OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, May 15, 1889, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024448/1889-05-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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: 1 L
. laellcattaa.
Waiuhioto. May 13, IW.
For Alabama: Fair; wanner In northern
portions; atstlonary tcisporalur In aoulli
cru portion wluda tliililim 1" nouthcrly.
rnr)luMpii: Somberly winda: stationary lra.
pemture. except lu extreme northern portion
For Artrsnwa and Tciiiiaoa: Fair, warmer
Wednesday, billowed lit Arkanaai Thursday ly
cooler, threatening weather slid nim loutlierly
MHrlnl Piwllrtlon-Th proWlillltlei sre that Hie
cold weather thai now extendi over Mlnntsots
' will extend aoutuwsnl over In centrsl valley by
Tliun-day, attended hy ihnwtoniiiK weather, rnlu
ii.l prrere loenl iinrmi In MUaniirt and adjoining
Mntee, with a decided lull In icins-ratiiM n tar
mhai northern porlluus ofArUnaaa and Ten-
tlCMO, . , ,,
Metearolnglcal Keitarl.
iMkmi-hi Tenn , May 14. Iimi I .
Tt.tli Her. Tlm. "nr. Temp. Hum.
h am -. " "
t, ,, , ......... ....W illi
Maximum temperature, at; mlmltnum tnrnKrg.
tnw.M. Italnlall for day. 000. Hlvm ii'inc hp m-,
); clianln paal Ineuly lour bouia, U.U rim.
One year HO 00 I Throe mmitha....,
fix nionilu... W I utolilli..........
One year. 1 1 00 1 lx month.
at a day.
One year I ou six tnenth m
Oii vear. -
M. 1 OU
. CO
... 00
...tl M
Wo anllrlt letters and ronimnnleatlcHii upon nb-
jn t ol general lute real, but aiuli nml alwayi be
accompanied by Ui nam and addrua ol th
writer, sa s guarantee ol lila Iaa laun sno r-
aiamalhlllly. o notloa eau bo taken ui auony
nous commuuioalloni.
I emmiiulcsliona lor imbllratlon mint ha written
on one ilde ol the pane only, and, with all othnr
t atter connected with tnecdlUirlel department,
luiuld l addnwd; lo the r-dllor ol 1 u Aa-
wl. llemlilile. Teim.
Wernnnot.aa a rule, undertake to return arllcloa
Mil luund iuliaul toi publication.
OI R NEw"voicK Or PIOK.
Caitern ciflli ol TUB AI'IKAL. No. 11 Tribune
UnlMlng. New York. J. a. Vau Uoreu, bieeutl
latlcru Agent,
" Only 41 bales ul eutbin wero received yn
terdnv, n;ruitit '.'"I " ly lat year,
The nmrket rlixe.l iiulet ati'l cny. Ilia mW
l.cliu l.VI lialea. or M In exK.rler ali'l 1HJ to
aiiliim-ra. At New Vmk iit rl'wr'l linn
Willi futiKi quiet nt an Ivniicc of 1 to 3
illla. I.ivei jxM ! 'lowil quiet, liuille'l III
.iiiry. Willi fiituna tiiet ami 1. -ly; nnir
jwili.itu unclmiiKeil, ililinil iNrtiliniia tip 3
to 4 hiiI. The lolnl nrrlpli In llio Mriu
iiliin niurLi I bi Ihi tl.ito n "nl.-Vift lnl-,
ninl p.liiuiieiil !.(, 71 H luil'. Nick k mi liiiml,
!:!, i Imlea, nirni nt M.i'A Imlei mine iluy
lllnt )i',:r. Tb lw,i, i;iM,,ifilMI, til llillM in
1.2H Mi-.
the pi:sphi;ovs sorry.
t'faMi avrry Iivc'IIm ol Jii'liiuiriil and "I
aetiiw llie leitlle linln.trl. ol Ihe xorl.l iiukI
father In thr jc tlmu ahere the heavy el nl
tramporiina' Ibc raw man-rial fan be avi ,l. win re
lltliK la )ut aa eiieap. In-altli niore liively aa
need and every niuiiih III Ilia yt aullalilv (or
m live and e fbt'tUe 1utnr tn aiid out til diHita. 1 be
Nmih la )at a wrtaln, bj llie a'M noirae) i,l i
umtiii. t t tb Imn and aieel euiet ot tbe eoiitl
weiil. Alrrady tbeia l rtrirrtn and itlun
amiini the. Imn tmatera ul IVini.yUanln.
iiia-u e'iili'i"i"n l made id tin Inability
lu iiiin4'ia mill Ibe iiiliiiniia wlnrh
aiirnmiid Imn irmkinit In llio futith ln,n
Wiirkl am ahnllmc down beeail-a of tbla
advanlaui'd eiiiiK'lltiiii, ami lh vie ol llie
llinmibxl and aeeiwl have luiiii d K.iillir. (!
new lnvrlinriitiir tlia trnnli r to thl m limiol
rnonaiiiu plKiiia now na-rulnl wlihmit pMlll In
llie Nnrili, It will nl iloiul tlieiin'n l thl
mllapln Nnrthefii Imn nim th aiintilib-m o!
llie r retiiie nilntm Milamm. 1 ' pm-rlty Hint
caUii d dnriua thai (ial and piolouutd dia-iiMloii
hm l"'l Into ib i-rt"ln only ahenlba Ik'ptiti
llwu i- time, and Hie ballnU id a nniliuia'i eain
pnllll huonMlibillrd to rluMo the r Iji I II
! lour teaia at lent ninn Iba alafiU-a ol lha
cuiinr. llie lmtimalen of tna N.,nh baa n
II bulidwtlUiil im llie wall, and III,, Ibtewdnl
and k" nrat id all I In it lrit liei ilrlllieranly I
In pml'herr tbe lot or Iron ei niet el llie ninuii. nl
H-lilier k-v III in l'u milei ol Hums. - .H-I,a i.li
It onl
J lie to ) ll ureal ileal (( rvinml foA
nimi In tliii tlml liiw lntn rpiwvilisl in
ihi ioxo or pnidlii'r mioof ll over ainrv
collnn lifC4tii tlif iUlo rni ( liieKitttli,
llie real i-ver nine lliw rirli rea.vtirTa
nl eon! nttil Iron In Alulatui mi'l 'I nitin
imt, Arknmna ntiil Krnlm ky weir nn.i
p'.ain I y ilevi-'i'i'tiu'tit. Mctn j -!i in, I yum
in llio veir In nit n( llie ridtnii U lt, almnKI
l). fi,i,n lin ri nler ol llie rotlun n,i i u f.u--
jrini; lnlrre' i( llio CMititry. Mcm
pliia, I vitifi in nrly ritii il.et.iiit li lween
.lip iron iiJ ciil llel li of Keiilurky nn,l
MimomH on t!io nurili, Tinne-c nnl
Alulnnm on llio r.iat aii'l Arknn
ana on Ilia we-l, ilumM nlw Willi
Ver aiUniitaea ol niifuiliirj rln ap
river liniki4!liin, Immoiii the i-Pliler
o( die imn ili'luMry cl llio Smilli. Nuillirr
Chiinijn, CloM'l.iti'l nor IMlt-liiirj li.ivo
In 1 titlii' n( lu-r nitviirtiiea ol aituniiiui,
yet tii"Y litivo Uf(iiiii' uroitt Iron in ilni-
J .i n in,'ri hU', iui'1 luve liy tli.il nn'iitia
iiiTndeil (.Ti at wc.illli. IxMitomy in 'm
ilnelini will (men llm iiiniiitfrti't iin-rn to uo
lu Hot I1 lniiteii.il iliali'K I ul Ii4vit)( ll
I'miu-lit tn lliein. !y liinutifnctiiriiiii cot
ton Io n-, tl.e rot ol liiiPa'Hirtiilinii, tlu
lw In weiliia mill !) Ii.ni l.ini, un 1 llio
I'tic of lii'imiiiro wotiM eventunlly
i:mr In Ilia i-oimuiner. Anil a,
II it ii p ili!o nn lor ttiitiiu
loinlUlniK (or llio iron ii i-u ol llio I'.ir
liiiiiol.iini ilinlriet l) ni;ile iron lor J7..MI
H-r ton, m unparvil Willi ll,e tl.'i t tun
il IViinaylvnnii, tl ia pluin llint it it lollie
'IvaiiUii ol llm ronaitnier that all artii 1 a
ol iron ran bo mnru rlie.it'y ui.inufiii lure l
holT in Mi'tnplila Ix-eau-o o( ltnnentneaa
ami 111 ih ailing -a lor il.Klril'tilion y
titer trHnajiortHlinn tluin any pl.ne clue.
TIiomw "Irnllm are aol(-i-vi.!eiit." ll,0
ji)(lieli rotton apinnota cnntiot always
' Ifml in cotton innnufarlurva. TlniniH'(ui
ol growth la iiKin all parU of tha wothl.
I'raxil, KiO'pt ti'l India will in lime mini
tifatiura all tlio cotton (hoy grow, ami no
a 111 the Poutli. Manolnctuma anJ lia.le
are the ipjxrni'iat coniiilttraliotia with all
clvlllxoj nHtiona, Tlili la an era
tnaterial proierily ryerywhera. luly,
Ooruiany and Franca aro comrH'tlng
with i:n.land for the wvan carrying trado
of the world and In U o colnnliatlou
Africa. Tlio activities are enormous
stoam ban multiplied the energies of the
world and economics of production and
transportation nre forced upon tho conaid-
crulion even of people who have no direct
Intercut In each question. Tho pulse of
tho world tins boon quickened nnd even
the hitherto hidden recesses of Africa nnd
South America are bciti) stimulated by
tlio dawn of u boiler day. Dut none of all
tho nntlons, nor any of our ow n States
can coinpoto with Tti)iies!oc, Arkansas,
Kentucky and Aliilmmu in tho two essen
tials to accrotod wcallh coal nnd iron.
Tkt Ibiien-Dimotral puliluhei Uie lollowlni let
ter Irom a kllniaiippl lady:
toi.t'xnui, Mlu., May I, 13.
Tn the Kditor Tlmea Ix-uiiN'rut:
I waul to thank yon lor your editorial In yonr
Imiio ol Muy i "W omen and Hlnor lu 1a Kile
lioiia." Vou lavor iirniiiily the lnm hnw ol wuihU
In urh eleclloiuk Do ) nil laior Hie lianeliiae in
wmueii In eleellona lur x hmd laaea, M-laiail Irua-
teen and luin-rlulundeuu ol uliiinlloiif Amy nil
In lavor ol winiien tieinn luade ellitllilo tor
ofllen ai niierliueiiileiilt ol education anu
m IiimiI triutiW Will you uleiiM alvu your iiiilii-
lou hi an editorial? Iiwlll Interval liiimlieila ul
women, lor rmvutly tlieW. C. T. V. ol Miwiadppl
and liiilaiatia rinned to petlilnn ihelr l exi-ln-lur
lor an educational qiialilleailou l' Ilia Iran
rlilw. and lliul wouirn may vow oil all avltuul
quealliiiu, and hold mile on hool boarda.
rtiirnly a woiuan i elillilren are aa valuable to her
I her priietly. II ilia aliould tule m pnileel Imi
llliilleyeil loler-au, klioinu an noi void in in in
terval ol tier ou lb all ami IiIihkI; lteiaeilully,
Min, Moi.Lia m uaa w.i.
Totlih TV TVnifT vn orial repllea: Wa do not
bolluve In litiiiate lulfniKe, and ara emphatically
iippuae,! to a alutecutli ainrndinant to thai eltwl.
ll would not, wa h-ni, puilly our elociloua, aa at,ma
optlnilati hoH, or vorrai l Ilia many political lib)
thai axial. Then ara ugly leaturea aiawit H,niua
Inlay that a boi to i lrniud with llluo. bid
wt do not baliova that tula la to 14 Hon b) llnow
liil opeu the autlraaa to vhiukU- 'Iba expifluieul
hai Ut'U lrviUeuily Irltd, and baa Dot provola
iiiei-eaa, W It lie lu aril all rouiitrld nave rxn nueu
li e laai In regard to woiim u. have Im naaed tln-lr
imvlliKea, aiauUd tlieui a volet lu tba nianaucuie nl
ol lb acliiKili, etc., lull lunale ititlrnae-llio
nulili l K ouiaii to faitieliHiio lu all eleetluiu-ii
liowlni weakvr, ai tho vole in lb Hrlil-h l iilla-
bient aud llm laihliiturn ol lb New Ki.a and and
Iba Wealern blal.i, bel'ire wlioin tlila jn,-tlou baa
txen lor aoiua yeura, liaa howu. To our rurrv
Kiiideiit. Ihervluro, w reply that we aia upKied
hi wuuiea auDiaiie pure and iimpl;
AI th an in tune, ' 1 tmt iHnam' hualwavl
dialnd bi ire wumrii InliirU tliriiiaelvua lu llie
i. ul. lie MliiMila, and uood upon llm (iovvrimr
nionibiaKo thai Mime rrenaiiltlou be iveu Hit in
by tlie app'iiutiiiviit ol on woiuun or luur ou Iba
a IhmiI lloant.
1U Timti lmriml la i la to auwer tba nimt
imiaiilaul iH-atluu oi lira Siill-"tiie illblllty
u( woiiiuli lur ollii aa iu inienUenlol Kdii'-aliou
and K-liool Triiateva." Tbo W. V. J. V. of MUvla-
alppl and luaiaua will lnlou th Deal l-eKila
lur lur Ibivand wa hai very lull doubt but
Dial II will tie granted. The ntin wai belore
tlio Temirwa l.eilaUtur, awl that Hlat hai
adiiptnl It, aud llm hiiperliib'Uilent of relocation
lu llio rity (d Mcutplira Ii a at lady, who glvii
uulvri) kulblaetlon, W liile aedo Dot go It, tU
lull extern ol tenia la aurlnura, we are In bivor of
women voting ou all limd nue.noin and holdliig
oltl'-a on w-hiad lionrda aud aa Kiipeiluteiideiit ol
Kdueallon.--frriillna (JUiai ) Ikhnfr-U.
Ilolli lUf .liii'ii'M W.iii" inland 7ic AVip
h hum 1 i.iirt- li woarnf avoid M ta. Suell a
iilniX qumtion, "If ahu womnn aliould
voto to protect her umiirycd intcrcHla
hhotild alio not voto to i lolert her own
llcsli nnd blood?" For, u aha any, pre
rodiliK ill !m ijuoatioii, "aurely A woman S
ihililmn nie a vmIihiIiIu to her us her
property," 7ic ,V.Tninn I'lmnrrdl con-
(.eilea that woiuun aliould be vimlUod
lo vole fur eeliool liuVera and auper
iiitemli'iila, aiiMniiirflv oMivioua of the furl
that if women are in any wnao or decree
nliyiblo to nn Ii me.itiom and to voto for
pi laons to lill I he in they oti;hl nlmt to be
eligible to all other position and to vole
for Htom t lill I lie in. Hut we, novorlliu
loa. roiiL-nitiiluto our Meridian coutomio
- " "i
rarv lu havinit k?ot that Ur on the load to
iiliviluto (ri'odom. Tin ro ia hope for hitu,
nnd wu r.in wo a nuxlii inn of hope in our
brother ol Tin Acie (iihim Twin-lKm
ant, wh, when he adiiiit that the
lioveinor of Iniiii.iu aliould appoint
women to acne as uirinU'ta ol the a liool
IhmiiiI ol that M.ite, ailtnila tho eligibility
ol women to f nl li 1 1 the inot-t Vn red ol pub
lic ttiihla and obllnliotia, aud then loie
adinila her ability to iliu riininnle, inniuipM
filial condiiel public iitl.uta, which ia e'pnil
to a i(Jiction ol In r tilil to hold olliu-,
nnd ll to hold idliie, to tote. K tniu h (or
that pl.iuo ol tl.P qulioti dim tiaMd by
our Colili inpolurii. Aa to tho othel,
involved lu Ilia aluleiuinl by 7i
'nii j no" ml, tlml "The ripetiiiunt
(ol anfl:i'i:ej hua Inn heiptenlly tried,
tied has not ptove.l a ukuw." Wu uniat
Uo take Ii-miii with t ur eonteuipoiaiy,
who ia wiliiny to ailiiiit Women id prop
el ly lo olr in "lux elei-liuiia" that la, be
ia willing that the pioperly aliould vote.
Woman a aiillr.ie, in any ilegreo, I a
itrowih. And it h.ia cruwu. It lias not
li -I in the fiLuri In pinn a, hk
a-l'ioi;toii I in itm y , tin-re I out U'i n,
n we liiilit any, a liu uii'litiiiy letlojrea
aioti jiii mi; out ol lliv oppoailioil ( llioM)
who could iml iiao llio women votera,
nnd In Ivlund it hua neenlly ten
ih cidi'd llllll Wollli'll lu.IV N IK on 1'oor
Ijiw l.oiiuli snd N IiihiI Ikiurda, lilll Hot
in Al.leini mic P-urJa, but thev cm vole
in mil ii ii' :1 and cotinlv air.iirs. Tho
udu-es held lh.it In n. liiul women to an v
tlice il ia iicri-vity to aliow that I'.iilia-
niriil biu in that Itnitatite ii-iuoved the dis-
luulillration, and leinoved it expressly
Poll (hi is not h-trotjiiiiliiv. The women
a.Minat hoiu tlm il.-oim ii was letnlerc i
had saked lor the aiilfi.i;. i ol nil the qnal-
Ihed voters ll their ilialnrt in London
sud weie cletted n,i inner of lb Hew
ciiiinty uoverninent, wliii h iu turn elected
a Four 1 ol Aldermen, o( which Miss Conea
waa elected a ineiiilier by th casting Vote
of her colleague, !.nily Sandhurst, W hose sent
in tho county government Wing sum--
lully coiitesle t by Mr. rieiesfnr l Hope,
both la-lies Were oilttej liolil (illlce. Hill
Ibis, as wo have s.iid. is not retrograding,
So lar liotn thai the fteedotu ot woman
gaining In every part of the world. It Is a
growing conviction that women are In fart
the equals of men, that it is a grcu libel
llio Intellectual capacity of women lo Class
them with their own Infanta aud a brutal
lihcltoclaaatl...... .ni. i n.. i- Tl.atianl
tun mnrriiigo wincli make nmrriBgn
coiilra.-t ho tifk-J wom.n In al-lollite
qunlily us contracting parties, and there
fore above tho gross and brutaliux ideas of
tho harem. Ikith as mother and wife she
man's equal, and eventually and soon
ho will coruo to bo everywhere his equal
haolutcly boforo the law.
Oca siHters of the W. 0. T. U. aro up to
their cars in personal difflcultios, which
are only profitable In scandal, serve to
bring ridiculo upon tho principals and in
vito llio contempt of the groundlings who
still class women w ith iufants and Idiots.
Mrs. Hobart and Mrs. Foster, being
Christians, should at once put thomsolves
in tho way of accommodating their diffi
culties and putting nn end to the unwom
anly quarrel, during which they have
bandied epithets that are, to say tho loast,
unladylike and offensive to tho enrs of
the general public Such an exhibit in
men would bo deplorable; It is doubly so in
women claiming to be ChiiHtian Temper
anco Unlonista, who have evidently for
gotten every Christian precept of peace and
ait) in words at lonal the very opposlto of
As Interview with es-Uov. John C,
Lrown, l'residont of the Tennorwoe Coal
and Iron Company, which our Xonhville
cormapondont sent us special, last night,
enpeclnlly worthy the attention of
iron men. Tba (iovernor Is ovor-modost
in what ho claims ran bo done in
tbe way ol producing iron clioapor
than nt tho North, hut wo presume, like
a discreet aoldior, Jio did not care to tin
cover all our resources to the enemy. lint
war having been declared by tho Thomns
Company, we snould not bo surpriucd if it
did not was warmer, and that boforo tho
auniuior closes the Southern iron tnon
would bo compelled to show their lull
baud and take the poL
Ma. (ii.AimTONR is a surpriiiing as well
as "grand old man." Ilo was entertained
atdiunor recently lu J-oinloti, by Mr,
Tobey, a Mcmlior ol Parliament, and thoro
met tho stalT of J'w.i h, among the number
Ie Maurier. He wu, of course, the
center ot attraction, and becoming rcmin
laccnt snrpriscd tho company by tho ac
curacy of his memory as to event now
hiatoric, of .wbieh hu was a witnettj or lu
which he was a participant. Hut what
was equally interesting he sat witli the
company until midnight ami then walked
homo, I'rctty good, that, for a man of
Pi-ok ami;' aeeond victory over Proctor
Knott yesterday on the Loiiiavillo courae
ia concluaive as to tho reaectivo inerita of
the animals, if there be any such thing aa
concliiai vcnoaji in such nutters. There is
every jtwlillcution for tho opinion that the
Montuua animal is a better racer than tho
pride ol Tennessee Proctor K nott ia not
a giimo as his great sire, I.uke Llackburn.
Ilo alao lucks bottom. The two contest
lu which tbeao thoroughbred have en-
paged have Wen the .most seucalional
known to tho turf lu recent your.
I r is to bo hoped that the tierlormsnccs
of "Tho Chillies of Normandy" by local
siller will be very largely attended, in
onlur that that most worthy orgnnizution,
the Amntrtir Athletic Aaaocintion, may
l,rouI' "r
... . - , .
The proceed will go into
the building fund of the niwocintion.
Tit Kngliah people, through tho Ilouao
of t'oiiimona, ha vn decided that their
navy uiuat Ihi inrrdaaed in numlMr of
veaaela a.id of men, and weight ol guns, to
twice the strength ol the stmngoat navy in
the world. Fngland ftiual be nuatrea of
the aa ur go nndur, they say.
Skmatvh John hiirnmM, in l-ondoa,
was interviewed by Tlif llcrntd to the el
tent ol a column and taid nothing worthy
ol ntti titioti or notice. That was a great
Miaa Mint Anhkkson, evorybody here
abouts will be glad to leatn, is getting bet
ter aud will umke lur appeiuume agalu
next lull.
i i
tnternacttia Blrlf Uulng On In W. O. T.
U.-A lli right and Mora Yet.
MiNxr vroi.is, Minn., May 14. "Inter-
net ine strife" dusrrilM llio ststo ot aT.iirs
now existing In the W. C. T. V. organixa-
lion ol Mm lusot a. Th recent county
convention of the I'ninn lei the public into
llio iin let. I '.I forts at now being m ilo
by the inakiinteiits toorgauixo a lival
iiKiuM-iatioii, ami it ia not nt all unlikeiy
thai it will aiici-ca-d. Tho rauao of the
whole trouble is "thud partyism." Secret
meeiiiiga ot those Inn rcatcd in the new
oiL-aniriition aro Ik-'iHiI held, and a soon
l urn they lead atnMig eiiouk'll the lloil-pnrtl
' I-''!"? ."? V" ,.,',M 1
era. A Unlit wlin h lis eontriuuiini in no
situill niesaiiro lo this split ia the war be
tween Mta. J. l-.lli-n l oater, ol lows, ami
Mrs. Ilol'url, Mala pti-anlenl of the Mill
ncaoia omen s t hriatniti li-iniierance
l llioll. In the l lt Inane of the nacrwnS
t-r. the ollicul oritnn ol llie Mi lines, it a
Wnnii iis t lirieliiiu letiiM-rtno I iinui,
ia a loim lliii-e col in mi niinlo ty .Mrs.
Il.ili.lrl, III w Im ll alio seeks lo pnive all
the har?es thai she lol l previously inndo
llnoimli llio palters or Bpn.nal .Mia. I iai
ler. and wlin-li IMra, toater l ad pro
nounced "l.ilao In letter and In spuil,
lui-c in ceneiai ntni in piirin-iiinr.
Mr a. Iloliait sccui.-a Mrs, ria-lerof tr-
ing to unite the VY. C. T. I', to a politico!
pnrtv under tho gniA ol nnn-psrliaini
ahlp," ul ii I'le-hing, ai preaidenl ol ti e
low vi.t. 1. I., lejilly vie -led dele
g.itra becaiiM ol their iliiliiraeiiii-lit ol pro
liililuon, ol trying lo make it appear that
there Is wiilespiisd ibasllection In the
rsuka ol tho W, C. T. I . "by sending out
spurious n-poria and doing other Judas-
1,1,.. .L nl l l .l.i I. ....I
Is ' -
-"a- ai. a Tyww tie- ueaeeiee.
MlUIMnMO. V.. Mav II Itomie A
of ,,..,, jr., who arrived here today from
Now iork, list just pu!ilihcd in pamphlet
lorm a complete refutation of the charge
desertion recently insde aesinat hi
falher. lien. Prvor. il. o,..l ............ f
slllilavtt of rvc-wilmiaca lo liia i-aotiirc.
Suleuieiil ol t.cn. C. M. Wilcox. Hon.
Washington McLean, On. Oeorje Sharpe
contemporaneous accounts of his capture
in both tiouthorn and Northern papers
during the war, and letters ol Cien. l'ryor
to his wlf while ino confinement In tort
Lafayette, and other papers. 1 he prool in
regarded as being absolutely conclusive of
the General'! loyalty to the rioiiih.
Mia Keating' Kecllnl.
MissCarrhj 111 Keating will givo hor
annual recital next Monday night at the
hall of the Young Men's Hebrew Associa
tion, on which occasion ulio will be assist
ed by tho Wagnor Quartet Club and hor
own pupils, w hono prolicienry, so marked,
ia niruiiuy well xupwu to inu puunv. om
progrnin wilt Oie one of great intercut,
es))ecially to the relatives and friends of
the miDils whoan nrnirrecs has boon 60
, 'i- j. . . i .. i i .
aecniy aiscussou. rtrkeui can oo nnu ni
K Witxmann A Co.'s, 221 Second strcot;
price 75 cents. No resorved scuts.
Tba l.lha' lleweni.
The annual benefit of tho Klks will take
place at the Theater touight. The pro
gram la as follows:
bkuleh from the "Old f'urlolty Bhnp"
tiotiia liu via ami Mlm A 1 1 nc Oreetiwooil.
Ballet .14r. slev Wrliht
Mualeal Ciulutaille
Miami lAvy, Ueonio U'vy, Mr. ana an Key-
nolda, Mr. Lea lbuuiou.
Kthlnplan Dellnuatlon ....-..Fruuli Rookwoll
Vloilu and I'iano aolna ,
MaaterHaxby and I'mf. W rlglrl.
Mandolin aodiinlur Solo
Hnvllla anil llormalin.
The world renowned ehatino artuia In their cele-
bmted aotiira and daina-a 'I ho Mortoiia
Tba celabran-d Maritime In tlio lleiliiilin Lovo rioua.
Mr. J. f. Maefwenny.
The Oi ratio Tenor In "Ui Me I.Ik a Soldier Fall"
Mr. Itarry neiaon.
Thomas rhiarnal I. tho ronowned musical
director, will accompany tho above with
the piano and gi vesome operatic selections.
Jarhewei Naand Frark.
The Jackson Mound Purk, which last
year proved an Inonlimable boon to tho
thouuinds of citizens who have given up
the idea of spending eutnmers at crowded
and overheated resorts, will bo reopened
for tho season next Monday night
The ninnncenient hit secured as attrac
tion for tho imam m tho Ibwlian Opera Com
puny, moet of tho meinliers of whidi have
a I rein lr arrived in the rity. Tim openintr
bill, alrenuy arranged, Is I Mancotte,
with a cast and chorus of twenty-three
peoplo, well balanced lor a strictly correct
The tmrk ha liecn put In shape for tho
season, with an eve to the convcnicnco
and comfort of all w ho attend. Hailroad
lacilities will also bo crentlv improved, and
everything that managerial skill and
money can do will Ik promptly dolio.
Drew Uelaearaiil vt -Via ('blnir.
A lull drona rehearsal of "Chimes of
Normandy," tho lirxt perlormnnce ol
which, by gifted amatenrs, will tuko place
tomorrow evening, was held at the
Theater laxt night, at which the full or
cheatra waa pro.ient and in action.
It waa a sorrct alliiir, to which butaidors
were douiod even a peep, but an Aprrat,
reporter wstchiil ita progress and develop
ment from beginning to end.
Tho timet ciiiiNpicuoii fljitro In the per
formance was that of Mr. McSwoency,
a proieaeionai aiago manager, in llie pro-
liiniiiaries. lie ' kept alter principals
and chorus, giving them finishing in
structions In the art of oiUon and
"business," looking after tho beauties of
tableaux and the most imposing ensemble.
It was wit li mighty fll'ort that the reporUT
restrained hiincU Irotn envious otitburHts
over tbe Professor's good fortune in the
training ol audi apt pupils, the female
portion ol whom prevented a speetaclo of
entrancing beauty, grnco and easy --u mil
lion ol the respective elmractora eseayed.
lh perlorinaiue tomorrow liiulit will
prove lo be thoioughly entertaining. The
linlication are tlml thero will be some
surprising cxhibiliona of liuo vocal and
UTiiimttic Uilenl.
Aaido Irom tho merit ot tho tierforinaneo
itself, there is an object to bo considered,
vis.: the benefit to the Amateur Athletic
Association, which is now engaged in nn
umlerUking to erect an imbuing, well
Bilapled aud equip'd club building. That
the imblifl aie Jiaptated to amiat the club
Is shown by the very large sale of seats,
Insuring Luliionublo aud ayuipalhulic
A Newspaper' liwl Wrh.
Sr. Lot is. Ma, May 1 1 The llev. Clin.
O'ltcilly, of Iletroit, Treasurer of the Irish
National League, tonight publicly re
ceived the Fwt-IHtjMttrh Parnoll defonso
fund. Th formal turning over of the
money took placo at tho reposition
building. There wero addrcastt and
niuaieal program, and an ad
mittance fio of 25 cent wo charged
which nlso went into the fund. The
nmouul turned Over to Falher O'Keilly by
l-.dilivr 1'illon, ol the -Miwifr7i, was
I.2N2. The Prnoll Ix-ajueof St. Unii
contributed an additional $VK, and with
the receipt at the ibxn llie totni ws
swelled to about (1,0X1(1. Father O lJeilly
ilchvcnil an address tixin the work of the
Irauue aud the coulitjon ol Ireland.
Mayor Noonan presided at tho mooting.
Miaow alar aias In Ike W)ll mt Way.
Sr. I'Ai'i, Mum., .May li SH'iil
Irom various points in Dakota and Minus
sot give accounts ot heavy suuw aud rain
terms. I'.rslnoM says snow lull tlila alter-
noon for several hours, hut finally ended
in rain. Hie ffrouini wu pnreiieil, aim
the streets and roads arn like aalicw nnd
the rmi hsvo suU'ere.l, but the rnitilall
will save llie crop, ai a nana, imk..
ntsiut lour lneneof snow fell diirinu the
niorning an t it rained diirin tho rest of
the day. Water Is standing In pools over
nil tho field. Maiertown, I ak., reports
the hrsviosl rainfall of the seitMin, At
Mill. auk. Dak.. It hue Ih-cii mhiiiik lisrd
tor the past twelve Hour and is still at IU
lb Waal lb Rabat llerllaw.
Mihkxatoi.in Minn., May 14. Ad
vice received by th Inhnnt from all
parts ol South Dakota aro to the effect that
heavy rains todsy hsva ksKcued the mini
Iter ol vote cast. The total voto of South
lhiknta will not l over .ill.mxi. llie on-
rwaaiiioit In the PioOX Knlla I'oiia'.ilutlon
not gr,-l enough to t" noticed. The old
I'onaiitulion mil be adopted by nn over-
whelinina majority. Mnii ibikota voted
for dolegatoa to a coiutilutiotisl conven
,ion- I
A lewllar rreab Iw Xatare.
llorxisaviiis, Ky., May 14. Margaret
llendrirk, a colored woinnu residing In
the OarrelUburg pm inet of this county
save birth to twins, lith of them girls.
on while and ono colored. The white
one I perliH-llr while nnd the oilier an
il,l..ia nl lha decneal live, llm annua
herself la lull blooded negro and tlne
twins are one ol the uioal wonderful
(leaks of nature on record.
Hwieaalbl aaveaiiaii.
Ci!ci)!ATt, (-. May 14.-Tho Ohio
Homeopathic Medical Aaxx-lation I hold
lug it tweuty-fif'h annual cilon here to
day and tomorrow witn a izood atlendsnra.
The tlm I mTitple.1 by reading paper
on pndewsionai a"p, ami hv uiM-uaslons
Ion Hi usiH'r. lotiieiu baimiiet
! tendered them by local member,
The Hon. John M. Lea la Elected Presi
dent The Other Officers Mr. Keat
ing' History of Memphis Received,
Aooompanled by a Strong Letter.
8iec!al blipatch to The Apical.
NA8UVII.LR, Tenn., May' 14 Tho Ten
nessee Historical Socloty mot in regular
Bcesion at Watkins Institute tonight, Col.
Joretniah G. Harris presiding. The Hon.
John M. Lea presented the following lot
tor from Dr. J. Berrien Lindsley, accom
panied by a copy of the "History of Mem
phis," by Mr. J. M. Koating:
nAiimu., Tenn,, nay M. iter. I
The Hon. John M. Lea, Proatdento th l.uueaaee
.I.M-U...I caAiut,;
IearHIr Tirrrwlth d!mm nmwnt tn nnr Pnrlctv
sonpyol 111 mnxullleeul "lllatoryof Mempiila,"
recently pnoiutieii tiy ii. Ma-on A Co., oi Hyraeuae, i
N V ll I. il... i:,,.!!...,.., I I
mrtoM .Tv&bi. iinTtZ
! .i io"'" n.ln?r!t!,ble TSrll,!r:
Uowerfully eoutribun-d to render Momphla accond I
nVpre"minet in?, Tuun,w, "
pm ail the dark daya of that famed, and at one I
oIZ,SZ;,Tr S
. . . " : a - i
Ilia mWiarlil Mliatlnrv nt tm Vaallj.tar V..M. Ilk IM'H
ine'rK ine,M
In llie clnwlc literature on epidemic In Hi I vol-
lime. Wltn aeuiilii Patrioiiam, aim in lenncaa i
lana-naiie be ciikmhI Hi liiexi-uwlile ui-aleet of
aanlury axjomi wbl h had. converteil Meiiiphla
from an aavluin for yellow fever refugee
ent," and
moat nntud nlaiue iimiI ou tbe continent.
liltfiaicu upon mil great ajiniutrx reiorm wnien
hiu, nlnred Memuhta niiuin lu the very front rank
ot Wcaturn and Nontheru i-ttlea.
Tula vuliiuieaud hiaeonirthntloni In the Amor
leau I'ublio Health AaaoclaUoii, eaiwclally hla early
advocacy of ".-anllatlou by I-In-." have given ului
a natlonnl ruputatlon lu publie healih elrclva.
Tl.. (in., ,.f tl,.. im M.iH.t.ll.l .,liiniAa ntm In
air. HOiiiine ia a inoni inn Mcniiinian.
your lunula fa Irom Hie pen ot Mr. Keiiting, and
eoutaina ii-.h oemvo iwKea. iiiaaniooei coy ihh-
torv, aollig back tn Hi dnya ol ImKotn, when Me in
hla waa III einhrvo, aim mining uowu lo iww, em
racing every tonic ot linereaL dirwtly or Indl
reetlv efinueeled with Ihoeftv.
firlv aelllemelll, pioneer limea, enmmeremi ami
Iniliiatrlul diiveloumenL anleuiitd U-iilnuliiga ami-
denlv lollowed ly Hi dcaolaiinna ol war, r.i uvery
ami lirluhl proaiM-ui lillijlited hy debt and t-at-
leuoa, all In lorn employ a graphic ien guided by
an wviirale and anal) lie bead. Interwoven, with
HirM) unlike lln-mea niiiuta in tne poiuici ami
cneral hlalorr of Tennewai. without marring too
..I ll.n u,.rL .... m l..wl hl.li.rv Bit. I Vol vivintf I
ll a lar wl.l-r aeiiMi and greslly luvrcuaing lla bold
upon reader
Tcnneace una volume idace iba amhor in th
alwnya to lie Honor-it im witn iinvwoou, iniuiey, i
, TL P. -.' i.- - . ..ii iii.rini.rVi
Lnd gem''; ,1 ning'T. ' iniir e.pu.re.i!rtTv5
voltiiuea of liilmore alii
i n. i I'lieiiui. ami annum ue
wide v eirculan d wh
rever ii u ill-am inaie
Tciine-ao known, or lorvale and prcacrve tru
Stale prlil and iatrlotiain.
Invrvliliw Ihut I am an iilten preveuteJ from
nieellug with you, l am yonra iruiy,
J. IIkshikn Ltsnai.EY.
The le'.ler was received and filed.
(ior. Tnvlor. of Washington County,
and Col. Win. Henderson and Mr. John
W. Panlotte of Knox County, were ap
oolnted to reiiresent tho Society at the re
interment of the remains of (iov. John
rcricr. nt Knoxville. on Juue 11) nexL
Tho Hon. John M. Ica wss ro-ehi ted
r resident of the Society; the linn. James
. Porter, ot Par; Mr. Anson Nelson, of
Nashville, ami Col. Wm. Henderson, of
Knoxville, vice-presiilents; .Mr. Josepli h,
amis treasurer and librarian: (ten. U. w.
Thornton corresponding seendary, and
John M. Hoes recording secretary,
On motion of Mr. Nelson, the Society 1
unanimously requested Judge l-os to navo
hi nholovrsnh taken in order Ihut the
un.l.i. l,a. . rutr, ru il A,lit I'll I
Society then adjourned to meet' next
Mnprenae l.axla; H. r II. la Neaaloa.
iMHAXAnn is, Ind., May li. The six
tei-nth annual Mwsion of the Supreme
Lodge, Knight ol Honor, began here this
afternoon. One hundred deleentes, repre
senting every Stato in the Union, and the
following supremo officers were present:
Louis A. Uratz, Knoxville, Tenn., su
prcme dictator, Albert K. Savage, Lewi-
ton. Mo., sunreme vice-dictator. Samuel
Klots, Newark. N. J., aupreme assistant
" '
iir. J V X..lm. SL li.la Mn.. an.
r,..w.Hr- J, 1,1. W. Ilrnnrh. SL
uav.w. --f r ' " '
l-otiis. Mo., supremo treasurer; . A. I'on-
nlngton, Philadelphia, Pa., supreme trus
tee: L. 8. fadbctter. Cednrtown. On., su
preme trustee; 8. P. Uwreuco, FiUhburg,
M i., an pre mo lrusU.
. ., ,. ,,
llin aflurniin all lha ,iii,r.ma
-u.,,.K "
The Supreme Dictator staled that the or
der wo in a prosperous condition. It was.
lllll, fl . M .....I.H. .. pill
he said, the oldest and Urgrst henevolent
society In the I'mtcd Slate paying a dentil
benelil Irom the central treasury. He
stated that during the yellow lever epi
demic in Honda last year the order con-
triUuti-1 Jl.oooior llie rullel ol tbe sutler-
era. llie reistri oi iu Mipreme lu-porter
showed the lollowing balance on hand In
... . .. .. ...
tbe virion funds: lienor) fund, f 12,710;
widow' ami orphans ba'tiefit fund, V,I74.
The total membership ot the order I 127, -
(am, while the whole, number ol working
lodge i 2,'SK). I luring the last year ileal li
iH-netit were paid amoiiutiug to $d,210, -
Tb. tie... I .wm .r, K. T. Heel
. . a k a
Special Htapatch lo 1 b Appeal
N ash vat, Tenn., Slay U-The Grand
Commsndeiy ot Tennessee Knights
Templar met In annual conclave at
Murlrceaboro today at 10 0 clock. Tho
Kuighta marched lothe MethoilUt Church
w hom Oram! Prelate Sir ('. II. Strickland
preached an eloquent aermon. At th I
opera-house an address ol welcome wa
delivered ny r.mincni recreinry i.icnam
lla-srd, and a rcxmse py tne i.ignt r.ini-
uent fir O. II. ilsoo.
The opNretla "Hilda Ot Tunneseo,"
Was then presented.
An Aged Couple Depart Tbla Ufa at Ib
Same Tlm-Tb Huaband' Uobby.
peclal Plapateh lo Til Apiwsl.
NAaiivti.i.R, Tenn., -May It. Koiiert
r.uiuey and wife, tho former aged eighty-
four yeara and thol latter ciglily-two, were
buried yesterday at Franklin, where ihey
had lived for aixty year. Hot I) died within
an hour of each other. Twenty year ago
Mr. Uainey ordered a coffin for himself,
and John Cunningham, long siuct
dead, tnado It, This Mr. Kainey kept
in his house until ho died aud
hla remain wero placed therein. It was
ol black locust, without paint or trim
mings, and with plain iron handle, The
timber wss au inch ami a quarter
thick. Tho pillow, ma le ol rolton, wsi
plaiD.1 In the box by Mr. lUiney himsell
somo venrs sgo. He waa laid st rrl in
this rudo tiox, his only winding-sheet
Mug an old Confederate blanket, which
served him during hi four year ol sol
dier I ifo. Mr. lUiney w buriod In the
same grave. Her body waa laid in very
handsome casket
baaa ftbart KawMwbere,
niTLAan. Vt. Msy U-Ther is trou
ble with th account of J. F Kobinson, a
nsrlnor with th Vermont Marble Com-
pny in b general merchandise store at
IVntnr Itutland. Tliert were rtl,000
worth of goods sold lost vear, and the
company claims there siiouia oo a yiva.
.oor'a l.nainixji Tlin at ore is in the nanus
U tli Wieriff and a suit in chancerr has
been begun to dissolve tne parinereuip.
itnkinmn eluimr that If allowed time to
examine the books he could account for
tho shortage.
An Officer Describe the Lost Property
With Surprising Accuracy.
"Did vou lienr about the robbery ot the
Louisville Now Orleans A Toxns express
car?" said ex-Bcrgenut Ilorau to nn Ap-
pkal reporter.
No, what of it?"
"Whv. thero w as a lot ol ladies doming
stolen, amounting to ubout $10.50, and we
are looking for the thiol."
"Vt lint sort otcioii ingr .
"Iji.lma' eloUnnff. ' I
..v. "r.l .hrhr.f,, wlmt sort of
"IOU sum unit, uuiuiu, w 'a v. i
ladies' clothing?"
A UU - earwa-wawp " I
Whv tllintm lO WCftr,
tr r.' t, I
. " r -- -. ;- ' 'r - I
est, or to piuai m ma uiiiai pii. "
' . .!!,. ll, .no " I
"It's no use "
"Make an eaort.,,
"Well, they were wouiitit'l clothos I
MW .....
'"W imt mnrt nr ir
on sUrboard and larboard
. . ,. u .rjn.1.i ;,h him n Inee.
ana moumeu wmi m uonuw, aveoi-tiouvju
and mounted With a hollow. Steel-ribbed I
. -" -.; : i
hua)D ,Bt -arne UD ovof .ie placket and
wa held in position by two stviugs around
the waist
"flood 1 Wss it loaded?"
'No: it had been fired ofT I moan,
taken oil, and left with tbe other.
"Tho other wa 7"
"The other was built around an npright
slab, called wnttoau pleat. It was
o,u,-, l.nvu m - - - ,
worsted, at least it lookod worse than it
might have looked. It was cut entrain,
box-pleatod. hand-MWOd. cut a la mode, I
and trimmed with camels breath ruching.'
A dream ol beauty t
"No, like a dream after a miiico pie
"And what were tlie otnersT
"What were tho things like?"
"Like thiniM."
"Hut w lint sort of things? Did thov ro-
aemlilo a headache alter a four days' dill'
itlit excursion or were they like soap bub-
bles? I
- tan i say; inina ttiey iookbii i:ko ooin.
'"oy wero uiings ia wear, iiiuoo oi meo
ry ROO.U aud button. They wero-
uui i can i uescriD tnein correctly, i
n,.Vcr served as a clothe lino and 1 can t
Sister of th Oood Shepherd Writ
of the Oood Shepherd Writ
, . i
Tlioso who so generously contributed to I
the recent orphans' bonellt aro now reap-1
Imr thbir reward in ncknowledumunts from
the beuefieini ie.
Following is a sample:
Cog vr.st or tux Ooon Riir.Pltr.rn,
Aiksriiu, leu., ay it, inja
E. C. UHschs. Ka,.:
Dear Sir Will yon pleaso hsvo tho kind
ness to present the expression of our sin
cere grnlittulo to tho gentlemen of both
Kxchanires. and to the numerous other
friedtis who so chnritihly contributed to
llm cnicriaintncni tor too orpuans.
lielicve us. we arc moit deeply cmteful
f. ,e ihi and rnnnv nllioe viil..iie. ti Ilia
cordial charity of the people ot Memphis
to our institution, and lor which thov are I
daily remembered in all our pray er. try
ilia SISTK0S or TUB uoon mirphciid.
The Firemen Respond Quickly and
WU.ncntn uevounng riamw.
Yi-sterday evening the fire bella sounded
vines wero on tho street and away through
dust and uoiso, over the rougu streets, tne
firemen donniog thoir fire regalia as they
l . . .....
I. a .a. ia. . a ..I
Muai- 'ey "" city
with noise and alarui. acaring pedoMriRns
I "' ' "" 1 a uul ' enure iuiuiuuimi
atta.aittf 'I I . a ki.ettol nsnm Imm lkiw !. sail. I
ti, nin.. i,....i.M f,.r i:.i Pnti,w- .tr.t
the lwo.af.irv friin Iniil.linir n.iu-,1 and
occupied by'A. it. Hill, which had taken
Ore from a defective Hue. Water wa soon
L i. . ; :. T T . ....,
.nu at i.iitv "iiu-iiirn vj iiiv kiiiinii, iio
I . . .
, iu,.. an, I II,. Khlint Iioiioiiia ..V...I
I I ,Ma
A Barber Named Burrow Baata and
Abuse HI Wlf.
A telephone messago called Officers
Hurst and Turlievillo to No. 112 Monroe
i r,u,i i, .at in., 1,1 . lie I., a luiriMie nainmi
i -
Uurrows, who work in shop under
I Luuhrmann , wa industriously whipping
his wile. He bad thuintied and kmsked
1 her arulffid at a lively rate, skinning her
I arm and seriously injuring her wrist Hur-
row ilso tlircslcncd Ins inotlier-in-law a
1 life and wa only scared away bv tho ar-
I rival ol the police. He had lieen drinking,
"l1,:K'k .t?J,J.' uTt
I ltl Itlll l;W.HIU tllU VHUI IVII'tll IMIIIVHil
. , . . . . ,
Action of th Confederal Historical As
sociation Last NlgbU
Tho Confederate Ilihtorirnl Association
met laal night lu regular monthly tt-stinn,
at 42 Madison street
The meeting wss ol that enjoyable char-
actor so tamihsr to astomblies of Conlod
crslo veterans.
Alter routine buslnem was trsnancted,
reaolution ot Ibanks were unanimously
extended to Capl. J. IL Clary and tbo
II re uic n who aaaiaied nt the recent decor,
tiotl at hl'iiwood slid alto lu the ladies ol
llm t'onl.'ili i.iio Auxiliary AawH-intion
ami other ladle w ho aaeiKled iu decorat
ing tho giavc of fellow comrades.
Sallrri al lb Mblle II isaa. -
Waahiv.toi, May II. There was a
great crowd of callers at the Whito House
to.lny, and tho President did not havo a
minute to himself fmiu the time tbe rush
begsn until the time for lunch. Thu C T I
Service t'ouiiinaaioners called in a I oily aud
paid their respects. It was the lltst visit
ol the cummis-ioners, Thompion and
ltixaaevelt, time their apHiintment A
(leli'intion cotisiating of hatnuel ll. SI rat
ion, N. J. Carey an I Samuel W. Iloyt, ot
California; Mtyor W, 11. Ie I-aslimnnt,
ol Portland, Capt. W, P. At woo I, I'uiled
State Army; t'. II. Mrxblard, Nevada,
.n.l A 1 . f '..I, I ..I n
luterviow with lh I'reaident Among Hie
caller who an w th Preaidoiil were: Sxna
lor I'ullom, Kvsrts and Msmtersnii; As
sistant Atiorney-tienerst Shiolds, Itepro-
Acnt.itives Ik) w den, hwart, l usey, Cannon
ml Ibewer, J. v. ( riinipacker. ol 11
Porto. Ind.: R. A. Morel v. V. V. Wll-
llstn. Miyor of Itedford, Ind., and Joseph
A. Spsrks, ol Kentucky; II. 0. Thornton,
of Indiana: Clarence U Clark, of Uuis
ville; K H.CrtimlNiugh. of Kentucky; He v.
O. J. F. HichsnKoi Murdot k, O.j John
N. lxKp, of kokotne, Ind.) M. U Moll,
oi iievianii, u.
The Nw Yorker Try to Run th Thing
but are TJnauooessfUl Adjournment
Sin Dl Taken to Meet tn Boston Next
Chicago, 111, May 14. Matters were
ouite lively for a time today in tho rainier
Uouso st the annual meeting of llotol
Men's Mutual Bonetit Association. Delo-
gations were present irom an paru oi tna
country, the New Yorkers alono uuuiuor-
ing sixty. The principal business before
the meeting was tne consideration ol sov-
eral proposed tnendtnents looking to a
,, , i.i.. v.. i ! i... .4
wmomngoi iik oy-iuws.u mo manor .
, , ... n .r - ,i.:
eug.oiuiy lor muiuoenm.p. j.u u.u.
m juuuuuuw vuu wcimuior uia pcvjiu-
vtr n c , ... r ,i.:. l., i,tu
i . . ,
reports lowing tuo prcsontacuvo mctuDer
1 ...
ship tobe 1,030. Amount paid bonottc-
lories during tho year $22,899.
F.X-I'rOSldent JOWOtt llCOX llOil Ha
amen dinent asking that a member whoso-
cu rcd a new member should receive tho
initiation lee ol IS. w hich . he withdrew in
pep, it iuereased the lee to 15 and gave
i..u ,i i..
uue - umi w an uinuuai!
l ii. lUillenirnll. of Ottuinwii. I a., do-
l,irni Unit Harrison hml liobbv which
i0 described as an effort to turn tho Asso-
ciation into a life iimurancekouipany. The
amendment was lost.
Another amondinotit was sinned by six
teen members, principally of Now York.
The consideration of it led to a very ani
mated discussion, ounug which mere
a :.i...i il,. v.u.
Wero UCTIUUU lUlllllUVlVlin 111,11, I i I U
York peoplo that they did not IwlievetrrcTv"
Wpro cutting a fair hearing. Tho amend-
ment nrnviili'd that nnr man olenoil moral
character who had been iu the hotel busi-
noss six months might becomo a member
0( t,e Association.
J. H. Hreslin, of New orK, and others,
favored its priswigo. The op)osition was
led by those who thought it inndo too
many eligible, ami that it would be hard
to draw tho line, which has heretofore been
nt proprietors, clerks and stewards. Tho
amendment was lo.t. and Mr. tritrrison. of
New York, immediately withdrew another
nmcndinoiit ho liad prevloaily suumlltcd.
jle wus asked W IV lie did so.
ik.CHuse we can't got a lair show hero."
he replied. J5ut alter a consultation aud
Ono or two conciliatory speeches, harmouv
was restored and the lost amendment,
en-Minn honorary members, passed.
The next meeting will be held at Boston
.i . f i j. .
ineneconu iuovnay i.vmy.
j no election oi otiirers resuuni as nil-
lr..- l'rr.i.!..nt M. tiilMtcn nf tl.
Preble llouso, Portland, Ore.; firt
vice-nrpsident. Wnshininon U Jncnm s
representing tho Interest of tlio late Mr.
Hunting in tho Murray Hill Hotel, oi
New York City; secretary aud trortnurcr,
W. C. Snow, of Chicago.
Two hundred nnd twentr-flve delegates
and a number of ladies were present
tonight at a ban )tiet in tlio Palmer llouso.
Alayor Ureiger and lotigreMUian in anon
were among tho spenker.
Reunion nt Bolivar ol Survivor of th
Bkinlnol War.
f,,;,,,, ""l' 'he A,.il.
lol.lVAB, Tenn., May 11. At tho Call
of General Jackson, more than hlty years
ngo, there went out from thus couuty to
s,.minolo War a rniminnv of 110 stal
wart young men under conirhund ot CapL
It. P. Noely. Today tho annual reunion
I nt that coinimn v la he ua ho d hero an
.h4;ro t.,.wu ,t it oni- flv, ,
answer to their names. They are It. P.
Neuly, Jos. Mills, W. F. Hob
i-rU, James Porter and Joseph 11.
Tcogue. Tho nggrcgate of their age
1 X) years. Siui-o their reunion last
spring two oi ii eir i u.iiih r, iu u. h auoii
. . I I II ...
an i''. "' .
the entire company ol 110 men only eight
are now alive, and only flvo of these aro
able to be prvsenL They stient the day lu
1 MH-ial converiMition and the relation ol I
WM-ial conversation and the rviauon ol in
cidents In their early career, followed by a
banquet and religious exercise. Though
ls-nt with age they are in Hue health and
buoyant spirit.
o are guttering for rain, although Just
north and west ol us fine heavy ahowers
are reorlod. Tbe strawberry crop is in
jured by the protracted dry spell, and the
wheat and clover are not growing an well
as wa expected.
A number oi fine blooded cattle have
lately died here ot clover bloat T he gas
ieueraled by over-leeding on green clover
swell them lo enormous sue, aud in some
instances burl tho intestines, resulting
in dentil.
Wasiiikutuk, May 14. Tho chiel of the
Hureau of Statistics reports that lh total
value ol the export! of beef and hog pro
ducts from the t'uitcd Slab1 during tho
mouth ol April, l v.li, and during the four
month ended April 31, IHV), as compared
with similar rxtHirts ' during tho corre
sponding pcrila ot the preceding year,
were a lollowa: April, idv.i, .s,.sv,igi.';
Atinl. 1SHH, $4',Isii:t2; lour months
r-iidcd April Pel, Isv.l, jVkl, 222.7(i; four
months ended April :h, IKs-S 2H, I0.I.S-HV.
T ho valui's ol the exports ol dnirv prtxlucia
wero as follows: April, Isvi, I2U,U21;
A..vil laud .'I '. ?Hl l.tlv. moiillia
endini April 110, Isv'i, 'l0.0l t,."aiH-, twelve
mouth ended April :w, ihs.s, f iii,o,.i,on,
I'rablblllan al unlailawa.
Ciik Ai.o, III.. May li 'llie directorsot
tho Hoard ol Trade today voted to discon
tinue liirnialiiug quotation! to all permits
except inetulH-rsof lha boanL Thisnction
wu luki-n, the dint tors any, U-ciuimj tho
Illinois Siiprenin Court has decided tlml if
the board iurniiliei quotiilions Inoulsider
at all lh ro lull it be Ilo ill humiliation.
I'lucketahup men have nln ady begun ap
plying to llie courts to prevent the pro
nied iliicrlnnn ilioii.
. -a -
l.alal r.selleinewl In Waneea l analy,
'peclal pip.iti h to 1 b A -al.
Nasiivii i.k, Tenn., May 11. There I
much excitement in the vicinity ol Coco, a
mining region Of Monroe County. Some
Colors. lo miners rwently leaaed a portion
ol land where it was upHaed them wa
good quarts. T hey wenl lo wcrk and havo
struck dust In pnving quantities. 1 hero
Is considerable inllux into that Ki lioii of
people fiom several State.
River Telegeam.
nsrtSHATI (, May 11. -hirer II feet I Inetie
and tailing, lair.
l-lllauripi I'a . Mayll-Itlrer I feel I Iik-Iim
an I lulling. I loudy.
M- WOKi rtNs. lav. May ll-tlear and warm.
Is-purti'd. New Mary lluiiamu, t lix ItiltalL
WIIKIMN'O. W. Vs.. May M -Hirer S feet I
Im hea anJ lalllng. W ealhvr i-ioudy and plvaaanl.
lot lavll.l K, Ky.. May H.-I(lvr lulling, will
4 t.-r-l 7 tm hea un Hi falls aiiilaio-l Sliuiiua III lb
ranaL Wratber cloudy and plraaaat.
ST. IH IS. Mo May li-lltvr I le.-t and
rl.lng Wcalber clear and pii-a-anU Arrire.1:
ll.-niy lourav. I aim. Heiaru-d, Arkantai City,
NaH hea. New South, radiunh,
VP KMIII'HU. ktlaa. May -Ulref itaMonarr.
I'aax-I up I lly ol M. Ui'iia. laal Bil'liltflll, bs
and law, boon. Paawi doan: liy i t H"iuS
lUiugs' if.m. Arrived. City ol Muc rue, as

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