OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, May 23, 1889, Image 3

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Mrs. Carter Found Guilty ol Adultery,
While Her Husband Is Acquitted of
All Charges Against Ulm The Insane
Chicago, 111., May 22. Tho notublo
divorce case of Carter vs. Carter, which
has been on triul for several weeks in tho
Circuit Court boforo Jmlgo Jamicson, was
finished this -morning ut 0:30, when the
jury eamo in with its verilict. The suit
was brought by Mrs. Loslio Carter, who
climbed her li unbuild with iimiiimiiblo
ofl'uiiFes. Mr. Carter filed a cro.cs bill,
charging his wife with adultery. Tho
prominence of tho jinnies, tho 'unusual
beauty of Mrs. Carter and other manors'
usual in such hearing, niado it a celebrated
rate, ami tho courtroom lias been
crowded sinco tho tiial bejr.ui. During its
progress tho testimony took tho listeners
in imagination over a good part of KiirujH';
gave them a glimjiHo of the royal prodi
gality with which Mm. Carter lavished
money on personal adornments and couip-
nces, thoujrli her husband was bv nr
means a rich man; traced tho payment to
iiur 01 several largo checks draw
by a prominent mere hunt of Nnu-
ork; urndo evident lier frutnilsliiii for
handsome Kyrlo llellcw, tho actor; touched
upon ner relations with her phvMcian
nun, in siiuri, (lovuiopca a series ol sonsa.
lions to satisfy tho expectations of tho
most pruriently Inclined. Tho argtimouts
were coucludod yesterday afternoon and
the case was given to the jury. At tho
0cniiig ol court this morning it was an
nounceil that an agreement liad Ih'ou
ffaciied. llm verdict, when announced
m uio eueci tiial Mrs. Uirtir was
guilty of adultery, ns charged in tho cross
bill, and that Mr. Carte' Was not guilty of
.1... I i . ..." .
uiu cimrgcs preierreu against nun in Ins
wife's bill. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Carter
wus prejeiit wliun tlio verdict was an
nounced. -
Tho ellbet of this verdict will be to give
Mr. Carter a divorce aud tho custody of
mt-ir nuiu.
Mrs. Carter's attorney nraved an nnin.nl
nd argument ou his motion will bo heard
the t ouiitot sn Asri.i n.
A former I'rartlilonrr Thrrs Trll
Horrible Tain.
Chicago, 111., May 2i-In tho inquiry
ns w me stato ol atlairsatlhe Cook Count
Insane Asylum today, Dr. Clevinger, for"
merly a moniber of tho medical stair there,
testified that It was impossible for s repu
iiiwo practitioner or attendant to stay
there. Tho most disreputublo ones were
tho ones to stay becauo they devoted
moro timo to intrigue. The disrepuLtblo
ones practicel a system of elimination 0f
tho better eleiiKMit by cither physical vio
lence or other means. "In 1 Sort," saiil he
"the physiciuns who secured bodies ut the
neyhiiu for dissection, told mo that tho
bodies were so covered with vermin that
they had to bo scorched before-being put
on the diHioctiiig talilo. Once in ls I
heard scream, and running from my ollico
found two nttmnluiits standing over a pa
tient named liertxblirg, w ho w.i bleedin-
pro:u iy. i knew tnero win no uo in
mukuigiiny complaint, n tho attendants
were KiipH Tied by John Cuinminga's in
fluence on tho county board. Kmiii alter
tliey rclx'llcil and refused t obey mv or
ders. They secreted bodies oil wl.'iili 1
ucsiivd toholJ post-mortem examiualions.
snl 1 could nut get them for two or three
uavs oiler they were buried.
''I published a statement, and tho fl
lowing night ono of the attendant called
me a vro nsnie, nni a lew liiomeiils Inter
a shut was liml down stuirs, and h bullet
crashed through the floor and lodged In
uiy uooKcuso.
fmn alter this tho doctor resigned.
"What is tho matter with the iustitu
lion now'.'" wat asked.
..1.1. I . .
i ii unuer mo iniiucnco oi boodlcrs.
It is in a bad place, on ' uusilubrious
ground. There should bo new buildin
lor mulo as well ns female patients. No
building should linve more than otX) t.u
lienls, becauso it is iinHibleforone man
to ovcrseo more. Then the county Ixmrd
should bo knocked out aud the ostium
j'tit into the hands of a Hntccouimis-iuu."
j he doctor told how boodlerisin hud
prevented Investigation.
llicru low liven reinalcd testimony
mni lirv aiKIlllr in mo ur., anil ir.
Ko'.ler, an assistant physician, found mng
cols 'in tho wounds of patients in ISM.
J-vdoug would torture patienls under
their pickets, and rats wool. I mulilate tho
bodies oi thotto who had died unattended
during tho night. Male attendants were
usually appointed liy tho Commission)
lor their lightirft; slulilitts at the (sills in
fraudulently carrying election, nnd
ceined to want to kei ji in ,Miluu at the
rxpenscoi the Insane. Ihcy ollen oiH'lilv
dehed tho l-ticriiitendciit, and when
threatened with ilimiiitei.il, reminded Ilia
Cilhciril that bo had uot sullieieiit poliliial
iniiucnco. Tho majority ol the attendant
being of this low character, the i Hurts of
thoso w ho were well-disposed were dis
couraged. "lira Is, di iinkennrss, oaths, slumming
of doors, incess.int alarms, blackmailing,
bluster, pistol shooting, inlrigu-.-s, immor
ality, stealing, neglect of duty on part of
subordinates, exerted a very depreisin
iniiucnco n Mm the decent (illlcnils there,
nnd earned them lo wasto much of their
energies in keeping out of rows. There
were stealings in tho clothing In various
ways, and even tho raus and bones wero
sold lor tho benefit of tlio ones who had
control of such ollal. Tho County Hoard
financial reports were falsilled and con
fused in a variety of ways; often tho ex
pression 'general expenses' Would cover
1 1,000 or luoro of iiiinccounled for hills,
and at one timn some fHl.tXiU was included
In s lump in some such item to tho iH-riect
satisfaction of tho commissioner. To sdd
to tho turmoil, while tho Js rlcctly new
boilers wero U-ing destroyed in tho engine
room lo cnublo more stealings, and tho
palients wero eullering for want of heat,
the commissioners would interfere with
tho classification of tho Insane, by ordering
violent cases, in which they happened to
liavo an Interest, to be placed iiKn tho
wards assigned to quiet nnd convalescing
patients, sud otherwise interfere with tho
proper treatment of the Insano. Every
thing was dono to mnko an apparent sho
ingof ix tern id cleanliness, but tho white
washing and tho (lowers and well-kept
lawn constituted the pluco but w hitcnud
Mint llttmberl In ItarllM.
lkRi.ix, May 2i King Humbert, the
Crown I'rlneo of Italy, and Kiguor Crispl,
tho Italian l'rimo Minister, arrived in
Fieri in this morning. They were met at
tho railway station by Etnporor William,
tho royal I'rinces, Trine Lismarck and
number of Generals. After embraces, tho
party drovo to the royal castle. King
Humbert occupied t scat besldo the Em
poror In the lnicrial carrlago. Tho routo
to the castlo was lined with troops. Tri
umphal arches spanned lb streets and
tlio Louies wero decorntoj with fl auj
bunting. Largo crowds of pooplo gathered
along the route from the railway to tho
castlo nnd enthusiastically cheered tho
Lmncror nnd King.
When Signor Crispi emerged from the
trtuu he was greeted bv Prince ltismarck,
who shook him henrtiiy by tho hand. A
detachment of cuirassier escorted the car
nages from tho railway station to the
castle. The first carriage wiis occupied by
Emperor illiiun and King Humbert, tlio
second by tho Crown 1'iinco of Italv,
1 nnco llenrv of Trussia aud l'rinco Fred
erick, second son of the Emperor, aud tho
third by 1'iiuco Uismarck nnd 8ignor
Crispi. Kepresentntives of tho lleiiin
Aciulemv nnd other associations of artists
occupied a pavilion fronting tho opera
house. Further on wero stationed choirs
under tho direction of llerr Joachim, who
chanted au ode specially prepared for the
occasion, commencing with tho words
"iva Cmherto ro d'Jlalia." Tlio court
nclress, ilichenburucr, recited verses writ
len bv llerr Jordan, director of tho Na
tional Gallery, welcoming King Humbert
to tlii! city. After being received bv tho
Emnress, King Humbert nnd tlio l'rinco
of Naples retired to tho apartments set
aside for their uo in the castlo. hiter
they visited nil the lloval I'rinces, 1'rinco
lliMimrck and Couut on Mollke. Aiter
n family dejeuner tho Emptor and his
guests drove to Chnriottciibcrg whero they
placed wreuths upon tho tomb of the Into
Emperor Frederick.
Ilrnn!iriil liniilnuqim nill) U .nUf.
Who among nil those who aro permitted
to spend tho heated term llmidMl loittir.t'a
chosen resting places does not know of tho
iieaiHies ami g.ones ol mir Chautauqua?
ho is there that has the least interest in
religious or literary culturo that does not
feel his heart thrilled and his belter nature
stirred at tho mention of Chautauqua?
iinu uieru uru uouuuauco ol luiitatiuns,
thoro is but ono true one, and that ono is
on the lino of tlio New York, Uko Erie &
Western Kail road, midway between Cin
cinnati and New York, one of tlio loveli
est regions of tho world. No malaria, no
mosquitoes, "sleep under two blankets,"
I, -likJ feet above tlio level of tho sea, and
(tsJabovotho blue waters of I-nko Eiie.
Atmosphere, both natural nnd religious,
pure, quiet and eqfiablo. Hotels open
from Juno 1 to October 1, and cottages to
bo rented if more privacy is desired.
Cheap round-trip tourist tickets, good
until October .11, cun bo gotten at any
coupon ticket ollico, or these and all other
needed information can bo obtained from
II. C. I lolobird, division passenger agent,
No. ICJ West Fourth street, Cincinnati.
Mr. llolobird and V. C. Kinenrson,
assistant general passenger agent of this
line, aro in tho city for a day or two and
will be glad to bo interviewed bv anyone
who wishes to pass a summer ' hup'pilv,
healthfully and charmingly. Thev will
prove that tho New York.'ljiko Erie A
Western Kailroad is the beta uud only lino
for well-informed, sensihlo people u" talio
therefor from Cincinnati, and tho only ono
running solid trains and 1'ullmnn I'aluco
Curs through tc tlio lake. You want to
go somewhere; you want to go to the Isjst
nnd thut is lo Jjike Cliautaucti:i with all
its U'autyund means of rest and improve
ment. You acquire the n-sl and recupera
tion imperceptibly, and, as you can do no
where else, receive tho culture and moral
improvement by pure absorption without
& a toop & co.
Will Fill Orders For
, FLANK iMiOK'f,
Low Aajr lluu In Anterlr.
hut Khali ito WHk Oar loT
Is now being nskeel us by parent, and wo
can givo no U tter advice than to recom
mend sending them to that popular and
progressive institution, Tlio Nelson llusi
lies College, K'coud and Monroo streets,
whero they will learn figuring ami writing
according lo business standards, ns well ss
ei.ing, book-keeping, tviH-writing. etc.
Iliey will only liavo to study during the
c.l hours of the day and will be Uiscip-
inieii in a ovntio but firm manner. Tim
Aclsoii ( ollrge stands without a twr for
imiuiigiiiiu ana icspeciubihly ol pa'
i.... i .. . . ....
Mlrnmrr CMldlns! pilar MaCra
theajx-r than staying at homo. Elegant
room and table second to none. Fare to
l airo ami rsduenh t.lM. Hen, arson and
Evansville $.. 1misvilU f(l. ami Itnrin.
nnti. ., M; and for freight, cheaper limn
keeping it in warehouse; and for further
information awly at elevator. iviiU at K
o ciots p.m. iuy .J, iSMi.
Mial Xailra.
Evert lady who registers at Whiln Kv.
lug Mnchinereomsdiiriuglhe Embroidery
Exhibit ending May .'Ul. will bo entitled tn
a chiiucc in our drawing, May 111, of a
w lino Bcwitig .iiacliinn.
j nrvovrn at ins I'sa or rnroAlxic.
A nd It slimulati and vromolcs the irxvLh
I the hair.
Imruclt's Ilivorlni sxtracts sj-a llm
Has recently niado somn of tho most
beautiful suits of clothes ever seen in the
city. Md luakrs a siiecialtv of line irmsls.
and his reputation for lilting is unsur
passed. Ffll. Dresi f-hirts a snecialtv. Finish
equal to new. Memphis hlcaiii taundrv,
N-cond street liraiith ollico, Jl
Madison street
Call on tho Honthern Trust Company,
Moms L'l nnd t otton Exchange, if vou
wish to borrow tuoncy on iiu proved rial
Kos. 61 ai 83 Maiiso! Strkkt,
Ihilldcrs of Fino Vehicles.
( TiKXXttiT sells Tor Camphor 15c pound.
wii iiiiu swii'u iruin luouins.
Drink lienkert's tola and Minimi
W'stors. 215 Main st Ho koersi tho best
OrrirM furnished w ith towel rai k.rnmh.
brush snd clean towel every morning for
25 cents per week, by Memphis blcain
Laundry, Ornament to any ollico.
Ta Ulta Amny.
COO Loads manure at Faircs's Ruble. 67
and OU I'nion street
Memphis Ream Carnot Cleaning am!
Renovating Woiks. 220 lieals street Tola.
phone U30.
SV. i, staamkirla, Trlrsikaae tit.
Old brsndics for medicinal use.
Lamm. 12.00 list for la at V. 1.
Eignt or the Crew Bolng Asleep I,cse
Thslr Llves-The Uninjured Boat
Never Blocs to Lend Ald-Cruol
JIoxTiiKAf, May 22.-A serious collision
occurred on tho river this morning, bo-
iweon tno royal mail steamer l'olvnesian.
oi uio Allen l.lue, commanded bv Cant
Hugh ylie, and tlio steamer Cynthia, of
uio iwnatdson l.ino, commanded bv CimL
John Taylor, resulting in the sinking of
tho hitter vessel and tho loss of eight
of her crew. The l'olvnesian left port
siioruy auer -i:;iu o'clock this morning and
proceeded down tlio inclines channel
Opposite l omt Trembler sho perceived tho
Cynthia inward bound. From the details
obtained it npiears that there is a danger
ous curve in tho channel at tiiis point, uud
that through somo iinVunderstanding of
tlio "rules of tho road" the l'olvnesian win
brought Into collision with the Cvnthiii.
striking heron tlio port bow and causing
Biicn a gup in her side as lo sink her in a
few minutes. Those on deck had barely
timo to rush below and warn tho mcmlicrs
of the crew who were oil' watch mid asl
lit their berths to get on deck and swiiu
ashore to save their lives. Tlio Cynthia
carried no pacsengers. Sho was from Ulan
gow with a general cargo, chicllv of pig
i.-on. Following is a list of tho crew of lliu
lyntiuu who lost their lives:
Hugh Irving, chief cook, Glasgow.
Ale xander Nicholas, sailor. GlasL'ou
Andrew Yauco and Charles McCimken,
James l-ow, fireman, (ilnsgow.
James l erron. boatswain.
Charles lllackslock, inessroom liov, nnd
David Young, a stowaway, horn Glasgow.
u vwmivb, viiii-i uuicer oi uio C'Vll
thin, was seen on board of the Abides.
lie was clsd in a suit of clothes borrowed
ironi a brother oiinvr. Ho was below at
tho timo of tho ratastroohe. Ho fell n in..
mendous crash and rushed on deck, whero
no loiuid that tho Cvnthia had been struck
liyn lug steamer, which ho learned was
tho Polynesian, and, both vessels bucking
from each oilier, hn had harclv time loob-
servo nnytiiing, ns the Cynthia lieg.m lo
sciiio uown. u appeureil to bo about
seven miuntes fro n the timo ho felt the
shock until sho sank, dipt Tavlor was
ou uio Driiigo at tho time with the pilot,
nnd tho Cynthia was on tho proper sulo of
tho river.
Tlio rule of tho sea, which prevails
hkewiso in the river, is that vesscis shall
pass each other ou the port side. The s
silioii in which tho Cynthia now lies, Mr.
Contes contends, is proof Hsitive that she
was in her priqier Bourse, and us (he l'olv
nesian struck her olrThc sturlmard hide, he
holds that this shows that somehow or
other sho was going out of her pioper
course. Ho Is-heves that something went
wrong with tho steering gear of the l'olv
nesian, as otherwise sho could hardly, have
gone astray, or that she was Is-ing steered
lmm tho stern instead of Iroiu Hid bridge,
which ho considers very il uigenms. Th,
Cynthia was U-ing steered from the bridge.
Tho Cynthia was built by lleudenton, ,(
Glasgow. Her sister ship, tho iilania,
was w recked alout three years ago oil
Anticosti. The cargo of the Cynthia com
pnscd uIkmiI jsj tuns of pig iron and j )
tons of coul.
Mr. Coutcs spoko in strong terms of the
lack of hoooitalitv on thu hurt of ih Co,.
ndians. Nolwiilistniiiliinr the fuel tlmi
the survivors wero ilriiuninr weL mi mm
olleretl them shelter or relifslimciit nn I
they had to walk all tho way lo the town.
Alsillt ten feet of lil.lsl. olu'Loat hull lull
of wuter ami another ulinoit tolally suit
merged is all there is vi-ibltt of the Cyn
thia. The hull has totally disapHared
mm m lying ai uio iMiiioiii, ml mrti than
twelvo leel from tho shore. According lo
uio peoino in llie vicinity, some of whom
witnessed tho catastrophe, tho collision
too place ahout twenty minutes to 5 ami
in twenty minu'es more Die ls,ut hud ids-
iipH-iired. iho bow, winch was struck,
weni uown nnti, lining inn screw partly
out of tho water ami then sho lopicd over,
(brow ing all but thrco men into the water.
Most of these could swim uud saved them
selves. When a boat came to tho nuit.
unco of the men on tho hulk, they refused
lo ienvo until tho pilot, who was in great
Hunger oi tiro wning, una ix-rn saved.
They evidently did not know of their j.rd
sou wneu uio vcstri suns, one ol tliem
who was unsnio to swim, Isranio a victim
of his heroism ami whs drowned, together
wiui several others, whoso retreat from
below h.ij becu cut bit by Hie rushing
W hen tho Cvnthia struck bottom there
was a report like that of a cannon snd a
shock that made w indow panes shiver am:
chimneys tumble clown. Though the
icoplo on the Polynesian must lisvo Is cn
quite awnro of tho ilumsg-s wrought, the
wwl never slopiK'd t'i tender aid.
'I he sailors of the Cvnthia claim that tho
Polynesian stea d right ahead, nnd that
had sho stopM-d she could hsvo saved tho
nieii who wcie drowned. 'I hey nUislata
lliiil thero were lilleen on shore, w ho, at
though there wero ImmIs near by, did not
ni4t Unuer even in an attempt to rescue
Hie drowning sailors.
The 1 olyiivsian hud a big liolo stove III
ner bow.
tbs Contemplatsd Action of Rofus
Ina- to Furnish Quotations.
X- . .. . .... rat
f" i oi k, .nay ..'.lucre was more
than nsuul interest yesterday on tho Pro
duco Kxchsnge over tho olliciul snnounce-
mi nt from the Chicago llourd of Trado that
after May 31 the quotations from Chicago
will not Im served lo the Produco Fx-
chungo, Tho members of tho Produce Kx
chsnge, or si least a mnjority of them, be
lieved yesterday that Chicago s action will
help them, homo of them lire ineinlx rn of
the Chicago Honrd of Trade nnd have di
rect w ires, and run get all the quotations
they want. Hut it is Is ln ved that it
would bo a g'Hd opportunity for tho New
York F.xchuiigti to have its quotations sent
all over the country, and il they aro ac
cepted as tlio olliciul figures much business
will bo attracted to llm .ew lork I.x-
change. At present Chicago figures sro
the accepted uiilhon'y sud iu nearly every
InsUncn adjust tho sculo ol values in all
tho other cities in the I'niled htstes whore
folks speculate, iu grain and provisions.
ttrwlan l.ftlola ! tiaa.
Postom, Mass., May 22. An fxplosion
of gas occurred In the basement ol the
Ysji Ness llouso on I.lhot street this
morning. Tho windows In tho hotel woro
blown out sud those in Iho vicinity
smashed, while tho lower portion of the
hotel was wrecked. Ivlwsrd I-ovors, the
porter, was dangerously burucd and is
notexpedfd to live. Fills 7-arJitrkl wss
dangerously burned about tho face and
boily. Herbert Russell, aged Iwenty-oight,
a clerk In tho hotel, badl v burned ahout
the hands, head snd face. Nicholas
tmcrv, sgftl sixty-seven, a lobster ped
dler, and Clement Saunders were tut
about Iho hands snd faco by glass. They
are all in the hospital. I wo men standing
la the coUidcs were blown across tho
street, but escaped without serious injury.
Tho cause is said to have been tho lighting
of a match iu the baseiuunt whore a gas
purifying machine had been disconnected
from tho servico pipes, which had been
left unplugged. It is supposed that one
of tho men now in the hospital lit tho
match. '
- -.
Dies tn Galveston, Tex , tn an Old
Bhsnty Her Eccentricities.
Pt. I-ons, Mo., May 22. A dispatch
from Galveston, Tex., says: An old lady
giving tho nnmo of Mrs. Gilpin camet'icro
several months ago from IVnver, uud al
though sho seemed to hae plenty of
money, she dressed poorly, was very eco
nomical in her habits, quite eccentric, and
lived in poor quarters. On Monday night
sho died, after a brief il.m . in an old
shanty on Center street. Since then it
has been ascertained that she was the
wifo of Col. Gilpin, a man well known
from Iho Mississippi lbver to iho lioeliy
Mountains, thirty years i.;o, as an exploit V
nnd scientist and one o( the early Govern
ors of Colorado. Telegrams have been re
ceived from 1. (LPcahoil), of IVnver,
tlir, ciing Iho old lady's Imdy to bo em
balmed and slating that he would leave
l"r Galveston ul once, also f-oiu James F.
Maury, of Philadelphia, ordcringtlio body
to be forwarded to Hint cilv, whero n sis
ter ol the deceased is liing. Mis. (iili'iu
was eighty years of uge, and it is said lh.it
her liie had been quite a romantic one.
Among her cll'ecls went found several
iMwtollico money orders for considerable
amounts, none of which had becu pre
sented for collection.
An Old IHns llanits llliiit-lt
N ash vn.i k, Tenn., May 22. A special
to the .liiiiTi'ivm from Jonesboro, Tenn.,
says: The body of James May was dis
covered this evening hanging from a tree
In tho woods east of town. May was about
fifty years of ogo, a plasterer by tiade, nnd
tho father of a large family, lie has been
drinking unusually hard for some lime.
On last Thursday ho puiehased a piece of
rope, and was last seen on that day. As
he did not return, his family became un
easy, nnd, fearing ho might fall while
under tho iiillueneo of whisk v, his son,
together with his sou in law, James
Vaughn, and Mr. Young, b gun a senich
through the WiMids where In- was lust seen.
This evening they wi re horror stricken by
coming umiii bis body in an udvumi-d
stago of decomposition, entirely naked.
with his hands tied Ishind his back,
hanging from a tree, while near bv went
his clothes, bonis, etc.. carelullv 'folded.
snd on top lay his hat with a bottle uboiit
hall lull ol winskv. l.vcrvlhimr ems to
show Hint it was a moil Varciuily uud
coolly arranged suicide.
A (' or W II nlri.nl it olannlns;.
Wuiiim, Kus., Mav 22. A peculiar
cast of wholesale iHiisouiug on the farm of
A. llaydcii, sixteen miles northwest of
here, lias Ih-cii reported. Ttio father,
mother, children uud hired man. Mire
deathly sick, nnd two cows and a hnro
lie dead ill Iho barny.iid. It would mi ni
from the death of I he animals that tho
poison rami from the Wei!. Mr. I lav-
den became nek Sunday evenini;. and
luring the night his rows died. In Hut
morning the lured limn cinolaiiicd I
being ill, but, alter vomiting, In- became
lietlcr. Soon niter tho daughter, ng -d lib
teen, was s.'ir.eil with convulsion, mid bad
no Sooner U-en i.lucc.l in her Ui-d llun
her mother nnd father were wixel with
Hie same pains. 'Ihe girl, it is feared, will
Hot recover.
Ihr trlrrnii mt irltshnrs;.
Ivoi imi-oi is, Ind., Muv 22. Tho Na-
liomil Association of llm veterans of the
Yicksl.urg ciimpaign is holding lis (list
annual meeting here today, (iov. Ilovey,
of Indium, is brisident. Muv 22 is Hie
Into lined for Iho annua! gathering, as it
is II e iiiiuiversary of Ihe in.! determined
assault lien, liraut made up oi the irks
burg forhlii'itions. drain's nruiv was
composed of men fiom Uhlo, Michigan
I.. I: ,! : f Z.
iiioiiiiiii, it inrotitiii, Illinois, lows, Mm
soiiri, Kansas mo I Kciiluckv, nnd veto
runs lmm all these Mates uio hi attend
unco ou the meeting. I hut object of the
sstociutloti is to si-euro the reittgiiitioti ol
the Yickslmrg l unip.iign as Ihe greatest of
the civil wur.
Ir4 sallakarr'a Wplalnalt
Iximi.o, May '. bird Salisbury do
hvered an address st a meeting of tho
ineinlers of the PrimrtMQ U-aguo IimUv.
Ilosaiil that the alliance between tho
Psrnellites and (iladstnniaus was slow ly
but steadily breaking. The Irish, ho ih
-.1 I ...I I I
roiM-t,. smini iiiiii innnt ppini m tH-ace
than III disorder. Ihnwoikof tho Prim
rose l'ugiie wss surely destroying the pro-
n-wioiiiii iniici.in sun iiicrensiiig the
runty ol Iho Institutions on which tho
country s prtsqicrity dep tided.
Wlisl vou ihtiI is a nieda i ni wh irli Is pure.
run lent, rename, men l M'huI SmMju
rillo. Il s,-vt m iiliiir t 'i.ruitvo (smcis,
INi Urlp I'rll On III lira.!. a
C'imi 'Aim, III., May 22.- John Zuhnn
an emplovo of thu NomIi Chicago City
liuilwsy Company, met bis death in
peculiar manner today. Hit was working
in tho pit underneath llm track on which
the grip cars run ami w as helping ono of
the drivers In raising his grip. 1 hey hud
fastened a chain lo the heavy iron rtsd
and were railing it mil of iho pit, when
i . ..i i . i . . . .
inn louiejr in mo car g ivn w iv. I lie grip
urupM'ii on Aunnn s Hea l un l kille.l Iiiiii
iustuntly. Iho skull was crushed in by
iiiii lorcu in mu mow.
tflst I'nlll tiaranllnrl.
I.asihino, Midi., May 22. Posed UH,n
resolutions Sdoptod by the l ive Stock San
llury Coiuuiitlee, the flovcrnor tins issued
s prorlsmiition prohibilitig the ImiHirla
Hon of Texas rutllu or nnv other raised
south of Hin thirty-sixth pm.illel of north
lalitiidii until Ihn llrst day of NoveiiilsT
next, except such as arc in transit acros
llm Slato, they to bo unloaded ut vards
designated for purposes and which am
ilucardcd "for the locdiiig ol Texas cuttle
A tmrral Mnrrrril.
CisrBAiiA, III., Mav 2.'.-Ihe returns
so far received from yesterday's Congres
sional election in the Nineteenth Histrict
indicsla the election of J. It. Williams, the
lipinocrstic randulste, over T. S. Itidge
wsv. Id'publican. The election was to till
the Vr!llirV CUII sod ) ll,n death of t oll.
grossman townshend.
All. driii'irisbi kiwn ,u nn llm rrenl
HIishI Puriller. lha iliiminnl l.,r 11 lolmsls
Hum to.
I.kt T. M. (islbroaih. No. 10 Madison
street, rent your bouses snd collect your
Lamm' cans collsn at atM'Cl.'l Itv at Mem-
this Stcnm laundry, L'.'l N-cond street,
ranch ollico ill Madison street.
I.Abixs, se K. Uviuno's 2ic Hat They
are worth 12. 00.
People Wonder
WHEN they find how rapidly health
Is restored by tailing Ayer's 8r
sapurllU. Tho reason Is Hint this
preparation contains only the purest
Slid most powerful alteratives and
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a
vrrittihlo elixir of lite.
Mrs. Jos. Lake, Urocliway Outre,
Midi., writes : "Liver complaint and
Indigestion madn my lift! u Imrdeu
snd caniit near ending mv existence,
per more limn four years I 'sulTcrcd un
told ic.'ony. I was reduced almost to
a skeleton, and Imrtllv luid strength to
drag myself uhoul. All kinds u( lend
ilisiressed me, and only the ninsi ilelt
rate could lie iligesled at all. Within
the limit mentioned several plivsleiiins
treated me w ithout giving relief.' Noih
lug that 1 bKili seeined to do nnv per
manent good lllllil 1 iH'gmi Ihe iisit of
Ayer's rai'siyuiiillii, which lias pro
llliceil Wolldelllil lesullH. Soon after
comiiieiicini! lo tuku thu ttarsapaiilln I
could sen uu
In my condiiloii, my uipetite bomn to
reluiu iiinl with it chiiik Hie iiluhty t'
digest nil Hie fid taken, mv slirii ;lli
luiiiovi'il each diiv, slid niter a In
inoiillis of fiiillilul ntientioii to ymir
ilintclious, 1 found myself cll
wniiiiin, nhlit to alli ed to'nll honseliold
lllll.es. The iiieiln iuit has gilcn me it
new lease of lite, uml 1 ciiuiiot thank
you too much."
"We, llm midcrdrncd, cill7rn of
llriH'kw ay l enire, Mu h.. herehv certify
thai Hie nlsive slnleiiiciil, niailn ly
Mrs. laikit, in true iu cvciv pailN'lll.iV
nutl milled lo full credence. " O. P.
I'IuwImmIiiIii, II. W. Waring, I!. A.
Wells, Pruggist.
"My brother, hi England, was, for a
long Tune, tiliahlc to illlcnd to Ins occu-
I 'lit ion, liy reason of sores ou his foot,
sent Iiiiii Ayer's Alniiiiiue uml His li s.
Iilllotliuls it celllllllled induced dim to
try Aver's Kursiipiirilht. After using il
llllle while, he was i lireil, slid is Hew
a well loan, Hoiking in n sugar null
nt llrlslinnit, (.iiicensliiiid, Alittinh:!."
A. Atlewell, hhiuhot ltku, Ontario.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rMRrAsrn nv
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats.
Piles 1; sis UmUt.li. Weilb .1 Mtlr.
S10 Muln Ft., M'.mphla.
, S rsv.
1 "r.--'V.,',.': '
i J, ' ,-. .;'. r.j -J.. ' ,v!
NFR Vfin 5 '"''"'liy. Hr,i.wrt,,, n, n
HLIIYUUJ,, l... Nii.t K..1..1
ImtnlVIUI Ists, r Me.-i i ftttie-v re-iMin.li-in ,-,
l.a of M.'iiinrr. I t.n'ieli.u ,. I. less Ijeslnilo,
(li-tinlnrw . I.pr. i-m ut SCrli., An Meii iu
olelv, I s.l If l),s.,Mir.rfl. I' of I , trill. lenee.
bull. I Uliew I lull ,.r Miety or Hn-lni . nnd
nn l I ifr a l.nM. n. Mlt.l.V, I', l,M ANKMI.V
i I III I I r I V M' 1:1 II
llojd and skin ::;ri::.!ihiis
riii.p In IU rrsulis. neni. ii-ir irsdli-'iii-tl ttlili.nii
llltt ur of llirr.-nrv. N-nif.il. I n-lilal. rtrf
l-ire. HI. I. I.p.. H Helm, ft., p.. 1 .1 1 tu Oi
tw ana lloll.-a. K.rnllllli- hrnr ll,rosl M.ailh
lei l.iwr.ip t-'.rili. , I'l llMISKSIl.t
t i or it it ii r hi il r its AVI. r A 1 1
III? IMAHY "'! I' " "" TMtllilrs,
...... . p,.a nie s. itiiniliif I una.
rr!irni- of I rliisiuu. I nu l.lh i.,lnrr. or
Willi n. in i
irllitiriit en ttnniliii. Om.orrli
Iisi. y.llllt, , i,
. i.i
rniuill)r sud mlvlf urrj.
i ittg reaMiialila
A SURE CUREKr'.rMt-'-hM.nS
.rrnnir iniin oat rni) UK bulk luin I anrt rsslr,
oi stl II- tn llnl lili. iini.fiill riu.1
I)R RKTr A'Mi Ui.m -l.o hitvlin-
" l'i I lliriuali br I in.
pn.ir imi'llr-ner llnl -nlllary hablU. whlrh rills
-'in ii mi tnip.i, uuiltUli Ibani lor
tiKir nr msrrisr
KHIKO U kS nr thnmm nlMln. n ,l,.i s....
nv, hmkiwih finraiimi u-i.llliv, iiii lly laltlftl.
ouit Hirci'i.w-i
! lm.1 tir-a t- U I lr.1- ffa-ti. al ripprtrnra.
re..mn -M-rrv r I. -.r---l 1 1 1 r InJ.f l. ihua
utui.i atla-liL 1lilt.l-:. rUi. i ar .r. irrd In
r, r- hi HIWII I I IMI, llltla S .,at
let i-uma uliliiiiil lujnrr.
" X'li'l .uu ...l-r- f f ft-li brslrd work! o
i,r .lie-. . r,.,, IU, ,Mat nmu.
Son lr itr. ' A lllru.ll) Wiiri ..r rail rnsr a' f
tun ini..nt nirn'n ami thamr. aret Si aj a
In h(" 0-n Inl.T. amiaerv l nnl so
rnii.anlr1 lr Irrns m rainn A'l Irmnr rll aaj
tirru i. iuii ib. sam losl'.Ja.
fcl hliirai s 4.M. TO f M.
I -I (I J ikSl'f
I rata ay. j.' 'I mirrtarf - n
itaSM L. rtxa l-afr, ta t
Bit jiIo Wcjlnc:!,
.tn,'. r ImI l' fc-
t r(s toiu.'iri
DECiiV. hi
I t hiliifUtllh
n :' i isisin :siwsj
-J t' d ! Ii
If ; to r
L'.al uis-.-i 4Ur. 1
t. ft f. f., k-i
0o ' (J). 1 -nth Su ST. iium, ai'J.
nil DTlKi'i fmhoKitdoi Truss,
! ' " ." I M"i a I r i , ,,1 1 , nr-aLSl
IPfllTIVF fwiosTarrAn.iwo wKiinoni
SlUtlllllKo.anal 4 XtaVOUS tlkSIMTTf
nTTTJT! af SWaaa4 Sl.aa ril-l
f - XV i .f I, .an fctaaaaaa .a Oia ar Vauu,
a .a. 11. s-at Siaa.Mia rail, tti.4. M- ta a-ta.r- al
iiiMfiiaiit.i ai.f. ,i,il-u tih,.,a a r.ai ,.i s.,nr.
aMi.t.i. a. tan 1 Mesa i aatlaiar- aa,. fra a ar.
a aaih ttwm 41 a., . a4 r-..laal aaai.l,
aaaa atttaaaMa. M, tall -pl.aal-a. aaa r...a.alhMl
(III MIIIUl Cf..UlUll.l.f
A Porfoct Face Powdor. -
F' ref.m MVS :::'::-::..T
ACE POWDER. ::;.z-J-:--r.:z
t..U UoaH ('. I at I MsjISt II, IrSj f4 ftll KsjItM
I nib.. 1 , !'. ft M il, IM lli.b-' I s
IM, l.(r.BSV, , M, l.4ff s I-.. . ft; Nsstsi IM,
!. Ml. ',,ai1.Ua..i u SL....'
Vm Vsl isM . i HslfKi M, (kJll 1, t my , a jn.
ft wrs)a.tf,.laN4.4t.f W.lt.f Va.at.sjrt I (V
slVsaj Js as-, til Q ). , lUmif 9. IM rwln
A lumc.MC.iits fw.Y -,(.-l ,.i..i,..
Tf fninTTtt M.il.i.liia.iili. ii
uiivoiia , .,,, n,4 t ,
ZJILIT7.I''.tl i-ajav'ki .f ..
r'd e -ll . ll-t r, 1 1. a
'' "I'l I !.il,la M. a,,.....
Trsrt o .on onO.Z- Y' tV
V aii a ui- o, many JJ v' . i , ,
IHOUtanni'aaia, I
" sas r - 1 ri (( lirMfll
WaalS. - HXH.'J's.r..,..1')...,h.
aH. nia. t ' Sr aVala. 4 r.M',fi.lt
taaMaa.ua. ' t n,..(h a .a a taalia.oa
Mercantile Bank
Btateiuont of Ita Condition at the Oloso of Bualnaaa Monday, May 20, '8l
Kit: h I K xcha iiKe ..V..V.V.".".V.'.,."".V.'.".".'.".V.
bonus nnd I Mn'oiiiiti "
Kloi ka and ltoud t h s I Iiiiii matk 't liiice !.. .'.'...'. ".'.'...,.'".''
Puriiiliirc and I- iMi.rc '
Treusiiry of C. K. in.u ilntcd ci.rn ncy hir liiiciiijii iini"
Ctitil:it Ktnck
I'mln ided 1'iolits (net )
liividend No. 11 (hiilnucu unpaid) ..'.'.!'.'.".".!"
7"Tlils I' ink niioned it dn.tra for ho
ICIIIIOMV, tl.lll-lli H U I'.clll l.l hllllkillir
T. n. Turlev. of Tin-:, y -V Vr:,;hl.
M. in v in, of M. I.nviii A Co.
I V I'i.iu ..r i: i. ..n. i i'..
I". M. N'clton, of Neltoii .V li ilint
T II. Kltna, of T. II. Kima.V l o. ' 11 "lin. of J. K li idvilu ,V I'o.
I'.. II. Wilkinson, of loikcr,v, Will.iiiMtu W. I'. Iiiimivaiit, of liiin.iviinl A- Kel'y.
". Andrew J. IhirilMf Moon. A I.,rr;a.
J. si. (.oodhiir. of (,o,li,ir A ( it, J. M. Siuiih, of Ku.ilev, Kmiili .V. I'o. ami
I'. I. An leiaon, I'nVt Alldeiaon Hat Co. I I'inll l.in Co.
t luia. Kiia- II. Iv Collin, i f J. It Collin A Co.
N 11. heiineihiy, Hecretary Cilleus' and Aim Arlim-ton I iiaur.iiice Co.
MaiilKiUaii Savings Bank and Trust Co.
1IOAK1) Oil' 'lKPsTKi:.
I, If.inaurr, Pol Col. mm, J dm V. CiK-hr in,
.1. II. Iliindwi rler, ll.irlnbi I'erc, Fiinnii
V. I". H idden, .l.tinei Nullum A. linnVeit,
I- boy, K. I., (iohll. limn, Jno. M. lVlcrt, I'. N. lirosvenor,
1. I lladdcn, rnl K nl. Jno. W. Cochran, Vhc Priiiilcnt. J.is. Nathan, Tailn'cr.
K IIICFIM: DIMOIIT' In S.imaof OVt: DXI.Art sn.l npwsrl.nnl credit rnte
et 011 me . -nn iinnii.illv. V have K,vl.-iil Kn ihlira f,,r I a-i.illi-i; Uriellv KimtClii.f
ISVI'MMINT :nM nil Ihe 1 1 ti.a 11 1 .mi of no v lluiiir. ..fa i ii um inl cUarartT.
We linve ..ni-r., rl lire nnd ninp'e cntilal. lo'tl'icr will in I r dde rcnrd. rnd lh
li.ll. era (11 .1 I'm-lei a crdlallv int iie Intuit- a Ironi nil i la s-', Ml I will riideiior lo merit
II. 0 coiili.leiice s 1 hunt r, p . in ih 'm.
I!. llllj:V I'll A YKKIE,
Memphis City Bank
337 Main Street, Corner of Union, Memphis, Tenn.
Ir V. N. Vdk.fin,
I!, b. N' lonev
I II' I lie.
Hill, Fontaine WCo. '
Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers
Cotton Factors, Commission Merchants
Anthrcito. C-ikn. Wnnl
i. HTKrtviiKrtrjKri
OlDUIlil-t. r lima.,
Vluviaf illla TtSS.
. j. noxEi.wii.
UtSSalatouu A. al. laajj'isoaa
NO. 318 FRONT ST..
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants
Have RcmoveiUo Their Nf O
Kichnnl II. A lion fc Co.,
sUNkMaivat iNU CiiiroN (Xiilill.VtlOM MKUCIUHT
1 snd U llrocs ftraal N.w Vara.
E. K ESTF4. m aaima
Wliolcsalo Grocci-s and Cotton Factoid
wot. 11 1-2 and 13 Union
ITtPOB BROS., of Cbma. Maa,
irtM ts su raoyr stesxi.
.t,-'il.T4l Oi
. !VM7 12-, .1Ifl,T12 03
7IM!K) 70
4.411 711
'.'..'inO GO
5i,o;.,o:o 03-
$ 'jro.oo) 0
..$ -iim en
,. ll,7i'U0.i .'.1, 770 ft
h-.'n,.':ll HH
'Ml 01
lt,u;.(Jtu o
.In. l . "t ivwi i. n rt.,.n..... e... qi .i.
llllaili, v. uml ,.lv.a ,u.. Il nil ... ..11..
.1. It. .iHWIS. I'iv-id. ut.
.1. M. I ll il'IIAlI, Vlce l'iesldcnt
'. II. K AINK. Ca..hier.
John AmiiMcnd, of Arini-tcud Si I.un Tee.
II. I . Union, Ihiil INt.ito IV-aler.
A. W. Newtom, of l.inhnrii , Nesin.
M. flavin,
Nniol .11 Hill,
J. K. I! ,1 Inaon,
Kjiii'I MiHik.
.1. I'd.Ai K,
lie I'tf . 1. lent.
Ill KKn Ollii
V I. r.t. J. im l,ii-iie, f. K ?yers .
C N. Iii..riimr, M Citi,,, ir A '. Mee'itf,
Jo'oi A li. iiie. J. .', ,11 ..''Ivm II -,(... 1-
NO. 278 R'-'mvi) .STRFEP.
I HflUKnil,
01 l.jr"lhl aj rhaftSj
ttanlua latia.
Stroot MetnuhH. Tenrt
r. u. noznxn
K 4

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