OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, December 11, 1886, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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Cotton Firm Middling, 9 Cents
Sale Yealerdaj, 8000
Money is in pretty active demand
at 8 per tent. Finances are easier,
owing tj the a ties ai d movement of
cotton. Loial securities aie strong.
The cotton market wts firm; mid
dling, 9c. Sal 2 01b ile. At New
York.epila steaiy; middling, 9 916,:.
Futures steady ai.d 6 to 7 pointa
A leading New York cotton circular
ays oi tba aprcu'ative market:
"It was an active, feverish and ex
cited day, nm rkble for the (re
ouenry and aWpt ea of the tiattua
tiocs, the price Vten changing 5;a6
pointa in t oieny minutes. Oa the
whole the tendency web downward,
though a decline of 1011 points was
partly reduced, leav ng Ihe fi ial si es
78 points un er lent evening, and
the tone aont e'eady."
At New 0 ie-w b spots were firm;
middling, 91 i. Fu'ures Beady and
4to 5 points lower; December, 9.18
9. 20c.
At Liverpool ppot were unchanged,
good bufiniesj middling, PJ). Futures
quiet; December-Jauuaiy, 5 14-64d
The gji.eral roarki.t presents a
steady fat.Ilr.g.
Twenty br apl', 54 pkga butter.
29 pkgi hMron, 10 i kg boots ana
shoes, 3032 bu tu rn, (i" pkgs cheque,
3 eks cotiee, 14 a s lottm seed, 7992
ks cotton h -id, 33 (..kg . d y goods, 26
pkgs eggs, 14' 6 '! liny, 14 pkgs hats,
12 hd hogs. 80 bd e t 1 , 20 pkga lard,
24 000 ft lumber, 16 pkga liquois, 126
brls mobus i 2 a port sides, 82
hhds sugar, 404 brlB Bug r,J136 pkga
tobacco tniWO uwett.
The follovrli g s' o ra tne amount of
grain lece.vid, wi hilnwo and in
tore by regular e ey ors, as reported
to the Me chanic' Exchange yester
day: Whet in sto-e, 1045 bu. Corn
withdrawn, t30 tin; in etoie, 3307
bu. Oata received, 5832 bu; with
drawn, 6713 ho ; in ct'r. , 220,131 bu. .
aar Ballj QoAintloB atf Cottoa
OU Trama and Mrw York Ik
change Ntaeha ar opes to ttaoaa
lateresteal, at ny otlice.
24 Madiaon St., .Heruphfa, Tenn.
Money in prelti aoive demand at 8
er cent Tne Clearing House report
i as follows:
Friday, December 10, 1886, $435,
340 41 ; thus far tlis week, $2,423,
323 47; eawe ime last week, $2,219,
823 87; corr-sp -nding tine iu J885,
$1,384,188 12; on responding time in
1884, $1,962,689 64
Priday, Dacerab ir fl t8fl 177,482 99;
thus tir th a Mk, $.'71252 75; same
time last wtk, $iSS,8S7 68; cor
lespondinu time in 188a, $157,108 39;
correepondkg time in 1884, 393,
S87 79.
New York eight on all points, J
discount buy np, mr soling; New Eng
land demand, di count buying; New
England wight, discount; New Or
leans, t discount buy ng, par selling.
Bank of CommerRf.148 hi l, 150 asked
First Natior a 1K0 bid, 165 asked
German Bmk 192 bid, 200 aeked
State Naiiora! 147 bid, 150 asked
Union and Plmtern154 bid, ... a ked
Mercantile Bnk 135 bid, ... asked
Bluff City. 105 bid, ... asked
Hernando 103 bid, ... asked
Home .77 bid, 80 asked
Memphis City ti7 bid, ...a iked
Peoples 80 bid, 85 asked
Pnojmx 100 bid,... asked
Planters 10 bid, ... asked
Vanderbilt 25 bid, 30 asked
Arlington 35 bid, ... asked
Factors -30 bid
Shelby Co, warraot...96 bid, 98 atked
M. A O. R R. sbares...57 Did, ... aekttd
M.4T.E.R sbres...45 bid, 50 asked
M. & O.conno a,7i'-...ial bid, ... aked
M. 4 L. R. 1st. m. Hs..i05 bid, ... aked
Miss. AT. R.R.CJ. A ... 1 13 bid, ... asked
Misa.dcT. R. K. en. B..103 bid, 106 asked
Tenn. wt. si r. D 96 bid, 98 J asked
Tenn. wts. B' r E to J85 b d, 90 asked
Bbelbv Co. 6s His bid, 110 as ked
Tax. Dim. 4, rts 100 bid, 101 asked
Tax. Dist. 6e 108 bid,107asKOv;
Mem. U a bonds 104 bid, ... afked
Mem. Watr b ndR...100 bid, ... asked
Banauer Oil Wo ks... 60 bid 70 aeked
Am. Oot.Odt'U8t....6- bid. 69J asked
Pioneer Oottno Milli..27J bid, 82 asked
Mem.8tor.CoLu. Oo.13 i bid, . asked
Mem. Ua stouk 75 hid. 80 asked
Masonic T mplo b nd 6s 103 bid
Cot. Er. B'l ). fl .....104 bid, 106 asked
Ala. A Tenn. I. A ) . 115 hid, 118 aeked
Tenn.Yal:ey I. A R R, 47 J bid,50 asked
Nw Yobk, December 10. Money
on call ac ive a. 3(2)1 0 per cent, clos
ing at 6 par cent. Prime marcan
tile pnp'-r 4(35. H'erliog Exchange
dull bnt stidy at 481 for 60 day
bills and 43 for demand.
Bonds-On e'ntnent bonds were
dull but firm. State bonds were quiet
and atearfy.
Stocka 8'rcks displayed unusnal
weftknfBi, d-clinps ratting in mott
: caiea from 1 to 6 per cent. Most of
the newa nceived upon the street dur
ing tbe day of an unfavorable
character, and ths professional bear
operators, wi h the aid of tbe room
traderp, ai tacked pr ces at every vul
nerable p lint Rtalaitions of long
locks wtre heavy, and , jae uncover
ing of nw y stip orders accelerated
the decline. The condition of tbe
money markrt was the principal fac
' tor in the movena-n' of prices, farther
discriminat on ana1 nut non-dividend
pay'ng a- uritiia losing much long
stock up in the nvrkt. among the
important tn vmn "f tbe r'ay was
the aer.on d c inn in Mi-rtouvi Pacific
on comparit've:y libt trading, which
was raurwd by irpor a of a strike on
the r ad end ot triable with tbe
Wabatih. The decee in the earn,
inpi of 8t. Paul cauBed considerable
celling f tb. t ntt.ck hy foreign opera
tors The rnoft otHbl dei liae, how
ever, wa In Riihmind and West
.'!i" 1 " mnmn
Point, iu extieme lose being over 0
per cent All tbe leading stocka par
ticipated ia tbe downward movement,
Reading being the only one ahowing
any strength during the day. Tha
mirket waa weak from the opening,
aud declines renging op ti 1 eie
made in the first Lour, but in tbe
afternoon there waa another decided
break, which lasted until 1:30 jVlu k
Another period of comparative dull
ness and strength f liluaed, but in the
latt hour the decline nan lenew 'd,
though .he market closed on a fi ght
rally feverish and unsettled at auall
fractions better than the lowest of the
day. Rdlroad bond were weak in
tbe forenoon, but recovered their tone
oaa'd the close, and final price show
irregular cba. ges, about equa ly divid
ed between saiue and lotaea. tales,
Trie total sites of stocks today wera
532,531 ahari's, including Canada South
ern, i7,6oU; u lawa'e.lai K-iwannaana
Western. 26.740; Eri. 13.273; Kunsm
and Texa?, I0,8i0; Lake8hoto. 18 0i)8;
Louisville ami Nae'iv.lle, 28,325; Mis-
scun Pcnc, 3al0; onliweetern,
4430; New Je sey Cen ral, 16170;
Readirg, 121 380; S'. Paul, 22,7o0;
Piui ai.d O nl a. 455'J; lexis aud
Pac ific, 13.775; Union Pac ttc, 27,-CO;
Western Union, 37.U6J; Oiegon Trans
cnntinenial, 41.0; llixkisg Valley,
Oltia uiOiing quota ions:
London, ct mber 10. Consols,
lOOi lor mor.ey aoU lot 1 for tiie a&
count. Allan c and Great Weater.'i
firtt-',53J ; s-cnudn, 16. The amount of
bullion withd an f.orn the Da k of
England on ba ancu ti day U XlVO.Oi'O,
Pabis, Dfc.-mber 10. ThxiiO per
cei.t. reutee, 83f t7J : for the account.
Berlin, Decambtr 10. The state
meut of tl e Imperial Bank of Ger
n any Bhuws u decrease in specie of
Si.SOD.UOO marks.
St. Louis, Mo , Deoenub'ir 10 B.nk
c'ea-imia today, $3,008,210; balances,
Nbw York, December 10. Bank
clearings loduy, $130,489,407; baianct s,
Baltimokk, Md., December 10.
Bank clear l its tody, $2,142,341 ; bal
antes, $96,978
Boston, Mass., December 10. Bank
cle.iriuga today were $13,916,769; bal
ances, $1,545,210.
Philadelphia, Pa., December 10
Ba..kctearin?8 today were10,030,993;
baluncea, Jl,4oU,L'L3
Chicago, III , December 10. Asso-
i iteit bank clearings to'tay were V),
696,000, against $9,365,000 yesterday,
U. 8. Si, IOCi. it. coup, 12994.
tSa, ooup, llo5i Pacifio 6t oi Issfi, 124.
La. itampi, 4s, 82. Miaionrt 6a, 1(3.
Cent. Puo. lsts.llti. Den A R.U. lata, 120.
D 4H.U.W 1U, 78S Krl-i 2da, HO.
M K 4T.Gtn.6,l(KJ. Nurth. Pao.Uta, 119.
Nurth.Paa. ilda.lOaX. M. Waatvrn oou. 140.
N.W8t.dsb.5a.lUS. Bl.LH.K.Uon.M.,113.
bt.Fnul oon, Li2. Ut.P.U.&P lt-, lln'i.
T.P.land tranla,5SK T.P.R U.el o.ia.764.
U. P. lata, 117. W.at Shore,
Tnn.6a, aet'mt,H. iBn.5a,et'uii, 102.
Tana. 3f,iet'mt,7f.
Adami Ezpraaa, 135,
NaQnil. AC , 102.
Nor. 4 W.md.dtr'i.
Nortkern Pao..W.
AllagheDy Cent'i, ,
Alton a. 1. u,,
A. 4T.U.,i)fd.,81.
Amerioun Ui., Vi,
B. C. K.AN.iO
Nurtliern Pap plil. 66J4
Canada, Pao., 6A
Canada Sou., t8;
U.dl 11 . 'Tl ...111 7.
C4N.W pfd ,13!.
Central Paoifio. 4U. N.Y. Central. 114
Che-Hprake4 0..i. N.V.C.4 St.L.,U'4
C. A 0. I t pfd, 17
N.Y C.Abt L.pid.28
Chicago i.Mi'A.
C.A A. pld, 160
CB.iu ,1.:CH
O., Ht L. A N.O.,
CSt.L AP.,17.
C.St.Li P..fd,3tfX.
C. 8. AO.. 47.
uoio ventral, .
Chio A Mi.,31.
0 AMiaa.ptd. w9i
Ontanu A Weat,. M.
Oreiion NaT ,104'i.
Ore-cn Trana. fttV,.
On gou Imp , ifH.
Paoilla Mail, 634.
O. A II. Vaiier 0Ya. Poria O A B , 33.
i;. a. u.. i vya.
faiiHUia, tin.
uei. a mm . MMt. rittanurg, Hi).
Iel.,L. A W , 141- Pullman H O. ,142.
Den. A Kio , 334. Red.n, 47.
Erie, 33. Kock la.and.U'O.
Erie ptd. 75. ML. A 4.P
iNew Kuat renn., ni'4.at.ij a .r
NewK. Tenn. pfd ftt.L.AS.F
pfd. 64.
1-tp. 114.
Fort Wayne, 146 C. M. A --t P.. Vi i
Hannibal A St. Jo. . '. M.A St.P,, p, 1
11. A St. Jo , pfd, . St. P.. M AM.. 117
Harlem, 221. St PanlA O.uaha, bVt,
Houston A T., ?8' St Paul A U. pld, 11 1.
Illinoia Central, 13i. Tenn.CoalA Iron. 103.
Ind ,B. A W..1TX. Texaa Paoifl . U'i.
Kanpa A T..
Lake E. A W , 20.
Lake thorn,
Lou. A iN.,h . C
Lou. A N. A., 63.
M. A lat pld, .
M. A C. aeconda, .
Mem. A Char , 64.
uuion raoiuo, tn'.,.
u . a. Aip eaa, hd
W.. 8. L A P., )i.
W..-.L. AP it. , 36.
W A F Ex.. 123.
W. U. Tel., 70'.
Colorado Coal, 3i'i.
Home Stake, 15.
Iron Silver, 24U.
Ontario. 23.
Mica. Cen.,UU.
Min. A St. L , 20
Min. A St. L. Did ATM Uuickaiiver. 8.
Miaaouri Paoine lU1. Uu'iksilrer pfd, 2T.
Mobile A Ohio, 18! south Paoifio, .
M. L. S A W , 6S Sutro, 30.
M.L.S.A W pfd.lOOH
The local cott in market opened
firm and d'eed firm; middling,
9c. Sales, 000 hale, including 200
lttst evening; 1200 to expor ers aud
800 to tpinm rs.
Yesterday. Thursday.
Good Ordinary....
Low Middling
Good Middling....
Middling Fair......
Stains and tinites.. 8ft 8
MmrHia, Oeoember 10, 1886.
8tock Sfipt 1, 1886-... 4,009
R 'ceived tod.ty 5,191
Baceivea previously.. 394,539 403,739
Shipped today 5,139
Shipped previously 240,589
Home consumption to
date 357 257,085
Ntock rnnninganconnt 151,654
Thus far this wek 27,274
Tt us far la t week 4 9;i8
Sirtie Hplember 1st 39,73J
M. and O. R. B
M. A T. R. R
L. and N. R. R
M. A L. R. R. R.
O., O.AR. W.R. K
L., N. O AT. R.R.
K. O , 8 A M. R. R
M., 8.AB. R.B,
Hteamera ,
Wagons and other sources.,
I v Export.
Thru far this week.
Thus far lat week
Since September 1st
27 254
M. AO. R. R
M, dc T. R. R. .
L, A N. R. R
C..O. A 8. W.R. R...
L..N.O. AT. R.R.
M. 8 A B. R, R.
Steamers north ,
Total 6,139
New York apota oprned fi m, and
closMd sady; middlioR, 9-16a
Balr'P, 522 bales. Qiotatiora were as
Ordinary 6 1116
Good ordinary.-. 8 3 16
Low middling... 9 l-;6
Middling 9 9 16
Good middlihK . 9 .13-16
Middling fair 10 7-16
Fair 11 1-16
6 13 16
8 3 16
9 M6
9 9 .6
10 7-16
11 1 16
New York futures opened irregular,
WUHI'HUmWiainaiaaaf i.t iaijaii umiaim
4i i4
9 0
..... 233
and closed steady and to 9 pointa
lower than yesterday, tialaa, 103,900
bale. The closing quotations were
as follows:
Yesterdav. Thursday.
December. 9.54 9 66 9 64 i 9.65
January.... 9 5S( 9.f9 9 68
February.- 6$ 9.70 9 78 rt 9.79
Ma-ch. 9 SO 9.81 9.88 9 89
April 0 91 i 9.9S'.i 9 99
May 10.01(aVOii2 loOStilO.tM
June 10 11(a1012 10.18 a.10.19
July I018tl0.19 10.2bVJ10.27
Aogust 10 24(il0.26 10.3210.33
The Ne wOrleati. spot markt-1 openad
firm, and closed fi m ; middling, 9(0.
aies, 4500 ba f s. Quotatious were us
f jilows:
Yesterday. Thursday.
Ordinary 71 7 3 16
Good Ordinary.... 81 8 3 16
Ixiw Middling 8t ' 8 13-16
Mid llinir 9 9 116
Good Middling.... 9 9 7-16
The New Orleans future market
ope'-d barely at ady, and closed
steady and 4 to 5 points lower. Sa'es,
94,100 bales. Quotations were as fol
lows: YfsWday.
9.2:1 25
9 31H 9 32
9.40 9 41
9.52( 9 53
fi 0:t 9.65
9.76i 9.76
9.87(.i 9 8H
fi t)7 9.H8
December. 9.18 9.20
9.273 9.28
9.36 4
9 48 9 49
9.'(V3 9.61
9.72foi 9.73
9.83 ) 9 84
M irch ....
April .....
August ...
9 93 9 94
8.95 8.97
ma si am.
Kec. iPiici
fi m.
6.430 815 16
V2 458
331 :i;:8
6 m.
10,4129 1-16
Norfolk ..
Boston ...
St. Loui
li in,
4 641 9
2,684 PJ
6 6 9 9 10
188,7 9
282,9 9 16
2,620 9
h84 8J
11. 64
19, ns
RHceipts at pone, thit day, 1886,
39 534
mceipts at ports, tms day, las
R'tJ U. 8
Ex. Gr. B
St ck
R'tsStpt. 1
For'gn Ex.
246 359
J 2 1, 908
31 64 4SK
1.821 9 6
951, 2H
2,9(0,843 2 907, 3 4
I 675 511'!, 660,811)'
Inctuaae in receipts tnia ytar 23,710
At noon: Liverpool spots were
pr'crg unnhanged, good hu iners
iSa is, 12,000 balee, of which American
9100 cales. K. cipt4, none.
Closing qnoiations were a.i follows:
Ordinxry, 4 11 ; god ordi nary, 4 11 16d ;
Inw middliDg, 5 l-16d; good mid
dling, 6 jd; aiiddliug nplauds, 614 :
middling Orltanp, 5d.
The price are given in pmae and 64i7u
thut: 4 63 meant 4 63-64d; aud 5 01
mtanj 6 1 6441
Ai noon: Liverpool fu'ures wre
barely sttaiy; Decmber, 6 14J;D
cember-Jauuaiy, 5 145 121 ; January
February, 6 146 12d; February
Mar. h, 6 155 13d; M irch-Anril, 6 17
(614t; Apnl-M iy, 6 185 17d; Mv
Ju ie. 6 22(a5 19d; Ju ,H-Jnlv, 6 24
6 21d ; Jui)-AugU4i, 6 265 24 I.
At2p.ru.: Lve'pool futures were
s edy .Decembi r.6 131, buyers, Deee-n-her-Jatmary,
6 12d, buyers; January
Febiuary, 6 12d, buy us; February
March, 5 16d, buyer; March-ip il,
615d, bnynrs; Apr;l-May,5 IS t. B fil
e's ; May-June. 5 2i)d, t.u eia; June
July, 6 22d, ouyvirs; July-Augis!,
At 6 p m. : Liverpool f uur 's wre
quift; December, 5 14d, buyera; D
ceoiber-Jaunary, 5141, eeders; Jaan-ary-F-binary,
6 141, eel'ers; Frb u
a y-Ma-c'i, 5 14d, buy rg; M .rcu
April,5 16.1, buyers; April-May, 5 19J,
nel erj; M y-J ie, 52ld, value ; Jiine
Ju:y, 5 23i, buyeis; July-Aug'i.-.t,
6 261, si 1 e-s.
Week end
ing Di'c Sinco Scp-
10, 1886. teinbnr Int.
wnaNca re-
ckivki). This! List This l.it
Year Year Year Year
MACK R.... 3933 6S0ti 5-H.i. 4l('t7
MAT Kit... 4074 4'i51 382Jh 33(1
LAN UK... 21469 3!)i3 K6126 831
MALRHH 5993 4 64 79172 5"217
COA8WRK 18 !ti 169." V8498 10!82
L.NOATKR V86S 2K( 24 44 2377 1
KO.SAMRK 119J 1121 16779 11527
M.B&AKK I12H 13 0 11471 10134
Mihh. river ... 327 6i'5!l 49 58 579H'
White river. 657 1192 1353 HMM
St.Fran river 16? 58n 2433 4740
Ark'sas river 602 429 63(1 4-8il
Wagons, etc 1260 74.15 3S224 39H9".
Total 7274 41109 39970 33.915
M A C R R... 5123 4591 46518 35589
MATRR... 1197. 1H701 8716
L A N R R... 58.;8 60J1 68IHI 44222
C.OASWRR 9837 4749 76V.' 41907
L.NOATRR 1412 1094 854 25 ,81
M, BAARR 1018 61 '4 3 47 63'iO
Steam's n'rtb 27b9 3902 29047 82M)J
Steam's s'uth 219 77 1396 i
Total 272 .4 2'Ki80 2 172 209232
Liverpool weekly a a'f meut
W.ek ended December 10, 188
Weekly rales 71,000
Of which American 4,000
1 lu .iu fr export 6,101
In l'tr (urspec'lat'on 'A,7-Q
Forw'd I'm -hip side 26 80,)
Total Block 524 000
Of which Am; riean. S4 ,XM)
Week's rec.-ii.tn 1I3,(K)0
Of wnich American. 8,000
Tot'l reciiicrt S -p. 1.1,0. '8,000
Oi which Ame.iuan. 807,O0
Actiia! wm.k'sexp't. 1',0'"0
Suck BB.jal, 27 ,000
Of which Amer cn, 25t,i0
f ir t!ie
4 000
8,81 )
3 '2 011,1
66,i 0 )
73'i 1 10
68"., 70')
7 24)
296 000
CoRNM'AL-SUndflrd, $2 202 26;
pearl, $3 253 35; roller, 12 45.
Hay Choice, from etore, 76c; car
'oaJ frora levee or depot, f 14; rinie,
iiom store, 70 . car load from levee
or depot, $12 50 13; prairie, from
store, 45c.: car load from levee or
depot, $8 60.
CoBN F rom store, white,51c -.mixed,
49c, from levee or detot; white, In
bnlk, 44c; in sacks, 47c; mixed, in
bulk, 42c: in sacks, 44 lo.
Oats From store,white,39c; mixed,
37c: from levee or depot, white, in
bnlk, 3ic; In sacks, 35c; mixed, in
nlk, 31c; in sacks, 33c.
Bran -From store, 89c; frora levee
oi depot, $14 60.
Flour From Btore, No. 8, $33 26;
fa:oily,$3 603 76; choice, $4; tancy,
$4 25; extra farcy, $1 60' Tiatenle,
$5 25.
Bbanb Navy, $2; medium, tl 60
1 75 ; common, $2 25.
Ric Louisiana, 44c; Carolina,
Oatmeal In half-barrels, $33 i5
from a? ore.
E t:-x iHO iTTt From store,
f3(4 1 vo.
CaACCiw Poda, extra, 4o; soda.
treble extra, 4 jc ;xtra,7c ; ginger maps,
extra, 6c; assorted jumbles, 10a .
Crack ed Wheat Ia half-barrels,
$4 26 from store.
Kamai City, Mo,, December 10.
Wheat itronger; No. 2 red, csh. 67c
hid; January, 67 Jo; May, 7Sjc. Corn
B'OFger; No. 2, cash, Sljc. Jauiav.
32to May, 3tic Oa 8uounua;; 26c I id
t. Lons, Mo., Dec?uibr 10. F.oar
qni t and steady. Wheat ac ivtt und
etr.inger; tiie marktt op"ne I firm, and
uyanc!'d tc. lr-.il Diit'E ic ral
flu tutted for a time wit' in a narrow
ranue, 8!d up i?, wee.u d ng iu and
c:need easy, ttiuugn t'n tc ti'giiertbau
yesterrav ; N . 2 red, ch, 80c ; J am
arv, 81,(5.81 Ar-, rloainii at 80i'i81':
Februar, 82j(u)S3i3 bid, clus:ng at 82c
bd ; Ma, bit ssic, cl ainn at 871c,
Horn dull bin hrmor a d j i Ju hitl er;
rso. a mixKl, cain, ijt3Hjc; Janu
ary abj; hid; hetiruary, 36iQi);s7,
ck s'ng at 361 y, May, 401, a, 401 o, clos
ing at 401c. Oata Veiy dull but
steady, and J a hivhor; No. 2 m x-d,
c-'Bti. 29.". lecembir, IS: bid: Jn u
ary, 2S)c bd; February, 9.!biJ;
Mav.sili. Kye str ing at 04c. Uarlev
negl cttid. Hay very acive bn' eat ;
P aire, $8 25U60; lirnothy, $10 60
IA id. r Bis ea taiiDie at vsc. can
at orgi r a; 75c. Cornu.eAl firmer at
$1 91).
AfUrnoon Board. Wheat string and
ii i higher., Com nt aiy and Jo
nigiier. ua's eify an i jvrjc 1 wer.
CuICaoo, III., Dec mlier 10. The
prevai ing tone in the w ici.t uia k.it,
uaing i lid iiuy as a who e, was n-org.
The cables reported ati a tve sn 1 fli ui
mirket at Liverpool, and under tlvs
impulse May delivery o. e::ed at 80c
per biii'he!, or - hg'nr than last.
night a clo ing flgurus. A't. r adva-ic
lug id 60$ : inn niarait Dr ke on o
r5if. roue ai-ain to 8'iJ.i, f. 1! ofl t i 8M
bnt in Ihe final dealing i dvani ed to
8tijc and closed at that fignr.-. Io
torn trailing was acive, ana pne s
averaged and tksed h glier. The re
ceipts were lure, and the ea'iira'ed
arrivala for touiorriw B ill 1 ngir. The
shipping demand wa cood, bnt main
ly tor the lower grudw. Tne oa:s
market waa dull and weik, the cash
market fB. ecially ralirg we.ik. P.icea
mil d i'j jtf lower for casi, bu'. tl e
dis ant cp ions showed littie c 'g.
Flour waa Bleary a ' A uncticnired
Cishptices were pb fulown: No. 2
spring wheat, 78 Jo, N). 3 spring
wheat, 71 jc ; No. 2 rvd wha', 78j :;
N j. 2 corn, 37c; Nd. 2 oa's, 2(iJW261c ;
JN . 2 rye, 6)4c; Xx 2 bar
ley, 63ii; No. 1 flixaerd. 9 .c,
p im timot'.y seed, fl 78! 79,
the leadiug future? ravged as f d-
lowi: Wheat D cember o.ientd at
78j, h:ghest 78jo, lowest 77 cb s
i ft at 7Hj ; January op. Luil at
784 , hiRlnst 79Jc, iowst 78o.
cloxing at 79c; Februa y opened at
79 :, bicbeat 79c, lowe t 79Jc, c'os-
ing a 79c; May openetiat 8t h'vh
et 86Jn, lowest 86Jc, cloijine at 86u.
Corn December opened d37Jt, h i.
est 37 ', lowest 36JC, ciosinu a' 37c;
January opened at37c, hintiest 37u,
loweot 37J i, c'o Jngit 3?i; rebruury
opened at 38 1, h gheat 38c, lowfst
37c, clo in37Jc; My opened at 43.',
hiir' est 4HJo, lowit 43 ', closing at
43o. Oat- Dei ember ocened at 26 ,
hia-nest 2(i lowest 26 1 closing at
26Jc; January opened at 26 , h iihet
26jc, lowe.it 2Gu cloeing a 26Jc; May
npunel at 31 -, highest 31J , lowest
3lc, closing at 31c.
Buttrb Bntterine, 1314c;
creamery, 30(iii35e; dairy, 18$22c;
country butter, 152rc.
Hoo Pbodocts Me pork, fllrti)
1150; suatr cu ed htms, 10fo)l0(:;
bri-akfa.it baton, 8J9Jc; clear rib
sid's bannn, 7 Jo; bacon slmulders, ;
bulk pork clear sides, 6J: clear rib
sines 6a; shoulders, 6J5c; long
clear, 5.;.
Labo TierceB,6Jc; h-df-barrols and
keiri, bjo; clui. e kettle, 7j.
Fkkjjii MaArs-Biet, f r-quarters,
4(i5c; mnton, 46i; hind quarters
of b-e(, 48e; hon, 6(27c.
Podltuy (Ihickeus dull; eprlng,
$l(2; old hens, $2 Turk.-yn, $8 a)ll.
tj ee,$3;4. nuck,t2 50A3, dre.ired
cock1 an, $l.5tK2 50 per d t n ; dresa
d tutkeyn, 8($10i) per pnn . d.
Gams QuhiIh, per d a., $!1 25
i-'qnirreln,l. Ribb ti, 60 oerdoc.
Ducks, wild, $1 50il2 Ml. Vuuiaju,
w! ole,5c; rmIiIIbs, 8(10c.
(Jhek a Prime lift's, 8J9.'.J New
Y k lactiry, 7J(3.8i:;full urum, 13c;
Yniinu America, 14 1.
Pigs Fkkt. Barrels, $8 25; half bar
barrel, $4 25; keg,$l 25.
St. Louih, Mo., December 10 Provl
-lonB active, firm md ffen. rally h'gher
Pirk strong at fit 37J. Lard firm at
$5 95 '6. Bulk meata stioogi-r; o e
and () xed lots 510i! h'g ier; long
clar, $5 605 70; abort ritia, $5 85.
Brtcon H iii; long clear, $6 62; eh rt
r b', $6 75: short c ear, 7. Hams
firm, at 9I1r. Bit'er quiet but
atea ly : creaiunry, 2427c; dairy, 15(
23.:. Egs e mier at 20o.
Cuicaoo, III , Deoembe' 10. Trad
ing in provisions was qu te antive.
The miik d fulling iff in 'he r'C ipta
of hoga a nil ttie I'Oir q ial: y of tbe
tirnva s imps ted etrnx n to the gen
eral make and fiere wern more buy
ing orde s from the outside. Mbs
rork opened 1215c per barrel
higher, fobow d by a redu vio.i of
5(a) '. Later the mirk t was ag4u
a rmiger, alvm i g 2Jnl5o, arid
closing at near y outaida tiu.es. Lard
we 2 't)5c higher pt r 100 pound ,
while 8'iort ribs advaiced 10U5u.
C.ati pri'rs wi-re aa toliow-: M sa
po:k,$U 2611 30; .aid.J't I012J;
nbort rib Bides, loose, i5f5ic6 65;
dry salted ehuu'den, J4 75'ii)4 80,
ah nt clear sid e, boxed, tl 7(t)4 80.
I he leading futures ranged as 'ollowe:
Pork December oine I hI $11, hig'v
ent $11 10, Inweet $11, . I ci g at $11;
Jann try opened at $11 25, h'K'i"-t
HI 3"), oe4fU2i), cl S im .till 27J;
F'lbr'Mry ojened at $11 40, bighe t
$11 45, low. at $1130, cl. Bn at
fll 40; May opened at f II 65, bia-beat
$11 75. lowest $11 6JJ, cowing at
$ 1 72. Lard-Deueruhrr onend at
t6 10, iiiifh.s' $6 10 low , t $0 10, cine,
inir at 16 10; January opened at .6 15,
highest $6 17, loweet $6 15, do inn at
$6 15; Fii roary ope ed at $6 22,
highest $6 27, lowest $6 22 c'oiirmat
$6 2; March open, d at $3 25, bight at
$6 35, lowest $0 30, cluaiuK a' $6 32.
Short ribs January opened at $6 65,
highest 45 67, low -st $5 65, clos ng at
$.5 67; Feb uxry ODened at $-5 70,
hikh-t $5 75, lowert $5 7o, cits ng
ati70; March opened at 15 76, t ig i
eet $ 80, lowest 5 75, cltsiutt at $5 80.
Oi Ihe Produie Ex nang bifer
mi d eas'er; cei ie'y, 2 (a26c;
dd y, 17i24o. Ejga f.esU, 20t
21o. '
Sdoar Pure white, 6J3Gi; ofl
white, 65, '; yellow clanfitd, 6
6-; B COQ le, 4J5i!; reHued A, 6(4
hu; irmnlHt (I, 6j'2.l)J,'; plantxtiou
graou a'ed, 6fS)tic; poadeied, 77Jc;
cut loaf,7ii,7Jc.
Oofkbb Oommon, 1213o; ordi
nary, 13e; prime Ko, 16(15i:;
c'loice to fancy, 10c ; old government,
Woap 3a)sc per pound.
Camdiks Hticks, all $xi, in boxes,
pail and r arr- la, 7(HJ
Halt- $1 20 per barrel: sacks, fine
fl 35(3)1 45; COr-?, $1 1IM1 16; nnck-
"mwr'n i i Has
eta, bleached, J(7e; car-loads from
levee or depot, 6c cheaper.
vannao woods, tc meea per
doien: Pineapples, $1 251 60;
peacnea, 2-lb, Btandard, $1 151 26 ; seo-
ooQti, Hu iu; tomatoes, 2-lb Btand-
ara, vu (avf 1 ; S-lb,$l(41 15; strawber
riee, $1 101 25; raspberrlee, $1 10
1 25; b ackborries, $11 10; greon-
gsires, $1 bonl 75; pears, $2(a
2 25; plums, $1 60l 70; aaparagus,
$2 60; araen coin, ll 35; green
peas, 9i oovi oo; cove oysters, lull
weight, 1-lb, tl; cove oypters. full
weight, 2-lb, $ i 75; cove oysters, light
wegnu i-io, taw; cove ovtters. He-lit
weight, 2-lb, $1 10; condensed milk
Urown, $5 7j(o6 85; Eagle, $7 75;
eifs, a io.
Molar'bh Lonieana, common to
fair, 182')c; prime to choice, new, 40
(o 45c; svrup, 2ti4('c; common to
fair, 2025; prime to choice, 2830o ;
cemriiuaai, tancy, auoo.i.
Niw Yokk, December 10. Coflee
f ir Rio firm at 141c ; o, tions 10(ii15
pointa lower, ai d act ve Sales, 83,000
nags; Ifecemher, I2.35(12.45c; Janu
ary. 12.35012 65c; Febmary, 12 35
12.66o; March. 12 40W12.60c; April,
12JH2.70c; May, 12il?Je; June,
12 wxaii.'i ; j u'y, I'JJl-. fupar tirra
anil nnl..lMa,.u,l .l..,Ui n illL.,
extra i), 4,.i4J(!; ofl A, 51 ; standard
A, Bfn; poadered, 6tijc; ganU'
la ed, 6 15 10!?; cubes, 6ii; c infection.
erB' A, 5 13-166Jo. Kics steady and
Naw Orlcanb, La., December 10.
O.id.e in liitbt demand, but holders
fi m; Rio ratios', ciniiiiou to prime,
lSJil?! . Rcedul1, weak and lower;
ordr ary ti prime, 2J4c. Snaar
rtrrng; o;ien kettle, higher grades
l ave a vinced; choice, 4Jc; Btrictly
prime, 4 1 16(it4 i; prime, 4c; ceniil-
fu.nl planta ion gminleted, f J.
C loica yellow ciantleil, 6Jc; prime
yein-w canned, 0(ioS-lbc; seconds,
4(4c. M diisaea etrong aud blgtier;
open ket le, choice, 42c; Btrictly
prime, 4041c; centrifugal, good
prime toatrictly prime, 2427c; Louis
iana syrup, iio.toi;.
ArrLBe Apples, $2(3)3; dried ap
p'es '.'3o per pound from atore.
Dried peacbei, 4a)h', from store.
ViaaTABMtt-Onion8,$2 402 75 from
B'ore. OabbMge,$260; per bead, 6(?8c;
1 70 i rom levee or depot per crate,
Kraut, brie, 1 7o)6 ; half brls. $2 75,
Oertic. 4060o per 100. Turnioe, 60u
per nuHliel.
FRniT Oranges, per box, $3 5Liui;
Lemons, f4(a;4 bu per box. Jiannnas,
$1 6tK)2 50 per bunch.
Nots GocDanuta-f6par 100. Pea
nu'B Virainia, 6c; Tennessee, farm
ers stock 34e; roasted. 2c higher;
she'led, 10c. Almonda, 20i. Walnuts
Englihh, 18u. Filberta, 12". Pecane
IVxiis, 10c; Braail nu'B, 12o.
Raifins London tavern, $3; layers,
$2 75; California, $2 15; Imperial,.
Picxi.es Iu jars, pirns, 95c; quarts,
$1 60; half-aalloiis,t2 75;gallonB,$3 75;
loose, barrels, $6 607 ; half-barrela,
$3 75M 25: mixed, barrels, $10 60;
mixed, half-barrels, $6.
Fihh Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1,
$5 506; No. 2, $5; No. 3, $4 60;
10-lb kit, No. 1, 90c; No. 2, 76c
15 lh, No 3, 65 Dry herrings, fam
ily, 25c per box.
(Iamb Game flih, 56o.
Eoos-Firm, 24'n 25a.
Potatobs Northern stock, $1 50
Cider New York, $6 507 per bar
rel, and $3 75(R4 per half-barrel.
Vinrgar 10(n)15c per gallon.
In car loud lots: Prime crude cotton
".eed oil, new,2728o; ofl crude cot
ton seed oil, 23(iiK6c; prime snmmer
yellow cotton seed oil, 8334o; ofl
snmmnr yellow cotton need oil,SI32c;
miners' summer yellow cotton seed oil,
33(.35c; prime eummer white cotton
seed oil, 3")36c; choice cooking yel
low cotton seed oil, 35u; prime
cotton Bei-d meal, $14 75 ; off cotton seed
m-til, none. Ci tt n 8 ed delivered at
dep. t or levee, 49 per tun ; from wagon
at mills, J9 per ton.
lllltatN AN l TALLOW.
Hides -Dry flint, No 1, 16o; No. 2,
12i!; dry aalti-d, 1012'!; green
al ed, H i. 1, 78ii; No. 2, 7c; green,
r6c. Klienp skins, 15j$1. Beeswax,
20c. Tallow, 4c.
Deerpkn-i, 18c; bear, $17; mink,
coon, hunter h milled, 16
60o c mntry han 1 e i, 15:$50ii; other,
$18; heaver, 60:$7; wild cat, 1
25c; fox, I575c; muak rat, lOo;
op iaaum, 10c; w ilf, 60o(a)$2; skunk,
5Uc; paRiheri, 5i)i)''ii$l.
Burry grease wool, unwashed. 13
18c; cls-tr urease wo il, 2326c; burry
washed, 2330 1; tub wasbed, 3337c.
Coal Oil Prime white, wholesale
lota, 9lOo p'r gallon.
Naw Oblbanb, La., Dncember 10.
B.nk c eaiins to lay, $2,l()8,f,88.
Olbveland, O , December 10. Pe
troleum quiet a. w , 110, 7 Jo.
PlTTHBuao, Pa., December 10. Pe
Ir ileum fa 'ly ac ive; N tinnal Tran
sit cert flcates opened at68jn; closed
at67Jc; liuh"Ht, 6'ijri; lowest, 67J '.
Whisky Htralnht Kentucky Bour
bon, $160(5; reiiiatilled goods from
85c to $160, according to proof; rye,
11 756.
Chicago, III., December 10. Whis
ky, $1 18.
St. Lnms, Mo., December 10. Whis
ky arm, $1 13.
Cincinnati. 0., December 10.
Whisky, g od demnd; sales of 1207
barrela of nniabed goods on a basis of
$1 13.
H 4 1 I.N, LEA la, SI MOT,
Nail 10a, iron, $2 25; stial, $2 40.
Lead 6c
Suot -Dron, $1 65; buck, $1 90.
Baooino Carloa 1 lo'a: Jute. 2 lbs,
8c H Iba, 7)o; 1 lbs, 7c. Flax, 8
ba. 9 i.
Tma-$1 051 10.
Seed8 Clover, $4 80ri5 per bushel ;
orchard graaa, $1 60 41 60; herd's
grass, 60 .66!; rye. 6570c per bu;
ilm ithy, $22 2 .
DBGUN, rain rai abhoilh.
Droos-Qu nine, P. AW., 01., 70c;
can65c; Ne Yoik quinine, 1 , 65c;
can , 60;; B. A 8. qn nine, t s.,65-:
canB,6iNi; morph'i e,P. A V. ".,$2 35
ob. ; 1 01. via , $2 10; Ne York mor
phin 1, ob. $2 25 per 1. ; 1 01. vials,
$2( 5;cmi nonid a, 1 os. vials, 18c or , 5
oe. CH(iA,13un ; Ktim opinm, per pound,
13 40; i idide p iIhs'i, $2 60 p. r pound,
r.nluriiye; snbnitraie bismuth, $i 20
per pound, inclus va; chloroform, 45c
per p uod; blue m ips, 43 ' perpou ul;
calomel, 75o per p mml ; men ury, 70c
per pou d; chloral bydraie, $1 61) per
p ini d ; camphor, 27c per pound; al
oohol. b .r.e a, p r giili 11, $2 22; caa
tor oil, barrela, per jal o i, $1 42.
Paintb and Oil White lend, Col
liet'a, 7i; per pound; 600 poui-d lota,
7o per p un 1, c oH, 15 days; Month
ern whita lead, 7' per pound; 600
pound lot, 7c, 2o ofl, 16 da a; bulled
raw, 40c: turpentine, S8s per gallon,
by barrel.
GrassOattlb Choice 3(2)3Jc;good,
33r, fair to medium, 2 a)2c jacalla
Wars 1J1;
Hoob -t,ioice,4c;good,441c;com-mon,
Shbep Cui-ics, 3c: medium, 3
3c. Choice laiuba, 401Jc.per pound.
ChicavK, I.i., December 10. The
Drottr' Journal repoits: Cattle re
ee'its, 6000 head; shipmei.ts, 2000
head; maiket s'esdy and rather
ttroi g; Chris'mtB betve, $5'jj5 40;
ehicpinsf steers, 950 to 15(H) llw.,
IW4 80; Blockers and fef-dern,
$2(n3 30; cows, bnlls and mixed,
$1 30(a.2 60; bulk. $2 252 45;Tex.is
tattle slow, at $2 653 15. llogi re
reip'a, 34,000 tied.; ahipmeuts, 8 KK)
head;market strong and heavy, IOj
higher; rough and mixed, $3' 65:. rt
4 15; picking and ahippinir, 4 10
4 40; liuht, $3 60(a3 95; ski8. $2 25
3 40. Sheep receipts, 40 0 bead ;
shipments, 2(00 head; market, bow,
10 to 25c lower; natives, $2 6004 70;
Western, $2 603 50; Texans, $2 :0
3 25; lambs, $44 75.
Kansas ( itt, Mo, December 10.
The ue jck hulwalnr repoita: Cattle
lecelptr, 8 Otuad; shipments, none;
mar ket slow and weak ; good to cnoice,
$3 IK,514 SO ; coramo.i to medium,
$3 263 80; Btockers, 2 262 7f;
feeding Bteors, $2 813 40; vow,
tl 602 80. Hogs reoel,)U, 7992
head; shipments, none; market
ftronn and 10a hitftier; good to cl oice,
$3 9H,4 05; com moo to medic in,
13 703 90. Sheep receipts, 1053
head; hhipments, none; market firm;
tiood to ctio'c, 12 (MK3 25; common
to nied'um, $1 60,it2 4l
New Yorr, December 10. Cotton
goods were ajiiict in demand, but of
fiee movement in tlio execution of old
buainess, but very strong in tone.
Wceleu g ods woieiu light reqimet,
with the inanet Rent rally ateumicg a
holiday appearance.
Kl'KA rt()A I'M.
SI annua, Urtiialiar B, I
ar Darin lha au pnian of nayintion
auora Cairo, tha Acahnr l.lna will run lha
MiaauierOlTV 'Ok l AIKOfroin MmiiiIiih
to lkabnra, Ibt Mainchla KVKKl
BATUKUAV at 5 p in. Ifremit will be ro
airail at lha Hievalar.
Far Calra, BsanaTllla, Louiavllla and Cln.
ainaatl 1 Ha elemnl tMautar
J. B. Jaaea....mutar 111, O. Itruna olark
Will UaT U.M)AV, Deo. Uib. at 6 p.m.
For freiaht or naaaniia ai.plr te 0. 11. KUti-
Talaptiana 111. J 11
tiBbL, u. r. aail 1. A., U Madiaon atraat,
iihn ('Aa, I
, Paaa'r Aiant.
Far Cairo, Eran'Tllla. LaulaTllla and Cin
ainaatl Tat alagant alaamar
lEuckeyc folate .- -O
11. J. VlaOlB nianlar.
Will laava TUHAllAY, Ilea. Htk, at fi p.m.
Fur ftaikl tr aataaa aiiiljtoU. B. hl!8
HHLL, i. K. aud t. it. . U Mudi an alr.et.
Tali-phana 'CT. Jnyw . Haaa'r Agnnt.
Hi. t'rnucla Klvaia Traaiaparlataoa t o.
me aiegani auamtr
Rene Macready,
0. K.Jon'ln . maatar.
Laavaa Mcmi.hli KVatitV TUESDAY and
BATUKUAV at 6 p.m., Inr Marianna and
war laaamia at lar aa tha Uut-Ofl.
i" wiiiii iviirvti uif nfQl u pui ail
idea mi uuaafa. Tvlaphona 59.
J AS. LKH, Ja., eup't,
Offlca, No. 4 Ml.n atraat.
For Oaeaola, Halaa Point, Caratbaravllla,
Uayoao and Xlptonilla Xht Bow alda
whaal tiaaaanaar ataamar
W, P. ilall waiter. I J. D. Pullar.....ol.ri
Will laava aa abova, and all way pointa,
p.m. Knrtrelahtor paaaagc applyon hoard
!MirU(liiM,PrtMra t'ultai And Mmiltl,
noil an-olH IPaMikel 'oinati.
orlitD. Qlandala, Frlara Point an J al
Way LanJinn Btaamar
Taiiien le, jiadEmfc
K. T. CLAUD KTT ...Vlaatar.
Will lanva aa ab, a on KVERY MONDAY,
WEliNKbUAI and JfHIDAY atSo'olook.
for Randolph, Fnlton, Oaoeola aa Wai
Landlnaa Htaamar
t . 11, liuurnn m nnmr.
I.--. K..r. MilNrtAV. W U II N KMD A T
B 1llltllftl ava .
and FRIDAY at fi p.m. The boats of tbl
liiirMrv th Hchl io pan all laodliifi
thA0ptain may doom on into. OfBoe, No. $
W mil -on x, .PAnrift i.r.w. .in , nun t.
Arkaiibus Itiver 1'k't Co.
m Ua DWItU .....Ujabtl Mil . -njBpMWP
Laaraa Haul hla Krorr TUKHHAlf, at ft p.a
Str.E.W.t0LE, jTUX
i Nowlnid maator. Ut'oaiai at
aval Maaii'h a Erarr 8ATURUA ,6 p.m.
For frelaht or pa.aaia arnlr to
11. (f. LOWK. Arant.
Offl. Vo Mun'.nn at Tal-phono No. M.
Seinpliiaaud Vicknourg t'aiket Uoa
dbiit U.S. nail Line.
For Helena, Ooneordia, Terranaand Arkan-
lai;llr-l he alarant paaaantor auainar
M. R. Cbaalt...maatr I W. 0. B)aDker...olorl
fiaavea nlomphia
For Concordia and all way landing.
Tha SU.mar
A. L. "nmmlna, Maat'r I haw Prioa U.en
haavaa ill K'-DAY and HAf UHDA Y atSp.o
tor xenaral iniormatioa apply at
No. 4 Mad non a treat.
I',IIN CAHa.u.i.1, J.n( T..n,nri. ,
Hr)niiiiH& White Ulver L'kt.Uu
for liriilnil, lvlla Hinll,, !
Aro, Auiruata, Searoy, Nawpi rt, Jaokioa
art, btn"llla and all War Landinva,
l il. ( HICK ASA W, -fcJTL.
K. 0. Poatal. uiaatar, t;l--T' rf "
Will laava HVKKY W EDN USD AY at 5 p.rn
Str. ALBKKTA NO. 3, ..Q
Albert U. Smith maatar. 111 1 11 "
Will leara KVKKY 8AIUHDAY at p.m.
Throuab ratal (Wan to all pointa. Freight
eonalgnad to tba Maiiphia and Whit Hire)
Paoket Co., at Mainphla or Terrene, will hi
forwarded promptly. For general informa
tion apply at office, No 8 Madiaon at., on
OrII Teli.hon. H O l.owr. '
Nun RfHtdeat Notice.
No. e017 In tba Cbanoary Court of Bhelby
eonntT, TennreiM Bute ol I. nneiaee ra.
Win. Henoetal.
It appearing from tha return of the Sheriff
in thia oai e that tbe deiendanta, Hugh
Kortre hi, Guar U l Tho i aa and wile, Jane
0. L. Thumaa. Mra. A. P ren and her
huahand, 'tr eo, Julia Aleiander (wife
of John Al'iander), Anne Buaaa, huaaa
Uiunjaa, Jamea M. firooka. Jaa. K. Mboon,
U. W. W illi., Leorard, Klla 0. Iloa
aini, Henry Ho aim, Jehn D. BbelUin,
Wa, 11. Kheltiin, Lonlaa Shell.. n, Nauoy I).
Hhelton. Alt e, r-hnrtrr, Hioharl H. Una
laae. Ann K. Holuiea. W. Hol.evenell, Joaepa
Naah. Indlvlduail; and aa tiu.tee, VV. Il
I)a a. trmta , J. 11. Dill .rd, tra.tae, Jo.eph
Wil ii.ma a d J. a, Weaaon, are not to be
f undin hi.ooui.tyi and it aaieriug from
the amei ded ' ill, wliinh II ' to, thnt
Tnomaa Levick. aurviv eg partner or Kalain,
lerlok t Co., ia a neu-reaideot of the titate
It ia ihn-. f.ire orderrd. That they make
their appeirfiTe bar ia.at the rourthnuae
l Shelby e unly, in Maiui hia. Tena., on or
hot' re I e fir. t MoiuUy In Jiinuarv, 1HH7,
and plaitd, a. i wer or ilainur to emnplHinant'a
bill, or iha.H e will ke taken lor aonleaaed
aa to thru and let Inr hearing at parte; and
that ae pr ol thia (,r.iyr oe nuiiliah-d tinoe a
waen, Inr t'ur iao"i"e eea. In tbe
Mnai'tiia Ai i-nl. Thia 9iltt day et NuTein.
bar, m. A nnpy-atUal :
B. I. Million Hi I., Clerk and Maxtor.
By T. II. CaMwell, Dapu'r 0 aud M.
F II. AC. W.llalakeU. bolloltara lor om-
lainant. aa
stcajikki luraa ,
Conordla.-...0reo, s p.m.
New Olaai........0niaiaa Pvaa, 1a.m.
St.Frenell Hirer ...Rasa MAOaiADV.5p.rn. '.
Vlckubaf.. Citt ur Caibu, i p.m.
White Rirr......ALiaTA No. J, I p.m.
Cincinnati . Daforo, 6 p.m.
Arrival. Jamea Lfe, Frara Point;
Coahama, O o-ola; Gay. bo, Concor
dia; Rhub Macready, tit. Fiarjcia river;
City of B..tun Hiute, New Orleans;
City cf Cairo, V.ckoburg; Dick Oiyde,
Departure. Jamea Lee, Friars Point;
Coahoma, O-ceoiaj O.ty of Baton
R ug', Cairo; ChBipeake, Tipton
villoj Dit k Clyde, Old river.
Rene Macieady 17 balt cotton, 25
basa eend cotton, 1543 tkn e it on seed.
Oayoso-18 balva cottou, 18 bags
eef d cotton, 123 aka cotton reed.
James Lee 2s:t bales cotton, 55
ha-ra sued cjiton, 677 cks oottoa eeed.
14 hd cattle.
Coahoma 2:10 bales co ton, 91 bagf
eeed cotton, 987 eks ooiton seed, 3 hd
City of Cairo 62 bahs cotton, 1700
aka c itton a-ed.
City of U iton II ue-175 brls mo
lueaee, 49 brla ale, 82 uhds aud 175 brls
i:wt;KAL amwaj.
Clear a ad very pleaeant weather.
IluHiNKsa waa pretty good yeetsrday.
Thk levee la in a horribly muJdy
cond tion.
Th Ohio la to leave Ciucinniti thia
evening for tlrs rort.
Fivb Bteambuaia are announce! to
leave here thia ev nirg.
Thb b'g Ilalena ia on her way from
New Orb ana to this pint.
Tub BtioVeyo Kta'e is announced to
leave here Tutsd,.y for Omclniia i.
Thb Kob Roy and largpa, with a
variety show on baurd, is duo down
Tub Jamea Lee f ir the lower and
the Coahoma for lha upper coaet left
with guod trip).
Tub towboat Sentinel has been let
oH Huuter'a dock-; and she is now
ready for biisinme.
Tub Cherap aka loft at 3 o'clock for
Tiptonville with a guod trip of both
height and people.
Tim W. W. O'Neill and IJoneae,
with lows of cod f ir New Orlcina,
should piiea here today.
Tn Guiding Star, Ctpt, J. D. ileg
ler, ia announced to leave here at 8
o'clock this morning for New Orleans.
Tub R. 8 Hays added here a barge
containing 2000 talui of compressed
cotton, 'i ha cotton ia for rcsulpment
Eaat at Cairo.
Thb Alberta N . 3, Oapt. Smith,
leave this morning for Indian Bay,
Devil's Blud, AugUhta and til way
landings tin vVhite river.
Tub repairs to the R. W. Co'e have
been comp ettd, and if the advices aa
to tlieatogu ol the river are at all fa
vorable she will Ipave this evening for
Arkansas river.
Thb Rine Maciendy, Capt. O; K.
Joplin, leaves thia evening for Mari
anna, the Cutoff and all way land
ingaj on the St. Kranois river. Lea
Cummina ia her cleik.
Thb Gayoso, Capt. A. L. Gnrnmings,
arrived yeBierday m iruii g and leaves
again this evmiing for Ounoirdia and
all way landings. Lew Price and Ous
CummingB are her cleika.
Thb steamer Dick Clyde, from Peo
ria, III., arrived Thursday Might, and.
after taking on a supply of coal, left
yesterday f ir Old rivo. It ia said ah
will run regularly iu the traJe, making .
twotrips pel week.
TnaOiiyof Ctirj, Capt. Llghtner,
arrived yeateruay froia Vickaburg. ,
Hhe ia the Anchor I .Inn ia ko. leaving
thia evening for Vickatiurg and all
way landliiKH. Cnpt. Ad Storm will
give all iufoimation.
Tub Ol.a.lija p. Chontem left dur
ing the tiiht (or New Orleans, with
4300 i neks ol oil Cake and 200 torn) of
miecellaneoua froii(ht. Hhe will get
about 1500 haloj nf co 'o a at llelena,
and hn8 tnKaemenis below sufficient
to fill lit r out.
Taa City of Baton Rouge, from New
Orleans, airiv-d yea eidiy morning,
discharged 50) packt(is, added 444
bales ( cotton aud left at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon f ir Cain. She
had on board about 8l)ntO"Bol freight,
including 700 bales of toit in, which
she got at Helena, and which is for
reshipment Ea t atCalio.
OppicaSioNAb Hbhviub, U. 8. A.,1
MaMPUia, Iiamtier 10, 1 p.m. j
' Tbe following obneryatiiiiiR are taken
at all stations named at 75 meridian
time, which Is one hour fader than
Memphis time;
Ab've Low
Rae FaU
Feet. UHbs 10th' tOtha
11 8 10
4 6 6
12 4 14
........ a....... ...MMM ......
M M..t
10 3 21
iiiiih ae tee teeeetBB)
.eeeteee - mm atst
1 8 1
7 3
10 8 19
fi 2 3
4 - 3
"2"" " '..'.'..'.. " T
7 6 3
"9 o" T"
20 - 6
Cairo -
ChHtianonga ...
Oi no in nan
Fort Smith......
La Cronso
Little Kock
Naahville -
New Orleans....
Nt. Louis
Ht. Paul
VickaburK -
PiTraBUJtu, Pa., Daoembar 10. Noon
River 3 feet en the gauire and sta
tionary. Weather clear and cool.
WHBBLtito, W. Va, Dicember 10.
Noon River 5 feet 8 inches on the)
gauge and falling. Weather clear ano
OmcmiiATi.O., December It. Noox
Kivnr 12 feet 5 nidiea oa the gangs,
and fallinff. Weather clear.; ther
mometer 47.
Caibo, III., December 10. Noon
River 11 ' 6 iiici'-e on tha ganveanrj
rising. Wrtattiep (dear ant&ml (L No
arriva'B. Departed: Ouldiog Star, Near
Orleans, 9 p.m.
Lou ibv i llb , K Y .,D ee o Jier 1 0 Nc on
River f tiling, wn 11 7 l 3 injhej in
the canni aud 5 fee: I limb on tha
falls. Bu-ilneis go d. Wtalher clear
and wrji.
Evanhviu-b, In De emberlO.
Noou Uver fal im, w tt 13 feet on
the gtniie. Weatiiei cloar aad pleas
ant. The Bui'kv '.hh U due up.
T&b lieroal Uuitl Cuie, the best
tontoand antt-partodio known. A oertaia
and lure oare tor ehilla. Hnoe 1 per bot
tle. Htn I atampi (or olrflu.ara. Any ref-ei-enne
giiea, Addreil deha 0. Hooker,
lininnare. va.

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