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Lexington gazette. [volume] (Lexington, Va.) 1871-1962, August 07, 1912, Image 2

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1912 AUGUST 1912
7 18
14 15
9 10
19 20 21 22 2324
2512627128 29 30 31
R RC Fi'1
? attorncy-at-i.aw
Lkxix-Tok. Va.
Special attention to collection of claim.
uKKii'K: Over J, Kil. Ilr'aver's t*torr?.
Nov. l ll 1 yr.
il?oe: Kooma formerly occupied by
Mou. William A. Aa.el>'i*ou, real Court?
house u,i Malid.
I-_iix..t?is - - - Virginia
Dec. .U-llr-tf.
Attormky r\T Law,
Nitarv Public.
J. I'Kleros Mm)?. Fui.sk MOOBI
Ltte (Sark Co. Caert Notary I'utnli
rnooiiK & MOORE.
tia Attorneys at Law,
Lixin.iton, Vi
Pnone No. ia
i un( T. ulah-* Ho..n a. Whit*
. -Oft Lexlinrtou Va.
L A W Y B R.
~-.,. . S L*X1H?TOM, Va.
0FFIC1-.*; _ _ ..
J UUFTOM rom.-, Va
July '-io IO tf.
Represent Old Line Companies
Civil and Mining Engineer
lat?n*t?ron, va.
Jen. S 12 timi
A look at my 1911 line of WALL
PAPER will convince you that this
line is complete, artistic in style,
magnificent in effect and at remark
ably flOW PRICES.
1 want you tojee'these without any
obligation on your part to purchase.
This line is full of beautiful
for every room at the house.
Come and look at them it will do
you good.
Phone 206
No. Git South Main Street
Jan. 3--J
Mr*. Frances Hodgaon Burnett, One
of Thoae Who Seemingly Charm
the Flower* to Grow.
There are few authors who follow
their pet hobby so assiduously aa does
Prances Hodgson Burnett; and her
hobby ls gardening. Her present homo
at Plantdome, near Manhasset, !*? I .
ls a marvel of experimentation In gar?
She seems to have the ability to
coax the most reluctant flower out of
the ground. When a new seedman'.-.
e-atalogue arrives, other household af?
fairs quite ceaae?such sordid mat?
ters aa sleeping, writing books, eatlnn
and talking shop?till the catalogue
has be"n criss-crossed with approving
marks. And table conversation ls like?
ly to center about the gardens, as a.
yachtman's centers about storms and
But her present garden ls nothing
as compared with the rare old garden
Mrs. Burnett once had at her beau?
tiful old manor house, Maytham Hall,
In England. She made the most beau?
tiful garden In all Kent?a county
noted for gardens.
Back of the mansion stretched old
brick walls, showing traces of ma?
sonry dating as far back as 1000 A. D.
Some of ihe walls were so old that
great cedars grew atop of them Some
were tumbled down, gray, with exquis?
ite tracery of lichens. Among the***
quite old walls stretched many gar?
The most interesting had once been
an apple orchard. The trees had rot?
ted away and the plot become a tan?
gled, wild hack o' the beyond. Here,
decided Mrs. Burnett, she would have
a ro8e garden In which to write. She
planted topps, not merely In a few
formal beds, but In masses, cllrabing
rosea and low shrubs, making one
great blaze of color.
Los Angeles Times Shows How Imper?
ative Some System of Uniformity
Has Become.
Some uniform width 08 country
roads should be established and strict?
ly adhered to on each road running
from the city to sea, or to the outer
boundaries of the county. It appears
that some roads on our present good
roads system vary from 40 to IOU feet.
The first figure ls as much too small
as the latter ls too large It ls indeed
unfortunate that 70 or 80 feet ls not
the official width and the overhanging
portion sold and the proceeds used to
, buy land to bring the minimum up to
the standard. Now that we have a
County Board of Forestry they ahould
be planting our chief highways, but
where t-ball trees be placed on a road?
way varying In width from 40 to 100
feet? If lon*;, graceful curves marked
the transition from the width to an?
other the problem would easily ba
solved, but "Jogs,- never!?Log An?
geles Times.
8hock Absorber.
To absorb shocks that might de?
stroy tungsten electric lamps sus?
pended by cords there has been in?
vented a wire spring with hooks at ,
each end to engage the cord. ?
Son and Heir
Last year all that Sallyer could do
at the golf club was tu brag about hu
baby, who was too youthful, actually
to chum with his father's companions.
When a baby ls at that crumpled, red
dish stage which Indicates that Its agc
is still reckoning in days all that any
father ever does ls to brag at a safe
distance. He would be exceedingly
bored by any closer companionship
with his progeny.
This spring, however, Sallyer felt
that Bobert. Jr.. really was approach
ing a grown-up stage. He could walk
He could make noises that sounded
almost like w* rds. He could smile in?
telligently. Hence Sallyer felt that
Robert, Jr., bad developed into a son
who was quite a human being and en?
tirely worthy of introduction Into in?
telligent circles.
"Was-*" not let me take the kid out
to tbe club?" Balyer asked his wife
on a recent Saturday afternoon. "I
want to show him to the fellows. Oh,
of course he'll be good?and I won't
stay long It'll give you a chance to
get a little rest, too."
"It's a perfectly crazy Idea!" de?
clared Sallyer's wife. "What do they
care about babies at a golf club? They
want to play golf!"
"I guess lt won't hurt 'em to look
at my son!" declared Sallyer, fatu?
ously. "They're always shouting about
their kids. I want to show 'em a real
Sallyer and his son created all the
interest that Sallyer had hoped for
They arrived about 2 o'clock when
the verandas were well filled and
there was a rush to see the baby, who
was exceedingly sporty in his new
spring clothes. The men {.hook hands
with bim gravely and he bore him?
self with pc-ftt-tlgravity, greatly to his
father's delight. When the several
women began to coo over him Sallyer
withdrew to the cemipany of the men
and beamed
Chief among the enthusiastic femi?
nine admirers of Robert. Jr., was Miss
Quigley. Sallyer grinned a bit when
he observed her lift the baby upon
her knee, for he felt that Miss Quig?
ley was making a grand stand play
and was not above* getting solid even
with the Juvenile members of the Sall?
yer family. It was well known that
she had her eye upon Sallyer's broth?
er. Bob. Beyond the fact that she
could play a disgustingly good game
f golf. Sallyer admitted that he
, u.ildn't object to Miss Quigley as a
sister-in-law. though as a rule* it did
not do for a woman in a family, to
outshine the men in any line. She
doubtless was walting for Bob now.
Sallyer turned to greet an acquain?
tance. Five minutes later ho wai deep
in a discussion of the virtues of a new
ball. Ten minutes later he hail fu?
riously accepted a challenge to a
game to prove his contention. Fifteen
minutes later he was teeing olT at the
first hole with energy and absorption
It was a hotly contested game. At
Its finish Sallyer and his opponent
found their argument still undecided,
so they played another round. It was
a glorious afternoon and they idled
over the course. "When I can drink
In air like this," Sallyer said every
little while, "it makes me feel that
life Is really worth living!"
After he had finished playing Sall
yer and a group of men strolled into
a clump of apple trees and smoked
and then simultaneously sighed and
arose, for they must catch the 5:50
train. Beaming, flushed with exercise
and general happiness, Sallyer tramp?
ed Into tbe clubhouse. As he passed
the big living room door shrill. angry
yells smote his ear. Something at the
back of his brain was disturbed, bat
not till he had walked straight by a
little group in the window did some
dim thought put the brakes on Saw?
yer's feet.
He blinked a moment at the tableau
of Miss Quigley with Robert, Jr, in
her arms before he comprehended
Miss Quigley was flushed, disheveled,
awry, angry Robert. Jr., struggling in
her grasp, was furious. An unpreju
diced iierson might have Said that at
one particularly vicious yell of Itobert
Jr.'s, Miss Quigley shook him.
"Great snakes!" gasped Sallyer as
he comprehended. "I forgot?I forgot
all about his being here!"
"I should think you had!" Miss
Quigley assured him. "He seems a
very active child. I never worked so
hard in my IKe ag I have since 2
o'clock. And your wife has telephoned
five times for you!"
She added this as though rejoiced
to know that retribution awaited Sall?
yer at the other end of the line.
"Say," Sallyer begged. "I'm Beared.
Come on home with me and help tem?
per the atmosphere when I arrive. I
fancy Bob will drop in for dinner,
since he isn't out here!"
"Well," said Miss Quigley. "you de?
serve all you are going to get?but
I'm just mad enough at you to go
along and see you get it"?Chicago
Daily News.
Under Suspicion.
"Your prejudice against Mr. Young
rake is entirely unreasonable, pa," pm
tested the willful young heiress.
"There's a great deal in that young
"Yes," replied her shrewd old fath?
er, "and sometimes I'm afraid It's a
great deal of the stuff I smelled on his
breath the other day."?Catholic
?Standard and Times.
Valuable Farms For Sale
lbO Acron of flue laud 8 mile.* from
Lexington, Va., ou a good road, li.mel
Puces. V\ ell wateied. 14 acres In or
oliartI, ?6 acres tlue thuber. Large
brick nouse, - uew bara* mid all need.si
I out building? Clove to church, ??t.>i...
school an 1 mill, lt it* not often that
-nell property is on the market. Thia
- .. lin.' faun. You should look into
ithis property. Price ouly *15,00<J
| which la low
A Farm of about 100 acres 10 mil...
from Lexington, Va., U) miles from
I Mei.-mi Vieta, 1 mlle from National
Highway. 3 miles to M. & O. fetation,
' ti miles to JJ. _ W. Station. Close to
churches, schools anet stores. 60 to TO
.cres lu cultivation aud sod. ISico to
work, crops weil,-lc*, to mae maubiuery
OB. Balance of lund ic lu tiiuOei. .Now
.ink burn painted ai,.! rodded. Bani
.about 40 x 00, tine foundation, plenty
?in for stock.auil grain. >ew grauery
willi two wildon sheils ueir the^baru.
Water iu bam yanl,clsteta aud spring.
I'mh streyams of clear water running
through the place. Apple orchard of
I ort acron, uever falls to bear, plenty
.small fruit. I flue vegetable galil.-us.
.Nm* I room house with ie!lai, wash
doune aud smoke house coinblued,
granary aud wagon shed rear lusideiice,
i 100I shed, wood house, spring bouse
.tue! double chicken bouse. Coed MUM?
.uni a uice i elgli Lie 1 hood. Au Bil?TUB I
i\ desirable (aiUl aud nice lioiue. Ap?
ply tor pi ice.
G.17 Acree 14 miles ta*?B Lexiugtou,
\'n., 10 miles from Buchanan. S miles
Lo -.luti.iu* aa IS A \V and V. ?t O. K. K.
. eiy clone to churches axd sohoc ls.
Feuced with wile aud taiil,well wtateied
! by spi ings,lunn lug Mater lu eveiy Bald.
Alroiit -OlKl apple trees?also another
younger orchinrd, peale, a_an:les,pluu I
uni yrape*. Ntea roomy re^iil-nc in
1 "levutloii giving lille viewof suirouud
mg country. All needed out-tuitilings, 2
KOOdU??Mt houses. Fu.ei ; lace for
1 'little uud sheen. Ou a good road aud
! 111 11 niH.it BB?toa. Com." and look at
I Hi's Iniui. 200 acres iii cultivation, '.iW
..les glazing, Iii! acres wooli laud. We
eau sell it for at.'aS.per acre.
71) Acree 1<J miles from le xiugion.
vu., close to t wo railroads, ti.r) acres in
.ultivatio11, ."> acres iu limber, ,'. rn QI
house, burn ^ii_:S4, other out buildings,
iver IttO ?pple tree*, oilier snail truit,
nell watered by spi'inp and bran?kea.
?bod land and a nice boin'. Tins
ei ice incl nd. s ^7 mies of grow mg grain
f sold at once, if ucl luud enough,ad
.lining land can bo pinchused. I lice
!I0 Acre Farm 4$ mites /rom Buena
M?rta, 8 iu les frc 111 Lexington, Vu. 7u
1 nero-cleared aim lu cLltivati01,Lulumce
in wno... Mai b.e quarty OH pltce tests
r.. per M?lt. Vcung orcliaid 700 peach
;!,.,'s I.IKI live J ear old, IOU one yem
lld. t tull ol oilier kinda for Jamil)
la*. Oue of the fiue-t springs lu the
..null, well fenced willi wire. Mew N
...rm I.ouse, go.ni stable and glauert,
:uoil dib, several chicken houser, oue
: rooin, tine arrangement fo. fowls.
:'raiiie pea for hugs, 40 to 60 bushels
?. in. Iii to 15 bushels wheat, 1 to 1 ll'
.ns hav per acre. Lies well, clops
a.-il, easily lannot. clot* to two aped
markets, school and churcii withlu'300
yards. Owner wants more laud. Tenus
cash. Pries 96000.
.131 acrea more or leas, Mi or D'..
acres cleared, luost 111 cultivation, LU
miles from Lexingtoi', Va. (io..il io ....
i/ocd neigliboi lu eui, K F. 1). mull.
Large lot of good timber of all klin!.-,
oak, chestnut, poplar, locust, 100 cords
t?irk, till acres of eliot mit lin bel, eic
s'ani laiii-e for hogs. All kinds of li nil
un the place. 7,'i to loo acies ol tllit
abd ou the ic o un tai u unusually Iii.
or fruit and grazing it pleated.
Fairly well f.nca'il. Well watered b)
_e finest of spring water. iSoll ls gravel
md slate with clay bottom. S roon
?og house sealed and weatherboaldeO,
,arge poich, good cellar, ltixls, geed
jam, gocd stable, willi lUx2;s footthed.
All nw.tle.l ont 1 iiililiugs. Clof>e to
?.tore, school and church. Adjoins tin
ands of Aa C. A ead. Calvin d. od bal
xud Jacob Cummings. This propenj
ia well wei th looking at. price OOJtp
till Acre* y miles from Lexiig
iod. CC0 acres in grabs und cultivatiou.
A eil watered, good builiiiiige, pie?t]
trait. tiie grnziug. Can be divided into
iwu farms.
U50 Acres C miles from Lexington,
iood buildings, pleuty fiuit, 40 acres
river bottom, HO ucies iu timber, web
watered aud crops well
150 Acres adjoining corporate lim
ita ot Buena V'ista, 50 acres in grass and
cultivation, 75 acres aood timber, 300
Apple tr?_*ss, 6 to 10 years oil, 70 pear
(ieee,plums, peaches, tlauist us. (iood
Diiildliigs aud Kood road.
45 Acres . j mi Vs from Lexington,
well wateled, tl acres In orchard, plent)
wood, some good timber, buildings in
fair condition, uice for dairy aud chick
U50 Acres, li?0 cleared. 5 miles
from Lexiugtou. Well watered, a well
kept place, good lenccs. uew buildings,
pleuty fruit. A Hue home, on good road,
aud fuust be seen to be appreciated.
190 Acres 8i miles from Lexington,
150 sores cleated, 15 acres good timber,
plenty wood, well watered, 200 apple
and 200 peach trees. Good buildings.
About 10O Acres' SI miles from
Lexiugtou, line state of cultivation,
well watered, well fenced, good build?
ings, plenty fruit, a tlue home.
74 Acrct?10 miles from beling
ton, Va., on a good road, 2 miles frou
Depot. Fair Bolldlngo?Good ..rel ard
of 350 bearing tiees. (iood fences,
uice howe. ?4750.
New 8 toon1 residence, nice porch,
good cellar, all needed out buildings,
elstern water, some fruit. Very close
to corporate limits of Lexington, Va
Lot 75x230 feet, or will sell any
am milt of laud wanted up to 8 j
... ies. A handsome profit can be made
here selling off bull.ling lota. Worth
looking into. Call aud we will show
you. J
New^rfi-Koem Mouse, two vnice J
poi ches, large reception hall, lights and
wt earn heat.
For Information, terras, etc., Address
Ko ck bri df,;e Realty Corporation.
Lexington, Va.
B. K VAUGHAN, Provident LUDO WHIT.*'
HEM) WHITE, Vice Pre*ide-*i*t (J. E.' VAUGHAN
B. G. WISE. Cashier .IAS. (>. WATTS
LEO G. SHERIDAN, Book kee-*>*r II c. WISE
Regular Se?mi Annual Statement at Close of Business
December 30. 19 J J
I.oHiis and Discount***.$.01,011 AO
Bondo. >*ee'uritie*s, cte*. 1,'2,'iO.iO
r.s. j, Boada. fiu,ooo.oo |*t58?aoi.a0
Banking I'ouse, Lot, Hank .'ind Pot*! Osttoo
Furniture and Fixtures. 16 411.18
Preiiiiiini on U. '-'?. Donds. 1,917 U7
I rt asm* r of V. 9. (.*>% Itr>?.ls*tii j >t ion Ku nd ) 2,f>(0.('0
Cash on Hand. 17,660.48 '
Due fruin Hanks. IA 44.'? 96 101 108.89
Capitnl Stork. *f.*iO 000.09
Snrploa Funel. 7&G00 09
UndivieUel I'roiits (net) . 1.668 96
Seini-Aiiiiual Dividend (6%) .Ian. 2, 191S . 9?400.09 $189,54*8
Circulating Noti*s. 90,000.00
Individuals. 9397.191.07
Dm* to Banks. W.644 30 417,665.87
9600 234 .o3
Kill them. Starve them. Keep them on the outside fey
Petr All regular sizes carried in stock "*tt**?
flyers Hardware Co. Inc.
Are the -.'ood will and confidence of the pablic W? thank our fiii'nds
and patrons for tLi.s. We have* a hus v. up- o date store. /.How no
one to have bettor wares than we ami at prices in keeping with
If JOH want Glass .lars, Top* and Gums. Jelly Classes or Ket?
tle's Oas)] and see* us. Il von want (ireicerie'sl none batter), couie If
yent want Mattings. Ciledoth Linoleum ami Matting Hugs we toll
them. If you want Tia, Wooden, Enamel, Galvanized, Class and
DiashwaN look at Olirstoe'k.
Shoes, Notions Staple I>ry Goods, Men's Wear. look at them.
We have liargains all the timi*. Never get tired trying to pie.iso tin*
public. Hive us a call.
Ws Hatty Agnor,
9 Sooth Main
rue To Promise
I have re.Toved my shop from A. W. MANS
PILE'S old stand, next to Hitching Yard, to
(J. M. Seiiheuey's old ttaml)
?j****y~ All kimls of Carriage and Wagon Work. Tri-mi* ing,
Upholstering neatly elone. General re-pairing and locksmith
work. Prices rea.son.ilil*>. Call and give me a trial.
The Gazette Job Office
Letterheads, Envelopes
Billheads, Handbills -
etc., etc., etc., etc.
The Gazette
Has Your Baby Colic?"
Voa ran cure it in trn minutes with
Which make* happy babies. A sure roi edy for all infant complaint*.
Prevents Cholera I ii la ni mr. e'ures boucl troubles. Babies like il ur
cause it is pleasant to take. sVlotbera should not be without it. Can he
given to babies one day old. 25 cents, at all druggists. Trial bottle
free if you mention this pai*rr.
Made only by HRS. IX I AH RN KY * SON. IUccutowm. Um,

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