OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, November 19, 1886, Image 1

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VOL. XL VI NO. !70
Thb venerable ex Prrsident o! the
Confederacy will next week pay
what will very likely be his last
viat t) his birthplace, where be it
to be prea tit at the dedication of the
Bethel Baptist Church at FaiiTiew,
Todd county, Ky., which baa been
built upon the eite of the home in
which be was born. He gave the
land for that purpose. He will likely
deliver an address npon the occasion
Mr. Davis is now approaching his
seventy-ninth birthday, and this vif it
to the nlace of h:s birth may be the
last time that be will leave his home,
ripar Bllox', Miss., fir eo long
Dr.Mc3cbh, president cf Princeton,
is not satisfied with the explanation
and disclaimer made by President El
lot. of Harvard; who, in letter to
the former, carefolly Inverted tb
vents of the Harvard celebration, and
strongly disclaimed any intention of
inflicting it jury npon the feelings of
Dr. McCcsb. He assured the latter
that "everyone" condemned : Dr.
Holmes for his remarks. Dr. Holmes
did not represent Harvard sentiments,
Dr. McCosh was bgged to believe.
On the face of the letter it was appar
ent that Dr. !iot was most anxious to
convince Dr. McCcsh that it was all
m'slake, and that the proper thing to
do was to shake bands, and let by:
gonesbe bjg nts. But this does not
tatisfy the sturdy Scotch philosopher,
who reads in the poem of the "Ante
cratof the Bieakfast TaWadelib
erate intuit to the venerable college
which he represented on the interest
ing occasion. Dr. McCosh has acttd
With becoming dignity in this matter,
and every man of right feeling must
- applaud blm.
Charles Dddlit Wabmbb, one of
the gentlemen wbo compose the Har
pers' party now making a tour of the
South under the auspices of Mr. John
H Ioman, of New York, is well known
throughout the country to persons of
anything lice literary taste or cultiva
tion, and no mm hai been mora read
or admired than Mr. Warner, who, in a
recent and carcful y prepared article
in the Princeton Rivie.w, presanted the
South to his readers in a spirit of fair
nessand candor in marked contrast
with soma paper that ws recall in
other and more popular periodicals
written by Southern men. Ws are
glad to see that thia is being remem
bered by the people of the cities visited
by the Harpers' party, and that Mr.
Warner has been the recipient not of
special courtesies to distinguish him
from his coafreref, as that would be in
bad taste, bat of unmistakable and
qu'et acknowledgments of his ssnsible
and manly ata tement of oar case as it
presented itself to him. With such an
earnest of good will for the South Mr,
Warner may be relied upon to do as
full justice in the narrative of hid
present tonr.
ism wrmen are s'ea4iiy gaining
their rights under the Constitution
Bit by bit they are tearing away the
veil that has bo long obscured the
vision of even some fair minded men
where they wore concerned, and in a
few years they are des ined to stand
in every Etate the c qnals of men be
fore the law and eligible to all pro
fessious and all offices. Just now they
are eligible as school r fficera in Call
fornla, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisi
ana, Maine, Massachoee'ti, Minnesota,
New Hampshire, New Yoik, Pennsyl
vania, Rhode Ia'and, Vermont, Da
kota, Idaoo, Wyoming, Utah and
Washington Territories; we think also
in Oregon and Mcntana. In Michigan
women are eligible as school inspect
ors, in Connecticut as school visitors,
and in New Jersey as school trustees,
In Wisconsin women are eligible to
all school offices except that of State
Superintendent. In Iowa women are
eligible to all school offices, and one
member of the State Board of Exam,
inera must be a woman. Here in 6b el
by county, a woman worthily fills the
office of Superintendent of.Sobools,
and we hope that the Legislature that
is to meet next January will make a law
enabling women to vote ior and to be
eligible for School Trustee, or Visitor,
anywhere in the Sta'e,
Th death of ex President Arthur,
at bis home in New York cily, yester
aay, removes a politician wno was
purely an accident in the Presidential
chair. Nominated for that higheet of
offices, even by the still exulting and
' dominating Republican party, Mr,
Arthur could not have been elected
to it in 1880. Indeed, the Republi
can party would not have nominated
him under any conditions, as even as
the candidate for the Vive Presidency
on the Garfield ticket he was a weight
to carry. His place in his party be
tors this honor was tendered him was
that of a political manager, the manip
ulator of "strikers," who did the dirty
work of the party arid made a living
by it He was the center of an all
powerful faction of this character in
New York city, that was for Re
publicans the counterpart of Tam
many at that time for Democrats.
He was not a speaker, nor had he
filled any office other than thtt of
Collector o' the port of New York,
which he held but for a short time.
Yet, as President he acted with credit,
paying especial attention to the soeial
duties that devolved upon him. He
had the habits, the polish and appear
ance of a gentleman, and while he did
nothing to discredit himself did nothing
to aignalias himself as President. His
administration was without special
distinction, and he passed easily out
of the life if the na'ion as he vacated
the chair of slate for Cleveland.
And found Innnceiit of the Charges
of Soduc ion Preferred by
Mr. A'ewman.
Jackson, TSN.,Novrnibf-r 18 Th
mm runt ft appointed by tne vestry of
St. i,uk 'a .hpiecoptl Church ol this
city to invest iutits the criminal
charges of ioitcmality prefer ed
attains! tne ice v. u. w. innate by sire.
Newman, ho cl.ins tbat he seduced
her, have been actively at work for the
past week and have about concluded
the r labors. Their cooclaatocs are
tbat Mr. Hinkle ia csttumly innocent
ol tne cnarges and nas been made tne
victim of p- collar Circumstances. Tne
report is said to be very long, and as
soon aa details are completed it will
be submitted to the veatry and then
made public. It promises to be vry
interesting leading Startling develop
ments are looked lor.
The Federal Court, which convened
io toil city Monday, tne sen instant,
adjourned today.
Hack, Wltdm for Ike DelYnaa,
ajsis at la root lata it.
laracuLTo fat arraiL.l
Locibvills, Ky,, November 18. The
priocipal feature of the Converse trial
for the past forty-eight hours has been
tne txaminat on and com ex.mtna
tion of the Rev. Dr. J. B. Mck, of
Scuth Oarclica, the principal witness
for tne defense, ma deposition pro
duced tome severe renacilons npon
Dr. Woodrow, with whom Dr. Mack
Is understood to have had a contro
versy and peisonal feeling. The cross
examination by Dr. Djniel has been
the topic of comment and admiration,
Dr. Mack's movements in the ! emi
nary troub es for yiars past, from
flonth Carolina to tbo Assembly at
Vtcksbur?, from Vickeburg to Clarks
ville. Term., and from synud t aynod,
were proclaimed. He was taken by
the questioner, and rtqu red to
tell what be had htrfrd arjd
bad done about Dr. Weodrow, and
evolation. The doctor's memory was
shown to be vey vaciila ing and de-
about to cdl the names of no mere
than four or five persons wbo bai al
leged tn him the evolution views of
Prof. Woodrow ss ihe ground for re
futing money to the eeniinarr. The
d ctor was verv sevtre in bis com
ments on the Woodrcwitts, but upon
the whole (I d cot appear advantaged
and it is be'ieved both Dr. Maik 'and
tne deft ndar.ta are amy that he came.
Maiv depositions lor the defense
were read, bat nothing of special
we gh. for taem.
Iko Cnnmilailoa of ttio AtTBreaats
Tax or tne SUM Teaaeaace,
IsriouL TO Til Am. L.I
Nashvillb, Tbnn., November 18.
The State tax agiresates f jr 1886 were
complied at tne Uomptrollei a office
today. Tne to .ata are:
Eatt Tmnetsft Acres of land, 8,007,'
000: value, 139,062,264: town lot
20 426: va ue, $13 597,092: value of
other property, $5,270,789 teal value,
fiutvixuui ; atata tax, ;si,zy Z7.
Wed Ttrmntre. Acres of lund. 6.6S7.
951 j value, $35,530,675; town lots, 23,
712; value, $18,694 820; value of other
property, $3,893,85S; total value, $91,'
169,253; Mi ate tax, $183,507 52.
The totals for the S ate are: Acres
of land. 25,127.890; value, $140,994,
711; town lots, 72,566; value, $59,m,
654; valne of other property. $24,791),
914. Tot' valuf, $221,909,179: State
tax, $07,472,702.
These figures show a decrease In the
8 ate tax nf nearly $6000 from that of
I883. 'lhis decrease is all in Middle
and West Tennessee, es Kist Tinnes
S'.e'a tax for this year is $2000 larger
than lan yesr.
Twrt Bis; knlvn r Iron Intcmto-
Bob's Haurlljr So rr, 1,S.
Nasrvillb, Tknm., November 18
A Bpical to the Union from New
York, fays: Jere Bixtor, of Naab
ville, sold hin interest in Bo 'i til Pitts
burg today f or $-'2,000 pr fi', caih in
hand. Sloes lOid his two furnaces in
B rminithem with the coal and iron
Innd attached for $2cO,000 to New
York parties. S mthern iron and coal
is attracting much attention here.
Ibe returns from Irrufdil j county
rame todnv, ennwiig 576 votes fjr
Bjb and 211 for Alt. The vote for
Governor, with the exception of the
counties of Campbell, Haywood and
htewart, is: K. u Xaylor, 124,731); Alt
Taylor, 105,164; Bob's m jir ty,
19,566. 'lbree coan'its not vet re
ported gave a Republican majority of
1600 in 1884.
fro Sleeps tkn ftlrrp of aalk
a no n. k w. exh.iob.
BiaumoBAM, Ala.. November 18.
This morning tne body of a negro
trespasser, named Hero Neelev. was
found dead on top of a boiler at the
Alice furnace. He had climbed up
tneie dunna tne night and went to
sleep and it is supposed tbat escaping
gas killed mm.
This afternoon s Chronuie nas a
special from Washington which repre
sents President Garrett, of the Bil.i
more and Ohio railrond, as very favor
ably disposed toward the proposed
extension cf the road to Birmingham.
He told the deputation from Asheville,
N. C , yesterday tbat he was ready to
receive proposals in reference to the
route of the toad. Forty-four prom
inent bminecs men of the city, too,
have piivate advices which move
them to predict the Baltimore and
Ohio cars to be running inlo Birming-
nara in two years, or less.
Col. F. C. Moorehead has arranged
to start a first-class joint stock month
ly iron paper nere, The Southern iron
norm witn a Duiiaioa of its own, ana
fine equipment lie will also move
his Planter' Journal here from Vicks-
Tko I.Mt of h itoatkwoatcra
Strikers A Labor Paper lls.
Israelii. TO tbs Arran.,1
Littlb Rock. Abk . November 18.
The laet vestUe of the gioat strike of
the Gould Southwestern system last
pring was cleared op, so far as this
city is concerned, -jday, in the dis
charge of F'ank Darby, John Curran
ana Jono r. bcneu for comolicity m
lbs arsiult on the Brirg Crosa rail
road shoos. Ham O. Williams, deputy
sheriff, who was in charge of
gaird there on the occasion,
received each serious woands that the
charge of assault with intent to kill
and dee'roy property was made out
ag imt these mT, hot has lie n kent
In m trial u' til ti day. Sclia ff was
aleo trre-ttd in ennectien with J. A.
McAl'S'er, ind ctments being (uu'id
against ttem for orrjirv concea'ed
we-pons oa t.enghtot fie net an t,
and the j jry convicted VrA'tiroi
ihn cbarte. He wa fi ied $50 HamO.
Wllianis is now citric of this roun y,
while theottier ia tis to the fiasco
are wot kii g at their trade aa railroad
Tne Arkansas Librralor, a week'y
publication, ataitfd in ti.ii city at the
lime of the strike on the Gould south
wFtern system, and which has since
ac'ed as the organ of the Kbighte of
Labor of this State, closed its eyes in
a "sleep which k-owa no wakirg"
last week. The Rev. I -torn P. Longtrr,
late ''Reform" candidate for Corg'es
from this d s rict, was the par er'a first
editor, but the Extcu'iie Biard of
Knights voted him too light ia the up
pr ft ry to grind out "labor doc
trine" for such an enterprise ar,d coon
bounced him. tince then nnmeiou
writers, of varied abilities, have tried
their band on the tripe d, but the
morning of the exci'emeot which
caused its birth carriid with it
every hope of tuecets for
its projectors, and the paper's
death is bnt the legi'imats fruit if
what at one time there reerned to be a
legitimate calling. . B. Keilv, form
erly connected with the Biir kitty
Argut, was lart in charge of the office,
and it ia his intent oa to start aa in
dependent labor paper. He ia a yourg
man of connidtrable ability aa
a writer, and has every show
of carrying his project throngh.
The Knights of Labor me prospering
in Arkabsas, but the laNe mejontv of
them get all the socio1 y news thsy
peed from Democratic lonrcea. It was
the hope tf Mr. Kelly that; he wonld
be able to cmtinue the Liberator, but
today he discovered h s inability to
do so.
An Alljoarnwl Clilsn1 Hrrltvg Bo.
osminkird lo Ulscass tbs Proposed
artoiAL to tbi ArriAL.I
CoLVktBua, Miss, November 18
The ar'jouroed mie i' gi f onrtitiaes,
with Oul. Crane, reas enabled at the
Gilmer Hutel tbis evening to tako
action on the proposition for this
county to vot $'.'60,000 in aid of the
"Utile J. Ice arguments presented
wete forcib'e and to t'e print, acd an
e gre ment was reached witbont any
trouble. The iiumes of oor most in
fluent al me a lll aiperiiiBnpi,ort
cf the submission papers wnicn will
be presented to the suoeiviors,
Anions other things Col. Crane has
agreed to build a t-treet ra Uayfrorn
toe work -bops of the tompany to
the depot of the real, wl h a branch
rtiDn ng to the Industrial College.
Our citizeas are aronsHd to the neces
sity of doing sorxethirg to enhance
tbe value of in-ir property, ibis will
'naugnrats a new era of prosperity in
Mr. T. J. Ross, county Treasurer of
.Noxubee, ia in our city today.
Ike Morrlsa;" of Nr. 1 A. Korehan
io ami.s t.'assio a, reamer.
(sriotAL to vaa ArraiL.l
Hblbna. Abe. November 18 Mr,
Dennis A. Keecben, a prominent
voudp bustneas man if tola city, and
Miss Csaiie A. Creamer were married
at St. Mary's Catbolio Church by tbe
Kev. j. u. a N-tawea laet ntgbt.
Tko Croud Jnry'a Heport on
Ilsddook at sirder t asa,
fiioox City. lit . Novembsr 18. The
grand jury returned their report on
the Haddock mnrJer cae at 3 o'clock
this evening. Toe jary relumed in
dictments againr the following per-
eons: Jonn A. Kensdorn, murder end
conspiracy; Albert Bismarck, conspir
acy; Henry bhermon, conspiracy;
Paul leader, conspiracy; Paul Leader,
Fj Munchrath, SvlvtBtur Oranrla,
George TreiDer, Henry Peters, L.
PUth and H. Leivitt, all for conspir
acy. These ore ten persons p'esert
when the crime was committed. to
of whom, Leavlttand Bismnrc, claim
tbat Jotin A. Keotdoift ned the fatal
shot. Fes des the churge of conspiracy
each of tne parties ii also charged
witn muider. it is Ibn euopositioo at
pment that Rensdoiff will he he'd
without bail and the others in heavy
bonds, wbiib, with one or two excep
tions, they will b unab'e to furnish.
The (asn will not be reached at tbis
term of tbe court. Of those indicted,
Leader, Petets, Platb and Oranda have
not been arrested and their where
abouts are utikoown.
A Prenllor Policeman.
Chicago, III. November 18 Tbe
theatrical stoiy told by Police Officer
Krantz to the effect that he was de
coyed into a house by three roughs
who tried to murder him, was dis
credited in the Police Couit this
morning. It was shown tbat Kran's
bad only been on the police force five
months; tbat he followed the three
young men to their home, and enter-
ng tne bouse demaooed ol tbe af
frighted women whether the men
lived there. Being answered in the
affirmative he waa asked to leave and
was put out. After reaching the street
he fired two shots at the building. It
was ahown that the young men were
respectable. The prisoners were dis
charged by the Con it They were de
fended by Alexander Sullivan, and his
clients will now demand tbe dismissal
of the policeman from the fores.
Anolker Han Dloa On at Train.
Chicago, III , November 18. The
dead body of a man wbrse name is
supposed to be . U. McDonnell, ar
rived in this city this morning on a
Baltimore and Ohio train and was
taken to the morgue. The police
learned that the deceaaed had boarded
the train at Detro t laat evening, hav
ing arrived at tbe depot in a carriage
with two men. He waa a-aiated into
the car by bra companions and ap
peared to be in a partial stupor. The
train bad proceeded but a few miles
from Detroit when the man died in
his seat, seemingly without a struggle.
Bomb feelings are to mortals given
with much of earth and none of
heaven," ta for example, headache,
neuralgia and the like. One bottle of
Salvation Oil sends them hence. Oh 1
let os bs jiyful.
Bt, Leals Kotorprltos.
St. Lodib. Mo.. November. 18. Tbe
St. Louis Wire Mills Company, a new
enterprise, will put into operation
here on December 1st. a large mill
for tbe drawing cf wire and the manu
facture on an exteotive code of ioand
steel rial lg. Toey will employ 1000
men. The Be'cher Sugar R. finery.
bich shut down a shrrttime ag',
ill s'att up aa-iin in Jannarv and
wora, ajouismum law sugar.
In Walnut, Mahoaany and Antique Oak.
fi 0
Opposite Court Nqunrc.
in WaaiiiMwro.v.
Tare KsessM I. Which annas .r the
People's ftresealativsa
Have .
Naw York, Novembor 16. The
Washington corre pocderit ol the
Et raid trlfgraphs that tbe investiga
tion iota the allegrl conduct of Lira.
Arnold, of tbe Washington Police
Force, was conclnd d May. The
whole matter was dt finitely out'inxd
in t hps dispatches lait week. The
d xen odd lieutenants examined, with
three rzeptions, swote that tbe
Superintendent of Pol ce did not in
dica'n tbat it would bs advisable to
natch Congressmen. Several of the
nnmber had no r oillfc'.ioa upon the
subjct at all. Oa the other hard,
Lieut. Ues'frrd, Kflley and Aruolif
aurted ttint the snperintrndent had
most explicitly told them that tlie
habits ot Congressman in diareputible
localities were to ba ncted and the
facts prtarvfd for utu-e use. The
cireum-tantial evidence elicited tor
roboattid thia duclaration, rctther
turning the investigation against the
fupr ntendnnt, wfto bud prefemd
the pha ges wbipli led to V. I?
tot beisti Jenied that the polue force
web to d i romothiog by which On
ereesmen, it wai expect d, would be
ir fluetice 1. Tne exact ni t . re seemi
to be immaterUl tince in iti most tn
nocttnt corjs'mat'.on the entire palice
force tf the D i t'tct was to be turned
it a body d lobbyists.
Apropos of tbo present po'ice scin
da: an old resident says of Congmesin
ioimerdajs: "We Hie gnitingtobe
more moral than in old limes here in
Wai-hmgton, aad tbis police invtet gi
tion g ea to prove it. At least, if we
are not really better than oar prede
cessorr, ws atS'rs to appear so; 'Kin
eatta, caule tamen.' La Kocbe'oucauld
says tost hjpcr!sy is the homage
which v oe pays to virtue, which is
right, since It makes viitn, and not
vice, toe luting powur io wnicn ui m
age ia dne. In ws Lot always so with
Ojngrersmen ia the g tod old days
'belo de wan.' Keauen oi nieiory
know of the scandal ro onm!y ac
knowledged by Alexander Hiniiltoa
while he wai riecretary ot tne iress
nry. Few, perhaps, know tbat a re
puted great grandduiihtr nf Ihomas
Jefferson is niw living in Virginia, a
beautiful and acccm;ilithed teacher,
but retain!n in a moJitied degree the
darker f bade cf color which belonged
to her slave ance-treis.
"To c.ime to Inter year?, 1 have my
sf teen a mimber of tbe Housof
Represent tives from the city, of Gin
cinnatl riding through Pi-nn'sylvania
avenue in broad dayl ght in an open
barouche with two of the mottnottd
women ot the town in the city. I
have seen another member from Lou
isville on tbe llo.ir of the House with
hi bead bandrged hetause he bad
lor-t an ear in a roar witn a hnckev
coschmaa in a honre ol ill fame. D 1
either of them h;d their diminished
heads in shame? Ni t a bit of it; ror
were they, so far as appearances wont,
at a l thought the wrme ol by a ma
jority of their fellow members on 8C'
count of thf 89 little peccadilloes. No
po ice dMectivea were thon thought tf.
"i'endleton, iho most noted keepr
of a gambinghouFe wi ich this city
has e ver seen, was Eotoriously able to
control certain important measures
pending befere Oontesj through the
number of votes he could commend
from Impecunious frequenters of his
establishment, which was ope a to a'l.
No more secrecy about entering or
leaving it than at Mooaco or Biden
Badeo, except be it said to the credit
of our fair country women that none
of them shared, at leest in person, the
fains or losses of tbis famous estab
iabment. Aside from his profession
Pendleton bore an excellent reputa
tion as an honorable and charitable
man, and at his death Mr. Buchanan,
then President, sent his carriage to the
funeral. He waa succeeded by Mor
rissey, wboBe career is too recent to
need recalling now. Fofsibly the same
thing may be carried on now. But the
great and elegant establishments, open
to all having the exterior of gentle
men, have passed away from Wash-
Innlnn l.i.Dirnr n n . Iho tttf nrttttf K
said ia this and other more recondite
aspect to assume a virtuo if she nas
it not."
The Pre.JHlllra.liU 'onfrae.
Chicago. III.. November 18. Tbs
Pre-Millenial Conference listened this
moraine to a nannr bv tbe Rsv. J. rJ.
Kennedv, of Abingdon, Va., on ''The
Practical Power of Christ's Second
Coming," and one on'Mudsmmts and
Rewards," by the Kev. II M. Parsons,
ot Toronto. At the afternoon aeasion
the Rev. D. O. Marcus, of Ihe Chicago
Theological Seminary, rad an essnv
entitled "Eicbatology of Oar Lord,
and the Rev. Dr. Albeit Edmunds, of
Morristiwn. N. J., presented a paper
on "Contending Earnestly for tbe
Truth." Tonight the conference hsd
for its topic "fhe Antl Christ."
Crkspbst akd bist Da. Bull's
Cjugh Syrup, 25c.
Physician and Psychologist
DR. VANCK hu perfected blmielt la ptv
eholorr, sod li prepared to treat dit
ium of nnrToui orixin b) entt s'y De
Diethoda. 11 ii Uiempetiiixa ia addremed prill
o psllr to ths bixber bruin oestart of ii'lrit
asl sotiritr, whoee Inflaeoos on lower laae
tioni, oerrnui sad bodily, ii ptr.mouDt. A
Di.iUr ot tbe lswi norerotni piroho-pbyn-esl
phenomena, be If eonndmt that retails
will meet bli a.oit raine eipoutlona.
OtXlc273 Main Street.
LATTINtt BTANT0N At tbe rsildenes
of the bride'a parenta, Ne. 144 Third atrset,
Kovsaber It, 18S6, Jo W. Littiks aad
Oeolflli (I, Bf tos. Nn ,ard.
BACKUP At fls Antonio. Teiai, Ne
T.mb.r 1ft, 1SU6, Viola Vouoiisity, witeoi
H. W. B.okui. , ,
Faaeral will take plae from CumberJand
Preabyurlaa Chureh thia (FRIDAY) morn
ln al 11 'eln.t. Vril are
Hear I nreleabrlni.
At a mcstlas of the Faculty of t'.e Mani
phta Hoipltal Medisal Colleis, on November
10, ltW8, thelollowtngreiolntloni war anan
Imouttjr adopted :
Wmue8, It hath pletafd Almlihtv Hod
to remo.e Irom oo-oii'iit Uanav ru.araa-
am In tbe ver. prime of lite and tetul
nei: and whereat, onr d.oeuad lrlrnd hid
lor lereral yew been Intlmatclv cenneeled
with the bu'ineM afTalia ol tbe Memphii
n'iit'l Medici Collrsi,
ittmlvtii, that we, tbe Kaoultj of thlaCol
Ioiie, do k' re' j do-ire to eivren and put on
rrerd our h'ah ppre-Utl'n of hii tervieen
aa a member ot our Board of Trtiiteei, and
allot f him aa a warm-hearted friend, who
was ilwara wilitnste makeanr merinee of
hii time end mono to promote the we Dure
ot tlii. Hchonl
Knohrd, That ws d. eplr lament b'l nn
ttmeijr i.eHth, and deplore hii tola Io tola
School ind to the community al lr(e.
Hrmlvrd, 'fiat wo unuert) hit family our
boar filt iriuiiatby in their lad bereave
ment; t- tne wile In tbe Ion of a kind and
tender hniband,and to Mi children of a de
To ed arei t
ALEX. K R-K f N B M O.,
T J I'ROFFORD. M U., Oommltteo.
Mwrnphin. 'I'enn , orcmber 1f. ISS.
M M.'itn so d lUndinr fraternally Invited.
Jly order W. J. 11KOW N, W.el.
Alton; 0. R. Polhid, Beeretary.
To United Labor and Its Friends
ON SATURDAY NI4HT, Nov. 20th, at I
o'clock, tb. re will be he'd a meeting at
N". 2f(t Hieond iinet. nu-aiaira, lor tbe pur
pole of ontaais nf a Club, whit'h ihi.ll ipread
ths lind doetilnei with whloh the name of
Mr. Henry Oeone ii conns ted AH are In
vited. I HK OnMMlTTKB.
bberl&'s Hale of Personal Property.
Tim AFTKRNOON. N. 18, at
o'o'ock. on Jaokaoa itreet, at ths til ti
ll KKT PLACH, I sill sell 'or eak, to the
h theft bi" der, abost hiitv Buih.li of Bwset
Po'ate-", Ten B.rreleol Irlh Po atoea, and
ail the Vettt.blea, Planta, Fiitarei, ele , en
this tlice. By virus of ea szenntion In
oats of Nancy ullbirt va. Louii Hud.ita
W.I). CANNON, rthstio.
By Tom T. Taylor. Deputy Sheriff.
DHVeaib. X eenta ntr Bound.
for iteen, between 't and tt yert old, Is leed,
dolWercil at Union btook Yardi, within
lortr dy.
U .re two FINE MARSH to sell.
J. L. U00DBAR.
II. H EnoiKiaa urriox, I
Menu hi-, Tenn., Noyemhcr l'i, 18HH. )
ubjeet to the uaual condition, w II be
receivodit tbl- ulline until 12 ni. of Detember
tf, 1M, to belhen and there puhli ly opened,
tor levee work in ths aticiiiiipiit-ytaoo
Delta Levee I'Mri t, to lbs ep proximate
ainonntol 4(0,0rtlcut.lc yardi.
For blank lormi and detailed inlormation
apt l at hi. office.
I In riaht it renrrred to rr jeet any or all
bide, and to waive deTec'..
hMlTIf 8. T BACH,
Tiptiln of Kncinrera, II. S re.
Gas Works for Sale
UNLESS aooner dlnpoaed of at privets
I wih offer at tbe 'onrlhonie door,
in llolljr prllla SlieHlatlpnl,
On I)c( cinbcr 1. l"8fl,
at publio ootery, to the hi. hel bidder, for
eib, the entire plant of the HOLLY
HPK.IN.IS HAi WORKH. eonilitire ol Ire
acrei or (round, about Its d ilea i f main
pipe andcnniieettoni, brlct bulldlnn, hoiaer
tank, t oli, portable snaln .eta.
A yaluabla nronert. which ibeownertella
only beoauisenianed in other bmineit
Ai'UlBUn vHAri, atest.
Holly Sprtntt, Mln , November 17. lt"V
fAea) WWHWa HemoTed AliTt.in from
40 mlnoteitol bourn, with head com
plete, or no ehart. No Fatting repaired t
no Doli'inonl inedlninea. (tan ha takfta with
oaie by child cr tdulr. Cell or lend for oir-
eulari. VO.. M. nil i HMIXH. Hpeiallt,
71 Mad lion itreet. Momphil
Clcnalna, Dysln A Rtpalrlo,
No. 17 W. Coo a? BraiaT. '
Greora; m. STlobol.
And Still They Gome
HaTETery Pair Warranted "l
onlt a.oa a PAIB.
1HII012 iiouni:,
410 Main Ntre-t, Wemphln.
LATK OP ST. LOTJI8, MO., hen lot titled
span elecnt office oer Lytle A Shield.'
trooery it ire, eorner n Adami and Main,
whore be ia roejy tn It all tifhit and make
tlaKne- t'i order. Ths publio are informed
that the D otor bat no tiaoei lor a.le other
than thoie made iiy biwielf and In mm lor in
Ity with ths lueiiuieueiit of the eie. Ths
Doetorhai m.de that h'a areola! itudy and
bat all the l-tteit lo s . tile teiti and Imtru
mentt to ln-ure per'snt sod e.ir ll(lit,
Pby.ieiam preeerlptioni f. r f laasee caietully
01ied. UIBos bourt iron to ID and Hon p.m.
IK. U. M. I BW18, ,
Orullit and Optlelan, No. 210 Mala ilrest.
aouussti eorner Acamt aaa aain,
A. M.-Will meet to Uted
communtriition 'hii (Kbidat) even-T 2t
lug, Nor. lih, at 8 o'clock, for d-XeT
uih nr rn.nl.r hulinell. All'
Wuitei-Cat e
Latest Tapestry, Plush
A. 1. Alt
b9Pa!4 PoUcy.HQldern In 1885, (IS.OOO.OOO, and Not Dollar al
Contested t;lalin 1 iw
aayBoch a record It really remarkable In Hi exhibit of enerretio- and klllful maaater
ment and liberal treatment el polloy-holdeta. The preient atatement it plainly the bsei
ths Raw lerh Ul baa s.er made and that u layiua all tbat need bs laid. Don
OmsMrVtoi BnlUtin, tebnnm li, 18HO.
Room 1, Cotton Exchange Building.
S 'ar-loHlH Mel AfallH,
3 ritr-lomln Niinll'Hntl Noil ',
1 C'lir-loart Itirif, Ilauiio iiikI (Hiiuniic.
9 l'ur-loali A morion ii Natrdliic.
1 l'nr-1 ml IV ew UuInIiim,
1 ('ur-lol New Nalmon,
1 Car-loiul 'alironila 'aimol Frull,
10 !at-loavil Toinnloc" t'oapliew, l orn, Etc..
1 "ar-loiul Aluior'a Mince Meal,
3 I'ar-loitdi ew York Illicit whoaf.
3 Car-loadH I'lirareel, Kraut and Karrel Plckloa,
a I'nr.lond Silver Moon treaui t'beeeie,
a I'ar-loadn Virginia IVaiml.
a l ar-load Fir l!ra'Wer and I'lrewnrks,
a rarlads Nat and inriaiitii,
S Car-load Flue Ilanauan,
5 Car-load Ked lien laviN Apnlea,
a I'ar-loads Fresh Fancy CaiidirM,
1 t!aMouil Oatmeal. 4 Jrx eked lVtaeat. Kte..
Aud a complete assortment
lor tue apeeiai um
MTaend lor
01iT7"yjr, Finnie cfij
warn & ims
Iry Goods, Notions, llosiory
Noi. 838 and 828 Main Stv. Iemphla,:Tenn.
va arroes oe rail, ana wiitteb soobi ia LAa a '
PLITI THAN Till aad tar
ba ass alted Htaisa. Ws srs Afenta for
TuaaaM anuractarlaf Co.1 rinlds, DrlTln, Phentlaj, nhirtiaf,
XjxaivilucoztsT caa ov o.T.T.
I 1 . i - ' arafll
mil Ann q.
Caah Advaneeit la IfercliantM and Plantero.
And Commission Merchant
HtM &A and SO SlMdlmon fltrenU ISlcmM
at cLosa or businbsh,
ooTonan bo. iooa
Xoana and Dliooant .'...'...11,417.244 Oi
Bankinthouee and offloe ftxluret Uti.tmo 00
0Terdrafti....,..M - 2H.W iW
Bipeniei and tsxet 7,100 ii
Wlht Kichinte.. ...... 41.2 M ' '
Oath on band 3W,717 7IW -6M.943 09
12,(129,944 ti
OaplUI Paid up $ 01,000 00
Undlrided Proata.....M......... ..121.H77 7
Kiobanie and InUreit ..-... ,1,M1 9i
Dne other Bankton
BillirediteonnUd.l Jrr3,09 M .
DepotlU. ..1,074.L15 1.2J7.2Z5 00
12,028,944 79
NAPOLEON Htt.L ..-...-..Prstlden
WM. A, WIlilAMaON .Viot-PrsMdent
8. P. READ........ Oatbier
Wm. A. Wltllamion,
A. Vaeoaro,
joteph liroce,
H. Dudley Vrayasr,
8. P. Kcad,
.-vapoieoa 11UI,
K. hnaley,
VenJ. Babb,
Jat. U. MoDarltt.
John ft. Pepper,
waae N. Ronwden.
DH. It. L. LASK1,
Pbjslclan, Sarfooo and Aeooneber,
313 Main Htreet, Xear Onion.
.Tslsphons No.lM.
and Velours Colorints.
Jl STRONG, Manager.
of Staple and Fancy Oroeerios.
01 tiouiiiry naereuauta.
a lrlee-Iilwt.tD
priosa will spare wlia tkees of say as
Kerrvilla Hotel at Publie Sale
1 NtTl'KnW. NV.!7. IHH. T
II n m.. nt KkRKVll.l.K. on the N.N.
and 41. V. ll.K , twenty Billet froio Mew
phit, r belbf oounty. Tenn., I will eel1 to lbs
bitlieit bidder, the iiolel aud .roiulo. eoa
tltin ol 7 life lOO aoroa beloncliictnthe Kerr
vllls llotol Onmpany. Said Hotel li s twe
ttoiy trains buiidiuti hu U ronuil bolides
kltcnen, puntry, lorvanm' room nooks
houie, ttuhle, and other ont-bnildingi. a
lame paed (urden and a toed well at ths
duor. and it a tine butineei lund be.nt tas
oply hotel in the town.
TKHMi-One half oaahl ths balanos la
twelve nionthi, with lnter.it 1 bond with ap
proved teouriu will bs required, and a Ilea
retMinel until tbe norohaie money It paid.
By order 0' the Board.
J. 11. MolXlN ALD, Secretary.
n. teCiioTT,
BADUATB of ths Watohmakert
VJt ony 01 owiuerianu,
Practical natchmak!r nad Jeweler.
r Fins Work a Socially.-
Wo. 1 lleulo arwl. lewiiail. Tseiai
TnVEKY bouiekctner knowt eornethini
flj about the trouble! oaixed by tinokini
flieiUo. wbioh are auion th treateet nul
lancei to be met with. Oi.s of tbe Important
thinii. to ba altend.d to in all bourne ii to aee
tbat ibe gratei are let properly, and th.t the
nrcpUne aro correotlT bu'lt. Mr. it.
LKHuti si Un Ntrexit. (1 an ecpert
at thin buiineti, and bat patented tome ar
ranireuieaii mat enable him 10 correct unoky
chiuineyi and to fl tbe rea'et hist Irosa
the fuel. All wbo wast orepleol or hlna.
sore r. mtditd nbou'd apply to Mr. LKXOa,
wbone work will live ,t'''wii?J- '

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