Jft0fW VOL XXXI Miami Concentrator One of Biggest in the World The now concentrator of the Miami Copper Co is one of the largest in the world as well as one of the most complete in labor saving equipment and it is correspondingly efficient in its operation says the Mining and Scientific Press The plan is designed to take overy advantage of natural conditions such as the lay of the ground and at the same time it has incorporated a most complete convey ing system into its design The im portance of the mechanical handling of ore is recognized in all modern ore V treating plants and most cases the v development of ore deposits would not be commercially possible without the use of conveying machinery The economy of conveyors lies not only in the great saving in labor but it alo permits accurate sampling and mixing as well as allowing uniform feeding The shaft crusher building and storage bins are all situated on a ridge In line with the bins and upon the side of the hill is the concentrat ing plant Under this arrangement the ore during the concentration is constantly being carried downward by gravity thus passing through the pro cess with no further necessity for mechanical handling Ore is hoisted in 7 1 2 ton skips which are dumped automatically into bins above the crushers From the bins the ore is drawn out by 48 in rotary feeders and delivered to two No 7 -12 gyratorv crushers From the crushers the ore passes upon a 30 in inclined Stephens Adamson belt con veyor 257 ft between centers of end pulleys This conveyor rises in an in clined gallery to a point above the storage bins where it discharges upon the horizontal distributing conveyor This is necessarily of the same width and capacity and is 329 in between centers TJjis conveyor is parried horizontally in a gallery above a row of six cylindrical steel storage bins of of 100 tons capacity each The con veyor is equipped with an automatic tripper traveling back and forth on a track along the conveyor line and serving the various bins through openings in the gallery floor On delivering the crushed ore to the concentrator for treatment a separate conveyor ledds from each bin to the plant An automatic disc feeder and sampler regulates the feed from the bin to the conveyor and at the same time it is arranged that of the ore delivered by every fifth revolution of the feeder disc a small percentage is automatically diverted as a sample Under this arrangement an analysis of the ore may be made at the time the ore is delivered for treatment and the nature of the treatment is thus de termined The conveyors leading from the bins to the concentrator are each 14 in wide and 24 ft between centers leading directly to the reduc ings roll in the concentrator building As a protection for the reducing rolls a power electro magnet is sus pended above the first conveyor which removes all scraps of iron which have W become intermixed with the ore This is a precaution which should be taken in all cases where bits of iron or tools dropped by the workmen are apt to get in the ore cause serious damage to the crushers or rolls and consequently delay the entire plant On account of the high position of the plant it was not practical to place the concentrate bins near the plant and to bring the railroad to them The method adopted was to place the bins a considerable distance from the concentrator at a level more easily ac cessible by the railroad In order to supply the bins under the arrange ment it was necessary to construct a long tunnel through which the con centrate is delivered from the plant to the bins The general coustruei n of the con centrator buildings is concrete steel and corrugated iron In this connec tion a feature which immediately strikes a visitor to the plant is that all buildings and galleries are absolutely and scrupulously clean This is a feature which is more easily possible in this plant than in those where the material handled produces a quantity of dust but nevertheless the result is attained only by means of a certain amount of work and the contrast pre sented to other plants is very pleasing The various levels of the concentrator are connected by iron stairways for the convenience of guests and employ es and all parts and equipment of the plant are easily accessible Electric drives are used throughout the plant the power being generated in the companys own power plant This is near the loading bins beside the railroad so that fuel is easily sup plied The building and equioment of the power station are also thoroughly modern and efficient and in keeping with the character of the main plant The capacity of this concentrator is 11000 tons of ore per day The con centrate is all shipped to the Cananea smelter at Cananea Sonora Mexico At tliis Cananea plant there is also a system of Stephens Adamson convoy ors for bedding aud reclaiming the concentrate and delivering it to the roasters This system was illustrated and described in the Mining and Scientific Press af May 4 1912 The Miami plant was designed and constructed under the supervision of H Kenyon Burch and is now operat ed under the management of B Brit- ton Uottsberger general manager for the Miami Copper Co All conveyors for this plant were furnished by the Stephens Adamson Mfg Co as well as a large amount of the equipment used in the concentrator including over one hundred conical settlers Miners Consumption And the Use of Stimulants The effects of drinking alcoholic bevrages are many Some think that a moderate amount of alcohol is good but whatever may be the effects upon a man leading r normal life in good air it is bad in all instances upon miners Mine work is enervating Owing to the fact that the air of the best ven tilated mines is far more vitiated that that of a well ventilated office the sys tem of a miner is very apt to be suffer ing from a want of oxygen Plenty of life in the open air when off work is what the miner needs to revive him rather than an artificial stimulant Pneumonia iB a disease from which miners are especially apt to suffer be cause mine workings are apparently good places for the incubation of pneumonia germs About the only thing that can be done for a sufferer with pneumonia is to give him stimu lants to keep up the heart action The two best stimulants in such an ill ness are the alcoholic drinks and strychnine If the sufferer will not re spond to alcoholic stimulation thore is not nearly so good a chance for him to survive the attack when it is serious Possibly the fact that so many miners and those in mining camps drink rather copiously is really more im portant than the circumstance that mines are generally located at high altitudes in explaining the low per centage of recoveries from pneumonia that characterize health statistics in mining communities Another disease that is quite preva lent in raining camps is so called miners consumption There is a real miners consumption such as that on the Rand which seems to be due to cutting of the lung substance by the sharp particles of dust coming from the rock drills This is followed by a later stage where there seems to be a tendency toward a hardening of the lungs which lias led to the proposal of the name silicosis for that stasre in the disease Such weakened lungs are unable to resist tuberculosis germs when they come in contact with them and so later true consumption sets in While there are mining districts where tliero is this tendency to true miners consumption there is also much miners consumption in dis tricts where the dust resulting from the drilling is not particularly ab raisive and does not have any mark ed tendency to cut Such a district is Butte Mont and there are several Contito KINGMAN ARIZONA SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 1912 others in the United States where con sumption of rock particles is the true explanation of the prevalent miners consumption Almost always in such districts it is the men who have been rather heavy drinker thitsuffer from tnis so called miners consumption This type of miners consii nption is really nothing but tuberculosis that has been contracted by the miners be cause of the depressed condition of ills system in respect to resistance to disease and this low resistance to disease is directly traceable to the alcohol rather than to the depressing effect of underground work It is unwise for an underground worker to lie down and go to slep in a mine in repose me oouys resis tance to disease is greatly decreased and so the miner falls an easy prey to any germs that miy be in the air Moreover the place that the miner generally selects for his quiet little nooze is some warm out-of-the-way place where the air is none too good Man of the miners in districts where the mine workings are warm if not hot attribute their proneness to dis ease to the enervating effect of the heat Moderate heal is not enerva ting Bad air is It is healthful to perspire The more freely one per spires the more impurities are thrown off from the body through the skin It is healthful to work in hot work insrs provided that the air is not vitiated greatly and the humidity is low so that the skin temperature does not increase unduly with result ing impairment of its excretory and respitatory functions Owing to the fact that miners are especially liable to contract consump tion while at work underground it is a duty of mining companies to keep consumptives out of their mines as much as they can In Bisbee two cases of consumption have been trac ed definitely to its contraction under ground while working with consump tive partners in drifts or raises Mining and Engineering World Rich Strike at Alleghany The Alleghany mining district has again come into the limelight A slort time ago a rich new gold strike was reported there by William Cooper managing owner of the True Blue Ex tension A bottleful of nuggets and slugs of gold was obtained by the washing of a pan of dirt from the por phyry wall to the ledge on the prop erty While having a drift drven on the ledge Cooper noticed that the wall rock sparkled with what he first be lieved was rites By testing it with acid howeor it was determined that the supposed pyrites was gold It is too early to make a statement as to the extent of the strike but it is believed to be a good one The gold does not occur in the ledge but in the wall rocks A company financed by people of Mendocino Humbolt and Sacramento counties has done several hundred feet of tunnel work on the mine and the report of the strike with tli6 exliibi tion of the gold lias been the cause of a great deal of excitement in the Alle ghany district For the past ten years miners and prospectors have been searching for the source of the gold float in the vicinity of the mine which is situated in Jackass ravine on Lafayette ridge between the Rainbow and Croesus mines and it is believed that Cooper has solved the problem Nevada City Transcript Flafiged Train With Shirt Tearing his shirt from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck but H T Alston Raleigh N C once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters I was in a terrible plight when I began to use ihem he writes my stomach head hack and kidneys were all badly affected and my liver was in bad con dition but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man A trial will convince ou of their matchless merit for any stomach liver or kidney trouble Price 50 cents at II I Wat kins ttm Copper Review for October During the past month the main sell- lieve that me tarnr or trust legisla tion which will be attempted by the democrats will be of such a drastic nature as to paralyze business or even to interfere with the improvement in business which lias been going on steadily If therefore I am correct in my assumption that the business im- provement will continue and that the democrats will seize the oppottunity which has been given to them for the first time in over sixteen years by ad vocating conservaiive and proper leg- islation then I dd not hesitate lofco I on record in stating that by the begin ning of next year copper will sell at much higher prices than at any time since 11M7 In fact this opinion ap plies to all metals M E Appelbaum in M S Press Is your husband cross NO 10 Reno to have Custom Smelter An independent custom smelter ers of copper have adhered to a price costing over 50 t000 is to be erected of 17 Ii 4 cents Due to the Balkan in Heno Work will be begun within war situation the London Metal Ex 1 a few weeks and the plant is to be change exhibited irregular and at completed in about six months It times weak tendencies which resulted will be located within sight of the in large sales by the dealers to con- business center of Reno a ten acre site sumers principally at lower quota 1 having been secured on which the tions While demestic consumers pur I old electrical and reduction works chased some copper during that per- now stand iod Europe practically remained out Papers of incorporation for the Reno of the market As soon as the result Smelting and Refining Company of the election became known copper which it is understood is backed on the London Metal Exchange ex- largely by t astern men of wealth hibited very strong tendencies scoring were filed in the office of the County a smart advance vith the result that Clerk a few days ago This company even the dealers prices were advanced is to build and operate the big smelter about 1 4c bringing them up almost Modern in every particular the to the producers prices j smelter will stand unique among all It must however not be overlooked similar instituiions in two respects that in spite of the increase for the It will be tin only smelter in the past two months in the visible supply country which is new throughout and in the United States that in Europe not made up nf patchwork- that is has decreased largely and that the partly second hind machinery and saltements for the next few months on pliances and it will be in advance of this side will reflect the reduced out all other smellers in its processes as put due to the strike situation in Utah it will he constructed around the idea and other states so that by the first of of one of the greatest smelter men in January or February at the latest the country John S Loder of Reno there will be much less copper on who built the first smelter west of the hand than at any time since li7 In Mississippi river and who during t he tryinir to diagnose the course of future last six ears in this state has per- prices one must of course be guided fected and patented an improved form by the business situation which at of the pyritlc smelling process which tie moment is in an exceedingly lie originaly worked out in Colorado healthy state I for one do not be- Reno Journal i i i- i - j Have ou any bugs if so the State Entomologist will tell ou how to di vest yourself of thpin These buggy ppsts or scales are supposed to infest the fruit trees that are brought in from different counties of California and have nuth ng to do with the pests that inflict ttie mining game but nevertheless they have to be quaran tined ayainst and their ravages pre vented Only two counties of Cali fornia are suimosed to liu free from the scale pests and these are Fresno and Tulare and no lives will be ad mitted to Arizona from any of the other counties of the state without rigid inspeclio i Th farmer of M -have county will be guided according I ly aud no trees should he ordered ex- I cept from Calif irnii against An Irritable which no quarantine exisis Quite a fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlains Tablets For sale bv ail dealers larire number nf fruit trees of all vanties free from scale aie in the nurseries of tin Silt River valley Advices from the Poicupine camp in Ontario stale ihat 1000 miners have struck on account of a reduction of 25 cents a day in wages A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder Dr Win Sedgwick Saunders Medical Officer of Health of the city of London Eng was good enough to say that a long and univer sal experience has proved a croam of tartar powder the most efficient safe and econ omical making food which could not be deleterious to the most delicate stomach In England the sale of baking powder containing alum is absolutely prohibited WHEN BUYING BAKING TOWDER READ THE LABEL