OCR Interpretation

Bisbee daily review. [volume] (Bisbee, Ariz.) 1901-1971, January 26, 1913, SECTION 2, Image 7

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024827/1913-01-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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SECTION 2..;$ ";.
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.Developments and Improvements Are Being Pushed and
Good Strikes Are Reported ,one Being of Sulphides
on 1200 Level oF Hoatson Shaft of the Calumet and
Arizona Company. Copper Queen Will so Deeper
:n I 1 1 C VI.; wil .- "" . - .
iii wnwt juiii .wurKings wnere Large Body of Rich
Ore Has Been Developed.
Declares There Is noReasp,n
to Believe 1 hat It WiHGo
Below Sixteen Cents
Conditions Now Unlike in
Melal prices Is In the east appears to jtlon and values obtained are running
have steadied at a price approximate
ly a cent a pound lower than pre
vailed a short time since, but still at
a figure that
higher than would be necessary for
the success o fthis. Indeed so high as
to make much 'of ll a smelting prop.
Jt guarantees profits to thejosltion from the outset.
producer. lilectroiyilc Is still between Uncle Sam Looks Good
lb and 16& cents ier pound In quo
tations and this price is general!)
considered as satisfactory.
inat tne surplus htock on hand will
One of the most Important strikes
In the Blsbee district in recent ilmci
has been that In the Uncie Sam work
ings of the Southwest. Tho leneth and
1 1 . .f.o ui fclUT .7111111
be shown to have InrroaaoH Inrlnt.i.
the month of January Is indicated byl dUl of that ore body has now
the reiwrts that come dally from tb'tbeen wel! determlnedand current re
east relative to receipts and to ex- I" has it that the company Is now
perts. Unless the domestic demand) going In to determine depth and
has Increased materially In the month) that they are to so down 200 feel
a further increase In surplus fe lndl-J further. Thm ore body, as row de
rated in the figures received up to ' veloped is directly contiguous to aim
date. Undoubtedly the war situation Har developments in the Shattuck
had its enect on the conifer market i which nronertv it filiwtir o,nt. -.
abroad ind still further and wider' the results of developments for depths
has been the effect of a money strin- j by the Copper Queen will have its
gency in Europe. That stringency effect on development plana of the
" iiieuiionea in connection witn tne, ouatiucK.
loan by the six powers In press re-1 Excavation work for installing new
J"011- hoist, tool houses, change rooms, etc.
Conditions In Europe could not but) also take up the attention of the Cop
be reflected In the markets in this . Per Oueen comnanv
.Following are mm. nlrarN frnm
the last Walker Weekly Copper Let- Iatlon.
ier in tne lioslon Commercial:
Th?re really is no market for cop
ier ui me present moment and this
condition is likely to continue for
altout a week longe.-. A few hundred
tons of electronic has been gold this
wees at 16 1-8 and It. 2-4 ieiits n
pound. Utile if any lake copper Is
being sold. Large producers of bo':i
around 1G3-4 cents, tut when they gi
bids of 16 1-2 cents they accept them
Buying demand at 17 3-4 cents cea.
ed two or three weeks ago and con
sumerK are refraining, as far as pos
sible, from making purchases and
waiting to see how far the price will
decline, indications are that a grea'
many consumers will hate to buy coi
per within a week or two and when
they come into tbe market a price
probably will be agreed upon which
will mark the bottom of the present
slump. As soon as consumers are
satisfied that there Is to be no fui
ther decline they will buy heavily.
There is absolutely no inson io
believe that the price will decline be
low 1C cents, or that it will remain
as low ag 16 or 1. cents for any cou
siderable length of time. The metal
share c.er four month, or $l.r,Q tn
r ialr.
V tUicugh geoiogfsl examinatioi
of llio Shannon pro;eiiy has Ncn
made recently, and It baa disclosed
Hie ex'stence of a much larger mln
(rallied zone than was heretofore suji
poted to exist. As a result of the
knowledge gained, by this examination
tbe company's development wo.k will
oe 'conducted more inlmc.ntiv i
the future and Its ra'ning costs shoui.1
be reduced. jt
Shannon is now In aTbosltlon tn.nr.v
luce approximately ls.000.o0o pound j
or copper annually at -a cost of aUiut
Ul'S cents a pound. .With the metal
H-ll.& nt 13 'to 1C cents. It slioulo
cprn rrom J1.75 to $2.30 a share en
ri-slly for a great many vear. ;o come.
As this writ'i:vtte stock is wellm-;
around $11.30 a share and current
earnings are at a rate of 13 to 20
per cent on mis n.Ice. Tin inr-t
tlierefore. should prove a eood nnrl
chase for both Investment and specu-
Ecjwin F. Jones at Grace
Episcopal Church in Tuc
son Plainlv Denounces
Demagogues Who Assail
Officials and Courts.
Story of H. Lesinsky, First to
Ship Copper from Arizona,
Later Selling Mine for
One Million.
The rights of tbe Individual as af
fected by the proposed progressive
measures, was the subject of a pro
found disse.tatlon by Kdwln P. Jone
at Grace Episcopal church In Tuo-
un on last sunaay evening. The lee
tuie was a protest and an attack as
well as a defense and a justification.
The speaker's diction was pure Eng
lish and simple, notwithstanding the
weighty matter dealt with, and vvas
easily comprehended by the audience
wnose intent Interest was held for
three-quarters of an hour.
In the course of his lecture, Mr.
Jones took a veiled ,dlg at Eugene W.
Chafln for attacks at the honesty of
the president of the United States and
the supreme bench, and took occa
sion to commend Judge Fred Sutter of
the superior court of Cochise county
fM llhamllnf. ..I.
. .. uviaiuig a. jii&uiit;r on a writ or
habeas corpus on the erounri th.it i
H. LprlntOcy. the first man to ship! telegraphed request wag not sufficient
pound of conner out f jirbnn. warrant for arrest.
the greatest coiier producing state uerelr'nS to "a member of the bar
In tho union. Is tbp ivat ninr.. r wuo has aspired to the hlzhent ntrrt
ArSjona mining. ;'" the gift of this country on a great
I'Yom the then i.nnanw . "rai issue, the speaker said. I
Cananea Consolidated Copper Company Was Able to
Keep Its Enterprise in Operation During EntireTear
Outlook Is for Increased Production in !913 The
Calumet and Sonora Is Again Producing, Progress
at Nacozari and El Tigre. Activity in Other Sections
of the Stare
country. Exiwrt figures for the month
up to this time clearly reflect those
conditions and only the home demand
showing heavy increase could prevent
an increase In the copper surplus.
But the conditions are not considered
.. at .all alarming1. In the face of a
year of the greatest production orcop-
-r-lrf the history of the nation the
reserve stock of copier remained
close to normal. It may be that there
will be a still further decline, though :
this is not anticipated, yet the air
or confidence among copper producers
has not been disturbed. A continuance
of 17 to 18 cent copper would have
meant a quicker awakening to the op
portunities for investment In unde
veloped copier properties but even at
lower prices the Incentive remains
though in a diminished extent.
Placer Claims Optioned
The most recent deal to be re
ported locally is an option upon placet
claims belcw Warren owned by eight
local people It Is reported that the
owners of these claims will receive
Su.Oflo if the deal Is consummated.
Iteport has it that the option Is for
nine months and that the first pay
ment is to bo made In July.
The placer ground below Warren
lias been proven to carry good valuev
In gold and the sole problem is the
washing of the dirt cheaply enough.
The group reported sold is only one
of peveral owned by local parties.
Much of that country ha. been taken
up under placer claims and the results
of the present option are therefore
awaited 'with more than ordinary In
teresL If it can be shown that the
gold can be extracted from this dirt
profitably Illsbee can expect a num
ber of placer camps close at hand.
Good Sulphide Strike.
From the Clumet and Arizona offices
It is learned that there was encoun
tered in the past week a body of sul
phides on the 1200 level of the Hoat
on. .Thus far they have cut this body
for twenty feet, are still In ore anil
exploration and development of it ha&
only Just started. In other develop
ment and exploration work the com
pany Is proceeding upon its well fixed
lines of polfcy and had no further In
formation to give out.
At the Junction the work of con
creting Is being continued and more
rapid work Is being done than at tho
outset ns a result of the lessons that
have been learned by experience that
have taught the best methods.
The Calumet and Arizona company
continues at practically the same pro
duction figures this month and li
shipping close up to the capacity of
tne smelter In its present stage.
Copper Queen Is Busy.
With the new development work
that Is In progress, the installation of
new machinery, construction work
and preparations for construction
buildings and keeping the output of
the mines up close to record figures
tbe Copper Queen la busier than In
several years.
Further sinking at two shafts, the
Silver Bear and the Sacramento tlra
ler shaft has progressed steadily
during the week as has the drilling
on the Copper Klng.prpperty and the
development of the' Sacramento por
phyry -country.
In the porphyry development the Im
portance can hardly be over esti
mated for the proof of values ninuiu9
through that character of rock arc
certain to be of much value to the
district. Thus far tbe develoutaenU
hare been better than were bored for.
It was expected to. make, this char
acter of ore a concentrating- proposl-1
Indications are that the Janmrv
j shipments will not differ materially
j from the record breaking Decembei
Develop Lead-Sliver.
Shattuck continues developing the
lead-silver strikes that were men
tioned last week and the shipment of
this class of ore to the El Iaso "htaelt
vr. Iteturns show that this chanictei
of ore will materially add to tht
dividends paid by this company and
to the value of the property.
Beyond the statement that devel-
situation is entirely different now than
It was In 1907. when the nrlep of
lake copper declined from 20 1-2 ;o
12 1-2 cents. At that time consumers
had overbought, anticipating an ad
vance of at least 20 or 35 cents s
pound. When the market weakened
they endeavored to resell their su.--plug
holdings and there were three
or four sellers for every buyer. Con
sumers are -now entirely -bare of sup
Plies and the world's visible surplus
Is insufficient to overstock them, even
If they bought It all.
Of course the worldVprbductlop is
very large and when the buying move
ment Is resumed It will have to be
continued in order to sustain prices.
If general business conditions contln
ue as good as they have been durlnx
the past four years, however, and th
icai is now rnrton. Sir loin.v.-
shlp)ed a sack of copper ore to New
e neard him sneer anil i.la j
what he sarcastically called thp n.irrp,i
Vork to be assaved In 1S7- if w-.!r,Su,s of the Judiciary to nrotecf tho
native copper and the report received 'consU,utIon: have heard him de
from thn Vm- Vnn- c....... .;. ... i nounce the supreme court nt th
hint and his partners In the pioneet L a b,ate as corrupt and incompe-
onment alone nil lln. -,. ,it ...... "!Iasi tour years, how
could be desired and that shipments J" 0ad V trl"(?,tlon now Planned
were belmr rDntln! Z , ,ll J" ls l'?eeded with, consumption will
demanded there were no announce
ments from this company.
New Committee Named
A new committee on mines has been
named by President MrRwrnr f n,
Commercial elub. George Long Is made
cousiuentDiy exceeu production and
before the end of this yejr the metal
ought to s,ell higher than It did at
any time in 1912.
Calumet and Arizona
Calumet and Arizona will not bene
fit from the use of its new smelter
tent In a public address In this .in-
Xo sane man, who has given the mat
ter the least investigation, believes
that any single decision the sunrem
court ever delivered was corrupt, and
no man, no matter what his capaci
ties or prejudices, ever believed it to
copper venture believe they had dis
covered tho long dreamed of Midas
mine. Their dream came true when
tbe Arizona Copper companv. com
posed of Scotch capitalists, drew a
iiieck in their favor for an even
Jl 000.000. but 12 war nfi..- th.,-
had found the strange lookinc lul'l '"competent. It was
ders along the Gila river ,e uemaSogue. plying his trade, drunk
Born !n Australia, where the lure i , , e .froth of nIs e8otism and
Of gold is always strong Mr Les.IreckIe8S allke of truth and conse
insky came to America when a young l'1'1"' J,0 ,mal,e such a chan?-"
man. landing In San Francisco in!, . a" know that Pre'dent Taft
ISii. From there he went to the1 ,'a honest- h'eh-toned man. that bis
frontier town of Kansas City wher ! n,tEri,, J8 beoa1 dispute and tha:
he engaged passage In a strap hung' ,? as lttbored liard & unselfishly to
overland stage of the Huttm-floi,? "'"T6" ,ue uup i "s office as he
route, which took him to Las Cmces ( 'av !f!em' ,We ktuw ,hat he has kept
X. M. This waE a Mexican town of unIsuI!ie,1j the high traditions of his
m Mr ix-slngky en- "V,,, " :r" "c "au uoue no a
eneral merchandise h,n V'ljT86,3'" Anercan to
to the government!? nB.hs head ln 8han'p. and yet ue
CANANEA, Sonora. Mexico.. Jan.
i5. The mining industry nas had a
rather variegated existence in Sonort
during the year Just ended. The revo
lut'on. although not general In the
state, came along Just at a time when
the country was recovering from the
war ot 1910-11, and many properties
which had resumed but a short time
before were again forced to clo-w
down, the operators leaving the state
ana seeing new ttelrts of mining, many
or them going to Arizona. With the
revolution came bandit organizations
which preyed upon the small mining
cimps. in many cases the lattor he.
Ing looted of everything of value, even
to the ores sacked ready for shii.
meni. wmen were lett behind. The
railroads sun r red great damage
through the rebels burning bridges ,e
peatedly and this had the effect ot
causing many properties to suspend
even when not bothered by tb ban
dits, being un-bie to receive supplies
and ship their ptoduct. With the end
ing of the revolution the Vaiui ln
man uegan to caue much trouble.
especial! In the central portion ot
the state, and freighters were afraid
to provide transportation for the
mines located at distances from the
tallroad for fear of th Indians, ln
somo instances the Indians L'ilpd '.he
freighters and took the animals and
also the ores. With the ending of
the revolution the Yaoui troubles re
mained unsettled, but, with confidence
partially restored, quite a number of
properties resumed operations.
The better prices In the market for
metals had considerable to do with
th's feature and properties which op
erated steadily throughout the t.-ou
ractlon. All the equipment has been
overhauled prior to a s'eadv period
of operation, which has already bee-i
commenced. Dr. Walter Ilarvev
Weed Is the consulting engineer and
general manager of the company and
under his guidance the property win
eventually be made a steady producer.
W. H. Tangye Is the superintendent
in charge. The company Is In better
condition at present than for several
ypars. ,
The Democrats
The Oemocrata Mining companv of
Cananea resumed operations with as
old 125-ton smelter during the fall of
the year and In December blew in uj
new 2.0-ton furnace which was n
stalled in 190S but which never ha I
been used on account ot the company
shutting down soon after Its installa
tion, only resuming during tbe fa.!,
when the price of copper warranted
t. During 1J12 the comnanv urodu -
ed about 1,500.000 ooundj of copiter.
but this year It will probably produce
about 18.000,000 pounds. The main
is converted to bullion at the sinelti-r
of the Cananea company. It Is prob
able however, that tbe company will
soon Install Its own converters. Con
siderable ore 's blocked out ready for
extraction, while immense ore bodies
await further development.
The CananeaiBoston companv- op
erated its property during most of tim
year, about 250 feet, of development
work having been done. The cum
pany will soon reorganize.
The Mexican Metals company (Mo?-tezuma-Arizpei)
has been oneratlnc
steadily all year It has added a cou-
centrartor to Its equipment and In ii-
Chairman and Cantaln Hodgson ami ..!..,.m..n? "8e. ?r ."?. .new ",ne
H. T Hamilton are two other me X",,Tf..l?. 'm Xff.f:
.. ....... . bmwu.u wuvc a llk-llt; .JIV.1T
than 100 pounds of copper annualh
hers. It is expected that inn nther.
will be named and the especial work
that ls outlined for the committee Is
Ihe obtaining of a full list of the In
dividual!)- owned claims and the es
tablishment of a mlnlr.ir here.,, in th-
Commercial club. It la .l.i t ji..
abuse the public mind that practically
.... u. ... claims are held by two or
inrw companies. A meeting of the
committee for organization purposes
is expected to Le held within a fen-days.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 25.
ine week will see the conclusion of
the hearings on tariff revision before
iue nouse ways and means committee.
The schedules to be taken nn win m.
brace those dealing with some of the
u-osi important commodities, such .is
wool and manufactures, hats and
boots and shoes.
President Taft will be the principal
speaker Wednesday evening at the an
nual banjuet of the Ohio Society of
Washington. Other srx-aVr. .-m k
Senator Pomerene. Speaker Champ
Clark and Congressman Cannon,
Compulsory arbitration for the set
tlement of industrial dtsnut. h.
been selected for tiin ehl-f cuM.n
of discussion at the Uiirteenth annual
uccuug oi ino national Civic Feder
ation, which -will tneet In S' Wr.
.uesuay lor a session of two days.
Secretary of Aericiilttir wiicnn n.i
all the members of the bouse com
mittee on agricultural appropriations
wave accepted invitations to attend
the Fifth Ntlo!. Corn Kxposltion,
which will open Monday in Columbia
S. C. Many sections of the country
will be presented at the show, which
promises to be tbe most notable ex
hibition of its kind ever held In the
United States. In connection there
will be meetings of tlte American
Breeders' association, the National
Fannere" Union and other organiza
tions Interested In agriculture.
The National, Federation of KeJigl
ous Liberals and the Free Religious
association of America will Join in a
congress In Rochester, X. y. begin
ning Tuesday and continuing three
days. Many notable speakers will be
beard, among them Mrs, Anna Garlin
Spencer of New Tork, Proleseor Ru
dolf Bucket, of the University of Jena,
Rabbi Charles Fleischer of Bestoa.
and Professor Daniel Kvanu of And
over Eemlnary.
l-oo In lbG-I. and Mr l.InL-v t.
gaged in the ;
UlIBlIlff-MM KA Miff fA Ih. vwt ... .
. "-Mo v uc i.u. trriiiiifiii
for the troons stationed th.rn ?a?. "een compared to a plckpocke:
Meets Robert Metealf. 'holding his sway. No man ever le-
ln .872 Mr Islnskv went to , U,at he was ulahnt. and It Is
Arirnni inj irv- .... 1.1..' i.i -. . greatly to be regretted that nnv m-in
the south bank of the Gila nea-' hould be found wllllnS to make suchl
wnat is now tne cltv of Clirtnn : - --
for each share of its stock, and It is
probable that It will be able to reduce
the cost of its production lo about
seven cents a pound.
Old Dominion
Old Dominion Is now making addi
tions to Its reduction capacity, which
should enable it to produce 40,000,00(1
pounds of copper annually. In 19H
and thereafter, at a lower cost per
pound than It has ever maintained In
the past. Thero Is every reason to
expect that Old Dominion stock will
eventual!)- be worth $75. to $90 a
Ray Consolidated
Kay Consolidated ls not as yet mak
ing much of a showing in the matter
of earnings. Its output will increass
steadily and toward the end of this
year it should be producing at the
rate of SO.OOO.dOO pounds annually.
The cost of Its copper should be re
duced meanwhile to nine cents or l?t.i
per pound. When operating to fu.
capacity Ray will be able to earj
about $2.50 a share on a 14 cent cop
Per market.
The Shannon
Shannon directors plan to purchase
and retire a considerable block of Ms
outstanding bonds this year. If tbe
I'nce oi copper averages J cents o'
higher the company probably will f;lose
Its fiscal year with no mpre than
$400,009 of bonds outstanding a-ialnet
Its railroad, which cost , "originally
$750,000. As the bonds have Jost their
conTeisfon privilege thete will be 'no
Increase In Shannon's capital stiR.h
beyond the 300,000 shares now nt-
The past achievements of the Sban
con Copper company are not generally
appreciated. Ten years ago It haj
SUC.000 shares and $COO,000 of Indebt
edness. Since then it has paid off
the $600,000 from earnings, completeu
and enlarged its concentrator and
smelter, purchased additional proper
ties, built a railroad costing $750,000.
paid a total of $750,000 in dividends to
stockholders and tbe only indebted
aess shown in Its recent annual re
pott was $470,000 of bonds outstand
ing agKinst the Sbannon-Arizo-ia rail
way, all of whose capital si-vet .
ov-nec by the Shannon Coprer -om-rany
ln tbe past nine years Slumm.i lias
earned about $2,506,000 net. This
money has been used for Uio greater
part tc pay off Indebtedness, nnpiove
the company's reduction pUct. supply
better transportation facillt.- a. pur
ebsse additional mineral gromij and
to pj) dividends, which su far bare
aggregated $2.50 per share. At prei
ea: htiaLuon Is paying j0 cents i-vr
There he met a young officer of the
Eugene W. Chaffln, th-
ftian rp.
southern army who had lost his all ' ,errea b' the speaker, lectured from
in tbe war between the states. His' X f ' v several weeks ago.
name was Robert Metcalf. and to him' bPeakinS at 'he safeguards thrown
Lelongs the dlscoveiy of copper In tbr'a,0Junt! ,De Individual, the speaker
Clifton district. One day, while he' , : "The risnt is bol"5' claimed
was out hunting for deer along thcana '8 """ted ln some quarters for
Olla. and being hunted In turn by in?.0,rlcer of the law to arrest aud
the Apaches. Metcalf discovered ah0,d on "uPlcion any unknown char
number of strangely colored bouI-acter who carae their way, and It .s
ders. which sitggeitod to blm tha:!a eommon practice for ieop!e to be
they might contain valuable mineral. a"Tst.eJ on telegrams, printed de
TaMng one back to town, he Inter- ""--pMc-ini and the flimsiest jf
esled Mr. Lesinsky. and they sent c5a.ree8 and to be he,d Incommunicado
the ore to New York to be assaved,' '' the officers investigate. If It
as there was no assajer nearer t"haii'fuits n,s PurP8e he. In the face of the,
that city. This ore was taken from'"'' s,eeKS lo wring confession from
what afterwards wng named tht
IxngfelIotv mine, one of tie. richest
producers In the district.
Flrtt Ore Shipped to Baltimore.
There was a brisk demand for the
his prisoner by any lie that suits his
purpose or by any means which his
experience' can suggest, and this.
wnich Is a greater crime than nlne-
tenths that they discover. Is condoned
Mes of the year Increased' their oat-cember Increased tbe capacity from
puis, some operating at capacity at ',0 to 100 tons dally. Considerable
the present time On the whole con-lore ,iaa h""" broken and there Is su'-
sfcjring the events of the year which ficlent ore In sight to warrant produn-
nad influence upon the minlntr indus
try, bonora experienced a pretty fair
period of prosperity, and. with the
coming year deprived of revolutionary
periods sonora should cxper'ence the
most prosperous year in its history.
ArlzPe District
The Cananea Consolidated Copper
company (Greene-Cananea) has been
ojierating steadily during the entl.-e
year and almost every month has
shown an increase in production. The
tipn ior some time to come.
rritsche is manager.
The Maria mine of the Caimon Con
solidated company ha3 resumed oj
eiations after being Idle most of the
Las Chlpas, Santa Rosalia, El Tri
unfo. Cubana and many smaller com
panies have done nothing during tho
jear. still being idle.
El Pilar mine of the Arnold Mining
inmrnnir natw Qtntn .., Un
......It 1- . .. .t. .... ... -.-.r. ..-. -..., WUi, OU llllli-s
,r r"r,Z' r ' f )car nortlm-est or Cananea, is now pro
wih reach 54.000.000 .o m i or con- L,in. .,!, .'. u,. .' '
n Th. nil .. . . . . - .. ... .i-ui. iuiiiii; in
pounds of copper s.os
then rare metal and Mr IalnL-rT "n the ground Of necessity. The thir-l
started a plan to give Arizona andeSTee' !t ,s called, is the devil's
export business -which had previously
been confined to small shipments of
wool and a few hides. First the Ore
own weapon, and finds neither sanc
tion nor excuse. In the law. It Is but
a new assertion of the ageold fallacy
whs sacked and pnt in Raltlmnift! Wat the end Justifies the means. It
by way of Kansas City. To do thujls notel wth pleasure that one of our
It was necessary to pack it from tho ' superior Judges baa laid down the Ia-v
mine to the town of Clifton. fivei,n n, Jurisdiction that a telegram is
miles away, where It was loaded intolnt a warrant and that the writ of
mule wagons and hauled w0P miles, habeas corpus will still release such a
overland through tbe Apache eoun-lf011"-
try to Kansas City by way o' Albu- The Judge referred to is Judge Fred
querque -and the Butterfield trail. Sutter, of the superior court, of Co
Thl venture did not pay. although chfse county, who recently released a
the ore ran 35; -per tcent copper; anu(R,an on the writ of habeas corpus who
tbfc pioneer producers -saw that theyjDa1 Hen arrested by Douglas officers
could malie money lf the ore could ("If1 np authority other JUian a tele-
be smelted, on Hie ground. From the'sram from a California officer. The
Mexicans they learned of the crude (Case was noted In The Star at the
though effective methods used inlt'me and readers probably will re-
Mexico for smelling ores. This waica" It.
done by building adobe furnace, no It was ln Itself a significant com
bigger than Dutch ovens, and when jment on the undercurrent of American
they had burned out, to build anoth-j politics to hear a speaker in a public
er. The ore was broken Into chunkb
of Matte copper and sent to Balti
more for refining. Gradually this
Place defend the right to trial hv
jury, the habeas corpus, the presump
tion or innocence, speedy and publle
crude system was improved ucon un- trials, the right of tbe accused to be
til the copper could be better bandied.) exempted from testifying against
Wagon roads and finally a narrow
gauge railroad was built, and the
Coronado mine opened five mlieJ
from the Longfellow.
Coke was bought In San Francisco
himself, the right to bavsr compulsory
process for witnesses in his behalf.
tne right to be confronted by wit
nesses against him.
The SDeaker di-elarnl that the mnA.
and hunted overland from Kansas jern nostrums were the discarded gar
City at a cost of. $40 a ton. Previous! menu of the past, "All the questions.
an tnese reforms and revolutions so
gloriously portrayed to us. It cannot
be said too .often, are. very old, they
are hoary with failure and outgrown
ages ago. They are as old as human
discontent and are as ancient as tbe
flattery which has followed sovereign
authority from the days of Pharaoh
to this charcoal was burned In tbn
wood near the mine and hauled on
burro back to the smelter, -which was
located In the town. Copper at that
time was selling for 24 or 25 cenU
Mr. Lesinsky pays and he and his
two partners were making money out
of their vunture. No effort was made
(Continued on Page 2)
(Continued on Page 2)
pounds representing the foreign or.M
treated. This year (1913) the com
pany's production should te around
90,000.000 or 93.000.000 pounds, as ;:s
ore reserves have been largely in
creased and the smelter will soon 'e
entirely equipped with npw qonven-
f-rM'ni lilt- i.rpHi rniix ittih n-nir-ri .m
conslderably-jlncrease the' converter
capacity. The cost of treating a dry
ton of ore has been reduced from $6j
82 U. S cyv In 1907, to $2.37 in 1911,
and 1912 is a trifle lower. The 1911
cost of copper per pound to the corn
pany was 9.S43 ct-nts, and. It is under
stood that the 1912 cost will be con
siderably closer to 9 cents. During
the year many Improvements havo
been made on the equipment of the
company, besides the opening up ot
several new ore bodies. The most
important of the latter Is that at the
Capote, where a sulphide body has
been found to extend practically from
tly surface to the 1000 foot level.
Calumet & Sonora
The ' Calumet and Sonora company
Is again producing after being Idle
for over three months during the lat
ter -jwrtlon of the year, and shipments
hsve been resun(ed. I The company
ha installed an electric hoist and
with'n 1h next month or two the en
tire equipment will be operated with
electricity as motive power. Tbe
company's production during the year
(up to September 9) was the follow
'ng: 1161 Ions of copper concentrates
which netted them $33,450 l. S. ry.
Resides the copper content the con
centrates carried 2-3 ounces of silver.
11.41 per cent zinc. The concentrates
were smeltcred at the Cananea smelt
er The zinc concentrates totalled
1834 tons, which averaged 43.76 per
cent zinc, and which netted tbe com
pany $36,431. These concentrates are
smelted In Oklahoma. Lead concen
trates amounted to 747 tons, which
averaged 63.55 per cent lead. 31.29
ounces silver, 4)4 per cent copper, and
brought the company $28,632 net. The
El Paso smelter bandied the lead.
The total earnings for the company
for the period of operation totalled'
$93,513. The production for 1913 Is
likely to be at least four times this
amount. During the year the com
pany has done considerable develop
ment work. The shift has been sunk
to the 525-foot level from the 400 stv
tlon. Considerable ore has been brok
- L '. ', .V " i made to the Cananea smelter. Tile
'1U!:,J company ls now planning to install
a oO-ton concentrator, plans al -eady
having been completed. Work will Lo
gin upon Its Installing ln February.
Magdalena District
The Arizona-Sonora company is
planning to Install a mill on its
Juan Cabral projerty, east of Magda
lena. A 50-stamp battery mill will be
Cerro de Plata mine, operated uy
Holt Rros. of Magdalena, Is now oi
erating steadily, and during December
tbe first shipment of bullion ws
made. It amounted to a little over
a Ion. Thirty men have been emplo)
ed during the latter portion of tne
year and 1913 will see operations con
ducted on a larger scale.
The Sonora-IJonanza company,
which is controlled by the Canane-i
Consolidated company. Is operating
steadily at its property west of Inuir
i8. A narrow gauge railroad U to
be constructed soon from the mine to
.muris, six miles away. During tae
year considerable new work has beci
done. A tunnel 1400 feet In length
hag been completed which wfii act aa
a t'lain for tbe mine and. also give a
neaiis for the conveying of oie from
the mine to the railroad. The new
siuft has been -sunk to a depth ot
aoout 550 feet and has beon connect
ed with the old shafts. It will be
sun to a depth of. 1000 feel.
Ures District
I.'j Cobriza has again returned op
erations after being Idle ths greaie
portion of tb,e year. It is exacted
that the new smelter will be in op
eration early In the year The prci
t.tr ls 17 miles, northwest o? NorU.
i-a Flora Mining company, oi-eratingr
th- Nopalcra property, has resumed
work A mill Is to be Installed dur
ing the early portion of the ya-
El Tajo company has resumed op
erations after a seven-month perio
or Idleness on account of the revolu
tion. The lOft-ton concentrator Is
again In operation and shipments aro
made to the Kl Paso smelter.
Tbe Richfield Copper company will
probably resume during February and
its smelter will be completed shortlr
There Is not much activity to be
noted in this district lut It Is ex.
Pected that during the year more work
I i
en on the 300-foot level, ready for ex-
(Continued on Page 2)

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