OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, June 04, 1889, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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fclemphta "Should Hava Won," but
"Lost Ear Chance "A Beautiful
Game at Charleston Seen by 3,000
, People Other Oaraea.
Blclal Dispatch to The Appeal
Nkw Orleans, La,, June 3. Memphis
ought to have won today's gnme, but lost
its chance and the locals putin Uickorts, the
young amateur Wlmlon wants for Atluuta.
lie dopends upon a straight, bard ball,
with very little variation, and was lined out
after good backing up and kept Moinphis
from running away with the game, and
liauswino on the contrary was not hit
much, but rotten orrors allowed! New Or
leans to kocp apace. It was a tie when
tho ninth inning star to J, and Ward got a
lead for New Orleans on Cruso's fumble, a
wild pitch, a stool and a missed third
Btriko. Brodcrick, tho first Mem
pliiun to the bat, evoned up mat
ters by a home run drive to the
right center scats. Then commenced tho
real playing. McGurik made a three-bagger
in the tonth, but three foul (lies left
him there. Keccius got a two-baggor and
Crura a single in the same inning, but
they were also loft on fly catch. New Or
loans went out rapidly In the elcvonth.
Smith hit safe, but tried to steat second
and was throwu out. Had be held tlmt he
could have scored for Uraulick got a baso
on bails and liauswi'no a Ions single to
right, Mclirido hit a sure fly to center
aud Polheroua, after long run in, just
got the ball and then touched second be
fore Uraulick got back, making a doublo
play. Pol hem un, after his catch, opened
tho twelfth with a two-baggor and
scored on Dowie's single, Dowin reaching
third on the throw in and Kiddie's throw
to second. McUuirk's single brought
Dowio home. Krrors by Keccius, a balk
and Kubian's singlo scored McUuirk.
liauswine then started to play to have the
game called and ltauswine pitched over
tho hatter's head, but pies struck out and
didn't run when the ball was uiiu'ed, and
the men on bases didn't budge. Moinphis
got in a run on a two hagjer by Herein,
I'ruito's sacrifice and ltroderick's single.
Smith's long II y to Fabian settled tho
gniuo. There was a very small crowd
present, but it yelled itself hoarse.
Pullieiiius, c. !....
Ivowio. i b .....
Hollsml. r ....,
Honilrk, 1 b
I'tmvll.r. I
Fal.liin. I f
l-lm. r
HiKkuru, p.......
Mel rMr, 1.1 ..
Krlly, I b., a
Hn-cius, s b. ...
S"m., i b. .......
kliMln e. I, e
)lrH,'rlrk, ......
himlii. r. I
t.i. Ilrk.c. 1 b...
liatiwine, p
Iiv Innlnit
New lr,n.ii0 4100000100 1-t
Wilu.lil......l 1004000100 1-7
riiintimrv: Kamed runs New Orleans
S, Memphis 0. 'Iwo-lxmo hits Pollieinus,
Prrnleriik, Kercius 2. Tlireu-buso hit
McOuirk. Homo run Polliciuun, llrod
crick. Stolen Iwmn Now Orleans 4, Mem
ph i 2. Iiouble f.y liiiuswine and
(raiilii'k, CruHO and Oruulii k. Pollimuus
alone. First baso on Imlls OIT Kui kerts
ft. fir ltaustin 2. Hit by pitched bull
Hi. I. lie. (struck out Hy Kuckerts II, by
PiitisttinoH Pusso.l lialU Spies I. (trail
lick 2, Kid-llo 1. Wild pilches linnswino
3. Italk ItauHMino. Time of giuiin Two
hour and twunty-llvo uiiuut.. Umpire
Tim W. 1 1 unit.
Allaam Id, amrlealan .
f tIu! IHtpaUli In 1 Ik Appeal.
CiMMLbitoM, K V., Juun 3. Thero wui
but uno opinion of the 3,000 people who
witncfKcd the game this afternoon between
Atlanta anJ Charleston. Thero have been
nu.rv scientific games een on tho diamond
hero, butt more eiciting, a more stub
bornly fought bottle and a more glorious
victory wss never fought and won. It was
gnat ball and a heap of it. Tho grand
stand fairly stood up on its curs, while the
blenching boards danced a war dance. La
dle stood up in their sca:s and waved
their dainty lace 'kervliicU to eiicouiage
' their favorites. The story would be too
long to telegraph. It wasabsttls from
start to finish. In tho first inning the At
lanta got their eye on bull and batted out
six runs after whitewashing tho locals.
Then Atlanta rested. In the third Oniric
ton hmko the Ice and put up uno run. In
tho Itfth another run w.i added to their
cure, and in the seventh three more, mak
ing the total 3 In 0. llolli sides rooted
through the eighth. In the ninth
CliHrienUin, cncmirHgcd by tho plaudits of
the audience, which rattled Tender a little,
baited out four runs and took the lead.
Wlien the AllMUtns came to the bat they
found 3,(100 people wild with excitement,
, but they stool ugi iiko littlo men. king
lor, Shea anil IViWne rsmied tho bull
rai.i.lly in sticccamon, each lor a single, and
filled tho banc. HniieuiHn r.ipcd out a
three-bagger snd brought i4 direst home,
, tiring the score. Then the great ljuiiiit
took up tho willow, bunted a Ull snd
brought lloneinan home, winning the
pa me, almost M-lora the crowd had time
to giuxp the situation. It wus a splendid
llht snd a glorious victory.
orm uL sxiik.
jan'r.o. a. a.
t i s I
S 10 0 0
I le s o
110 0
10 10
0 0 II 0
1.1 i. 21 4
aaJr.o. a. s.
0 Ti
s t s
0 0 0
1 10 0 0
0 111
II 17 T' t
i. 1 1
.nila)r, s. S
r llrtlinrrmlis. i b. ...,
M.wilv.r. f m
ll'iiix'bulUur, 1 b ,
V hmcn. (Vi .,uHm,
O'lheirhe, r (. ,
Kraiiilfiil.uni, j U
MMplrUu, p.-
Hutu, a ...
iiTlliia, L t...
KliwU'T,l b
hlMst. I b
Iniwm. t
lliillvinali, f
Wnoiu, o i,
t rttlu.rl
jTuilcr, p..... ...
fir InnliiM
h.rlum. I I tl I l-l
Allanu. .......... 0 0 0 0 410
ummary: larned nins-t'harleton6,
Atlanta A. Two bane hit Kouiwy t,
Jlouarholder 1, Shea 1. Three base hit
Itouiwcy, Honeman. Total base hits
Charleston 1, AllsnU 1ft. First ba oe
balls Chsrlraton S, Atlanta 4. llt oa
base CharliiaUtn 7, Atlanta 8. Ktrwk
cut Itf Maplclon It, IVnder 4. I'assml
bttlls-Whalen 1, Dowse 1. Wild pilrbra
Mapleton 1. louble plars Hrsndnsi
burg. Filssiiumona ari llonaxholdur,
Whulua and Fituimiuons, Howe sui
Two hours. Urn
Olkier (ianaes.
Chicago 2, Cloveland L
Baltimore 7, Cincinnati 2.
Kansas City 0, Brooklyn 0.
Pittsburg 1, Indianapolis (X -The
other gamos were postponod on ac
count of rain, .
Toe Hoard of Equalisation it in session.
Look out for levies on property for
taxes, me work begins today by tuti out
The Chelsea Ulks give thoir ball tonight
ai me uaii corner luira ana Loonoy
Maior Edirincton's sncech was almost
the sole topic of conversation on tho streets
Local Lodgo Irish National . Lenguo of
America aud their friends will picnic today
t uiim i ara.
Sparks from a burning chirnnoy ignited
No. 41)5 Georgia stroet yesterday afternoon.
Damages, about $o.
The generous rains hava boen a blessing
to the fruit crop. There will be more
strawberries soon on the market.
Monthly meeting of the Board of Man
ftgnrs and Members of the Children's
Homo, VVeduosduy, June 5, 10 a. in.
Those who attended the celebration of
the Knights of Ionisfuil -Sunday, were
complaining of hot woatuor yesterday,
Memphis will be hoard and felt i'u the
contributions for relief of Pennsylvania
sullerers from the astounding accident of
Friday last.
The Moss lloso Saloon, Main streot, was
sold out by tho Sheriir yesterday, lock,
stock and barrel, for (U15. Pat Heeny was
tho purchaser.
The presentation of "A Midsummer
Night's Droatu," which forms part of tho
closing exercises of SL Mary's School on
Poplar street, has been postponed untile
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 6.
"I supposo I shall bo censured for op
pression again," said J udgo Dultoso yes
terday. "Why?" was aked. "Well, a
juror slept nuile soundly during a portion
of a trial today, and 1 had him awakenod."
If one or both of the eyes of J. J. flyers
should full upon this notice ho should at
once communicate with Chief of Police
Davis. His sister, Mrs. tfusun Itodford, of
Kaxin Springs, Tcnn., is anxious to hear
from him.
At tho annual picnic of tho Italians, at
Huckignani's i rove, tomorrow, Miss Psr
meliu Cicalla will be "(Jucen of Italy."
This charming young lady is a daughter of
the iato Paul C t'icalla, Sr., who was
known and highly esteemed during his
Ioe Jennings is under arrest on a war
rant sworn out U-foro Juiticu ti irvin yes
terday by J. L. Wcllfnrd. Jennings came
to the Memphis Cooporogo Company and
attempted by forco to prevent laborers
from working unless they were given an
advanco ou their wages.
Thero will lie an intcrcating and profit
able irel meeting this evening at 8
o'clock In the rooms of tho Young Men's
Christian Association, '.'07 Main street, snd
every young man in Memphis is earnestly
invited to attend. It will bean hour
profitably spent Come! All are welcome.
Miss Fannie Prunley, Postniastereas st
ftermsntown, Tcnn., has been turned out
ofollico and Justice It-T. Anderson has
been appointed in her stead. There was
no churgn of "offensive partisanship"
against Miss Ilrunley. She gave good
satinfjction to the people, and the only
cause of her dismiasul it a surmine that,
being a female and not of tho faith, she
would nottund a "touch" when the Hi Il
eal asscsnor came around.
Containing Over 60.0OO, 60,000 Im
ported Cigars
Have been received by us direct from
Havana, through tho 'Memphis Cuxlom
Home, during tho post week; among
which aro Diligencias, Henry Clavs,
Flor do Samelson and many other equally
line and standard brands. We aro tho
only linn In Memphis who receive fre
quent shipments of importod cigars and
our patrons aro therefore enabled to gut
only fresh cigars from us.
1. Sankijot CVx,
Tho Direct Importers of Memphis.
P. 8. We sell baachaU tickets.
Oo to tho L N. L. picnic this evening.
I-aJies free.
Mudamm Sincrnr.ur and Tibe will
teach during the month of June at tho
Itetbel School.
We are now receiving daily fresh red
rasiln.rrics. I.vrta A Suiran.
Mr. Ben Bowdre the Portunate Winner
of a klcb Matrimonial Prise,
Among the many beautiful women of
whom Moinphis Is proud, there are nono
more univeraslly admiied and esteemed
than Miie Mamie Scuifo. Her beauty is
of tho regal order. There is a suggestion
of royalty in hor superb preaonce, her
queenly carriuge, her reflne.1 amhgracvful
manner. In everything that goes to muko
up a ierfeet woman, in peraoual loveliness
in mental and moral uttributi-, in natural
firnce aud charm, Mum Scnift has long
Men the admired of all admirers, and cu
rioaity has been rife as to who In the mulll
tudo of her suitors would be fortunate
enough to win the IiiikIi coveted prize.
The interesting queation wss decided yes
terday. Mr. ilen Ikiwdrots Hie fortunate
man, and he bus won a prlj lit to adorn
a throne.
Tho rrromonv took place yestentav at
the reaiilfiicc of tho hri.lo's mother, .Mrs.
Fliaa A. Scuifo, at 410 Vanco street The
Ker. It W. F.rwin was the ollicluting
miniMcr. Tho affair was kepf strictly
private, ami only a few Inlimato friends ol
tho family were present After tho con
cliinion of tho cen-tnony the newly united
rniiple left by li.o Iuisvillo A Saxhvillo
train for C'liiciigo and other Northern
points on a bridal lour. Tho Ixnt wislu s
of thousands of peopln will follow them.
4 Ireall 4 nrl 4 ntM.
Sv-UI Mnaitili to Iba Appottl.
Yx- Citt, MiM., Juno 3. Circuit
Court r,nvencd today, Judo Chrisuian
prtniding and It N. Miller ropresenling
the Slat?. Judge Chrimnan's charge to tho
Jury was that of calling particular attention
Id iho ollense of gaming, dipt James U.
Hart, of Plnenlx, wss polntiil foreman
of tho (iraml Jury and that ody has bo
gun its labor. The Helm rase canm up
sgsin at this term, the Supreme Court hsv
lug granted Helm a now trial. This is Iho
most Important casoon tho criminal docket
this term.
Shea. Time of gatno
pire IIillery.
"Urn A hm4. rrl Mm 1 1 k. -
To Ihf Wllor ol Tlw ApptaL
Sir I read with pleasure your report of
Uio shale discovery oesr Fort Smith,
which you were kind enough to mention
In your iasiio of this morniug. The bitter
malignity manifested bv many toward
that (fraud section of Arkansas will soon
counteract and they will fc ashamed of
their own Utterances, do ahead, Fort
Kimth, the world at Urge will soon appro
Hate yjur great natural advantages and
flock to your support Ltwux.
MemphiL, Icon., June X
Los Angeles the Only Good Thing on
the Card-lhe Appeal's Tip, Brown
Charlie, a Twelve to One Shot, Wine
Entries for Today.
Kt. Loi ts, Mo Juno X Todav was nn
Ideal racing day. Thero wivs an excellent
program and a groat crowd at tho track.
F'irst Kaeo Seven furlonirs: selling,
Bridgolight 118, Barnes, 2 to 1. first; J T
Uo, 15 to 1, socoud: Tudor 108, Taral. third.
Time 1:30. Other starters were Lake
view, Chilhowio, Volcl, Cams, Gov. Har
din, Redstone, tosteral, Dick Wright, Don
nio King and tiiwolino. The winner was
bought in for $2,275 $375 over entered
Second Raco Milo and nn eighth; han
dicap; purse. Cartoon 107, Hathaway, 6
to I, first; Fayette lull, Overton, 15 to 1,
second; Strideaway 107. Karnes, even,
third. Timo Oilier startos wero
Huntrens, Stoney Montgomery, lionita and
The Dude.
Third Kaeo Southern Hotel stakes; for
two year olds: six furlongs. Littlo Crete
105, Wineholl, 20 to 1, first; Amigo 113,
Murphy. 4 to 1, second; Penn P 121, Taral,
5 to 1, third. Time 1:171. Other start
ers wero: Avondule, Wattonwu, Blue
Veil and Kyrle llellew.
' Fourth Kacc Mile dash; for maiden
throe year olds. Msylupe 112, Stoval, 0 to
5, first; Lucy P 112. Winchell. 0 to 1. sec
ond; The Klk 117, Barnes, 8 to S, third.
1111101:4,. utner starters were: Msy
W and The Deacon.
F'ifth Kaeo Manufacturers' nurse: milo
and a sixteenth; for all ago. Los Angeles
112, Murphy, 3 to 5, first; Vslusblo 121,
Taral, 2 to 1, second; Ixila May 110, Cov
ington, 8 to 1. third. Timo 1:611. Other
starters: Lutry and Helena.
Jtraras Park Kairlfs.
New Yoiik, June 3. Following are tho
Jerome Park entries for Tuesday:
rlmt Kaeo Uno mil ami acrcnty yanla, Aniilo
M.A l.lltla Jaku:i. i niui yd. klirul.n Iim. n.
biMiiln lot. hhimaril tU.
Hetinid lUi tin) snd ntie-nnitrtrr mill's. 1
In I Iim, l.-tn timoot liu. Klreuxl IM, larniina III,
Thu Hiurluu lut, talt-oa to;, Uiuueiasra luj, Url
lUiiimit 11
Ihlnl Kars-Thn-qnanera n( a mllr. Hill
U Ii.t tut, Dlrv.i Idi. Mmlitiua lOfi. luiali tun.
lilllllilMtll IIH, Miii'IIiik lilt,
Kourtli lUm Koiirtiva bumlm! trsnts Crlplii
Ull. Uraliir lt kern His lllaso M. n him-
IiIiii- lui. l) lltlil I'D. W.ll.(iullA Kiulisut Hi
im'ii imrnaou ri'lil li.
Kltih lu lnn li r tin, rrM B IIS. Hulli lift,
IVibru'lsu IIA, Hrlwuol Its, MarlNnii H4, llnnlu r
IWtn-t I JU. Uiikuu ul lliru III. Vtaiu ll'l. SulitI
ii-j. Miiiimiii lui, Aiminul) I'V. Kn.pi rr rill) 61,
IaIioIIcwi, lllrnW4. Ikvl IH7, Kvv nil; va
ttixih Kitra lino lulls ami an hkIiIIl BalUlao
tlua IU7, 1'ucatvllo IIM, Uui Koiabt ill.
Prcbabl M timers Teslajr
Klmt Rars Virtlp, llnhrnilan.
or.mil Kaoe-Klrviui, iHraKou.
Ililnl Kwu Mailmiu, luuli.b
K.mrib hjuT-H.I,A Villaat Ma I it,
Kilih K.ut-llm-k, H.ni r IVhmt.
Sixth hace 1-uoateilo, (MllaUi'UoO.
at st. l.oria.
Klrt lUer Jix Nctliu. Iinllun l'rlnnsri
hiiimil Itais W airier T. tntr.
Ililnl HaistVlmlulln. Ma) lai.
Koiiilli Kv Urk I', 1 1. 'in , W,
Ullh lOux 14-ierti, Nrliie Maiklns.
Uualeal Psople of the Cltr Invltsd to
the Merobants' Exchange.
Replies to thu call for a minting of mu
sical people of the city to organice a society
for the advancement of the art in Mem
phis come in at a lively ruto. Not ono,
savo that referred to in Sunday's A err. a I,
bus been roi-civod cxproaaing a doubt as to
tho entire feuHibility of organizing t club
of which the public of Iha city will ulti
mately leel tiruilil. 1 resilient John M. I'u-
tent, of tho Merchant' Kxrhunire, hrw
klmlly plaeml that chamber at Iho ilisixjaal
of the muaical people for their preliminary
gathering, and tho meeting will be held
Uioru next Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
Billy UcCartby, a Plumber, Palls From
tils Boardlng-House Window.
Billy McCarthy, a plumber, fell from
the window of Mrs. McCarthy's Utarding-
limine at No, 0 Washington afreet, at 12. IK)
o'clock this morning. Ilia left cheek struck
tho pavement and was badly bruisisL His
riht hip was also badly hurt, and bo was
suirering internally. The full wss shout
fourteen fiet McCarthy wns about threo
parts drunk, and each part a third. .
"II lie lisd oceti sober, suhl Capt
Hackctt w ho accompanied an Ai'i-xai. riv
Itorter to the scene, "he would have been
lilled outright"
He was taken into tho barroom and
slrutchcd out on a pallet, where ha lav
groaning. Medical sid was sent for, am.
Willi much uitticuiiv a doctor wss lotiiid.
An Arkansas Couple Fly to Memphis to
Oat Uarrt.il.
I). 8. Ovcrstreul and Mias Mamie N.
Cordon, of Whiio County, Aik., were
married yettterdny by Justice John J.
Barry. Tho couple came to Memphis over
Iho Iron Mountain rond. yeaterduv morn
ing, for the e-perial purKmunf bring made
inun sua w ue. ine rvitnon lor it wss olc
e'iion to tho union by tho parents o( both
iM'cauae o( their tluao bloo-1 relntioiiahin.
They wero lirst cousius. but loved, and
that settled it
I ttrrlitamla I Ira mt Jarkaan.
Srll Plilrh to Tin" Aj'pral.
J At ksott, jetin., Juno 3. Tlio Sherm.in
Manufacturing Company, loculed hi this
city, was entirely deatroyod by fire lalo
Inst Saturday night It was an enterprise
that our city was proud of. Tho company
manufactured Ixiilera, engines, saw mills,
eina. ami various other kimla ol marhiimrv
Iho os was estimated at jM2,oik), and
Insured lor V..oii. vto amlersUtnd tho
enterprise will be rebuilt at once.
SMtm Jaura nt Jsrksaa,
Hm Inl Dlilh In Til Apt-al.
Jaiksom, Mins., June. 3. Sam Jones
will srrivo hero in the morning on tho
Vlcksbiirg A Meridian 0 o'clock mail train,
Ii.t will preach In the lent nt 10 o'clock,
which is rcudy for him. During hiastay
here he will be entertained bv Mai. it W .
MiIIsiiimi at his bun isoiiw reaiduuee on
Statu street
W'm liavA lilat rert!vrat a Itaran 1i,l if
Pittahiirir I ius (4ike. very flint. PillHl.iirif
and Anthracite Coal and Ash ond Oak
Wood. C. It But as A Co.
rimy 4 1 -a 4 mmdirt.
Tliey have no iibL
Tliey aro always fiesli.
They are alwsvsgood.
icy are elegant for prs-senta.
Fri.L Dnas Shirts a spsH-ialty. Finish
eiial to new. Jlemphia Mcaiu laiiliidry,
V.'4 Nttmd street Branch otlus, ill
kludisou alreeb
i.'i ..
Tbe Largest Stock
387-389 MAIN STREET.
Screen Wire in tbe
At llottom rrloas.
Panent. Williams
' & Co.,
Headquarters for
Builders' Hardware.
Mechanics' Tools,
fine Cullcry, Etc
Memphis, Tenn.
Tee Cheapest and
Best Place
nty to nay Tonr
t-iTttttn Itnnrs unit
WUutowa Masla.
387-389 MAIN STREET.
Titos. Bn.now still eontinuos quite ill at
his residence on Hernando street.
Mb. and Miis. J. W. I t i.mkr have re
turned alter a luoulh's sojourn in Cali
fornia. Visitoiis pn 'Chsnpo yestorday: W. D.
I.anga, St. 1-ouis; S, tiauiheiiucf, New Or
leans, lau
Mits. Dawid Cuii-Toy, of Montgomery,
Ala., is visiting Mrs. W. A. Ooodmau. on
Slielbv street
Tn Iiev. A. O. Jones, of Aiti'iisla. Ark..
and a eon of W. II. Join, of So. Hi') Main
street, is visiting his parents.
Mns. 11. J. Cawiiiki.i., of Huntsvillo,
A hi., was in the city veatcrdav. Iho iruesl
of Mr. McNeeleyou Adams stnet
. T. SiiKHRii.t. a well known nieniber
of the Memphis Cotton Fxchaugc, died
yesterday alter noon, alter a few days
Mi ms Zri.nA I'iu k, of Helena, one of tho
faircat belies of that charming town, is in
tho city, thcgueslof her sister, Mrs. 8, It
I epper.
Da. A. A. Lapcncr has ret urnod from
Texas. While there ho visited the Spring
1'iilace, at Fort Worth, and pronounces tho
exhibition s grand alluir.
At tho I'calmdv: Oito Nels.in, Cincin
nati; A. F Kllithortte, Chicago; Kd C.
Itay, llaltimore; U F. Tucker, I'hiladel-
una; neo. v. ixun, .ew lork; J. Hiirns,
t 1-ouis; the Itev. Fred Howard. Jack
son, Tenn.
AwiutosK U liowiand Miss I'uulinn If.
lteudelhuU-r will be uiarrieil at 8 o'clock
this evening, at the First I'rosbvtenan
Church. Immediately after the ceremony
thev leavo over the IxjuibviIIo A Nasbvillu
lUiiroad on a trip east.
Tiik Itev. Fred Howard, of Jackson.
Tenn., whoso libel suit sgsinata iiumber
ol Icailing Ikiplials of that citv, nlso
sgainst some of tho denominational pa
pera, claimed pilhhe stteulioli lorasholt
while, Is at tho rrabouy.
I ' tt'litua. ArL.l..!..l,l.i Art.. I
P. I'aininel. Ripley, Tenn.; Will A. lay-
lor, Jackson, luiin.; J. It Horner, l-wtoti
Maaa.; Wnrner Uiinbrrth, (iold Dust,
Tenn., and It II. Tunisia!!, Holly Springs,
Mum., are at mo l larrmion.
I. 1. M toMinnd wife, of Iiallns. Tel..
ImiiIioI whom sre widely known snd es
teemed in Memphis, are gnoula for a few
day of Mr. and .Mrs. Scharf, at 1 "Ml I'nion
streot. Ihuy sre en route to lomleru ru
sort to SH'iid the summer.
At the Fninaioll Hotel: V. T. IVnnetl,
Australia, Miss.; A. I. Ilctningcr, St, ini;
J. II. HUM, Jsrkaon, Mlsa.; I. I, Wei
burn, S'snlsn, Ark.; John I '.Ilia, Kudors,
auks.; J. sun r- r Mevi ns, J. I. iluker,
W. C. .rahaui. ilvrlle. Miaa.: (i. A.
Dickey, Hollvwooil, Mms.; F. M. hiliioii,
(.ouruaii'i, jiiss.
K. ItHAiu.kv, one of Iho nioat progretiaivo
and deaervedly vnpular young busineas
men of (termant'iwu, died early Sunday
morning, after an HIim-mi with typhoid
lever ol inreo weeka INi-easeit tsiut Iroin
sn old and esteemed family, wIumh iiiciii
Intra have boen loremoat in promoting tho
liilertMis ol tiermniilown, an 1 Ins ueuusa
is univenta.ly deplhL
At DufTy's: II. It. Utninn, Mltle li, V;
J. II. lieailing, Jui ksoiiville, Ha.; 1.
llrovdiia and Wile, M. ( 'liiir. Tenn.; L.
Kaln, Watked Tree, Ark.; V. I. Kiln
Fom-si City, Ark.; D. J. Williams, Kom-
erville, Ark.; ilra. r.. A. Su.lell, New otk;
S. tu Stephenson, ( uvuigton, Tenn.; li.
V. Noble, Van lluren, Aik.; S. (i. Spuika,
r-omerviiie, ionn,
Mks, Kmma ll'ii mi Ti mmixs, the ven
erable mother of th Hon. Holmes Cuiu
mins, ol this rity, tiled at her home in
Covington, Tenn., Monday, in tho sixty
third year of her ngr. IVi-cajtcd was a no
ble, pious woman, no whom death caat a
gloom over the itood Istailo who knew and
exteeined her for ln-r imiuy U-sutiful vir
tues, exempliiiud in ber daily walk and
At the Gayoso: Jim Armstrong, Jr.,
F.vansville, Inl,; I.. Scot I, ChuttaiKKiga,
Tcnn.; John V. Monday, Chicago. J. M.
Smith and wife, Vii.-mia, T. II. De Ixiach,
St. IahiIs; V.' I', 'lowler. New Urlesna;
Vip. K A. Jarnes, ( nlt pi-i r, Va.: Win.
F. I. James, C'iilapN-rf Vs.; F. I Ctil
lins. Weal Point. Mis; It C. Clark,
Tiiulo, Mias.; J, ( I nk, Tuelo, .Mias ; N.
It eott, lloseJali', Mi.
W. N. I loi.i am rt i, Golden taik", Ark.;
F. D. Ctilher. Mi Keiine, Tenn.; M. Can
field, I. von, MW ; . A. Steele, Jones
town, 5lis.; V. K. I'nt'lioiliii St Iajiiis;
A. It Thornton. St Uhiik; T. 1. Martin,
Philadelphia; Mi l.lmi lM'ke, Coving,
ton, Tenn.; It N. I.mas snd wife, Pis a
hernia, Ark.; T. r, .Nethery, M. D., I'oca
hontiui, Tnn.; S. J. lU rim and wife, Ar
lington, Tenn.; H. I!. Fcaihcmton, A. P.
Sage, SoouPihls, Miss , sre st lissiou's.
F II A SI 1 II . v ' i - 9 f I ia Miiini,!.!.
Theater, will avg tnmorrow ineht for
New Wk, where he will remain until
about the 1st of Au-utt, looking up allruc
liolia for llnvt Ilnrilitr llin aiim:i.fr
coining, early iu Julv, the Memphis Thee-
tt-r am undergo a llionaigii uvrrnaiinng
and redecorating. .Many hanges will be
initnt in inn interior, toe ans a or scenery
Will I Ml riliainl.l .! naoir Mtnifit Mrill lu.
put In. it ia ih inioiition of the iiiauaitf
me nl, to make the lumae sa eomlortaliio
and attractive as ih.wuMo for the trons
next season.
OU ran a.u.,.,1 m i.l.'a.iillt ti v li ! n i
. m -
among your friends l.mijil wt tlio I. V 1.
picnic Ladies bee.
Wire Cloth
Green, Drab and
Figured Patterns
Door and Window
Corner Irons,
Spring lllngoa, Ioor
Palls unit Calnh.a
Four on Bach Bide Rolnninly Contradict
Bach Other.
lleforo Jnstieo Iliackwell yesterday tho
case of li ilium vs. Warren w us tried. Tho
parties had traded horses and guarantied
the soundness of their respectivo animals.
Wurren discovered that the horse ho had
received had an ugly lump on his neck,
and tUmanded of tiillam tho return of his
auiiuul. (iillam aaid a trado was a trade
snd refusid loswap back, lailor ontiilluiii
discovend thut the horae he received fnuu
Warn-n had broken out with llsttila, and
desired a rechungo. Warren met him with
bis ow u words mi I refused. Mesars. I. like
Finlnv and A. K. Huncot k repn-aented
onu sijo and Mcsam. Voiiner A Cliuton
the other. The million ol the guarantee
was atlirmed and domed in the pleudinga,
and four w itne.wa swore Mmitively tout
the trade was mado cum way and four
other witncNitts sworo with eipial solem
nity that it was another way. There wua
no quibbling or ipiulillciilloi.'; each wilneas
was poaitive and iliameirually oi osed to
tho other side. "Kunro Itluekwell was iht
plexed, but finally decided thu ruse,
''That was lbs funnieat cum I ,.,,,.r .....
in my life," suid ono of Iho attorneys to an
.u r.ti. ii iiiuu'i. vnerao linn li swear
ing I wouldn't know which side to de
licto. I don't bclinvil lher.t nv. u .... .
uuuu at an.
- .-..w mi n iu. m
The Becurlty Bavlnes Dank and R. J.
Illack oi Co.
Have removed from No. 12 lo No. lu
itiuilisoii at reel, orinerly occupied by Iho
Memphis City and t'nlon A Pluiilcra
IWuk, where they will lie pkased to sue
their numerous friend and patrons.
(!o to Floyd A Mooney'n fur dinner. All
tho limine of tlio neruon. Iiiuinj' rinim
rIksvs riHil, rlenn nd ileujinU
MKMI'llls l. k. N.i A. I ll o r.
I l.r uHlivr sihI tneiiilwrs srr
le.eie.liil l.l merl ml llivir lisll III'. ,w.
(It "iAil rirmiii. Jiiimi 4, iw, Al
Sii . I.k S. KlreUnll el nlhivls, ) mnl nl ililr
n.i ..He r li.iiuruiil IiiuIiii m. A lull siivihUihsi
H i.Mi r . IIAhrt K. N. O.
rptlF. lit Hi HIS AMI MI:M lit lit li
I I mi.liinllnr I.U.. N.i. .I. K I1., r
ri'iu.-.iiii i.i inn l.l Hi. it kj.Uu IUII
ll i.i.ivi - . . . .
I.ak, (.if It. elm ii i.m.i r.. M. iu. Vf'
tan l si.i.-i ll,,-, li.urimllr imi..L
li)i.nlir III. L Kol.lt. I.e.
r li r w of It mi l s
IIMINM-AI liar r.-l..ii(K in I ...ii.ri.iu
li-nn, M.iii I... Jim,. I. in Hi,.,, . j,, j
r... Mr.. Ii IIuikij, l m 1 1 N muiiiir ij
ll.iltui. i uiiiiiiiiis, il tin. rll).
ll lil i.lll IN -At .l.r.lT, Nn 'i lin,,,,)
Iml. Mnli'lnr, J una , IM, .1 s nrlieli , m
l Anions V4.i,i i var sn.l inLiiii,,'
ungUiir nl J..hu ami Mivsk-I M. ll lmKliliu. '
riirnral will Uk .li- li.im n.llin.a hl.
(It r.iliAVi sltiniinin al In ilmk. I ruu ls ol ttia
latiillf Invlkl leiliainl.
nil HUH. I. -Al rl.tt ii'r. No lis Fifth .trr.,
tin Muii.I.t. Jim .t, li-i.ai ; lit, , li. n m.
Fiu.siis V. sin n I.. ai it lesis
Fmi'ial r.rvfia still lk-.1 Tl lr.1 I n.l.f
In un I line li, I hul. a. thu 1 1 1 l.-iAV tfn riu.,u
alJloil.k Filrn.l. nl Iha l.silljr Iii,iii.i,
sll. o I llomslns will he l.kfli In M.eiiu aimi l,
re-ar I'lislnviiin. Trim , ,,r hitrrtm-nt.
Every Night Cxcant Eat
urdmy. A.lmlMliili. MkIiU ...
Mailuva, hatiirilajr....
. 'An
Tlrhei Oltlr., 3 Mala t'.raal
ll.,. ; J
r a
Avery. Cotton Scrapers, Mitchell Cotton Scrapera
Randolph Cultivators, Side and V Harrows,
McCormick Mowers,
Whole sale Hardware
Chieftain Hn,y Raka, Banner Plantor. Oampboll Corn Drill,
Door and Window Screens, Galvanized Poultry Netting
T-nWl- V-w-r. To Proarn Fr"rnrs, TTnn'Vc.il si prn TToos,
if. t. i.eximS,
Lemmon & Gale Company
CiO und 020 Main
H. T. t.PMMOV. TOM tl V I.e. ir fi lirrk-ivr;inr
W. P. .MII.I.Kft.
W l
II I.. Ill t
Ro L Cochran St Co.
Dootb, Sash, Blinds, Moldinp:, Lumhor,
Lath and 8hmila, Ftoorlna, Celling and Cadar Posta.
DANIEL SHEA & CO, Prop'rs,
Repairing riantation Bullcrs I Specially.
140 TO 144 mONJ BTnRET ... MRMPIIIfl. TE1W.
W Mad Loam All Principal PayabU In PIVB Yearn, with Intattit payabla al
nd ol each ytar. Or, en PIVK-YEAK Paillal Paymtnt plan, by which Iha bo
lowtr can pay his loan w.thout tawlnf too heavily on ont crop. Ont advantage
ttuidcd la thai all celt emtntsate made at the Mcmhii olfica and can hava th
personal attention ol Iha borrower.
Colonial and United Stales Mortgage Co.
N. F. LoMASTER, Manner. 231 Miia St. Mrjraphi Tana.
J. T. t.sPHAt'K.
W. II.
Wm. C. Ellis & Son
COTTON TRUCK S," w' A R 1: 1 1 0 U S I; TRUCKS
t 'nt I. hi Nu I ruin. . Il.ni.1. Ilri.l.i nn I Mi-itiiUi.it Inn Work and Heavy
K.irK n.' Ki.ifines anil ,M,ii Inm ry II, miH'.1.
Ann nnd 411 t'holby btroot, ..... MoraphU, Tuna,
f III lll'l!
W. P. MIM.En,
lvei.ro lary.
8troot, Momphln, Tonn.
MKi. v. II JiiYNKIC.
V! .

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