POETfiV. SPEAK. GENTL TO THE ERRING." ? Speak gently to the erring ' " Ye know not all the pow'r ; -? '- With which the dark temtation came ' '- v a some unguarded hoar : Ye may not know how earnestly ... They struggled, or how well. ' Until the hour of weakness came, And sadly thus they fcU ! i Speak gently of the Ting Oh ! do not thou forget. However darkly ain'd by sin, He ia thy brother yet Heir of the self-same, heritage, Child of the self-same God, He hath but stumbled in the path Thoa hath in weakness trod. Speak kindly td the erring For is it not enough That innocence and peace are gone,- Without thy censure rough 1 It surely is a weary lot That sin-crushed heart to bear ; And they who share a happier fate Their chidings well may spare. Speak kindly to the erring Thou yet may it lead him back. With holy words, and tones of love, From Mis'ry's thorny track ; Forget not thou hast often sinn'd, And sinful yet must 'be ; t Deal kindly with the erring one, As God hath dealt with thee ! . FALL TRADE. PETERSBURG, September 0, 1850. Samuel H. Marks, OULt) resoectfailty inform his numerous frfends .mtmers that he is now receiving per sun dry Steamars and Packets trom the wortnern cmes nis usual large and varied assortment of CONFECTION ARIES, FANCY ARTICLES, Cigars, &c, which ad ded to his stock before on hand, and the regular weekly apply of fresh Foreign and domestic FRUITS, renders his assortment particularly worthy the attention of country dealers. ; In the line of CIGARS he flatters himself that he can present a larger stock and finer assortment, and at lower rates, than any other house in the trade. . , Petersburg Sept25th, 1850. S34-t Hardware and Cutlery, dec. COLLINS & Co's Axes, Handsaws, Files, Augers Chisels. Hammers, Curry Combs, Knives and Forks, Pocketand Pen Kuives. One Set Balance Handled Knives and Forks, 51 pieces Balance Handled Carvers and Forks, and Steels. Brass and Fancy Cast And-irons. Brass Headed Iron Shovels and Tongs Spades and Shovels, Trace Chains, and Halter chains. Cotton and Wool Cards, No. 6, 8, 9 and 10. Toilet and Swing Looking Glasses. Superior English Mustard, sup. carb soda, cloves, mace. Nutmegs. Spanish Indigo, copperas, Fresh and salt snuff, powder shot, and lead. - Turpentine and toilet soap, starch, shoe thread and Bed Cords. Prime green and black Tea. Nails and brads, cast german and blister steel, J. BROWN, No. 9, Fayetteville St. Raleigh, Oct 30th, 1850. 839 Cloths, Cassimeres, Ac. ( At No. 9, Fatettvh.i.e St. B LACK French Cloth, IS lack Doe ikin Cassimeres. Fancy Cassimeres, a general acsortment. . Good and Common Vest ings. Black Satin do Silk and Worsted Serge, Padding and Canvass. Bed Blankets, various sizes. White and Black Cotton' Wadding. Gentlemen's Marino Shirrs and Half Hose. For Sale low by " - .- V J. BROWN. Raleith, 2Slh. Oct., 1850- 839 tf. j.- For Sale. CARPETING, Tufted Hearth Rugs and Carpet Bind ing, - . . i. . 75 Negro Blankets, Negro Kirsy, Marlboro Stripes, 100 pa. Dark and Light Prints, Dobloys and Napkins, Sup. Table and Towelling Diaper, Bird's eye Diaper, . (With ageneral, assortment of Crockery and Glass ware among them. White Grauite DinnerandTea ware, Ewers and Basins, White China Tea Setts, and Cups and Saucers, Cut and Moulded Goblets, Tumblers arid Wine Glasses, J. BROWN, No. 9, Fayettevilie street, Raleigh Oct 28, 1850. . 8:J9- SOAPS SOAPS! I HAVE just received a splendid stock of American, French, and English Soups, consisting in part as tol lows : 6 doz. Low's old Brown Windsor, 6 Large Omnibus Brown, 6 Palmyrene, (a new variety,) 1 box Barber's Soap, 21 " Hotel Soap, ' 4 doz. Assorted, Rose, Almond, Portrait, Imitation Fruit, Poncine, Spring .Flowers, Honey, JiuneyLind, Wash Balls. Military, and Almond Soap. 6 doz. Creams, and Olophane, assorted, All of the best quality, and for sale low, by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Oct. 2, 1850. . 835 Robinson dc Co's Shoes. TFUST Received l Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes, do and do Ladies Slippers, Misses and Children's Bootees, Ladies Bootees, White Kid Slippers. J. BROWN. ,..' . No. 9, Fayettvill St. Raleigh, Oct. 2d. " , 835 Just Received, A KrPa,r Men d Boys Heavy Brogans, . X illMen and Boys Kip Shoetees, Woman's Leather Shoes and Bootees, ALSO, Men and Boys Wool Hats, ' Dundee and Hemp Bagging, Bale Rope and Twine. v For Sale bv J. BROWN. October 2, 1850. 835 Extra Black Moleskin Hats. FABHION for September, 1850. Fur Hats, a General Assortme Men and Boys Cloth Cans. nent; - - ' Just Received and tor Sale by t J. BROWN. . No. 9, Favetteville St. Raleigh, Oct 2, 1850. 35 ' Hats and Caps. 4 MOLESKIN, Beaver, Otter, California, Angelia Plash, and Fur Hats, Genfs, Boys, and Childrens sup Cloth, Prince De JoiiwiUe Fine Military, and J any Lind Caps, just received and for sale by .t.,V, . . R-. TUCKER SON. tSept2Ist, 1850. 834 Negro Shoes. .TiA,VE, lare It ,f heavy Nrgro Brogans, which 1 "J!..00 ?8 a?1 lerm M other person in the viij. van ana see oetore you buy elsewhere. n 1 vV. . - L. BURCH. Raleigh, Oct. 2, 1850. , 835 j Cal Skins, Lining:, &c 4"V BURCH, keeps constantly on hand. Calf . , Raleigh, OcU 2, 1850. . r VT Received, and for sale bv V T wo . - . .. -- L- BURCH. Raleigh, Oct 2, ' 1850. . v - 835 Scotch Snnff and Tobacco IS Y-0"" fond of niee P ' Sd chew of vfLT 71' ' iVlna uPorB "Hole of 8noffand Te, baeco, at Pescud'iTh-mr Ktn . " - Raleigh, Auguat 7 ih, 1850. ' 827-t - Job Printing , . , Neatly Executed at the StaudarV P nU Office. w AUBURN .FOR SALE THE Subscriber offers for sale iiis farm, 9 miles east of Raleigh, ahuated on the Newbera Road. and well known es the Busbce Place. It contains 400 acres of good free land, with a fair proportion of wood-, land. On the premises is a very ood dwelling House, containing eleven rooms ; there are but very few country houses superior to it in the county of "Wake. There is a good kitchen,. with several hawses for negro quarters; a carriage house, Cider Press ; Stables; Cotton gin house. &c, and a store House, at" which a very respectable trade, is carried on. ' ' ' There is a very lanre Apple Orchard near the dwell-' ing house ; also, a large number, of Peach Trees, with rear, Pforn anI Cherry Trees. .,; V ... There is a Post Office on the premises the mail ar riving three times a week via the Wilmington and Ra leigh Rail Road, and three tines from (lie city of Ra leigh. . ... . ., . , ; . ' .K K ' The location of the building is in the midst of, a grove ' of large Oaks, high and healthy. It would be a delightful isumrner residence ; or "Would answer for a. Boarding House for persons desirous of spending their summers in the country. , : , - -' The North Carolina Rail Road, aboutto.be buiR, has been marked off to run within a hundred yards of the Dwelling house. ' " - - A further description is unnecessary, as no one will probably purchase-without examing the premises. Possession will be given on the first of January 1851,' if sold by the 15th ef December next if sold after that periox, possession cannot be had until January, 1852. WILLIAM R. POOLE, Esq. who lives within a few miles of the place, is my authorized Agent, and will make known the price and. terms to all who may apply, Wilmington, Oct. 8, 1850. 837 tf. . FOR SALE. ONE of the most desirable residences in the County of Wake, within one mile of Raleigh, with all the advantages of the City and the quiet of the country, convenient to the Churches, Schools, and society of the Capital. The DWELLING HOUSE is large and very convenient, with 8 rooms above and dining room and pantries in basement The House is in fine order, newly painted, handsome jrove of 4 or 5 acres in front, besides a good kitchen, Rock Spring House, and two or three never-failing Springs in ten steps of the House. There are large negro Houses, with good brick chimneys, two Smoke-houses, two Carriage-houses,- two Cribs, a three-story Granary, good Stables and every other out-house necessary for comfort, on the premises. Tbo Tract contains 350 Acres, 1UO ot wtucn isroresi Land, well wooded 10 acres in fine Meadow and the balance in fair farming land. For further particulars apply to W. H. Jones, tsq., ot Raleizh. who will show the premises, or address. P. A. ATKINSON. Falkland, Pitt co., Oct 2, 1850. 835 NOTICE. Great Sale of Valuable Property. BY virtue of a Deed in Trust to me, executed by Robert W. Seawcll and William H. Mead, for pur poses therein named, the said deed bearing date the20th day of July, 1849, I shall proceed to sell on Monday, the llth day of November next, at the Court House door, in the City of Raleigh, TWO TRACTS OF LAND one adjoining the lands of Kimbrough Jones, John Earp.and others, containing 323 acres the other, near Tipper's Cross Roads, adjoining the lands of Richard Smith and others, containing 109 acres. Also, Sixteen Likely Negroes, -Or so many thereof as may be required to satisfy the said Trust Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to com mence at 1 1 o'clock AM. RICH'D B. SEA WELL, Trustee. .October 30, 1850. 839 ts. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. I offer for sale my entire Real Estate, upon which are thirty-five sets of Boxes; the most of which have only been in use from one to two years; with a suf ficient quantity of round trees to cut at least twenty sets more. The lands upon which these are situated is not easily surpassed by any piney lands in Eastern Carolina. There is upon the premises two Distilleries neatly and conveniently fitted up, with all necessary out-houses. Lpon the farm, I think the buildings altogether are sel dom excelled. Those wishing to purchase are invited to examine for themselves. Terms shall be low, and payments accomodating. Come and see. Any person wishing to purchase, can be tarnished with a sufficient number of teams and wagons to carry on both the operations of Farm and Turpentine, and with a year's supply of ptovisions. JOHN A. AVIRETT. Catharine Lake, Onslow Co. N. C. July 22, 1850. 836 NOTICE. THE subscribers, owners of a tract of land in Wake County, containing 805$ acres of good tobacco, corn and wheat land, joining the lands of Benj. Rogers, Geo. W. Thompson 'and others, offer it for sale. Said land has ail the necessary buildings on it and will, if not sold at private sale, be offered to the highest bidder on the premises, on the 15th day of November next Terms of sale then made known. Brit tain McDade or Alsey Jones will show the land to any persons wishing to purchase. JOHN B. JOHNS, WILLIAM SHIPP, ' ALSEY JONES and others. All persons indebted to the estate of Nancy Shipp, deceased, will please come forward and settle ; and those having claims against said estate are 'notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice may be pleaded in bar of their recovery. JUnfl ts. JUriiss, Attmr. September 1, 1850. 831 7t, House and jLot in Franklinton FOR SALE. rl obedience to a Commission to me directed, by a Decree of the Superior Court of Franklin County, Fall Term, 1850, I shall, on Saturday the 23rd day of November next sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, on the premises, in the town of Franklinton, the House and Lot owned and occupied by the late Clement Wilkins, Dec'd. The lot contains about Six Acres. The Dwelling House is a large two Story Building, with ten well finished rooms fire places to each. Attached is a good Kitchen, Negro Houses, Cot ton House, Stables, &c. A credit of six months will be given. Bond with un doubted security will be required of the purchaser. v loAAU n. jjAvia, uem. October 301850. . 839 2t. . Sale of Valuable We goes &c. N Thursday, 14th November next we shall sell at the late residence of John Chamblee deceased. Fourteen JLikcly Negroes, - Men, Women, Boys and Girls, including one good Blacksmith also, a considerable quantity of Corn, Fod der, Hogs, &c.( &c. . A credit of nine months will be given, with . bond and good security. KAYFOKO CHAMBLEE, W. B. CHAMBLEE, EXTB. October 9, 1850. 837. tds." Register copy till day of sale and forward account to this office. Important Sale of Negroes. aAHE Subscriber will expose to public Sale, on the . 15th of November next, at the late residence of Nancy Shipp, deceased, Nine Valuable negroes. consisting of men, women, and children, the orooertv ef the late Tillar Shipp. , PPrry A credit of nne months will be given, and bonds with appreved security required. . , , JOHN B.JOHNS, , Jldmr.debonxs non. Wake, Sept. 30. 1850 835 tds. v Valuable Landor Sale. A Valuable Tract of Land containing.208 acres, lying between four and five miles West of Raleigh, on both sideof Walnut Creek, and adjoining the land of Rev. Thoa. Meredith and others, will be sold, on reason able terms. ,,' ''.. ' ,. For further information apply to ' :T " ' , ,"' . . '. - M. A. BLEDSOE., Raleigh, August 21, 1850.. ' 829 Linseed Oil., - - A FEW Barrels of .North Carolina manufacture very ptire, in store and for sale by. . . . , . L . WILLIAMS, , HAYWOOD &. CO. Raleigh, Aug. 21st 1850. 829 MOST TRIUMPHAN T SUCCESS a t DURING 'tile MOJITH of -OCTOBER; At Mfee4 . $ 860,000 ;. , Sold and 'paid 'by 'thod Prize Kingsof' America, No. 1 Light Strk et, Baltimohk, Md. ' " The long-continued and unbounded success of their House in selling the Grand Capitals, is a matter of as tonishment to all our cotemporane8. IVo wondct, then, that we stand at the head the estimation of the pub lic Some charge it to Necromancy some to one thing, and some to another, but the grand secret js that we at tend most rigidly and faithfully .to the Interests of our Patrons, believing and feeling that the two are blended, and one ! This has been our beacon from the time we started to become dispensers of Prizes, hence the rapid growth of our business, and the great success that has attended the investments of the tens of thousands who have " risked a little to gain much.". To try us, is to know us, to know us, is a Fortune. A $5 or $10 invested in any -one of the following Brilliant Schemes, through us, cannot well fail to realize thousands in return. Who will 'fail to make so trifling an investment t tRemember Pyfer & CoVbusiness and success in selling frizes is such, that $10 invested with Ibem is safer and surer to realize a handsome Prize,' than $ 100 would be with any other Broker ! ! Grand Lotteries for November, 1S50. Confidence Strictly Observed, Date capital No. or Price of Price ol Nov. . Prizes. Ballots Tickets. Packages. 1 $20,000 66 Nos 10 drawn . $5 $1G 00 00 2 33,000 75 Nos 13 drawn 10 4 25,000 : 78 Nos 11 drawn 8 5 20,000 -75 Nos 12 drawn 5 r. 35,000 78 Nos 16 drawn 10 7 24,000 .75 Nos 13 drawn 5 8 20,000 72 Nos 1 1 drawn 5 9 40,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 12 11 27,500 75 Nos 15 drawn 8 12 20,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 13 30,000 75 Nos 13 drawn 10' 14 18,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 15 15,000 75 Nos 14 drawn 4 16 50.000 75 Nos 12 drawn 15 85 32 18 40 17 18 45 30 18 35 18 13 55 18 5 of 12,000 78 Nos 13 drawn - 8 27 00 19 25,000 78 Nos 10 drawn 5 20 00 20 30,000 ' 75 Nos 15 drawn 10 .30 00 21 18,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 18 00 22 20,000 75 Nos 15 drawn 5 15 00 23 37,500 78 Nos 13 drawn 10 . 37 00 25 27,500 75 Nos 11 drawn 8 32 00 26 20,000 78 Nos 15 drawn 5 .16 00 27 30,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 10 37 00 -28 20,000 75 Nos 12 drawn 5 18 00 29 3 of 10,000 72 Nos 13 drawn 5 16 00 30 60,000 78 Nos 20 drawn 20 100 In addition to the above Brilliant Schemes, we have tickets in all the Lotteries drawn in the State of Mary land, and advertised by other Agents. PLEASE OBSERVE. Correspondents will please bear in mind that the prices of Packages of Quarter Tickets only are pub lished in this paper. ' The Printed official drawings which Correspondents can rely upon as being correct, are always forwarded from Pyfer & Co's. Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, will be promptly remitted to those Correspon dents who draw prizes at Pyfer &. Co's. Remember A Package of Tickets, can draw four of the most splendid prizes in a scheme. In order to secure a Fortune, and the cash immediate ly after the result is known, the readers of this paper have only to remit cash Drafts or prize tickets, to the Old Established, far famed and truly fortunate Exchange and Lottery Brokers, PYFER & CO. No. 1, Light Street, Baltimore, Md. Or Box 524, Baltimore Post Office. Oct 22d, 1850. 839 IVOTICE. To the eurvtrtng Officers and Soldier of the War of 1812, or of tlie Indian Wars since 1790, or their Widows and Children .- BY a recent Act of Congress the surviving Officers and Soldiers of the last War with Great Britain, or their Widows or minor heirs ; also the surviving Officers and Soldiers of any of the Indian Wars since 1790, or their VV idows or minor heirs, and also the Commissioned Officers who were engaged in the late war with Mexico, are entitled to Bounty Lands in quantity from 40 to 160 acres, upon making satisfactory proof of the services refr dcred. The undersigned tenders his professional services to those interested, and if he receives a sufficient number of applications he will go to Washington city as soon as the claims are prepared for action there, wnere tne Certificates of Discharge are in existence there will be less trouble in making out the necessary proofs. N. J. PALM Kit. Milton, N. C, Oct 15th, 1850. 837 Im. - HENRY GERHARDT, SJIITHFIEIjD, Johnston Co., JWrth Carolines THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a large and rich supply of - Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestlnga, and Trimmings, of all sorts ; and that be is prepared to execute work in the best manner and at moderate prices. He also has on hand a superior lot of Ready-!!Uade Clothing, consisting of Cloaks, Overcoats, Business Coats, Vests, Pantaloons, lamb s wool Shirts, &c, which he will dispose of on the most accommodating terms. . He solicits a call from those in want of Clothing, as he is determined to give good bargains, and to tio his work in the best and most approved style. HENRY GERHARDT. Sinithfield, October 14th, 1850. ' 837-3m. MOUNTAIN HOTEL, MORGANTOJV, Bnrke Co, IH. C THE Subscriber, thankful for the very liberal pat ronage heretofore received, would now inform the TRAVEL, L.IJYG PUBLIC that his House is still open, and that his accommodations (heretofore limited) are -now enlarged. He has erected row of Offices for Professional gentlemen, together with a commodious Hotel, all of which is entirely new. The location of the MOUNTAIN HOTEL commands the finest view of the mountain scenery in the place; and is removed from the noise and uproar of a Court-yard and the Public Square, and yet sufficiently near for all the purposes of business. The subscriber promises to spare no pains to provide the invalid a comfortable Summer Retreat and to gen tlemen of pleasure and business a desirable Boarding House. J. M. HAPPOLDT. Morganton, July 25, 1850. 826 Jy. THE SCHOOL AT HAMILTON, ' jrr.1 HTr.-s' vo. jy. c. MR. J. H. HORNER resumes charge of the School attHamilton, the 1st Monday in January next. In the Classical department the studies, as heretofore, will be strictly preparatory to the University. Board in the Principal's family and Tuition per ses sion of five months, ' - - - . ' ft 55 00 Hamilton is situated ori an elevated plain near Roan oke river, twelve miles above Williamston, and is consid red a healthy location. ' P. P, CLEMENTS, See. Board Trwa. Hamilton, October, 1850. ' 839td NOTICE. Office Wilmington 4) Raleigh K. R: Co. Wilmington, 2Ut October, 1850. r MHE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the' J Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, will be held, at Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of November next. JAS. S". GREEN, See"y. October 19. 139 tf. Legislative Notice. APPLICATION will be rsaue to the em'umg Genera Assembly of the State, of North Carolina for Jhe passage of an act to incorporate the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Female College w Institute; to be located ia the1 Town of Oxford, Granville County, N..CV: . ' V k - N- J- PALMER, Secretary!' j . October 30, 1850., , - ;.,'-;, - ' 839-L 2ft il A d11" f p'fm nd Tllon. Candles, Best -VVVBmidj.jwt received by v , R. .TUCKER fc SON. Raleigh, Sept. 2Isf, 1850.. 831 B 0 .TEE WGRLB aEUALUY,., t v ,1 North Carolina Specially, ' , And Our Friends "and 'Patrons Particularly! Tlie Lai-gest Absoxtmeiitipf Goodtf ' EVER VFFEREi) 3P9MI (MLB?'11 '"' In tte;.6tate ofj jolpiinVl&th To which we invite 4he tteBtieB of the publics rP dmver r&iMm, ;l j Sign of the It It It JR. . -, Vr- t JCgly Row, tTayetteyllle Street,- Kaleig. . ., rmHE Immortal Insect, lids the Bdgg, alia Oliver, JsL of Oliver and Procter, has just returned from the City of Gotham, otherwise New fork, the London of America. Spent six weeks in said diggins selecting an. assortment of Goods that fc quality and style never were surpassed, and rarely ever equalled. Allot which are, at band and ready for exhibition. Whilst absent said iUtinguiahed personage for the benefit of the firm par tially, but for the public more particularly, had cut and made under his own special direction and supervision, a very large and ," ; ..''.-' General Assortment. of Clothing, .. embracing Black Dress and Frock Coats, ll sizes and prices, Brown, Green, Blue, Drab, Business Sacks and Frocks, Overcoats and Cloaks, ail colors. Pantsand Vests all kinds from the low vulgar to the Peru xr highfalutin. Dress Shirts, under Shirts, all kinds. Drawers ot every description. Heavy iik nmwromii Net cotton Diawers, a new article', to wfcich we invite special attention. Stocks, Cravats, all grades. Scarfs, Gloves, white, black, and colored Suspenders, Neck Collars, JENNY lifXD SHIRTS. direct from Stockholm, &.c. Stc. . Also whilst absent heard Jenny Lind sing" sat with in four feet of Gennin the Hatter, the man what paid two hundred and twenty-five dollars for his ticket and made money at that ; presented Jenny with a r,Td,n8 Cap, thereby rendering himself immoital, as no Lady can ride unless she has on ajind Cap, and made too by Gennin, precisely as the Ladies generally who have heard of our lame for making " them coats " consider their Lords much handsomer and more fashionable men, when rigged out at the Store where clothing is fashion ed by art. .". To Members ot the Legislature, A.c. Members of the approaching Legislature in want of Clothing this Winter would Save twenty-five per cent if not filrv by postponing the purchasing of their clothing until their arrival here. Be sure and dont mistake our establishment, doKt let any body persuade you, that they can do as well by you as we can. ' Dont sufier yourselves to be humbugged that is a commodity weant deal in. and our friends know it. Geutlemen 't uin this coun ty or out of it, would do well to give us a call, as we are determined to sell cheaper than ihe cheapest Per sons need no longer complaio of high prices. If you want clothing for yourselves, 'your children or your neighbors, call, we can sell them cheaper than you can buy the goods much less have them made. See Sign. OLIVER 4. PROCTER. Raleigh, Oct. 9, 1850. & R. R. R. R-' "Postscript! P. S. Wetake this occasion to render our most grate ful acknowledgements to a generous public for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon ussinceourcommence ment in business, and trust that by promptly executing iheir orders and spreading overselves for their benefit, not only 'to merit but to receive tbe appelation of'. well done good and faithlul servants " by a continuance of their custom. Our friends and customers at a distance will please read our advertisement and send on their orders ; we are anxiously waiting for them. Latest London, Paris wand Northern fashions just to hand. Cutting of all kinds attended to immediately. O. fy P. Raleigh, October 9, 1850. 8S6 State of North Carolina, Gralivllle County. ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, A ugust Term 1850. Anthony B. Wood,- and others, vs. Barnet Hobgood, Adin'r of John Wood and others Petition for settle- meut and distribution. THE petition sets forth that the shares of Joanna Oakley, and Jordan Bowles and wife Mary, for a valuation consideration, have been sold and assigned to Bedford Vaughn ; the share of Marth) Oakley, to Sam'l w. Smith and J as. A. Patillo ; the share ot J no. Uak ley and Catherine his wife, to James Lyon ; and the share of James Kearney, and wife Lucy, to John Y. Parker, and Sterling Hobgood and praying that the said shares may be paid over to them accordingly. And it appearing to the satisfaction of tbe Court that the said defendants John Oakley - and wife Catherine and James Kearney and wife Lucy, reside beyond the limits of this Slate ; it is therefore ordered that publica tion be made in the Noiih Carolina Standard lor six weeks successively notifying them respectively, to be and appear before the Justices of the said Court, at tbe Term thereof, to be held for said County, at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday in November next then and there to plead, answer or demur to the said petition, otherwise the same will be heard exparte as to them, and the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Witness, Angustine Landis, Clerk of said Court at Office in Oxford, the first Monday of August, A D 1850. A. LANDIS, C. C. C. (Pr.Adv. $5,62.) , 834-6t. State of. North Carolina Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August term 1850. Robert A. Jenkins vs. Thos. B. Barnet. Original attach ment James W. Downey and others, summoned as m Garnishees. It appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Court, that the defendant Thos B. Barnett resides beyond the limits of this State ; it is tbetefoie ordered that publication be made in tbe North Carolina Standard for six weeks suc cessively, notifying the said Defendant to be and ap pear before the Justices ot said Court, at the 1 erm there of, to be held tor said Cocnty. at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday in November next, then and there to plead or replevy, otherwise judgment by de fault final will be entered up against him in each case, and the amount in the hands of the Garnishees condem ned subject to the plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Angustine Landis. Clerk of said court at of fice in Oxford, the first Mondav of August. A. D. 1850. A. LANDIS, C. C. C. (Pr.Adv. $5,62J) 834-6t. State of North Carolina, Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August term 1850. Joseph H. Gooch vs. Tbos.B. Barnett Original attach ment J amines W. Downey and others, summoned as Garnishees'. It appearing to tbe satisfaction of the Court, that tbe defendant Thos. B. Barnett resides beyond the limits of this Stale ; it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Standard, for six weeks suc cessively, notifying the said Defendant to be and ap pear before tbe Justices of said Court, at tbe term there of, to be held for the said County, at tbe Court House in Oxford, the first Monday in November next, then and there to plead or replevy, .otherwise judgment by de fault final will be entered up against him in each case, and the amount in the hands ot tbe Garnishees condem ned subject to tbe plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Agustine Landis, Cleik of said Court, at of fice in Oxford, the first Monday of August, A. D. 1850. A. LANDIS, C. C. C. (Pr. Adv. $5,62) 834-6t. State of North Carolina, Bdgecombe'County.' In Edgecombe County Court, August Term, 1850. -Reddin S. Petway, vs. Josiah B. Williford. Original Attachment. ' FTHE defendant is hereby notified that said attachment JL was duly, returned to August Term, 1850, of tbe Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of said County, levied on bis ondivided interest in a tract of Land situa ted in said County, adjoining the laads of Nicholas Fair less and others, it being the tract . of land which descen ded to the defendant and others as the heirs at law of tbe late Granbury V. Williford, and that unless he appear at the next Term of said Court, to be 1 eld at the Court House in Tarboro, ou the fourth Monday in November uext, and then and there replevy the property attached, and plead to issue, judgment by default final, will be rendered against him for the' plaintiffs debt and costs, and thereupon a writ of Venditioni exponas will issue accordingly. " Done by oTder of said Court, at August Term, 185. JOHN NORFIEET, C. C. C. ; Sept. 28i 1850. (Pr. adv.' $5 S34-it Grand Ledge of Norfh Carolina. - TIHJS MASONIC BODY- will convene in toia city on Monday evening tho 2nd of December next, at 7 'clock, and ih continue its sittings untii allhusi- ! aest i Which may- b tubmitted- for in consideration. ' hall be disposed of. All individuals concerned in the deliberations of tbis,body, are respectfully requested to attend. - ..'"' '" Lodges which have been worVing under dispensation will not fail to apply for 'Charter, if they wish to se- 5 cure' a permanent existence. I ,n. , - -WU.tlAf T.BA1N.O ! Statef NrXh CarolnaXornhe ,Cp T tbe Court House door in Satem,ToTsyrbe'tun- m .At. a li 7 tA MjfrkAow an TacMam kav maw T nttll A m I J 9 VU iUc HUIt uvj b rm'V mMW. liv A proceed to tell tbc.foJlowinr tracts of Land, or so much rbereot- as will qpay Ue uwa one ineceoa lor me Jf ar 1848 aba cost tot adwtUibg. .;"t ' , , . ' ' , Aerec. i t . t;i -v -t ' iruunh Frv . I ' V Salem District, $1 43 29S-4 Z 39 1 S8 4 02 98 2212" Parmanor .Stoth, . do T Moses Tesh,- - V O. . ' l- 33 19 3- 4 4 133 121 60 o : ; 30 17.- 200 .. is 20 . - -r yr.- 37 20 9 50 71 ' 100 20 SO 75 , 10 . 81 106 165 171 205 ' Michael Bruner.i i Old Town Catharine Brown, .do. .; . -t--i- ..-do.,.- '1 72 h 2 06 : 9 - $ 09 2 09 . 1 41 r ik Alberson, ; South Fork, Jesse Craver, ; , do. Tobias Buket, .do. . do. do. do. do. da do. do. do. do. da do. Alexander Blum,.. , Josejh Miller, ., David Rominger, . ' John Stewert, 'John L. Swaimi Sarah Spaogh, 'Lewts-Shuit,' Tavlor Vasoter, Soloman' Zienr.on Reuben Longworth. Polly Marklin , , Towia Tesh, rr.vJ- ) 2 I 52 72 62 72 2114 ' . ' 2 85 double: 5 01 25 do. , . , 84 Daniel Stewart,. T I.. Peddicord,. do. , l 68 Broad Bay, ;2r?5 . Lewis Snider, Alexander Snider; . Joshua Snider, David Smith ; ov.il in Snider. do 1 do. do. 'ao. do. 2 2 3 4 3 ., r 1 1 2 Moses Deen, ' Deep River, Heirs ot Martha Kestcr.do. . i ' Emanuel Herill, dos . George W. Stewert, . do. r Thomas Chipman, Middle Fork, . R. W. Davis, do. John Hiatt, .do. Jackson Peddicord, do.. John Linvill's heirs, Belew's Creek, AKnor WallrAr fir. 20 78 60 75 98 3-4 377 " 50 i 30 2 J4 . 07 , 41 ' 24 100 2 04 TinnhlA Tax for unlisted Land for the vear 1S49 128 Jacsb Reich, , Old Town, 8" 04 133 Catharine Brown do. . J 4 00 30 MaryAost, - do. '48 70 Reuben Longsworth, South Fork, 4 80 W. FLYNT, Jr. Sheriff. Salem, Sept. 1, 1850. . 836 6t. Sheriff9 sale of Land for Taxes.. AT the" Coun House door in Germanton, Stokes Co., on the second Monday in December next, I will proceed to sell the following Lands lying in tbe Coun ties of Stokes and Forsythe, or so much tnerof aa will pay the Taxes due thereon and costs lor aavemaiug. Acres 58 95 131 224 S3 60 1 lot 54 10 100 120 60 484 200 96 243 25 200 100 410 80 25 9 500 45 18 90 80 60 179 21 9 ; 7 59 32 63 100 III 100 75 B whom given in Districts Tax Jonathan Jarvis, South Fork,, do . do Salem, Bioad Bay, , do do do do South Fork, Broad Bay, Salem, Richmond, Belews Creek, dp jSauralowa do Quaker Gapp, Richmond, -do 6 60 2 60 1 20 X 73 60 40 1 65 80 1 S3 1 20 1 00 1 97 Bradford Vawtes, William Longwotth, Green Roberts, Emanuel Tesb, Sowell Frazer, , Spruce M Swain, Isaac Teague, Senr., -Sampson Wright, Polly Marklin, A. J. Peddicond, John Tesh, Julius C. Glascock, Edward Crews, - Thomas C. Deen, John Harfgrove, William Southern, Alexander Watson, Martha Baraes heirs, Perkins & Taylor, William Mosley's heirs, James Isbell, Charles Griffin, Lewis B. Bohannan', Ben. Forsvthe's heiis, 8 90 3 85 t 05 35 20 80 80 28 64 40 40 00 16 77 4 3 do Meadows, ; Snow Creek, , do . Shores Reed. 4 2 1 2 1 Richard Hill s heirs, Saow Creek, J. Crews, son ot Dorothys Deep River. 05 Emanuel Harrold, do 85 85 51 Kobt. swam, Thomas Jordan, 'Moses Deen, ' ". Edward Jnrd, . Franklin Dobson, Arinsted Quillin, Sowell Barbara, Heirs of Haly Davis, David McCollum, Jesse Swain, Thomas E. Harold, Isaac Cook, do , , . do 0 Belews Creek, do " do Deep River. - ; dO . - . 1 I 3 45 20 10 20 1 45 19 30 20 45 22 do 5 : do . 1 1 Quaker Gapp, JNO..G. HILL, Sheriff: 35-pd. Sept. 12, 1850. Sale of Land for, Taxes. .... THERE will be sold on the 2nd Monday in Decem ber next, at the Court House in Whiteville, the fol lowing Tracts of Land, or so much thereof as will satis fy the Taxes due thereon for the years 1848 and 1849: 10,000 Acres, the property of John H. White, it be ing a part of the Big Swamp, lying on both sides of the White Marsh, and on the east side of .N. L. Williamson and D. F. Williamson's Survey. $28 25. - 1,600' Acres, the property of David Lewis, not given in fubject to a double Tax, lying in Whitesviile Dis trict, $37 8. 200 Acres, the property of S. N. Richardson, not eiv- eu 10 ror io-is ouuieci 10 aaouuie 1 ax, IV IM in Whiles " . C ,O.A Li . . I 1 I . . - . . . . ville District, $3 57. . . 200 Acres, the property of Jacob Strickland, lvine on iong urancn, ocrs. T - 1. 4 . - ' 90 Acres, more or less, lying on both sides of Bull Skin Bay, the property of the heirs of John Goodwin. J j:. 21 Acres, property of Needham Merritt. on the' South side ot sole's awamp, 30 cts, ' ' . LEWIS WILLIAMSON, ShJT. Sept. 1850. (Pr. Adv. $6- ) 835 id. State of North Carolina, Lenoir County. Court of Pleas and Quarter1 Sessions, Sept. Term, 1850. Attachment - - 1 : John Howard to use of Joseph R. Crobm, vs. Benjamin . uavis. IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction, of the Court, that Benjamin F. Davis is a non-resident of this State.it is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolina Standard, published in the city of Raleigh, N. C, for six successive weeks, com manding the Defendant, Benjamin F. Davis, to appear at the ftext term of our said Court, to be held on the first Monday of January next, at the Court House in Kinston, Lenoir County, N. C, answerto the Plaintiff's com plaints, or judgment will be entered according to At- taohment.'on the.Defendant's interest, in the Lands and Negroes, &c. Witness,- W. C. Leftin, Clerk -of 6ur ssid Court at Office at Kinston, the 3d Monday nf Sept., A. D- 1850. W. C. LOFT1N, C. C, C. Sept. 15, 1850. (Pr. adv. $5 62$ ) 834 jpt. Sale of Land for Taiei. . WILL be sold for its Taxes the Lands belonging toRobert M. Brickell, Harris N01 fleet's heirs, Abram Ricks and M. Fort, Ballard's heirs, , William S. Futrell, Jesse Nelson,- Exuta, Nelson's heirs, before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, on the ursioionaay in December. lb&O. Acres 150 172 11 800 60 92 60 200 Owners location Tax $8,82 1,92 --82 ' 2 1,00 I fit 12 Harris Norfieet, RobettM. Brickell, Roanoke River, Ballard's beirs, . William Futrell. Poticasi Creek, Jesse Nelson, .. - - n Exura Nelson, Abiam Rix and M. Fort, s ,72 . . -.! . -r H. SPIVEY, Shff. (Pr. Adv. $3) 835 td. Sept. 2, 1850. FAIaTj STOCK, 1850. f P F. PESCUD ia now receiving his Fall Stock of MEDICLYES, PAJATS. OILS, PERFZTME RY, BYE STUFFS, tc FAJVCY'ARTlCLES. which he offers to dealers at a small profit ; and assures titers that the q uality of his articles and prices will give satisfaction. Those who iave been buying in the Northern and Eastern cities ace particularly invited to examine his stock and Prices before .purchasing else h"e. , 1 - -p . pEscUD. Raleigh, Sept 17th, 1850. ; V r 834-tf. More Land for Sale. -' K ir Acres of Valuable Land, lying' two miles V V J South of Raleigh, on tbe FayettevUle road, will be sold on. a tone credit note welt secured oeine all that is desired- Persona wishisg to examioe the laad and premises can do so by calling on ii.X. Bledsoe, who whoisaotborixed tosellit. . S , ' r ,j e't . '- - -'-!',..- n ! , ..- Sj J. B AJCE R. . : October 9, 1850. t '-1 836 tf.'t A CCORDEONS 100 Prices French Accordeons. fxlL. of superior tone and fiaish, selected expressly fsont a large lot Dy a competent judge, lor aula low. . i , ?-'.... ; 3AHU M. iUAKKS.. Petersburg, Sept. 19. 834 II AMinGS' , CLOTHinfi STORE ! ATHHOMU AGAIN, WITH the lareiit assortment of Gents'. Ready mad ; -,.,07 uiKKis ever before offer ed ib Raleigh." Being connetted a. most of oTr cus?o nwn ra aware, with M.n rr luhio- Manicure 'at 73? Lareest. and best nmi i .. affords us ,cilitiea for condutting oar business which nlkan 1M Dflt IWMRMa . .. .. ... . "IKLH Let it beAatffjMfa, derstoodtherefore, that our Goods Jire Superior tmmng other, efTered in IkU jacket. Z v A rann"n"-rs. We import Oosf of V, li" . "'uvu less than those Establishments whoso purchasesare made from Whole sale houses- .j 'V We ask only an examination of our Stock, to convince those ,wbo are judges of stvles and fabrics. , , E L. HARDING k Co Raleigh, Qst. 14th. 1850. ' ; '838 PIttE FIRE, "FIRE Home Manufactory. : MUCH bas been aid in Congress, by Southern members, about the rights of the South. This community and surrounding country tow have an op portunity of patronizing their own merchants and those who make up gentlemea's wearing apparel, by callingat the Proprietor' new Establishment, opposite the Citv market; and formerly the Post offica. . The Proprietor, having made the SCIENCE of cot ting Gentlemen's fashionable clothing his study in the most fashionable Cities, for many years, is now prepar ed to give satisfaction to all who my want their cloth ing made. Gentlemen furnishing cloth and trimmings vrill thus give employment to many in the City of Ra leigh. - ' ' Those who only wish their garments cut shall have them warranted to fit, and at moderate prices. Gentle men's garments altered and repaired at the shortest notice. ' T.he York and Philadelphia Fashions for the Fall and Winter just received.' - Wanted immediately, two first rate Coat-Makers, to whom employment will be given and the highest wages. Raleigh, Oct. 22. 1850. ... 5 838 t20Nov. BOOT and SHOE L. BURCH would inform his old customers o. Well as others, that he has now in his employ As good Workmen am there U In the Union, land feels confident that he can make any article in his nne wKii ji not a nine oeiter man can ne got else where, he has neither spared pains nor expense in'pro- Icurmg tne service of workmen for the above purpose. ,jHis Materials are the best known to the Trade j The Latest Fashions always at hand- Call (wo doors below the Post Office. il TJaloitrh OkI.'S. IRSn Q4: BOOT AND SHOE STORE. O. !. BURCH. 1;AM now receiving from the Northern markeis my "Fall Supply of Boot and Slioea. and without enumerating the articles, I will say that my STOCK IS LARGE, and that I will give as good bargains as can be bought in the City. . "X Raleigh Oot. 2, 1850. ' 835 .. , . . READY MADE CLOTHING. . , SEE! ... SEE ! SUE! ' Sign, R. R. R. R. ROCKS and Dress Coats from $2 50 to $14 and $20 Sacks from $2 50 to $11 : Over coats from F $2 50 to $25 ; Pants from $i 50 to $9 ; Vsts from $1 75 to $5 ; Shirts from 75 cents to $2 50 ; ail made up un der our own inspection, and will be warranted in every particular. OLIVER it PROCTER, Merchant Tailors.' . -,' R. R. R. R. ' , j Favetteville Street. Raleigh, October 9th. ' 836 NOTICE, jT AVING qualified as Executrix io the last will and testament of Joshua Rogers, deceased, at Au gust Term of Wake County Court, 1850, all person? having claims against said estate, are requested to pre sent the same for payment; and those who are indebted, are notified to make .payment, or to settle the same with my lawful agent, John W- Rogers, Esq. , . . MARY ANN ROGERS, .. .. Executrix. , Wake, Oct. 10 1850. 837 3t pd. i Bonra for Members. ; WILLIAM T. BAIN occupies the same premises near the State Capitol, and will prepare himself to accommodate . . Tf .. .. Some 15 or 20 Member of the approaching Legislature, with comfortable board. His charges will be as moderate as the times will admit, and every exertion will be used to please and give satis faction to all who may patronize him. Raleigh, Sept. 27th, 185. 835 fs , : : : Negro Clothing. - 4 WE have a large assortment of Negro Clothing, all kinds of Jackets, Over Coats, Pantsand Vests, that we will sell cheaper than the goods can be purchased, much fess to have them made. To which we invite the heads of families who have their servants 10 supply. ULJVttK Be ttiUV l EK. Oct. 7. 1850 . , . 836 tf. YonthV Clothing:. ALL sizes, consisting of Coats, Jackets and Panta loons. OLIVER at PROCTER. Oct. 7, 1850- 886 tf. Children's Clothing, CONSISTING of Jackets and Pantaloons, attached and detached Over Coats, ate. To which we invite the attention of the Ladies. OLIVER & PROCTER. Oct. 7,1850. 336 tf. . NOTICE. , . ALL PERSONS who tnay wish to obtain co pies of the Muster Rolls of one or' more Counties of the Militia detached from this 8tatc?ia 1812 and 1814, for the War with Great Britain, can be suppli ed on reasonable terms, by addressing the subscriber, post paid, at Raleigh. RUFL'S H. PAGE. October 26, 1850. ' . gjg 4u "-V . . NOTICE. - APPLICATION will be snade to the next Legisla ture of North Carolina te get an act to be passed to form a new County by the name of Wilson out of por tions of the Counties of Edgecombe, Nash, Johnston, and Wayne.: .... .MANY CITIZENS. September8, 1850. 834 tf. ' Journeyman Tailors Wanted.' riWO JOURNEYMAN TAILORS will find employ I. mentby jmmedtate application to Olivei and Proc tor. None but steady men am. jrst-rate workmen need apply. . OLIVER it PROCTER. Oct. T.' 1860. - 83& If. ' ' Dress and l?rocli Coats. : -4ki fJUST OPENED, of all qualities, weli I UUa cut and extremely well made. " 7 - e. l. Harding Co, Raleigh, October, 12th, 1850. S3 Business Coats. CHEAP TWEED COATS, at a rery low 15 nncs. i.. u. riAKiinu & us. Raleigh, pet. 12th, 1850. 838, " ' ' ' . Fine ''Over Coats. : af O OF THE BEST QUALITT of Blue Black, OcSs Brown and Drab Cloths. The prettiest style ever offred in this market. . E. L. HARDING at Co. October 12th, 1850. 838 - - ' " ' NOTICE. NOTICE ia hereby given that application wffl be mede to the ensuing Legislatuie for an act incorporating the Ringgold Guards, of The City of Raleigh. .K it. October 9,850. ., , , . ' ; i , . 836 o. 'xTJFiae Fancy Cass. Pant . O' UR ock of Fancy Casimers Pants, cannot be best "1 Raleigh. Sept. i5th, 185a- 835 tf" E. L. HARDING It Co. liL