OCR Interpretation

Bisbee daily review. [volume] (Bisbee, Ariz.) 1901-1971, February 06, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024827/1912-02-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

j . v i
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ii 'i
H"ivtpiiiwifc f- -
-m- iipmnn ,lj
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- f .
tK. O. Dorter, Pastor;
Thene Walking wl'.i fiod.
asks the olhor. 1he clilltl ijiiojitlon U
not solelv a motkcr'it queeHon. It I
one that torches the nntlon'B seed
corn It renchc deep down Into tho
ii question i! church porpMutty and the
Christian lifo
While the Prophm nsks tlu u.wfc-
cross his foes -thought they shw the,
end of lils work, that they saw It all I
,a failure Hut history has given an-1
other verdict. His has been the True I
success; th Ir seeming success was a
Failure- ins sausii' had nd.vanced,
lives have been saved in Increasing
numbers, because he saved not Mm-
sclf but Rave his life for the world, j
a ttll no n .iiM In th.. wrltlon wnr.lltlon IS It Well With the child. JoU
mr.ir I.a l.Airjl (a nnunflf lt 1u tint
"or ,r , f """ ," iiYILn," Z , -i to ake the children's l-read aMuiere is tho secret of every really sue
- - - - -- - w.-w ... "-r. w. - w v ....... , ,,-. ,,- ( ,. fc. .jAau I f id 1A LWtI
v , . a. a. t , I V PKi II Ml HIV KHJVF II l II 't MUlli
w Mme mat some meo !av w opportunity iur aciuwemenc. ami ab, to wkc hu v,,,.,1 .,0,, lo
R-aUrd so clseiy wltn God that they ultimntoly a crown of lory for the tht cnldrw, ana 1VC. lt u, ajun,.-
waike;d rlfsht into heaven, and we as- one who follows, the oxnmplar of iv row,nK ,1 children of iheir iHfaerit-
sott with equal coutidence that other fectlon He is hlso shown the judge- lnct. xii. cliiltlreli s meal is bIu-
jnen hne walked equally close to tnonts which are sure to follow tho aon lhreu .,4 lhP ,,i001 ot jg Christ
1.0a ana utlKnl with their foat jiress-, iransKrossor. vitliout the supplement of ordinance
A r- HltiniHk IMV fiUliirHI9IIV Ml M I It M--1
o desire to consider this mtNLer or eJ,urch membf-ishlp until made
cessful life. It is by giving wo gain:
It is as the grain of wheat tails into
the ground and dies that it bears
much fruit; It is by losing our lives
for his sake, by serving our fellows,
that wo save our lives. This is the
secret of nil successful religious er
fort. Ily saving our lives we lose
1 them, by losing them In his natne and
ins ery close to earth
r. ... i .. . . . . .. .. 1 i.i....-..-1.-...-B...i
we believe that Cod comes very ' lrni me positive side so call attention ' ...maoinns at i?iiiit bv .ho anlrit of
cioso to men. and sets them n pac to the fact that It has long since been (;na. ct.rtaln rights aiid privileges be-, irl h.s serv.ce w save them
wjltaWe for the roads of earth, slow- decreed that: "As ho thluketh in his ong to the child right of blrtlil ",s b"v ,(.,! mi
.ufi m- iiuui.1 lur w u.iu uitb, ajj'i w f .- it nau nv urauc iu mio uou S wonu umi ud amiiori-y
setting a good, lively iace when th uraw "t a tow thoughts hero that' 0n earth hos the right to take awav
im nih mtp t
"iF vrSb Tra '
going is good.
may tiMid to encourage and stimulate. ' 01 withhold. The ohildron's meat U
Whatfklntl of father do you think a lt ls evident that we dovelope into the the right of chV.ee, whon fid enough.
man woutd be who made a little Child likeness of the things we contemplate
keep pace with him. Instead of short- therefore our thoughts play a great
enlng his stride to suit the child? I I)f""t in our maMn,-; or unmaking.
We believe" the God of Infinite I rcvery conscious act or our lives is
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock a
Sunday School convention will be held
in the Haptist church of Illsbee. Three 1
fcr tligre can ro no rishUv.usiics.r ill
nn unconscious act. There Js a rr.nn-
elrnue .in nf Mhinli tnnnv TiirnnlR nrrt
a...'.... ... v. . 1 - .... ,... m....... n.l.l-..n ..III . -.1. - I
gulity forcing the cnild to submit i-""""' """" i ue muuc a-.
It is one tiling to make
pure beer, anotner
it pure.
to lceef
of the
Mr. A,
power does suit himself to our pace t Jt-"eeeUed by a thought hence it ls;io choices made for it befoie iesion-l follows: 'Tho Story
thi ti ..v . nHii. .. .. .r7. iri- tftit our lliouchtR determine nnr lives, nihilitv l.iiim In Its life. 1 oUD.tf.iy- -bchool iMov
.":""' " """ u "" ",v '"! ... ... . V -......" T "..'. ".' .....: ..-"'. .:....... . nniriih. "Th J..n.lv o.kmi, r
1 111 oiuor worus our nauiis auu worus ; jne cnnuren s meat is an uie inline v...-...., . .. -.. .wU., w.
way in this!are only outnard expressions of our the state and the church has or ran tne Warren District," Prof. C. V. Phil
? Of cou.se, ihoiights. We gio expression and aftord with due regard and reverence , brook; "A Warren District Sunday
ney of life.
Ylho is slioviiug tho
l-nll.- ftf lffo wrt rtr r?yjl9
ll Min .nii'. m.r -n,. t..'mn.im ...,.' often unconsciously, te the thlncs that for the will of God. School Association", Mr. It. II. Kreha,
k?t us, walk Ills way. bet us walk ocwipy our minds, irsr.ee it Is evident The master who loved children.' Mrs. J. D Wilson, of the Salvation
out with him where he Is doing that our thoughts predominate our ao took them in his arms and blessed , Army, will read the opening devotional
thin nut in ti. Mi n,n 'nr..,. i ticns. them. s.ild to the Phoenician mother 1 services and Rev. J. W. Lpperly, pas-
from the places vihere neoitle are so wh this ttoug. in view let us ! "let tho children first be filled." This tor of the Haptist church will preside
numerous out to where we can see famine for a moment i'ie material should bo a well recognized law or and have cnarge or tne music. AH
fchat God Is doing where IK- Is ' we hae before us w'ith which to feed borne Hie. No parent wants abnormal Sunday School workers of the district
lnnrtim tho hm inJn ia ...!.,.- our minds. The world Is full of bean-1 children. The stat- wants well de-. are urged to attend this meeting.
- ..... ... .m ... ..... I .Al.nml .. I. .. A .1 'Mlft ..f.tltV.1 ...l.
iiiui mines ii ue wiw lint inoi for .cwiiii niaiiuwu- . . v..m.. num.-' .
them, the atmosphere around s is. character moulded and ,rounded out
piesnant with truth and virtue If we according to the dlune pattern. ,
will receive it, uaturo 1s laden with' Tnc parental responsibility comes
object lessons for good iTAe will but1,rst Eery parent Fhould answer Uie
seek for them ahft in fact, wo have iulsl,0" -"" sa3W"B "'"- """ i
such inast field from' which to glean ; l""Kl ,0 ln0 dogs' Their interest
Brown Bottle lceeJ5S Senlitz
streams, and sluicing them away into
the oceau.
Walk with Him on tho waters of
the ocean, where Ho is raising up is
lands in tne midst of tho sea. Wjlk
with Him in the cool before th dawn
when Ho distills the dew and sets
every drop at a gem to catch the first
rajs ot the rooming sun. Walk with
Him when he swings his sun to jour
little world for our share of the
day. Kest with Him in the high, hot
noon hour under the shadow of Ills
iree, or in the shade of ills great,
nigh rock in tho desert.
Walk with Him among His work
Brief Local Items
the things that go lo build a character ' should touch ever- phase of the child,
me. IUl bu mu.uy l-'l-iunil Jia... llU)- mm
er Injured.
or had either father or mother. Our' John Holland, a miner at the Spray
hearts are sad and our sympathies, shaft. - as slightly injured while at
are stirred for these. Some are work early Sunda morning and was
.... .. .. Mm A. llt.A l!r Pl4 A . fill nn 14-1 llt lAtA IVIfT fh IiIhIal ma
!fl nhnlnvor wi, o-sln i- ii rna,,k Hire III our ull tllj I1K hub. iub'uimii m .i.-v HU..H- ma iujiii lira Ut;
l2X"tooll?l&tolW$ must answer the question in - not serious.
the Divine that haAeen Incon.rated TlV'tZ Ob, ,.. ..L
tile body and mind may be developed. -Mrs. Mary Walker, an old time res-
that it is our own nm.lt if we do not
have it. Just what we deblre it to be.
God is the embodident of igood.
truth, wisdom, love .virtue and power,
into our rtves ana the moro we gain of
Physicians and surgeons prescribe
Senlitz, instead or malt tonics, as a
builder of nealtn. '
.aiB. wivii iiuu bii.uus ins uik- - ----- "-- -"-": ? " k tne body and mind may be developed. -Mrs. alary walker, an old time res-i
men aud see how tie loves theni, tbese virtues the nearer wc approach, lhere ,s nQ f00( here for the go,,,.,,,,.,,,; of j,isbeC( ls , frora an attac;I
how He calls each one by name, how unJJ the Divine life
provided by the state.
""' D &??; I The church must supplement the '
of muscular rheumatism.
l?a i.tvfi thpm and hiA TI TrnrtilA I
a home to each one of them. !?1 f ?'s character the world has u and BUppiy wnat the statc falls I LCvvtll Visitor Leves.
; 4vor iiaiijin n n rtnrt ttm i n rfii.ii vnrrki. ---. . . .
Win- wuu Mini n the wini nf thoter ueniu wo can wen aauru to roi
evening -and see Him swing the moon W example as well as precept, i., resl)0nslbility is ners.Are we mal:
into place and reveal every star in ,na oy the casual observer lt will bcl,ng good, So mtlc Umo t0 uo g0
orae; j discerned that his success was in hls,lnuch one nouI.f one day in see.
There are people who would walk ' OCetl,u'nc t0 G?d and his dvelllng, To glve uread to hungry souls. Equip
with us all day long, trde with us continually on thoso, things thai Cc:-.,nont preparation and interest, ali
and do business with us, greet us ' """"- " rCJ,cw ""-- ' rt- tiellcient in many instances.
kind iv and treat us well on the street,
but would ueitner go home with us
or invite us to their homes.
He will do either, for toda we will
accept His invitation and walk to His
home with Him We are drawing
nearer. Why. this is a very plain
home "Indeed, just an ordinary house
on earth. Yes this is my home on
earth. Why. I believe lt Is my owu
home. Yes. lt is
oniug from cause in effect we must j
conclude tliat if we think as Christ
thought we will dev elope into his like-i
ncss and his precept was "Abida in j
me ana i m you now are we to
abide in him? may be asket?, by abid
ing in his words I e. permitting the
teachings and life of the Master to
occupy our minds that we will think
as ne thought and act as ho acted,
J. W. KPPERLY. Pastor.
Mathew 27:24 l saved others;,
himself he cannot save. -
"The Principal of Sacrifice"
These words were used by some of
tne enemies of Jesus In the hope that
Mrs. Georire Ilockhill. of Allinnen. I
Ohio, who has been visiting hervson.
George Itockhill, of Lowell, will leavo,
today for Tucson, where she will
spend a mouth before leturning east,
Son Born.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Barret,
tof Don Ijiis, Saturday, a son. Mr.
I Barret Is the Southwestern station
I agent at Don Luis.
Y" Board to Meet.
I The Loard of directors of the
loung Men's Christian association
will meet at tho association build
ing this evening for the purpose of
ear and
m OWU ..... . ., . . . ' tliav mif. it a.M cnindflilnr tn fhp fillf.l .. ... ... .
t i ii . . t i auu in urui:t?SH di iiiiif no rirniii-.ir in. wj ,..-.. .... cwu.....e, - -- . p triiT r nmpprs Tnr inn
it In .the iw light, but It U ind.ob iP suph close compact with him that . wrings he was enduring on the cross, j luaki ,e bm, t f - t,
Kord.1 than "-Thee tnat on! 1rtk l?a able to reflect his image Up to thi t.me they had neve? ad-J 1!)J2. Tbli -,; was IK)StpoJriea
.ii uuif icij tuuiuenance, anu to .i.t.w 4...., .VVD.. .. . ilium u iiioiiiu u&u (
make'hfs name honorable as a result1 they showed tear of it; and looked
of our" imitating him in word and ! "P" U as endangering their lucrative Douglas Secretary Here. , '
died, thus bringing Joy and happi-, positions. Now t jat nis Ihe is ending. Secretary Warr, of the Dodglas Y. ,
ness to ourselves and peaco and com- 'hat all his efforts seem to have been m. C A. spent Sunday in Bisbee and
fort to those around us. If we think, put forth in vain, taey art! willing to , addressed the Sunday afternoon men's
brought us to Yur home, my horn
our iome. for Thou h. st .promised to
lie with us alwavs, even unto the end.
, "O for a cloee walk with Thee."
Man in a measure is a creature of
circumstances, and also of possibili
ties. :He has within his own reach
the material for his making or un
making, i.e. he has his free agency,
and before him Is placed both good
aud evil anti the right to choose is
granted him. With this he has the
bense of right and wrong given him
of the beautiful, the true and the en-1 -innt tnai he had power to do iorae j meeting at the association building.
nobieing we will in time develope into
ttm. If ue :hink uf the pure, virtuous
and loving thoughts they will soon be-
inlugs. he saved others. Hut f.ter-
...u-.v ihev naked him to dispi&y his
come a part of our very being and .ome down Irom the cross they will
jjower in avin;; niniseif. it he wnljing yesterday morning for Douglas.
thus wo will te ab'o to reflect the
Christ In usi the hope of glory.
believe his claims and accept mm
as their savior, in tneir uengm in
Ho was the guest of K. S. Davis, the
local secretary Sunday evening, leav
Council Meets Tonight. t
The citv council will meet in reg-i
stemg t-ieir bupiosed nemy got . , uiar monthly session this evening at
oi tnty forget me dignity that snouid
hi tntiij. and resort to mean, uegiiiu-
n h action.
o Eictas How for Greasy Doughnuti
A lady ii Greenville, S. C, recently
wrote a friend ao follows: .
"For yean, after preparing- doughr.uta
Ttlth th utmost care, I wan dlap
pointed to see them come out greasy
and unwholfieozie looking. However,
wlOi my flret use of Cottolene ror fry
ing men), i was aeiurntea, as tncy wero
At The First Baptist Chdreh
Extract from Sunilay Moraine Scr
mon. :. uids reveal to what a deptt
'ixt: "lt it well with the rlilld?" ..ickeuiiess cau Jtad manK.nd. Greed
The ;irophet here raises a question' cuie.ousuoso, wi.i cause oJj to coin-
that stirs with interest the hearts! ui.t any cnirfe, to descena" to the low-
or a million homes. Many people have o.t actions, 'truly the love oi uiouey
come to tbmk this ai mother's que-, .s tne root ot a.t kinds of evil. But
tiou. iriraarny it is and a mays v. ill,. he woids reveal more t&m the
S o'clock at the city hall. A number
of Important matters W4H occuny the
attention of the council, among them
being tho ordinance taxing foreign
real estate agents and local insurance
I MBiii L
hi t le If
1 iwm t? -
u,i2i . i A 2.NSi?!X4K
nWt Aodii
fr LZ lit ' WMZ&r
Its only natural
tliat SckKtz sliould
be the home beer.
See that crown or cork
is branded "SMitz."
Telephone number 413
T";beeBeer C.p '
-isbe, Arir. '
. 2C
Banquet Tonight.
Tho.bar of Cochlso county w ill give
a banquet at the Cdjiper Queen hotel
be, for she ib in a larger world than 1 speakers intended in another way. j cafe this evening' in honor of Jndge
ever before. The sphere of mothers! tDcy intended them as a reproach ' t'lctcher M. Doan. retiring Judge of
avuciiiEs nas enlarged. The child it. ' Pun Jesus- but tney raveal taeir own ul ul"" to"ru 1IHJ luv-al
Rhode Island Trust Company Also
Pays Interett.
Drown, cnap ami delicious. " , 7 , " "... . . v ' 1 nuanutsa: ano ju auuiuua set ioriu ------- - --- , K- " . r,"V.:. PROVIDEXCE R. I Feb. S The
-For making douBhnuu pastry. Hrht and industrial life. We have come toillle universal principal of sacritice. ' r tne a"a,ir n charge. reIr haM remntaK IndeMedneM of the Union
brceMl awl flaky bisculu. I prefer Cotto- consider the needs of tho child under ,7 . nthpr- himself ho cannot tDere win be attorneys present from . reniaining inoeDieoness 01 tae union
lene to any other ortenlnp on the mar- new and changed environment ue d v .V , 1 . u. I all over the county " Trust company which was suspended
et. we even carry a pail of k on our 'h "" c,? , environments, is save. He had the choice to either Kw" ,, jJr' ., u,",7,, on Oct. 25. 1907, was wiped out today
.nnualcamplnstiips through tlierooun- e child housed, clothed and fed. ,. others or save hlmsdf. He could I W.eJ' KfOv,n, Visitors. " - "' , ,, ,iJlnt I
. . . . I .1113 lUllUniUU Wn. Kill. .. 11 JlEIUiI' -.-w . a
.... .. ....... .. in. ...nrte na ortiiin
HU1. QU UUfcU. ....j, wtuw. mw .w... ,. ,... lL...rt.l
., . .U. In . . t. V t K ptiBlK 1 W
tie cuosu iiic J-i-,
today wo
.tto'ene the pc-f U -'nrtening is eend the Inquiry and ask if the!
ue from vt?e ab!'-.1.'; 1. cunUi.is no cnila las Proper mental training andi
jcs f-t no lr.t gv. . ii. proper religious training Too sUto'
asks t' e one question, the church
not save himself.
Queen hotel yesterday
at the Copper certlilcates lreld by Its depositors. Tie ,
y and Sunday j deposits in the bank at the time It ,
... . ui.r-11 iiuuti ,raic 1,1 ..iiii iii.iii
ur and gave uis life that others migni K M uuffington. Fort. Huachuca; C suspended, aggregated nearly ?2?,iH,
l"e if-. wii.v.aii. t;annnM- iipnn.- k . 000. and the depositors numbered 30.-
This nrinclDsl of sacrifice is found !,.-. .,.-,. i x- .i .flocn nn v.w 4. isns thn lmnfe ta.
in all life. Lower forms of life perish Tombstone; Henry Hamburg, of Ham- opened, and saveTal payments have
burg; tz. (..onzalez. of Nogales; G. been made since tnat time, until a
H. Dohart. traveling freight and pas-1 Anal 10 per cent distribution today,
senger agent of the Santa Ee. of El cleared up all of the Indebtedness.
1'oso. ' In addition to the amount of their de-
that a higher form may exist. One
.orm of civilization disappears that
another and higher may take its place,
jien undergo the hardships of mitres
and factories that the enterprises of
mank.nd may be carried to a suc
cessful end. Parent out of love for
of I
I posits the depositors received accrued
I Interest at 3 per cent.
Cut out the above coupon, with five others of consecutive dates, and
present them at The Review office, with the expense bonus amount here
in set opposite any style of Dictionary selected (which covers the Items
of the cost cf packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire
and other necessary EXPENSE Items), and'jeeeive your choice of these
three books.
Th $4 00 (Like illustration In advertisement elsewhere in this is-
WEBSTER'S sue) is bound in full Limp Leather, flexible, stamped In
New , gold on bfick and sides, printed on Bible paper, with red
Illustrated" edges end corners rounded; beantlfu!, strong, durable
DICTIONARY Besides the general contents as described elsewhere there
are maps and over CO" suu.ects Deauuiuny illustrates
by three-color plates, numerous subjects by monotone,
1g pages of valuable charts In two colors, and the late
U. S- Census. Present at Tho Review offlce six consecu
tive Dictionary coupons and the
Bonus of
Th .3.00 Tr is exactly tho I
WhuSTER'S (rne as tho $4.00
New book, exeent In the
Illustrated stvle of t.nding
DICTIONARY which is f.i half
leather, with olive
edges and will
square curiieia. s- 1
Consecutive coupon
and the
I Fxpense
v Sonus of
Tne $2.00 It Is in plain cloth
WEBSTER'S Wnding. stamped in
New golJ and black; ha-s
Illustrated same paper, simo II
DICTIONARY lustrations but all
of the colored plates
and charts arc
omitted SIX Con-
secutice Coupons
and the ..--..
( Bonus of
Any Book by Vail, 22c Extra for Postage.
Mrs. Elder Dies.
Mrs. Ceorce A. Klder. mntlipr
child denies self and the child de-i.l ll. Klshnri. hnl.sttni n.rlnfxr
,-... . .... . . .: ..-.-- "."-.. .?. -"--- --,
veiopes. uui 01 ue ior vuuuuj -p.e junction suau, uiea ai ner nomc u'imvrTnv Pti " rcinortal. '
patriot denies himself, assumes bur-, in Jiggerville Saturday night at 9 i -nms have been introduced I In the '
dens tUat the nation may not only' o'clock of lobar pneumonia. 8te)hWltoetoto
endure but that it may advance. HowU-as Gb years of age. The body was .u. f y6tUltl across the Colol
well this fact is brought to our attad. taken to Eldorado Springs Mo Sun- ? KSTand granUng Pee" ,
birthdays of Uncoln md of Washing-1 son, J. B. Bishop. U 1V1
ton. This Is the secret of true sue-1 , town PurPses-
cess, of real progress a giving up. Officers Get Coal Thief. -"
a denial, a sacrificing that others may , Cheers Thomas jnd Brooks flushed TJ17 K TUV
DO saved. a brace of Mexicans last n'.ght while; J jTllLAjLi 1 JTi I .
uut Leneticiai as tne principal is, ; " "" --"- i.i "-- uw
k never iicomes reauy nooie so -"- -s .v...v.- -. ......
long as there is unwillingness and house. They had five sacks of coal
bitterness behind It. The sacrifice of bn they w-ere apprehended by the
compulsion may accomplish much, officers. The Mexicans made an at- , 1 jl system now and
the sacrifice of weakness and inferior-, temPl ,l. away and one of them , genHy C'eanse tne system, now ana,
Ity has done much for progress, but , cceeueu ou- uw '"" cauBiu men, wnen in neeu 01 a mure,
" --""" uc .. i. v. ...c t.. I -.j k (,hnn 9 rtAWtttrvvvntiil I
I VlllVvU f f M "" '), M WW Vfw Vll w I
of the ever refreshing, wholesome,
May be promoted by those who
The Real Estate Man
Fire Insurance The Best,
Bargains In Homes
Money Money Money
Phone 76, O. K. BIk.
Opposite Depot
i.. .!,, 10 n-minr.o o, ,!,., tnc second one on ii
,4 ,, ,i cvmMih. nrt torn house and placed him In jail.
uipvv MUU 4.Wf J .mj aasa w w
ed. Hre is the secret of the success Helth sjn"Di"- and buly benefiaal Syrup of higs,
of Christ's work. As he hung on tne t co died" aTals hog, and Elixir of Senna, which is the
im Warren Sunday morning at 5 13 cnv famflv laxative ccnerally ap-
ISkln of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. ,0 clock. He came here In December. . , - , -;- kv '
accompanied ny nis parents, ur. anu ji " "j " "-" -..-.. rj
Mrs. sueffer, from Sparta, wiscon- iJdans, because it acts in a natural;
sin. While, working as a railroad . .1 . 1 ..-. J
! clerk, young Sheffer's health gave sirenguiciunS way ai.u ...,. a..U(
j way and he came lo Arizona to re- tones up the internal organs Without .
Si? ie&Z. M )".Kir.lii- cuperate. 11c ieave. oeiues nis par- : fftn e i.,. -.! vbeneh-1
1Sr7Zr9 Cfllttxantalon. It Lu turn hrnrhers. nonnw TV CShrf". Weakening U1CIW. HIS WJUiHiyucjJCH
! Ml ft jJr vE ? Ji' IS fer. of t jrrosse. wis., who is now en ficial for the verv voune and the mid-'
H Lowell
Carriage Co.
Phone 284
mm '
. T. Felix Gouraud's Orlonta!'
Cream or Magical Boautlflar.
HctsoTAl Tat. Tlmr.lM.
recUc, 3fcU I'-tctes ;
?n$ m
r-a H "J c&
Bar ley - Oats
Corn and Coal for Sale
r.SSSSKIlf to BM.ee: and N. K. shelter, die aged, as it is always efficient and
1. tro;TT nt , of Sparta, Wis. The body will be , ,b ' ... , .J j- . t
AcwMyeMuw- , ,n Sliart, wis.. unbn the arrival free from all harmlul ingredients, lo
itti ei miuiui - - - . -- '
tunc Pr 1 A.
lidX of lb hut
x&a 1 (.iro.
, of lieorge D. Sneffer.
get its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine, bear-
(ZaarntaA'm l?rnm&K
kln pirpiriilo " Fr nl br i
PB.T.H6?IlllS)Prep,37SrMlJMiSbfJ.fcIoi,Uth' l p" m' 8liarp'
JIANILA, Feb 3 The Philippine
exposition and carnival, for which pre
parations have been making for near-
laco Field, a large tract close to the
bay which was formerly used a3 a
camping sround of the United StatC3
troops. Tls exhibits consist prin
cipally of rice, cocoanuts, fruits of all
Trttt b! u j stockholders' meeting of the Fir imr the name of the Company-
.i... .-i'.iS'i. inish Bldg.. aasociatlon, will bo hela l:f :- m CTO. f, A,A ,." "j Z- n h u.mn mhir n.w. mhr !
AStt!3VSKr Labor Temple. Tuesday Febniarj -i " u''a ., br .' T ' . 'V'". ' Z? .T; ,,n 7 cnm7nel manv varioUes. com and other T.rc
350 pnntea on me ironioi everypaatagc. , .T Tho cxposiuon Is held on w2' ducte ot the Islands.
5' '

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