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The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, May 18, 1860, Image 2

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Iticjraunfo ftispßtcjr.
Tke Weekly Di* r tuch tkis morning contains
a beaatlful story entitled "How the Old Love
Fared"-a history of the Japanese Reception
In this Country- An Imper** l Faa*» Ball—
A Thrilling Narrative-Proceedings of the
Union Conventional Baltimore, and Tecum
►eh-sjSpeech in a War Council. There is tbe
usuaTamount of editorial, summary of news
matterflocal Items, commercial review, Ac.
rnce :i cents at tbe counter, or 4 cents when
in wrappers, ready for mailing.
. British t erraptiea.
Wg.*tated on Wednesday the t. there bad been
more corruption practised under tbe close bo
rough system iv Eugland than had ever been
known in any other country, at any period of
the world's history. We bad hardly written
the words conveying that idea, when we light
«•»! upon tke Edinburgh stsessw for April, con
taining a commentary upon the Duke of Wbl
i.iMUTOaT'a " civil correspondence," while he
was chief secreiary to the Duke of Rich
mond, Lord Lieutenant oi Ireland— a period
extending from March WW to April IH«».—
There are copious retraces in this article from
Mie letters of the Duke, at that time Sir Ar-
THta Wblleslev, and we rely npon them to
show that there was more corruption in Ire
land during his brief term ot ottice—two years
aud one month-than there has been in tbe
I'm ted States since the formation of the gov
ernment. It should be premised that the min
istry ol Lord Granville had just resigned,
in consequence of the lung's obstinate deter
mination to make no concession to the prayers
of his Roman Catholic subjects in Ireland,
aud had been succeeded by that well known in
history as ttie Portland ministry, being so
called from ihe Duke of Portland, who
was at tbe head of it. It was of the
last importance to secure as large a ma
jority for the miuistry as possible iv both
countries. Other managers were appointed
«v England; in Irelaud the task of organizing
a system ot corruption on a grand scale, was
entrusted to the Chief Secretary, Sir Aim hi k
Wellesley, whose experience in Indian po
litics teems to have qualified him admirably
for ihe duty. Ou the 27th April, Parliament
was dissolved, and the new elections were
soon to come on. Three days before the dis
solution, Charles Lono, Secretary of the
Treasury, wrote to Sir Arthur Wellesley,
" tke dissolution takes, piace on Monday next,
1,0 that you have iv time to lose in making
your engagements. You will of course see
Pennkfathbrrespecting Cashell, Judge Day
i'eapeciing Tralee, and HAJtIktXK k respecting
Aihlone. I ssfttee tktff ail sell to the bat bid
Of course the high and spotless character to
whom this honorable commission was entrust
ed, made no delay in executing it. lie-imme
diately returned the following business-hie
.laswer :
" Pennefatber has promised me the refusal of
Caaaoli, serf ho km* not pet states? aw price. We
shall have / ihlone, 1 believe, t.iu 1 have not yet
seen 'ustiee Day. Wynne has arranged with Can
ning for Slum; Ido not know whether it is the Se
cretary of State or not. L.ord l'ortarhngton is in
England; and the stent who settled for that boron -ad
upon the last general election was Mr. Psrnesfl
We have no chance with him, and it would be
to arrange the matter with Lord Portarlington. I
heard that he had sold the return for the last six
years at the last election; and, if that, should be
true, of course we shall not get. it now. I have
written to Hoden and have desired Henry to set
tle with Enniskilien. 1 have desired Lord H. to
send to Lord Charleville abmt Ca'iow. Tell
H-nry to make rut aciuainttd with the price «/
9k* |lay. , '
The " Hbnry" here alluded to was the Right
Honorable Henry Wellesley, the Dnke of
Wellington's brother. An active corres
pondence followed this letter, in which the
best means of corrupting tbe Irish constitu
encies are discussed with a zeal and intelli
gence that indicate a perfect acquaintance
with, and a hearty interest in, tbe subject
Here is a specimen :
" I have seen Roden about his Itorongh. It is
•■mated for one more session to Lord Stair, under
an old sale for years, and lie must return Lord
•stair's friend, unless Lord Stair should consent to
sell his interest in the borough for the session
which remains, upon which subject he has written
to him. . . Knmakillen told me you might re
commend to his seat at Enmskil'en ; he will, hair
< itr. expect it* value. 's seat at Dundalk
might be had ; as he prt/ers hit biother's claim to
a bishopric, he ought not to be sujfrrid to sal.—
Long will speak to you about Lord Hoden's seat.—
I havedesired Henry to settle for Kriruskillen's. I
have written to Henry about a seat for myself. I
should not ot course like to pay much money fer
one . . . Send names for the following bo
roughs—Cashell, Tralee, Knmskilien—Atalone,
possibly. . . . A name lor Athlone, in case we
should have the borough Tell Lord Palmerston
to give me his interest to Sligo, and desire his
agent. Henry Btewart, to do as T order him. . . .
1 thought it advisable to encourage Nr.Crokerto
persevere at Downpatrick. He has promised al
legiance, and alt that he required was a sum dT
from 1500/. to 2UfX)/., to enable him to carry on the
contest, and i have by the Dnke of Richmond's
advice promised to supply it. You know how we
are situated in this country for want of money for
•ervioss of this description. . . . The sum
whioh I hays consented to advance for the purpose
of Croker's election, must come either out of the
civil list, or out of any fund applicable for election
purposes in England, indeed, I believe that at
all events it ought to come in the first instance
from the latter, as the process is long by which we
must get the money from the civil list fund; it is
wanted immediately, and, 1 eutpect, that 1 shall he
obliged to make use of my own credit, in the first
• us.snce, to procure v. | Sir Arthur adds in a
postscript, that if Mr. Croker succeeds, he will
have to vaoate an office of 3001. a year, which will
revert to Government, and will serve to bribe
t-o.iiebml) else. I 1 hare organized a contest f>r
the Knight of Kerry, and 1 have hopes we shall
bring in Colonel Crosbie instead of him."
He had attempted, it seems, toenter into "an
engagement" with the Knight of Kerry, but
had failed. It was not ot ten that he met with
.such stubborn resistance. Here is another de
lectable extract:
" i heard from Lord Castloreagh, respecting the
return of Mr. Ifuintin Dick, and 1 have settled
that he shall be returned for Cashell. Justice Day
had. aa usual, opened a negotiation for the sale of
Tralee. havin;-' before agreed with the Government
here that we should have the borough. Lord
Castlereagh discovered that Dick waa to be the
purchaser, and recommended that he should he
mender lor any place rattier than Tralee. 1 have
therefore put him in for Cashell: and as Henry
desired that either he or I might lie returned for
either of the Irish seats, the eleotions for which
should be on an early day. I have desired Judge
Day to return me mr Tralee, and I shall desire
HardWteke to return Henry for Athlone. The
•lections for both these pUces uinst be for Satur
day next, and if between this day and Thursday I
«hou!d hear that it is wished that any particular
person should be returned, I shall he able to ar
'ange accordingly ■ ... If we should get Oar
l»w. youtC. Long) shall lie returned for that U>
rough, and iluskisson for Dundalk. . . . Our
eirctions to on «■».//, M>« shall hare about three
Hutrttr* of the Irish Members."
Upon these ex tract* tbe Reviewer makes the
fallowing remarks
" These few extracts, gleaned from the numer
ous letters bearing upon the general election of
l«u7, will be sufficient to show the spirit with which
.Sir Arthur Wellesley unhesitatingly threw him
self iu'o the most degrading duties incidental to
<.fnuial life. We find in hia correspondence no
< i.nnu.-r.ta upon tbe baseness of the men with
whom he had to deal-no reluctance to making
himself an instrument by which ihe recently re
formed 'institutions of the country were iiumedi
ately perverted to party purposes-no expressions
of regret at the enormous aad systematic corrup
rion.m wlhc.i he was called upon to take the lead
Having '..'oepted the post of Chief Secretary. and
having ascertained that one of the moat impor
tant duties of that influential and lucrative post
was to corrupt aa many constituencies, and to de
oauoh as many members of Parliament aa the
means placed at his disposal would allow, he seems
to hays addressed himself to the task with the
same grave aad deliberate energy which he subse
quently evinced more worthily in organism,'ar
mies and in winning bvttlee. He had taken the
King s shilling, he considered it his duty to obey
orders, and he left tt to those who gave the orders
to *e« the* they were justifiable. It is very pain
ful to discover such a man so employed, and we
"'.?*•'•> w '" h , v W fallen to the share of some
other Tory-placeman to do that evil work; but
we are glad to admit that Sir Arthur Wellesley ap
pears tobavo soiled his own hinds as little as pos
«ibh» m doing it; never bating an inch of his self
respect; nerer permitting a l.bert, to he taken
w Aft" J w r ¥L* »°"?»* wviag from what he
* atr to »«• I'"*™ and hii
We think tke pain expressed by tke Review
er at tke discovery indicated, very muck out
of place. Not lose so is the wish that the Min
istry bad found some otter placeman to do tbe
dirty work. Tke Ministry no doubt knew
their man before they employed him. Tbe Re
viewer tells es that there are other letters,
bearing on single elections scattered through
the volume, aud makes tke following sum
mary : y
nJu}l tt r S ' W 'k****- Ts Janu Trail. Eta.,
' , "^Sa^ess?ii r ;oV , f« aJ-STw Dntnmaui^
' ja^sSFsF^^w^ l * yo * •*■ *
"January rth. WW. To tht Lord stanW of
Perry -I have received tour Lordship's letter of
the 7th I apprehend that too sunt of low/ is
larger than we shall l>e able to fire for tke sent at
Dunrnnnon; as I believe we kß*e siren lately
30001 . at moat; but 1 will this day write by ox press
to hit brother Mr. Welfeslsy. aad you shall have
an snawer aa aiwn aa I can hear from htm. Nobody
has had any knowledge of our rorrespomlenre irith
you cm this subject except the. Lord Lttutenant.and
i enclose you all the Utters J hare received from
pen upon it."
m " To Lord Northland.-l have the honor to in
form jour lordship that the aum of *»» guineas is
lodged in Coutta' bank in the name P« . JO ""
rorhes, Ksq., and Claude Scott, t M . ekioh sum
Will he paid in fourteen sitting day* *P?*J£ r ;
8«ott will be returned to Parliament, to the order
of your lordship" _ , _._,„_ »_.,
. " March JSth.W To S»r Charles ?//***' *« r •
I have moved for a new writ for thscity of Caahe L
in thsroomof Mr. Uuintin Dm|| aadl»'r ,«
obliged to yon if you w-.1l let Mr. /• nnef ,^''« r
know thai the person whom I wish should !>e re
turnedl u.Mr r>iT I will Ist you know his Chris-
U^TVfTSw' rt "*hsname of the sentlonian to
be returned lor Cashed is Robert Peel, Ksq., of
Drayton liasseU.in tne county of Staflord."
It Is mnch to be regretted that Baron Ma
caijlav did not live to see the publication of
this correspondence. It would have ser\ed
him as a book of reference when he published
his next diatribe upon Marlrorouou. It is
well that it did not fall into the hands of hon
est aud prosy Mr. Oleic;, before be published
bis Life of the Duke, otherwise we might have
missed the following innocent and refreshing
paragraph :
'"The Ihike once said to him,' Over and over
attain it has tieen proposed to me to bcoome the
proprietor ol a rotten borough, but I would have
nothing to say to the proposal; 1 would not dirty
mv lingers with so vile a job.' Of fir Arthur
Welles!?)'* Int.li administration the details have
not yet.seen the lulu; buttons much may be said,
that in an age of universal corruption lie neither
stifled nor coieealcd the scorn which he enter
tained lor the vonal statesmen by whom he was
The Reviewer panose over this burst of eu
thusiasm ou the part of poor Gleio, with the
single remark that the Duke must have made
the speech here attributed to him, on the same
principle that a witty Frenchman attempted
to reconcile bis taste for the society of mar
ried women, with his disinclination to enter
the married state: " I am very fond of snuff,
but I don't carry a box."
We make these extracts, not to show the ex
ceedingly low moral standard by which the
conduct of Wellington was regulated, but
to give our readers some idea of the imperti
nence of the English press and statesmengpi
pointing to this country as a signal example of
the degiadatiou to which corruption can sink
a people, and in predicting cur approaching
ruin, from the existence of that corruption.—
Were there any weight in what they say,
where would Great Britain be now .'
We now come to the most infamous trans
action, or rather series of transactions, re
corded in the whole history, even of the cor
rupt Government of Great Britain. The
Duke of York, the second son of Gkobok 111.,
and Commander-in-Chief of tbe British Ar
my, although a married man, lived in public
with one Mrs. Clarke, the wife of a stonema
son. He not only did this, but he set up au
establishment for her in Glocester Place, the
most fashionable part of London at that day,
where the pair entered upon a career of un
bounded luxury aud extravagance. Unable to
extort money from her Royal lover, Mrs-
Clakke prevailed upon him to allow her to
sell commissions and promotion toarmyolfi
cers, at prices below the regulation rates ■
and in this way she realized huge sums,
which the pair squandered with the most
u-eckless profusion. So bold did the guiity j
Jparties at last become, that the womau
openly*advertised for business in this line
in the newspapers, and the press at lust
taking up the matter, the affair was brought
into Parliament by Col. Warulk, supported
by Sir Fr.ANt.ts Burdett, Lord Folkestone
and Mr. Whitbrbap. Every possible device
was nsed to screen the culprit. A majority
had been secured in his favor by bribery, but
theobject was to make the public believe him
innocent. To this end the investigation was
submitted to the Committee of the Whole, the
management was entrusted to Lord Mkl
ville, who had himself beeu impeached for
bribery and corruptiou, and witnesses were
hired to swear falsely. Two of these—Gen.
Claveking audCipt. Sandon—were actual
ly committed to Newgate on a charge of per
jury. The Duke of York was acquitted in
spile of the most overwhelming evidence by
tbe bribed Parliament, but the national feeling
was so strong against him, that be was com
pelled to resign. Sir Arthur Wellbslry
came over from Ireland to take his seat in
Parliament, and vote for the Duke, right or
wrong. From day to day he wrote to the
Duke of Richmond, giving an account of the
progress of the trial. The letters are pub
lished in this volume, and it is evident that
though he at first thought him merely impru
dent, and not guil ty,the overwhelming nature
of the testimony at last convinced him to the
contrary. Yet he voted in hi» favor throughout,
and bore testimony iv a speech to the highly ef
ficient state of the army during the Duke's ten
ure of office. Upon this excuse for the Duke,
Cobiiett made the following pithy remark in
his Register: "The Duke of York is accused of
connivance at corruption, and the charge is
met by the assertion that the army is admi
rably drilled and disciplined. If a shepherd
is tried for sheep-stealing, is evidence ever
admitted respecting the healthy condition of
his flock, and the abilities of his sheep
dogs !" The speech of Sir Arthur Wkl
lurley, lauding the Duke, was delivered in
April. Immediately after the trial he pro
ceeded to Portugal, to command the army
there, and on tbe Ist of 3lay, he wrote as fol
lows to Lord Castlbrkagh :
•'The armr behave terribly ill. They are aral>
hie who cannot bear success any more than fir
John Moore's army could Hoar failure. lam en
deavoring to tame them, but if I should not suc
ceed I must in iko an official complaint ol them.and
send one or two corps home in disgrace. They
plunder in all directions "
"Aud again, six weeks later, from Abrantes
" 1 cannot, with propriety, omit to draw your at
tention again to the state o| discipline oftliear
my, which is a subject of serious concern to me,
and well deserve* the consideration of His Ma
jestv's Ministers."
This army was a specimen of the Duke of
York's skill and fidelity iv managing the af
fairs of the war department. Is it not the
height of impudence to point the finger at this
country, when such sceues as these have just
been laid open to the world, showing the utter
profligacy with which affairs in Englaud
were conducted under the do-.' borough sys
tem, aud total want of common honesty
and common respect for truth, ou the part of
an officer so high in the service as Sir Ar-
With regard to the subject of Mrs. Clarke,
we quote one more letter, not from the Duke
of Wellington, but from Earl Tbui'lb to the
Duke of lit > kinoiiam :
" 'the papers will have told you what passed last
night, and the manner in vlnch Perceval trusting
t'■ a paper tie inn des'roied.and consequently belie v
tag he might aay what he pleased about it. drew
<ut a document which alone would have damned
the Duke of V'ork. At the same time, however,
tn it the messengers seised the papers in question
at Sandon's lodging, they brought a parcel of let
ters from Mrs. Clarke to Sandon, which were snb
mitted tor inspectiou to a select committed. The
report is not >et made, but Leach, the oasjesaaa,
has told me that the scene of infamy they open ii
dreadful, and that all that his pasaed is a trifle
when compared with them. A complete tystem of
traffic for votes in the House upon particular ques
tions, Pitt's Defence Bill, Ac, for every sort of
military appointment, is laid open ; a statement, of
particular facts which could only have come to her
knowledge from the Duke of York: repeated di
rections to Sandon to call at the office, where lis
will find such and such official letters for him ; a
complaint ou the part of the Duke that she has not
been fairly dealt by. in consequence of a person
for whom she had interested herself having made
interest else where; all this and much more is ex
posed in these ourssd papers. In ehort. Leach,
who is a cool headed and well-judging man, aays
alt is over, and though I*fore he did not think cor
ruptien was made out, he cannot aay so now."
Leach was tbe man who afterwards prose
cuted Queen Caroline. Can universal suf
frage do anything worse than this 1
Br. Cahlll.
The Washington State* ot Wednesday an
nounces that Dr. Cahill is expected to lec
ture in Washington, oa bis return from Rich
mood aad Petersburg. The States says:
_". T hj » distinguished orator and divine, and sci
«S*fs««*Ss?^ r^*» **" W» IWo or tame Sayi Tin
W £*. l 3£ m M ' '"V" 0110 ' ,v P uWl ° buildings and
stand, of aseAing the national metropolis a sahiest
mnateatse to bis ooentriatsa his views and obser
vations of won and things m this great Hepubfte
.'luehed aSs^JtSWawl^ta'cw.
so Wat sad ably U>£eeTor tie sUvauolo? the
•••*•' "*** •** S^oanl«
Dr. Oauill delivers kit tklrd lest are at tke
MefbiaJm'lfcU to-abAt.
m£^ftSSjHf *»teußlSateß Secretary of
Htateet Mississippi.
ttesjaerse aad aalelde.
Tke suspected suicide of Mr. Fowtktt, tke
enterprising public officer la New York, who
baa lately made free with tke public money, is
supposed to bare been caused by the operations j
of Remorse upon his refined and sensitive
nature. Remorse is believed to be a very no
table cause of suicide. The mclus operandi,
however, by which it brings about that result
is not easily understood. It is a curious fact
that the pain of guilt does not often become
overwhelming till it is fonnd out. Tbe in
flammation of the soul which is caused by
this reproach of conscience becomes intolera
ble when tbe sunlight of exposure is let in
upon it. In certain classes of crime, remorse
for discovered guilt may lead to suicide; but
In matters of a pecuniary character, in defal
cations like those of tbe late Postmaster of
New York, the subject at least admits of dis
We beg to inquire, did ever any one hear of
remorse for embezzling money leading to the
commission of suicide, so long as the embez
zler had the money I Did the coroner ever
find ary red in the pockets of tbe/efo de *« .'—
Had he notcnt his jugular financially, before
he did it physically .' Does a defaulter assault
and slay himself for having or for not hav
ing money—because he stole the cash or be
cause he lost [it—when it is in his pocket or
when it has gone? These are the questions
which we respectfully propound to metaphy
sical debating societies.
Did ever any one hear of a man committing
suicide after tfmbezzling money as long as the
money held out I We do not believe it, and
for this reason: If remorse overtakes him,
and he has not parted with his ill-gotten gain,
he cau easily square accounts with his con
science and bis victim by refunding the spoil.
It he has the money, and is about to be ex
posed, he will restore it to its rightful owner,
rather than risk tbe fearful leap into eternity.
He would not travel in the other country,
while he had the means of traveling in this.
We, therefore, conclude that if Mr Fowler
has laid violent hands upon himself, it is not
because he took the public money. This im
portant point being settled, the next question
is, if he has committed suicide, what has he
done with his body I His friendsstoutly main
tain that he has laid violent hands upon him
self, as he did upon the public property; but,
if so, let them produce the body. We rather
incline to the opinion that 3lr. Fowler has
not committed suicideat all ; but has simply
taken himself off beyond the seas, where he
will be secure from the visitations of Re
morse in the awful shape of 3lsrshal Rvn
r>Eus or a New York policeman.
Delegate* from Slave States in the Chicago
The sombre complexion of this Black
Republican assemblage is in some degree re
lieved by tbe exquisite farce of a delegation
from the slave States of Virginia, Kentucky,
&c. One of the newspaper correspondents
gravely informs the world, "it is not known
how Virginia will cast her vote,'' " Kentucky
is expected to support Lincoln," and so on.
If anybody in the Northern section is stupid
enough to be delude! by this transparent
humbug, the cause of popular education needs
attending to. The Southern States are just
about as likely to be represented in an anti-
Southern Convention as the Northern States
would be in an antl-Northeru Convention.
Personal.—Andrew F. Crutchfield,
editor of the Petersburg (Va.) Express, was at
the Burnett House, in Cincinnati, Sat urday, on
n.tour to the far West.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Circuit Court — Military — Fruit — Acridtnl* — Fire.
Harrisonburo, Va., May 17, ISIM.
Up to the present time the Circuit Court
has been engaged iv trying the "Bell Ringers,"
who were engaged in the "belling" party,when
Jas. H. Devier was killed. The jury in the
case of Cook, rendered their verdict to-day;
finding him guilty, and filling him $<!>, and a
term of imprisonment in the county jail, to be
fixed by the Judge. The prisoner was defend
ed by John B. Baldwin and J. C. Woodson,
T. L.Yancey and K. J. Doyle for the Common
wealth. The case was ably conducted. The
case of Tomay will come on next.
The military spirit seems to prevail to a
considerable extent, not only in this county,
but through the Valley generally. 1 have to
record the formation of another company of
infautry at Courad's Store, in this county.—
They call themselves the " Elk River Greys."
Also, a new company at Edinburg, Shenan
doah county, called the Southern Greys.
Both companies have adopted the grey uni
form. Maj. J. H. Conrad, of Conrad's Store,
has also organized a company of "boy" sol
diers, from 13 to IT years of age, under the
name of the "Rockingham Young Guards."
They number about fitly, aud will no doubt
make good soldiers, if properly trained. They
have a flag, drum aud fife, &c—regular mili
tary appurtenances. Go it, "Young Virgi
nia"/' Should the John Brown fanatics desire
to enter our Stale again, and especially the
Valley, they would be likely to meet with a
warm" reception.
Ewing, the man who escaped from the jail
of Augusta county a short time since, charged
with counterfeiting, was caught in Pendleton
county, a few days ago, by Mr. 31cClure, of
On Saturday last, Emanuel Roodcap, of
Brock's Gap, in this county, was found dead,
supposed to have been killed by a kick from a
young horse. The horse had lallen in such a
manner that it was necesbary that he should
be helped up. 3lr. R. was doubtless engaged
in extricating tbe horse when be received the
injuries which caused his death. He was iv,
the 73d year of his age. The horse aud man
were both fonud dead together.
A lew days since, during a thunder storm,
the house of 31r. Henry Kelly, of this place,
was said to be fired. It seems the lightning
struck a stove-pipe running through the roof.
The lightning descended the pipe to the stove
'in the 1 room below, tearing up the floors and
singing the carpet, but doing no other injury,
as there was no person in the room at the
We have fine weather now, and all the grow
ing crops look tine. Pleuty of peaches and
cherries, apples, Ac; the frost did not get them,
alter all.
Politics getting decidedly warm. I presume
some of the candidates will "cool down" after
the 21th inst.
We hadan alarm of tire yesterday afternoon.
The cause was the burning of the roof of Mrs.
Clary's kitchen. A great deal of the furniture
of the house was thrown out and destroyed.— <
The Are originated from a stove-pipe.
Yours, Pen. i
Correspondence of the Richmond Diapatch.
Criminal Trials in North Carolina.
Lkaksville, N. C, 31ay IS.
I was at Rockingham Superior Court a few
days back, and 1 desire to give an account of a
trial or so for murder, especially for the bene-
Ut of those Northerners who believe that., the
negro has no rights aud cannot receive justice
in a Southern court of justice. A wealthy
slaveholder in this county, quite a prominent
citizen, though not noted for morality or so
briety, was murdered by a female slave belong
ing to himself, about 15 years old. He met ber
some distance from the dwelling in a retired
portion of the woods, aud ottering violence to
her person, received two or three severe licks
upon tbe head with a large gum stick, and
with difficulty walked heme, where he died
the next day. The counsel for the prisoner
acknowledged tbe truth of the charges, and
based their argument upon the ground of self
defence. If the jury bad returned a verdict of
guilty, they would hardly have been permitted
to remain in the county, so universal was the
sympathy in favor of the negro. But a short
time elapsed after the jury went out before
they came back with the verdict of "not
guilty." Ourcountymen are not by any means
averse to hanging; for the very next case that
came up for trial was also a murder case; the
alleged murderer also a man of substance.and
formerly, if not at tbe time of the commit
ting of the murder, a member of tbe Select
Court. The person alleged to have been mur
dered, a woman of notoriously bad character.
It was altogether a case of circumstantial evi
dence, and if there had been a penitentiary in
the State, the man, in all probability, would
not have been condemned to suffer death; but
our Southern people love justice, aad death
was the verdict of the jury.
These were the two cases: A white man,
slaveholder, hung upon purely circumstan
tial evidence, for killing |a woman of despe
rate character. A negro, acquitted, (alter ac
knowledging ber guilt,) of the murder of her
master, a large slaveholder. And all this done
In one of tke wealthiest counties in the State,
where tbe great burthen of tbe labor is done
X slaves. I don't remember bow many, but
ickingham Is a large slaveboldinc couaty.
A young gentleman, with wnom I was con
versing yesterday, said that if these facta
were told at his home, (away up iv tbe North.)
they would be believed by but very few
persons, aud those few would perhaps.sop.
pose that the trial was made an exception,
apeeially for effect. If any abolitionist bap
pens to see this, and doa*f believe It, let kirn
write to -P. U- XV' aad I wiU give him abun
dant aatiafaciion. Would tkat they, tbe hon
est masses at tke North, who are deceived,
knew what a supremely kappy net of people
*&•£•*•*»■*-Ood night and day to wires
t^afi ike worM; tor tbe fewest aumb.ro/
te a proposition wkiek ovary day's experience
tvorywl ere proves. *»!<». £
TRsUTUB-R«N(/ft «/ Mr*, h B. Phillips—
The benefit, tke last tkis season, of Mrs. I. 0.
pßii.ure, tmkes place at the Theatre to-night.
It would be useless bespeak of tbe talents of
a beneficiary, who has been, at the cad of each
season she stays, a greater favorite than even
the season before, and whose hold on the hearts
of our theatre goers seems to become firmer
with time. The greater portion of this sac
cess on the part of this artist is due to her ex
cellent acting and ber always acceptable ren
dering of the characters allotted to her, but
much of it, Phe may flatter herself, is due to
a sincere esteem on the part of a public which,
however capricious to others, has never failed
to testify to her Iv approval of one who fur
nishes an example which those who wish to
elevate their profession should seek to emu late.
The play to-night is a comedy from the
French, entitled "A Romance of a Poor Young
Man." It is a remarkable production, if we
may believe the critics, and if we may infer
anything from the fact that it was played at
one theatre in New York every nigh: for three
months. The comedietta, "The CI ueen's Own,"
will be also played. The bill is an exceedingly
attractive one, and independent of the claims
of the beneficiary, would fill the bouse.
DEATn.—Clen. Alexander L.. Bolts, of New
York, brother of the Hon. John Minor Botts,
of this city, died Tuesday evening at Washing
ton, D. C. He was in the sixty-second year of ;
his age.
Hail Stoum.—A violent hail storm passed
over a portion of Isle of Wight county, Sun
day afternoon, doing immense damage to the
growing crops, fruit trees, Ac. It swept over
a tract of abont four miles in length, embra
cing the farms of Capt. Crocker, W. 11. Day
and Arch'd Atkinson, Es<is., and several
others, but fortunately in a direction two or
three miles from the town of Smithfield.—
Some of the farmers who have suffered by
the storm, report the damage as very severe—
at least oue-half the wheat completely de
stroyed; corn that was nearly hand high, beat
down so that it would be impossible to tell
that any had ever beeu planted; and the fruit
trees, peaches especially, stripped nearly bare.
Thehail.it is said, lay on the ground, after
the storm, to the depth of several inches.
At Pdr. Yancey's speech in Montgomery,
Ala., the other night, the audience gave three
cheers for Fisher of Virginia, aud Bayard of
Delaware, seceders from tlio*e States.
Gibbs L. Elliott,deceased, of Charleston, S.
C, left in his will SItMJ to the Mount Vernon
Association. _
■HL, Store for Rent-On .Main street—best lo
cation in the city. Possession given 2t"h May, or
before. Address "M.." at this office. lmy 14-5t
RiulT'earl Ambrot)pes iv the city are those made
at Revs' Mammoth Gallery, 145 Main st., near
Governor st. All the various stvies and sizes ex
eouted in the lushest, style of the art, at all hours
in the day and any Kind ot weather. Photographs
colored in Oil, Aquanile, Paetoil. or India Ink
Price 25 ot j„6octß., $I—from that up to 4100.
ap 20-ts
W\. Richmond Theatre.
MRS. 1. B? P H ILL I PS.
FIRST NIGHT of the new and successful
Drama, in five acts and
With Hie following
Manuel. Marquis de Champcey, Mr. E. Adrians
Doctor Desaarets, formerly ot the French Army,
M. Co Bevaiines, a" mini of the world, Mr. J.
B. W likes.
Gasper Laroque, an aged man, formerly Captain
of a Privateer, Mr. s. K. Chester.
Alain,a confidential domestic, .Mr. W. Johnson.
M. Nouret, a Notary. Mr. O. B. Mason.
V vonnet. a lJreton#hepherd, Mr. R. Meer.
Heart, Mr. P. Durand.
Louis, Mr. Jackson.
Madame l.aroque, Daughter-in-Law to Gasper,
Mia. MoaeD,
Marquentc. bar daughter, Mrs. I. B Phillips.
Madame Aubrey, a relative ot the Laroque fam
ily, Mrs Deßar
Louise Vaul>erger, formerly nurse to Manuel, now
keeper of a lodging- house. Mrs. Johnson.
Christine, a Breton peasant girl, Little Mane.
Guests, Servants, Peasantry, Ac, Ac.
The events of the Drama take place (during the
first, act,) in Paris; afterward, in the Province of
Pas Seul -.- Mms tvdome.
The entertainment will conc'ude with the de
lightful Comedietta of the
() U E bN ' S OW N .
Eliza, Mrs. I. B Phillips.
Vivian, Mr. J. W. Collier.
OSnurk, Mr. B. <<■ Rogers.
Romance of a Poor Voting Man.i
Romance of a Poor Young Man,) and the
Romance of a Poor Youiu' Man \
for fol KEN'S OWN.
<»k- s. li- prosise, ecolectic
»C£. PHYSICIAN, late of Lynchburg and
Petersburg, Va.wil 1 permanently locate in Rich
mond, and undertake the treatment, of diseases in
general, and especially sucust diseases : also.
CANCEROlfSsfieetions, WENS, fee. Particular
notice given on to-morrow, in handbills at.d news
paper advertisement. He may for the present be
found at FORD'S HOTEL, corner of Cary and
Virgimasrs. His permanent office, winch is now
being tilted up oa 17th. between Main .-t'nd Frank
lin sts., will be duly announced. my 19—It*
tvOSi MOND.-I am a candidate for re-elec
tion to the office of SHERIFF of the citvof Rich
mond, and respectfully solicit the votes of my fel
low citizens at the election on the 24fh inst.
_my 1« -tde H. K. ELLYSON.
tKS CITY OF RICHMOND.-1 respectfully
announce 'nyself as a candidate for re-election to
the office of COMMISSIONER OF TH X 3d DIS
my 18-dtde G. W. H. TYLER.
tsrtZSt EN UK.- I respectfully announce myself
a candidate for re-election to the office of COM
cond district, (Madison Ward,) at the ensuing
election. 2«h May, WOO.
my la-tit* CADMUS C. JOHNSON.
taPV-Sk LIC MOTOR has returned from wash
ina ton, and will he on exhibition at C. S. PAW
SON'S DRUG STOKE for a few days, previous to
in l>eing sent to New York. my 17—2t
twCS at the urgent solicitation of his patients
in Richmond, has consented to extend hi« visit to
Saturday evening, the 10th inst. He will, theretore,
continue until that date to receive patients sutler -
ing from affections of the throat, and lungs—Ca
tarrh,Bronchitis.Asthma and Coasvarooa—
at his rooms in the Powhatan House.
ssHors, 9 A. M.toSP. M.
IficH I nxn. May 9th. 1860. my 10-ta
COR ATE 11 in the highest styles of the art. Also,
C FT LINGS and WALLS painted, plain and gilded,
in distinguished colors.
FLAGS, and every description of Ornamental
Paining, executed in theliest style.
Specimens of his work can l>e seen at the United
States Capitol Extension, where he was employed
on the Fresco Painting, under the direction of
Captain Meigs.
Orders may be left on M am street, between 11th
aid 12tii. at Messrs. Sattler A Co.'s and Broad
street, between Ist and 2d Keaseetfnllv.
For sale at
my IS-3t MORHIK' Bookstore.
_ mvlß-at*
Sugar-Cured and Plain BAMS.
Cuba. Muscovado and Clayed MOLASSES.
Portland SYRUPand New Oceans MOLASSES.
WINE and LIQUORS of various kind*,
For sale low for cash, or to punctual customers,
my W-ts Coiner 17th and Main sts.
35 tubs Prime Fresh BUTTER,
Just received on consignment, snd for sale to
close the consignment. J. 8. ROBERTSON,
Next to corner Governor and Franklin ats.
mv 18-St
BILLIARD TA RLE.—I have for sale, private
ly, one BILLIARD TABLE, in good order,
which Iwi II soil a bargain in. Apply to
mynV-ts ALEX. NOTT.
£9 Of the Unset suality-to be had at Mr. MA
ZOURE'B Stall at'the Old Market, which were
raised by R. M. Thoewe. my W-lt*
-IJUO bushels prime Whits
Vs CORN afloat, oa consignment, for sale in lota
to suit, by A. MILLSPAUGU
my Ik-It*
BURNING FLUID of superior auality. war
ranted to burn well aad not smoke, for sals low
by T r £t TOM k co>| D ruf ,j, te ,
Ms Main st.
If^^^KatSi^^ 6
In Manchester, en Moudnv last, altar a brief
illness. JOHN WKBLKYt_ae;e4 six years, eon of
Ahner and Minerva Marks.
He was a l>oy or sweet sad amiable disposition,
and he possessed ss extraordinary mind for one so
voeng. Such was the advancement that be was
making at hie school, that his teacher frequently
remarked "that little Marks was decidedly the mint
intelbsent childiof his age.) he bad ever known."
But he is now dead. God has called him from earth.
His musical voioe. so familiar to us, is now hushed
in death. His soul has doubtless, ere this, winged
its way to heaven, and he is now a member of that
angelic ohoir ever engaged in singing praises to
our God and Creator.
Parents and relatives of little John, do not
grieve, but endeavor to meet him in the golden
and magnificent city prepared lor the good, true
and faithful serv»ntaof Christ.
Manchester. Va, May 17. <*> T.M.CT.
On the 12th or May. 1850, ANDREW LAING. a
native of Scotland—much esteemed and beloved
by his friends. *
High Water this day (Friday) 2 o'clock.
Steamship Jamestown. .Skinner, N. V., mdzo.
and passengers, Liidtam A Watson.
Sear. Myers, Ilhoades, Rocklaud, lime, I ibby A
tfe.hr. A. R. Johnson, Patison, Norfolk, corn,
Brideforu A Co.
Sclir. Mary Francis, Spavins, Baltimore, oyster
shells. B. W. (jreen.
tfchr. Mary C. Hern. Cantvill, Havre De Grace,
railroad iron, J.C. Robinson.
Steamer Virginia. Kelley. Philadelphia, mdre.
and passengers, C. P. Cardossa.
Bark Fioresto, Welsh, South America, flour,
Warwick fc Barksdale.
tfchr. John Francis. Frost, down the river, !i*ht.
Scbr. Mary A. Adams, Sparrow, down the rivei.
Schr. Charles Hiagins, Cabin Point, mdze.
City Point, May 17th, I*oo.
Ship Uncle Joe. Captain Finkham.:« days 'rom i
Liverpool, v.'ii!i salt,to Charles to Wortham 4 Co. I
Vessel to Cnas. Palmer. £ I
New Yohk, May 17—Dt o'clock.—York<>wn
coming up the Bay at 10 o'clock. S»
Mmmv Bedforu, May 15.—Arrived, schr. T. O.
Thompson, Blud Point. Va. *
Norfolk, Mavis.—Arrived, schra.Ocean Wrave,
Petersburg; David Carter, Port Walthall; P. 8.
Williams, do.
Nrwbekn, N. C. May 15.—Arrived, schr. Jos.
Ann, Portsmouth. Va.
New York, May 15.—Arrived, sclir. Breeze,
Mataxza*.—Cleared, Schr. K. C. Lanfair, Rich
Bo«ton. May 14—Arrived, sclirs. W. H. Smith
anil David Faust, Wilmington, N. C.
Holmes' Hole. May 13.—Arrived, schr. Ken
drick Pish. Rappahannock, for Boston ; S. D. Hart,
York River. Va , for St John's, N. B.; Nevis, do.,
for Belfast, Me.; J. H. Ounce, James River, for
Bath, and all sailed May lath.
Baltimore. May 16— Arrived, schrs. Hugh
Chisolm, H. W. Co'lins, and Ben. Franklin, N. C.
Cleared, steamer Pouahontat, Richmond : schrs.
Comet, Ply mouth. N. C.;T. C. Worrell, Wilming
ton, N. 0.
PRovtuEM-E, May 14.—Sailed, schr. Snow Drift,
Philadelphia. May 16.—Arrived, sohr. Revolu
tion, Plymouth. N. Q.
Paseaaeeaa arrived persteamship JAJtxsrowa,
Skinnkr. master, from New York:
L. Marbursh, W. R. Bond. W. Van Valkenburs.
J. llanrahan, J. R. Schuyler, lady and two chil
dren, W. iJ. Holywell, H.Sehaering, Mrs. E E.
Morgan, Miss F. Morgan, A. Jacobs. Jos. Wa»'er,
lady and two children. Lewis Hatin.i, lady and J wo
children, Lewis N.Webb. John A. Hair, Cass J.
C. Rowe, W. R. Rowe, Y. (irisoom, Peter *ur
haak. Capt.. W. D. Cope, Mr Keeling. J. Maupen,
F. MeMaanns, and 2.$ steerage. ? '
Also, from Norfolk—J. Jackson, John One»s, li
Wray, Sain'l Armistead. John Batters. Rev.*.-".H.
Hall, iieo L.Neville, Jno. J. Williams, A. Adams,
H. K. Cooper.
Off Cape Henry, Wednesday. :l o'clock V: M.,
passed steamship "Yorktown," Parrish, master,
tiience for New V ork.
GIRLS—re hired for no fault. Apply to
Ai:ent (or luring out Servants,
my 18-3t Metropolitan HsJl.
HIKE—For the ha'anoeol the year, two
■ men,oceacoarse CARPENTER,and the her
a common LABORER; and, also, two yoan* wo
men, accustomed to general HOUSEWO*v.—
Apply to WM. 8. PHILLIP?.
Corner IMb, betweea Mam and Bank M.
mylT—M {
CEMVANT FOR .SALE.- We have for kale,
£> privately,aßEßVANT MAN who is a Supe
rior house servant and most, excellent cook, -hon
est, sober and industrious Apply to .'
my 1- ts PULLIAM fc BETTS.
jg,v music : music:: music::*
Its Mais street,
Keep on hand one of the largest and best selected
stocks of
tkat is to be found in Richmond. All New ryesic
received by BSSSSOOS as published.
»■_. We keep on hand a large collection <<!'IN
N. B—Orders promptly attended to. wben ad
dressed to WEST k JOHNSTON,
Publishers. Booksellers. Stationers,
Bookbinders and Music Dealers,
nay 18—It MtMaieet.
_*"■""_. FOR It A LTI MO R t -The
«r*e»*x:_■s_Thomas Tuavsbs, will it-ceive
freight TO-DAY. < Friday.) and uptotha.mr of
12 o'clock M., SATURDAY, the l!>th inst. J.
Freight taken for Boston via Baltiuu>re.„t low
rates and with great dispatch.
Pnssentiers urn requested to be on boardfbefors
12 M., SATURDAY", the hour of departure/ . ass
age and fare $5. '
Tickets for passage procured either at o*J& office,
in the >ltp, opposite the Columbian Hotel, or at
the Steamers wharves. Rocketts. »
my Ik-tt _ DAVID A WM. CURRIE.
_jCv FOR NEW YORK.-The well-known
fast-sailing schooner "ANN S.
Capt. A. P. Nowri.i.. having
a portion of her cargo engaged, will sail with
quick dispatch. For balance of freight, apply to
_an 18-8t W. D. COLt UITT A CO.
regular packet schooner "WM H.
i - * -a'I'RAVIS," Capt. Frank, bavinx a portion
of her cargo engaged, will sail with dispatch. For
balance of freight, apply to
my 18-lw W. D COLQUITT fc C(E_
FjyNlLEßY.—Attend a meeting of the company
'Of'jff'ar. the Captain's office, three doors below
|g_Ss_Mi« Exchange Bank, this (PRlDAYlevwe
ms;. at S o'clock.
By order of Capt. Cabell.
my IS-It* _ M. C. MACON, IstSerg't.
tarn V E R «U R ' S MO U N T E D
{EBL (iUARD-Attend a drill of your Compa
/fjjkTl ny, on KRIDAI , l.Sih inst . at 8 o'clock
LZjm p M.. in uniform and with side arms.—
Every meiiiber ia expected to lie present. i
By order of Capt. C.yugLL.
myls-lt _F. W. CHAMBERLAYNE. Istggf
Richmond. May 18, 1860. {
Assemble at Springfield Hall, on this (FRI- |
DAY) evening, at 8 o'clock, for drill and special I
bu*ine»s. Every member should be present, rs
business of importance will be brought before the
meeting. By order of Lieut, t'om'dg
_ my 18—It* S. J. TUCKER, lstSerg't.
Richmond May 16th, Isft'i. \
Assemble at the State Armory, FK'-DAY,
the 18th inst., at L. o'clock P. M., in full dress
summer uniform, (white pants, two cross
belts,) tor parade. By order of the Captain.
_niy 17-2 i* O. A. GLA/EBROOK.Iat Serg't.
J GRAYS, ATTENTION !-Atterjd a regu
lar meeting of your Company, at Military Hall,
on FRIDAY NIGHT next, at 8 o'clock- Mem
lers arc particularly invited to lie prompt, as at
this meeting a Court of Enquiry will sit for as
sessment of fines and delinquencies incurred du
ring the last quarter. Definite arrangement will
be made concerning our contemplated tup, and the
Treasurer will he ready to collect dues, which it is
hoped every man will come prepared to settle.
By order of Captain Elliott.
my l!i-3t E. W. BRANCH. IstSerg't.
Richmoxl), May 10, ISM. S
Genr-rnl Order fro. .'I.
Ist. In obedience to Brigade orders. No. 1, the
Annual Training of officer* of this Regiment
will comme-ce on MONDAY.2Ist mat., and con
tinue three days. Officers will assemble in front
of the City Hal, at 1 o'clock P. M., each day of
tbe training.
2d The Regimental muster will be held on SAT
I'll DAY. aith i nst., at 11 o'clock A.M., in front of
the City Hall.
3d. Commandants of companies will have their
returns ready for delivery to the Adjutant on the
first day ol the training.
4th. The Regimental Staff will report to the
Colonel Commanding, in trout of the City Hall, at
lo,S o'clock A. M-.on Jtiih, in full uniform, and
mounted accord.ug to law.
By order of J. A. CLARKSON.
Lieut. Col. Commanding 179 th Reg't.
_J3.J l Ai'*tin, Acting Adj'L my IS—lit
PRICES of our own Richmond-made Boots
rynd Shoes, as follows: Gent's Preach Calf
boots •»; Gent's French Calf Congress Gaiters
£«; Gent's French Calf Oxford Ties $3 25; Gent's
Fiench Calf Strap Ties 93 25; Gent's Calf Kid
Gaiters 84; Gent's English Lasting Gaiters .« ;
all other good* at. corresponding prices The above
foods are of the first class, and equal to any in
tictimoud We oder these unusual inducements
in order to keep the workmen agoing, as work is
rather slack st this season. We thought it would
be better to give the customer the iwnufit of get
ting first class goods at very low prioes, and at tbe
same time giving employment to the workmen.
_ _ Mainst .next to the American Hotel.
My stock ia now large, the article Rood, and will
be sold reasonable. Those preferring can hsve
them made to measure. Call at lit Main st.
US. _ A_vSL"**T-*» r ■»*»■« DELICIOUS
«- DESSERTS ma few minutes, for sale at
. MEADE A BAKER" Drug Store,
IMMainst.i corner above Post-Often.
T TOGA WATERrPor s»le. on ice. at
MFAprT* BARER* i>tn« Store.
______ w§ Msm st., corner above Post-oßce.
Vi Uf ** ft- "T---.*l "*s__*|Pw J**
•ear tier*. CmiTf-to) 0; A. PJtAJCH. ,
Rk. Powers' Gallery.
I*l Main Brunei. niaa 12tu.
PEARL AMBROTYPkR the heat in the city,
sea be had at POWERS™© ALLRRY-the place
Where you set tbe same siae Am (•retype for FIFTY
CESTB tkat all others charge f 1 tor.
Don't forget that it is POWERS that char.es
only 60 ccpu for the dollar sise Ambrotype.
I'OW ERB also supplies operators with stock, ap
paratus, *«., at New York piices. my Is -3t*
Hk. D *y/ L *2___s_L '«»?•» Mert.ua.-The
members of the Christian Association, and friends
of this meeting general.y, are especially invited to
attend its session Tu-DAY. when it if« expected
that members of the Methodist Sabbath School
Convention, now in session in the city, will attend
and participate in its exercises. my 18— It
■a-.Au.tiea Not ire...This Day, nl 10
n clock, at mv store, I will sell Clothing, Shoes.
Hats. Caps. Straw Goods, Ac. The attention of
dealers is solicited.
my 18-lt R. CAUTHORN. Auct.
■3k. Te the Public.-Frllow-I iti/ru* : I
wisn to place before you more evidence of the
value orROCK'S GOOD SAMARITAN. Since my
last publication, it has performed some cures, and
I deem it unnecessary to appear liefore the public
more than ones or twice a month, unless some
thing unusual occurs, and shall consider it my duty
to the afflicted, a* well aa to my own interest, to
remind them occasionally that there is a sovereign
remedy within their reach.
Remember, 1 ask no pay where it faila to benefit
tln.se who use it according to directions.
Here are two eelected from a number received
Since my last advertisement :
Hamivkk Comsty, near Coal Harl>or./
May 2d. I*K). <
Afr. IV". /.. Kor& —Dear Sir •' I have been using
your Liniment, called the GOOD SAMARITAN,
on a servant of none, who "was afflicted very se
verely with rheumatism. He waa taken down in
February last, and was very ill, a great many per
sons pronouncing it. as severe a case as they had
ever seen or heard of. Every joint in his hotly, at
times, was under such agony as almost to cause
death. I immediately placed hi in under medical
tic anient, but with no appearance of relief; in de
spair. I almost gave up hope. At tins time 1 com
rueiiced to use your Liniment, and the bey, coin
menced improving, i continued, and, after using
three bottles, rubbing turn cell on the different
parts of the body, he was entirely cur,-,1. and what
is more surprising, and is »n incontestible proof
of itnserotmseal effects, the boy has been cutting
wood, ploughing, and doing all kinds of out door
work, and exposed to all kinds of weather, often
with not a dry thread upon him, without the least
appearance of a return of the disease. He is now
an -ictive as he ever was.
TO I'H X PUBLIC- Havre given Mr ROCK the
above certificate under the impulse of simple jus
tice, and a* facts that should he made known to
all. in order that those that are afflicted may be
induced to try the GOOD SAM ARiTAN, and be
cured. Very respectlullv. Ac.,
Read this Lorn NORFOLK, VA.:
NoKl.oi.it City. April 7.1860.
Mr. IV. /.. Rock— Sir: I send you thevc few lines
tocertifv to the good effects your Liniment, called
the GOOD SAMARITAN, produced on me ; for [
Buttered with rheumatism in my back so badly that
when I sat down in a chair, I could hardly rise
without assistance. 1 used only a portion of one
hot tit , and lam now well. God speed you in your
enterprise. Yours, gratefully,
Certificates received every week.
For sale by the following Druggists:
B3_ Wholesale orders solicited, and supplied on
the most liberal terms. my 16-ts
»v limire Your Slaves.
This Company continues to insure Slaves, for
one or more years, on liberal terms and at fair
rates. _
Dr. K. W. Hancock will be at. the olTico daily, at
10 o'clock A- M. and 5 o'clock P. M.
Otlice 130 Main street, Richmond, Va.
my lti-Stj KNOWLES Jr. WALFORD, As'ts.
BvA Curd.—W. Hargrave White beg*
leave to inform the citizens of Richmond that
he has taken the stock of BOOKS. ST A HON ER V,
Ac,of Mr. T. C C. DREARY, and intends to
continue the business at the store No. 173 Mam st.
An experience of tea years in the business, and an
acquaintance with alt its details, enables him to
suit the wants ol the public generally, aad he t.-ikeH
this occasion to s;iy that no pains will ha spared to
merit a share of pulJic patronage.
N E W BOOKS and STAT ION ER V wi 11 be added
ma few nays, and the New Publications of the
day will he received ns soon aa out. A call is soli
Bookseller rind Stationer,
173 Main street.
Richmond, May 12th. ISJO.
UJc I take mack pleasure in Safins to my friends
aiidtoiiiier customers, and tollie public generally,
that in; knowledge of.Mr. WRITE enables me
confidently to recommend him,as a gentleman
worthy of'their patronage, sad a merchant well
qualified to supply their wants promptly. a*d in a |
satisfactory manner. i\ B. PRICE.
my 14-lw
ex. Second Splendid Supply ol
BBE K1) E N A FO X ,
Open TO DAY. and throughout the week, their
law* lit during the past week at UNPRECEDENT
Our assortment of
I) R E 11 G O O D S
Is now larger than we have ever ottered before. A
very large stock of
housekeeping goods.
plantation goods.
Our MANTILLA DEPARtMENT is n..w filled
with a complete assortment "I NEW s'l"i LES.
We are now prepared and :;re determined to
idler every inducement to buyers, both si W HOLE
ap24-lm.-pi 217 Broad street.
»■%.*• I- IL P.—Prom Rev. Thomas Hln-
Foitn —Ma HI. Hil.L. Henrico county, V;i., October
Itth, MM.—Dr. Gas lick—Dear Sir: Having need
to some considerable extent your SEMPLE'X
BAKING POWDER, I unhesitatingly pronounce
it to be superior to anything that Iras been used in
my family for purposes which it. is recommended.
Thomas BinrosD.
We have great pleasure in recommending BEM
virtues of which we have !<ei»ii fully tested, and
think them quite equal, if not superior, to any
similar preparation now in use. They are lor sale
at the drug stores ol the city. See advertisement
in our special notice omsmn fipaioswt Vir< imp,
Manufacturer and Sole Proprietor.
RiclniijOiid, Va.
/!7v_ STRAY HORSE.-The owner of a
ywji DARK SORREL HORSE, with saddle
ss"i and bridle, and a skin on the saddle, can
p-ocure him by calling at tie? Richmond Pianino-
Mill, corner of Main and 7th streets, and paying
charges. my M-lt
mrf.-r&B STRAY « OW.-Strnyed from my re-
wa Main street. Between .letter
and Adams, on Tuesday morning last.
a itEU DEVON coW, ia good order. Nomuras
recollected, and the owner ta under the iinpresxio'i
that she has no white spots on her. A rsasoasbte
reward will be pvd for her return »o my residence
asabive. luiylß-ts| WM. F SIMMS. 1
LOST— Yesterday, on the way from corner of
18th and Marshall stre»N to Fairfield Kacr
Course, an ACCOUNT- BOOK. A suitable reward
will be given for its return to me.
CONRAD MEIER, Broad Street Hotel,
my 17- 2*,* Broad, between 3th and t'th sts.
STRAYED AWAY-Last Saturday,
BRINDI.E COW.sway back white
Bakaa*assaf&cc, large bag and teats. I will pay #t
tor nor delivery at my house, on 12th st.. between
Marshall and Clay sts.
LOST- A BOND for* 172 .XI. dated Ist June, HIP,
and payable li months after date, executed by
Win D. Hart, Esq, of Albemarle county. All
persons are cautioned not to receive or trade* b>r
said bond, payment of the same having been
stopped. [myas—at, JOHN W. DAVIF.S.
mcf-rjt STRAY t'OW.-Came to my house,
the City Reservoir, on M..ndnv eve
sKaadkminiiig.a BRINDI E COW. in poor Condi
tion; has a young eaif. The owner can get them
by proving property and paying expenses.
mrlti-3;* ' EDWARD NaUMANN.
rv _, WAS TAKE-UP, <n Tuesday m*ra
;JL_y~ling, a SORREL MAR g. blaze face, fluid
*~**t -|- her light eye. left htnd leg white. The
owner wilt please coma forward, prove property,
pay expenses and take her away.
my NJ-.tt* Henrico county, beiow Richmond.
LtPkT Oil MtkCAPft"UEa>.><4)a Tuesday, toe
Bth inst., I mailed to Wit, T. ttmithsoit. Esq .
Washington city. D. C, a United States LAND
WARRANT, for 30 acres. No, a; nil. issued to
Lucy Haislep. widow, Ac.. Fluvaunacounty. Va-,
wluoli Warrant has tailed to reach its proper des
All persons are hereby cautioned szainst buying
said Warrant, as a caveat will be filed in the pro
per office at Washington.
flvZ_T *4 MKWaMA r ßtrafed away. Friday
Xaasf* last, from my Brick-Yard, in Port Mayo, a.
roAN HORSE, about five yeara old. I
will pay the above reward, if delivered to me, or
information that I may get him.
mv lt-ur __ j. ppwkrb.
ANTHRAt ITK IOAL.-I have now on hand
a large stock of best ANTHRACITE COAL,
which I shall greatly meiease by shipment* during
the month of June, and am prepared to otter »rea'
indncementa to consumers Mv customers and
others, who may order their winter supply ol me,
may rely on getting the best article, aad as cheap
as it can be sold in this esarket.» ..-____
my 17-dm WIRT ROBERTP._
We have in store a lot of nice Virginia-cured
Hog Round BACON ; a lot of superior HAMS;
prime BUTTER and LARD, aad alarge quantity
of FAMILY FLOUR, of different brands, some of
which we will warrant equal to any to bo bad in
this market. We in-i's" a call from purchasers,
my 17 r ft CONRAD A CREW. Cary at.
L" A OIKS' PAIR.-The Ladies or tbe MAN
PAIR in the upper room of their Church bvildiog,
THIS EVENING. It will ooi.lii.ue during every
evening ol this week,.
As the object of this Fair is to aid in raising
means to complete tbe house »f Worship, the
Ladies most respectfully invite tbe pat renege ef
the public. , mLf
Hoi a* or OrantNo.—lu the afternoon at SJi
o'clock aad sloes at *V At night, at aVeiuek aad
close sfM>. o'clock __ my l«-»t»/
O » seeseboiee JAVA COPPER.
__ 4 tu.bs prune tttAu&SKtCtfVTTk,*,
On eoeauasMOt. sad for seje by _______
w|. B- M.TBTHR.
■TfllMN ' Center Carr sa^fj^^sta^
U n 4>_i» sari* uWH&S
tbe Club if tores or mors _er£|Wts!**_j C
nations to fill the .Use. Named sndA^ l "?["'
Maroh.ltKO. SS follow*: "'■"•WlWnf
F ' Pr.?m! Ba '-* - 'b" • da,n *» ■*■«"*
Th< Red Eye" 11 B!Mn ** * h ' '' M M To **»*» Fly, _,
John Belcher names b. o. Wacamav, l„ a.,, v
dam Ellen Evans. ' ' "*" '-re,
0. P. Hare uamea eh. f. by Boston, J r „,« _.
Trustee. ' •" <o»m by
Thija. H. Christmas name* c. by Red Bee „,,► .
Trustee mare, dam Mollm Ward "' mof *
8 - R .; VPS*™ * White names h. c Red Ka-w _.
Bed Eye. nam by imp Margrave "■'••by
R. A. Am ted names eh. c. T. P.. l.» -—-.
dam Kitty Pnryear. ' T H, * n! »oder.
TWO mile beats—purse S'mo-will \m r,.„ .
row,(SATURDAY) and a number* of'£&?" r .
expected to start. ■""we are
Gate Fee-tOCENTS,
♦Ny W-lt JOHN BELCH KR.p ro>ri e_,
*_a THR BALL, which wis a/tv»n,__< .
fit come el at the WET. HAM HOI iTU't
night, has been postponed until TO-NiMU?
(toJk- the loth inst.. on account of u, e at.'.rm i. .'
night. tmTlB-lr] 111 jf MORY
Le fttR k n u. t- -
To accommodate the inhabitants of the ■__ .. ,
ol town, Mr. 0 A BA.N ISS will debVer a,. Mt * n<l
FRIDAY EVENINO, THgbirn or Mag ' '
_ ______• At a quarter ssetgo'elarh
His subject will t>e— see—
This town contains upwards <d two noiii—,, r
inhabitants, and is considered the mast tvV
and fashionable place in IkS Empire. Per u_fc__
and vice tho lecturer would term it, the r_nai_
Chint? " *
»_.He will dsaeribs fhi mods of manur*. 'iirmr
silk, satin and other fine lal.nes, lor winch thia
place is noted. ■'■
ft_.He will exhibit mm* of their > Hoi s
W_The CHINESE CONVERT will also bs . -«
Admission-25 cents. my 17-rt*
The Rev Dr. CAHILL will deliver ins TfllHn
LECTURE, at U " R1)
TO-MORROW EI'ENIMi, sift* ~-,,■„, t
Si' 11 KCT-r.U! ILIURIL'.M OF THK Mii'ab
SYSTEM ' '•*»
Distances, Volume, Masses and M-iiieniiun af
the Planets-Volume Mssssud Momsntnmuf the
Sun—Fulcrum of ihe Solar System—Centre a/
Brevity of the Solar System within tbe Bojy ~| .—.
Sun—Centripetal and Pretectal Pormu— OrkimaJ
Motion of the Planets—Doctrine of >'.•',d«»«
Reference to tiie Path of the Planets.
lecture on IRELAND. »«-«i__wtH
Doors open at 6 o'clock. Lecture will esaaawuM
at HH o'clock. * in* 17—6t
The proprietor of tins Exhibition begs leave to '
inform the public that, at groat expense, i, e has
gotten up this Grand Spectacle with a degree of
correctness hitherto oiisppiosoied b] any i.ther
exhibition id its kind thai ban ever aUsaoabih
ited. the Panoramic 'id Dioraime elitets lienn
under the eaperviswu "f competent artistes
Commencing With tue first ?cenes enacted Ht
Harper's Ferry, and termiaatntgwith a Grand
Tableau ol the Execution
This spectacle was gotten up by Richmond ar
Kk, Admission,*cents,teell parts of the tu.-e.
■ykV-Qt« .1 K.NROI'iiIITY
DOLPB, Richmond.will purchase Autographs,
Letters, or Manuscripts, el Washington, .tetter
son, Madison. Bsnry, Kandolph of Bcwneke, er *(
any other ot the men »( note of the olden times.
llisii prices p.nd (<>r rare works, nil liadsofoM
boobs taken in .)xctiani:n lor new Buyers ol rare
and valuable books will find at 121 V, nn xtrcet a
larger assortment than anywhere else lathe Scats
em States, and very few better in ths Northern
cities. mf n-H
lI'ANT EU-Twen~ty or thirty LABOIERS, la
»» work at excavation near rl,e Lager liner
Brewery, east of Church Hill. Whm*i ~".. pm
day. Apply to it. 11. QoRP,
nij I«—3t* On the Worls.
\\! ANTEIi— By a yoose Lady, ssitaaticoM a
»t TEACHER, qualified to tl.e
i.ranches usiiallv taught in family sch<»ila, #itli
Ihe rudiments ol Latin and Frem.l.. H I ■•
moaiall can bo jiveu. Address "Alius i. V. V. .'•
Perkiusville, Va. m> 1- -'.'.'
iiirANTED-IMMEDIAI'KI.Y-A gned i'l '•
VV I'OORAPHt-.R, one that cm soma ctlln
commended. A gooa aad sober werkmss <"it.nU
a permanent situation l>) -ippiioK r,i
my a-If J. THOS. SMITH. 77 V. - St.
\\T ANTE I»—A re spectahle and exp- -.pr.reil
♦ » NURSE lor two chi.ilreii. live nn.! ~.••'i-»r«
old. 1 Apply to the sullen! er. on kit eertll of
l.eigii street. P. V. DANIEL. Ja.
my IS—ts
tITANTRII—To parebsss, istrong ••' ksatthy
W NEGRO WOMAN, about By ear* »>4. Ore
from the couatri pref«rreit No etdeeUoa lo «>ne
with a child from 4to C years old- App'j t
E. I). KACHO S Uffioe.
my ls-lw Near Hashaagi Botel.
ii'AXTED-Bv a respectable white woman,a
W SITUATION in a pnvite fninil*-is w.lbag
to attend to CHAMBER WORK and mike herself
UENKRALLV USEFUL, Apply at tins oihce.
m> 1.1-11'
W to mind a CHI I.I) three months old Arp l )
af the store. —W Broad _ m* U -"
U~ M>Ttli-.>.',006.--i'o CAPITALIBTA
An active, industrious pseshsaM m Rich
moiul.t very successful in business.) is sow lurs
tag sir«y. "Nertk. ewer jour rbsUMsd a »#sr,
forth, want of proper machmeiy-WeuM 1 11 »
liberal interest thereon, or would fake a psrtaw.
Address "KNER'.Y," Dispatch ofliee
tux Members of the "Brothers Bights Assncia-
please notice. m» 17-.it"
WA RTMRt-A WET NI'RSE, immed ■ h
white or colored. Call at corner ol Jeflersas
andOracests. vi» 17-2t"
lI7AVFED—A woman who can come well re j
W com mended as a NURSE—• settle*! relorsd
woman preferred. Ais.t. a healtiiy womsa.wiw
outaohild, a« i WET NURSE. App>» at No.m
M.nn stree:, ostes of the City Baviaga Bsak.
my 17—3t*
WANTEU-Torent, a enwdertabts DWELL
ING HOUSE, with eight roomssbevsbsse
iiio'.t, with water snd Kas.sittiatedeitlieron OrscS
or Marshall streets. Iror one wh;cii soits.S lib
eral rent will be paid, ln-iuire at this sum*.
_my 16-31* . ,
CDAMTSAt—A loaat man whe hai bad severs]
vt j ears' cxpenjiice as a Prescription V~_J '
wboisateea thorough Druggist. Bros need '»
ply who saaaot give sndoubted rel*rence ali m
honesty, sobriety sad peed morsl sbarseter. *c-
m> If-*'
tirANTBD—MM proada of DamasS ItiM
W LEAVES, reeorved all sesatitisaibr
_m> 15 ts l)ru«i»'»-
Ul ANtVu-Everv gentleman wbe ir.m.l." I'll
IBG TO SCOURi, to call and see 'he t<aub
Till work at KINO'S,OU loth utioet. TbSrS »«
that Old CivthtHs are mane to look I *« sew, we
t.) ICING'S and try hiis» "" fJH .
\l_ r -*^T_:U—A PABtWER in ihi ' ,u)i:K „
with moderate capital, who i»u. ■' '"''J '~ '"•
and WiUing to take an active interest IB • '' v ,*'"' l
already established, can bescoomi ,' t, ' ,i !,«i .
dressing " COMMISSION." through I rwt omce.
Satisfactory reference given and re iwrsd.
my 2-ts
WA NTEI>-KfF TV Tl AN DS..to jrprk oa the
Fayettev ille md C-lfialds R A I t, BO- »' •
iv North Carohaa. For g.»o>i tawkl *>•'*rJ
from «1 Bite 41.5t per day. Boird I '" »" r '"■'•„; ;
The section ol sooaU] wi.ivh the ru*d '' r '*J,i.'l.
is i» healthy aa an* se. .;.>•» "i the l Itited ■ a..»■
For iiirther informution,addren me at ra: •
vdle.B C. T_sat who desire to c '«"*• w " u uu
well t HO on Vit'ion* delay. .„,,,«
ap:iu tm lIKNRV BAI BBBM.
W i.th and tith e-x: A liberal rent will t» ny—
for a good locati m. Iminire it UUlMai ismi
PoHsasaion wantei aa st>on as p».»sic;e
W'ANTEIf.-l wish to purchase a •_•**_***
For such I au wtllicg to pay stoml price.
_ap IP-U A. aNTONI. St. Ni. ii»M *•*>* n ' .
WAIM'tIU A.',.mkl Ol'f RV'luß on Whesiet
A Wilson's fewtnc Machine. __„--««
_»p lo- v CH iL» * t » *!. XX " g
OTANXKU-I.o")0 doa. ChAMPM ns v Bt» ITLK
mh"- n « , . e,l " , DU ' IK 7.Ma.-i«.
i V> aUa*»w/
W commenced the menufsctsre or tbi
street. Richmond, where «hey can ssss uo
assortment oi Trunks. Valicea.sue U'"' ;\
of every atyle. at pnoea as b'wast-sy i»"
Nought in lh*Northern cities, both at was' •
j and retail. Trunks lepaucd aud Loveu wa_a
order, at the shortest notice.
w «» H _ I II I .% U %EW -The •<*2*v*3
'~ w0.,1.1 leaiectlully inform to* "okl p»t",'' * tljA t
!» AC. U.WeUer.-nd the pubuo geusfany.»~
STOVE WORK. A.'.. t ~_.__
lin all its various branches, at Weller iff" 1 w
No.» Mam street, where he will b« P****™
see all who may favor ka.
«V I v taking leave t.r «v old friends »»<*__£
eraTl take great pleasure in reoommeudia* »• »»
favor aad ooaaMaratkw. w> ,* U _ <, *_? , ' V ■ K u.
BOUIS. C R- Wf.Uir.»
my 14-lm*
LANp; vow publishing ta P* 11 *!*' I **, A
and Divuioue Uumd at
complete Naval and Mttitoiv Hi*u>ry «>t «»•
*y-witb Biographical roet_he-_« 1 , | «^;Vm.
BaWOjß****»fM swsase beware of *•« ;'^* | »
6 2o™^ lSW " ri %» s»i'~«».

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