentative Darwin R. James of New
York, providiog for the appointment
of a commission te inquire into the
stibjec'. The report was nrported by
Gen. Brinkerbnff, of Ohh; Warden
Nicholson, of Detroit; Fx Gov. Bul
lock, of Georgia, and Maj. Mc
Claughrey, of Joiet. M. J. tJnasidy,
of Pbilade'phia, said tha National
Prison Congress had nothing to do
with Ih s question. Dr. Bjers also
opposed the report. Speeches were
made airairist the roport by 1'iof. Way
land, of New Haven; UtarlfS Felton,
of Chicago, and others.
Tbe report was finally cdoptsd but
with many dissenting votes. The
Congress after the recess examined a
large collection of priacn and police
appliances and materials which till the
hall adjoining that where the sessions
are held. A model of the Central
prism at Philadelphia is also there on
At the night session of the Prison
Reform Congress an eseay was read
by the Rev. F. II. Wines favoring the
general adoption of the parols eyttem
in prisons and penitentiari'B. One of
the most notable features of tbe ses
sion was an add rets by Dr. P. D.
Simms, of Chattanorga, on the convict
systems of the South. It arraigned the
convict lease system as being a con
tract between the State and private
parties having no views higher than
the pecuniary gain of each.
Tbe Alletred Blaainlot Dlrhara;cd
Ilia Divorce la VkIIiI.
Littls Rock, Ark , November 9.
Justice Oliver today dismissed the
suit sgalnst M. T. Hancock, arrested
in this city on Sunday, churged with
biframy, holding tbat the divorce
wbich Hanci ck he'd, anil wheh he
claimed he got in Bent county, Col.,
was at )e;st good on its face. Hancock
agrees to give wife No. 1 a deed to the
fhmily reeidence in Thomaston, Ga.,
valued at $1500, $5C0 in cieb, and tu
allow her a monthly annuity of $20
for tho snpport of their two children
until they uball become of ate. Wife
No. 2, who came np fioni H.ipe Sun
day nlht to find hor busbind under
arrest, returned home ag-da to await
the result ot tbe suit.
IiiMpcct jtHniford w nfock.
A narlnar Kobberjr,
Indiana. Pa . Nwmil-r 9 LnsS
nfght five mabked men entered the
notice of Ueorge bmith near unerry
Tree and holding a revolver to bis
bead, fi roed him to produce $5000 in
gold, which ho had concealed in the
honse. The lobbers took the money
and made g nd their escxpe. bmi h's
wife and a hired man were nlso iu the
houss at the time, but wcru covered
by revo Ivors.
They Are Not Nurrjr.
Thero is one thing nobody ever re
grets that in, the day thpyfiret adopt
ed Parker's Tonic as their regular fm
ily mediiine. Its range Is so wide
and its good effecta so sure, that notb
ing else, except good nursing,- ar
needed in a great majority of cases
Buy it, try it, and afterward It will not
require any prai from na.
An Kmbeaaler Arretted,
Nxw York, November !). A dis
patch from the Boston police today
asked Inspector Byrnes to arrest Rob
ert 8. Fabrabam, a young broker now
here, on a charge of embr itling $5000.
Fabrabam was arrested. Notes and
stock certificates amounting to several
thousand dollars, and business
cards of Robert Fabrabam it Co,
brokers.at No. 26 Congress street, Bos
ton, were found on the person of the
Acre of Coal on Fire.
FiTTSBDBQ, Pa., November 9. A
special says tbe fire In the Standard
Coiil Mines at Mount Pleaaant, Pa., is
still burning. Acres of ccal are now
on fire, and the flames are making
their way toward abandumd cells, in
which the coal has been exhatnted,
These cells are filled with fire damp,
and a terrible gas explosion that may
destroy at immoDte amount cf prop
erty is feared.
Diamonds at TtinlfordV.
78,000 rattle Tamed Looae.
Chicaqo, Ii.u, November 9 A spe
cial to the IWs from Fort Keo,h,
Mont , says : The ttoi kmen of Upper
Felton have driven 76.0C0 cattle on
the Piegan reservation ti range during
the coming winter. They claim they
bad to do this as teed ia ccarce. Tbe
authority of the Indian Agent and the
Indian Bureau wis obtained.
A Ladr Killed by the Exploeloa of
Pittsbcro, Pa., November 9. A
Dunbar, Ta., special says: Tho boiler
at B'lss, Mardiall & Co.'a brick yards
exploded this afternoon, killing Mies
Lillie Campbell and seriously injur
ing Terry Caddis. Tbe boilers and
part of the brick yards were demol
ished. Loss about $50.0.
IiilMiO ltlngattt Mulford'w.
Killed by a Banned Ily Wheel.
riTTsiiURei, Pa., November 9. A
large fly wheel at the Clinton Rolling
Mill, on tbe S.mth Side, burst this
morning, scatltrittg fragments In all
etirpctlons and ins'antlv killing
Witiliael Burns, a workman, who was
etrui k 011 t';e heiul with one of the
piects. Th mill whs not (lamng d.
Fiue Wuteh Re pairing, Mulford's.
NOVEMBER 10, 188G.
Bnt Ha j 8 He Made the Burden of It
the Indorsement of Cleveland's
Civil Service Beform.
Wasiiirotos, November 8. The
case aga'net Pcatmaater General Vilas,
who bo recently violated the Presi
dent's civil service order, is attracting
attention among the politicians, par
ticularly since Mr. Veit has made such
pointed reference to it iu bis argu
ment bet ra the President ia the Ben
ton case. Good and indisputable evi
dence can bs given of Mr. Vilas hav
ing made a political speech in the
campaign at h's home in Madison.
Some of his friends pay he did not
sptak as a Federal office holder, but
simply as a friend of his fellow towns
men for the purpoee of relating to
them tha meiils of tbe administration.
Whatever may the defense the point
of h:B immunity from punishment
will be need in tha Stnate if the Preei
dent does not res'ore Benton or
should send in some other name for
the place. A representative of the
Timet Star called unon Mr. Vila to
ask him about bis all.ged violation of
tne rresiuent s order.
"It is true," eaid Geri. Vilas, "tbat I
did make a rpes h lat Monday night
at my home in Madison. The rerj- rta
sent out to the prees that I had par-
ucipmeu in trie con'est and asattt-.d in
tbe manipulation of the canvass is
wholly falsa and without the lees pos
sible semblante of t.-uth. I did Lot
reach Madlcon unt 1 Sunday night pre
vious to the election. On Monday I
spent an hour and a half of the fore
noon conversing with friends I hap
pened to meet on the pidewalk and
ctlled at the Derrtocrat offiue for fifteen
minutes. It was Ea'urnl 1 should call.
upon my 01a irieno;-. Altar 1 bad in
dulged in a brief call I letumed to my
residence end remained there until
evening. I was asked to addresj the
people in connection with other gen
tlemen, tome of them prominent and
well known throughout the State. By
tbeir courtesy more time was accorded
roe th-sn either of the other gentlemen
occupied. It has been tbe custom, I
think, for the past twenty years
in the city of Madison to close
the campaign with a politcal
meeting, eitaer on Saturday or Mon
day evening preceding the election on
Tuesday. I did not suppose there had
been a hnlf-dozn of theee meetings
when I was absent, and did not have
something to say to my friend upon
the political'Bitua'ion. I bad gone
borne to vote, . and was willing to
travel 20CO miles to enjoy tbat
privilege and attest my sincerity to
an bonett and fair administration of
public affairs. In the course of mv
remarks I spoke specifically upon the
r resident's order lBtued to Federal of
ficeholders regarding participation in
political conventions. I pointed out
the evils which had grown np during
tne iiietime 01 tbe Keoublican
party, when party nominations were
controlled by the officeholding
element. I unoualifiedlv declared
my cordial approval cf the President's
course and nolicv in resDect to the of
ficious dictation and .intermeddling
01 omrecoiders in directing comina
irons ana manipulating conven
tions, and the declaration re
ceived an outnnrst of ap
plause indicative of the mcst hearty
approval of thewise'a d judicious
polico ot tbe Piesldent. I was among
ray iriencs and 1 lo.ked noon it as
duty to addreis them when they bad
neen xind enrngti to exte id to me an
invitation. There ia a wide difference
between addreeamg an andienca at
home in a single pputch and abandon
ing the duties of an cilice for a long
peiiod of Ciimpaignii g. There must
be a ili'tinctien allowed between ofli
cera cnirgia wua rjiiiercrir duties in
connec 10a with tbe service of tlie
government. Theio was n tMrg in
the bu-iness requiring any a'ten im
but (he false reports trii6miited for
pait Ban ends "
la Me harlea t'urtN or Lord Tlcli
borne? New York, November 9. Tin ex
pmiratinn in tho am tf the man
Georgs C irtia, who claims to be Sir
Rogor Tic'iborce, upn achargt of
beii'g a bogus ORr eiou aenr, was be
gun b fore United 8 atea Commis
b oner Benedict in Brooklyn. James
N. Ward, chief e'erk in ths Persion
Department at Wa hiiig'on, testified
thst he made the complaint and was
present at tbe time of die arrest. A
copy of the orgirat discharge of
Charles Curtip, which is on file in tha
S cond Auditor's cfliee at Wa-diing-ton,
was placed in evideucs. It Bet
forth that Charles Curtis w s a private
of company F, 108th Nt-w York Volun
taer Infantry, and enlisted February
12, 805, to serve three year, or dur
ing the war. He was discharged from
(he service to date from June 17, 18(15,
by reason of tbe muster out of the
detachment Said Cuitis was born in
Canada, is 37 years of age, 5 feet 10
inches in bight, light complexion,
blue eyes, dark brown hair, and by
occupation a clerk when enlisted. The
identification papers show that it was
made bnfore Justice of the Peace
Charles F. Monroe on March 12, 1885,
at San Diego, Oal. The papers farther
show that Curtis was wounded in bat
tle. MrThomas Ornisby, who knew
the heir of the Tichbirne estates, vis
ited the Uni ed States Courts and sw
Curtis and Charles Orton. who hap
pened also to be in the building. Mr.
Ormeby said subtequert'y tbat he
failed to recognizs either of the two
men as the musing heir. The lawyer
for the accused i confidant of proving
tbat h's client is Charles Curiis.
A Wild Man Turned looae.
Nxw Oklbans, La., November 9. A
Yazio City, Mea , rprcial says: A
letter from Tchula reports a terrible
shooting affair there yeetarday. Mar
shal Vantrv McBee atta ked a negro
and severe. y wounded him. Later in
the day he attacked another negro
and still later athird. He then jumped
on his hotee and rode away, but after
going two miles, the animal fell and
broke its neck. McBee walked back
to TchuU where be began to dr nk
and fi turish bis pistol. He finally
shot another regro who has since died.
McBee then fld to the caneb akes.
The Sheriff and fonr other men ara in
pursuit of him. McBe is accompa
nied by bis brother Albert. They are
armed with six or eiaht nistols and
shot guns, and it is reported they have
declared that they will not be taken
Holiday PrrHt uIm. M afford.
830,000 Loat by Fire.
Portland, Mg., November 9. Tbe
principal building and valuable ma
chinery of the Portlr.ntl SroiiPWfire
Company's woiks, at During Pent,
were burned this mornirg. The
work, were ownd by James N
itielnw snd Ed Winslovr. who
f armed the cmp'env. The loss is
$"0 (().); in-uraiice)$L,:,,W Sixty-live
n ent ihrawu cut of employment
by the fire.
As It PreaenU Ileelt to Henry Wat-
Nxw York. November 7. Under
the head of "Wa'er.sonon His Friend
Bayard's Fiieiid," the Tribune today
prints tbe following in iu editorial
columns: "In a private iett-r to a
friend in this city, marked 'not confi
dential,' Henry Watte eon, writing
from the Fremh capital, say-i: 'Alt
Paris is laughing at poor Mr. Pf.elps'a
latest exploit in Lond m. Ic seems in
conceivable, but it i?. As usual, how
ever, Mr. Bayard, in whose pretended
lavor tbis uogus bill 01 dipltmany has
been drawn, will be required by the
public and thepresa to pay it ia full,
ptiucipal, diccnuut and exchange, and
at very high rates, too. Mr. Bayard's
offense cot s's's in having made en
ideal in Mr. Phelps, who is not that
kind of thing at all, but a shoppy lit
tle Yankee attorney, intoxicated with
his new made greatness, and quite
dizzy over an eminence for wbich
he web wholly unprepared. I
wrote the Secretary of State to
this effect last summer from Switzer
land, though I doubt whether he
thanked me for my candor. No man
knows Mr. Biycrd better tl au I do, or
has a stronger respect and regard for
him thin I htve. I voted for bim at
Cincinnati after Hancrck was nomi
nated, and at Chicago after Cleveland
was nominated. I have followed him
in many hard place;. But Mr. Phelps
is too much for my loyalty, and I
must desert bim there. Oi the many
begtatson horse bee k this administra
tion has mounted,in its purp sa 10 re
tire the politicians for knowing some
thing, and t reard the unrcogairsd
for doing nothing, tbe Minis er of
England, after the Secretary of Wur,
is the most conspicuous, ai.d mark
the prediction, tbat such excess of
zeal can end ouly in treachery. One
shudders to think what would became
of Mr. Phelps if a quarrel Bhould
spring np between Mr. Bavard and
Mr. Edmunds, aud Mr. Edmonds
should happen to visit London."
Will Hate a Tie In the Senate.
Washington, November 8 The
Star figures out a probable tie in tbe
Senate after the 3d of next March. It
says:Ontne3d of next March the terms
of sixteen Republicans and nine Dem
ocratic Senators will expire. Of the
sixteen Kepub ieaus who will retire
twelva will certainly be succeeded by
men 01 tbe same party. Messrs.
Sherman, Aldrich aud Edmunds
have been reelected, and the
Legislature) of Maine, Connec
ticur, MafsachuBettfl, Michfg.tn,
Minuero'a, Nebraska, New York,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are Re
publican. Tho Drmoorats loss one of
ih nino whose termi expire Fair, of
Nevada and era secure of the re
mainder, so tbat if the Lfgn'a'urns of
California, Indixna and New Jersev
prove to be Deniocrnlif, the result of
the cbanga in iho Senate ultrr the 3d
of Mnrch will be a net loss cf three to
the RepunlieatiP, a Democrat having
been cho.en to succeed Mahone, from
Virginia. The prsent fcenate BtandB
for y-nne llipubli -una, tbirty-fmr
DemoiraH and one Kea nuster. Kid
dieharder. Bat Seiia'or Van Wjck
comes bi.cH Irom iNeDi.isia aa
peoplu a reprei inlutivo. Ho niad'i his
fL'bt belofe the whole p:op'e and won
op an iue of oppcs.titiu lo corpora-
tio-B. During lua 1 resent term he
has not hesitated on occasions to au
taeonizi liis party, and under the coo
ditious of hid re-tlec.ion be may be
more lndeneindent etui. Leaving Van
Wyok aud Kideilobergir out of the
conn', the Semite will otand pro
vided tbe Dem; crats eocuro the three
doubtful Sates irentioned thirty
(even K?pub ifanp, thirtr-soveu Dem
nera'P. Thus Mesers. VauWyck acd
R d ileb'.'rer would hold the
balance of power. In connection
with this probable situation it
is a fact worth mentioning
that both Van Wyc and Riddleberger
have given evidences of a kindly feel
ing for tha edmirjis ration. In tbe
event of any conflict betweea the Ex
ecutive and the Senate the two votes
from Nebraska and Virginia would
determine the issue. Van Wyck and
Riddleberger would have it iu tbeir
power by co-operating with ths Demo
crats to organiz the Senate ; or should
Van Wyck vote with the Republicans
and Riddleberger with the Democrats
on the question of organization there
would be a tie. and thera is no Vice
President to throw the HeHdine vote.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder never variei. A marvel oi
purity, strength and wnoloomen-s. Mo-e
eoonomical than the orlnery kinds, and
onnnot be sold ' eompo'ition ith the mul
titude of low test, short weirht alum er
phosphate powders. . Suld oxi.t in caxs
liirt Well tret,Nei York.
Koch's FatStoro
Nil EI.TI7TO Is adjustable to met any red
or business. It is ohenprr tban ol.lftvle. Can
be put up by any one. rik-iinl-4l lir
I'antry " xvook. MiMi. Addreis
Kor ii a. n. r jtfr
B41 nil NT.. Vi:KI, I I.I... nr.
Sluiuion Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Jamna W. Blaine.
Nxw York. November 9. James G.
B a;ne left the city to-day for Boston,
where he will remain uutil Thursday
when he will start for his home. Be
fore be left his hotel, he bad a conf er
ence with Chauneey M. Depsw.
Silas Winnie Davla.
Syracusk. N. Y , November 9. Mies
Winnie Davie, daughter of Jefferson
Davis, arrived iu th s city this after
noon from New York city. She is
the gn?Bt of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
Kdwln Booth's Illneaa.
Naw York, November 9. Edwin
Booth's illneiB is consequent npon an
attack oi dysentery tuat developd .
Saturday last, and wh'ch will prevent
his appearance until Thursday even
ing. .
Justin Metlarlj Entertained. .
Montkbal, November 9. Justin
McCar y was presented with an ad
dress by tbe Montreal branch of the
Land Jeaiue thin alU rno n; dined by
J. J. Cowan, M. P., and given a re
ception this evening by Elward
OCTOHBIX 26, 1886
Loam and Diacounte (1,437,244 03
Bankinghoaae and oBioe fixture! 30,000 00
Overdraft! 2S.P57 29
Kxpenitei and taxea 7,100 43
Night Exchange 1158,225 36
Caah on band 368,717 73- 626.913 Ot ,
t2,029,944 7
Capltaf'Pald up t 600,000 01
Undivided Profits .. 121,377 87
Exehange and Interest .. 31,341 92
Due other Bank on
Billirediaeonntad.S 203.019
Dopoaita - 1,074.125 15- 1.277,225 00
I2.029.V44 79
President ..Vloe-Pretident
A. Vaeearo, Wm. A. WillianiioB,
Joseph Brnse, Napoleon Hill,
R. Dadley Vrayser, K. tniley,
8. P. Read. BenJ. Bebb.
John R. Pepper. Jas. 1L MoSavitt,
Isaas N. Snowden.
Jliwt (f tlia disoa-os wlitcbalJiK-t munkin.l Rrf- ori:iu
ally cmiaod by ailisi-nlertKi oonaiUon (it tbf L I V t R
Ior all ciululMutii at tlli kuul, fu. b a 'i'oriiidui of
tha Liver, ltiliousnrm, NnrvoiH 0po.k, liidiRBi'
tlon, IrruKUlarity ul tbe bnwols (jUBtipaUon. I latu
lenoy. EracUUoD!! and bunilug of the Blimiach
isonl. timns calh il lleirttiurn), Miaema, Malaria,
IiloiKly Hux, Ulillle and tUvur, Utwililjone ar.
Eihaustion bof.iij or afwr tt)x.n, (Jiinrio War.
rlioa, Lena ut Appetlt B-wIm bo, tool Brfmta,
d.,wn Pnini naoluiuhe, ., ao. bTADICER'B)
AOR ANTII i InvaluableiL J: not aiHwawa
aa3l0WELt. It
chain the i'onLilmi..u Uvm a wr.iy, Jtlluw nnira.
to a rudily. lioaltlw color. It enmtjy rcinov i ....
Kl.iomy H.iriln. It ta one ot u Alurudf,
a.. i rurijun of iht HUj.i.t,amd u a a(uoi; U-.
For Bale by ell Drugglsta. Prion 81.00 prbettJu.
C. F. STADICE'R, Proprietor,
tJO SO. FRONT ST., Phtlndoipn a, Pa.
MoLemore avonue, near State i-cmalo
College. Tho property, which is -in Green
wood, the most uttraotive and erowing ub
urb of Memphis, consists of Ave acres of
Eround unsarpassed for haalthi'ulneis and
eauty ot loca'ion, containing a larse varie
ty of forest and fruit treis, ornamental treee
and shrubbery! a two story resldenoe eora
prising ten rooms conveoiontlv arraniedr
with ample aupply of closets; also, kitchen,
servants room, stable, carriage houre, coal
and poultry house and several othef out
buildings two good oil term and a deea
brick-walled well with fixtures as a deposi
tory for milk, butter, tiesh meats, etc. Con
venient aooess to the city by street cars and
turnpike. ... v
Immediate possession given io purcnaaer.
Prine. tSOOO. For terms of payment apply
at my nfifca, No. 6 Madison st , r telephone
Ho o5a j. w . uufirr.
1 1
308 Front St.
William Diart.
Joan Lilly.
Coffee Roasters,
205 Uaia St. (Lee Block)
Physician and Psychologist.
DU VNCE hs pcr'ented hiiDr.tl In py
ohrlorv, and trip. red to trcnt dis
eaers of nnrvoua origin b enli e y new
ruetuoits. His i her pen ios is addi ts.rd prin
c pally tn tho hiu-litr t-r- it. cmtiTf ot spirit -ualact
vily. whose Ii l'.uc-i-e on lor (unc
tions, iierv uh and hi diM . i, mr ,lm unt. As
master of the lns rnvrn.irg syeho-physical
phenomena, he ia cnnCd Ft tht resultfl
will meet his n.o ranifuiiie exptcutious.
OlUcc-2;3 l-'i JIaiu J(rcc(,

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